, A bonus &scum!? is Itssructv.—The Cincinnati Commercial has along account of the execution of Stephen Short and William Hen ning, for murder, at Greenupsburg, Ky., last Friday:, 'They were both, according to the ComMercial, ,worthless drunken fellows, and each had &large family. The same paper gives the . folkiwing speeches and incidents at the gallows : Short'arose and.said :--" I want all of you to take warning by me.- See what whiskey and bad 'women has brought me to. T have been to a good many hanging scrapes myself, and thought it was great fun, but I never thought I'd be hung myself. This is the word of Capt. 'll'hiskey. lam willing to die fir the life of the man that I took. Talk of pleasure—l have tried all kinds of it—about shanties drunk and everywhere else—but I have had more real pleasure up in that old jail, than ever before in all my life ; and chains on my. legs, big heavy chains at that. I just took off this old coal and whipped Satan clear out, fair. I've made my election sure, I think. Yes, sir, I think my election is sure. [Sure ono in the crowd called out, " If you are safe, I don't think there is much danger for the rest of us :"] lam per fectly willing to die. The man you have got in jail for aiding me is perfectly innocent, and , ought, to be lot go; but that Blair deserves all dint I've got. [Blair was the man who told him to . shoot.] He was as much to blame as MI Some ono inquired—" Are you willing to die, Steve ?" Said ho, " Yes ! I hate this world and my own life :" and he continued, with An air that was nearly exulting, " and I'm going to leave it ; I'll be in Paradise before sundown.— Now, farewell ! farewell !! "meet me in the other world. I want to see you all in Heaven." An old man, somewhat drunk, pressed upon him—Short said, " Whiskey brought MC to this ; I expect you along in a few days !". Harming, then, quaking in every limb, got up and said—" I haven't got anything against any man in the world, and I hope nobody's got any thing against me now." Short repeated this remark. Largo numbers of his acquaintances crowded about, shaking hands with him and asking questions, until the last moment. He knew all his old friends, and exchanged smiles and words ofgood will wit them until the white cap was drawn down ove his face. He stood up firmly as the wagon was driven away,. and said, at that instant, very distinctly —" farewell ! all my friends !" when the fatal noose clieck.ed his utterance , SINGULAR RscovEnv, OP A WATCII-AN AR GUS EYED 'Wm.—Nearly a month since a gen tleman of Philadelphia had a gold watch and chain stolen from him during the festivities attending a fancy ball—and, though a large re ward was offered, this failed to effect its return. On Saturday the Wife of the owner recognized the chain on a man as she was passing the corner of Fourth and Market streets. She fin- mediately accosted him, inquiring what time it was. He brought out. the watch, when . 11P r suspicions were confirmed, and she claimed it as her husband's property.' The man seemed anxious to escape, and attempted to enter an omnibus, but the lady seized hold of him by the coat, and, a gentleman taking her part, he was detained. The lady minutely described the watch, giving the maker's name and number, so that there could be no doubt of its being the property of her husband, and it was given up to her. The malt accounted for its possession by having bought it from a person, the descrip tion of whom tallied with one who was stis pected of having stolen it. The lady, perfectly satisfied with the result of her daring feat, agreed to his liberation, and went away re- Jo *ng. A STRANGR Stricins.—The Providence Jour nal relates the singular story that a boy about ten years of age hung himself in his father's collar, in that city, on Tuesday evening. lie had gone off with a gun against his father's consent, and on his return he said that he would go down into the cellar and make believe he would hang himself, so that his father would not punish him. His father came home in an hour, and upon going into the cellar found his son hanging, dead. He had mounted upon a cask and fastened a rope around his neck, and it is supposed that tho essk fell over and the little fellow was left suspended. liowSstax Taus !—The Syracuse Standard says : " When a rakisk youth goes astray, friends gather around him in order to restore him to the pitth of virtue. Gentleness and kindness aro lavished upon him to win him back again to innocence and..peace. No one would suspect that he had over sinned. But 'when a poor, coading girl is betrayed, she re ceives the brand of society, and is henceforth driven from the ways of virtue. The betrayer is honored, respected, esteemed ; but the ruin ed, heart-broken victim knows there is no peace for her this side of the grave. SoCiety bas no helping hand for her, no smile of peace, no voice of forgiveness. These are earthly mo ralities unknown to heaven. There is a deep wrong in them, and fearful arc the cense quences.'t • DURABI9N or VEGETABLE LTFE.—Lord Lindsay `states that, in the course of his wandering amid the pyramids or Egypt, ho stumbled on a mum my, proved by ita hieroglyphics to be at least 2,000 years of age. On examining it after it was unwrapped,' ie found in ono of its closed hands a tuberous or bulbous root. Ile was interested in the question how long vegetable life could last, and 'he therefore took that turous root from the mummy's hand, planted it in a sunny' soil, allowed the rains and dews of heaven to descend upon it, and in the course of a few ALI ! to his astonishment and joy, the root .burst forth and bloomed into a beau teous dahlia. R:7 According to the last census returns, there sit 4,971 Mormons in the State of Mich pm, the most of whom aro on Beaver Barn; Pon sn P0011..---Tho Ladies' Ball given et 'New York on the 17th instant, in aid of the poor, was far more successful than was anticipated by the most sangy;ine friends of the enterprise. The sales sntonnted to 310,129 and the expenses to t r ,tity $1,20, leaving the balance for distefoution of $8,840. .This sum, the large.si ever ciilected in this country for chzailable purposes from a public entertain ment, has been distt:ibuted in sums ranging from one hundred to five' hundred dollars be tween twenty-seven different charitable associa tions in the cityof New York, which seemed to be in most direct contact with the destitute. LATEST FROM CALIFORNIA.- The steamship Daniel Webster, has arrived, bringing Califon: nia dates to the 9th inst. She brings $BO,OOO in specie, and 200 passengers. The Caiiforhia Legislature met on the Ist inst., .and Was duly organized. The 10th inst. was fixed for the" election of a successor to Dr. Gwinn, in the U. S. Senate. The message of Gov. 13igler exhibits a flattering state of affairs. Advices form the Sandwich Islands, bring information of the death of King Kamelutmehtt, and that his son had been declared the successor of the throne. A SNAKE IST THE STOMACEL—The Petersburg (Va.) Express gives what purports to be an account of the election of a live snake froin the stomach of a man named Wade, who, during the past summer, was in the habit of slaking his thirst from a rivulet in a field where he was at work. The Express says the snake was almost transparent, had reddish eyes of great brilliancy, and was five and a quarter inches long. Mr. W., it is said, had for some time been troubled with a feeling of Suffocation and unusual fullness of the stomach. A FIIEAK OF NATURN IN VIIIGINIA.-WC saw yesterday, says the Norfolk Herald, Jan. 21, an instance of a curious freak of nature in a young cat, about half grown, having no apperance of hair on any part of its skin, an opossom's tail, and hind quarters similar to those of a rabbit. The skin on the upper -part of the body and the 'Arad is of mouse color, and that on the belly and legs of a pale red. The cat which bdre it had four other complete kittens at the same hour. cry --A cow belonging to Jeremiah Balthasar, of upper Bern township, Barks County, has given birth to a calf with two perfeCtly formed heads. 11:7•One of most popular styles of steps inven ted, is the step up and pay your bill. Gentle men who have no experience in wearing this style of goods should try it on. Pri — The State debt of North Carolina amounts to 53,405,633. ' MARRIED. On,the Ist of Feb., by the Rev. Mr. Yeager, Mr: Jortx P. B. REINSfIEIMER, of Lower Simeon, to MISS llcxrincrrn Montt, of Upper Simeon. DIED On Monday night, in Allentown, of fever, TERISA EISENBRAUN, aged 18 years, 1 month and 28 days. The deceased was a young lady of uncormiion excellence. Youngbeautiful and beloved, withcharming manners, disposition. a spright ly dignity of address most attractive—a true gen Ifewoman—Miss Eiselibraun ways lie remembered by her friends ant? relatives with keen regret and tender admiration. She was at the very commencement of full womanhood, with every sense beautifully alive to the enjoy ments of society, giving generously,. and ready to receive, all the happiness the world and her friends. could- bestow on her, an ornament and a delight. The knowledge of all this only ren ders her death more keenly painful to her family and friends. But we must not grieve as " one without hope," and we must dwell on all that made her dear to us as qualities that fitted her for death : remembering also that she has passed away from us, untouched by the disappointments and sorrows that might have come to her in a long life. One so keenly alive to happiness as she was would have suffered fearfully if affliction had visited her, and from mainfold visitations she is now mer cifully spared. But God's ways aro not ours. la the morning of life the swift messenger, of death was sent to call her hence. However deep the sorrow of her friends and relatives may be, it should be tempered by the fact that she died ' in the triumphs of the Christian.faith, and now constitutes one of the jewels of her Redeemer ! Therefore " our loss js her gain ;" though we cannot help murmuring, " Behold in peace is our bitterness most bitter.",- ; Though gone thy smile to come no more, Thy voice forever still ; Yet Wer our hearts thy memory dear Must have its gentle will ; • And thought returns to those blest hours Which nevermore may be, When thou couldst listen to our tones And we could look on thee, On the 30th of January, in Lower Milford, of consumption, SAZT:EL. STEDMAN, aged 45 yeas • On the 30th of January, in Lower Milford, of old ago and consumption, MATHIAS. SCHULTZ, aged 78 years. 111tAftlt-vc ALLENTOWN MARKET, Flour, per bbl. - Wheat, Corn, - Rye, Oats, - Hay, Salt, Potatoes Ham, xer lb„ Sides, - Shoulders, - Lard, Butter, - Eggs per doz. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. FLOUR—straight brands, - Western " - CORN MEAL, • Rya FLOUR. - Muni—White Wheat, - Red, - Rye, Corn, White, - Yellow, Oats', WuxsaEr, - FAxecatov's otice. Notice is hereby given; that the under signed pre appointed Executors of the last will and testament of Henry Lauer, de , ceased, late of Lower Macungy township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it, in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise, will make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also whcohnve any legal Claims against said estate, will bring in their „accounts well authenticated within said time. NATHAN MINK, AARON SCHMOTER, Executors: Feb. 7. aa . i7.1.74M7,0 1 JOIIN ROMIG Wholesale and Retail . ..1 alienler in Tobacco, M Snuff an 6 Zegarri, ( t ), 76 -No. 14 East Hamilton SLOT/ EA ALLENTOWN, PA. ri !44,1 [l7•Goods all Warranted. WJan. 31. ' • 7-1 y R) - $9 00 1 80 - 85 1 25 - 50 14 00 - 70 00 12 0 - $9 12 9 00 4 50 6 25 - 215 2 08 - 1 25 05 - 01 54 - 35 C. M. R. u n fi l attorney at Law. Office on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square, Allentown, Pa. August 23, 1854. ZaCEMIZda.U°O No. 9 West lirasuilton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA. Picurea most rare of beauty's radiant face, With life-like figure and. us case of grace; Perfected eye—truth's magic light of life— Pleasing-in infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sad bereavements hearts in sorrow sleeps; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill, Are had at Loco:IA:oil—go when you Will, 11. LOCIIMAN, respectfully informs the ell'. kens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established fiky,Light Da, gucrreap Gallery, No. 9 West Datni!ton street, where he is ever ready, rain or shine, to take pictures not to be surpassed by any mist in this Borough. By long experience, arduous toil,and heavy investments of capital, he feels assured that any one who may laver him with a call will receive in return a perfect p'ciure, not to be excel led, In point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section or country. He would also invite attention to his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price front 75 cents to 10 dol lars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. Adjourned Court, An adjourned Court will be held an Monday the 19th of February next, “.t the Court House, in the Borough of Allentown, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, where all those will attend who have _business to transact. .lA=3 W. liftman', Clerk. Allentown, Feb. 7. Adjourned Court. Notice is hereby given, that an adjourned Court of Common Pleas, will be held in the Court House in the Borough of Allentown, on Monday the 19th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. - is . F. E; SAMUELS, Prothonotary. Allent3lPE, Fch 7. • .X.-21% William L. rohn, Ejottile nub Zign painter, ?Ha HIGH 1111 D GLIZET, • NO. 42 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA ryPaper Hanging done at the extreme low price of 12 cents. Feb. 7 A New Book Bindery. RDWARD Mt NDLER respectfully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has established a Bookbindery at the office of the " Unabhangige Repub'leaner," No. 6 East Hamilton street, where he carries on the business in all its various brandies. Port Folios, Music Books, Magazines, Blank Books, &c., bound durable and tasty. Ofd Books re bound at the shortest notice. Band Boxes, Fancy Boxes, &c., Made to order. Copy Books, Pass books, &c., constantly on hand or made to order at short notice.. Feb. 7 302:011 • Barber and Hair Dresser, NO. 16 WEST HAMILTON STREET, Allentown, Pa. Who keeps his razors bright and keen, And shaves his customers so clean That they look like youths of seventeen ? Who bows to all Nebo enter in, And while he kindly smooths the skin, (lives ease and comfort to the chin ? Why ! all ye "Unshaved Faces, Come yePierreto Pierre's, No. 10 East Hamilton street, nearly opposite Moser's Drug Store, where he carries on Barbering and Hair Dressing after the most approved city styles. Ile constantly keeps on hand a large assort. went of Perfumery, Wigs, Curls, Brushes, Powder, Cologne, Shaving and Toilet Soap, &c., together with such a variety of articles for the toilet, as are iadispensible to every lady and gentleman. p"1 Forthe accommodation of his numerous friends in East Allentown, he has established a " Tonsurial Temple" near Schimpf's Hotel. Feb. 7. 11-3 m attention Psarc7sasen•s. CALL AND SEE TEE NW BOOT,- SHOE, 1111 T 1110 CAP SS MI C:1 0 3FE. , No. 21 Hanaidrion Sireet, ALLENTOWN, PA. gTjIIE sitbscribertaltes pleasure in annonne.in a: !Lithe public that he has entered a new field of operations lithe manufacture o 1 D'oots and Shoes, at his "old stand," No. ILim:lton street sign of the ..131. ' nom," one door east of the German Reformed Church, where he manttfue lures and sells at Wilicolesale clad .iirteterei; all kinds of tine and coarse fa,lifonable gentle men's boots nod shoes. Also, all kinds cf the latest styles of ladies fashionable:dry:is and other shoes. Gentlemen's boots manufactured to ord. , ' from $250 to 68 00. DoV'S arid Children', Boots from $1 25 to $4 00. Ladies Dress and oilier Shoes from 50 to $2 50. The above articles will be sold at wholesale and retail, and one of the largest assortments in the trade ever exhibited in Allentown will always be kept on hand. s'Yieasaza'e Cotsfonaer work will always be atierillkd to at the shoves ntliee. The latest New York styles of Gentle II!ell% Pat:1110nel)le Hoots made up to order, ant warranted to give full satisfaction. Ile has it his employ-one of the most finished and as for WORKNIEN, none but the best telll find empl iyment. =I Country .T.iferchani are particularly invited to call, as we are pre pared to supply them with a home,made cle," far superior to any ever brought from Yankee Land," and at prices very near if not unite as low. Therefore try home competition and g've us a call. We hope in our new enterprise to see the faces of out• numerous old friends and hundreds, of new ones, to whom we will always sell at the lowest Cash prices. Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with and wiihnut heels, made up of French, r atian , English and A meri: can Lasting, of all colors and styles. Dre..s Shoes of Patent Loather, Morocco, Kid, French Morocco, and Seal, black and fatter colors, for- Women, Misses, Childron and Infant,. Ladies, Misses, and Gentlemen's Gums, of all the fash, innable styles. rv- Repairing of all kinds done up neatly and expeditiously., and at prices that will rive full tisfaction. R UDE & WFITE. Feb. 7. ailraialsty ator s N otice. !y - ETTE RS of Administration having been J. granted to the undersigned in the estate o Michael Acker, deceased, late of Weisenburg township, Lehigh County, all persons indebtsl to said estate are requested to make payment within six wet ks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, within the above specified time, to the undersigned. SOLOMON H. APPEL, Administrer. January, 31. IT-3in WILLIAM nEzrnn, 12 a 11 aa AND LIAIRDRESSER ¶-5w A I.LLS rOWN. 13.L . SpeetSZ:ny infinmis the public that he is still pur-adm , his vocation of Barbering and D!essim, after the most approved style, at hi= old stand, where he cordially invites all Who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci ence to give him a call. In addicion to his Shaving and Hair Dressing business, he earn estly invites the attention of the pnblie, to the diet that he has just received from Philadelphia a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles, which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman ghoul(' be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentle,men's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and Head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair QilS, and Perfumery of . every description, Military Shaving Soap, a fine article, Washing, Shaving, and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream, Powder and Pufr-boxes, Walk ing Canes, Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water, &c., &c. MM fl 771ic public is respectfully invited to give him a call. Jan. 11 pfee?,_ skfirz, - ery -.v. n it thr „ A,{2,1,„ • V - dc . o _ Orders Received FOR 'Fruit and Ornaniental Trees. TILE undersigned intend visiting the numer ous Nurseries, in the vicinity of New York, immediately on the opening of Spririg, and will be happy to execute all orders entrusted to their care in the way of . (.4 et! FRIU 11111 . EM U , Evergreens, „ Trees Flocrer SHRUBS, ROSES, • VINES, CREEPERS, Herbaleous Plants, Bulbous and Tuberous Root ed Flowers, Esculant Roots, Hedge Plants,, Box Edging, 4.c., 4c. Catalogues can be seen by making applies.- • ion to the- undersigned. Orders should be tad before the first otMarch. C. B. HAINTZ. • E. R. NEWBARD. .Ir—t; 11-6tv Jan. 10 Public Sale or • Valuable Personal Property. Will be sold on Thursday the 22d day of Feb. ruary next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of the undersigned, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, the following articles of valuable persorial property: 4 good working horses, an excellent three year old colt, a good 4 horse team, together with wagon and harness, 5 excellent cows, 4 head steer, I bull, 3 calves, harness. two 4 horse wagons, one body, one ore body, 4 ploughs, 2 hat - rows, wind mill, hay ladders and bolsters, 2 threshing machines, seed drill, the 4th part of a corn sheller, wood sled, lock chains, cow chains, and hay forks, grain cradle, grass scythe, toge ther with a large assortment of farming utensils entirely too numeroue to mention. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale, and due attendance given by PETER J. BU'Z'Z.January 24. t---6w 11-8 m NO. 10 WII.SoN's ROW, EOIELIIII FIIE 11011111110 E C - 0111 1 11Y Of Philadelphia. , Statement of the assets of the Company on January 1, 1855, published inconformity with the provision of the Sixth Section of the Aut of Assembly, of April s:h, 1842. • MORTGAGES. Being first mortgages on real estate, in the City and County of Philadel phia, except 830,950 in Montgomery, Schuylkill, Bucks and Allegheny counties, Pennsylvania, REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff '8 sales under tilartgage claims, • Eight houses and lot, • 150 feel, on the S west corner of Ches., and S.:venter:nth streets. A hot se and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on Noah side of Spruce street, West of Eleventh street, A house and 10L21...7—tic 100 feet, on%Test N Ida fd Penn Square, Sdutlt of High street, Two houses and lot, each • 18 by 80 feet, on South side of Spruce street, near Six:ex.:di street, Fall houses and lots, each 17.9 by 90 feet, Nos. 159, 161 ; 193, 167 Dilwyn Ft. Three horses and lot, 49 by 54 Inet, on East side of , Seventeenth street, South of Pine street, • A let of .ground, 17 by 57 feet, en the Northeast corner of Twerey•second and Spruce slice:e t 11atel and lot ; 50 by 81 feet, n the Sonill.east Corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. Five houses end lot, 42 1.1 86 feet, on the North side of George street, West of Ashton street, Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south ot Chesinut street, A house sand let, 18 by 80 feet. No. 96 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth st., A ground rent of S3O, issu• log ont of a lot 13.4 by 40 feet, on nerds side of Otter street, 40 feet west 01 &Tani a:reel, LOANS. Temporary Loan 1, on Stocks as CollaterarSeourity, STOCKS SIO,COO Alms HouFe Loam 5 per cent. (interest on). 200 Shares Bank of Lien• teeky, 17 Shares Northern Batik of Kentucky, 100 Shares Union •Bank of Tennessee, 13 Shares Insurance Com pany of the State of Penn sylvania, !Cr.° SI ares Southwark Rail- road Company, 37 Shares Corn iriPrcial and 11.ii:roa.1 Bank Vicksburg, :;00 Maros Pennsylvania U,ilrrad Company, 91 Shares Franklin Fire In suranc•e Company, 2 SMires Alereantilc Library Company, 24 Shares Union Canal Comrnay, 10 Snares Schuylkill Rail road Company, Notes arid Bills receivable, Uriettlud Pnlid es, Merchandise, Cash on hand, . 19932 37 " in hands of agents, . Losses by Fire. LosKes paid during the year 1854, order of the Board, CHAULES N. BANCKER, President Attest, CHARLES G. BANCKER, Secretary , , Jan. 31. 4 c-4 is. 11-2. m SME Clicav ana. WINDOW BLEU ALEXANDER F. MUIR, late of Philadelphia, respectfully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has lately taken the estab. lishment of Mr. Cii.triLEs Ross, and is now car. ruing on-the business at the old stand. No. 125 West Hamilton street, in all its various branch es. He employs at all time none but the best workmen, and warrants all Blinds of his mane. facture to be of the best, materials. He is pre ared to make Blinds for Churches, Publia Buildings, &c. Particular attention paid to re pairing. Having had many years' experience in Philadelphia, he flatters himself :that he can furnish as good and fashionable an article as can be had in the city, and at least 25 per can cheaper. January 24 , urgical and Mechanical DENVIS T. nr,. C. C. 11. GULDIN, from New York, in ki.vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his.superior mode.ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows ho can render the very best assistance.to the patient of which the Art is capable. , REPHRENCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. a Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D., William Underhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the American Hotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allentown, Jan. 17, 1855. Job Printing, Neatly executed at the " Register'Office." $1,353,008 56. 1 At Co:4 82 830 30 98,442 99 VJ Cost I_2 63 ; 005 50 12,043 50 1,470 25 163 84 7,385 21 27.317 58 $1,638,452 52 $282,204 39 EZO GO Dr. 3. P. - Baynes, .D.E.V.7rIST-.) Informs his friends, and the pub lic in general, that he still performs ail operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most t ffectual and skillful manner. Ills mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea rerand duribility and beautifulness inappear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office N 0.48, East Hamilton street, a few . doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hotel. December 6, 1854. United States Hotel, CORNER OF FRONT AND RACE STREETS, Catasatiqua, Opposite the " American Hotel." The above hotel, one of the largest and most commodious in the interior of Pennsylvaaia, Is now kept by the undersigned, who is ready to wait upon all who will favor him with their pat ronage. Every attention shall be paid to the comfort of his guests. The Larder will be sup_ plied with the best the markets afford and the Bar with the best Wines and Liquors. In short no pains nor expense will be spared to render the 44 United States" an attractive hotel for visa. tors. The public are invited to call. cHARI,Es NOLF, Proprietor. Catasauqua, Jan. 9, 1855. I—am DR • CHARLES NEIL, cal NO. 30J' WALNUT STREET, a plutamrine. A T the late State .Agricultural Fair, held at Villildelphia ' received a SILVER MEDAL, the highest award for exhibition of skill in him profession, Ho refers to this, and to his al. ready extensive practice, as a guarantee to ail who have occasion for, his services, that his work arid orders generally in hie line, will be. .ciernifically and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms and all reasonable dispatch, with time who favori him with their calls. Nov. 1. STAR TUNG, BUT TRUE; WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition as not even for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating Mu mma Incident to the enjoyment of health.. THE BLOOMING' BRIDE, But a few years ago in the Rush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently ia oxplicabfy, [weenies a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar. singe state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the' wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " CNTO TILE xtrIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION." Transmitting CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S MIL. and other and • worso Diseases, as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROAI TILE PARENTS. ii,ust this continuo? Must this be/ ft there no r .eddy C N., relief? No impof. The remedy is by !metallic Um macs sod svokUus them, nll , l knee Inc the remedies, And benefiting by thew. rlit,e are point e d out In THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY Int. A. M. idAtilliCEAU, rantnyou OP lOSILtS6y OP W03116N. One Iliendredth Edition, (R 0,000), 18mo., pp. WO. [es rist: eArint, urrnA niNnixo, $1.00.) , landard work of eslabliAlted reputation, found cleaned the eet,do:!ler of the great trado aatoo In Nov York; mil other and sold by tbe principal net, is the United States. It POP Drat published 11517, !Inc FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards of E IIUNI)11 ED 1110liSAND SENT BY MAIL, „Ito-dim ; tho high e+tinmttou Iu which It Is hold as an ibble popular !ileilicul 1300111 FOR EVERL. FEMALE the anther having devoted his ozefturlre attention to tbe treatment of complainti peculiar to (males, In respect to wideh ho li yearly cousulted by thousands both In person Coil by letter. 1 Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causer of, and the proper remedial for, her complaints. . The wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of tho utmost !overtone° to her • future health, In respect to which her senaltireness los bids consulting a medical gentleman, 'will find each is etruction and advice, and also explain away symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety , or alarm am all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. Dow many aro suffering from obstructions or Irregulars Ince peculiar to the kande system, which undermine the health, the MT..cts of .which they ore ignorant, and foe which their delicacy forbids necking medical advice. Many sulThring from prolapses uteri (falling of the womb), or from finer . altis (weakness, debility, he.) Many are In constant agony for many month. preceding confine. meat . Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are harirded during-such time, will each find In its pages the '' means of prevention, amelioration arid relief. It is of course Impracticable to convey fully thermions subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly !e• tended fur the married or than contemplatingma.rrisge. ' Reader, aro you a husband or a father? a Mkt Of • mother.? have you the Minton welfare of those you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and loin no time In learning what causes Interfere with their health and bap. places not lose than your own. It will avoid to you and ,yours, as It has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, follow - ed by sleepless nights, incepacitattog the, mind for Ile ordinary avocation, and ethatimtlng Dim s . means for medical attendance, rapfficinen and advertised novirume which otherwise would provide for riecilatog years, the Infirmities of age and the proper education of your children. In consequence of the univental popularity of Work an evidenced by its extraordinary sale, ratio pod. Mons have been attempted, as wolf on boo fit SS OS the public, by Imitations of title page, a MI editions, and surreptitious Infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, It has teen found neansary, therefore, to CAUTION..THE PUBLIC to boy no book union the words "Dr. A. M. ILAnixsiv, /V liberty Street, N. Y.," in on (and the entry in the Uteri's (Um on the back of) the title page; and boy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or Pea by 11131 i, and address to Dr. st, M. Rourke/tn. AV' Iltion receipt of One Dollar "MS MAR DIED • WOMAN'S PRIVATE NIEDIOAL 003/r. PANION" a sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States, the Canada, and British Prosiness. . • Juli loiters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAIIIIIOEAII, box 12211, New-York Oity. ,_Pnblisidng ()Mc°, No. 129 Liberty threat. Nom York. AGENTS. • T. B. Peterson, J. M. Moss & Bro., and Thos, Cowpertloviiit, Philadelphia—Spa n gle r & Bro., Lancaster—lL A. Lents, Reading—E. Benner, Sumn cyt own. . ' January 10, • 11-ly 13--ly
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