GioNT. iz , c)r_mi_aocnac. IS A KNOW NOTHING - IF HE DOES NOT KNOW THAT o rol e , w p c 4 P. *a 1 512 Ca) No. 31 East Hamilton Street, A Large Stock of New Goods. v EcK Sr, NEWHARD take this occasion to it inform "All the world and the rest of mankicd," that they have just completed their new stock of SPLENDID READY MADE CLOTHING; For FALL and WINTER wear, to which they invite the especial attention of all who desire to make selections from the Handsomest, Cheapest and and Best Stock that can be found in. this region of the country. Their new goads. consistitm of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest ings, Szo., will be found the most beautiful and superb in any other establishment in Allen town, from which customers can select and order any garment they choose, which will be made up in the best style, in the shortest space of time and at the lowest possible prices. A large variety of UTCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, &c., Of every pattern, variety and style, Ready made, will be found on hand at all times. Also, constantly on hand a large and choice variety of fashionable GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c. They invite all people who desire immense bargains, to give them a call and thereby save from FIFTY to SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purchase of their Fall and Winter ou•fit. larßemember the spot—No. 31 Ea=t Ham. ikon street, nearly opposite the German lie. formed Church 0.1. 17 Mill 11 11 All 3 3•De3 I 1 N. 237 North Third St 2 PIIILADELPIIIA. .THE undersigned respectfully informs his IL friends and the ttavelling 'hat - he is mill keeping the well known Hotel et No. 237 North Third Street, called the Pierchant's House, Which is the most convenient "home" in the city, to the travelling custom. The location is nearly in the centre of business and amuse ment, and convenient to the principal Railroad and other Stations. lle will spare no exertion or expense in furnishing his table with all the market aliords. Persons visiting Philadelphia with their families, can be furnished with pri-, vate rooms. A good yard and stabling is at tached to the Hotel, so that persons visiriug tiro city with their own conveyances, may rest as sured that their stock is well taken CUM of. 1:.7' Phe above House is the General Stage Office for Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem, - W 11. H. BUSH. .7-3 m Oct. 11, 1351 Leather and Shoe Findings OVI)MX.i, No. 34 East Hamilton Street. nearly opposite Sager's Hardware Store. The undersigned have just opened at thti above stand, in connection with the Tan Yard, recently 'carried on by their father,Ja cab Mosser, with a complete assortment of LEATHER of every pescription, and Shoe Findings, which comprises all articles used by Shoemakers, such as C.tILF SKINS, .MOROCCOS, UPPER LEJTIIER, LININGS, &c. A general assortment of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather, constantly Lepton hand. Also Harness; and all other Leathers for saddlers. Being both practical Tanners. we• feel confident• in warranting every article :old by us as represented. We therefore hope by fair dealing and low prices to merit a liber al share of patronage. 3V. K. &J. K. MOSSER. ' Alleritown, September 13. 11-3 m FRENCH 'llll5 S S'ES WEIGIIING LESS MAN 2 ovNei:s. For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acknowledged by the highest medical au thorities of Philadelphia,. incomparably su perior to any other ,in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn . that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy. but es durable a Truss as nay other, in lieu of the cumbrous and unforn, Portable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the .pad is located, it will retain its position with ont.change. 'Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the,Truss sent to any addreis; by . remitting Five Dollars for the double—with measure round the hips, and 'Vining side affected. It will be exchanged taV. not fitting, by returning it at once, unso d. For sale only by the Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES, • Cor. Twelfth & Race St. Phil ' Ladiei, requiring . the benefit of Ale. ehanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, including Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulnionary, Dyspeptic. Nervous and Spinal Weakness, arSinform ed theatompetent and ekpenenced Lain will be in attandance at the Rooms ! (se/ apart for their exclusive use,) N 0.114 TWELFTH St., Ist &or below Race. Jane 28, 1861. 1-Iy--$8 The Great Sea Serpent SUPPOSED TO BE BETWEEN ONE AND TWO HUNDRED FEET LONG, Was again 'seen by Capt. Clipper, of the Brig Arrow. He reports a tremendous Minato.. ISMI7I-P3TEetri a (on the old serpent ground, oil Naliato,) which has caused considerable excitement in that vi cinity ; but nothing to be compared with that now existing about the new and splendid sloe!: of clothina now offered for sale at BRELNIG. SF:UGH BREINIG'S • la c ., <=, =t_ W EAD 41. •••1 Ititt,4lhil,,Wiliii3llllll , . ,T, s =I IEI -4.; NO. 2, HAMILTON STREET, Their stcck comprises every variety of Ready Made Clothing that May be found in the largest establishments in Philadelphia and New Yo k, and they invite merchants and dealer, who boy wholesale, to call and examine before making iheir purchasers. Our goods are made up expressly for the country trade, and we can satisfy all who call that they can procure a _ better stock of us at CHEAPER RATES than an vxhere else. ' hey also have on hand an extensive stork of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satins, Silk Vesting, Cc., of every description, which they can make up at short notice, and in the most fashionable styles. Dealers wantit.g a lot of any particular article made up, can have them on short notice by sendir , in their order. • WIER WORK will he attended to ai asual. and ail fits warranted. Two of the firmpractical Tailors, the public need have no i'ears but that their garments will suit. Thankful for past faror4, they hope by fair dealing at.d just prices to still e:py the patron -31,0 of the pub:ie. li.-2.tnernber, all who want Clothing, that the l'ennsyleariia Hail, at the old stone corner. is the place. NELLGH & BREINIG. o.:tobe: 11, 1854. 4,F IMPORTANT NEWS AT • No. 17 West Hamilton Street, OPPOSITE THE ODD FELLOWS' HALL. 'pill.: undersigned having entered into en partnership as wholesale and retail deal er., la PCB Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &e., under the titm of 'Heitz. 5 Roney, beg leave to inform their fr;-mds and customerA, and the public generally, that they have jest received in addition to their present smelt . , a very large and heavy lot of limts and Shoes, of City and Eastern manufacture, comprising SiXify•fire Ilexes containing. over twelve hundred pair of 'aii possible styles, sizes and prices, which they are able to sell at reduced prices. Among others, they have , t ten's If.mts from. SI 50 to 53 00 Ladies' Shoes from 75 to 1 10 I.l , y's Boots and Shoes 50 to 150 Aiissus and Children's Shoes 37 : 1 to 100 find a to their ad vanta,,a taccall and examine our stock, as we feel confident that we can supply them with !loots and 'Shoes at the very loWei.t City prices. We also constantly keep on hand a large as. :sortment of our own manufacture. All cus tomer work neatly made to order, and le. pairing done at the shortest notice. We feet iianktut for past favours and patto.nage, and by a strict attention to our business we hope ;a merit . a continuance. Please call at No. 17 West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall. WAS ME1117., JAMES RONEY. Allentown, o,:tober 4, 1551. Ij-3m Charles S. Massey, CLOCK AND ITATCHMIKF,R AND DEILEI: IN JEWELRY, &c., No. 23 EAST LIAMILTON inTostrs Tun' GEIZNIAN REFORNIED CHLTCH ESPEC interns his Mends and the public in general. that he has kist returned trom the city rt . New York where he has purchased, and now offers for sale a full as• sottment of goods in his line of business. CLOCKS of all styles and pat. ---''' 4:) 4 4: ----1 terns, Gold and Silver Watches, '---,' 1... Ovid. Silver, and other Watch Cfi 'ills„Watch Keys and Seals, gold and salver Pen ifs, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, B ac :lets, Medallions. Cuff Pius, Cold and Steel Pens, Silver, table and tea spoons, _tolians, Ac. e cordeous., Musical Boxes, Fl , Fifes, Spy Glasses, Pocket Compasses , Silver and tny other Spectacles, suitable for I age - t ogether with each and every article „,i to his branch of busincs . . s are as low and liberal as they will be found in our seaboard towns, and his goods will always pr ve to be what they are repr.sented. He will not palm off brass ear rings 'lour tin ware for silver. Clocks and watches will be repaired, and mending attended to as formerly, and he will be responsible for his work one year. He also re. pairs musical boles. accordeons. &e. lie is grateful for past favouts, aud hopes for a con. tinuauce of the same. Allentown, OctoberA, 1951. PRIME . COMMISSIOI MEWS: Fleming & Brother, .•_ Dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE. • LARD. • DRIED FRUIT, And PRODUCE generally, No. 40 South Water Street, Philadelphia. ER - Consignments of Produce respectfully so. Hefted. November 8. .Z-4w To the Millinery Trade, John Stone & Son's, Importers and dealers in French Milli nery Goods, No. 45, South Second Street. Philadelphia, are now prepared to offer their customers and the trade, an unusually large and well selected assortment of RIBBONS, SATINS, • VELVETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, .9nd every article appertaining to the ltlillinery trade. 13'Our stock being of our direct impor tation, offers great advantages both in styles and prices. ' Philadelphia, Sep. 20. 1-3 m EWES READ ENE YIIOiY ! 3331.-LEZLINT... 9 6I , Cheap and Pashionabk VO'AL M ROODS, BLANK respectfully informs his friends and al the public in general, that he has always on hand an excellent assortment of cheap and fashionable Coll S. 1 eVE T IP•1111.E, consisting in part sof Mahogany Sideboards: - - Wardrobes, Bureaus, Card, Pier. Centre, End„ Toilet, Dining and "'" Breakfast Tables, Work, Hat and Wash tands, Chamber Bureaus, Spring Seat and Plain Sofas, Boston Rocking Chairs, to gether with a general assortment of KITCHEN FURNITURE, all of which he will sell at prices which defy competition. Ile also manufactures to order every description of 'Furniture, and as be has in his employ a number of the very best workmen, he warrants every article sold by him to give entire satisfaction, or no sale. So please give him a call and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. His prices will be very moderate. Or Remember. his Wareroom is No. 99, on the corner of Ninth aad Hamilton, near Dre.her's Lumber Yard. S. BLANK. Nov. & American Artists' Unio mHE AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION would respectfully announce to the cinzens of the United States and the Canadas, that for the pur pose of cultivating a taste ler the fine arts throughout the country, and with a view of ena bling every faintly to become possessed of a gallery of Engravings by the first ZRTISTS OF THE AGE, They having determined, in order to create an extensive sale for their Engravifigs,and thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire among our coun• trymen a taste for works of act, to present to the purchascrs of their engravings, when 250.,000 of which are sold, 250,000 Gifts of the actual cost of $150,000 Each purchaser of a One D.Alar Engraving, therefore, receives net only an Engraving richly worth the money, bncalso a ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifis when they are distributed FOR FIVE DOLLARS, a highly finished Engraving, beautifully painted in oil, and FIVE win' TICKETS, will be sent, or Five Dollars wind) of splendid Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and sent by return mail or express. A copy of the Catalogue. together with a spe. Millen of one of the Engraving's, can be seen at the office of this paper. For eachllar sent, nn Engraving actually worth that stint, and a Deft Ticket, tea/ inamedii utcly be fin -warded. The Committee, believing that the success of this GREAT NATIONALUNDERTAKING will be ma• serially promoted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and persevering Agents have re. solved to treat with such 'on the mOst lzberecl ternss. Any person, wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid) one doltaC; - will receive by return of mail, a One Dollat Engraving. a "GIFT TICKET," a Prospectus, a Catalogue, and all other necessary information. On the final comp!eill`n of the sale, the (t.fti„ will be placed in the hands of a Committee of the purchasers to be disiribuieitil:ie notice of which will br given threusauut the United States and the Cauadas. LIST OF Ql,l' l'S. 100 Marble busts et Washintio, at 1100 Sto,ooo 100 Clay 100 10,000 100 " " Webster 100 10,000 100 " Calhoun 100 10,000 50 elegant Oil Paintidgs, in splendid frames, size, 3x4 feet each 100 5,000 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2:3 feet each 50 5,000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliant. ly colored in oil, Lich gilt frames 21:30 inches each 10 5,000 10.000 elegant steel plate Engravings colored in oil, of the Washing. ton Alonutneni, 20x26 inches each 4 40,000 237,000 steel plate engravings, from . 100 different plates new in pos.. session of and owned by the Ar. lists' Union, of the market value of from 50 cents to SI each 41,000 1 first class Dwelling, in Thirty 41,0110 First street. New York City 12;000 22 Building Lots in One Hundred and Onellu nth ed and First streets New York City, each 254100 feet deep, at 1,000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 square feet, in the suburbs - of New York City, and corn. manding a magnificent view of the Hudson river and Longds. land Sound, at 500 50,000 20 perpetual loans of cash, without interest or security, of $250 each, 5,000 50 100 each. 5.000 100 o o 50 each, 5.000 250 . 20 each, 5.000 2,000 " " 5 each, 10.000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. Visscher Sr. Co., Real Estate Brokers, New York. Orders, (post paid.) with money inclosed, to be addressed, J. W. HOLBROOKE, Secretary, 505 Broadwk,e . w e York. reThe Engravings in the CalaKiga re now ready for delivery. Nov. 8. .C—Om C. S. :MASSEY. 1-3 m • Livery Stable. The subscriber informs the public that he has opur chased the entire stock of Elorses,. Carriages,4-c., comprising the Livery Stable of Wiliam R. Leh, in the borough of Allentown, He has added a number of beautiful New Carriages to his stock, ns well as increased the number of Horses. He is therefore prepared to fur nish all who may favor him with a call with GOOD and SAFE HORSES, and Vehi cles of every description, from a first class eight-horse Omnibus to a SulJcy of single horse. By strict attention to business, and a de sire to please, he hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. Charges moderate. ri"Large parties will be furnished with conveyances, with or without • driver*, on the most reasonable terms. rir'Give him a call, at the old stand of Charles Seagreaves, first stable in Church 'Alley, north of Hamilton street. ~f9WEER HEILLER. ~ Allentown, August 2, 1854. 11---6 m GABINET,))-' NO. 90 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA AGENTS 3abenuiili2 aqaiut 1i L'oris _FERE. THE FRASKI.IS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadephia. OFFICE, No. 163} CHESNUT STREET, Near Fifth S:rert. STATEMENT or ASSETS. $1,525,949 68, January Ist, 1831. Published agreeably to an Act OF 'ASSEMBLY, • BEING First Mortgages, amply secured. 51,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value 5110, - 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Cola .teral Securities. 130,774 2G Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63.085 50 Cash, &c. 50,665 57 51,585,949 GS PERPETUAL ORLIMITED EssuneNcEs wade on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, ►t ratesas low as areconsistantwith secants Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four vears,,they hive paid over three millions dollars Loss ay Fox, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance. as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Directors: harks N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. 'obias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, Darid S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. I3Asocr.a„ President. CLIATILE.S G. BINCKGR, Secretary. la — rhe subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. A. L. RUBE. Allentown. C. F. BLECU, Bethlehem. 'Allentown, Oct. 1854. Special Notice. Having disposed of the "Lehinh Regis ter" printing establishmentond engaged in business that will require all the means at my command, I earnestly request all per sons indebted in my books for subscription, advertising, jobbing work, or otherwise, to make payment at an earls• day, as the books of the establishment ought to be settled up without delay. There are a number of old accounts especially, which have been stand ing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps as the debtors where liquidation would now be of material service. lam found as heretofore at the "Old Stand" next door to the German Reformed Church. A. L. RUIIE. Allentown, Sept. 27. • A AuiliVistr at err s eV' e ErrEas of Administration Navin, been .111, ~,, , e+ra;e of th klecea-e.l, late of a d a-au tpla, L.4n2ti Counts., all peaaals indebted lo paid estate are requested to m.tke payment within six week , of this. date; and all persons havint: daims against said est we will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, with in the above specified time, to either of the undersieuted admitti,natorgt, at Catasauqua. JOHN M'CLELLES Admit' istra:rs. J ArCLELLEND, o,lt. I I. *-6.71 li r . S. V. \lames, IDEOPTIS T. • Informs his friends, and the pub lic in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful 'manner. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea rerand duribility and beautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the )üblic. Office N 0.48, East Hamilton street, a few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co', op posite Bechtels American Hotel Dec-mber 6, 1853. ~s~J~ sXfl) iV q"A BM maalan.l3l - rteacow'- OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES AT THE New Cheap. Store OF Getz & Gilbert, IN TILE BJROUGII OF CATASAUCILTA, PA These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they • have received a very large and well selected stock of {tinter and Spring Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose ofF to their customers at the lowest prices. Their immense stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, Gloves and Hoseiry. besides De !nines, Alapaccas,Debashe,Ginghatns.lilain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in pricettan quality, wilt be given to all who may/ favor them with a call. The highest prices will beliaid in ex change for County produce. They have reason tri,be thankful for the favors received thaafaiand hope by atten tion to business, di posing of their goods at small profite k sood treatment towards their customers to merit still a greater share of custopare., GETZ & GILBERT. September 14. , 11-6 m Job Prizatisag, Neatly executed arthe "Register (Mice." WATCHES, SILViIIWARE tjARY Choice.AChoice.A,sottuleikt 01 Q,,i ity , for sate at the lowe.tvash prices, at IPm. B. Ellosqlead's, 'No. 184 South Second Stiesi,•-between Pine and Union, West s de, I h . ;ladelphia. The assortmenl. entbraces a --- ” !awe and seleelateek of Fine 'la & iVatchau.,JewebricSilver Ware, Albata Were, plated w ith tine Silver, in Spoons, Forks, Ladies, &c.—Jet Goode, Fans, and Fancy Articles of a euperier quality, deterring the litex amination of those who desire tee procure the beet goods at the Lnwest Cash . ces. Haring a practical knowledg f the business, and all available facilities forimporting arui Manufacturing, the subscribei confidently in vitee purchasers, believing that he can supply them on terms a 4 favorable as anithber eetab hel-bent in either of the Atlantic citieS. V.,139 87 M'All kinds of Diamond and PealGewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to orders within a rea*: - unable lime. •;; CT Watches, Jewelry and Silver Waie faith fully repaired. WM. B ELTONHLU), No. 184 Sonth Second Street, a feiCsdocrs aboep the 26d St. 'Alarket, Weet Side. Ll — ln the Smith window cf the S•ore;,may be eeeri 11:e famous BIRD CLOCK, Vhich commands the admiration of the scree [tad and curious. (;),:t. 4, 1854 . , Cllcav NNT attlies.- - 11 ~....A. ~1'...3. If =.. ...= , 2: .- . F. M --- A 9 ''.. 41:14• "I' , ..3*ivil t,+.00" . • r/I • At Pii). t?.l, -WEsT HAMILTON STREET,.ALLENTOATN YANKEE CLOCKS FROM $1,23 to COO Joseph H. Ilko •&:. Co. Adopt this method to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately established themselves in the above business at No. 21, WEST thmil.To's STREET, •where they will exhibit for sale an assort ment of goods, lately purchased in New York and Philadelphia, such as CLOCKS WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The following is a list of their articles and prices: Fine Go!d Lapine Watches 20 to 624 " 4. Detached 9.5 to 35 .. 4 , full Jew'cl. Pat. Lever. 40 to 75 4 , Hunting Case .4 ‘4. 45 to 125 Silver Lapine Watches , 9to 12 Detached 12 to 16 ~ Patent Lever 12 to 25 ~ Hunting Pat. Lev. watches, 20 to 35 Yankee Clocks. 1,25 to 3,00 S day Clocks, 3,50 to 6,00 " Iron Frame splendidly engravi d . 5 to 15 Gold Breast pins, from 50 cts. to $lO 00 Ear rings 23 cts. to 10 00 is,-, p s vu nand a full assortment of Gold and Silver spectacles and Spectable Glasess. purses, port monies, &c Musical instruments such as violins, vio lin strings, Musical Boxes, Accordians, II of which are sold at wholesale or rt tail,and at prices far below what they ever were sold in this place. Persons in want of Jewelry willfinthit to be their advantage to give them a call be fore purchasin,g elsewhere, as they feel con fident of satisfying all who may favor them with their patronage. Mr. ILK - v. is well known in this place as a skillful tnechanic, and all his work will be warranted. Every article sold by them, is warranted ; o be what it is sold for, and no mistake Clock and watch makers throughout the country, will do well to give them a call as they will sell at wholesale and retail eve ry article kept in their line of business. td7 - Ishroug,h the aid of one of Bottum's Potent improved universal Lathe Chucks, they are enabled to make repairs on clockS, watches and all kinds of Jewelry, much cheaper than the old way of working. conse quently this particular branch of the busi ness will be punctually attEnded to and done up on the most reasonable terms. Allcntown, Juts 14, 1854. ¶-6m 11-ly taccatiiiiii6. , ..osomameamace ga a E. W. ' ekert's • . a a a WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL 8 a Tobacco, Snuff and Segar 0 g • B GI OVM OIEL9 a i 1 No. 30, East. Hamilton Street, g a • ALLENTOWN, PA. 2 lire -GOOD . S . ALL WARRANTED.EI a S OJuly 20. ll—ly g in 000.20041MCIMOOMMOMOCEN=2=0 IDIAZ 32D23,3 The Best and - Cheapest Stock of Boots Shoes, GO ", . 4 041 tors, Gums, &c., in the city, at Dunbarr's 16. South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street ) ~i3 l ßeing mostly of his own manufacture, he guarrantees them to wear; and will sell— ,wholesale or retail OS cheap as the cheapest. Easy Shoes Tbr Old Ladies. Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. &c., always on hand in great, variety, for Boys, Youth, Misses and Children. • Prices.—Ladies Gaiters, of every'huality and style. from to $2,50. Gents' Calf Skin Boots, from $3 to $5, Patent Leather Shoes, Gaiter Boots, Congress Boots, Bat ten Boots. &c., from $1,50 to $4.50. Gum Boots, Shoes,•Sandlee.GlogsialwaYs on hand. Cir Old Gums bought and repaired. June 28, 1854. rk_4.• . XII)VIVIL 4 c. The und. rsigned give notice agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, they pur pose inaliing appheatton at tl.e next term of the Legislature of Ponnsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank : to be located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County of'Le high, under the name, style and title of the Bank of Calasanqua, to have general banking and discounting privileges. The capital to be Two HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. with the right of increasing it to THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND' DOLLARS ; and tocommenceoperations when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand• Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Lanbach, W. Stellwagen, .11u,o,- c—/ ' . 11. Gilbert, Charles Gra ~, if illiam Getz, - Chas. G: Sc ller,- Isaac E. Chandler, S. 11. Lacier, 11. F. Straud,, Levi Haas, Charles Noy, Isaias Rehrig, Joseph Lazeirtes, F. B. Martin, Charles Seigly, Joshua Hunt,jr.",,N Thomas Frederick, John Mamas,- Uriah Branner, John Williams, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Coker.* June 23, 1854. 1 y atuacomo Notice is hereby given, that application will be made at the nest meeting f the Leg-' islature of Pennsylvania, to paw an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Alz• lertown in the County of Lehigh, to be known bt the name, style and title of 'The illentowu Bank,' with a Capital stock of ONE HUNDRED Tttov.• SAND DoLLARS, with leave to increase said Capital to Two HUNDRED TUOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. G. Bellinger, J. C. Ruhe, 7. B. fritson. Joseph. Weiss. .Imos Ettinger, C. Lichtenwalner, Owen Saeger, T. B. :realer, J. F. Newhard, Charles Keck. tr. J. Boyer, Christian Pretz, C. S. Massey. Ir. S. roune• Allentown, June 28. q --Om REEVE L. KNIGHT, [Successor to Hartley & Knight.) Bedding and Carpet VV AREFIOUSE, N. 1.18 South Second S.reet, Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly on hand a full sortment of every ar i :le in his line of . business. Feathers. Featherbeds, Patent )spring Matresses, Curled Hair, hoes, Corn Husk and Straw Matresses, 'Velvet Tape. , •rv. beautiful Brussels ; Three- Ply, l•lgrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Cat - rifling., 0,1 Cloths, Canton Mattings,. Cocoa and S, , atii-lt Matting., Ftoor and Sair Drug. lets. • Rur.-1 "'".' natio (jolters, to which be revectially invites the attentina n 1 purt.:ta-eta, 0.. t. I I. 1851 TREXLER & RUSH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M 4UT- -a, Xt., MNII" TIP" Wm, AND wom a y- coo MANUE Mo. 230 .71'orth Third SE., Above Callowhill Street, west side, PhiladelpLia. 157 - Messrs. 'nester & 13.15 h respectfully in vile the attention ot Country Merchants, Man ufacturers and Shopkeepers throughout ahigh, Northampton, Carbon, S;:huylkill, Berke, and other al lining Counties, to their very large and extensive stock ot Leaf and Manntautured Tobacco, of gLL kinds, at the lowest pubihle prices. Oct. 11, 1854 IT-6m Administrators Notice. it EWERS of Administration having , been agranted to the undersigned in the estate of Michael Zelner deceased; ate of Hanover town. ship Lehigh County, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them.duly authenticated, (or settlement, within the above specified time, to the undersigned administrator. MA NASSA Sell W.ARTZ. Administrer. October, 18. 1-6 w • • itmunstratov s Notice. . IIETTERS of Administration having beets granted to the undersigned In the estate of John Diefenderfer, deceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County. all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make pay— ment within six weeks of this date ; and ell per. sons having claims against said estate will pre,: sent them, duly authenticated for settlement;, within the above specified time, to either o f tha • undersigned administrators, at Allentown. DAVID SCHWARTZ. ABRAHAM DIEFENDERFER. 3 Min October. 18. • ¶-6vr Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing, on hand, and will make le , cyder, at the lowest possible prices, GEM & (ALBERT. Catasauqua, Sept. 14 , 11—an Coal! Coal! Coal 1 The undersigned have opened a Coil. Yard in Catusauqua. and will constaintli kept on hand all kinds of Coal which they. will sell at greatly reduced prices: . 1 GETZ tt, GILBERT.' 11—eat Sapternber 14. Groceries Fish. J Salt. The undersigned have justreceived :art nnt ire new Stock of .Groceriea, Fish and Salt which thry intend to sell at the low., est prices at their Store in Catasauqua. Le high county. GETZ.ikIiiiILBERT. September 11.11 ! • . • 17;416: Owen Rice, J. IF: Fuller; Ily-Sit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers