------ .-,_ a A Our= ON Maannua.Marry not a man I Mom: Baxs FAILGAES.—In addition to those 1 CrioNG HAILS,—'A New f'neantle 4 r,' furnish Who thinks woman's only duties is . to make his on the list we publis4ed two weeks ago, the fol- es the Germantown 'Telegraph' with the annex ahirtuand cook his dim rs. Such a man would lowing haye since trit by the board: - led receipt for curing hams. Some of our agri - *take hbt wife a slave. City Bank of Colihus, Ohicr. !cultural friends hereabouts who have the best / Marry not a man who is too proud to ac- Clinton Bank do. • i hams in market, put them up after nearly the knoirledge a woman's equality, for that man is Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, Cincinnati: i same method ; a tyrant and would make a scold or a nobody Canal Bank of Cr eland, Ohio. 1 'To every one thousand pounds of hams, take of his wife. ! Exchange Bank . of Buffalo, N. Y. ' eight ounces of saltpetre, two qua rigor molasses, Marry not a man who thinks himself one cf Bank of Circleville, Ohio.' ; and two quarts of salt ; mix with water. Af the superiors of creation, for that man's brain City Bank, Ch . , Illinois, .to settling for two or three hours before intro ! tesmuch in the back of his head. : Farmer's Jointsk Bank, Buffalo. 4 during the hams, rack o ff ; and throw out the i Marry not a man who thinks it a ivoman'h Miami Bank, ftliyton, Ohio. i sediments from the bottom; cover the meat with privilege •to learn alter husband at home, far "Woodbury Bank: Connecticut. . the brine, and repack once a week, changing that is not the man to teach you; your IX! In Indiana are also new protests an- the positionk of the hams. In six weeks the Would be one of hopeless ignorance. i flounced, viz : Wayne Bank. Logansport ; haul's may be taken to the smoke room. After Marry not a man who is fortune hunting ; State Stock Bank f Indiana, Peru : Upper Wa- smoking, they may be returned to the brine, and for the money cmce obtained, you would be a bash Bank, Wabasgr; Perry County Bank, can- kept through the summer. If preferable the secondary consideration, taken because the nelton : Steubert r ounty Bank, A ngo l a : T„... ' meat may remain in the brine and be taken out i money could not come without you. ; ders' Bank,., -e Haute, and Great Western and smoked as it is required for use. It will be Marry not a man who in his intercourse with Bank, Teivillaute. , famd always in a goad condition, and is. when men speaks sneeringly and vulgarly of woman ; I Pennsyl4tha, finitmately. suffers compare- I smoked, an excellent article. for that man's lore would be a kind to be des- . tivtly intik - Ay these failures. Tro 131.AcKsNirliS.—It is stated that IN Having wiselv --------- pised and loathed by the virtuous. forbiden foreign small notes, and refused free I birOirr " - Marry not a man who seeks for amusement banking„she is now in the enjorment of a g oo d a l i ar of iron,of almost any size, may be instantly where his sisters are ekeluded, for that man's and reliape curren of a piece of common roll brimstone. A know ey. , sundered while hot. by the simple application ! associates are low, his ideas of purity limited, •,--- and himself not worthy the companionship of a Nine MacniNs.—A Yankee in New York has ledge of this fact will be useful when some piece high minded woman. inventeJ, machine for putting babies to sleep. of irun work is required to be severed, but ; which, as is sometimes the case, is so construct- It is supplied with fresh milk. parayoric, God ed and situated that no ordinary chisel frey's cordial and surar, which it dispenses ac cutting tool can be brought to apply- dolls to the necessities of the case. Mothers may be instantly perforated through bars or have onlito chuck Thomas and Mary into tl:c plates of heated iron, by the application or machine, ° here they will be cared for in the best man ' r for eight hours. To those who are fond of "l i ghtening the cares of life," going to feinted pieces of brimstone. There is also a method of sawing or cutting haul ated steel, by means of a circular piece of common or thin eveningricindies, flirting and such like," the new invention will indeed be a "fleeing to iron plate, or sheet iron, adjusted to a lathe, or I motheei." i otherwise put into violent rotary motion : phi: w ill readily cut off a file. cutting tool or tem pored steel spring, without drawing or retitle the temper. GEN. Pcts.tm's WOLF Ihor.A gentleman who recently visited the den in Pomfret. down which old Put descended with a rope round his leg and a musket in his hand. describes it as being at least twenty-six feet long, and on an average two feet square, though in some parts much wider. It extends directly into the mouti tain, and is slightly descending. The wall above and on either side is of rock. It is so formed that a furious she wolf can keep at bay as many dogs as could I e sent against her.— ,She was crouched in the fa rthest end upon a shelving rock, and •the passage being rather crooked, the General must have penetrated at least ten feet, and probal If more, unless he had a gun so favorably contrived that he coal( shoot round a hay stack.' The visitor crept . in a distance of twenty feet, and since there was no wolf there-he regretted that he did not_meet with a few rattlesakes, to make the descent a little perilous.—Boston Chronicle. To PRESERVE IRON AND STEEL-KNIVES ERO s M Rusr.—Procure some melted virgin wax purer the better—and rub it thoroughly over the blades of the knives, and having carefully removed the wax from the surface, rub them briskly with a dry cloth, until the original pol ish is fully restored. This will fill all the pores with the unctuous and minute particles of the wax, which will adhere firmly. and prevent the intrusion of water or moisture which is the muse of rust. They will retain their brillincy fur weeks if used. AN. 01.0 Trim-R.—Mr. — Jacob Leinbach fond recently upon his farm in Bern township. Berk:: county, a land-turtle, with the initials •• 11. N." (Henry Newschwender) and date " 1791" cut upon its limier shell, amt immediately be neath. " S. M. (Samuel Moser) 182.7." This must be a veritable patriarch of turtles, and fir aught we know may be one of .the • pair that lodged in Noah's ark. May it inhabit its an cient " snuff-box" for a thousand years to come. TREF.—The Humboldt Times mentions a spruce pine lot, 26 feet long, which turned out 4,000 feet clear stuff', without knots or wind shakes. The tree made 13,000 feet clear luta ben. We do not believe it can be beat in the country, though we have trees of other species much larger—for instance, the red wood—that are estimated to turn out upwards of 100,000 feet—That one tree will build two houses, each two stories high and 50 feet square, furnishing all the square timber, planks, shingles, &c., would not be credited in the Atlantic States. To CLEAN PAlNT.—Smear a piece of flannel with common whiting, mixed to the consist iincy of common paste, in warm xrater. nub the surface to be cleaned. quite briskly, and wash off with clean water. Grease spots will in this way be almost instantly removed without injuring the paint. if NATIONAL KNOW-NOTHING CONY ENTION. —lt is reported that a National Know-Nothing Con vention was held at Cineinna Wednesda3 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Presidency. It was thought that either Millard Fillmbre, of New York, Sam Houston, of Texas, or Jacob Broom, of Pennsylvania, would be the nominee. Fillmore is said to have joined the Order in Bumilo. • RAIIITY.-Mr. John G. llcinly , of Hamburg. has obtained a ripe apple two inches in circum ference; from a young tree which was planted ha, Fall, and first blossomed about the middle of August. We often hear of trees blossoming out of their time, but very rarely of their bear ing fruit. dfstagcuoux CASCALTY. - Messrs. Cyrus Hare, Daniel Creishcr and Abraham Fichtliorn, went on a gunning excursion, from Heading. Pa., on IVenesday last, and Mr. Hare,. while lifting a loaded gun_ out of a wagon, was shot .through the breast by the accidental explosion of one of the barrels and so badly injured that he died. the same evening. • LARGR PRODUCE FROM RE.—John ROSS, an experienced apiarist of Warren, Mass., has a hive of bees, from which he has taken, during the . past year, two hundred and forty 'pounds of extra honey. The bees were fed upon a preparation made by himself, and by which they do far better than when left to collect their own food. (►The Inauguration of GOY. Pollock will be attended with a grand military display, as volunteer companies will be in attendance from various parts of the State. There will be an Arierican Inauguration Ball, and a display of firiworks on Capitol hill. Tanted 7 A good strJng adhesive plaster, tv;pl%.bn.si-lxidies stick fo their own business. L:CSWHEAT CAKES.- The Bridle on which cakes arc baked should never be touched with grease. Firstly, bec . ause it imparts a taste to the cake. Secondly, if a cooking stove is used. it till's the whole house with the smell of burnt grease, betraying whist we arc to have fur break fast.. Wash the griddle, with hot soap-suds. c-otir it with dry sand, and when heated for use, rub it well with a teaspoonfull of fine salt and a coarse cloth ; it will then be ready to receive theiJeakes. After each cake is removed, the salt rubbing must be repeated. Try it and you will ever follow the advice 'of an old house keeper: CONVICTION 01 , A SLAM/. - Capt. James Smith, of the brig Julia Moulton, has been convicted in the U. S. Circuit Court. at New York, of piracy in fitting out, coinmanding and managing that vessel in a voyage front \ew• York to Ow: slave coast, where she took on board six hundred slaves, and sailed with them to Cuba, and were safely landed. The olli,nce Was clearly proven. The punishment by law• is death. A motion for a new trial has been made LAME YIELD.—The Lancaster Whig says : 1111 earn !jot 1). J. Fisher. , mist 1 100 bashils<fcorn on a sixteen acre lot, near ll.tt tle Swamp, in Lancaster county. whiLli two years ago - 0 ,A. 1 9v.. tot nay mut guano applied to it three times in that period: the first application was lbs.. the second 100. and the third 400 lbs, to the acre : making in all 700 Ills. To MAKI: A Cl - NTA ILDS.—Select good sweet apples. such as will cook well : pare, cut and stew than: when thoroughly done, stir them briskly. till the pieces are all broken line. Allow the apples time to cool and thin down to the proper consistency with good milk, and Lake with one crust, as you would bake a com mon custard, or a pumpkin pie. If a richer pie is wanted, a few eggs may be added. If the apples arc totally sweet, but little sugar or other sweetening will be required. If desirable, spices may be added. BEET VINEGAR.—Take a bushel of sugar beets, fresh from the ground, wash and grate them. Press out the juice, which will amount to about six gallons, and put it in an empty and perfectly sweet barrel. In a fortnittht you will have an excellent article of vinegar, and as pleasant as that from cider or even wine. Fonrcsies Fitomc.—A poorshoemakernamed Henry Parker, residing in some obscure corner of Covington. was fortunate enough, yesterday. to draw $5,000 in a lottery. Mr. P., for the last ten years, has been pounding,away on the lapstono to'support a wife and seven children, and has been only able to obtain a living star vation at that. Ife purchased the ticket out of pure desperation, and his unbounded joy when he learned the result can be better imagined than described,—Cin. Tim PRE4,IF:yr YKAIL—The year 1854 began on Sunday, and will end on Sunday, thus hay ing fifty-three :Sunda} - s. January, April, July. October and Deconber have each lice Sundays Such an array of Sundays, it is said, will no. occur again until IS$2. asrmtvrs.—The Consul for the United States, at Calcutta, has shipped on board the American ship Venice, at that port, a beautiful female elephant and her calf, but a few days old, for Philadelphia. The animals Were placed on board on the 31st of August. - GJ' average cost of tuition in the N.' T. Public Schools is, for boys, $14,33, and for kids, $9,33 per annum. The average annual cosrof titution for the children in the Primary Schools, is $4,09. The estimate embraces the cost Of ti rution merely, and does not include books, &c. Z7There• aro no less than six thousand pianos manufactured in Boston .annually, and they are sad at prices varying front $225 to $l5OO each. [alfa man will reap 'whatsoever he soweth,' what a harvest of coats and breeches the tailor will have one of these dayS. good husband keeps his wife in the wholesome ignorance of unnecessary secrets.-- Ile knows little who will tell his, wife all he knoWs. To CLEAN WINDOW th.Ass.—Take finely pul verised indigo, dip into a linen rag moisted with vinegar. wine, or water. and apply it briskly to to the glass. Wipe-off-Amd- polish with a dry cloth. This method of cleansing glass, imparts a brilliant polish, and is fin• more expeditiously accomplished than cleaning with soap-suds or whiting CIIANWRY Make a very strong isinglass jelly : when cold, mix it with a double quantity of cranberry juice, pressed and strain ed : sweeten and boil it up, and make it into the desired shape. by straining in the proper vessels ; use good white sugar, or the jelly tilll ntbe clear. CRANBERRY AND Itu•e ha.t.v.—Boil and press the fruit, strain the juice, and by degrees mix it with as much ground rice as will, when boiled, thicken to a jelly, boil it gently ; stirring it, and sweeten to your taste : put it into a basin or form, and serve with cream or milk. slave. sixty years of age, was whippet to death recently in Alabama. by James Moye Our opinion is that Mr. 3loye should be hung. ; 7 / 'Sir John Franklin's Expedition eonsistet saiimm ALLENTOWN MARKET dour. per LW. - - - - IVlient, Corn, - - Rye, - Safi, - - I'Otla Hai per 114, Sides, - Shoulders, f.ard, I;titter, - Eggs per doz - PHILADELPHIA .31ARKET. Fi.mit—straight brands / lrestern Cues '3IE:AL, - - FLOrit. • • Ca.-UN—White Wheat, Red, Rye, - - Corn, White, - Yellow, =I Wnrsx EY MARRIED On the 18th inst., by Doctor L. F. Fi-ler, Mayor of Camden, Mr. JouN Wu: ox, to Miss S.tu All V. Tun tat, both of Philadelphia. It allbrds us extreme pleasure to reconl the union (in the,bonds of matrimony) of the above named persons, as well as all others with whom we were wont to 'associate. Now, since those loVing hearts arc johted together iu the bonds of matrimony, may the love which joinelthem be . fadeless, and may • pltalges of aliietion, as t icy grow in years, spring up around them, causing their pathway through life to be strewn with never•fading flowers. They have entered upon the duties of a new life, with, the hope o a long and pleasant " Honeymoon." May this be their let, and, ; naught but happiness and prosperity be their daily compeers through life, and when the angel shall say to them " Come," may they enter the realms of eternal bliss. At Caniden, on the 4th instant, by. Elder John Sisty, Mr. THOMAS S. SWIITZER, of Allen town, Pa., to Miss 1.0m.+ IlAxn, only daughter of B. P. Sisty, of Camden, N. J. On the ith of Nov., by the Rev. Mr. Vogel- hack, Mr. CHARLES MESSNER, to Miss ANGELINA &MOYER, both of Maenngy. On the 14th of Now., by the same, Mr. Join STAIILER; to Miss CATHARINE KNO:DLER, both of Upper 31ilford. Oh the 19th of Nov. ' the same. Mr FRANK* STETELEII, to Miss Euzaiitra KECK, both of • On the idiot Nov., by the rev. J. S. flubs, Mr. FnAsms Guilt, of South Whitehall, to AQUILLA FAUST, of Lower Macungy. On the 12th of Nov. by the same, Mr. JONATHAN RINSER, of So uth Whitehall, to Miss CATILATIISR BARTHOLOMEW, 'Of Lower Macungy. On the 14th of Nov., by the-Same, Mr. JONAS LAROSII, of South 'Whitehall, to CLARISA Fuh - mts, of Lower Soucon. On the 19th inst., by the Itev. J. T. lieider. D.I). Mr. FRANCIS Err, to Miss 31AarrGomuxsit, both•of Einnus. On the Sth of Nov., in Quakertown, Err' Ochs, aged 28 years: On the 13th of Nor.. in Quakertown. SAMUEL Ocns, father of the above, aged 59 years. On the 4th of Nov., in North Whitehall, AmtuNA 11A.ts, aged t2S years. On the sth, of Nov., in South Whitehall, FRANKLIN JOHN, Son of Solomon and Elizabeth Knauss, aged 11 months. On the Pill of Nor., in South Whitehall. POLLY. daughter of Daniel and Lydia Wiesser, aged 21 years. On the 21st inst., in Allentown of infatuation of the twain, Et.t.EN l..veoos_►, daughter of Ste phen and Mary Burger, aged 7 years 2 tuontlus and I_s days. • • -- THE WHOLE WORLD. ;300,000 WORTH OF GIF is, fur the subscribers to the Mammoth Pictorial of The Whole World. Publit•hed simu!taneously in the three. cities of Nr.w York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, as soon as :MAIM) subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual circulation of about 200,000, it is now certain the Datragaton era/ snon rob- tigre. Among r extraordinary LIST OF GIFTS, Using e for evert• mkt t azued.) are Isibfes or Hart's L'kgant Country Szat, val tt A Nla tiu tlcet.t City Residence, ....sdeLoan for MO years, without in= *t or security, Mg. Lots, Elegant Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Gold Watches, Bracedrug,, Rings. Books of Travels in the Out arid New World, by Prof. Hart; Heal E•tatr, &c.. S., in all numbering ,f3OO ,00b Everyingle remittance ef fit, secures one reat's su%crlption to the 31aminoth Pictorial, and the gratutty of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the bidder to cue share in the 300,000 Gits. Thus every pe . investing in this stupendous Enterpr se ceive the full worth of ha or her money, in iscription to a first class journal, (the great • nil- most interesting Pictorial. of age) beside i". 11 for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. For complete lest of Gifts, and full and ex. Omit particulars in regard to the great Enter prise, Distribution. Jec.. see . a copy of Tire %Vitut.c Wunx.n, which will he promptly sent. free of charge, where desired by letter post paid. The Whole %Vorld mat' also be seen at the offices of all papetiss containing this advertise ment, where information may be obtained in re gard to the paper and Enterprise. Agents, Postmasters, and Ladies desirous of I tacrative arid at the same time genteel employ. mem, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World,ivh.ich contains by far the mo-t liberal inducements ever offered to -agents in the way of immense premitubs, gifts, commissions, &c.. whereby any person, with ordinary activity, can easily make SI,PCO and upwards, per year; to which fact the agents we already hare can cer. tify. , .*Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich. and happy. Corrrspondents must write their address— Name Post office. County. and State, Plain and Distinct, or it wilt be their own fault if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of the world. Ll 4 -11 any orders are received after the 300,. 000 subscribers are obtained, the moo .y w.II be promptly •returncd, postpaid, to the persons sending it. [TrAll letters and remittances for the Pictn_ rial, With Gift 'Packets, must invarit.b'y he ad. dres-e-f•id to Prof. .1 ‘VOrtDMAN HART, World's HatilZroadway,New York, there being the only o=tefor the G. 't Enterprise Big remittances for the Pictorial without Gift Tirke•s, may he sent to Prof. J. 'OODMAN HART, Hart's Duitdings, Chesn delpliia, Pa.. there !wing the pi# cipal editorial and publication office. Nov. 22. INS S 5 1 25 Orphan's Court Sale. 7 0 .- virtue and in pursuance of an order issued 'out of the Orphan's Court of the County 01 Lelii,gh, there will be exposed to public sale, .o t Saturday the 16:h day of December, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, the following described property, viz: A certain messuage and lot of ereund,.with the appurtenances, situated in the Borough of Alleeitown, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded on the east by a lot of John' Keiper, on the south by an Aary, on the west by a lot ofllenry Fensiermaker, and on the north by Walnut street, containing thirty feet front en saol Walnut street, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet. The improvements thereon are fit._, a two story brick . f;ll4—.lSf DWELLING HOUSE, 1.3•• MI • abnut 23 feet front on Walnut street. and 30 feet deep, with a kitchen adjoining, and other outbuilding:, an excellent garden, and also a large variety of fruit trees, erapc vines, dee. Being the real estate of Thomas Wetzel, de ceased, late of the said Borough of Allentown, and county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by JOHN YOUND. . s ANNA WETZEL. S ' By the Court: IIirTZGEI:, Oct k. Nov. 22. t —4 w 11 00 62 - S.B 75 8 00 - 425 -1-85 1 IS To Tax - Collectors. ia lIE Collectors of the several District.; of Le hich county are hereby notified to settle up their Militia Fines between now and the thst Monday of December next. fly order of the CoramissiOners. EDWARD BECK, Clerk Commissioner's Office, Allentown, N0v.22, 1851.5 The Postriaer. THE undersigned who carries the paper I through Upper Saucon hereby informs his riends that on the 11th instant a year's postage was due to him. Ito request; all those in arrears to either to pay the amount to him or to the pack holders. J. S. KLEMMER. Nov. 22. tf • STRAYED! STRAYED on Friday night last, from -the stable of JOSEPH 14,11711 AM, in ('atasauqun, a large sized MULE, nearly' black, and . three years old. Whoever will deliver said mule to the undersigned at the Lehigh Gap, or givein formation to Mr. Laubaeh, at Catasauqua. will beliberally rewarded. . WM. APP. Nor. 22. *-2w Landholders Take Notice. The Morris Claims, (late Robert Morris. Financier of the War of the Revolution,) will be sued out. Occupants andpthers can have Con. firmatory, Quit Claim, and Cs, ee Titles, by early application to • ions Moss, Sole Grantee. N. 50 Walnut st. Enid. WALIT, Fliq,.. No. 2 tork Baitiling. J. L. HusniNn, Esq., No. 4 Sanson Street. c • Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia. Pa: DIED. „ $25.000 17,000 10,0 GO IRE :E3C3E '2 (E) Lt a u-1 uz. a The undersigned constantly keeps on hank .ind offers for sale, all kinds of poultry, such a. Cu/CA - ENS, M . ( '/CB, • Tl - 1? ft" E , E ENE, Sic., which he offers for sale at the lowe:t possibly prices. Ile also keeps on hand GM/Cf.:if /E,5:, • FLOUR, FEED, 'GRALv, ( 'WEB, I" EVi:G .1 llairtiing Fluid, Fluid Lamps. rho Store is in Non!' Eighth stteet ; four duos; below Stupp'o S.ote. DR. CHARLES 11E114, ,11)1211,Q Itgua, ) NO. `Jo WALNUT STREET, riuLtDuulti.t. lIMEI %T the lase State Agricultural F a i r , h e m a l 41 Philadelphia, received a SILVER MEDAL the highest award for exhibition of skill in 111. profession. Ile refers to this, and to his al. ready extensive pfactice ' as a guarantee to all who have occasion for his services, that hi.. work and orders generally in his line, 17;11 be teientifinally and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable dispatch, with those who favor him with their calls , Nov. Profitable and Honorable Emi:opnent !! The subscriber is desirous of having an agent 1 in each county and town of the Union. A capital of from 5 to SlO only will be re quired, and anything like an efficient, ener getic man can make from three to five dollars per day ;—indeed some of the Agents now em ployed are realizing twice that sum. Every info;tnatiou will be given by addressing., (post paid,) %VAL A. KINSLEIL, llax 601, Philadelphia, t'a:, Post Odic°. Nov. 15. *-3w Job P'riaiting, Neatly executed at tho ..Ittister Oillice." Orphan's Court Sale. R V virtue arid in pursuance of an order issued I , out of the Orphan's Court of the County tl.crejfiil be exposed to public sale on Samiday the 9iti day of December, at I o'clock in the lore. om,npon the premises, the, following de,eribed propery, ciz• A certain mcssuage and tract of, Lod, With the appurtenances, shunted in North Whitehall town-ti', in the county of Le afore.rod, bou;:ded by lands of Edward Kohler„John Dell:hi:tan, and Andrew Kratzer, coat suing about four acres of land. The ira prorettients thereon are a oa9 and a hall story log 11 - ;;; Diveitilia House, Frame Barn. Pig Sty, and other out ocilding,,, an excellent 'Seriiv , and Spring. lloti.e, and a number ol Apple, I'ear, and Pew h trees, Grape Vines', &e. Being the real estate of Gideon 7.311ner, Jive:Fed, late of ttc township and coolly). afore-aid. Tea - n[l,3 car the &I:1y at the i•!ace of sale : aaa Jae 71:tendaoce uiven by EDWARD KOHLER, Atlncr. Bc tl' Court: N. 3,11. - .-riGE; Clerk. Nov 22, IS3 I. Orphan's Court. Sale. [I V VirUIP and in ;11r-ea-ire of an order i.izned “ out of the' etst3Tl o: the Coutdy of I.elti"l. there %yid be. crao,et: 1 , L1.5t: sldo, out SA:lllday the 9.b day co. I)eceo,l%.r, at l o'elo t -t, in the atiemo3n, tytm the fetr.ii.es, the loliow ing Nopery, viz: A certain inessuage and lionse and Ln, will: rt•.•~ ap;:natenaNees. situated in :he b olou2 t i of Ai:en:own, in t!,e county rd !shill aforesaid, t, , ondell on 'il:a .“iatila by !Lunation s!re4 cn the we,: ht - .a lot ht . 1 ..,e;•:i :;eider. on the norla by'a imi)::•• a::ey, a.:l on the en , t by a lot of lilar - o , ses :• , r-itkVitri7, remaini•ag in front on -aid Itumitton r , ..et thiny tee:, and in •depth two hundred and thirty leer. The tin ., prowements thereon are a two story Pl.. !Off .8 • ... Brick Dwelling House, - Carpenter shop, and other ontbuild ings. Ihe house is new and well laid oat in handsome rooms the rcal es!afe of J4fin Diefenderfer, deeea.ed, late of the borough of A:lea:own, and ect:::ty altnesail Terms 01 t':e day at the place of sale, and (lee at!endarir. DAVID SCHWARTZ. AI:R.111.131 DIEFENHERrtif, Ajrnr s. By the Glatt : N Cierk- Nov. 15, 1851 .SW3Ol'3E° MM-'ll.'"Ei • PIANO POTATES., T HOSE wishingbeautiful and durable Piano Fortes. will Lind it much to th‘tr interest to eNainine some of the above make heron.. pur chasing. elsewhere. Ile has just finished and now otters fir sale, at the Manuiltetory. No. 122 West Hamilton street, several splendid • I.IO3CWOOb timno ±ortrEi, of 11; 0. - -tave. with a fine tone and touch. Mr. S. will tie happy to till any orders the public may favor him with. This prices are moderate. 0.1 n Piano Forte, 5 octave, which might answer very well for a tx.ginner. Nov. 15. ,011 - LI) mailman ~. ,~. .. ~ ~ :-- 14 - I ° 4T r a p e6 4 9 14E11 k AFE -just received a very large asti%,:nen U of FURS for Ladies wear, all of the Imes and most approved styles, which illoy . will sel at reduced prices. Ladies in want of these arti cies Will do well to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. We have them' ranging in price from ;3 50 to ;40 00 per si tt. Also a ful assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. cridZemetuher the place, No. 45 East llama ten street. Nor. 15 Nov. 1.1 Our assortment of Hats and Caps is full—the best by Car ever or( :rd. It requires no bragging' —!eke pattern from no country shops; bet der fr, , tn head quarters," and wilt be pate t^ruc,l afirr by others, as the past has shown. We a!sa manufacture hats and no mistake, as you can see for yourself by calling; so don't be deceived by those who would be the only mane• facturers, as there are a few more of the same sort. Then go to Wieder & Buyer, and gct, a good and fashionable article. Thankful ftr- past fareurs, they respectfully ask n continuance of !he same. WIEDER & BOYER. 1-41 a clitention .Parchasers: TI fiR BOOT, SEE, HT MU CAF IT-i r nillE subscriber taken pleasisc in announcing 1 io the public that he has entered anew field of operations in the manufacture of at his "old stand," \0.21 East Hamilton street sign of the " Big Boot," one door east of the German Reformed Church, where he manufsg , tures and sells at !Wholesale and Retail all kinds of fine and coarse fashionable geridez men's boots and shoes. Also, all kinds of the latest styles of ladies fashionable dress and other shoes. Gentlemen's hoots manufactured to order fi'om r 0 to 00. Dov's and Children's Boob, from $1 25 to 54 00. Ladies Dress and other Shoes from 50 to $2 50. The above articles will be sold at wholesale and retail, and one of the largest assortments in the trade ever exhibited in Altoninwn will always be kept on hand. o.loasure or nista:Her work will always be attended to at the shortest notice. The latest Near York styles of Gentle, men's Fashionable Boots made op to order. and warranted to give full satisfaction. Ile has in his employ. one of the most finished CUTTERS, and as for WORKMEN, none but the best aril; find employment. BEI are particularly invited to call, as we are pre pared to supply them with a home.mado arti. ck." far superior to any ever brought from Yankee Land," and at prices very near if not quite as low. Therefore try home competition and eve us a call. We hope in our new enterprise to see the faCes of our numerous old friends and hundreds, of new ones, to whom we will always sell at the lowest Cash prices. Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with and without heel& made up of French, Italian, English and Ameri. ran Lasting, of all colors and styles., Mesa shoes of Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, French Morocco, and Seal, black and fancy colors, for Women, Misses, Children and Infants. Ladies, Misses, and Gentlemen's Gums, of all the lash. tonable styles. YOUNG S; LEH. L-3 EV Repairing of all kinds done up !malty and expeiloionsly, and at prices that will give fall sa !isfaCtion. A. L. RUNE. Nor. 1. 4—►[ 111 W. IL ECKERT', HAW IN TOBACCO, SIII I All SUS, No. 9 East Hamilton Statmt, ALLENTOWN,-P.i: pill: undersigned is happy to informf his no merous friends and the public' generally. ,hat he has' again commenced bugloss - Ise, and' tias now in store a large and extensive assort ment o! goods in his line, among which are ho following kinds of imported and dogmatic, Segars: Improved Plantation, La sultana, La lli,griera, Magnolia, SkGAilg, Loudres, WaShington, Never equalled NG . Ls Union, foresin this place, l's imari, . • and. warranted Cuba Sixes, to give Half Spanish, • (Islam. Superior Common, : J. Also, CHEWING TOBACCO, 32 kinds; fru eluding Fine Celt, all kinds of Cavendish and Nag, and a new and superior article of Fig Tobacco. Also, Smoking Tobacco and Snuff, of various kinds, together with ,a general u or trnen e of Pipes, &e., &c. All ankles man.. dammed by the subscriber are of a superior quality. G. 11. REBEL. .C-ly OtrCountry Merchants supplied at rates lower than can be bought in Philadelphia. Thosein want of Segars, Tobacco, &c., are r.- quested to give him a tall before purchasing elsewhere, as he is satisfied he sells as cheap as anybody it the place. _ • Nov. 19 C. M. Runk ! attorney at Law. Office on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square, Allentown, Pa. Aurrust yo- • WIEDER & .BOUR, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL • Manufacturers and Dealers J ust' 'received and opened, the largest and best —a4soriment of Stone Martin, Silver Martin, Fir t h, Ilus4a, and other, Cabio Sure ever exhibited here, bring fresh from the city, and well worthy of an early call, as they will ao (flub! go With a rash. Walk in Ladies, and -re for your - seises. Oar stock consists in part of the fullewing Victorines. of every kip from Sitio $5O. Frith V m aoranes a • Cull, Mairettees, Il'u,“aan Pitch, Shari Lvnz Capes and Cuffs, Imitation Sable and Black Gennetts, Cony Victorines , . White Spotted Viciorines, In ..11-at all that can be foam( in New Vork and Philadelphia, and at all prices. 11) C.IP Nov. 15 CALL AND SEE .15, M' CD , e 1 Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA. Boots mad Shoes, Country Merchants WHOLESATAI AND R.F.TAiL WM. 11. XOKERT. - Z.-3y
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