d~ Si 'HIGH 1 . 1 :i '''' r. ;fA ile GMni vaixsportation Comp. ;• - i.:::',lGrie notice thai r they are now prepared' -- receive and forward Merchandize of all • linda-from Philadelphia to Easton, Betide - hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Penn Hiven, and all intermediate places. The G - oOds will be received and shipped at their qld , stand first warf above Vine street.— ,Ititey also forward goods to and from New -.l'itork, via Delawarc and Raritan Canal and ''Vplaware Canal. Goods by this line from New York will go by A. S. NEILSON'S lino of vessels - to New Brunswick, by Sloops Fox and Grey Hound, which will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North, River. Any inforination required can be had of Messrs. REYNOLD & CLARE, 100. West street, N. Y. at Neilson's Agent office, 88 West street, N. Y. With great increased facilities, they hope • to give prompt despatch to all goods, to so licit the patronage of shippers. ' DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors. • AGENTS. H. S. Morehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Easton. Borbeck & Knauss, Bethlehem. A. J. Ritz, Allentown. A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk. A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven. Allentown, April 12, 1664. Livery Stable, The subscriber informs ,i. 35 the public that he has pur -11 51110 ; 441 ch ased the entire stock of g gier .77 31 Horses, Carriages, 4.c., comprising the Livery Stable of William R. Leh, in the boroygh of Allentown. He has added a number of beautiful New Carriages to his stock, as well ns increased the number of Horses. Ile is therefore prepared to fur nish all who may favor him with a call with GOOD and SAFE HORSES, and Vehi:. cles of every description, from a first class eight-horse Omnibus to g a Sulky of single horsk,, By stti,ct attention to business, and a de sire to please, he hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage. Charges moderate. 17i7Large parties will be furnished with conveyances, with or without drivers, on the most reasonable terms. la'Give him a .call, at the old stand of Charles Sengreaves, first stable in Church Alley, north of Hamilton street. PETER HELLER. Allentown, August 2, 1854. 111-6 m Air. 3.Y. 'accrues, JIIEMTLST. Informs his friends, and the pub %iamb. lic in general, that he still performs all operations on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveoler processes in the most effectual and skillful manner. His mode of inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed; for comfort to the wea rer and duribility and beautifulness in appear ance. The general satisfaction ho has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. Office No. 48, East Hamilton street, a few doors East of Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Becht°ls American Hotel. December 0, 1853. IbtiM aßb 31.12037 The Best and Cheapest Stock of • -Boots Shoes, Gai , -ACM tors' Gums, arc., in the city, at . Ihmbarr's 76, South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street.) Being mostly of his urn manufacture, he guarrantees them to wear ; and will sell— wholesale or retail as cheap as the cheapest. Easy Shoes for Old Ladies. • Plain and Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaueis, arc., always on hand in great variety, for Boys, Youth, Misses and liildren. Prices.—Lndics Gaiters, of every quality and style, from 81 to $2,50. Gems' Calf Skin Boots, from $3 to $5, Patent Leather Shoes, Gaiter Boots, Congress Boots, But ten Boots, dsc.r horn $1,50 to $4,50. Gum Boots, Shoes, Sand les, Clogs,nlw•ays on hand. 1:7'01d Gums bought and repaired. Juno 28, 1854. *—ly YREN S SVAS , 'WEIGHING LESS TIiAN 21 OUNCES. For the Cure ,of Dania or Rupture. AcknoWledged by the highest medical au thorities of Philadelphia, incomparably su perior to . any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now ' offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy. but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and talcum, fortable article usually sold. There is no • difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position with out change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the -subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting. Five Dollars for the double—with measure round the hips, and stating side - affected.'lt will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, byz.returning it at once,. I ,,uosoiled. For sale only by the Iniporter. • CALEB .11,i41414RiES, •• Cor...TWelftlf•Si'.itialft. Phil --•••IF Ladies, rquiring,theilenittiOf Me. chanieaf__ Supports, owing ..t.Ctkiiangernent of the Interatti Organs, including,Falling of ykrottib,..NroCaA, Ptilmapary; PySpeptic.. -d. Nervous. and Spinat'Wealtness,"are inform that a tornpetent,anci 'experianced LADY wilibkin,Muunlance at the Reoms,(set apart for t ilffir 11,4V1`wstrin ~8(.;Ist: door' below Race. Jung 28, 1854. Eleitfoii . 'l466lainattoii.;: , ; Pursuant to the act of the General Assem bly of the Comronwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 2d day of July, 1838.1, NATHAN WEILER, Sheriff of Lehigh, do hereby give public notice to the electors of the aforesaid county, that a General Election will be held in the said county, on the second Tuesday in October next (which will be the 11th of said month,) for the purpose of choosing by ballot. ONE PERSON for. Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania ; ONE PERSON for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; ONE PERSON for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.; ONE PERSON to represent the district composed of the counties of . Lehigh and Bucks in Congress of the United States ; TWO PERSONS to represent the dis trict composed to the countiesbf Lehigh and Carbon in the Legislature of Pennsylvania; ONE PERSON for Prothonotary of Le high county. ONE PERSON for Register of Lehigh county. ONE PERSON for Clerk of the courts of Lehigh county. ONE PARSON for Recorder otLehigh county. ONE PERSON for Conotmiexionere.the county of Lehigh ;.- ONE PERSON for Diroe . tor Of the Poor in the county of Lehigh; ONE PERSON for Auditor Auditor of the coun ty of Lehigh ; TWO PERSONS for Trustees of the Academy in Allentown; The electors of the county of Lehigh aforesaid, on the said second Tuesday of Oc tober next, will meet at the severe) districts composed of the boroughs and the several townships following to wit: The electors of the North ward, in the berough.of Allentown, will hold their elec tion at the house of Samuel Moyer. The electors of South Ward, in the bor ough of Allentown, at the house of George Wetherhold. The electors of Lehigh ward, at the house of Mr. Klepinger. Thii electors of Salisbury township, at the house of John Yost, in said township. The electors of South Whitehall, town ship, at the house of Alexander W. Loder, in said township. The electors of Hanover township, at the house of Charles Ritter, in Rittersville. The electors of tipper Suucon township, at the house of Daniel Cooper in Coopers burg. ''he electors of Catasauqua, at the house Nathan Fegley, in said borough. The electors of Weisenburg township, at the house of Joshua Seiberling, in said township. ' , The electors of fleidqlburg township, at the house of Henry German, in saiklown ship. - The electors of WaShington.toiltroshipi- at the house of D. & C. Peter, in said town ship. l` • ,Whoitte'elms of North Whitehall town _house of Jacob 'Roth, in said toivYiah p. The electors of Lowhill township, at the house of Jacob E. Zimmerman, in said town ship. The electors of Upper Macungie town ship, at the house of Addison Erdman, in Fogelsville. The eleators of Lower Macungie town• ship, at the "house of Henry Mohr, in Mil. lerstownJ • IT-ly The de — clots - or Upper Milford township, at the house of George Beck, in said town ship. The electors of Lower Milford township, at the Douse of Henry Dillinger, in said township. ,Thilnlectors of Lynn township, at the honie of David Bleiler, in said township. For the suppressionOl the. Manufacture and Sole of idtoxicating Liquors, as a be- verage. WHEREAS, nil laws, to be efficient, should have the approbation and sanction of the people. .and Whereas, It is represented that a large number, if not a majority of the citi zens of this Commonwealth, are deadly im pressed with the necessity of the passage of a Prohibitory Liquor Law: ✓ind Whereas, It is impossible to obtaiii certain indication of popular sentiment re lating thereto by means of petitions and re monstrances; Therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, zn General .dssembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority.qf tho same, That the qualifi ed voters of this Commonwealth aro hereby authorized at the places for holding the General Elections in their respective wards, boroughs and townships, on the second Tuesday of October, next, to vote for and against a law which shall entirely prohibit by proper and constitutional regulations and penalties, the manufacture ;aid sale of intox icating liquors, except for medical, sacra mental; mechanical and artistica' purposes. SECTION 2. That the officers authorized by law to hold elections in each ward, bor ough and township, of this Commonwealth, are hereby directed and required at the place fixed by law, in the several districts for the holding of the general elections in said districts, on the second Tuesday of Oc tober, next, when they shall be organized as an election board, to receive from each qualified voter of their said districts, a ticket written or printed on the outside, "Prohibi tory Liquor Law," and the tickets in favor of 'the proposed law shall contain in the in side, the'words, "For a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and those oppased to the proposed shall contain in the inside, the wordsi , 'Against the Prohibitory Liquor Law' which votes shall be counted, and, returned.to-to' court-house of the counties or city in . which the said election shall be' held; on the-follow ing Friday, by the return judges, who shall cast up and certify all the votes polled in 11-Iy-68 AN ACT eaid county or city, to the office of the }Sec retory of the Commonwealtitc.at H *burg. directed and transmitted- in ;Lite till •tnan ner the votes for Governor are req ' 'd to be djrected and transmitted, and the said Secr etory shall, on the third Friday of January, uext, ensuing, communicate the said re• turns to the Legislature, to be opened and Counted in the same manner the votes for Governer are opened and -counted, and con sidered as the prayer of the voteia of this Commonwealth, relative to a Prohibitory Li quor Law. .. SECTION 3. That all the election laws of the State prescribing the hours•of opening and closing the polls, the reception ofivotes, the punishment for illegal voting, the de fraying of the expenses of publication and holding of the general elections and xeturn of the same and all other matters incident thereto, to be and the same are declared ap plicable to the election above authorized. SECTION 4. That it shall be the 'duty of the Sheriffs of theseveral countieti:ot this Commonwealth, to insert a copy . of',ol,a act in the proclamation for the genemkflgption to be held on the second Tuesday, ofOc tober neat. E. 13. C 1 1 .41 0". .. ..S'peaker of the House Representiotives. M.M'CASLM, Speaker of the APPROVED - The twenty-eight day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fif ty, four. The General Election in the saieseveral districts to be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall con tinue without interruption or adjournment until seven in the evening—when the polls shall be closed. • NOTICE ISEEREDY GIVEN, That every person except Justices of the Peace, Militia and Borough officers, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or any city or corporated district, whether a com missioner, officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, of the United States, or any incorporated dis-. trict, and also that every member of ther'• State Legislature, and of the select or coni; mon council of any citk, - or commissioners, of any incorporated district; is by law inca pable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge in spector or clerk, of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no other officer of such election shall be eligible to be voted for. The return Judges to meet at the Court House; in the borough of Allentown, on Fri day, the 14th day of October, 1854. NATHAN WEILER, Sheriff. GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. Sheriff's Office, Sep. 0, 1854. '; Xt(D'irtl.a4oloc. The undersigned give notice. agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, that they pur pose making application at the next term of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. for the in corporation of a Bank : to be located in the Borough of Catasauqua, and County of Le high, under the name, style and title of the Bank of Catasauqua, • to have general--banking and discounting privileges. The capital to be Two HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the right of increasing it to THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ; and to commence operations when the said sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. Joseph Laubach, W. Stellwagen, .aug. H. Gilbert, Charles Gragin, William Getz, Chas. G. Seleneller, Isaac E. Chandler, S. H. Lacier, B. F. Straud, Levi Haas, Charles Noy, Owen Rice, Isaias Rehrig, J. W. Puller, Joseph Lazarus, F. B. Martin, Charles Seigly, Joshua Hunt, jr., Thomas Frederick, John Thomas, liriah Brunner, John lienhpn Patterson, Samuel Colver. June 28, 1854. ¶-6in .vitcoac9LuG, Notice is hereby given, that application will be made at the next meeting f the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown in the County of Lehigh, to be known by the name, style and title of 'The Allentown Bank,' with a Capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with leave to increase said Capital to Two HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. ."1. G. Reningcr, J. F. Ruhe, T. B. Wilson, Joseph Weiss, • Snws Ettinger, C. Lichtenwalner, Owen Saeger. T. B. Weidner, J. F. Newhard, Charles Keck, W. J. Boyer, Christian Pretz, C. S. Massey, W. S. Young, Allentown, June 28. ¶-6m Garden Truck. The undersigned takes this method to in form the citizens of Allentown, and vicinity, that be has rented the "Truck Island" in Allentown, formerly occupied by Mr. James Smiley, where he hes raised the present sea son, and now offers for sale all kinds of - Garden and Field Vegetables, such as Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Un ions, Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and every other kind that comes into season. His prices are liberal and his truck al ways fresh. His stand is in Seventh Street, near the Public Squsre, in front of Mrs. Boas' house, where he will be happy to ac- Aimmodate his customers with all that is ;.Nice and fresh in the Vegetable line. He thinks that by punctual attendance to business, he will merit a liberal share of public patronage' JONN M. MET7GI.II.. Allentown, August 2 t 1854. 11--12 m laiipliiiii„). . A loth. . uk,3lcroltut ttt. - pg WEST HAMILTON .REET,, ALLENTOWN. • 7 -- • • , • .. - . ~. . . -7--- - ----Goodd Watch Glassesllt , 1 . (n - (C l' i) . :1 3 . 'lli . • ~' , 6. ... ,:!, . . . 1 \ ili• -- ;" - _ - .0!;% 1 .'' ..' ' - i :: 4 IF : .'—' • . ihr-, , e4.7.4-7:4.-.4Ku - 0-1,641,44411 - . - : ' , WAIT' , N,44% , ,i' . , .I'!. Beet Watch 'Glasses 12a YANKEE CLOCKS FROM 61,25 to 66,00 ;:. Joseph R. Ilko & co, • Adopts this.rnethod to inform tlielr.friends an& the public in general, that they lurie . lately established themselves in the above. .business at . , •.., _,,1'410. , .21, WEST HAMILTON STREET, wilier; they will exhibit for sale an assort= irrittit , "'of goods, lately purchased in New Arlr,Xnd.Philadelphia, such as. Thefollowing ia4)ist of their a redoes: _ Fide Gold LapinerMattbes 20 to $24 " Detached, 25 to SIS' "" Pat. Lever, 49 to 75 "... Heating ease'" '4 '. 45 to 125 Silver,Lnpine Watches 9to 12 Dietached " 12 to 16 Oatent Lever " 12 to 25 BIGLER. 7 " Hunting Put. Is k ty. watches, 20 to 35 Yankee Clock% 1,25 to 3,00 ;;..f . "- day•Clockic • 3,50 to 6,00 " Iron Frame 'splendidly , ":"~"L. - •- 5 t'a 15 .1301a.tireitat Arit t . from . 5 . 0 - ,Cts...to $10.60 " airlift& ' •" 25 cis. to • .10,00 • . ifffekelk He also keeps on hand a Tull assortment'of Gold and Silver specfaersifand- Spectable GlOess; purses, port monies, eze Musical instruments such as violins, vio lin strings, MusiCal Boxes, Accordians, II of whiCh . are sold at wholesale or retail,riad aVpiiCes far below what they ever — ire& .sald ittlPs place. PeYsims id' want of Jewelry will find it to .be their; advantage to give them a call be fore puiChasing elsewhere, as they feel con- Sdent• of satisfying all who may favor them with' their patronage. Mr. ILK°, is well known ih this place as a skillful mechanic, and all his work will be warranted. Every article sold by them, is warranted o be what it is sold for, and no mistake Clock and watch makers throughout the country, will do well to give them a call as they will sell at wholesale and retail eve ry article kept in their line of business. lOrThrough the aid of one of Bottom's Patent improved universal Lathe Chucks, they are enabled to make repairs on clocks, watches and all kinds of Jewelry, man cheaper than the old way of working, co me . quentl3 - r this particular branch of the busi ness will be punctually attended to and done up on the most reasonable terms.. Allentown, June 14,1854. ;3, 7 -9.0m BOaCaaatlClEllalllClOZlllo2aaaa=2B3Bll3 g KW. Eek,ert's 1 .... a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL a a Tobacco, Snuff' and Segar eittolllM, No. 30, Eilit Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWI%, PA. i IIIrGOODS ALL WARRANTED July 20. 11—:Iya 0 012=11110&0121170211111131111111122101100110 3nbrinnitp, against bn LOSS TRC F FRANJKLEN-SlitE--INSURANCE CoMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, Nu. 163i . CHESNUT STREET, STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1,5p.5,949 68, January lir, 1854, Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLE, BEING' First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Eitate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. 82,139 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Cola- teral Securities. 130,774 20 Stocks (present - value 176,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash, &c. &c., 50,665 57 81,595,040 68 PERPETUAL ORLIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in miesas low as are consistantwith security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss BY FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the advantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. • Directors: Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Berm, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCRER, President. enemata G. BAncmica, Secretary. or The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est rates. A. L. RUNE, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1852. Ready-made Clothing. The undersigned keep all kinds of Ready made Clothing. on band, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. • , . GETZ & GILBERT. Catasauqua, Sept 14. • 11-79 m Atetntion Cudomers! CHEAP WATCHES, Near Fifth Street TOWN AND COUNTRY, maaultaxltipazu ..•, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods .e• ~/ iN ALL THEM - VARIETIES". AT THE New Clio ' ttoalf. re OF • Gil.: , IN THE BOROUGH OF CATASAUQUA, ' -These gentlemen, take this method to in. form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of 11 inter and ,S'pri Gooda, which they are now ready dis .posa off to their ctistomera at tip lowest prices. •". . . Their immense, stock hai with the littlest c4te arid.r..o) Clothei, Cassime, Fitinpels, Gloves and E fairies, Alapaccas,Deb and risort4Torilins BootO,,,Shoes, tht Hardware, Lool 44001t5, &c., .To J WELRY. jes'and hey invite the attention of their the public generally, confident that thiqullest satisfaction, both in price two quality;4ill be given to all who them with a call. , The highest prices will be paid in ex ! change for County prodike. They have rearon to be thankful for the favors received thus far and hope by atten tion to businese f 'diiposing of their goods at small profits,4otialreatment towards their customers to Merit still a greater share of r ascpmers. & GILBERT. September It . - ¶-6m -r-.------,. ~..7t, , ,,,1*, ~ . VrittiEit Sc BOYER, Nti.:2s;ll'est Hamilton street, .11llentown. ---- . s; 4 Thankful for past favors and hoping by strict attention to busi -ness arid a desire toplease, tomer- . it a continuance •of the patronage it) liberally b'estowed on them, and wishing 1 the people to understand the faokthat they are both PRACTICAL HATTERS—both haiing served a long apprenticeship at the business and understanding the business thoroughly in all its various branches—they are confident they can MANUFACTURE HATS of all kinds inferior to none in the market, and also a little cheaper, because they perform a great deal of the labor them selves and buy their material from the impor ters for cash, and understanding the busi ness they employ none but good workmen, and doing a large business t ' ' can afford to sell at small profits. These are some.of th reason . , tri, .often hear the remark that .4 W ieder - & goy- er sell such beautiful flats at such astonish ingly low prices. They always have tio. latest Philadelphia and New York style. on hand, so you need not be afraid of hav ing an old fashioned Hat stuck on you.— Give us a call. It don't mutt r whit is th. shape of your head, we will insure n fit tar Country Merchants would d.• w. II to give us a -call, as we will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Also a large assortment of all kinds of straw goods which they will sell cheap. TERMS CASH. Allentown, March 15. 17—tf Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm of Mickley 4. Jones, in the Mill and Founder). -business, has been dissolved on the 22d of July 1954, by mutual consent. as V., r, 11) , *, wit 1...c ,, 10 ti ,t 1 rt as. Ili.. Inblisl , 01 F Upp 1 . • !•111. , ht : •thrr, n t ••:. o ,e ,ac .01,111,11,,11 at cm -1.•. lons tatiSe Vi(iO illi , t . favored th e m in their line, to wt,orn they will lei I under"many ohlieniams E. MICKLEY & BROTHERS Fogelsville, August 2, 1854. —6F Administrators otice. Notice is hereby given, that the subscri bers have taken out letters of Administration in the estate of Jonas Haas, Esq., late of Lynn township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebt ed to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds Bonk debts, or otherwise, will make payment of the same within six weeks from the date here of. And such, who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them for settlement well authenticated to the under signed within the above specified time. SAMUEL CAMP, ? Adm'str. PHAON HAAS, s Aug. 24. LOOK HERE I IgniaNW The undersigned has just received a nice assortment of FRESH Fnurr, bitch as Lemons, Oranges, Raisins ; also canvassed Hams. smoked Beef, Cheese, Tomato Catsup, bott led Lobsters, Anchovies, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Cranberries, pealed Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Ground nuts, &c., &c. The above articles will be sold cheap for cash. CHARLES H. Rune. Allentown, August ID. Groceries. Fisk .4 Salt. The undersigned have just received an entire new Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend 'to sell at the low est prices at their. Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. GETZ &GILBERT. September It . en selected rsisu3 siithicts, iseiry. besidei De 'he,Ginghams,Plain Muslins cold ,Prints, pr, Caps, Queensxvare, g Glasses, Stationary, EDWARD MI6KLEY, DAVID G. JONES, The =MEM Perham's 100 , 000 , Official proceedings of the, in Perham's Third Gift En meeting, held at Academ way. New York, onA July 27th, 1854. At 8 o'clock the • teeting,w4s called to' •pider by . Dr. Da , when B.:S. Adams, Was' no y • ated .and .troanimottslyi% „ elected Chair • and Robert , Heatty; Esq., appoi • ed Secretary. The -t business in order being, tbe,,tte. 7 7 - f lectio• of a Committee of five personalli,re ce. e end dispose of the Gift Property, it , •as on motion Resolved, that we now pro i teed to thenomination red election. - The eletitiorr+ being gone into, resulted in the choice of the following named gentle, men : ' • ROBERT BEATTY, IRA BUCHMAN, IR. J. LATHROP,;` •B. S. ADAMS, H. P. BANKER. Justice Lathrop offered the following Resolution : • Resolved—That, the Committee have power to fill vacancies, from a neglect to sefie to fulfil the requirements of a numbdi. —Carried. The Secretary then read the following: Resolved—That the Committee be au thorized to receive frorn Mr. Perham, the Grift'Property, or take from him bonds for its delivery as called for, attd bola the same itjrust for the Shareholders: Carried. On inquiry it was ascertained - that Mr. Perham had sold about 46,000 out of the 100,000 Gilt Tickets ; when the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted : Resolved—That-to soon as it is ascertain ed that 80,000 of the Gift Tickets issued by Mr. Perham in his third enterprize arc sold, the Committee .shall call the Share holders.lo.getner at the most convenient place, for the purpose of instructing said Committee in regard to the manner of dis posing of the Gilt Property, amongst those holding share Tickets.. Resoltied—That in order to close the.en terprize at. the- earliest possible moment. this meeting,;;rcommend all persons now holding Share Tickets; to use their irifhience in obtaining subscriptiohe and advance the interest of the whole body. On motion adjourned. .attest. B. S. ADAMS; Chairman. ROBERT BEATTY, JR , Secretary. MR. PERHAM'S CARD. Accompanying, you have submitted the of ficial proceedings of the Share Holders in Mass Meeting, convened on thtlievening of the 27th inst., for the purpose of selecting a Gominittee,•and taking into consideration other matters, affecting the interests of all ticket holders in my THIRD GIFT ENTER PRISE. It will be seen that a Committee have been appointed, and instructions given them as to the course to be pursued- up to a cer 7 tam stage of progression in the enterprise. Fur the information of absent share holders, n. beg leave to state, that the number of tickets sold up to the present time is about 46.0(10. From this you will perceive that so r,.nu as :14.000 more are sold, they ,‘ tli adris, the whole body of share holders .1 the fact, and ask of them, in general teeting assembled for the purpose, instruc ions as to the final disposition of the Gift Property, with which they are intrusted. That these 34,000 tickets may be sold in the shortest possible time, the undersigned makes the following propositions, unequalk• led for liberality : Each person who gets up a club of tem -ohscrthers. and forwards (10) ten dollars to this office. will receive by return mail or other conveyances, Eleven Tickets, Each person who sends (at one time) one hundred dollars. will have sent in like manner, One Hundred and Filleen tickets. Each person who shall send (at one time) live hundred dollars. will have sent in like manner. Six Hundred tickets. —luirck.ar exact propor- MO It is thus, ladies arid gentlemen, that I 'type to stteuri• vttur hearty co-operation in tois enteronso to a speedy, and. I -• 1 ,, to a1...1 satislactory termination. t,‘ it lo r• ai.consideration of respect. I remain yours obediently, July 28th. 1854. J. PERHAM. 100.0(1(1 RICKETS ONLY AT $ 1,00 EACH .1171,1 BR SOLD. r"-P - Ali Orders. tor Tickets; by Mail should be addressed to • . JUSI H PERHAM, Academy Hall, 663 Broadway, N. Y. If it should happen that all the Tickets aresold when the order is received, the money will be returned at our expense for postage. Correspondents will please write distinctly their names, residence, County and State, to prevent errors. Or if convenient: en close an envelope w;i't theirdifections on it in full—in wh'ch such Tickets at th'ey may order wilt be returned. New York, September 0 Vexecut4,,Vs N otice. Notice is hereby, given, that the under signed are appointed Executori of the last will,and testament q Daniel Peley, deceas ed, late of Heidelbiirg township, Lehigh. county, therefore all t hose who know them- % selves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts pi otherwise will make payment within six weeks from the• date hereof. Also thostirWho have any le• gal claims againkt said estate, will bring itt their accounts will authenticVed within euid time. HENRY GEYER, • JONAS PETER. • Executors. ' JONAS KRUM' SOLOMON KLINE" , kugus 9, 49151. COAL. COAL I The. undersigned have opened a Coal Yard in Catasauquaiirond will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which.they will sell at greatly reduced prices. GETZ & GILBERT. 11-70 m September 14. ills. share holders rprise, in mass pr._ all, 663 Broad- - hu#4ay -evening, ¶-4w If-Ow
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers