'• Row to make one Farm equal to three. G. T. Ste Wart, Esq., in a recent address before the Ohio Agri( ultural Society, thus speaks on the subject ; ' Many farmers . who are destroying_the iiroductiveneas of their farms by . shallow York, aa-#it thAt• their crops are di kaiiiiishing4ltAltlonly of extending their pea by adtith.aeres of, surface, as if they Supposed thhotlieit title deeda;only gave. ;hem a right to six inches deep of earth.- 1,1 they will take those deeds, study their gleaning, and apply the lesson to their fields they will soon realize in three-fold crops the fact that the law has given them three farms where they supposed they :had but one—in others. words, that the subsoil Brought up and combined with the top soil and enriched with. the'-ntratospheric influ endes, and those .othei elements which ag-! ricultural science will% teach them to apply to their ground, will increase three-fold the %ensure of its productivenesst• To show to what extent the fertility of - the soilcan be increased, I refer to a statement in the last patent office report. In the year 1850,there were nine competitors for the premium Corn crop of Kentucky, each of whom cultivated ten acres, of land. Their average crop • will about 122 bushels per acre. At this time the average crop of wheat per acre in the harvests of Great Britain, on the soil cultivated for centuries; is about double that produced on the virgin soil of Ohio. 'Why is this? Simply because British farmers are educated men, and apply work wisely. They pay back to the earth what they bor row. They endeavor by every means in their power to enrich their ground, and in return it enriches them. .1f our farmers, in stead of laboring to double their acres, would try to double their crops find it a vast saving and an toil, of :ricrease of profits. Many of them never think of digging ten inches into the soil, unless they have dream ed about a crock of gold hid in the earth.— But if they would set about the work of digging in earnest, every man would find his crock of gold, without the aid of dreams or divination. E We have a great advantage over our British farmers in the fact that our farmers nearly all hold the lands which they culti vete, in *simple, while in England they are chiefly tenants, hiring the land of the nobil ity, paying enormous rents to the proprie tors, besides heavy taxes to government.— Tarts here are comparatively light and our farmers are their oa n landlords. Hence they have been able to pay three-fold wa ges for labor to those paid in Europe. pay the cost of transportation, and yet undersell 1 the British farmers in their own market.--• I , Farmer. TLe_Offloe of Governor. A correspondent calls attention to the 14th section of the second article of the Constitu tion, which relates to the contingency of the death of a Governor before the expiration of his term of office. It says : In case of the death or resignation of the Governor, or his removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the of lice of Governor until another Governor shall be quail& d. But in such case, anothe Governor shall be chosen at the next ann al election of Representatives, "unless suc I death, resianation, or removal shall occur I within thrt e calender mouths immediately preceeding such next annual election in which case a Governor shall be chosen at the second succeeding annual election of Representatives." This clause of the Constitution presents some curious features. If the present Gov ernor should die, at the present time, there could be no election of his successor till 1656; 11 he were to die the day previous to the election, there could be no choice of his,suc cessor at the next election. Even if he were not a candidate for re-election, his death at either of the periods mentioned would pre: vent a choice ; but if he were to die the day after the election. nna onoth., received the kuflruges, the election would Appear. to be valid. Though the death of a pandi4te makes no difference in the elec tion, the death of a Governor does. IVIARRIAGE A LA Mom—Parson D., who was distinguished as an ['icier and a batter of run-away couples and Gretna Green mania ges was once aroused at a late hourol the nigt when all had retired, by a long slab sided • , Yankee who was exceedingly anxious to get "hitched, as the gal's father nes after them." The eager applicant stood on the door-sill, while Jelnima was restlessly mov ing in a lumber wagon not far distant.— The night was cold, and the parson, who did not much relish the idea of unrob ing himself to attend to their wants, soon ap peared at the window, remarked to Jon athan, that if it made no iffierence to him, t . he would read the cere ony where was, end the Fillies might re: in their respective positions'. Al! agreed to the arrangement, and Yankee Jonathan performed his part, while Jemima shouted from the wag on her replies to the interrogatories. The ceremony was quietly performed, and the happy. couple Wbre about to drive away, when Jonathan, who seemed to think that all was not right,•shobted from the wagon. "What's the damage?" The minister told him, that if he hid anything to give, he 'Would be obliged to him it he would slip it under the door, and he would come down and get it in tike morning. Jonathan fum bled for a momilit in his pockets, and then approaching the door, carefully deposited something beneath it, and went on his way rejoicing. The parson in the morning, on opening the door; discovered a "fip•penny bn" and a piece of tobacco, accompani e d with the gentleman's card. parson D. of iciated.at no • more marriages of this char acter.—Vourna/ ef Commerce. Axin•Kwovir NoTinNo.--A Democratic Meeting was held in Washington City, in opposition to the limow Nothings, but when the vote was taken on tho resolutions,, the Na. were found to be so largely in tbu as cendant among the Simcm Puree that it was to pass it. • lop° RT*l.,': pledcniitnit.—A • Oorrespon dent Worths 6," that, a gentlemen. of this city, who, has devoted much time t#the Ob ject, has at last made a dlscovery :which promises to be of the , hiihest . iinporiance to agtictilture. It is ne'.lBs . thatran effectual exterminator of all the ins ects whichitsuat;. 13 , infest hot !muses, 'gardens, &c The ex periment lis•beeh- applied wit h -the most signal eticcess, and has the same ellect in the open afros:under cover. The inventor is at presentln Washington, patenting the dis covery, and we understand it will be !Aught before the public at the State Agricultural Society's exhibition, at West Philadelplfia, next week. We are not told as to what is the character or substance of the new remedy. THE PURCHASE OT CURA.—The New York Express says it has it from authentic nur cecthat Mr. • .SetileAtas , heen rnewintthe offer to Spain for ttie purchain of Cuba ; and that , he agreed: io give more than *lOO,- oce,ooq, the sum said to havn been . tendei= ed during Presidents PolicNadtninistratipm The Spa nish Ministers, who hialready 'in want of funds, although sorely tempted by, the jingle ofeo many millions, gave the prop osition some little attention, but only to re .. • ject it. 'PERHAM'S GREAT GIFT ENTERPAIS.R.•-• Notwithstanding the thousand 'and one re ports to the contrary, this great enierprise,, we see, has been flourishing like a green bay tree. In the present issue we publish the proceedings of the Shareholders, in Mass Meeting, held on the 27th of July. They are of the most interesting character, and will repay a careful petual. Mr. Per ham's card also should clahrLahe attention of all, being lilwal-initre - extreme. and cart-, not fail to ensure the sale of the. remaining rfoliets in a very limited time. -.Send iniori , dem for tickets without delay. and , tl;us hasten the, desired consummation . of . the en terprise. .• • • MA URI KM In Nazareth, on Monday evening,- Sept. I Ith, by the Rev. Mr. Emmert, Mr. E. IL Rauch, Editor of the Lehigh• Valley Times, of Bethlehem, to Mrs. IL/aria 7. Clewell, daughter of C. D. Busse, Esq., of the for mer place. On the 17th of September, by the Rev. Jacob Vogelbach Mr. Jacob (;roman, to Miss _Nary She!ly, both of Bucks county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Earl Sc/well, to Miss Rosina Slaiger, both of Suucon. On the 12th of September, by the nev. Joshua Yager, Mr. henry Krasner, to Miss Caroline Rolls, both of Allentown. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Sam uel Dressler, to Miss Julian Huth, both of Northampton Co. On the 17th of Sept , by the same, Mr. Mom Schneider, to Miss iiiklaria Latibuch, both of Catusauqua. On the 10th of September, by the Rev. S. K. Brobst, Mr.- Jam Peter Miller, of Upkr Milford, Miss AS'aralt Erniline Risky, of Macungie. In Cornwall, Vermont, on the 11th of September,,by Rev. Mr. Kendall, Mr. Ro bert P. Sarney, of Ferrisburg, Vt., to Miss ,Sarali J. Samson, formerly of Allentown. DIED. • On Monday morning, in Allentown, of nervous fever, John Diefenderfer, aged 42 years. His relatives and friends are invited to att..nd the funeral on Thursday forenoon, at,lo o'clock. from his dwelling N 0.133 West Ilatnilton street. Rest sweet lather, in the gentle slumbers, Till the resurrection morn. Then arise to join the . numbers, Who its triumph shall adorn, Though thy presence was endearing. Though thy absence we deplore. At the Saviour's bright appearing. We shall meet to part on mure. On Tuesday morning, in Easton, Jacob Butz, sen., in the 69th year of his age. At' his residence in Allen township, on Tuesday, September Pith, after a short ill ness, oLcholeru, Mr. Daniel .1. Rice, aged 45 years. On Monday, the 11th of September, in Allen township, after a very short illness, Maj. Daniel Levan, aged about 60 years. Special Notice. • Having disposed of the "Lehigh Regis ter" printing establishment, and engaged in business that will require all the , means at my coMmand, I earnestly request all per sons indebted in my books for subscription, advertising, jobbing work, o otherwise, to make payment at an earl da ,as the books of the establishment oug t to be settled up without delay. There are a number of old accounts especially, which have been stand ing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps as the debtors, where liquidation would now be of material service. lam found as heretofore at the "Old Stand" next door to the German Reformed_ Church. Allentown, Sept. 27. To the Millinery Trade, John Slone & Sons, Importers and dealers in French Milli nery Goods, No. 45, South Second Street, Philadelphia, are now prepared to offer their customers and the trade, an unusually large ana well selected assortment of RIBBONS, • SATINS, VELVETS, FEATHERS, PLO WERS, LACES, .find every article appertai *ng—lo the Millinery trade. stock being of our eat' impor, tation, ofTers great advantages-- both in styles and prices. Philadelphia, Sep. 20. Rev. C. R. Kessler, A. M. Principal. This Institution will cothinedatiAtiii;l4th session on the Ist of NorerittrerneW.:''On the same day the dedication . of the , k new house _will take place ; •at !Whictr.occasion "Pioless9is . Porter, of Loped's - ter and M u h le n bufg:of Gettysburg; Will delivek 4t4dresses in English,, and some gentlemen from the neighborhood in German. 'We trust that a r large number of the friends of the Institu tion and Education in general will favour us with their presence. A considerable number of applicants for admission into the sell - Vol and bearding establishment, could not :W received during the past school year, be- Cause there was no room for them. This fact, us well as their own commendable zeal in the cause of Education, induced the pro prietors of the school property to accede to the Principal's wish of having the school , and boarding accommodations enlarged.— j 'Consequently a large additional building has been erected during the past summer, stand• ing between the Principal's residence and the late school house. connecting with both. And now we venture to say, that both the situation and accommodations of the Allen town Seminary are of such a superior order, that but few, if any, similar Institutions in the State surpass.it either in beauty of scen ery, or in comfort and convenience of the buildin g s, both for borders and day scholars. Of the iormer we can conveniently, accom modate lOU and of the latter more than that number. Pupils of all ages are received, are thor oughly instructed in all the branches of a solid English Education ; and, in the Latin, Greek, German arid Preach languages, Mu sic and Drawing. French, Instrumental Music and Drawing are the only branches, which must be paid extra. Young men and boys are prepared for advanced Classes in College, or for the various pursuits of practical life. • The health, morals and manners of the boarders will be carefully attended to ; and all the pupils, will be required to obey strict. ly the rules and regulations of the school. The Rev. J. S. Kessler, D. D., the fath er of the Principal, will take charge of the in struction in German; and such opportunities of acquiring a thorough knowledge of this useful and beautiful language will be fur nished to those pupils, who desire it, as they will rarely be met with in any similar In stitution nal• imparts - instruction in the Ancient Languages arid History ; and n il always have associated with cient number of competent teachers in all the branches, taught in the school. The Young Ladies' department has its ownseperate rooms, entrance, play ground and teachers. Besides all the branches re quisite to a grod 'English Education. Orna• mental Ladtes'-work is taught without extra charge. Suitable private boarding houses fur Young Ladies can generally be found in town. The Seminary has two sessions, each of five months. Terms: 41470 per session for Board, Tuition, Fuel, Light, Washing and Mending. Persons that wish to enter this school, either as boarders or day scholars, and such as desire further information, will please to apply as early as convenient to the Prin cipal. C. R. KESSLER, Principal. AllentQwn, Sept. 27. 11—tf aIINTD2 9 3 NMEOLII2O . ze e In the Orphans Court of Le. high County. -y; ( )0 ; , In the matter of the account Stephen BaWet, Acting ExecutOr of the Will and Testament of Stephen deceased. L. A. L. RUBE IME And now February 8, 1k454; Un motion of Mr. King. the Court appoint Nathan Miller, John F. Ruhe and Lewis Schmidt, Auditors to Audit and , resettle the same account and Make distribution according to law and make report to the next stated (4phi:ins pourt in clutiNg_all the evidence submitted before them From the Records. Teste—N. Metzger, Clerk. The Auditors appointed in the above or der: of Court will meet for their purpose, on Tuesday the 17th of qctolier next, at the house of Charles Ihrie, in the Borough of Al lentown, Lehigh County, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, where all those interested in the account will attend if they think proper. NATHAN MILLER, JOHN F.Runc; Auditors. LEWIS SOHMID'T, * 411entown, Sept. 20. T-3in prices turrent. wmwmippgrnmvelrimm Barrel 9 25' 9 50 9 Bush.' 2 J 0 2 00: 2 1 25, 1 25 1 9(Y, 50 1 501 our Wheat . • • • Rye Corn Oats . • • Buckwheat . • Flaxseed . . • Cloverseed . . s Salt Lard• Ham • . • Flitch . . Beeswax euoi Tallowsat v o , r t a h e , Tow-jrarn. . Eggs . . Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey; Linseed Oil. Hickory Wood Hay . Egg Coal . . . - Nut Coal . i Lump Coal . Plaster . . . _ 00' 50 I— i 1 50! 1 251 1 5 00! 5 00 5 2 60' 2 50 1 I 80 1 cio'• cd i 45 Pound ) 18' 18 111 10 • 12' 10 1 —.. 25! 22' 11! b 81 Do 2. l 10; 12 1 Gall. 33 ! 83 1 80, 30 , 00 601 Cord i 4 50 0 00, 8 A Ton 14 0Y,15 00 26 51 Ton 4 00 1 456 5 1 8 00 3 501 4 400 4 60. vv 4 50 0.00 1 2 60 entown Seminary. The undersigned lakesthis method to in tr.os - f iN form his frietid a • and f. )the public in general. that he has ereot. , d a 111110011:,...„ :4: , new and commodious building, designed for ouse, to be known under the 50 a Public 70 name of the 80 Anker Hotel. 30 It is located in Seventh Street, near the 30 "Fair Ground" in the Borough of Allen. 9 town, where .travellers and others, can be S accommodated with eatables and drinkabels 28 stabling, for horses orcattle, which may be 15 brought to the ' , Fair Ground." 8 rgr On Friday evening, the 13th of Oc -7 sober, at 7 o'clock, a German Ball will take lo place, in the, upper story of the building, 33 and in the lower story-a Cotillion party will 30 be held. The "German Band" of Easton, 85 is engaged for the "Ball" above, and Cot 10 lion music for the ball below, For good accommodations, all necessary 50 arrangements have been made, and "Old 00 I Philip" is just the man to do it. PHILIP KLEE. • Allentown, Sept. 27. 4-2 w . Leather and Shoe Findings 0 V 4) /II 1.0 s No. 34 East Hamilton Street, nearly opposite S'ager's Hardware Store. The undersigned have just opened at the ' above stand, in connection with the Tan Yard, recently carried on by their father,Ja cab Messer, with a complete assortment of ..LEATHER of every peseription, and Shoe Findings, which comprises all articles used by Shoemakers, such as C.aLP SKINS, 4110ROCCOS, UPPER LE.ITHL7I, LININGS, &c. A general assortment of IHemlock and Oak Sole Leather, constantly kept on hand. Also Harness, and all other Leathers for saddlers. Being both practical Tanners, we feel confident in warranting every article sold by. us as represented. We therefore hope by fair dealing and, low prices to merit a liber al share of patronage. W. IC. & J. K. MOSSER. Allentown, September 13. ill —3in • Union Cemetery., Notice is hereby given to all Lot holders of the Union Ceinetepf, m whose instalments ' remain unpaid, to pay up all arrearages at the Office of the Treasurer, WILLIAM S. YOUNG, on or before . the second day of Oct. next. Punctual payment is requested. Al so, that a public Sale will be held on the 30th day of of Sept. inst., at 1 o'clock P. M., at the Court house in Allentown, 79 LOTS will be offered for sale, among which are some of the choicest on the plot. • - . Jo SIN D LAWALL, PreAl dent. J. P.. NEWHARD, Secretary. Sept. 20. 11-2 w Y.,xecutor's N otice. • Notice is hereby given, that the undet signed is appointed Executor of the last will and testament of William R. Leh, de ceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh couu.ty,therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds. Book-debts or otherwise will make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also those who have any . legal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts will authenticated within said time. Sept. 6 Lehigh Transportation Line, The Proprietors would respectfully in ' form their friends and customers, that in con sequence of the continual advancing rates of labor, feed and provisions, they are compell c,l n , ..ire a small advance in the rates of upward freight, MIRA/ he charged •on all goods shipped at Philadelphia, on and af ter tha Ist inst. DRAKE, WILSON & Co. September 13. ¶-4w Adjourned Court, . An adjourned Orphans Court will be held on Monday •the 2d'iof October next, at the Court House, in the Borough of Allentown, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, wh4re all those will attend who have business to trans act. NiTIIAN METZGER, Clerk. Allentown, Sep. 20. ¶--2w- Executor is 'Notice. Atice is hereby given, that the under signed are appointed Executors of the last will and testament of John .''bright, sen., deceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh criunty, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Eook-debts or otherwise will make pay ment within six weeks from the date hereof. Also who htivo any legal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts well authenticated within said time. NATHAN DRESHER, Allentown. GEORGE REITER, do. PHILIP REITER, Berks.County. Sept. 20 y—Ow ntacoat. Notice sah e b y e given, that the under signed have taken out letters of 'Adminis tration in the estate of Thomas . Weiss, de ceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves indebted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds, book•debts or otherwise, will make settlement within six weeks from the date hereof. Also, all those who have any legal claims against said estate, will prdsent them to the undersigned well authenticated within the above specl4ed time. ELIZABETH WEISS,t A umstrs. • • REUBEN IVEtss, n august 117. 1117-6 w 7-4 w UMW' 1810U 1 217.4‘ Sign or the •Inker. JOSEF!' WEISS, Executor. 11--6 w Legislative Candidate, 7'o the Independent Voters of Lehigh and Carbon Counties. FELLOW CITIZENS! Induced by many of my friends, I offer mysens an Independent Volunteer Candidate for the Legislature. . J h ;VIES S. REESE. Allentown, September G. ll—te Volunteer Candidate. To the Free (Ind Independent Electors of Lehigh and carbon counties. F ELLOW CITIZENS.-At the solicitation of many friends, I hereby offer myself as an Independent Volunteer Candidate for the STATE LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing October election. Should you see proper to elect me to said office, I promise to discharge its duties with faithful ness and fidelity. OLIVER MUSSELMAN. Carbon county, Sep. 27. . ¶—te 7 , OllTi'M LITIVIIDAWL To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW Catzaris.—Encouraged by a large number of friends and acquaintances, I hereby offer myself as a Candidate for the office of PROTHONOTARY at the next election in Lehigh county.— Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma. jority at yoUr hands, I will promise to at tend to the duties with punctuality and fi delity. . THOMAS C. BREINIG. Upper Macungy, Sept. 20. 11—te Register Office. To the Free Electors Ollakh County. FELLOW CITIZENS.-1 hereby offer myself as a candidate fur the office of Regis ter, and respectfully solicit your suffrages. Should you elect me, I will attend to the du ties of the office with fidelity. SAM LIEL COLVER. Calasauqua, Sept. 13. S—te 1111111113 014311 L To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh county. FELLOW CITIZENS ! Encouraged by a large number of friends and acquaintances, hereby eller myself as a Candidate for the office of CLERIC OF THE COURTS at the next election in Lehigh county.— Should I be io fortunate as to receive a ma jority at your hands. I will promise to at tend to the duties with punctuality and fidelity. JAMES W. MICKLEY. Allentown, September 6. ¶-6w itecorocr of Meths. To the Free Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS ! — Encouraged by ma ny of my friends lam induced to offer my. self as a Candidate for the Recorders office, My friends will regard my past conduct as a sufficient guarantee, that if elected, I will discharge the duties of the office faith- fully. I would most respectfully solic , your encouragement and support. HARRISON MILLER Millerstown, August 23 CI • !ommissioners Office, To the Free Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW ClTlZENS.—Encouraged by ma-, ny of my friends, lam induced to offer my self-as a candidate for the office of County Commisioner, at the ensuing election.— Should Ibe so fortunate ac to receive a ma l jority of your votes, 1 will attend to the du ties of the office to the best of my abilities.' SAMUEL SIEGEII: North Whitehall, Sept.l3: ¶—te Direr or of Mc poor. To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW CI I IZENS !—Encouraged by numerous friends and acquaintances, I hereby offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of DIRECTOR OF, THE POOR at the ensuing election in Lehigh county.— Should' I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority at your hands, I will promise toat tend to the duties with punctuality and fidelity. Salisbury, Sept SOLOMQN KLINE. • ir—te ODIIII2II 41 1 1IDIFINI% To the Free and Independent Elector., of Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS !—Encouraged by many of my friends, I am induced to of fer myself as a candidate for the office of County ✓auditor at the ensuing election.— Shduld I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your votes, I will attend to the du ties of the office to the best of my abilities. • SAM UM, J. IcISTLER. Ileidelburg, Sept. 27, 11—te .4114#1264113 The Fall Tcrm of this 'invitation has opened un Mopday,September 4th, 1859. J. N. GREGORY; Principal. August 113. V—Sw Adjourned Court, Notice is hereby diver), that an adjourned Court of Poranton Plerus t Will be held in the Court House in the Borough of Allentown, on. Monday the 2d day of Optober next, at 10 o'clopli, A. M. F. E. SAMUELS; Prothongtitiy. Allentown, SuP..2th 9r-2w protlymotarn's To the Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW MI ZENS.—I hereby offin; myselfns a candidate for the office ofProthim wary of Lehigh County, (subject to a deci l . sinn of the County convention, and r espect. . fully solicit your suffinges.). ' " F. E; . aiimugLs. Allentown, August 22. tlegbter Office. To the Free Electors of 'Lehigh County:. FELLOW CITIZENS.---1 hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office of Regis ter. and respectfully solicit youi suffrages. (subject to the decision of the county con= Caution.) JOSHUA STAHLER. Allentown, August 23. 41r—tew elcrks Of • To the Free Electors Lehigh county. FELLOW CITIZENS.—I hereby•ofrer myself as a candidate for the Clerks office. and respectfully solicit your suffrages, (sub ject to the decision of the county conventimik. NATHAN METZGER. Allentown, Aug. 23. Butter, Eggs & Poultry l The undersigned will always have on hand a large supply of Butter, Eggs and, Poueltry at his house, in Walnut street i near the Reservoir in Allentown: • WILLIA4 131 THE. got September 27 !Ellntaga nowt]. In the Co id of Cominon Peas: of Lehigh' ' County. • t 44 , In the matter of the account ot A• .e; Stephen Ballet, late Tru'stee of - Ili ( Joseph Balliet, now deceased. 4 .4 1864,, And now, February 8, 18, 1 On motion of Mring the Court appoint Nathan Miller, JohnT'..--Ruhe and Lewis Schmidt, auditors, "El audit and ma settle the said account. September S. 185 . 4. The order to undid tors in the above case extended until next term. From the Records. Teste—R E. Samuels. Preijr. The Anditors abuse- named will meet foe' the purpose of their appointment, on Tuna , day the 17tti of October nest, at the house "of Charles Ihrie, in the Borough of Allen- , town, Lehigh county, at I 0 o'clock in the forenoon, where all persons interested mar attend if they see proper. NATHAN MILLER, JOHN P. Runs, • Auditors. LE WIS SCHMIDT, Allentown, Sep. 20. wriatkaa • Notice is hereby given, that the Intbseri4 ber have taken out letters of Administratfoili in the estate of Peter Kneppley. Esq., late of Upper Saucon township, Lehigh county; therefore all those who know themselves to . be indebted to said. estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Bookde.bts, or otherwise, will make payment of the same within six weeks from the date hereof. And such, who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them for settlement. well authenticated to either of the undersigned Within the above specified time. • JOSEPH WITMAN, CHAILI,ES WITMAN,i Adnestra. A ugusi, 24. 11---Bwt Administrators, Notice. Notice ie hereby given, that the subscriA hers have taken out letters of Administration in the estate of George Weber. late of South Whitehall township Lehigh county, Therefore all those know themselves to be indebted tosaid estate, be it in Notes. Bonds Bookdebts, or otherwise; will make pay ment bf the same within six Weeks from the date.hereof. Ancfsnch, who hive any le.. gal claims against said estate, will present them for settlement well atwhenticated to tiraethe undeteigneLDithili the above specified , • HENRY WEBER ADAM WEBER, , Adm,ars. Aug. H.' 4—tae . . am inistr atm. s Notice is hereby given, that the subleri, hers have, taken out letters of administra s tion of the estate of William Stahr, late of Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, therefore all those who know themselves irk, debted to said estate, be it in Notes, Boadi, Book-debts kr otherwise, will make pay s ment . within six weeks from the date tiers. : of. Also, those who have any legal claim; against said quite, Will present them tathe undersigned woll authenticated within 'kg above specified time. GEORGE BidiEgo GEORGE B. STAX!fto August 9, 1851. 7-11, C. N.Rgnk, &Btorney at Law ! Office on 7th street, three doom North of e Public Square, Allentown, P. • AUgust 23. 1854. I-3m 14) at al tei f_Cp The subscribe . r has just oiteoed a 'Neve Flour, Feed, Grain and Grocery Store, to North Eighth Street t a few doors below Hagenbuch's Tavern, where the nbota'ar r ticks can always be had in full supply, G. H. REBER. • 411encewn, August 1 - 1951. ‘4IT-2 GOAL I 004124 I Thu undersigned have opened Pool Yard in Catassuque. and will donelanily keep on hand all kinds of Coal wit*tbey will nell at greatly reduced prices. GEi'Z & GILBERT. September 19. • ;3 CS ii-Oit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers