Triumph of a Travelling Mesmerist. The author of "Sam Slick" observes, in she course of a work he has just published, that the trials to which travelling Mesmer- Isis are put in America are at times humi liating and painful enough, albeit they af ford infinite sport to the unbelievers: One poor fellow, on arriving at a town near De troit to lecture, was surrounded by several icitizens, who told him there was a rheuma tic patient up stairs who must be cured, or he himself would be escorted out of town astride of a rail; with the accompanying ceremonies. We had better give the rest of the story as it was related by the disciple of Mesmer himself. Up stairs!' went •with 'em, mad as then tell you; first at being thought a hum bug, and next that my individual share of the American Eagle should be compelled into a measure, by thunder. I'd gin them .' fight, if they hadn't beer. for the science, which would have suffered any how ; so I 'jest said to myself, let'm bring on their :Theumatiz ! I felt as if I could have mes xe.erized a horse, and I determined, what ever the case might be, rd make it squeal by thunder ! . 'Here he is,' said they, and in we all bundled into a room, gathering round a bed with me shut in among 'em, and the cus sed big unenlightened heathen that did the talking drawing out an almighty bowie knife 'at the same time. , That's your man,' said he. Well, there lay a miserable looking 'critter, with his eyes sot and mouth open, and his jaws got wider and wider as he saw the crowd and the bowie-knife. I ti II you ! *That's the idea,' said the old Big ingin. ' , Raise up in that bed,' said I, and I tell you what, I must a looked at him dreadful, for up he jumped on an end, as if he'd jest got a streak of galvanic. 'Git out on this floor,' said I, with a wuss look, and I wish I may be shot if out he didn't come, lookin' wild, I tell ye . ! 'Now, cut dirt, d rot you !' screamed I, and Jehu Gineral Jackson ! if he didn't make straight for the door. may I never make an other pass. After him I went, and after me they cum, and perhaps there wasn't the or fullest stampede down three pair of stairs that ever occurred in Michigan ! Down cut old rheumatiz through the bar-room ; out I cut after him ; over went the stove in the rush after both of us. I chased hives round two squares in the snow ; then headed him off, and chased him back to the hotel agin, where he landed in a fine sweat, begged for his life, and said he'd give up the property ! Well, I wish I may be shot if he wasn't a feller that they were offerin' a reward for in .Bufiiilo ! I made him dress himself, cur ed his rheumatiz, rtinit-right out of him delivered him up, pocketed the'reward, and established the science, by thunder ! Death of Pizarro. Three hundred and thirty years ago, Piz arro was murdered in his own house. A writer in Blackwood thus notices the event : •They that shall take the sword shall perish by the sword.' By the sword he had risen ; by the sword he was to perish ; not on some well fought battle-field, with shouts of victo ry ringing in his ear ; tobtt in his palace-hall, by the as s assin's blade. In his own fair capitol of Lima,,the city of Kings,•the gem of the Pacific which had sprung up, under his own auspices, with incredible rapidity, for Pazarro seemed to impart his vest en ergy to all about him, a scdre of conspira tors, assembled at the house of Amalgre's .son, plotted his death. It was on a Sunday in June, 1541, at the hour of d inner r, that .they burst into his department, with cries of 'Death to the tyrant.' A number of visitors were with him, but they were imperfectly armed, and deserted him, escaping by the windows and his half, brother, Martinez do Alcantora, two pages and as many cavaliers, were all who stood for Ward in defence of their ch ief. They .soon fell, overpowered by numbers and cov ered with wounds. But Pizarro was not .the man to meekly meet his death. Alone, without armor, his cloak *wound one arm, his good sword in his right hand with n vig or and intrepidity surprising at his advanc ed age, the old hero kept his cowardly as sailants at bay. 'What, ho !' he cried, 'traitors -1 . have you come to kill tne in my own house ?' And, as he spoke, two of his enemies fell beneath his blows. Rada, the chief of the conspira tors, impatient of the delay, called out, 'Why are we so long about it ? Down with the tyrant !,' and taking one of his companions in his arms, he thrust him against the Mar quis. Pizarro instantly grapping with his opponent, he ran him through with his. sword. But, at that moment, he received a wound in the throat, and.bleeing, sunk on the floor, when the swords of Rada and sev eral others weke plunged into his body.— 'Jean t' excltNimed the dying man ; and trac ing a cross with his bloody fingers on the floor, he beat his head to lciss it when a stroke, more friendly than the rest, put an end to his existence. Livery Stable. The subscriber informs the public that he has pur chased the entire stock of Horses, Carriages, s-c., comprising the Livery Stable of William R. Leh, in the borough of Allentown. He has added a number of beautiful New Carriages to his, stock, as well as increased the number of Horses. He is therefore prepared to fur nish all who may favor Min with a call with GOOD and SAFE HORSES, and Vehi des of every desoription, from a first class eight-horse Omnibus to a Sulky of single horse. By. strict attention to business, and a de sire to , please s he hopes to. merit a liberal share of patronage. Charges moderate. la" Large parties will be furnished with conveyances; with or without drivers, on the moat reasonable terns. rir,Give him a call, at tho old stand of Charles Seagreaves, first stable in Church Alley, north of Hamilton street. • PETER HELLER: Allentown, August 2, Mt 11,--6m MA URIED. On Sunday, the 6th of August, by the Rev. Mr. Schmucker, Mr—lacob Tice, to Miss Levina Billiard, both of Bethlehem. On the 2bth of Julw, by the Rev. Mr. Krierr, Mr. Charles H. Hainse, of Lower Macungy, to Miss Julianna Blechman, of Catasauqua. On the 30th of July, by the Roe. W. A. Helfrich, Mr. Daniel lrerly, to Miss Fian na Hartman, both of Lowhill. • On the 23d of July, by the Rev. Joseph Dubs, Mr. Solomon Winer. of South Whitehall, to Miss Carolina .h'enstermach er, of Lotvhill. On the same day,' by the same, Mr. Charles Frantz, to Miss Mary Reit, both of North Whitehall. On the 12th of August, by the same. Mr. Isaac George, of South Whitehall, to Miss ./Ingetine Werth, of Washington.. On the 6th of August, by the same, Mr. Charles Eirshner, of Kutztown, to Miss Julianna Weida, of.Maxatawny. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Lew is Latex, of Easton, to Miss Eliza llart man, of South Whitehall. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jo seph Goetz, to Miss Catharine Miller, of South Whitehall. On the 12th of August, by the same, Mr. William .4. Mint. of Upper Motint Bethel, to Miss Caroline Hausman, of Washington. On the 13th of August, by the same, Mr. Samuel 'Wye's, to Miss Mary Guth, both of Upper Macungy. On the 13th of August, by the Rev. Josh ua Yeager, Mr. Benjamin Wetzel, to Miss Elizabeth Snyder, both of Upper Milford. On the same day, by the same, Mr. H. Jordon, of Emaus, to Miss•Henri etla Reichard, of Upper Saucon. • On the came day, by the same. Mr. Mil- Ziegenjuse, to Miss Eliza H. .Nunne machcr, both of Upper Saucon. DIED. On Sunday, the 13th of August, in Al lentown of consumption, William B. Leh, aged 27 years. On the 3d of August, of diarrhea, in Al lentown, Stephen Bernhard, aged 2 years and 10 months. On the 2d of August, in Allentown, Mary, wife of Thomas•Newhard, aged 46 years. On the 7th of August, in Allentown Ifil limn C., son of Peter and Henrietta Mohr, aged 6 years. Qn the 26th of July, in Lynntown, Ma thias, son of Jacob and Leah Brobst, aged 9 months. On the 4th of August, in Emans, dough ter of Thomas Romig, aged 7 months. On the 27th of July, in the State °flown. James Smiley, formerly of Allentown, aged 47 years. On the 2d of August, in Salisbury, John Schwenk, aged 58 years. On the 12th of August, in Salisbury; of fever, Clarissa Catharine Spinner, aged 16 yens, 5 months amt , 3 days: On the 10th of,August, in Allentown, Collie(, &veilzer, aged 98 years. Ott the I Ith of August, in Salisbury, Catharine Rebecca, daughter of David and Maria Kahm, aged I I months. On the 11th, in Ernausaames Franklin, son of Charles and Leah Ham man, aged 5 months. On the Ist of August, in Lower Milford, son of Anthony and Elizabeth Yalcel, aged 7 years. On the 23d of July, in Heidelburg, Dan iel Snyder, aged 5S years. On the same day, in Heide!burg, ffil loughby Smandes, son:of Daniel and Ly dia Rader,aged 2 years. On the same day, in Maxatawny, bah, wife of Daniel Levan, aged years. On Sunda - it last, the 13th of August, in Allentown, of old age, .NiehalaB Rtnnnel, aged 87 years. On the 29th of July, in Salisbury, of di arrhea, Susanna, wife of George Steinber ger,,aged 01 years. On'the 11th of Augustin Hanover, Uri oh D. Miller, aged 2 years. On the 9th of August, in . Hanover, •Tril son Benjamin Hoch, aged '9 months. On the 10th of August in Upper Saucon, Sdeline Jane Merkel, aged 3 years. House and Lot of Ground AT PRiIiVATE SALE. The subscriber offers to dispose"of a very Valuable House and Lot of Ground, at pri vate sale, situated in the thriving Borough of Catasauqua, Lehigh County. The Lot fronts Cinder street, and adjoins lots of Jesse Knauss, and the ..Crane Iron Works," containing in front 29 feet and in depth 200 feet. The improvements thereon • consist of a splendid It- New Two Story Frame . Dwelling. House, with attached kitchen. The house is 29 feet front and 34 deep, with good garden. Persons wishing to purchase property in that: thriving Borough, will do well to make immediate application, as he will sell upon reasonable terms, intending to Leave for the West, Further information as to terms, &c., can be had .by applying to AlosEs E. AL BRIGHT, in Catasauqua, or to the owner, re siding near Breinigsville, Lehigh county. JOHN ALBRIGHT. August 16.11—tf • , Pamphlet Laws. • The Pamphlet Laws passed at the last session of the Legislature have been receiv-. ed at the Prothonatary's office, in Allentown and are ready for delivery to those entitled to • them. F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office. Allentown, SepteMber 14.. t-6m Democratic Whig County Ake The Democratic Whigs of Lehigh coun ty, favorable to the election of James Pol lock, as Governor of Pennsylvania. Such who are opposed to the Nebraska proceed ings in Congress. Such who are favorable to the sale of the Public Works, and such who are in favor of a more economical State administration, and are willing to sacrifice party preferences and return to principles for the benefit of a general community, will attend a County Meeting on Salurday•llie 19111 of .lugust, at the Public House of Jesse Miller, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, to transact such business as will advance the interest of the Whig party. It is hoped that all those who have the interest of their State at heart will be in attendance Allentown, August 9 A ilministators otice. Notice is hereby given, that the have, taken out letters of administra ion of the estate of William Stater, late- of r pper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, therefore all those who know themselves in debted to said estate, bo it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise, will makc pay ment within six weeks from the date here of. Also, those who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them to the undersigned well authenticated within the above specified time. GEORGE. BLANK, Executors. GEORGE S. STARR, August 9, 1b54 - - 13 Teachers Wanted, 4 Males and 9 Female Teachers are wan-. ted in the Allentown School District. Ap plications will be received until the 15th of August 1854, when the County Superinten dent will be in attendance to examine the applicants. Examination to commence at 9 o'clock A. M. The schools will commence on the Ist of September and continue for 7 months JONATAIIAN REICHARD, rrest. Allentown, July 19. ¶-4w • A Boy Wanted. The subscriber wishes to engage a boy not less than 15 years old, to take care of a horse, cows, run errands, &c., for which a proper compensation will be given. Recom mendations will be required. Apply at the Allentown Seminary. C. R. KESSLER. Allentown, July 26. .Administrators Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken but letters of Adminis tration in the estate of Thomas Weias, de ceased, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves indebted to said estate, be it in notes, bonds, book-debts or otherwise, will make settlement within six weeks from the date hereof. Also, all those who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them to the undersigned well authenticated within the above specified time. ELIZABETII WEISS, REUBEN WEISS, Adm'strs Allentowji, August 9, 1654. 11-6 w .JURY• LIST, For September Term, 185,1; GRAND JURORS John Scheirer, North Whitehall. David Bleiler, Lynn. .Samuel Lewis, South ,Whitehall, Charles L. Mohr, Upper Saucon. Tilghman Brattier, Allentown. John Leith, Upper Simeon. Solomon Kline, Salisbury. David H. Washburn, Allentown. George Blank, Upper Saucon. • Paul Icnnuss, Allentown. Owen Faust, Upper Macting,ie. Charles 'Frozen, South Whitehall. David Berner, Weisentiurg. John S. Kistler, Lynn. Augustus F. Halbach, Upper Saucon. Charles Keck, (Tailor) Allentown. Jesse Smith, Upper Macungie. John Scherer, South Whitehall. Jacob Geisinger, Salisbury. Emanuel 'Frazier, South Whitehall. Daniel Buchecker, Uppei Saucon. James W. Fuller, Catasauqua. Jacob Ritter, - Salisbuiy. Henry Ritter, do. . PETIT JURORS. Henry Long, sen., Lynn. Jacob Fisher, Upper Maculnie. Solomon Apple, Weisenburg. Reuben Scheirer, North Whitehall. Henry Lorash, South Whitehall. George Lucas, Allentown. John Weitknecht, Upper Macungie. Owen Knerr, Lowhill. Michael Shafer, Upper Saucon. Gideon Marlis, South Whitehall: Daniel Baumer, Allentown. Frederick Sigmund, Upper Milford. Isaac McHose, jr., Hanover. William Stein, Weisenbdrg.• Francis Schwartz, Upper Milford. William Kistler, Lynn. John Peter, (of Henry,) Heidelberg. • James Troxell, South Whitehall. Henry Ortt, Lower Milford. Solomon Bieber. Salisbury. John Romig, North Whitehall. Reuben Schadt, South Whitehall. John Leiser, Weisenburg. David Knerr, Lowhill: Jacob Herder, Heidelberg. Edwin Kline. Salisbury. Wm. H. Blumer, Allentown. Josiah Kneedler, Upper Milford. TobiaS Sterner, Hanover, Enos Weiss, Allentown. Jacob Shaffer, Upper Macungie. Peter Troxell, South Whitehall. Henry Reinhard, Lower Macungie. Joseph Hartman, Allentown. Jonathan Diefenderfer, Lower Macungie. Owen . Schniiider, Heidelberg. prices current. ARTICLES. I Per I Anent .Easlots I Flour . ." . . • Wheat . . . • Rye Corn . . . • Oats . • • Buckwheat . • Flaxseed . ~ • Cloversccd . • 1 imothybeed • Potatoes . . • Salt Butter . . . . Lard Tallow . . . . Beeswax Ham . . Flitch Tow-yarn . . Eggs . Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . 11.-.2w Hickory Wood s Finy . . Egg Coal . . . Nut Coal . . Lump Coal Plaster itworTED E - 1,?;X1.t SellioolTeaaicrs. Notice is hereby given, that Eight School Teachers are wanted for Heidelbur g School District. Schools to commence on tle 13th day of November next, and to continue for four months. The pay will be 21 cents for each child per day. Applications will be received until the 26th day of August, on which day the County Superinteridant will be.present at the house of David Ross, in Germansville, in said township of Heide!. bu ry to examine teachers, to commence pre cisely at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. MARTIN HANDIVERK, Secretary. August 9. 11 -6w VAxcnitov's lV otice. Notic - e is hereby given, that the under signed are appointed Executors of the last will and testament of Daniel Peter, deceas ed, late of Ileidelburg township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know them selves to be indebte d to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds. Boon-debts or otherwise will make payment within six weeks' from the date hereof. Also those who have any le gal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts will authenticated within said • • FIENRY GEYER, JONAS PETER, Executors. JONAS KRUM, SOLOMON KLINE, August 9, 1854. ¶-6w __— Cow and Steer Estrayed, Estrayed from the under . "c" . t4/1:iI signed, on Monday night, out ow"' ,/ c , of thepasture fields of Joshua Miller, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, a dry Cow, spot ted, wbito and yellow, she •had a rope tide around her two fore feet, the'Steer is also of a yellow color, between three and four years old. Whoever takes up said Cow and Steer, shall be liberally paid for his trouble, if immediate information be given to either Charles Kramer & Sons, at Allen town, or to the undersigned near the upper Bridge, opposite Catasauqun. August, 16 • Chance to go *into Business. The subscriber Pro 1. prietor 'of the "Engle *l-'.OX I- &; • Hotel," North %Vest Tomer of Hamilton and ,•.1" Seventh Streets, in the psi s^. '' Borough of Allentown , v-t intend. nk,this place to eminence business in Philadelphia, offers to sell out his entire stock of . Hotel Furniture, upon reasonable terms. The stand is one of tho best and most convenient in the Bor ough, capable of entertaining more strang ers than any other house in town. .Posses sion if required can he given immediately.. JAMES W. ESEIBACH. Allentown, August 2, 1854. ¶ —Ow Dissolution of Partnership. Notice•is hereby given, that the Partner. ship heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm of Mich/ty 4 Jones, in the Mill and Foundery business, has been dissolved on the 22d of July 1834, by mutual consent. The listsiness as heretofore will be continued at the old es tablishments in the Village of Fogelsville, Upper Macungy township Lehigh county, by E. Mickley iS• Brothers, upon a very extensive scale, and more so then ever.— They will be pleased for a continuation of cus tom from those who have already favored them in their line, to whom they will feel under many obligations. E. MicaLEv 13noTnEns. Fogelsvilla, August 2, 1859. —6 w Two School Teachers.. TA competent Teachers. can find em ployment in Lehigh Ward Schoof District, Borough of Allentown, Applications will be taken up to August 15th 1854, on which dt6 , the County Superintendent will be pres ent to examine the applicants, precisely at fl o'clock in the forenoon. The Schools to commence on the Ist of October next. DAVID MENINGER, Secretary. Allentown, August 2, 1854. 11-3vr August 2, 1824. ' 7-4 w EllEa Barrel, 0 25 1 Bush.l 2 00' 1 00 —1 75 1 40. • ! 60 37 I ._4 00 250 9 50 2 00 1 00, 72 50 64 Pound; 10 10 I 10 1 221 =I - 12 8 Doz. 14. Gall. 3:3; i 30 60. Cord j 4 5d Ton 14 00 1 Ton 4 00: . 3 00, 4 00 1 i 450 1 20 ; 33 ' :30 1 85 8 00 25 50 5 50 4 no 1500 2 60 CON McGOWEN. 11-3tv EDWARD NIKELEY, DAVID G. JONES, PROCIAMATION. WEIEREAS, the Hon. Washington Mc- Cartney, President of the several Courts of common pleas of the Third Judicial District, composed of the counties of Northampton and Lehigh, State of Pennsylvania. and Justice, of the several Cowls of Oyer and Terminer and general Jail deliver•, and Peter Haas, and Jacob Dillinger, Esqrs., Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and.gencrally Jail delivery, for the trial of all capital of fenders in the said county of Lehigh. By their precepts to me directed have ordered the court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen, cral Jail Delivery, to be holden at Allentown county of Lehigh, on the First Monthly in September, 1851, which is the 4th .day of said month, and will continue one week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of Lehigh, that they are by the said precepts commanded to be there at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other rememberences, to do these things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those.who are bound by recognizan ses to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail oh said coun ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there, to prosecute them as shalll2e just. Given under my !mann Allentown, the 9th day of August, in the year of our I,ord, one thousand eight hundred an ‘ d fifty four. God save Cie Conononwealt NATHAN WEILER, Sh Sheriff's Office Allentown, August 9, 1651. v 4 co Q 0 c, Notice is hereby given, that application' will be made at the next meeting I the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, to pass an act for the Incorporating of a Bank of discount and deposit, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown in the. County of Lehigh, to be the name, style and title of ‘The Allentown Bank,' with n Capital stock of ONS: HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, with have to increase said Capital to Two DUNDRLD THOUSAND DOL LARS, if necessary. G. Bellinger, J. F. Rehr. T. B. Joseph Weiss, • .dmos Ettinger, C. Lichtenutalner, Owen .S'aeger. T. B.'llcidner, .1. F. Newhard, Charles Keck, W.I. Royer, Christian Fretz, C. S. Massey; W. S. Young, Allentown, June 2S. LOOK HERE! The undersigned hus just received a nice assortment of Fausu Fnumsuch us Lemons, Oranges, Raisins ; also canvassed Hams. smoked Beef, CheesC, Tomato Catsup, bott led Lobsters, Anchovies, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Cranberries, pealed Figs, Almonds, IVa In uts, G rontlnuts, &c„ &c. The above articles will be sold cheap lor cash. CHARLES EL RUHR. Allentown, August 19. 4;-4w TRIM, - LIST. September Term, - 11S51. 1. Pretz, Kern & Co., vs. Boas, King & Pretz 2. Abraham Frantz, vs.. Solomon Boyer. 3, Joseph Gart,;7yere, vs. ainiel Bastian. 4. Frunia Gingkinger, vs. Burger & Ritter. • 5. J. H. & W. 1-1. Bernd, vs Abraham Warman &wife. 6. Stephen & Kalim, vs. Benjamin Jarret, 7. Peter R. Weber, vs. Joshua Fry. S. Jonathan Kunkel, vs. Jacob jr. 9. William Sinily.ts. Henry Tager. 10. Nloses Wieand, vs. John Hagen. ' Allentown. August 9. 11-1 w PROSPECTUS OF TIIE 1 - 0 a V. 114 all) la 4 glace none but shnericam on Guard.'— WASHINOTON This large weeyy, which is now being published in Baltimore every Saturday,ed vocates the following. PLATFORM OF PRINCIPLES Ad extention of the term of residence re quired lor the naturalization of foreigners to uL least twenty•one years. The passage of laws to prevent the im migration of foreign papers from becoming a burden upon our people, and to put a stop to the introduction of foreign convicts into this Country. Opposition to the attainment of poiitettl power by the Church of Ruwc, .or by any other Church. The passage of such laws ns will cause those institutions of the Roman Church, which are adverse to the spirit of our Gov ernment, to become amenable to the super vision and authority of our civil jurisdic- non. And, to sum up all in a few words ; our great end and nirn is to place the Govern ment of .9merica tr . THE HANES OF ; TRUE ADI ERICANS. One Copy, 8 months, $l.OO One f• one year, 1.50 Fire Copies, 7.00 T en ' 61 13.00 Twentya , 20.00 And an extra copy to the getter-up of either of the above clubs. No paper will be sent until paid for. Address post paid. JAMES 1 - IUNGERIORD, Publisher. Office, W. S. Croailey's BOA-Store. No. 140, BaltiMore st., East of Calvort Baltimore, Md. cm - Any paper giving the above one or two insertions, will be entitled to an ex- . chang. Baltimore, Aug. 2, 1854. ¶-4w AINIBIDIYI I I i 11111112270 Tho Fall Term of -this Institution will open un Alonday, September 4th, 1859. J. N. GREUORY, August 1(5. Ij--31Ar Garden Truck. The undersigned takes this method to in; form the citizens of Allentown, and vicinity. that he has rented the "Truck Island" in Allentown, formerly occupied by Mr. James Stniley, where he has raised the present sea son, and now offers for sale all kinds of • Garden and Field Vegetableg, such as Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, UR ions, Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and every other hind that comes into season. His prices nre 'liberal and his truck al-. ways fresh. His stand is in Seventh Street, near the Public Square, in front of Mrs. Bons' house, where he Will be happy to ac commodate his customers with all that is nice and fresh in the Vegetable line. He thinks that by punctual attendance to business, he will merit a liberal share of public patronage JONN M. METZGER. Allentown, August 2, 1934. 11-2 m AIDTHY3 1103111 . 1 Lt the Orphans Court of Lehigh County. In the matter of the account of 7 . z,)1,14!','.., dham Blinner, Administra -44*. for of Edward Smith, dec'd. And now. May S. ISM, the court appoint Elisha Forrest, Esq., to audit, resettle and make distribution ac cordinff to law and make report to the next stated Orphans Court, including all the evi • oCC submitted before him. From the Records Te4le—N. Nlttzger, Clerk The Auditor above named, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, iri the Borough of Allentown, on Saturday Au gust ID, 1654, at 10 o'clock A. M., where all petsons interested are requested to attend. mk, ELISN A. FORREST, Auditor Allentown,july 26. 11-4* iiliDl l ll) . .e3 In Mc Orphans Court of Lehig4 County. In. the matter of the account Zol.u. of Charles V. Wieand.ndminis -4,740 trator of Daniel K. Urffer, decd And now, May 18, 1854. the Court appoint Reuben Stabler, Samtiel Stauffer and David Gehman, audi tors, to audit and resettle tho same account and make distribution according to law, and make report to :the next stated Orphans Court including all the evidence submitted before hint. From flu. Records. Tesic—N. Metzger, C!erk The Auditoria appointed in the above or der of Court will meet for their purpose, on tie 2iith dny of A uoust 1854, at the htuse of Solomon L. Holder, ultere all those in terested in the account will attend if they think proper. August 2, ISSI Prothonotary's Notice, Notice is hereby given, that the account of David Gehman and Mathias Schultz, trus tees of Jonathan Kriebel, have filed their fourth account in the Prothonotary's office of Lehigh county, and that the same will be presented to the court for confimation, on Nlonday the 4th day of September next,. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, unless objections be Made thereto F. E. SANITJELS, Prothonotary. Allentown, August 9. ¶-4w Eight School Teachers 1111.1.1° T E D. The Directors of Hanover School Dis trict wish to engage eight competent Teach ers to fill the respective stations, to whom a liberal salary will be given. The examina tion by'the County Superintendant will take • place on Saturday the 2d of September• next; nt the Public House of Charles Rit ter. precisely nt 9 o'clock in the forenoon. By Order of ' JOSEPH LICHTENWALNUR, President. August 2, 1851. 11-6 w Quacvalcb The undersigned give notice, agreeably to the Laws of Pennsylvania, that they Or pose making application at the next tertn the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the in corporation of a Bank ;'to be located in the - Borough of Catasaugna, and County of Le-• high, under the name, style and title of t.he Bank of Catastiliqua, to have general banking and discounting privileees. The capital to be Two HUN ' }MED THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the right of , increasing it to 'THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ; and to commence operations when. the said sum of Two Ilunilred . Thousand Dollars shall have been paid in. • Joseph Laubach, W. WeMoven. .dug. H. Gilbert, Charles Graffiti, William Gctz, Chas. G. &dandier, Isaac E. Chandler, S. H. Lacier, B. F. Straw!, Levi Haas, Charles ll'off, • Owen Rice. Isaias Rehrig, J. Fuller, Joseph Lazaru3, •F. B. Martin, • Charles Seigly, Joshua Ifunt,jr., Thomas Frederick, John Thomas; Vriah &wirier, John Williams. Reuben Patterson, Siimuel Co!yen, • June !IS, 1854. -11—ant . The subscriber has just opened 'a Ne 4": Flour, Feed, Grain and Grocery,. Store; irk. North Eighth Street, a few doors, below Flagenbtich's Tavern, where the above ar tides can always be had in full supply. _ _ • G. H. REFER. Allentown, Mgt!Et 2, NM- ¶-2u3 ¶ -4w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers