_ • / • • 41-,rt.•1 11 /It. _ _ _ ' - - _ _ - - tn• l • - • 1 . .'- 4 011 0 [ 4 1 • a, -4:,e ;I* . 'l.:t f t - ,a. Sippe t.• • t;' -z • _ i•••• • •i; • .._•. a - - 77!•,4 _ ;Jlw _ - • - • • viooto to ipotitifo, mkt-mire, Portn), 2griculturc, the Miffnion of ti : oeful „Information, enieralliatellignicr,'Anittscmcat-,:qlaviatri, &c. tr,OLITME VIII. THE LEHIGH REGISTER .4 published in Use Borough of Allentown, Lehigh " County, Pa., every II abirsday, by ;L. IC E, A $l5O per annum; payable in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paperdiscontinued, until all arrearages arc paid except at the amain of the proprietor. to- Office in Hamilton Su - coolie (Ivor East of the German Reformed Church, neatly opposite the "Freidenshote" Office. pcmisnluania 4Elotl)ing Breinig, IC(ligh and Brcinig, &S'outh Easrcorner coil &vent h Strecl,.llllentown Inform their friends and the public in gen eral, that they have entered into Partner ship in th© 'Merchant Tailoring Business, X 3 lately followed by Neligh era - runt fireinig, and intend to .. ~,14. continue the same more ex it 4 :Cr 2 tensive than ever. They 'r" therefore adopt this measure " • '•-- i 4 .: :': . A4 : . ^ s l:i i.g i re:, to i d itfu i rin their old . customers, ( 1 a tt n sat they will rs at ol I t l l e te " ir or n w e s w 1 7 . .. establishment.. I:resent the Jewcst and rashionab!e Goods, ever brourtht to this place, and !myth!, pur chased in Philadelphiaand New Yolk For Cash, it enables them to sell lo‘‘ el' than any Other establishment of the kind in Allentown. They have selected their Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none liut the latest styles ill the market. Theikstock• of Goods among other articles, consist of Cloths of all colors and prices, of Wrench and American manufacturers; Vesiiurrs, Silk Velvets. Satins, Silks, Wors ttird and other descriptions,figu red and plain, Shirts and Shirt-collars, Stocks. Cravate, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Suspenders, &c., be sides irony other articles bunion. in their tino•of business, and all will be sold at the lows prices. 'rht ir stock of lavae,snuide Clothing, comprises every thing, in the clothing from an over-coat down to an undor-siiirt, made op aftor th • latest and most fashiona ble styles, .Tiiere stock being so extensive, that none will leave it, unless fitted 11 . uni time "bottom to the top" Vas:ollin. Work, will be done op as usual, and for their work they are willing to he held responsible, two of the Orin being practical workmen in the "art of cutting," and all the work is made up under their own supervision. rirThey would also particularly Morin country Merchants, that they are now pre pared to sell at Wholesale and ltihtatl , hav ilia the largest Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing on hand ever ()tiered in Allentown, and will he sold at reduced prices. Thankful for past favors they trust that attention to business, "small profits anti quick sales" will he the means of bringing iiew customers to their establishatent. J. Isn.te 1.31113.xi0, Jolts NELlcii, Jons L. BaLisio. 41Ientown, S.cfn. 7' 4DIITIATII,? 8111,D1.1.21, (LATE TAYLOWS HOTEL) S Courf land tiArcel, NEW YORK. • - T. ri The ndersi“med respectfdly announces c'4 to his friends and to the lic;l74l'.lr Traveling and business gitiimou _ publicgenerally that he " has leased the above building, and fitted up and finished it as a WEIGHING LESS TIII}N 2a- OUNCES . . Fe;• the Cure of hernia or Rupture. Acknowledged oy the highest medical au thorities of Philadelphia, .incomparably su perior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy. but as durable a Truss as any other, in nen of the cumbrous and 'imams lortabkartielc usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position with out change. • Persons at a distance tumble to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting Fire Dollars for the double,.-with measure round the hipS, and TO THE LATE AND NEAR TRADE, stating side tillocted. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it at once, Morris L. Si, Co. ) unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer. CALEn 11. NEEDLES, 147 Market Street, l'hiladelahiu, Car. Twelfth & Race Si. Phil- Ask the attention of buyers to their very 1 - 7" Ladies, requiring the benefit of Me. large and attractive stock of SILK AND Monica, Supports, owing to derangement FANCY GOODS, which will be sold at of the Internal Organs, including Falling of Greatly Reduced Prides, for the remainder the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, of the season, to cash rind six months' I Nervous and Spinal %Veal:Tic:is, are inform dealers. led that a competent and experienced LADY '' TERM:S.—Six months' credit or six per will be in attendance at the Ilooms,(se( oinirt cent. discount for cash. !Jur their exclusive rise,) Ne.. 114, TWELFTH 'Prices for Goods Mi . :id:ll.4y uniform. ISt., Ist door below Race. April 28. T-4w. . June 25, 1854 FIRST CLASS noTEL. Visitors'io the city, and all others requi ring superior accommodations, are solicited to call, assured thatno pnins or expense will be spared to render their stay cutnfortaLle and pleasant. J. S.'ST.EI3I3INS, Proprietor. ' lar Having engaged Major ELI STEE:EEL, late of the "Eagle Hotel." in Allentown, who enjoys a large circle of friends and acquain tances, in Eastern Pennsylvania - ; persons therefore who visit New York from :his sec tion of country, ‘vill find t.Courtland Stryet Motel," a true Pennsylvani a How. • New York, March 22. - - A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. WIEDER & BOYER, No. 25, ;lest llomillon street, .111entown Thankfu! for past favors and hoping by strict attention to basi -1 ness and a desire to please, tomer ! it a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on them, and wishing the people to understand the fact, that they are both PRACTICAL fIATTERS—both having served a long apprenticeship at the business and understanding the business thoroughly in all its various branches—they are confident they can MANUFACTURE HATS of all kinds inferior to none in the market, and also a little cheaper, because they perform a great deal dike labor them selves and buy their material from the impor terslor cash, and understanding the bust ness they employ none but good workmen, and doing a large business they can afford to sell at small profits. These aro some of the reasons why you often hear the remark that "Wieder& Boy, er sell such beautiful flats at such astonish ingly low prices. They always have the latest Philadelphia and New York styles on hand, so you need not be afraid of hav ing an old fashioned Hat stuck on you.—! Give us a call. It don't matter what is the shape of your head, we will insure a fit. Lif'Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them hats and caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Also a large assortment of all kinds of straw goods which they will sell cheap. TERMS CASH. Allentown. March 15 New Family_6;_rocery Store IN .17.LLEXTO TPA: Tim subscriber takes this mne•thod to in form the eii:z , ns of Allentown, and the pub lic in general, that he has opened A Faintly Grocery Store. at the stand formerly occupied by DiMager & Corir„ No. 27, Nardi 7th street, near the Malliei Square, where he offers for sale for Cash or in exchange fitt- Country Produce, a large variety.of Family Groceries, such as r ....,„ Ar ..-.. Cta-o-,Sin-mr„Mo te-"'!lI=l-i--; .b" ic - 'ic.-l-.l",• --•i lasses, d C i,:co l. ll a ac te ••- -. 4 . 1t _ 4 . 'Pepper, Allspice, ,mi.arl. Ginger, Sakti - taus. Liking and tvashino So da, Salt, Allum, Madder, No's. I, 2 and :I, •Mackerel, yielded S a t ifian , ' ,i c icl e ,' an d smoky(' U.rrino-, Codfish, (fried Boer . , I :ilmulder, Ptitch, Lud, Candles, Vinegar, Soap, Broatn , , &c. A Ls.), all kinds of fruit, such as Lemons Oranges, Prunes first qualny in jtirs, and in kegs for pies. Figs, Raisins, pealed and un pealed dried Peaches, Apples and Pears, Tomato Catchup, Mustard, Pickels in bot tles, Cherries, &c. In connection with the• above business, he slsO continues the manufacturing of Segars, of every price and quality, which he will sell or exchange to country merchants for all kinds of produce. I LI 11111, emktirtut, thti Candle innnuraCttlr ing business, and will sell by the box any 9u.rntey desired,or exciting,: them fur coun try produce, such us Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ham, Shoulder, Flitch, Soap, Cnei ries, dri ed fruit; Wax, &c., and allow therefor the highest market price. He trusts that by keeping the Lest hind of Groceries. &c., and by manufacturing the best kind of Serrars and Candles. he will be able to merit a liberal share of public patron age, for which he will ever be thankful: ' l ll in rirThe undersigned is also the appoint• ed Agent for the safe of I loves celebrated fine cot, chewing and smoking tobacco, &c., all of which he will sell as low ns it can be purchased either in Philadelphia or New York. CHARLES 11. Allentown, April 19, 1854. I—Gm YUEN Cli'Vitt SSES, ,„ I 4,115. • .C"." ." 4 - NTOWN, LEHIGH. COUNTY, PA., AUGUST 9, 1854. ALL Vortical Dcpattinent. Tomorrow, tnurotl. boast not Moll Of lime and tide that are not now, Not Mink, in one revolving tiny. How citify things may pass away. To—day—white hearts with rapture spring The youth to beauty's lips marcling; Tomaorrow—and that lip of M,ly bleep unconscious of his kiss 'l'o—day—the blooming spouse may press Iler hu.baud In fund caress; the hands that pressed, May wildly strike her widowed breast. 'ro•day—the claTing babe may drain The millt streum from its mother's vein, To.morrow—like a frozen rill, That bosom current may be still. Ttuday—t he merry heart may feast, On herb and fruit, and bird and beast; ToAmurrow—spite of all my glee, The hungry worms may feast on thee To,morrow— mortal boast not thou Of lime and tide that are not now, Bat think, on one revolving day, That e'en thyself may pass away. 'My father left ten thousand pound, And willed it all to me ; My friends, litre sun-flies, licked around, =1 As kind as kind could be 'nil sent me a buck, and that a hare, And some I know not what ; In short, I thought i could declare, No man such friends has gut. They ate my meat, and drank my wine, In truth so Intl were they That, be the weather wet or fine, 'They'd dine %volt ine next day. They came, arid like the circling year, TMe cliclion girt's went round, Till Nomeihing whiipered in my car, "Ali, punt . ten thousand pound !" Pshaw, sluff! I cried; I'll hear it hfut, Besides, such friends are mine That what they have will be toy lot— So pa,h the %%hie. The glglsSf!!: rung, die j•st prey aded, rwas suincnor every day, like a flower by blight assailci.l, Aly thousands &opt away. Alas, and so my friends drnpt otT, Like rase leaves from the stem; My falling state but met their scoff, And I no more saw them. One friend, one honest friend, remained . %%lieu all the locusts flew— One that nc'er shrunk nor friendship feigned My lah.ltful d.tg, Nwas you." 4 11iliCetia11C13it.9' Initiating an Outsider Al; creation and the balance of mankind were, .early one morning, aroused from the dullness usually pervading the pious, prim, and peaceful town of. East Nutinej, by the cry of— 'What's it all about ?' !When ilid they come ?' Flow many are they P. , llre they human critters ? , lat are they going to do P ho ?' 'The Entity Nothings?' 'Know Nothings?' bays a native. 'Know Nothings.' 'Well I'd giVe n fo' pence to know,' con tinued the native, what in sin it's all about ?' •O, you hav'nt seen ?' say a jol ly, round visaged, bright-eyed iudividual, who with other strangers, and natives of East Nutmeg, were gathered in a knot about a depot, discussing the topic which had in a singh night, came, now, and took the town. •klav'ent seen'em P e3een who ?' says the native e'Phe 'Know Nothings ?' , Know Nothing ! Well, I kinder cal'late I have a few.' .0, you tue•one of 'em, c 6 ? • 'Look a here, squire, of you don't want to be squattin cross-legged in your heap a'. sand, I callate yeou'd better not say my edication has been neglected in any skit a way.' .Not at all, my dear friend, I only pre dicted that you were it—that is, hang it—l meiin do you know what's out?' 'Yees ; I'll tell you what's out squire.' 'Good : wildt is it ?' writ again Josh Pruden for breahin' the Sabbath nil tew finders, playin keards in Deacon Duthie's barn.' • , Pshaw !' 'said the jolly man, I don't mean that cort of work, I suppose you are like the test Of iheSe Knew Nothings, too sly, eh ?—to be caught ?' ‘.Squire, do you chaw ?' T - - 1 3'--$8 To-Morrow The Faithful Friend A Know Nothing Yarn. What V 'Yes,' said the Hiy-looking man 'Hand us your tobacco, then. .Yes, I don't clam.' .- .Git out ! gettin' kinder sharp-sot too, I collate. Now look a' here, squire, I lin tew except yeour from York.' I '.spect you are correct in your re marks.' .11'1111, knew yeou was ; can tell yenn fel lers a mile ofT, e'yes, can by kingdom.— Now. 1 cal'late there's soinethin' coin' on that's fact—a Ilfi red est raow areound this yer taown this mornin,' abeout sonietion' a fel ler ever beam.' 'A h that's what I was comin at. Now they say, you've got up a new,invention—a new tangled society, or a new order, party or sect, or something that's bound to get Christendom in an uproar, how is it.' Eh, yes ; when they goin' to begin it squire ?' 'O, you git out, sly dog, ain't you one of 'em 'What ! them fellows that's goin' to raise sin, and break things? don't know ; I only ask you'—contin ued the squire—'l. only ask for information you see.' 'Weil naow, look a' bete, a feller never made much by dod rotted ignorance in this land of universal liberty and gineral edica don ; and a feller hates to come right down and confess he don't know nothing. that's a fact; squire, I've got to acknowledge the corn, a-a and its no use talkin '; but darn my buttons to apple sass, if I wunt as poor a feller as I be, gin gist ten shillins and up worth; to know what's kinder - busted raound 'Would you P 'Wouldn't I - By golly, squire, guess yeour the critter kin jest tell us all about it. .I'm just the man that can.' 'I I:new yeou be ! Grea-d-t kingdom, let's II( re ail about it. I is-s. h,' said the humorous manohis-s-h ! I've been sounding you. )(vim don't say so ! echoes thorcitizen of `Yes, Sir : we have cautions.' 'Eh, yes,' übstractiidly responds the Nut meger. an't speak out to everybody.' . , Good egg—sound to the core !' .Sound ! wouldn't wonder; never but once in my hull life ; then I had the (tarot scratchin' time vvou ever did see, . 1 redion. Ever had the itch, squire ?' 'Never, thank you.' 60, not at all, squire ; you are quite wel comv, as Uncle Nat said, when he shot the Ingin.' 11 XII, air, now I'll give yottin a whi.sp or, an idea of what's up ; and if you love your country—' .The land of the free, and home of the brave !' 'Oren. a-t Fourth of July. ! pitch in the big licks, squire.' 'Our own dear native land !' 'That's the ginger ! go it squire 1' says Nutmeg. •Well now you just lollow tne•nver to the hotl, ; take a chair. Ilere we are : now I'll give you the secret. You see this is a grand secret society.' yes.'. 'And the greatest secrecy is to he adhered to. Now rise, hold up both hands, high above your heady so:-now swear —' 'Swear? can't dew it, Equire—agin my Are pm an American ?' 'Am I ain't nothin' else by Bunker Will you stand by your country V .11'iII I ? Yes , sir; till Gabriel toots his horn!' 'Then a wear, that you will stand by the AmeriCan Eagle, the stars, and the stripes, and never raved the secrets.' 'Fourth of July andl3unker Hill !' chimes in the excited Yankee. 'That's it, good, good egg!' said the hu morous man. Now, sir, you are one of us —you are a linoW Nothing.' 'Yeou duet say so !' • 'Yes. sir, now we have some mysterious signs and countersigns, by which you can tell a brother of the society. When you see n man looking at you with his right eye shut, his hands in his pockets, and a cigar— should he be smoalting—in the left side of .his motuii—you may know he's a Know Nothing 'Eli, yes.' 'Well then, you go towards him and shut your left eye, so ; you bum your thumb of the kft hand, if he bites—' • 1. 'Bites'?' • 'Yes if he bites ; if he is really one orem he will say something' in a grumbling tone —something like 'what do you mean ?' or 'do you mean that for me • ?' Then he bites, you see then you advance close,• and say slowly, 'nix a weed 'Dutch ; ain't it ?' says me Yankee. • 'Well, no, not exactly, it's our language. Then he'll say not, do you mean ?'—mind he'll be very apt to any that once or twice, sure. You reply dont forget 'nibs, -- , stag his hibs curly !' 'Nibs, oh, yes.' 'Nibs, cully, how's nibs ?' - You then ap- FOR FARMER AND MECHANIC proach close, shut up the right eve, grasp! ht, as Secretary of the' Treasury, re.: his nose, so„ 113'11 then up and tell pu a . :oat- the public credit. It is well knot. about it!' . that the i•rosent Constitution really ado : .'tie will! fltw many fellows ia thi3 tell i•lan ; Ltu Ica arc aware that it town have joined this''soc.iety t' , i•itest•noi prt , '•.et (sti:l in existence) was draw 'O, hundreds; nearly every body you by him u. i7tsl, when Le was only twent meet are inem.bers ; it's raisintCilie greatest st•yeii yeat , ettl. We could tell much mot excitetrient iinaginaldor •' Beats Milltuites ? 1 was one of them.' 'Beats every think out. sir. N.i t y here's : lIIIC.I.LIII,'S ii ii.d. the oath ; you swear by this emblene'—(ele , ' I vatting a boot jack.) I! i: :I tt.:the lire always pretty smart, I I; 'What, a boot j tek ?' . Nice in it while they commit blunders.- 'Yes, l J j lehtiedt•rs are generally so ludicrow it looks like a jick, hitt it ain't. it's '' h e ir tied homy, that it is in:legs:lllde to get angrk a blind, a mystery fwe swear by this. .1 ou . At one of the public houses in th put your fore fi nger on your nose, shut one' °t t l " ) . Prairie Clty, lives one who has 'been covri• eye, and swear never to reveal theste, our ( but a few weals. lively as a crickit, lode"- secrets, so help you Intlependence .Jay ! trims as a hoe, nod honest and willing to de. I Now, to night, there will le a crowd near shit, of course, is well liked, by those wit', the depot, about dark ; Whon the crowd moves, you will follow ; they will ta!te you whom she has taken up her abode. tow d lies ;leo, nee 01 the binders at the to the secret chamber Where yel l wild I,..arn A es:tat:H-1111014 spoken of, who is somethine 1 ore partieul 1 I'S. /V/i/17 SCOOt: -'Ell, y e s ;' and Nuinweleft. Ile had just got into the street, where a ."( a preetical joker, happened to kill alarg: rat ; he hand al it to .Ntelly, and told her fie wanted it cooked forhis dinner. Nelly. `veritable sign met his eves. A' leng leg , ged, double fisted fell ,w, with hut one teYte"lh n reeked court ...sy.,. took possession e 1 tl . l i eenioited 11.:•1 preceeched to the kitchen.— in his head, stood gaping around, with hands in his breeches; ; up •troes Nutin'eo, ' A siu.r lime alter, the lady of the house shuts his eye, and pokes his ilium); 1,.. i , v ,,„ had tieee-i_oci in go to the kitchen, Wher • his molars. The man with the cloyed eve ; she lote,d ..\ liv trying to pull the furofl do look daggers with the Other, ;old by the • ''''' y ' l '''' ll ''''' ''''''" " cc "' intin 4Y di pp in g in ' twiching of his lips seemed to h -I • 'to '' l ''" ltk " C"lw g "'" l " . ' 0 ! . .peil MI , . \ . lay, Nelly ! What are you about'. or doing something like it Met artily. 'Nix a weed in cully 1' says Noittleg, ad- it 'q" ir '' lt . ''' '' '''''''' i ' lft ' d I ' l4 ' vancing. i eSte re, eti' is tryiu' :o pluck the feather'. 'What in yallor thunther d'y2 rwan ?sat . !' ; ' lf this ' " I ' n ''' 1 ain, as Mr.-- towled me , t' ,to goof; ii tor !its dinner.' I says the one eyed man. a (continued Notinteg, advanvig, and ..Nibs—Stag his nth , . Cully, how's nibs r ' The ldy son put a stop to all further pideitiL , s , proceedings in that line, by telling Nelly. ei with all the gravity she could command. I his finger upon his lona., sharp nos-, and • . . , that the men had been playing a joke or grabbing at the straw , ' r ,or, who, inistiustm, t ,• • re tile move meant no ' , owl, draws armed puts ' r. in such a. 'south paw' that Ninon , ' doubled : ''f'roth, an a j eke it is, snre enough,' said up and we - it down ;ill iii a hea p—robill ( : Nttly.. 'tor I never seen sich feathers to. 'Gull dna you, ain't von two of 'tan ? l sick, is all "le Ida. Why didn't you say so !' hawked NotiTiter , travelling into t h e hotel to tied the Proles• f?Ay: Sideti es LAwynas.—Few things sor ul Know Nothine ' eiess , mid settle his r: soluble teeth other more in nalur,' than an hash ! But Professor Pete Morris hail ;dad, et I euunin' lan yerand a spider. Hu weaves , denly left for parts Ord; ivewn ! Nutmeg !:a1 , :.; web into a corner, with no light behind been looking !or him for some time. to shoat the thread of his net-; but—in a . shads, like—there tie waits in his dark of-. - Alexander llamilion. 1;, ~, to reel lye his visitor. A buzzin,' bur-, rtn,' theoghtloss fly, thinkin' of nothin,' but This distinguished charteter, he die early his iwatttilul wings and well-made legs, and history of our country, was a epreeociout • ,tithiet tie ::r-sighted withal, comes stumblin,' youth, and notwitlisiandintr ' , roved an exittep. s a ',ter-heels, into the net. Lion totheg,eneral trittu, 01.1C:ear:tin : precoei- l '"'" 1- " yer- I beg your pardon,' says the fiy, 'I really ty is inaleatiVe of early decay, and no reniar- ' liable maturity. 0 0 „, w h o nays he ;;„,-,„.,, •di In . !. , `,..:0 this net work of yours, the weath er is f0.2 , 2y, and the streets so confounded gives the following 'bird's eye view' of his youth and manhood : d 111 r, 1'111;01-aid I've done mischief.' glie many volumes of papers in tile roc- ‘.Not at all,' says the spider, bowin,' .1: ords of our government. give a nrodieriou t guess it's all my full:. I reckon I ought to idea of Hain ikon's abilities, usefulness, 111141 /WIN laing.tt lamp out; but pray, don't move. the confidence and the influence which or you tern rdo danger. Allow me to assist these commanded for him, almost from the you.' And then, he ties up one leg, and first moment, when, a mere boy of i i in e t,p o . then the other, ntid furls up both wings,and he first drew, as the captain of a volunteer • has him fist as Cribs:their. company, General washowton's attention • 'Now,' says the spider, 'my pod friend,'. to the superior discipline of his corps mid , (a phrase a teller alleles uses, when he's a the skillful service of his guns. Never did : gout' to be rrieky.) -I'm afraid you've h ur t any man possess a more remarkable power ; yourself a. eum-idi rally sun:. I must bleed, of mastering at once whatever lie set ;thou , . ' you.' Introduced at the, age of twi lett: into O w eVleted roe 1' says the fly. 'Excuse me-- counting house of a consider:dd.: shipping . I'm obligeollrai you--1 don't require it.' house in St. Croix, we lied him at the age . 'Oh I' yes, you do, my dear friend,' and of fourteen entrusted, during. Ins Prim:tears he tarts ready for the operation. absence in this country, with his corre.4lLni I- 'lt' you dare to t l, thiti,' says the fly, 'l'll ante, and the maitageleent of all hie .0, , V1'..1. ! k 1111 C li you ,I•iu• n ; and Bin a matt that what lions of buying, sellilig, shipping., awl till I lay Iwo I :amid on.' that. Already .is is seen iii his boyish lat.; V. it had !weer get up first,' sari the spi tens to a young friend, he has begun to k o k der, a lategliiii,' '1•• 0 : 1 ot a,.. t t b e Ifled : you at the state of things raising up iii this land i alti't ii ty ull il luelL'.-s.' And he bleeds him of ours, and to foresee in it a country ;led a ' till lee gasp, hoc breath, .und feels fi t i r oj o .' career which the West ludi..B creek! never , ct-ltnia * tun. give 'him. At sixteen he is .Let tit.. sn..nly good feller,' says iho College, New York, peacc.ing his baptsh poor fly...nid I will ii,tv you liberally.' Latin and Greek. AL seventeen he is al- 'PAY !• says the t•pidcr.' Yuu miserable ready writing for the public j,turnals, in be-, iiiit•ireiticeiseil wretch, yim have nothing half of the cause 01 the colonies, Flyers set left to pay with. , Talta that!' and he gives striking that they seize upon the general Mtn the last dig, and he is a gone coon-- til i.t.- tention, and are attributed to the be,t writers. . 1 bbd dealt. =5lll cutne. a strung, popular orator, but he ;Awl ied war, as au art, more especially the ar tillerist's part of tt ; and raising a company, (chiefly at hisown charge,) has pined IVaslt tncton's army in • the Jerseys, and 'nide upon that cautious commander so strong, art impression that he transterr hint to his per sonal stuff as chief ard.de-camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Cul mei. IL•re it is well know thal before ha was twenty he bre IMO one of Washington's must effici An officers but, though equally true, it has el.c,yee tension that, uotil that veteran of sae-tc:•, Steuben, took st•rvicr. tvith ue, it wit.; I Lull- ilton who fir:A t . uppFo.(l our :2y,,touNo! L•IC- tics; and Hamilton who, Lic.;ziLics dr.ovioe; up luau) , of yoneral %Va•donv;too's import. alit papt•rs, wrott• tuloor.tio.4 oiAtroctioo; to John Llorens—;.a muster-hit c.. 1 of tit.otty --under tvhich ke, ‘vlteit Dr. Fratitdin 1114 failed; brought akr. the Ari! ANiaile, of France. • flamilion was then twenty-one, lit 17S I, perceiving that the struggle had beennie ou our 'part one of finance, tie turned financier, and took charge, limber, Itobert Morris, ul a part of that department, quickly displaying in it:that singular capacity which led Alai:- tie to say, on the formation of our present government; that there was but oue man in the country—Ale:candor flatnikon'—who , 71., Tr- • L•~. ~E~aiu G;il.• u: - I I)r , Art- as.rvo Live..—On Wednesday, - :tln 7th lost., a Alls, Puller, in Derbyville, I'ickawiV c , iiinty. 0:lia drowned herself in the cre;.li, in a lew minutes after reading a note from 1 . 1: , r lover, that he did not intend. marrying her, and was about leaving the village. A correspondent says, after she read the Utter she exclainted,..My God what will became of!' She crossed the street passad through the house Without noticing the faintly, rushed up stairs where the false tarle was at ‘vorli, and caught him around th reel:—liksed him—said she had come to Intl him a lee z farewell. She then ran acro:s a nal, nod jdunged into water fifteen 'lent (levy. A man near by supposing isome' thine; W:i3 wrong, ran after her, but wily' r eqcii..,l in time to see the bubble where shit hail sunk. KENtING,--.l.".'irst class in mat'oe mattcs, stand op. What is simple di'vision sir, I know, Breaking Bab Smith's cake end eating half himself.' ! What is compound division ?' .11noking iho whole o 1 Bob Smith's cake, and dividing it between yourself and broth-. 'Right spin. • Now go out of doors and pia your bead. against coinething cold, to keep your nose from bleeding.' . . II NUMBER 45.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers