Glorious News ! The largest supply of goods ever brought to Allentown, can be found at No. 31, EAST HAMILTON STREET. RECK and NEW HARD'S Drel o I ,l sf S DUO These gen; lemen adopt this method to inform their friends and the public in general that they have lately entered into partnership, under the above mentioned firm, and will follow the M ERCHANT TAILORING DIERNINEss, s branches nt the "old stand" formerly kept by Keck and Leh, directly opposite the "Register Office," where they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices ali kinds of fashionable Goods, such blue black apd fancy co l ore d Cloths. Cassimeers . _ and Vestings,Winter Clothes, Collars, Ilan kerchiefs, Cravats, &c. Thi•y also keep on hand at all times a large and fashionable as sortment of Beadynarade•Clothing, such ns Coats of every color and description, .Pantaloons of all styles and prices, nil kinds of Vestings, Shirts and Undershirts, Col!ars, Cravats, Suspenders, &c., all of which they will sell at Extraordinary Low Prices, that no one, who visits their establishment, can help to buy either Coat, Pants, Vests, or something in their line of business. They' have just returned from Philadelphia and New York and have replenished their Stock of goods that it may with right be turned the Allentown Hall of Fashion. The work they turn out is under their own supervision, and having engaged one of the best Cr/tiers in the country, they will be able to turn out the "best ,fits." Coats, Pantaloons and Vests will be made up to order after the newest fashion, no matter whether the material has been purchased of them or not. They return their thanks for the favors they have received and trust they will be continued. Fashion plates as they come out are al ways kept for sale. KECK & NEWHARD. Allentown, August 31. Th OM as 13romo, boilt, Adopts this method to inform his (, 101lirriltiofriends and the public in general, that he has opened an Office, No. 15,AVest Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, where he is prepared to oiler his pro fessional services to all who may call on him. 'Teeth will be inserted on Gold or Silver, from a single Tooth up to a whole set, on the most approved plan. Teeth plugged with Gold o- Silver, in a good and substan tial manner, and extracted in a easy and ju dicious way. His priers will he very reasonable, and through strict and Careful attendance, to the profession, he trusts, that a generous public will exiend to him a liberal patronage for which he will always feel grateful Allentown, July 27 New Supply of Coal _Farmers 4s* .Limelmrsters LOOK HERE. The undersigned have just received, and constantly keep on hand, a large supply of all kinds of Coal, suitable for Farmers and Litneburners, and the coal consuming pub lic in general, which they will dispose of at the following reduced prices: Chestnut Coal at $2 25 Extra Nut Coal, $2 37 Egg, Stove and Lump at $3 37 Epp:lotus, ['Assn Sr, Co.. 11—w6 April 20,".18713 alllgation Oveme,(l. 17 • ~ ~ el," \7:4-,., ~ p.„*: •• ••••••,......,. inlllEsli '4 ''' -.....r.: • .-a-slar,..--''l"e"'-- - .7.7"-r_=- - -. L- - . 7 = - • - .- z• - •,, lel:: ...:471:-.r,tilr . ,:' IA • ' The Lehigh Transportation Conip. Givn NoTien that they arc now prepared to recieve tuerchandize and forward it with promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, :Mulch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkesbarre, and also to all intermediate places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals and Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. The proprietors would inform their friends and customers that they have added several new Boats to their line, :which will greatly faciliate their business. They still continue to do business at the old stand ; first wharf above Vine street. directly opposite the. Salt Store of It &J. Wright. They also for- ward goods to and from New York to Wilkesbarre; also to all intermediate places via Delawaro and Raritan Canal and Dela ware and Lehigh Canal. Goods shipped by this line will go by A. S. Neilson's line •of vessels to New Bruns wick which• Will be found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cednr Street, North River.— Any information required, cnn be had of Reynolds & Clark, No. 100 West Street, or et Neilson's Agent office, 88 West Street. The Company have large Store Houses at Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, White Haven and 'Wilkesbarre.• DRAKE, WILSON & Co., Proprietors. A GENTS. Aug. J. Ritz, Allentown. H. S. Moorehead, Philadelphia. John Opdycke, Easton. Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk. Morton & Bolles, Wilkesbarre. Allentown, May 5: 1858 CIIMOINICIOCINUMOCICCOMEMCCIOCIEMCIO la E. W. Eckert's E f 3 C 3 0 El a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL a Il C. 4 h i Tobacco, Snuff and Segars 0 0 Util.Oallia, • a 0 0 r 9 No. X3O, East Hamilton Street, rd 8 AL 6. EPIIII.'OIW IW , PA. 2 MP GOODS ALL WARIZANTED.(.9 0 8 Cl)' Tuly 20. 11-Iyo Knocovaa.cacc.crnmarguncamzoau C. M. Ru.n k, • olttorney at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes sion in Allentown. rir He may be consulted in the German and English languages. August 12, 1852. ¶—ly Sanders' School Books. The subscribers who are largely engaged in the publication of School and other Books, have lately made arrangements for the Pub lication of one of the best Series of School BOoks,—being seven in number,—ever pub lished in this state. They are calculated for the gradual progression of the pupil in the ordinary branches of popular education. The illustrations are admirably adopted and cannot fail to fix the mind upon sound moral principles which is ever the foundation ofa good education. On the whole they believe Sanders' series of School Books by far the most complete. that has ever been published and would respectfully recommend them for adoption in all the free schools in the State. • SOWER & BARNES, No. 84, North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. June 29. 15-3 m Spring and Sunimer Goods. The undersigned, residing in Nlechanics born, South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has purchas ed the entire Stock of Goods, and has done business since the 21st of April last in his own name. He will be happy to see his old friends and acquaintances give him a call, as he has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and well selected stock, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Cho -0 q 1 •'.l • .//a/c — vrilltliff ~ ..t . „ mt ,..3 ce ri es, Queens- simiiri d avgin AlN•lpro_r ' K ll•trdware„:,--1 • - 1 --...--- -,..: ware, , Fish, Salt, in short, every article that is found in a well filled country store, and which with his stock on hand, makes a large assortment of Goods, such as is but seldom found in country Stores, and which will be sold under the adopted motto of "small profits and quick sales." .All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange at the highest market price. Ile returns his sincere thanks for the fa vors heretofore recieved and will strive to merit a continuance of the same hereafter. All those who know themselves indebted in the Storebooks of Miller and Minnick, will please the store for settlement of their accounts. 1 11_3 m JOHN MINNICH. Mechanicsboro, May 25. ¶-3m Good Horses and Safe Vehicles! .dllenlozvu Livery Establishment. TEIE subscribers•tahe this method to in form their friends and the public in general, that they have entered into partnership in the Livery Business, in the stable formerly owned by George Beisel. They have an entire new stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. 7t.. Their Horses are gentle and all . good trave llers ; their vehicles mostly new and of the latest style, and such as have been used are repaired and repainted in the best manner. They continue the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with safe and gentle horses, good car riages and careful drivers if requested. Fainilies can be suited at all times with ve hicks to their particular taste. Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue their high credit they here tofore gained of being the “best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses,the neatest and most splen did earriages, and sober and careful drivers. Their charges are very, reasonable and hope by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor them with their custom, T. P. HOFFMAN. JESSE SIEGFRIED September 18,0 4 51. 11-3 m IBUTDIV3 TIDITEI .vsis t In the Orphans Court of Lehigh County In the matter of the Account Of Daniel Mohr and Solomon Executors,&c., of Geo, Kame, dec'd. And now, Aug. 30, 1853, the Court ap point John D. Lowell an Auditor to audit and resettle said account and make distribu tion according to law and to Report all the evidence submitted before him. • Proin the Records, TESTE.-N. METZGER, Clerk. The undersigned auditor in the above case. will meet on Saturday, the 24th inst., at 10 o'clock A. his office in Allentown, where all those interested may attend if they • see proper. JOE-IN D. LA WALL, Auditor. September 7, 1853. sr-3an New Goods. New Goods. Builders Look sere. NEW /SSORTMENT OF 114RDEPPaRE The undersigned announce to the public. that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of a•-73 , , 0r -• House Furnishing .9rarles, •,W7 Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Safilow and &hocjindings, all of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the Public to give Saeger's flardwaae Store, sign of the dor a call in order to convince thomselvesof the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAE ER. IJ-1Y April 22 To Ito use-liccepers. A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside,cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, Irving pans, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A lso, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS-in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. April 22, 'ff—ly POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes,' chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coat hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons. &c. for sale by 0 Sc J SAEGER.. April, 22, 11-1 y IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SA EGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes Glai-s, i by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by IS, 12 by 10, and various other seizes, for sale by TO SEIOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business OILS & of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,---will be sold cheap by 0 & J. SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. WHITE LEAD.-2 tons . of IV hite Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale April, 22, NAILS.-300 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by & J SAEGER. April 22, • ' ¶-3w HOLLO W WA RE. , --500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Iland, Pannel, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squares, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. Jan tt try 5, •- To itstilaers. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, gerrrnin Locks, Latchds Bolts,l linges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other ' building Hard ware just unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by 0 & J SAEGER. January 19, 1853. y • ar l 1 - pleous,o,„ Just received at'the Store of the subscri bers, a lot. of Mill Picks, William Brady's Patent. This is a New Mechanical • Tool, the best ever invented and only wants to be used to the proved. Apply soon. • 0. & J. SAEGER. April, 13. Grain Wanted. 50,000 I3ushels of Wheat. Rye, Corn and Oats wanted, for which the highest mnrket prices will be paid. by the subscribers, at their store on the South west corner . of Market Square and Hamilton street, in Al lentown. • EDREMAN, HArSfl & CO. Allentown, April 29 11—Gm WANTED. Timothy Hay, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, for which the highest market price will be paid by PRETZ, GUTH & CO. May 4, 1853. ¶7L-6w 0 & J SAEGER The undersigned will spare neither time, expense or trouble to make this line one of the best to travel to either of the above named places. He has engaged sober and careful drivers, fast horses and good coach es, and being that the route passes through a delightful country, many will choose to travel it on this account. 0 & J SAEGER No. 4S, East Hamilton street, Al lentown, adopts this method to form his friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Bre/tiers American Ho tel, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth &Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his professional services in the science oh Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. re. His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfi ed that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851. 11-4 0 &J SAEGER. ¶-Iy 0 & J SA ECiTTI Coaclirnaking Establishment. Respectfully announces to his friends and the public in general, that he continues on an extensive scale, the in all its various branches, at the old stand in West Hamilton Street, No. 52, directly op posite Hagenbuch's Hotel, where he is al ways prepared to uvula factu re to order at the shortest notice,'and also keep. on hand, Fashionable Vehicles, . 0--• — • such as Barauches,.Rockaways, Carryalls, York Wagons, Sulkeys, c. .5•c. which, for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed by any Coachmaker in the State of elsewhere, while his terms are 'as reason able as those of any other establishment.— He uses none but the best materials, and employs none but the best of workmen— consequently, he intends that the vehicles manufactured at his establishment take the shine" of all others manufactured in this part of the country. He professes to understand his business by experience, and therefore 'assures the public that he is 'ena bled to render satisfaction to his customers. Call and judge for yourselves. M - Wooden or iron axletrees made to or der : and Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and .on the most reasonable terms. • Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good bargain. ROBERT KRAMER. ¶,--Gm May 11. Jitheinnitn agctiii6t F 1171 1 ,;. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, Ni,. 16:q CITES UT STREET Near Fifth Street STATEMENT or ASSETS, $1,315,534, January Ist, 1853. Published agreeably to an Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,021,360 03 Heal E. Late (present value $llO,- 000) cosi Temporary Loans, on ample Colla teral Securities. 06,487 69 Storks (present value ,',176,101) cost. 62.285 60 Cash, Sat. &c., 52,045 51 $ ,313,531 00 PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COCNTRY, :it rates ns low as are consistant with security Since their incorporation, n period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millio»s dollars Loss RV FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the ad vantanp of Insur ance, its the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Directors : Charles N. Banclwr, Alord. D. Lewis. robins Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob IL Smith, Morris Patterson, Coo. W. Bichords, Isaac Lea, CIIMILES N. 13AscKEn, President. CHARLES G. HANCKEII, Secretary. C - -- The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, at the low est -rates. A. L. RETIE, Allentown. C. F. BLEUII, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 11452. 11—Iy Notice to Travelers ! Xxli--..---..- ,14 OZN - L- r-1- - - /-0 -,•) -,.--'.-;---,\, . :,;aez,,,,,, - , „ .a..- - 1 sll. -.P ., . . --4 3v- ir 7e, . ,- 113 e I earc -‘4 ; n m‘f V .. ALLENTOWN AND POTTSTOWN. The traveling public are hereby respect fully informed, that from to day, June Ist, 1853, a daily line of stages will commence running between Allentown and Pottstown, and in connection with the Reading Railroad convey passengers to Philadelphia. The Stages will leave J. Y. Bechtel's, American Hotel, Allentown, every morning (Sundays excepted) at 2 o'clock A. M. and the pas sengers will arrive in Philadelphia at half past 11 o'clock A. M., and in time to take the Western Railroad train for Pittsburgh. They will nrrive in Pottstown in dine to take the morning up-train to Rending and Potts. vine, and arrive at the former place at 10, and nt the latter, at 12 o'clock P. M. • CHARLES SEACREAVES. Allentown, June I, 111-3ni Dv. 3. P. %rues, E.Y.TITST. In Allentown. 1 b . T - ,2 1 1102 A 11l LIU lio Coachmaking Rnsincia, .'H Ordinance For the preBcreation of the Health rf the _Borough of Catastutqua. Whereas experience bath shown that it is necessary in all populous committees to en force by law an observance of those sanatory regulations without which diseases of the most dangerous character are either genera ted, or their virulence greatly aggravated._ I Therefore Be it ordained and enacted by the author ity of the corporation of the Borough of Catasauqua, in Town Council assembled,. and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of he same. Si:c'r. I. It shall be the duty of the oc cupier of every house within the limits of the liiirough in the month of May, in each and every year to cleanse the cellars thereof, of all dit.t, decayed vegetable or other impure matter, calculated to generate disease and to rause them to be thoroughly I,‘liitewasheil with fresh lime; and also to cause the privy vaults attached to such houses to be purified I by putting therein at least one bushel of (prick lime, during the month of June in each and every year; and every such person neglect- ing or ref Using to comply with and observe I the provisions of this section, shall, on con-.I victim) thereof pay a fine of five dollars for the rise of the Borough with lUll costs. :41...c.r. 2. It shall be the duty of the oc cupant of every house fronting on or adjoin• ing any street or'alley, that has been.graded, I curbed and guttered, in accordance With the Borough regulations to keep the gutter in front of his or her house, or lot, free from all' stagnent water or other impurities, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every day that the same shall be allowed to remain un cleansed, to be recovered 11)1• the use Of the I 13orough as fines of like amount are recover able. 82,417 63 Si:cr. :3. No person or persons shall cast, carry, draw out or lay the carcass or dead body of any lbw', or any filth from privy, vaults 4 , c. on any port of the commons of this Borough, or on or near any of the streets, lanes or alleys within the llorough, without burying the same at least four feet below the level surface of the ground, under the penalty of one dollar, in midi:ion to the costs of' removing or htu•ving the st o ne, to be recovered as herein provided Ihr the use of the I3orough, with full Costs. Sr.c.r. 4. No person shall erect any hog pen or permit any manure or filth or any kind to accumulate on that part of any lot Within the Borough adjoining any street or, alley thereof' (the side walk of which have been graded and paved fur the use of the public) without inclusing and separating the same from the street, by a close fence of boards or other suitable material, at least seven feet high, and so constructed as to pre vent the escape of any filth or impure water theref . ront into the street, under the penalty of three dollars, to be rcciwered as herein provided for the use of the Borough with costs, and on a second o• other conviction for the same otrence the additional stun of one dollar per day, fn• each day, that Ls elapsed since his or her conviction. • itirt:T. 5. [limy distiller, chandler, soap. maker, butcher or other• person within this Borough, or their workmen or servents shall at any time hereafter discharge or permit any impure, nauseous or oflfznsive liquid to flow into any streut, lane or alley, within this Borough, or c fleet, or cause to be collected, any stale, putrid lid, ollid, garbage or filth whatsoever, in or near his, ur her distillery, workshop, or• slaughter house, between the first day of April and the last day of Octo. her, he or she, so offending, shall forfeit and pay on conviction thereof the sum of live dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Borough with Ball costs St;e:r. (1. 11 any person shall sell or oflZ'r for side within the 'limits of the Borough the flesh or any animal that has come to its death by disease or accident or that has been sick or diseased, at the time of its being slaught ered, or within one month previous thereto, or the flesh of any calf that has been killed under the age of twenty-eight days, any blown meat, or other impure or unhealthy article of provisions, he or she, so oanding, shall forfeit and pay for the use of the Bor ough the sum of tell dollars with full costs. SEeT. 7. It shall be the duty of every adult, and every parent, guardian or master elevery minor, residing within the limits of the Borough, who has not had the suadl pox, or been vaccinated so as to have taker the cow pox regularly, to be, au adult vac dilated, or in the case of a minor, to cause such minor to be vaccinated between the first (lay ol'April and the last (lay of May ==El cred li n • the use of the Borough, with full costs, unless unable to do so by reason et poverty, and it shall be lawful fo'r any regu lar physician residing in the Borough on ap plication of such resident, adult,or the parent, master or guardian of such resident minor as are unable by reason of poverty to pay the vaccination for, to vaccinate such adult or minor, at any time during the months above mentioned, and present his bills therefor, properly authenticated for an amount not ex- ceding the fee usually charged for such services, and recover the same of and from the corporation. SEcT. 8. It shall hereafter be the duty of every practising physician within this Borough, to report to the Burgess forthwith, the existence of any case of small pox; scar; letina, or other contagious or malignent di sease, within the school limits of the Bur- ough, on receipt of which report the Burgess shall immediately notify the teacher or prin cipal of every school, academy and sestina-' ry, in the Borough, requesting said Teacher or Principal to dispence with the attendance of all pupils residing in the family in which such disease exists. And any Physician teacher or principal of any school, academy or seminary within this Borough neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this enactment, or who shall alter site!) notice receive into his or her institution any pupil from or out of any tinnily in which such disease has been so as aforesaid report ed to exist, until notified by the attending Physician that the same lins disappeared or caused to be• dangerous, shall on convictions thereof, forfeit pnyr ar the use of the Borough the sun7".7 ten dollars with full costs SECT. 9. No privy shall hereafter be erected within the limits of the Borough un less the vault or cellar thereof has been dur or sunk to the depth of at least eight feet from the surface of the ground, nor any now erected, continued in use (without being cleansed) after the contents thereof shah have reached two feet from the surface, under; the penalty of five dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Borough with full costs. St:cr. 10. On complaint made to the' hurgess, that any inhabitant permit any of-' filsive or unhealthy nuisense to be and re- main on his or her lands or possession, the' said Burgess is hereby authorized and em. powered to direct the street commissioners and high constable to enter peaceably and' view the matter or cause of complaint tour make true report thereof in writing to the' Burgess, who alter hearing the same shalt% order end direct the high ,Constable to give' at least twenty-fair flours notice to the pos.' sessor the said lands to remove or abate the said nuisenee, and if the said possessor does not within that time begin to abate or • remove the said nnisenee, and to continue' on until the same is done, it shall and may be lawful fin. the Burgess to issue his precept to the high Constable, directing him to take with him one or more or the street commis sioners of the Borough, and as many other persons as may be necessary, with imple ments, and enter into the said land peaceably to remove or abate the same; S Kea% 11. The high Constable shall' keep a just and true amount of the expences. ()I' renuiving or abating the said nuisence, which expences, provided they shall appear just and reasonable, he shall be entitled to recover from the poSsessor of the said land, in an action in his own IMMO before the Burgess, with costs of snit. Secr. 1 2. If any person nr persons shall thiiik themselves aggrieved by the report of the high Constable, he, she,or 'they may to the council, it majority of whom 11113 hereby authorized to bear and determine the same, provided notice attic said appeal he given either in person or by writing to the chairman oft he council within twelve hours idler notice given to remove or abate the said nuisance, end the chairman of the council is hereby required to summon the council, for t he. 'appose of bearing and determining tho said appeal. Enacted into an ordinance at Catasauqun, July 25, 1353. DAVID TimmAs, Burgess ATTEST—Owen Rice, Sec. Catasauqua Marble Yard, Op Oosite Laut►ach'.s • Joseph Laubach, Adopts this method to inform .his friends and the public in general, that he has lately purcha.ed the stock, fixtures, tools &c., of Alr.'Leapohl Pick, and hereafter continues the busines , ( in his own Millie, at the "I )1(1 Stand" directly opposite the Tavern Moose, in the. Borimqh of Catasaqua, flanover township, Lehigh county, where he will be prepared to furnish Monuments, Italian Tombs, !lead Slows if all ilesrriplion. forms, Sills, Tops, 4.e.. 4.e., 4.c. together with every other article in his line, of superior quality, and on as reasonable terms as any other, establishment in the I= le keeps the best and most experienced workmen, and his prices with be such as will satisfy those who may favor him) wit their custom. JOSEPH LAUBkeri. Catasauqua, June 2:). • 111-3ns I‘kw Landlord! alarms M. lioesh, Hereby informs his friends and the public in , general, that he has taken the Iliechaniesboro Hotel. lately kept by Samuel /.7-74'5Nk Miller, in Mechanics .e-,17;1,1V"'''..i3.--: Eil born, South Wheithnll 4 - ‘41,7 11 51ZE:= townsp., Lehigh coon a. ig mie- -- -!4 ty, where he will he ( 1 uvul' happy to see his friends - 7 --- .... ......- - ,,--z- . and old acquaintances. His house is favorably situated on the great road from Allentoivn to Mauch Chunk, ex cellent water before the door and the best of, liquors in the liar•. Mr. DEsn is a good provider, keeps an' excellent table, clean buds, in short it is one of the best public houses to be found in the county. He trusts by strickt attention to business, he will merit a good share of pub- • lic patronage. Mechanicsboro, June 1. liPholesale Wine and Liquor Store, N. W. CORNER OF THE MARKET SQUARE.. A LLENTO WN, PA. BILLINGER CRAIG Inform their friends and the public gen- erally, that having made arrangements with , two of the largest importing houses in New' York and Philadelphia,to supply them with• >t. v orm FOREIGN - off . 4' l ll Wince, Liqours, they have just received, and' shalt continue to receive, direct from the custom=house stores, the choicest WINES.• LIQUORS, &c., such ne Dark and Pale BramN, Pure liblland Gin, Port ITine, Illadeira Wine, Sherry Wine, Claret I Jamaica . Spirits, 4.c., They will also always have on hand and . for sale DOUBLE-RECTIFIED WHIS KEY, Wine Bitters, Cordials, Demijohns and Stone Jugs. To all of which they invite tho attention of Store and Hotel keepers, and others wishing to purchase, to call and' examine' before purchasing elsewhere. DILLINGER4r, CRAIG. Allefitown, June 15.. 1-4na IT-3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers