GLEANINGS r a-The Free Sutlers of Bradford county have nominated Geo. Landon and Benj. H. Stevens fur Assembly. la - The Commissioners of Lawrence county on the 20th inst., made a subscription of :20 0 , - 000, to the North Western Railroad. eir Madison T. Myers, of Kingston, has beeli nominated t•y the advocate! the Maine I•aw for Senator, in the Luzerne District. The extreme hem of the past summer was caused, it is thought, by • the proximity of 'the comet In the sun and earth. Michignh city has now a population of 2353 inhabitants showing, an increase of 138 per cent since the IM:top, of the U.S. Census el 1850. rr'The Louisville Courier learns that a man of color; named Henry Alexander, an extensive 'speculator, of Mayslielr, Mason county, Kr rime lry, has failed for f CO,OOO. 11ts assets were i 515,000 CI°HICK., Caitr:itilkierts.iftilltelt it , lrunkin.—A writer in Blackwood's Magazlnc in nomds, (jitters Drill I liist'llN. besides Do 'to the course of an article on the insurrection Ili ', l i nes, A kipacca, , ,D a ris i w, c, in ,h tplis . Plain 'China, gives this skeich of Nankin: and Fig ur, d Poi tins, Muslins and PrintS, "'Phis city StiliCil contains more than half a l.l „ifi s, shoes , I lots, Cups, ( s tuct , n , ware, \nillion of inhabitants, has thrice the eircumfer, I k ir d wure , Lou!, ing Cilasses, Stationary, once of Paris but amidst its deserted streets are : B oo k s , & c ,,, . found large spasm turned tip by the plough, and I To which they invite the attention of their the grass grows upon the quays, to which a tri• ; friemjs , and the public generally, confident ple line of slopping was formerly moored. It is that Hie fullest satislaction, both in price and situated in an itnmense plain,furrott cd by canals. quality, will lie given to till who May favor its fertile di strict is a hel-worh of rivulets and tliton with a run. navigable watrr-contscs, ruing( d with willows The highest prices will be paid in ex and bamboos. In Me prOl'iriCV of Nankin, grows Change lor County produce. a yellowish rooon from ‘t hieh is node the cloth l'hey have. ri in on to be tlinnh ful for the exported thehce ii, enormous quantities. There ' 13 " 4 "' rtel•kud thus (to al'd Ll'l''' I'y ill" - Min to busint'ss, disposing of their goods at also is reaped a great part of all the rice con . — , _ small profits, good treatment !swards their slimed nut the Empire. Th e !clang :Nan, or pro customers to tnerit.still a greater share of vince of Nankin, is the richest gem in the dia customers. GETZ & GILDERT. dem of the Son of Heaven. Nothing in old Ea - Sei.tdoler 14. li—lint rope can give an idea of its fruttitilmss—neither . the plains uf Beauce, nor those ol Lornhaidy,nor Groc i rrieti Fi e di 6 s• N ir te. vven opulent Flanders." The undersigned have just received an , , ~ , . Fi s h , 175/S Ilill'elB . :2). • entire tli'W Otitif 01 . I.'frOCerli . :s, llllO Salt which they intend to sell at the low. •On the 4th of September, by the Rey. rst l pr ices at their Store in ( alasapm, Le- Daniel Zeller, Mr. Benjamin, M o rty, to highcounty. GE z sr, m , G i LUEIZT. Miss Suaanna Reinhard, butt of Simeon. ' Septeniro; T 14. ,'—tint On the sante day, by the same, Mr. I)an- - - - iel !fiery, of Salisburg,, to Miss Catharine COAL ! COAL ! L. !Joliet, 01 Upper Saucon. ' The undersigned have opened a Coal On the 23d of August, by the same, Mr. Yard in Calasampia, and will constantly Be/Jai/lin Stiderr, of Lower Macalit:',Yr to heel) on hand all hinds of Cott/ which they Miss Debora II isser, of South Whilehall, w ill sell at greatly rpi h m ,, t i pric ,, s. Oct the 28th of August, by the Rev. Mr. GETZ & Cill 'PERT. Roller, Mr. loci Dr Long, of Whitehall, to li; —Olll Miss Ma ri!‘ linna ilattern, of Maxatawny, , : 13erlis county. On the 4th of August, by the Rev. A. L. ' Dechunt, Mr. Charlus Kr«usS. to Miss , Hannah racket, both of Upper Milford. On the 7th of August, by the Salta', Mr. .31,rabwn Biestand, to Miss .S'arah Mohr, truth of Upper Milford. On the 13th of August, by the Rev. Prod. Waage, Mr. John Leister, of Milford, Bucks county, to Miss 6 V arah Ii qh of Upper 'Mil ford, Lehigh county. On die 30th of August, by the Rev. J. S. Dubs, Mr-. Jonas Hollnion, to Miss Eli zabeth I,intz, both of NV ashing,ton. On the 211 of August, by the same, Air, Franklin Pritzingrr, of Heidelberg, to Miss //umiak Schmidt, of Washington. On the 21st of August. by the same, Mr. John G. 'lordly, of Lock port, to Miss iirori / . 1 „„ leci it h timer, of W it....:liiiigtOrl. On the E , atne day, by the .zame, /://as Rebrig, to Mi:s Sum!' Roth. On the Ilth of September, by the Rev. Jacob Vogelhach, Mr. iiimuwes Schaier, , to Miss Reebeeea Reinhard, both of Upper Saucon. BIED. On the 7th of Au dust, in North White hall, John Bare, aged 99 years. On the 10th of A w.ust, in the Poorhouse, George Falk, aged 17 years. On the 11th of August, in Not th White ' hall, of fever, John Rershner, aged 32 years. On the 20th of August, in North W lute hall, of dysentery, Charles F., sou of Luac and ,Susanon Brown, aged 11 years. On the Ist of September, in Allentown, of dysentery, Maine D. J., son of Thomas ' and Lydia Newhard, aged 3 years. On the 4th of September, in Allentown, of apoplexy, Lydia, consort of Solomon Schmidt, aged 41 . years. On the Ist of. September; in Lower Ma clingy, Catharine, consort of the late George Madden), aged 79 years. , On the 9th of September, in Allentown, of typhus fever, Edwin Lewis Wachter, aged 19 years. V Al V .aslxiolli S 1 1111°3 111A1 I.IAPAITM • IN ALLENTOWN. The undersigned takes this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has lately received from New York and Philadelphia a splendid assortment of i r iffPS G Caps,veg.,. Muffs, Boas, Caflii, Furs, &c. (4*--- ' all of which he will sell at the low- est prices. He also manufactures all the above men tioned articles to order, open the latest styles, and understands the business practically as .well as any manufacturer in town. He also employs none but the most finished workmen that can be got. This then is the secret that "Keck's Hats" take and wear so well, and are now "all the go." He holds forth one do& west of Schnur % man's Store on the north side of Hamilton . Street, Allentown, vhere he will bo happy to see those who may favor him with their custom. Ile returns his sincere thanks for the ma ny favors lie has thus far received and trusts that his goods and their extreme low prices, will induce not only his eld customers but Tots of new ones, to purchase of him. • WILLIAM KECK. Allentown, Sept. 14. 11-6 m Orcatilebttction itvprice 3 ! i . .tae 0 1 "dillance . Concerning Nuisanc e. SELLING OFF 'VC/ MOVE. MORRIS 1,, 11A1,1,01!11 , 1 , & Co. Be it ordained and enacted by the author ity of the est poretion of the Borough of Cat 1311,01tTEns AND JOIIIIEIIS cr asap/ilia, in Ton'ti Council assembled, and it Silks and Fancy Goods. is hereby ordained and enacted by the au i thorny or the same. 1-13 INI A 111 a El' St., Plul LA DA. 1 SECT. 1. If any person or persons shall Wishing to close out their present Stock of : erect or place any stall, booths, boxes, we goods br(ore moving into their new store, l guns, or fix any convenience as a public stand : , and sell- Vlcrlid assortment of tug oysters, or air the purpose of huckstering DRESS, FANCY GOODS, RIBBONS. or otlfiring finr side cakes and beer, or strong &c., &c., &c. j drinks, cordials, or cider, on any public day To la. closed out at very Reduced Prices ! on any or the lbotways, or in nay of the pub cz., Orders :hill eree;re .s.teiet attention. lie streets of the Borough, every person so b r and she// hare the heacitt of the reduced oanding shall forfeit and pay the stint five dollars fur eVerV Snell ()Ilene(' to he re prices. covered with costs or suit for the uso or the Septenther 1•I. • (r, -gin Borough. . . _ • r • ..0 1 I)eittioilluailtaL;loti)lii,t3 t;ali. cation Sl:ci.. :2. If any person after the publi• r,of this ordinitneen shall throw or leave lireinig , Ncligh and lircinig, any chips, ashes, shells, or dirt of any kind .s , outh East rooter of iminitt nt anciseeenth upon ,. any of. the footways, .st streets or alleys of this Borough, or shall atter the passing- ol ~Sircei, 11111)11011'11. this ordinance, by writing with chalk, or any Inform their friends and the public in gen- ot h er wa y, defuse env of the houses or fintices evil, oat they have entered into Partner- ; 1 ; this a witom ..i.rotioli;lie, she, or they, so .of shipbn the rending shall lorlinit and pay for every offence illericra.nont r ..FaElowing Illitsifless, the sum of one dollar, to he recovered fOn the , n, lately followt d• Ly Neligh , use of the Borough with costs or suit. • I . ,;,,:- . a . ja.... Jfi and . 13reinig, and intend to - Sne'r. 3. It shall be tint:twilit for any r _ ~,,,.,,,...„,‘,,,,.,,,.,c011111i1.10 the same more tnx- person to carry, throw or deposit it) any ) - P vg TP, Tr i , Tj a) 0 A Ira RCA ; jia , ,••4' 4 '• -... 9l al ii , nsive than ever. They street, alley, or OD any private ground, with- ; .art. '-; .d. - - ~ ....1 , ~ •:. : ,i •... ..h.„,fc,„ adopt. this measure :in the limits or thia Borough, shavings, pa- , (iF ;-.• . , ',-.! to ;afore) their old customers, I per, hay, straw, s tubble , Vines, or any other ' 01 7 za ardia:egisre liciarirable Igetel .L'sfale. Hi i .I.of -'' , ~ , The undersigned offers to sell at Public pa ; 7i ; ic : ..,- era luta la I.:- new onus , Colllllll,llDie IlltlttCr, except on the enelosed Reint i re to Fintw in l b it B o i . v ,,,,h „1- c Ol ,-,_ 1 .i,..' ,1 j i' l 1 that the y will at th e ir new parts of his own private lot, and that for his . • ''' Sale, on Saturday the Ist of October next; ;.anona. . 4 ,.1 .1 .6 1 ,. 4 2.i " : ,....f siablishment, present the own necessary me. If any person or per- ' p ai i t (will-mod and ontioto d 1 ,, the „„ t i mi a. on the premises, one and a half .Hiles above Newest and ii'ashionabte Goods, !, sons shall orwod aizaiost !hi, section, he, she, ty or the con oration or ate Boroualt Ideal:I- aSiegfried's Bridge," on the road, leading or they, shall forteit and pay the stun ortwo a . „, „., i„ T „„ ~ „„,.ii . H .,,„,biad,„ 1 „1 i t i s from Catasanqua to Cherryville, in Allen ever brotight to this place, and basin.. goer- dalairS to be recovered for thec rII ..'•' ' ' " •" • - IC:wiisliir, Northampton county, chased in Philadelphia and :Cew Yolk ; nni.,,,i„ii. ti' " le hereby ordained at d cmicted by the authori a Iv of the same. ; A Valuable Plantation, i TV) r st'ash, Sice. A. If any person or persons shall • a ancr. 1. if Huy person shell make any - . containing 5:1 acres and 1 4 perches, 5 acres l at :my time lie Ilitind in any of the S_trcets or it enables them to sell l ouse than any 'bon-fires or set fire to loud burn any paper, of which ore excelleia meadow, and 5 acres I other tashildishinent of the kind in A Ilentown. ; alluir Parts o f the Borough , heiu , ing in . n shavings, hay, straw, or other combustible good woodland, the balance is farm land of disorderly manner, tind :lo not lUrtlia all ,'rimy have selects d ilieir Goods with an eye materials in ally of the streets or alleys, of the best quality, adjoining lands of Charles •to durabilita and fancy, and have none but PrareablY "airs en hoeing ordered so to ' l° the Borough, or in any private inclosure I Nagel, a , hr) : the latest. Sissies ill the market. Their stock by the high Consttible, the stiitl 1101 Cott:int- :1: wit nip one hundred feet or any stable, hay- Li otepoett ~,eppower, George flow er and others. 'Thereon is erected a Beshall forthwith arrest the. said otFender or of Goods minim , other articles, consist of rick or out house, or shall lire discharge or offender:, and take Idol or them or either of 2 Story Frame Dwellinix ', Cloths of all colors and prices, Cassiniers, let o' any stitiii), cracker, rocket or other pa- . . -i f i g , .... or French and American manulacturers ; them herore the Burgess. If it shall appear roteelu nic dea ise Within the bounds or the t I`• ," hi iiioioSe, k....alagL a SwiSs Run, a large and small . i V. a :inns, Silk V e lv e ts, S at ins, Silks, Nv ers . to the satisfaction or the Ihirgess on his view ' I 3orough, he cr she so offeriding shall forllat j Writ and other descriptionsafigured tied plain, or on confession or the ()Plunder or ofilliders, Shirts and Shirt-collars., Stocks. Cravats, or by the oath or affirmation of one or more or one dollar with I . lth cosh ,. and pay liar the use or the Borough the sum Wagon House, Ilog, , stable, and other neces : sary outbuildings. A Spring of good water is near the house, also one near the berm ; Handkerchiefs, those, Suspenders, &c., be- lawliil .witness or witnesses, that the said si:ol .. ... and an excellent apple orchard did behave in a disorderly z All stove pipes that are now ) sitli•s, entity other articlt s coming in their Person ar li"rsaUs. ; used or that:shall hereafter he put up in any and other pt ttiber lA. • : line of business, and all w ill be soldat the manner by ins:oiling any person or persons j builditi , within the Borough shall be at least : fruit trees are on the 1 and. ' lowest prices. 'Their stock of . , passing the streets, or did make use or ott. , Iwo inchesd clear or anv a ood and slain be The sale will commence at 1 o'clock in lie.d.cly-initde Clothing. I • pro r r. language, or profanely curse or.swear, the afternoon, when the conditions will be Reatlyinade Clothing, ' encl.:AA in an earthen or Iron case or coy. I or interrupt the passage ; every Pursuit thus minor • and in no case shall such pipe pass made known by l'he undersigned keep at! kinds of Ready comprises every thing, in the clothing line, lawlitlly convicted Its aforesaid, shall stiffer . a , trott a , :li the outer ii ill or roor or any build owde C/othing, on hand. mid will nieke to- from an over-coat down to an ailder-shirt, by flue nut excee dh i cr one I.lollll* to be recur- • • - J order, at the lowest possible prices. I made up after the latest and most fashiona- cred with costs of suit Ibr the tote of the . comply „i t i i the provisions of t hi s a „ t i o „ (IEI Z & GILBE111'• I hle styles. 'filene stock being so extensive, Borough. I shall thrfeit and pay the sum of live dollars Catasattqua, Sept. I• 1. 'll-din ; that mow a ill leave it, unless hued from the Sne.i. 5. If :my person or persons shall .d • • • • Borough . i , n•bottom to the top" ; in ally manner injure, break, dig up, remove, , with full costs. , to Ire recovered fur the use of the IV 6 1,) , a , p..„ . ~ri) et, 1 i'l. QC) ci 0 ' ... 4a...... re aara.: .... r..... Cus!onicr Work, pun down or destroy any of tine public build- i c. , , .ar.C.r. 3. Every chitnrwv hei•ctifira• built ; . Fop naLE. , Ju g s, lamps or lamp posts; or any other prop- ,-,,, • a , • . 1 , . adAwhichdshall pass' will be clone up fIS usual, and for their work ee•-1,., either public CO private, .....;,_ time ; V.... Mil this 1,0101 ,1, 1 :11 . ..h, he Sold! at 'Pollee Condor, on they are tvilliog to he held responsible, two iiia -` il, or i l ' i.c ' i 1 tri., ' , 1 ,,,,ii : rl .l;: it ' aszi - u, :: : :: n o ' r u si :: 11 through or near the ridge, of the roof, shall ; extend at least three lila above the ridge ; Thursday the .H.fili day eI September, at 1 of the rum in, io , practical w oi L ine n i ll the iii aire, brunii down, ,lllc ~. _,,: „,1,,,.. destroy, ; o'ca , el; in the :diet noon, min the pin oases, in "art of rutile,," and all the work is ninde up any'l ,•,,. ' I w , ffill • ' 1 hut if it shall pass through any other part of ontiiongs, maw,: or ()tact property, he- , thi , roar or oil the tlan Borough of A 11 , nto‘N n, the holloa ing under their own supervision.ft outside e•l' the house to ! h ie rrl le r t o the C'irlionoi,lo, such 1 erson or ! which belongs • . ii . • . i . • • I prom:ray to wit : Thankful for past favors they trust that • '' it it shall po_neet at east Wu: perst.lis so olli•ruling shall for 'every such I ,leer. ' A Vivo Flory Erick Rouse. attention to business, '.stitil profits and a . . . . . onotice forfeit and pay any emu not exceed- a I r I • I e I 1 quick sales" will I.e the IllettliS 01 Imaging . .surr. a. ',very c iiinney leretmer ,0 ien mg one hundred doll:Irs, at the discretion or •.-+ Situate. on the I\:orth Ti'Atst new cost( titers to their establish:malt. I built Ito- temperitiv purposes shall be nt lete,t, ' e• fcr.^..' - " I ' ll corner of Eielo It it inl Gordan streets, J. IsAAC 13111.:INIG, time Pair l4" ss bell "' ivi""" Inc l s"'"" shall la' ! four ibehes thick Irmo the inside or the rim.. II!..!, r.:!!!!.. • tried, together with costs or suit, to be sued !!' '.....L111 the Borough of A Iloilo:wt, heing • :lons X nhitili, ; net excinsivo of the plasteringl • • r . ~ nu , "iinn - I far and recovered by the 'freastirtnr or the 1 • • . 1 . s u bs t a nce • 01 Irma Is feet 4 inches, and in depth 28 Jolts L. Poims;l9. lag or contiguous to any woo( Lo 1t 0r ,, 0 0-1 1 ami d app li e d to nod Cor the use of the •r, II t ake lire , a mi d shall l i e •di feeL 4 inches. The lot lats a Irma of 120 • Allentowo, Sept. 7 it - . ---610 ' itaine to - Said 110rOlItth with costs Of suit. 0 ,od ill ev e ry hart or ilie inside, and every ' feet Olt Eli , lith, and lit it et on Chordon street. - , ..1 ' ' ) . A ttac lit d to:the house is a vt. ra handsome ulsolut 1011 01.1 artnership. SECT. G. 1r any person after the publi- t e i n ; t . s hall be well sec:Atrial on the outside cation or thia ordinance, shall lead, ride or Lwith good suitable mortar. Piazza and Porch, a gnoil ChSti . rti with a Notice is hereby riven, that the Partner- drive any animal, upon or over any er the s tic ' T . 5, if any person hereafter shall • chain Pump, lightning. Rod, &c. '1'1,.. Cut , ship Kerr laian; i xi. , , a i al, between ,,, / nounas paved rootways w akin this Borough, he, or ; erec t o r cruise to be erected any house, shop is handsomely enclosed a till a rile (rice, - I ' . .. .llcore and ...lathazi Lanaciniclanger: in the she, se Gliaidino a , shall forfeit and pay the 1 or other building on the line of his or her a nd planted with. good fruit trees. Grain and Coal business, in Allentown. has suin o f three d o llars , to be recovered with I lot a djoining or near to any higher builtliin. 1 The conditions will be made hnown on • . ..,.• , been dissolved on the Ist oh Septenits r, Ibo 3, costs of suit (by env person who will give ; it shall lie the May of such person to build thin day of sale and due attendance given by 1y inutual consent. All those 1)0 I ow ir o rnuttion to the llurgt-ss) for the use orthe ! (1 chimney 11 11. 11. BLUNIER. ,up le thereof to the height tul a t Agent ~/ I , hui , ) Kiwi. . themselves to be indebted to :Hid firm, are Borough. I least three hal above the highest part of the ' .; _ ilia earnestly requested to call on Thaino.l Noose September 11. '''' ECT ' 7 * If any li c rs'" l sliall wilfully I ; coil or ~liii edictioio ,, house. _. . at th,. ohi I ,lnft. Of business, Whi run the books place any onstructi,,ll on the streets, alleys ! s acT . ti WalIV householder Within tile , A ik\c)urx‘eA. C oxuk. will remain (or a short time, nod settle their and pavements, or roma ays as arorcsaid, or Borough shall appreheml titat the chimney r accounts, in order that the business of the ill" anyt `, 4* 'lli,' Public Parts olthis Borolialt, l of ray or his neialibors is not confortneble In parsuance of an order of the President old firm can be bt.ought to a close., --) , : except in the alleys as near the line as 1.4)5. I to time provisions (II thiS ordinance and are in and Associate 1 wises of Ludtigh County. DO- (rotates "V101 , 1;1 , ,, - ' :it'll', every person so othandj ii tr s k i ll f or t; i t ! . . 1 . l • • its , ~,, ' - I :Alt•il Ctlllellloll lO endanger the houses tice is hereby !vivre that an adjourned Court INATIIAN LAI.DENscIILADEIt, avid pa y fir eac h and Ivary well ()(Bence the , . a ;contentions t wren) •a shall be the duty mil' will be held at the. Court flue:se, in the Cur- Allentown, Sept. 7 li-(iw sum of three dollars if sti.-1) obstruction he - in se t .; suc h h ouse holder to enter a complaint ()ugh of A Ili mown, commencing on Friday - _ a . __ . round berme his own lot or the lot in his pos. Ito the Burgess, wile, is hereby required to the :30th day of September, next, at 10 County (..onhoissioner, s.‘„ini,, .....1 the m.n of six dollars 11. r taii.ll ' app oi nt t hr ee judicious l eeLliallies Within the o'cleck in the forenoon, for trials of all met- • ~,,,,,, ~a , ~, ~ . , I i ~,,1 iatu-' "I. i•""-') if fiitind on any other ,l 13orotioli to examinin the situation and Mr.: « ',wows of .t u,.., 1 count if, those tors not requiring•the intervention of a Jury. ' ( , .. .13 • u . ../ .. '.' ft : Public I"Irl s , " I. I lli s I'' ) P•t i gh ; Si hidt soil cumsCuices el the same, nod if it shall tipper ;/ A/Mutton n oion, 1, (sp« in ti, All parties interested tire requested toatiend. ianalty shall he recto... real liar the use Ur the • i I by the report, that the apprehension ° rattan. FR.\ NCIS Fa SA '.ll 11 IaLS, I'roth. ; 1 _n't..i.i.ow Cern:l:Ns ! I hereby offer my- „ , .a.ronoll with rusk. ! i ger is well romill.:(1 and that the out ner or September 9, 185:1. . ihi..._ah a Pelf to your considera a tion as a candidate no , , ~.. ' El .1 . • •• 1 •' I .!Bill I . Lcl. .... l .010 .S.lli penal lle i sa id I ; e.l.lllllley l'elilSeS or neglects to reitiove - •• --- _ - - , the office of • nu c t 4 Suli _ ,T (0 cvil' ,i.‘ 1 - 2 .. t. 1 i - CostmssioxEit, ! recoverable, it shall be the duty or tilt' highhighth cause e CaSC Of complaint in a reasontiblo dine, ir. era; w Consutble to notify the ollender ; and if die not exceeding one week, he, she, or they at the October election. It elected I shall „ad o b struc ti ons L ,,,,•„ not 1 .„ 1 „,„. e d w i t hi n The undeisiontal • hereby notify their , shall rorfeit and pay the aunt often dollitrs, friends and the üblic it. P general that they ; endeavor l" ( Ill' cl ' ar r-l ; " , 11° ' thltil sof " id • h%clve hours if notified iii the mornings , or and the further sum or one dollar for each have renloydd _their - . malice iloaaslig, and with is view 'at Imam -• twenty-how hours it notified it) the, evening, and H every day until the cause of complaint ting the best interests of the Borough of then it shall he the duty or the !doh C -‘. ii?,.xcikailige 0 glice-( 4 ". 1- shall be removed, to ho recovered with costs Allentown. ble to remove lord:with the obstructions alter of so it • f or th e use of the n 0 ,,,,,,,h. from the front room in the Odd Fellows' i Ist. I • • . tol' • 1 . 1-.. n will Promise alar t•le subsoil' - ; - whielt he Shall lodge inlitrmation with the , . -4 n.. 7• 1r any chimney ( - tinny house- Hull, to the tii•w three story building on the ! don of at host one hundred thousand dollars Iltir -t and the offender in such case shall .-11..1.1..withinla' d shall bo",, . holder the orcaa, seen to north vast corner of merket square, where ; li, r t h e purpose of nnine ic att the Lehigh nu! -t . , , ... pay the above penalty with costs, a ( ill a . , .„. ri i d blare oyt of die top thereof unless the roofer they are prepared to transact ; Mouma sand in, • d sum to be paid out of the 1 dition thereto the costs or removal. The nthe h‘ covered with snow or sufficient- Ban h. and Exchange ; county Treasury. high Constable shall receive Ibr every such lv suet with snow or rain, or during the tuns I business upon the most reasonable terms. 2(1. I will go in for constructing three or inrorniation the sum or filly cents to be paid or a fall of snow or rain,. such 'householder wm . H . Bi a um ER & c o. i four more Bridges over the 'Jordan at All out of the treesur) , of the Borough. on conviction before the Burgess by the tes rfr_dw I town, to be paid likewise out of the county Allentown, Sept. 14. 0. Nothing contained in this ordi- timonv of one credible Winless or on view of , . 'l'reasury. I • 3cl. I will oppose nny new Bunk charter, , . ~ daily llama: shilll lie so construed as• t o prevent the Burgess, shall hirliat told pay the sum of v person %%ttose , a oecupation may re- two dollars with costs oh suit to be sued 11)1. except its location he in Allentown Borough. all - • , , ii • . l'oolll, on ally et the public ports o; and rceoveted fer the use of the 13orongli.- ! 401. lam also opposed to tiny Rail Road q uirt ,,, ~. his .., I ~ , this portatino, ion. work, 11 Ito ben trades- Provideo always that Jr any householder or .charter, unless it be one to pass through or 1 f .' • hiswagons •vehicledwelleraforesaid- .han wake it a ipear mum; or en m other if as. , . . .. 1 . , , near the market house in Allentown Bor• Ili: be a hummer or carter;oraolv other nieces- that his or her chimney took. fi le within a ought. • 'sary ettilino• in any line to make free use of month after it had been Swept or cleansed, sth. lam down on the 'Macungie Rail • •!" •.,•i I ) , 1 . • such person said public pert ot s,uit among bat any time, yb shallliable , lload. which is now in course of rapid con anreby not obs s uuctlng the struction, because it does not lead to Allen- ti passage, our Pel .-i, la • t u... 8. - From and after tilt:date or 'his town Bort - mall, for the seaside rotten above l'r e v''' lt : l'""11. lion, I "Yi,"g .w" a( ' v it' -,i. • ~., . . ~ ~ . . , ~ paremelit tor a reasonable tune to have olllm:ince no it:libellant, stotel.ccpet or other mentioned, I trust you will elect me. j•Aoen t 1 me. saved and placed away, nor to prevent tin! person whatsoever, shall keep at any one • dealers in Merchatitlize and others front pla- time more than twenty-five pounds or gun *Subject to the decision of the County . . - • cing boxes, barrels, or any thing in their powder or more than one hunched pounds of Convention. • ~ - • line on the pavement close to their houses, any pyrotechnic devise or composition on Sept. 7, 1853. s_rri, so as to clear a free passage of at least four the premises used or occupied by him within _ --- ----- • . • the thickly and inhabited puma of this Bor t. • Lehigh Co., 13ible Society. " 'l's...T. . 10. If any person or persons shall ough, except in a sufficient fire proof under There will be a public meeting of the travel on horseback or in a vehicle faster the penalty of filly dollars to be sued for and friends of the Lehigh County, Bible Society, than nut the rate of six miles an hour through recovered with costs of suit for the use or at the Egypt Church. on Sunday October, any or the streets, lanes or alleys, of this the Borough. 11 . 2(1 commencing at 2P. NI. Addresses will Borough, every Person or persons so offend- Enacted into an ordinance at Catasauqua, be delivered in the English, German, and ing shell forfeit and par one dollar to be re- July 25, 1853• probably the Welsh languages, . covered with costs oh' suit, for the Use of the DAVID Tuomns, Burgess. Allentown. Sept. 7. %-.lw ;Borough. ATTEST--.-oWell . Wee, SeC.. az,m azo - a.) - u2 Grand Exhibition Of Fashionable Fall and AI inter (t) o i x a AT THE New Cheap Store Vcd.z. 69' Gilbert, These gt ntlenten, Wit , this method to in torn' their friends and the public in general that they have receive d a very huge and well selected stock of Tall and Wu. Goods, *hick the y ate now ready to dis pose off to their custoweis at the lowest prices. Their immense stoch has been soleded with the utmost care anti consit , ts of kLotittioli The first Cotillion Party of the season, will come oil on Thursday evening, the `.:llth of September next, at the House - of !/en t 7/ Roth, (Union Head illuartet,) in A lientown : Dancing to commence ut tti o'clock in the evening. Excellent ramie is ,engaged for the occasion. HENRY HUTH. Allentown Sept. 14. 11-3 w Medical Society ollelliwit Co. Notice is hereby given, that the members of the “Lehigh Co. Medical Society" will meet on Thursday, September !29th, at 1.1 ' M., in the alike of Dr. Charles H. Marlin, kt Allentown. All those wish ing to becon e. members are earnestly guested to w. ke application to the President of the Soco sy (l)r. Charles H. Alaitin) without delay. By order of the President. David U. Masser, Sec'y. September 14. , ¶-4w SECT. ii. It shalt not be lawful for any Innkeeper, in the BurOugh of Catasauqua, to permit any wagons, earriage, or, other vehicles, to stand or remain in the street in the day time, in such position as to occupy more than one-third part thereof measuring from curb to curb ; and any Innkeeper neg lecting to observe the requirements of this section, or refusing to remove forthwith any wagon or other vehicle, so as aforesaid un lawliilly placed, on being requested so to do, by any officer or citizen of this Borough, shall (1)111.'4 and pay the sum of live dollars, to be recovered for the use of the Borough with costs. ,SEcT.• 12. And be it further ordained and enacted, by the authority aforesaid, OM if any waggoner, carter or driver of any car riage, sled or sleigh, or' any other person, shall stop or place any such carriage, sled or sleigh, at or neat' the intersection of any street, lane or public alley within the limits aforesaid, in such manner as to cross the loot way, or prevent foot passengers from crossing the street, lane or public alley, and shall not immediately on the request of the foot passenger, cause the same to be re moved, or shall he absent therefrom, so that such request cannot he made, every person so otibnding shall forfeit and pay for every such alnico the :turn of one Dollar. Ennetcd into an ordhiative at cat asauqua, the 25th day of July, A. U., 185:3. DAVID TIIO3IAS, 111.1rgeSS. ; ATTEST—Owen Rice, &c. pricer current IMIZCI ARTICLES Barrel Bush. Flour ..... 11'lleat • • • • Rye ..... Corn ..... Oats ..... Bucliwheat . • Flaxseed . . • Cbviirseed . • irnothyt•ecd • Potatoes . . • Solt Butter . • • • Lard Tallow . . . • Beeswax . • • flans Hitch . . . . Toy% -yarn•. . Rye 'hislcey Apple NV hii:hey Linseed Oil . Ilickory Wood N: I U: V •:E t. C I C .) 1 Plaster . Mail Pound Doz Gall Cord Ton ME MEI _ _DANIEL NAGEL. Allen township, Sept. 7. *-4w rOxral s s C civtrt, $ By virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale, on Thursday, the 29th day of September, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, a certain Lot or Piece of Ground, with the appertenancts, situated in the Bor , ough. of Allentown, in the county of Lehigh, aforesaid, bounded on the west by William street on the north 1.3 t a lot of . Jacob 11 'e on the cost by a public alley, and on the south by a lot of John Fogelman, containing in I - front on said William street about forty feet, more or less, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet, the lot is in good fences. Being the real estate of Daniel K. Wet., dece'd, late of the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, aforesaid. Terms on the I day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by CHARLTS W. WEIAIST, IldrnSt. By the Court, N. Mrczur.a, September 7, 1H53. ¶-4w eylto* n Aca em)r. . The Tiustees of this Institution, respect fully announce that the Fall Term will com mence on Thursday Ist of September. Under the super% ision of the present Principal, Mr. .1. Gregory, the school has teceived a liberal patronage, and has at tained a position of the highest rank. During the vacation, very great additions and linprovemenis hit've been made to the Academy buildings and furniture, and pu pils will now enjoy all the advantages of a thorough course of instruction, earnest and flicient.teachers, and spacious and conveni cut school rooms. GIDEON !BACH, T11 0 31A 4 W RAVER, Board [1 FR3I AN IZ TIIOIIAS 13. IVir.sos, of Wii.r.titm It Cantu, NATuAN NIETzuEn, 'Trustees llonmer WIZIUtur. • Allentown August 24. ‘VILIAIII a. MARX ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW • ()Nice in dm eistero front room of the building of John I). Lawall, formerly Horn beck's west of the Coo rthous,. •Alleotown. April 4, !`.o.n Hiram Brobst, I)eutist IVt AX‘eutown. Reslwetlully informs his friends .--Laf t tiO and t h e yublic in woo ral, that he cull continues the practice of his profession, in all its various branches. Foch as filing, cleansing, plugging and inserting front a sin gly tooth to a full set, on moderate terms. His office is in Allen Street, one door South of Dr. C. L. Martin, No. 43. Allentown, August 10. TAKE NOTICE. The subscriber having , procured a Fash ionable Tailor, is now prepared to do cus tomer work °revery description, at the shor test notice and in the most fashionable style, also all work done in this establish ment, warranted to, give entire satisfaction. Call at the corner of Eighth andtlatnikon street, opposite 1-lagenbuch's note', at the Red Sign.. J. W. GRUBB: Allentown, August 3. 11—Ow NEJ Alltrit.Eubto 6 COI 5 00 1 20, 1 00 7& 81 (;5 60 85! :38 50; 50 1 87 1 1 50 411(1: 5 50 2 501 2 75 •J 5 75 60, 45 It; 15 14, 12 101 22, 25 . 12, 121 9 12, 5, 5' 14i 11 , .22! 22 5 00 1 lo E:3 CO 1.511 5 50 2 70 50 30 30 28 15 8, 20 24 24 S 5 6 00 i 5 00 4 SO :3 50 ; 3 PO 2 60 25' 23 (.0. 85. 1:2 1 1 5 ( 3 1 0 1 ) : 2 4 4 0 ( (. 1-S 1 1 0 0 01 : 1 2 SO :3 00' :1 SO' :3 50 4 50 4 50 cam OE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers