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IUJIJi, kat 50 per annum, payable in advance,and ' l s2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued,until allarrearagesare paid 'except at the option of the proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTS, making not porelhan one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion twentyfive cents. Larger advertiserrients, charged in the tame proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines W4ll be charged seventy-five cents, and thoSe making Six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. L-7 " °Ace in Hamilton St., One door East o/ the Germanileformed Church, nearly opposite the ~ F riedensboie Oftice." G(Tod Horses and Safe Vehicles! ' alien town Lively VA stabil Avila eitt . THE subscribers take this method to in form their friends and the public in general, that they have entered into partnership in the Livery Business, in the stable formerly owned by George Beige!. They have an , entire new stock of • ' HORSES CARRIXGES:&c. ItsA.l4i ip t) Their Horses are gentle and all good travellers ; their vehicles mostly new mid of the latest style, and such as have Let ti used are repaired and repainted in the host emnner. They continue the business i ' t the old stand in %Valls:at street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. ' They will always be prepared to furnish tin it customers at the shortest possible no tice With sale and gentle horses, good car r;:toes and careful drivers if requested. Families can be suited at all times with ve hicles to their particular taste. • Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue Their high credit they here tofore gained of being the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses,the neatest and most splen did carriages, and sober and careful drivers. Their charges are:very reasonable _and hope by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor them with their custom. T. P. HOFFMAN. JESSE, SIEGFRIED September 18, 1851. if=-:3111 Grand Exibition AT THE Allentown Hall of Fashion. Wieder 4' Boyer, Respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity, that they have lately associated themselves for the purpose of manufacturing Hats and Caps of various styles and lash - ions, all of which they will sell at Wholcsak or Retail, at rates cheap er than the same were ever before offered in this place. They being both practical hatters and much expetienced in the business, feel sat isfied that they can give entire satisfaction to all who will favor them with their CP:, Remember the stand, directly, opposite Barber & Young's Hardware: Store, West Hamilton Street, known as E. M. Wieder's Hat and. Cap Store Country merchants supplied on rea sonable terms. Having ,just received the latest Fall and Winter styles, they will be prepared to fill orders at the:shortest notice. They have also on hand a full assortment of Fula, such as. Muffs. Bods, Cuffs, &c., All of which'will be sold at the lowest rt. ices.) August 11.2 11 . ..1.i:.Ki.104c - 6 :Notice is hereby given, that the under signed, havetbeiffi. appointed Executors of the ,fist and'Vestament of Solomon Knauss,' deceased; late ,cf, the Borough of Allentown, in the , county,,of.,Lehigh. All those,who know themselveg indebted to said estate, bo it in,bonde, .notes,, book 'debts, or .otherwise, will please make settlement be tween now. ka first day of A pril next. And , such, who have any; legal claims against ~ saikestate, will also present . their,, claims within the above time.' ' - Citentif# K. KNAUSS; WILMAIE x.xecutora. ioNAtdefil.c.:Kmtuss, . . livhoadas aella'ihe chettpeal hOit' . o6dries'iti town and also „that ,he..rnielitOn a' fresh . aupply, which heh cotli6piliOttp:er than Alm at the Veoplea! Store, opposiittilark bodes Hotel. W„(3IRPB PEN s tOer ;S S4 6 W • A - FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Grand Exhibition -OF-- New Fashionable Fall and Winter - AT THE New Cheap Store OF Getz 11• Gilbert, These gentlemen, take this method to in form their friends and the public in general that they have received a very large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they are now ready to dis pose off to their customers at the lowest prices. • Their Fall und" trinter stock has been selected with the utmost care and consists of Clothes, Caoishners,.Satinets, Flannels, Gloves Lind Hoseiry, besides De laines, A lapaccas, Lusters, Ginghat - ns, Plain and Figured Poplins, Muslins and Prints, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &c., To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, confident that the fullest satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who may favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. They have reason to be thankful for the favors received thus fur and hope by atten 7 Lion to business, disposing of their goods at small profits, good treatinent.towaids their, customers to merit still a greater share of , customers. GETZ & OILBM.T. Catasauqua, Sept. 16. Groceries Fish 44• Sail. The undersigned have just received an entire . new .Stock of Groceries, Fish and Salt which they intend to sell nt the low. est.prices at their Store in Catasauqua, Le high county. (3E17. & GILBERT. Sept. 16, 1952. 'II --Om The undersigned 'have opened a Coal Yard in Cutasauqua, and will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Coal which they will sell at-greatly reduced prices. GE'l'Z & GILBERT. September JO, 1652. 11—Om The People's Store Revived! A. Geller al all ON al . J, W. GRUBB. would respectfully in. form the citizens of Allentown, and vicini ty, that he has removed his store into the house latterly occupied by C. H. Samson, as a Store, opposite Hagenbitch's Hotel, and so extensively known as The People's Store, where he will be pleased as ever to accom modate all who will please favor him with a gall. His stock consists as ever, of a great variety of the most desirable goods. Ladies Dress Goods, Of every quality and price,such as Dc laines, Cashmeres, Cobcrgs, Thibet Cloths, French Morinos, Alpaccas both plain, black and fan cy colorrd, Dress Silks of every variety, to gether with a general' assortment in that line of goods. Also mourning goods of every description. . - Men and boy's wears such as Cloths, Cas aimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans and Youth Plaids, Also a general assortment of Flannels, both wool and cotton, apron and bed checks, Manchester Ginghthns, Muslins, Drillings, Cambrics; Calicoes, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at 'reduced prices. So please give him a call and See for yourselves at the well known corner of . llc also returns his most sincere thanks to the public for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him heretofore, and hopes by strict - attention to,business, and studying to . please each and everyone, both old and young, grave and gay, to merit a continu• ance of the same. Allentown, Dec. lb. - 11.43 tn EMPORIUM OF FASHION ! Takes this • method to inferte his friends and the public in general, that he has open anew and fashionable .c• • ~ • • TAtiortmo Fork,lnusnmErd, in 'Allentown, in the new huildifig of Mr. Pe ter, Weikel" corner of Market 'Square and itieWwhere he'-will` be ready to re ceive thosevihti'mair fairer him with their custom, to 'whom be will feel .0 mteful: He's itytheregtdar yeceipt , of the Fash ion hrteic - iybiChlhe cuts and makes up he superintends.himself; and can there fore stand:oootl - for life work heriurns out, and his priced vabeK-cheaper plan at any other establi,3limenttrivin t 4. He returns hie: 01'1400 his old ors, and feels.cenfidint,...th44l#l:dtgebility of his work and themotitirtitsTiriCeS, will in. duce a further continual* Of their suptioit. .:.November. 24 ) 18152. 2'. • 4 11,4803: . 11--;614 s(DouDa a COAL ! COAL The Peoples Store. 11—sin Edward Stetter; I. , Pr , `,..,. v I.oolk lIVARE elocks, Waleljes &-leruchlx. Come Jill and Judge for Yourselves! During the past summer the undersigned —directly opposite the German Reformed Church in Allentown has materially en larged and beautifully finished, his Store room, and in order to make. his assortment of ...• 4i,,- Clocks, Watches 06: C 1;\ AA D ;,,.0 JEWELRY, ;MA op ~1.1: compare with his other 5 . *: o '!.: 1 !) - '''':'. improvements, he adopts this method to inform his. olds customers and a host of new he expects to get, that he has just returned from New York, with a most magnificent display of • House, °glee and Parlor clocks, Gold and Silver [Patches, of every variety, Gold Ear and Finger Rings, Breast— Pins, of every inemagincrble pat tern, gold, silver, steel and brass Watch Chains, Seals and • Keys. silver 'Pea and 'Fa- • ble Spoons, golc4 silver and steel Spectacles, • . for all ages, Spy glasses of all sires, . gold Lockets 4• Chains, Music Boxes of various qualities, gold andfancy Me- d als, of all sizes, gold and silver Pencils, Melodians of - the best mainfliwthry . in the United States. - In short every article kept in a well stocked Jewelry store can -be got of him, and is de termined to sell as chelp as can'te.bought either in New Yorle'ciiPiiila6lol6: ' , : - - He flatters himself fp:belie've that in - beauty and assortment ;Itia%tatablishment cannot be . sur- . .passed in any country town in the state. The public is invited to call and then to judge for themselves. reEle continues to repair Wat Ches and Clocks, and since he keeps none but the ve ry best of workmen, he can, afford to war rant them for one year. Gold and 'Silver ware will nlso be repaired at the shortest no tice and upon the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors he trusts that by punctual attendance and low prices he will be further able to meet with favors. CHARLES S. MASSEY. ,Docember 15. ¶-3w Dv. 3 . 1 1 . .DEorYtirsT. Adopts this method to inform his ' , Di. friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Kolb's American Hotel, a few doors east of PreL2, Guth & Co'e. Store, where he will be happy to offer his professional services in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. Igr His terms are.reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851. ¶—ly eo-partneroliii) Notice. The subscribers have entered into Co partnership on, the 3d instant, in the Livery Business, under the firm of liormAN and SIEGFRIED. Their-establishment is found in Williams street, a few doors below Pretz, Guth & Co's.:store. • They are prepared with handsome vehicles of every description, and safe horses, and will be prepared at all times to attend and accommodate those who may favor them with their custom. THOMAS P. HOFFMAN. "JESSE SIEGFRIED. • Allentown,-January 12, ¶-7w IP.I.I*TEII. A good Cooper, with n family, to work himself and employ others - to work for hill . ' in making Flour Barrels. , None but good workman need apply, but to a good wgrk... man •constant work and good pay will be guarranted. • • • PRETZ, GUTH & CO. • January 2,•1853. ¶-4w 711.14)111 1 1Balltilablitlit 0 WATERMAN & OBBOURN, ' North West Coro& of d Sicon ,S• Mulberry . (.Rich)' . Stieels, P H 113.0 E'L P BIS. OFFER FOR SAL E f A LAROL ASSORTMENT OF TEAS, : ''' 1 •. '1 • i COFFEES' ' t . ' • • I 'At the Lowest SUGAR, ' ' ' '• '' ' 1 MOLASSES, ' ... - . Market rates. pPICEg, 4r,d - i 'cl i tp,' • .' ' . "' , . Those commencing Iskw' Stores are par tieularlyinpkel.idooll. '' •' ' " Cir AtteOthikr'glieiyfo'Prodaii. ' '' ' . Philail. hit: 26;1853: .‘:' .f ' '¶-3m—.}' . •-; Freak Ogoters. EninAtrzt,`l. — Miiktrils TectiYing . ; fit* ilevKli'drli,tiiie.beitit . i*ity of Elvish PYit‘iiiat Oirkqmber 24t.1E-2-44? EMI Euglellote•l No. 139, North She e t , BETWEEN : PHILADELPHIA: • DAVID STEM, Proprietor. This gentleman takes, great pleasure to inform his friends and the public in gen eral, that he has taken the above named well-knoWn and de - • servedly popular EAGLE' HOTEL ! situate . tuate in 11;1 the most bus -- . siness part of the city, which be has refitted with .entirely new- Furniture and .Ped ding of a superior quality. The house has also been renovated and improved in n manner, which will compare favorably with the first class Hotels in the city, arid cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may patronize the establishment. lar His. T4BLE will always be supplied, with the choicest and most wholesome pro visions the market affords, .and his B.IIR, with'the purest and best liquors. The sta bling belonging to his house, is gOod and extensive, and will bo supplied with the best provender, and attended by careful hostlers. Nothing in short, shalt be left undone to, make !lig Guests comfortable, and he flatters himself that by strict attention to bUiineis, he will merit and receive a liberal shale of public encoMagement ' Philadelphia, December _ _ V r anklin lz ir e Ins ur mice *Company of Philadelphia. PTATEXONT Of I.lle - :el.iisets of the Compri ny, on JanurtrYlst:- . os3,'published in con forinitv with, the : protiibions of the sixth sec tion of the Ant / Of Assembly, of April 5,1842. . NI OBTPA.GES. ' . .. Being first Mortgages, well secur ed, free of wound rent, in the ci. ty and county of-Philadelphia, except $ 27,950, ih 'Montgomery, ' Bucks, Schuylklll and Alleeeny counties, Pennsylvania, $1,021,300 03 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's; sales-un-- I der mortgage claims, viz : Eight houses and lot, 76 by 150,1 feet, on the southwest corner of Chestnut and Schuylkill Sixth streets. A house and lot, 27 by 71 feel, on North side of Spruce street, :vest of Elev 0111), A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on west side of Penn • Square, south of High 'street. Two houses and lots, each - 10 by 60 feet, on south side of Spruce . street, near Achuylkill seventh Five houses and lots, each 17-9 Nos. 131, 193, 135, 137, and 139 Dilwyn street, Three. houses and ,lot, 49 by 54 'fief on tient side of Schuylkill I Sixth street, south' of Pine, A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet, on the north e. corner of Schuyl kill Front and Spruce streets, Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the South Elaslcorner of Ches. nut and Beach streets; Five houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet,on the north side ofGeorge street, west of Ashton, Seven houses and lot, 20 by 116 on the East side of Ileach street, South of Chestnut, A house and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 90, Fitzwater street, East of Water, A house and lot, 15 by 42-2 feet No I,Diamond street, running west from. Thirteenth street, below Chestnut street, A ground rent of $ 500, issuing out of lot 13-4 by 40 feet, on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Leonard street,.;, LOANS.. . 1 - . , TEMPORARY LOANS 'on , colitil-/ eral securities -amply seenieds: 5 STOCKS, . $lO,OOO Almsholtse Lanai 5 Pen cent, interest-on,) ' , , . 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky, " 17 .. North. 1311,„cr Km:alloy too u Unionlik.orrennessee la a Insurtmce,Conipany. of the State Of Penn. . . ono a Scat thiiark•RailroadCo. 37 .. Commercial deßeilroldt Dank of Vicksburg, 300 " Pennsylvania Railroad . company; , - ot a Franklin Fire Instir Co. 2 " Mercantile Library Co., 24 " - Union Canal Company 10 0 ' Schuylkill Railroad-CoJ . ,;.:•. Notes and. Bills recoi'vaOlf,,,, -;', ~1 •., 8 , 29 4. O S Unsettled Polici e s,... . ",' 1M0...25 Merchandiie, , • • : ‘,.. „*...', • , ~ • ...^ 160 84 CASH on hand SP 528 4 - 1' --- .e i ..i& ..:- , ? • .. 4 -, ' .._ ...,:--,;;;, .4 in Agt‘htkodet..lVa.PQ, .- -: .•,' r: '•` ' .-;,--,..—' .- 4t i ttia , :44: ••r i• ~-•-, ..: it, If ..,.,_. Total amount Of 1816 - 84,00 - . . -r ''' ..4 :llllrit . Dilol: 4 o 4 ol l ; l 4;toiiiiErniqf execaledat 44tiktitir tiffiCe!”: , tf , ti:4•l' , 4 ' •: 1 7' =1 IMRE I Strange Tale,True or Untrue. Our readers are, perhags, not' ignorant that there lives lb the State of New York rt person.professitig to be the'son of LeuisXVl: His claims have frequently been asserted ih the newspapers, but heretofore in so vague a way that few individuals of sense have paid much regard to them. The February number of Putnarres Magazine, however, contains an elaborate .article upon the sub, ject, from which it-would. appear that the case really presents some, curious features, proving the whole affair to be either one of the most remarkable impostures. in' history, or one of the Most amazing instances on rec ord of "romance in real life." This alleged heir to the Bourbons is now a venerable clergyman verging upon seven ty years of age, with an irreproachable char• acter, who has been long a missionary among the Indians. He bears the name of the . Rev. Eleazar Willams, and popularly pas, , ses for a half-breed, having a reputed Indiantl mother living. But strange to say : 44)1 aickl the baptism of all his pretended btlAiol, FR sisters are duly recorded in the49lolkOMlli.: olic register of their nativ . p4lo . o,oois'l alleged parents, it seems, yOetra,,llfernbere.bf.l that denomination, yet oChik4.brrth no such notice is taken. Stral'eidsiy his'nomi nal mother refusea to`sakwhiiher he is bOi child or not; her . lipalheibg sealed, it'seems, by some 'fernier tirOinisii; otyciiiv." Strang est of all, he hitB4ll,liiittra s no'reiemblance town Indian, .fidt . thai?thiTult•Austrian lip and other 'chitrae;teriaticiof 4 Bourbon : in deed to the late::l4imis ;XVII tie is • said to• bear a striking , likediisi? . , • . _ It is noti'lloireier,•'ort.slight• things like . the'se that '.his Claim • rests ; for if it did, it would deserye ta be„langhecl at for absurd'. ty; - ' A Mr.i.:•Berringer who died lately in Louisiana, declared on his death,bed that„the , son of Louia XVI did not die in Paris as has been genkralli'llaiimosed, but was brought to America r i,he; himself having been an agent in the transaetion. Influential French men likelytaknow state secrets, have at vari ous times declared during the past fifty years that the dauphin lived, and was somewhere in A mericai—lt seems likewise that a!l the indications poinf to the locality. , where Mr. Williams was brought up, as that in iihicli. the lost heir to the French crown was con, cealed. • Moreover, on , the person . of this, gentleman are marks of. the sorefula, Which it is known afilicteCthp.datiphin, and the marks are in the exitel.OicesYhere • they would hwie been on the dailphirea,,Perion, supposing he had aurviveriAkre extraor-. dinary still. the, face of. Mr.,,W,Strn,, tlia: a t two scars similar to two receitiedV4, . '-, ihin from a blow given by his jailer.,Siti; yi . ; These coincidences are fortified,bY others• less striking. ' The case in his.' fa.nr,• il 3 strengthened by still' other' circamstancei, the ,truth, Of .which ippearsprobable though: requiring yet to be fully established. The most important of these.is that • Mr, Williams has rceived; on. more than ona_pecasion, overtures of an extraordinary - Character, all emanating .from abroad, and all , :Pflirdink-,tni him 'as some • ,personate of 'high lineage,,l whose claims tv.was .desirops to by of 1; or, Mainguisti in some other way. The weak' part of the 'case, ne , regards these overtures', Is; that the evidence of then], consists chi fly. in Mr. W.'.s titvn•assertion,lha - papers still stantiating ' them having,.,witlk. but one or two exceptioni e _been destord, ashee97s, by conflagration of his tiwelltng, '.l3urthettgh in one sense this is the Weakest aspeet, of his case, in another it is one of inti ch Strength , at least temporarily., ':gantlet-mi ni, known to us, for ; example,. ; :and.who'-knevi him well ,say that they .wouldititke his word as soon. ati,any other man'i ogh, g ,Nizi is.it likelY that any,non tyould •bigin, atioyenty Ysitrs a caraer of lies and fraud.: Moreover, MOreover, ,the iassertion; of these= (Worthies has been made, Witivauch .partieolarity,aad directness that a - 4641g . will baeriaidi than tefutationAf;M,r., V. , has :#l6liteirtrathl and, as heis.an vr. - bine& minieteriin theVrateetgrit,Episeopal' ,Ohtirck, hks degraditticiti;vi t iilt itzteittably:fel- i low:his exposure.. Either; tharefore, hais the ,Most foolish OCinapostors, , beeituse.detection is now. Certaini'or' he, has stata . d, only truth, Whim aiserting the: fact Of.l,l4e43,6vertures. • -For' exiio m, he; declares that,When ,the . ';Prince •de .loiiiyille - cargosto:44ifferiPa ' in vsi,.:o tl e. or:the - first tbiagattlii Prinaa did 'was to in q uire **at: ~, AtAllitt:time..lllr.-. W. ,pitilesieeiO,Eillye . 64 Ilio'llqicimitpdgii.ot, -his real parentage. -, Inlariaieritiowhoty , .0 Vert ,a,butill,:.by *ti.T4,10..c 6 #94.*3044011' iPripctes, - ,apitqi#9o,4;:4o; 44tittillellaviialed; the aaero,:Or the',l o , iii4c4:oooirifii •Piei-. lucid A -:46.pu in 0 11 11 11 OP del tick*Oi:atiri f i9a; jian 'hi:: ktinrlnt:44 .l l9 ll46 *i l i.' i z (' P'' Oa , ) ,*. ( l4.:mi g oifjetiqvityli!ta r? ir c ii4!tilki,pii*,, 41.iiitilikitOie - oi - ,49M(TAir.:liy:;oubt , - *pito it;rtyol4o, - t.he.-Rar,f4ooo,tilosidneo iAbsur,d,..o4o . hi,Krifilkrit4rtilikflest;k 11*. -4!!"lPl# 6 4• 7l * , eitiO t i*9rk l *f ian kt ilfie e u, afPQ97.‘,*eiYo . li'n:s o kt.i . ' 6. erozl,•i:4; ' P: B * ip i .l34 .:'Whiat)44 Oilii:ol,4 . ~,k ,_ flllkillk.' , "' ~. R# 4 1 f t 1 4,0it i kA,,..0Yr . 1 0 (~ , ggc.iiv.WW,',..A,et: T t pi 7,i fil i k e t : ,t -.. 9 /1 1 44.t.e.00.0.i Ail. tieli.,...t. ~ ',- ..,„ w:iMV,Vrtn,;: ,l ' ltirall'gtil:.,,Trk 0: . d..% i ke ~.#ltbold', yriiptilti f ov_g .10„ AiiiiritlC•lifil,l* FL . ompiptll4l.:affte ' , at* iltiatY dad', dIXOPCAO 7OIII / 1 0 1 ' 641:01'?, I-61n 82,447 68 88,488.88 4.' 285'56, • “ ME! : MEE !Mei tract•such attention, that the Prince.wiffmcm probably feel it incumbent :on hid' Lo take. --:„• -; 1 some public notice of the . affair. - . Ighould , sir' , ..:: ' '=." • '., flat denial of all .this be ilr raolt:thfi:wigid% A . `7lY : : - 4-1 may-regard Mr.-W. na..4hie,ilar.ll2,rliit:lii; must have foreseen, and 4 4,10ekiiiiiiii*,Jlit:;'c.S - - 5,, ,ra l Making the assertion proves ei(titif 4ittratlit'.., l- - - or that effrontery nevertekreeiiihekr;? 'LI-'-. as Mr. W.',3 --0: , •;.- . . It -A V' We are not, by env' 'meanso.lie:o4A..t.* ;s :',=:'‘l-" '' .-,,'" of Mr. W.'s claims. -We gensitliirliii:fristy-0'K::... , b.,•, , ..,,,- - -u- , '.--,., as a Scotch - jury wbulkettyogoPo*_lP.,;,? , l'• - t . : that is as having, ' , in z ita - I:tretplltAPAlß#. l , l ,44 ( ';'';' ' -,.' enough strength to-raiscri-a.- , ppOp 41,041 - !:1 14 ,:i5 , : , his favor, but not Ganda:4,4oin .1 - r• s, qp.:: - -:, f a ct against him, on altrat'vlew- .G t '.. , 1 1 11 I , r''..;? -' / recollects nothing of hfitliktiliodd ',,,,-• •'. ''.." thai'up tolls thirteentli4ear ha -, :. IT idiotic, at which tithe ~-*.*; .... 40 ' ~• . 7 "-.44;:-: , . . liti 7 iiglit lniitd -7, ,5 , ''': , l ' . alirralfaidta ---1--- ' - :_ , confusio ' %-: :, - 1 'i r t , N , , • ; , Yet , his lid Vt . ' •. ....,. cate 4a. - o , #) .':i. it'seir'ciraumstanae•to . ' bie.;-4141if•iiit' that the 'dauphin is, •IfkiWkiiilisiy,fliSbenifreduced to comparative )0160, bk.,:tltaribiitge 'tfeatnient by his jail-. : 011 .;: , IV Can , Scarcely be expected: even if . 'Mr. W. is really. the son of Louis XVI, that,' '-. he will ever be.'fible to establish his identity;,:; - .::`r: , conclualvely, forall those persons who could' -;,- . be witnesses iri hie behalf are probably dead . . before this, and his relations, if aware of th e . public controversy, which the article in Put nem% magazine is intended to challenge. - will lead to - no restilts, .probably, except to add another to those Mysterious stories, of which hie history is, full; about lost and'bltn- ished 'princes, .such as Nero, Richard of York, thiempesor - of Giermany, and other half - apocryphal persons.: There There is one point on which as we think • . the writer in Futnaindoes not sufficiently • • • dwell. He leaves the great question of all,;,;. • the inquiry whether the dauphin really died`. in in the Temple, almost unnoticed, contending' himself with remarking that there has been always an impression in Paris that the child did not die in 1795, as asserted. We hare, now before us a copy of the process-verbal of the autopsy, intented to.verify the dauphin's - death, signed by the four examining physi cians, and communicated Officially to the French Assembly. We have always con :sidered this document to be a very suspici dui One. The physicians only testify that •, 'they saw a corpse, which was declared to'' them to be that of the dauphin, and which ' they recognized as that of the child on whom they,had been in attendance for some days pat..; As it was the policy of those in pow' e 4 :tit that time, to got rid of the son of Louis . xyt., and as they appear to have shrunk ...- lioMsecret assassination, there ie nethiug,im- . • ,PrObable in the idea that they sentAirn' out . ; ; •Oillie cotintry,- and then Meal Pip'- rumor, of his deathitind procured if dying child of his age to personate. him, Genii:l6ll,oe .- . --. proces z verbal#4 , seillaose ogoi‘aralovtih r . • nest to nothing pp A-qaeationUf ,identiff.. , ,." , ' ,'. • To return to N'l4Willianfe.'' ;His strange story does not appittg4p-baire'l iii4,oa lercOdi :'' ': by hirnself-on Aublic dotice,,.hut te:hirve;lieerr ttraWn out, somewhat tilflillirigki froitt : hilit - : ~...,, bir lathers. , D r.. fluidal vffachtnilo-hypn , ; 'er,aiPriiiiitY, and reputation:fof iiiiiiiii, , . .:' ::. , : lr " • •en IngitY;,and eyprqsses,aioeaviOtion Ai : h. ; 4:4 4 1 . i is, by the cepathation of t his mini.ipc,iiititi a , ',,*,,, of;:lattrictiting.achain of circumstantia kivi-' '-, --. ..d.enberiuch atiibia, r case presents.,, Whither' , ‘-';:•;•; , V; , lie tu r ns, out impostor, .of dope, or a.ieal? ; '''''. •.: 13durhorn - his case will form a chapter 'in '-s-0 Ahiuri eesitiel Of history, and there we leave' - .. it:far - the preeent. ' ' • - • Mormon , . „ lfr h . Thu' seer illii3 professes to rok Ash u... - - • - i: -;:-A. iied' iersions of Mormon doctrine, describes „ q. , the mannergf courtship when a Mermen . ist'f.'. about to take upon higiself the responsibilk:',;i . ? . l 2 ty of an additional spouse—a practice NVhigh.:p i , in the opinion of the seer, is lighlycontineV, - , cive to virtue': - . l, .l, '. ~....,,-,•' ,91; , 1 , l, •ilslo man in Utab, who tilreudygiti a • wife:.-:` and who nay desire to 9 1,0149, Another; ,Iqui s :4Tit. l 7. • any right..tg make ani:',propOtki#4l . 4ltnrOr: nage to alady. unti). , he' - ‘ hus.,cepitpliirdepiii' L, ; , ': - :::; , president over tliO,W linte" , :iltit yolk:lnd thOiltiliP.:V=” - ::•.:,:.: him obtain n revelltiqtkrfi,oni,gs:‹arlfptherlf", ''.!,.--;) it would bei pleasinicirf, inii - ilgig.z.3,4,lo;lgi - i." ! r?. forbidden by AlvitilitTolli;to.ooodifttit'ilt#ikoir: :..;:, if by revelation , tlifqiritriliiiiijilfg4tedilio .'‘ , ',..'..,, V . , iitijl';has;#yrigWg'.,clinlittltAlif a tigifits 9:1:. : 4.,.. 4 . o' , ,O;',li:ifiiijgl4lll / 47.,toilliOgy,Obiitlif0d.,th9ii,,' 1;1 7 , in*ticq,Wll4 . 44oktii4otio*fditcpilwit:Cit ' ..-;%!' ivimk:lo Utah t itqlwriccaliileitit : cannot tisilit* obtainedr 014;, tilio 2 .rtidei.:ttWinakier.- - : , But fl4-',lic , ... it Itia4 . oariPilTdrairltfdiliiket ' .loFlY , fai n. i ffedis,; ' ,- t ,;,,. coolie:OAß -11 0 li*Pmdliii4r o l slo o ll , 4 W ,i ' '' ;' , :: li4itirlierk;t4,4 l Sti : *ungsiody , '' 1 , i4Nr*- - ;i • flfi4 ,, T6Othos4topotitiofii;AltienditheiWotil i. ::'Yq,t , If-.sh'f,-:!?ccFPLis'.4:44ii.P'.oo,..o.ll3,,,MAlirtA:.:;'),:', ,7„ 113i101110466;POWITOIFFV.:00011f.r.ftW,LC y t ~/01 :-1154-t;t1tf0:300-#00)4iFin i li tajor.. - r ‘?: ' owe,: , $007,441 . go ~.1 *,"l i ,4 fetiti . !l:: - .,,..0 4'044 iii 4p - ro: it : 610411,t . 0.0 .' "' -, ;f: . opsokltio, ~fabtiValo A 44. 6 „4hichOl i tqf . ;,:t . ' ;, I, trri. , 41X hafisii 7 4TE 'Aar'. confe4"a;tl4o ll %:' ? "' , .! —'.* 641 - I*,iftiqk ' 'paiitiOtt:ittimi', - : Olto 1101 . 0. 1 40.14104 48 . 11itqfiii*t - igifi.=l/4:; , . ' • ,iiiegle , ,, Fai f.,.. , f;7:44 , 4,• 2 7 ,, i.-.: - , - -:' t , -- .' 4 4,,, - -4? , il : froo -.• i.;; ' ,..A'.. , ' . '. • ,f g; !Ali/4 ETY1 , 14.0V4.49..4 1. 091 4 0te:Py t *A.l)4i:roOlk-ri' ' ' : (*iii. : • ..' . • ..17 1 AP - 44;Lf , OLtic,itAio,.,o•lo.*o4iilkell,' foi..r,i.i'.--ti,,, littrar;•ovirli,:aii - tiipitt :tulyttittis it t, , ivit'o9 ll :P . '2 -, n . ', , • - , . -. ' 1 ;•,'.;.'11414 ; ': ''' ''''2l!•l" -, ..i.. _ ME 0 . ~t =ENE 1 : IM CI •: =I BM ME ism ,s;•S WWI 021111 M EMB -. 4, WZNMIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers