- . visr s ~:~. ~~~ , _ Nevii•Store Opened -' '-•' • - BY • • • ?,. , elm .. `iati . an, House 4 CO I , 6; . , :. : ...._. vnl Ow so u t h west corner of Markel ',Square and Hamilton Street, directly oppo site thh,! , Eagle Hotel" in Allentown; which they "le the cheap • • • . - .. armors , an d Mechanics , Store, They .have juit returned from Philadel i:.,pifia,,with an entire new and well selected : 1 ,-: \ • stock of the cheapest and most beautiful Spring and Swankier Goods that, %verb:ever exhibited in tins place, em .. 2140 4 .01 the 1 ' .". -------,—.7.7-Wle4f-a r rid-most Fashionable Styles, 'te.Avhieh-thejr invite the - attendance of their friendeandileqUaintances generally. These gookhavt Alen, selected with great care and . -4to/sr9ri - 'AVe name in part, ' 'F • • arcm Olga Spring 'Silks, all widths.and uo l o,BtAylard Silks, Black andfan -. 01-Ocilore4 Silks; Berege de 40;44i:dna, -Persian ...Cloths, 11Piii,1-‘lVencii de. Lanes, Ging -44 '''' , 7 enckgkirgzeq,fancy Lawns, ' on; 3' to cents a yard. ' 4 AVtier „ ,ERO - 1- -. ~.-,-; . , DS,. Of all deseriptiOner,'lWOrco l d Swiss Ed gig's, Insertings, LihlhNiitrOaton,Lapes, 300 New style Laclieg' Wedli•Worlitel ,lars 'from 0.1 cents' to-it1",50,,-HriXtbartfor Cuffs, &c. A good assortment of Haim) Gloves, Mitts; &c. alcrays'on liittd.l ' , A largo assortment of silk,...tind cotton I Umbrellas. Parasols of all styles, colors Nand prices. , GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, , French, English and American Cloths, of various colors, Plain and Fancy Cassimers. Satin and Fancy Vestings, Satinetts. A large assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Lin en and Cotton' Goods for Spring wear.— Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c. Also, a bealtiful and handsome assortment of Goods for Boys' wear. They are satisfied that they have selec ted a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever before offered in Allentown, and .are determined to sell them at a very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict attention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public pat ronage for which they will ever be thankful., • EDELMAN, HANSE & Co. Allentown, April 29, ¶--Gm ~ } Y, T ~. s , 'i 1 • , -4, Groceries 4 6 Queensware. The subscribers have also a large stock of fresh fam ily Groceries, Prime, Java and Rio Cof fee, from 16 cents a pound and as low as 8.1 cents, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Cheese, Spices, Crackers; Raisins &c., &c., Butter, Eggs, Lard, Hams, Sides, Should ers, Potatoes, Onions, and Soap, for which the highest Market prices will be given in exchange for Goods. All Goods sold, at this Establishment are warranted what they are represented to be., Call and examine for yourself. Goads free— ly show,n with strong inducements to buy. , EDELMAN ' HaiSE & Co. Allentown, A ril 29, If —6in • Grain Wanted. 50,000 Bushels . of:Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oat; wanted, ffershich the highest market prices wilts paid by the subscribers, at their stout Otr..,the South west corner of AmotetSjititire and Hamilton street,UL t Al enwirn'." EDEEMAN, HANSE & CO. Allentown,. April 20,' Stone Coal. The undersigned have just received a large lot of Stonci.Coal of all the different , qualities; and will always keep them on hand, to be sold or exchanged for all kinds of Graiu at the lowest cash prices. EDELMAN, HAWSE & Co. Allentown, May 13.• ¶-6m INDEMNITY. • THE-FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE ;;•COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. loch CHESNUT STREET near FRO. etreet. • Directors : • 'Charles N. l3ancker, Ceo. W. Richards 'Thomas Hart, Alford. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, - -Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, JaCob Morris Patterson ; CONTINUE to make Ins,urance, permanent and limited,on everytdescription of property, in 'town and country, at rates as IoWaS are consis• .tant with security. .' The COmpany have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, , which with their Capital'and Prime ums,safelyinvested, afford ample protection to the`assured. ' ' • The onssets et the company, on January Ist 1848;.,a* published agreeably to an Act of At sembly, were as follows,vis: • Mortgages, ' . $ 9 073515 64 -- - Real, state, • 84;077 84 • • Temporary Loans, - 425,605 73 Stooks., " ' 62,925 50 `•. Cash, acc., , ' " ' • • 54,508 29:, lIMI .. - ,p,284,109 .:Since the tri negrporageoh ,ft: period of eighteeit years, they have paid upward .of onkmillion wo hundred thousand dollara,losse* by_fi O re, there bytitfording evidence of the advent:4es of W .ranee, ncwell as the ability aridtlispositioti meet with promptess, all liabilities. • CHARLES N. BANOKER;Preilant. • ' CHARLES BANCKER, •• . TheSulpirbers .are the appointed Agents of the abUtreluenttoned Institution, and are now. priiipared toinsurances on every destirip.l Ow of property, at the lowest rites. *. -' • AUGUSTIML. RUMS, Allentown U. F. BLHOK,lllitbhthertf: • Allentown, June 13, ."11.:13P :Puo~i~;Hottße.s[cc6ztrit The &count of ClietiLis S. Bum, Trea surer toThe Directors ofthe Poor and House of ..,ernployrnent of Lehigh County,froin January . 1;1851, to January 1, 1853. Jan. 1, 13alance in the Triasury, $664 45 March 12, Recieied for the support of Fiederlok Weber, - - April 20. Rec'd. of Thomas Faust, • for the•support of James Knauss, 62 00 July 0, Rec'd. of Thomas Fatist, for the support of Christian Roth, 200 00 Nov.'l. Reed. of Thomas Faust, for the sale of a horse, Dec. 31, Rec'd. of. Hiram J. Schantz, for the support of James Knauss,. 77 00 ReceiVed,of Thomas Faust, for the support Widow Keiper, Received of Thomas Faust, from the sale of produce, ' - - - Received of the Northampton coun ty Poorhouse Directors, Received as per sundry Orders on - the County Frees - my, - 8,000 00 TOTAL DEBITS, HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES , Dry Goods and Groceries, - $650 83 Stone Coal,- - 197 12 Fire wood,. - - - 89 24 Weaving, - -- 2518 Hats and Caps, - - - 17 75 Ceder ware and Cooperage, - 197 Cabinet ware, - 6 12 Tin ware, - - - 10 88 Dried Apples,- 9 84 • Apples and Cider, - - 25 00 Tobacco, - . - 68 50 Fresh Shad,- - - 614 ;Hardware, -- . 28 88 Shseinaking, - - 65 74 Coverlidsi.l?, - - 67 50 Female Assistance, - 61 SO Truss, .' : . - 7 %-• - - 500 Medicine, • ,: , , - ,:,=1-..,,,, - - 114 09 Coffins, - . ' ..- - 59 50 , _ Preaching eight fupt!ral sermons, 800 • ''.. .- Total, = -` ' .'-'--• - FARMING Exi.pOsis, Male Servanta; r...... •.- 125 00 Haymaking and. Harvesting; • 12 24 100 bushelssof corn.ac 65 cents, 65 00 Rails, - - ... '• ••• -" , 29.00 Making post fence, - -• _- z 1 50 Building Timber, - '-.• • 380 Carpenter work, - • - 337 Wheelwright work, - 13 63 Blacksmith work, - - 49 61 One horse carriage, . -‘. - - 100 00 Mason work, - - - 4 25 Sadler ware, - - . ,30 05 A young bay horse, - - lOO 00 Twenty five oxen, - . • 752 85 Sawing timber, - - 6 02 Pump timber, - - - ' 120 Pump making,- - 3 50 Sleigh, - - - 25 00 Plaster of Paris for 1850--51, , 15 10 State tax, - - - . - 525 64 Road Tax, - -_ - - . 12.53 Brick, - - - . - - 350 Total, Issuing and executing orders of relief and .• supporting out•door paupers. - • . A'OWN BOROUGII. ska Evans, to the ?root: se - - - 50 Conveying four paupers to do. 2 00 Funeral expenses of Fer. Winkler, 537 Conveying 3 paupers to Poorhouse, 2 . 40 Boarding, &c. of Eliza Beitelman, 225 Conveying Jeremiah Ilaberacker to Poorhouse, ' . 80 Stage faro to Reading for said pauper, 125 NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 14 57 Issuing orders of relief, - 2 80 Conveying Irishman to Poorhouse,l 00 do, GortrauL Uzuver an child to Poorhouse, - - 80 do. David Evert and child, 80 HANOVER. Conveying. C. Beitehnan to P. H. do. John Hubbert, do. 2 Irishmen, do. Mathew Canly and fam ily to Poorhouse, - 2 50t, do. Chas. Culbertson, do. 180 Issuing 17 orders of relief, - 40 Funeral expense of J. J. Schultz, 400 Medical attendance of Fran. Weber, 6 00. UPPER SAUCON. 22 30 Conveying Jno. Steiner in Poor H. 2 80 do. Philip Suchecker to do. ". 200 do. William Clark; - 140 Aid to John Richards family, - 200 SALISBURO Conneying Frederick Marcoosky to Poor House, dd. Charles Keil to P.ll. UPPER• MILFORD. Ralielof ChaTle a s Ross's LOWER MACUNOY, - Medical attendance to Eliza Haar, 50 Conveying Pred. Niiroth, to P.'H. 80 dd. • Jacob Heichler, to do. SO do. r, 'Polly Rickert, to do. .1,80 do. EMlM.Lonenberger, do. 00 do., ' Joseph Full, do. 62 do Philip Lopg, a emetic., 160 Relief to Reutieli Schinidta family , , 48 15 • . _ 5.547 Issuing orders of relict, . 222 'Canvey ins A bre. Gebhard to P. H. 60 Frea:Rabeiiatein to 'do. wsis~Naunp• , • r _ "43veningVich n ac..nnat t p H nn era' expenses 'd • -PenNiger - KnaP- - - Lowkm.L.. 0 Medical attendance to Jacob Becker; /.50 lII=I Dr. 30 00 45 00 25 00 13 60 10 70 $ 4,02,3 65 $ 1,5.26.21 $ 1,383 25 To cash reed on sundry accounts as follows: Balance of last year's account, 818 89 Received of Joseph Faust, for work done on the road, - - 21 50 Godfrey Peter and others for 0 meals, 150 Grim &Reninger, lb. soap at 10, 10 70 do. On tallow at 8, 54 72 do. • ' 480 lard at 12, 33 60 do. 108 lbs. raga at 6, 543 do. 217 lbs. mized at 2, 4 34 Nathan Lorman, for 1 bushel cern, 56 do. 2 bus. oats at 35, 70 do. 9 lbs. beef at 6, 54 George Knauss, trustee of James Knauss, for 26 weeks board at $2, 52 00 Jacob Walbert, for costs to investi gate John Boger's-family, John R. Scholl, an overcharge on a trunk of Abraham Gebhard, 12 David Mertz, for howling flour, 60 do. three pecks corn, 51 William Mertz, 30 bu. oats at 40, 12 00 Joseph Roth, an account due to Christian Roth, a pauper, 20 t00 Found with John Stetnor, dec'd. 75 Found with John Pierman, drowned, 12 35 Conrad Seem for 7 bushels flaxseed, 10 50 Henry Laros for stone, - - ' 60 Anthony Gotsohall, for porte.monie, 12 Caroline Fenstermacher pair earrings, 1 00 John Stut:er, residue ofJ. F. Schultz, drowried ill lock No. 40, - Solomon Dorney,fior one horse, Elias Gath, guardian .of William Seibert, a pauper, • - Jacob Hutchinson, agent of Ester A. Keiper, due to Mary Keiper 25 00 Hiram Harlacher for 1 acre clover, 500 Owen Kern, 3 bushels clover seed, 13'50 John Stapp. 8 qts. cloverieed, 1 12 Solomon. Butz, 5 qts. cloverseed, 70 John Kramer &Hard, - 4 32 William Klotz, do. - ' 414 John Snyder, 'do. • - - 301 Henry W. Mertz, do. 152 David Mertz, do. ,- 1 50 Jiremitth Schindel, do. .._ - 1 25 Henry Roth, ,do. - - 75 Nathan Lortnan, dq, - - 25 'Jacob Beisel, do. - - • -1 20 Cif 5 different persons for tallow, 12.70 Lillie sold • 57 : Henry J. Haborackor, for medicine, 6. 27 John Butz; for medicine. . 6 Danietßastian.-for work b,y a pauper, 65 5 ditrareni persons fol. horse feed, 1 . 07 4 , do. • . for ' pigs, . 11 Ts Peter Ludwig for bides and '.:37 37 Joseph.:Good, •:.' • •' 28)10 , Owen W.'•Faust;'. - : 'do. 40.98 5 40 1 40 - , 140 2 SO 8 20 1 00 1 40 2 40 li 00 4.* . - , Cuh paid Ite4ty Weber, fi)r timairai ":";913 Abraham Shaffer for:borso Lvmv.- Convening Sol. Schmidt to P. H.' - 840 ,„,„ NORTH VVHITEHALL. Issuing orders of relief, 2 00 Medical attendance 'to Mary Fisher, 450 Conveying Christ. Roth to Poor h. 220 Aid to Jacob Kratners family on act. 600 Medical attendance to Jacob Kramer, 850 Boarding and attendance of David Druckemiller, • Funeral expenses of the same, Medical attendance rendered to John Dorwart's family, - - Convoying John Kraup to Poor h. Conveying George Fenstermacher, to the Poorhouse, - - Boarding, medical and other attend, ance rendered to Daniel Sartley, 12 53 Conveying said Bartley to Poorhouse from Carboh county. SOUTH WHITEHALL Issuing,ordt.ra of relief, ,- - Out door relief rendered, to Catha rine Heller, a pauper. - 21 00 Conveying Adam Dorney to Poor h. 1 50 WASHINGTON. 22 90 Conveying Fred. Albeiti to Poor h. 250 HEIDELBERG. Issuing orders of relief, PRINTING. Guth, Young and Trexler, for 1850, 12 00 Guth and Trexlerlor 1851, - 12 00 .T. W. Wilson, for 1850-51, - 24 00 Blumer, Bush and Co., for 511--51 24 00 A. L. Ruhe, publishing act. of 1851, 12 00' Mifflin Hannum do. account of 1851, 12 001 STATIONARY AND POSTAGE. Stationary, Postage, ' SALARIES. 21 14 Thomas Faust, steward for 1951, 100 00 Thomas Faust, steward for 1852, 400 00 Dr. Charles L. Martin, for 1 year, 50 00 Dr. Henry J. Haberacker, for 1 yr. 50 00 do. do. . extra, - 576 Daniel Miller, director for one year, 20 00 do. do. extra, - 625 Jonas Brobst, director for one year, 20 00 do. do. extra, - 944 Henry Diefenderfer, director I year, 20 00 do. do. extra: - 875 Charles S. Bush, treasurer, 40 00 J. D. Stiles, 'for 'one year's profes sional services as solicitor, Total. - - - $ 3,997 34 Balance in Treasurers bands, 26 31 Total, - $4,023 04 We the undersigned; Auditors of Lehigh county, hereby certify that they have tare fully examined the aboie account, and find the same correct, with the balance of...twen ty six dollars and thirty one cents in the hand's of the Treasurer, January 1, 1853. JONAS HAAS, HIRAM J. SCHANTZ, .thalitOrB, FIUME. F. RITTER, January 20, - Steward% account. 'nom/is FAus:r;.Esq. ' Stewaid in Secount with the Directors of the Poor, and of the House of Employment of the County of Lehigh. Dr. ~Totnj;~:r ;~:, r.. ._ ... 1102 ISM Peter Fleller,• -. .116. : • do - 50 Charles S. Bush, Treasurer, 52 00 do do 200 00 do do 45 00 do , do 10 70 ao do 13 50 ' . do do 25 00 Charles Knauss, for Seed potatoes, 50 David Mertz, for 401bs: veal, , 200 Lochthan & Leh, pair of gum shoes, ' 50 Bernhard Schweitzer, merchandize, 37 Meyer Schnurrnan, do 1 50 Grim & Reninger,' do 108 78 Diana Druckemil ler, furniture, 120 Jacob Frick, for matches, - 14 Owen Kern,o lbs cotton yarn at 17, 102 Wm. Blank, for castrating. pigs, 1 02 Solomon Reinhold, do ' - '9O From four different persons for asies, 5 20 Chirles Lichtenwalneri for lime, 40 Daniel Eshenbach, do - 60 Peter Ludwig, for leather, 27 86 Joseph Good, do 33 50 Owen Faust, do 42 26 Travelling expenses of steward, 15 51 do do for team, 409 Traveling paupers, ' - - --.- 0 05 - Bal in Stewards hands, Jan: 1, 1853, 80 28 "Total, - r - $ 694 21 2 40 7 00 8 00 80 1 25 520 5038 40 STOCK ON THE FARM. SIX hoises, 15 cows, 1 bull, 13 steers, 1 heifer, 3 envies, 44 sheep, 53 hogs, 3 wag ons, 1 dearborn wagon. 2 sleds, I sleigh, 3 harrows, 3 plouos,4 wheel barrows, 1 trash ing machine, and 2 wind mills. PRODUCE OF THE FARM. 555 bushels wheat, 960 bushels rye, 505 bushels oats, 11 bush. flaxseed, 2200 bush. corn in ears, 650 bush. potatera, 90 bush. turnips, 28 bushels onions, 60 - bushels - red beats, 10 bushels radishes, 20 bushels soup beans, 4 barrels pickled cucumbers, 3700 heads cabbage, 34 hogsheads sauercraut. 40 lbs hatchled flax, 55 loads Hay, 28 loads corn fodder, 600 bushels lime put on land, 1693 lbs butter, 1090 lbs lard, 1461 lbs tal low 2285, lbs beef hides, 1414 lbs calf skins. ARTICLES MADE IN HOUSE. 82 pair mens pantaloons, 90 pair boys pantaloons, 156 mens shirts, 45 roundabouts, 28 vests, 67 chemises, 95 women frocks, 33 petticoats, 75 short gowns, 161 aprons, 51 women caps, 45 sun Bonnets, 97 children frocks, 60 children shirts, 48 children pet ticoats, 16 pairs drawers, 75 pair stockings knifed, 80 pair stockings footed, 68 towels, 11 quilts, 16 Shrouds, 110 cuts stooking yarn, 115 cuts thread,- 20 chaff bags, 17 bolsters, 37 pillow cases, 22 bed cases, 3 pil- Jow ticks, 62 sheets, 12 grain bags, (15 yds. tie* linen check, 228/ yds. tow linen, 102 'yds. linsey weolsey r 354 yds. carpet, 474 lbs hard soap, 16 barrels eoft.spap. MEAT SLAUGHTERER:- 16,446 pounds of beef. 827 pounds veal, 6,777.p0unds pork. NUMBER OF ININATES. In the house, January I, 1852, 131 Received during the year, 708 Born - - - 5-844 Discharged during the year, 660 Indentured Died, Corpse when received, Absconded, 120 90 00 18 80 2 78 20 00 Remaining in the house, Jan. 1,1853, 147 This number consists of 83 white and 1 colored male adults, 38 white and 2 colored female adults, 20 white and 2 colored male children under 12 years of age, 10 white and 1 colored females under 12 years of age, of which number 17 are lunatips. INDENTURED—SaMUeI P. 'Labold, to Ga briel Scheirer, of North Whitehall. Catha rine Schaffer, to Willoughby Erdman, of Bucks county. 13eneville Keiserman, - to Chariot, Mayer, of Upper Saucon. Cicilia schadt, to Benj. Rupp, of Upper Macungy. DANIEL MILLER, HENRY DIEFENDERFER, Directors 1-11Ritm J. SCHANTZ, Directors Office, Jan. 4, 1353, hil. Easton and Water Gap RAILROAD COMPANY. 2 00 A -t GENFAAL Meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Company, was held in the city of Philadelphia, on the lOih inst., at their Office, No. 01 South Fourth street, be low Walnut. • Isaac S. 'Waterman, Esq., was called to the chair, and John Ely, Esq., appointed Secretary. The supplement to the charter of the Com pany authorizing Municipal subscriptions to its Capital Stock, was accepted by the un animous vote of the Stockholders present. As required by law, an election was then held for a President and twelve Directors to serve during the ensuing year, the follow ing board was unanimously elected : 3 75 45 00 President—Tnomns S. FERNON Pirectora -- Isaac S. Waterman,John Brock, John Welsh, Jr., Chan. W. Curch. man, Gillingham Fell, John Jordan, Tr., Isaac R. Davis, Jacob M. Thomas. Chas. Henry Fisher, James Traquair, John 0. James, John Ely. January 20, 1853. 40-3 w Remedy for Consumption. At Bethlehem, Pa., there can be had a certain and effectual remedy for Consurnp. Lion, and all complaints of a Pulmonary na ture. Also medicines which will cure Rheumatism,. acute, chronic or inflamatory. Persons afflicte&With any of the above com plaints, by addressing a line to the under signed, Stating their _case, sir, asking infor mation respecting' the medicine which prom ises so much, will ba obeerfully answered and the desired: bitarmation giyen. HENRY. GANOWER, Druggist. January 26. ".. . 11--4 w „ • . TO MECHAPZIPS.-TATools of every de scription; each as Bench ~ and4douleling Menai; Llitind,. Pannploand , Back: Saws, Srace and P 1(11 ; 410,i,j; 1 146 ' l 44OPetat quitres;Ac;;'ioisittliCAr re ;'' .. 4 .'* , efffM2! ME New Goods. - New Goods. Builders Look Here. A NEW iNSORTMENT OF IKIIRDMIRE The un4ersig . ned announce to the public, that they have juit returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of House Furnishing .9rticles, CUR ery, - Coach Trimmings, Sadlery and Shoejindings, ail of which will be sold at extremely low prices. They ask the public to give Saeger's Hardware alit Store, sign of the six iritz a call in order to convince themselvesof the tact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' O. & J SAEGER. 11—ly April 22 To -ilosise-Keepers. A great assortment Of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, &c.c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patternq. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers,.steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. April 22, POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons. &c. for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled [ron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. GLASS.-150 Boxes Glat.s, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by _ . 13-697 TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & J SAEGER. OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,—will be sold cheap by O & J SAEGER PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of darpentees Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER HITE LEAD.-2 tons of White Lead ust received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April, 22, ll—ly ¶ -4 w HOLLOWIVARE.=SOO Iran - Pots and [Conies, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of NAILS.-300 Kegs of the beet Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April 22, _ ¶-3w 11M1M7'E.D. A good Coo per, > with a family, to work himself and employ others to work for him in making Flour Barrels. None but good workman need apply, but to a.good, work man constant work and good pay will be guarranted. ' PRETZ, GUTH & CO. January 2, 1853, ¶-4w 1121212111111 4111)111 1 10,3. wATERD,AN is.' OSBOURN. North Fred Corner of Second 15- Mulberry (Srch) Streets, PHILSDE.:LPHIS. OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE AS4ORTMENT•OF TEAS, • , COFFEE, $ At the . Lowest SUGAR; . , MOLASSES, • Market rates.. ' SPICES, &p., Those commencing,Plew Sims are par ticularly ttnited:tp • Or Attention ifiyipo to prod u i e . Philad. Jan. 211; To 11:10Iders. . . A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral,knobb, : gentian, Locksi . Latches, Stilts, Hi n iews, n t Brits h es, and a variety of other building 'Hard ware just unpacking, ,and Tar.sale cheaper than ever by .‘• .P odh J SAEGER. , ' • 1aneary7 . 9; , 11163. 4011,1411VT11116 yig.4allY:. executed tit the iißegister efilleihe ,r . Has resumed the practice of .his proft.s sion in. Allentown. ' CrHe may be consulted in the German and English languages August 12, 1652, ' Bank (Corrected Weekly from Thompson Ilk of N America , par Bk of Pennsylv. • par. Bank of Comnierce late Moyamensing par ,Bk of N Liberties par Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers &Meehan par Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par / Mechanics par Girard pars Philadelphia . par Schuylkill • par 1 Sottthwark par Western ,park Commercial 13ank orPennsylv. par 13k of thte U States 12. Cotiii-rny BANKS. 0 & J SAEGER. Bk of Chambersburg Bk of Gettysburg - 1 I.lk of Pittsburg .. Bk of Susq. County 85 Bk of Chester Co. par bk of Germantown par ilk of Danville par Bk of Delaware CO. prr Bk of Middletown .1 Bk of Montg. Co. par Bk of Northurnberk oar Columbia Bank & . Bridge Comp. - par, Carlisle Bank' J Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank . par Exchange Bank Erie Bank -. Farmers& Drovera Bank ' 1 Franklin Bank '.; 1 Farmers Bank of 0 & J SAEGI.ER Ducks Counti • ptti Fanneri Itantt of ..Lancaster. 1" pat Farmers Bank,:of'• Reading . par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill co. par' Harrisburg Bank 1 Honesdale Bank' • 1 Lancaster Bank_par. Lancaster Co. Bank pat Lebanon Bank • Lehigh Co. Bang - 50 LehiglrNariaation Co. Script. ,';': • .:;10 ?diners Bunk. of ‘.... Pottsville, par Merchants Bnnlr,`Piltsbgrg:° _; Monongaltela•Bank o k. '1 TaylOrsville .13ridga Company, 25 West. Branctißank, 1 Wyoming Bank. .1f ark Bank, . • NEW JERSEY. • Bolvidere Bank' r Burlington Uounity - ,. •. • ' Bank'. Comiteicii Banks, 76 Cumberlandßank par Farmers Bank -par Komori& Meehan • ic s :Fiertnbrii,ikiWirobau tit • Bank lkiorrisoountybahlr crphiootragr Btu (—)aee, np.lrutehymeil ' fresh Oyster~r~ dnify .xe,deiyingr ifrom -Yoik, the; beet quality Fie q h Oysters.at',oo November 24, • 1:0015.: AWARE dlof kg, in'atc4es - &lltweltys Come au and Judge for Yourselves! , • DUring the past summer the undersigned —direCtly opposite' the German Reformed Church in Allentown --, has materially. en larged and beautifully finished, his Store porn, and in order to make his assortment of t- s% Clocks, Watches*. • 4P: AND ( " 7 44- .1114 • \ II JEWELRY ! compare with his other -."1" , .--;;• improvements, he .adopts _ - - this method to inform his old cusaimenr and a host of new he expects to get,that he has- just returned from New' York, with a most magnificent display of House, Office and 'Parlor Clocks, Gold and Silimr "Watches, of every variety, Gold Ear and.Rnger Rings, Breast -- Pins, of every immaginable-pal. tern, gold. silveroteel aad brass' - Watch Chains. Seats and Keys, silver Tea and Td; ble Spoons, gold, silver' and steel Spectacles, for' all ages, Spy glasses of all sizes, gold Lockets 4- Chains, • • Music Boxes of various qualities,goldandfancy 111e dais, o f ixes, gold and silver Pencils, Melodians of the best manufactory in the United Slates. • In short every article kept in a well stocked Jewelry store can be got of_him,_and is de- termined to sell as cheap as can be bought either in New York or Philadelphia.' He flatters hitnself to believe that in beauty and assortment his establishment cannot be sur passed in any country town in the state. The public is invited to call and then to judge - for themselves. FirHe continues to repair Watches and Clocks, and since he keeps none but the ve ry best of workmen, he can afford to war rant them for one year. Gold and Silver ware will also be repaired at the shortest no tice and upon the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors he trusts that . b 1 punctual attendance and low prices•hewily be further.able to.meet with. favors.' • CEI A RLES S. MASSEY. ¶ llicember 15. .- C. •IL Ft .go_ ft k, •fltorlicy of otr 3Ctot: icknell's,Van Courf sand s Detector.) Mechanics bank of Newark i I Mechanics bank at ' Burlington par Mechanics & Man- • 'ufacturers bank par Newark banking & Ins. Company j New. pope & Dela ware Br. Comp.failed Orange bank i Peoples hank - SO • 'Plainfield bank • • -- Princeton bank ' par Saleni banking Co. par State bank at Eliza bethlowii,Newai.k, Cainden,N.Bruns wick, . - pa r. Sussex bank - 1 Union bank - - • e Trenton, bank, co. par ..I(ard.leyyille bridge company . . 25 DELAWARE. The Banks of the stale, of Delaware are all at , par.. . - .. ... • , NEW YORK: . . .. . NewlYerk City bks ' i I Chelsea kank 80 Clinton bank 50 Commercial bank - to Lafayette bank • " 50 VVashingthn bank 7o COUNTAT BANKfi. Alleghany county • bank . 70 Bank of - America 35 de" of Condrnerce' 40 do, of Brooltport 35 -do of Lodi . • 25 'do rof Olean- ". • 36 do-_'otTonnWiindi 50 do of •Lyons • 2i do , of Western • New York . 30 Binghampton bank:: ` 40 Canalbatik ' - •. :.5 Cattaraugna county , • :' bank '' • '. 7 95 Erie county bank,: 50 ranners4r,,Droiers • , bank ' -- 5 •FArtitcrs bank of Eta :iteca county 3 0' Hathilion•bank, AD. Lowis . pouitty bank' 80 Mechanies•bank at :48. •', Buffalo •.- •,,, 45. ltfirehantsi•t?alik i t ., 13afrala. .. , • Millets of. 'ew - " York - -- -: - "'l r '•,- 10 Oswego hank, .---i , 20 P.henirbanit,,v .. f. ",435 St4tesititlhad:ban lc ~50 State' bink,ofN .3(.. - :.. 80' Eff.lii.ntreneelbank ` 75 Union bank.:. . :• Sts' Thittittglotesbank .80 , N. - York:bank. (Jo. 7o • Tenth ,Wark balk, 25' White Plains bank' , 6 . " -61.A1l oilier banks on. `mentioned in the above' list are'froin I to"2"psr, cent discount, iiks.matkeit with • dash' in' thP rl". , oil. -. • . :„ , 11-ly ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers