We found our new residence a convenient one, and we are, upon the whole, teas well as could be expected." The air Is salubrious and invigora ting, if we may judge by the hungry looks of the Democrats, as they passed us. The soil is fruit. ful, and produCes a flne crop of regrets and Un availing resolutions, but we ate determined not to cultivate despair. Soon after our arrival; a large public meeting was called, which assedabled near Cape Turn again. Dun. Slayat.home Grumbler, was ap pointed chairman, and Job Doo Little, Esq.,Sec. retary. llon. Mr. Facing both-ways, made some .lacrymose remarks, which were promptly hissed d•wn ; when Mr. Sticic-to-the-rlght Great-heart, offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously passed: Resolved, (I) That after mature deliberation, we come to the conclusion that we are rowed up Salt River. Jtesolved, (1) That we are alarmed ! Resolved, (3) 'Pat every rooster of the settle. moat that crows once s capilated Resolved, (4) That in the investigation of the causes of our defeat, we do not think it was ow ing to Winfield Scott's splendid services, or to • Franklin Pierce's littleness, hut to the fact that we had not votes enough. `Resolved, (5) That we stay here until we go down the stream again Resolved, (6) That in the words of the poet, we say, "it will never do to give it up so, Mr. Brown." ,GLEANIN'aS re'Shut the door and keep not cold weather, and lack the door to keep out entry thives—is the practical advice to be followed just now. MC. - Jonathan Morgan, of Portland, Me., pro• posed to build the Chicago and Lake Superior Rai!toad for $lO,OOO a mile. LarA reading people will become a thinking, people, and then, they are capable of becoming a great people. Cr(lov. Wright, of Indiana, has resolved not to appoint a successor to Senator Whitcomb, hot leave the selection to the Legislature, which meets in January. CV^The weather begins to he indicative of the approach or winter. The chilling winds already creep through overcoats and window chinds, turning one's thoughts irrisistibty to me tailor and the stove dealer. LXTPeter Princely, an Englishman, 108 years old, voted at Northampton, Mass., on Monday last. r.i"Lancamer beats Berl:s lids time 170 There was a good deal of b2ifing cm the two GM= e..g - ft Is estimated that no less than one bun• Bred thousand dollars has been lost and won on the recent election in Louisville. EiTSnow is a foot deep up in the islet ior of Nev Hampshire, while hot weather, mosquitoes and yellow fever are just going out in South Carolina Li?' Ducks . ate abundant in the P,ooinae river, above the dint at the locks of ihe Chesa pealte and Ohio canal. F 7 Rola I),ile 0 wro is spolien of as ihi• successor of Senator in the from Indiana. Davis.—'Phis . gentleman, it is said, lie, dangerously ill at Jdt.lcson, sii pi, an:l if he recovers it is feared his sight kill he ETti, — (4twri t ultra abolitionist, is elected to Congo css in ilk liswitto distiict, New UM UP'Soon in the Field.—fhe Free Democrat places the name of John P. Dale at its head, for the next Presidential campaign, and says that it will float there for th e n ea t f,, Lie Yeats. 47e - Ten ihotisand pounds of hullnln tallow have been received at St. Louis, fr o m die ',idea l' country. A pot tion of the tallow was put up in buffalo skins. A Rattlesnake Story. Last full, n woman residing in the vicini ty of Worchester, was picking blacliborrivs inn field near her house, having with her her only child a bright-eyed little fellow of less than a year old. The babe sat upon the ground in an open space, amusing itself with grasping at a cramp of yellow weeds that crew within reach, and eating berries brought him from time to time by his mother. The latter at length, intent upon gather ing, the fine fruit, passed around a rock which hid her child from view. She was about to return to him, when hearing hint laugh ing and crowing in a great glee, and think ing he must be safe as long as he was she remained there some time. . Suddenly the little voice erased aneaf ter another minute's delay, the young moth .er stepped upon the rock and looked over, , expecting tosee herbabeasleep ; and instead of which, he was sitting perfectly motion less, his lips parted, and his wide open eyes, fixed with a singular expression upon some object which at first she was unable to dis cern. You who can judge of her horror when on closer scrutiny sho perceived come four feet horn the infant, a rattlesnake with his glittering eyes fastened upon his and near ing hint by an almost imperceptible Motion. The sight of her. darling's ptril so near ly paralyzed her, that for an instant she half believed the dreadful fascination had ex tended to herself but the certainty that, un less she was the instrument of salvation to her powers. She glanced wildly around for something that might be used as a wea pon, but nothim , appeared, and already the venomous reptile had passed over the space which divided him from his victim. Anoth er moment and all would be lost! What could he done ? • In her hand she held a broad tin pan, and springing from the rock quick as thought she covered the snakU-with it, and stood upon it to prevent his escape: 3A. The charm was broken,dhe child moved :sw ed to, one side and began to sob. At • time time the mother reavered her a and screamed for aid retaining her pco , sA-' - :zttion till it arrived when the cause of he; fte.t ;Fade fright was dispatched, Election Retains in Pennsylvania. COUNTIES. 'Cam Taylor, Scott, Pierce. Adams, - 1762 2576 2725' 2018 Alleghany,- - 6591 10112 9615 7226 Armstrong, - 2126 2030 2093 2430 Beaver, -- - 2303 2655 1805 1943 Bedford, • • - 2810 3836 2273 2319 Berks, - - - - .9485 5082 4013 9503 Blair, -- - - 1435 2476 2500 1031 Bradford, - - 1889 3272 3526 3030 Bucks, - - - 5364 5140 4928 5706 Butler,- - - - 2247 2503 2833 2533 Cambria, - - 1386 123:3 1461 2.035 Cat bon, -- - 1131 . 889 740 1311 Centre, -- - 2611 1956 1916 2993 Chester, - - • 5370 5949 5700 5529 Clarion, - - 2306 1372 1218 2642 Clearfield, - - 1186 761 997 1733 Clinton, - - 007. 91 L 996 299:3 Columbia, - - 13306 2263 1122 5520 Crawford, - - 2748 2204 2775 1200 Cumberland,- 3178 8242 2878 3188 -Da up hi n , - - 225r - 3705 - 367:3 2675 Delaware, - - 15-17 2191 2083 '2102 Elk,, 2-12 134 183 473 Erie, .202`2 3.118 4015 2738 Fayette, - 3441 3015 3030 3867 1 Franklin, - - 3199 4006 3901 3358 Fulton, - - ----• 729 831 Greene, -- - 2379 1473 1559 2602 Huntingdon,- 1922 2590 2511 2011 Indiana, - - - 1514 2110 2:387 1827 Jefferson, - - 072 850 1115 1.151 Juniata, •- - - 856 8117 559 523 Lancaster, - - 0080 11390 11037 13574r.a, tv mice, - 19`51 1064 Lebanon, - - 1862 2990 3105 2118 Lehigh, 3190 2078 299:3 3493 Luzerne, - - 3991 3510 :3:339 5:340 I,y cow - - 2244 1992 20,55 2790 11 l=ean, -- - 418 307 405 597 Mercer, - - 3091 2977 2211 2603 Mifflin, - - - 1586 1543 1:392 1020 Monroe, -- - 1830 518 418 2098 Montgomery,- 5027 5010 4701 5767 Montour, - - 866 1155 Northampton , 4293 :1191 2997 4403 North u 2258 1705 1019 2351 Perry, - - 2295 1502 1413 2159 PI: i 5200 10055 8908 5360 Phil. County. 16211 20575 15065 20650 Pike, -- - - 799 216 202 t-3.1 Potter, -•- - 408 220 26:3 601 Seim) 11r ill, - :3700 49:39 4028 4058 timnerset, - - 1127 3018 2080 1203 Sti:4111.21111111)11, 2503 1553 20:35 :3010 Sullivan, - - 303 129 177 9..26 Tioga, -- - 1814 1:343 1504 2614 U: - - - 1650 53129 3081 1094 - - 1539 1061 116.1 1899 Warren, •- - 1088 918 10:7,2 10•20 IV ash i nuion, - 23520 :3898 :3810 4061 IVityne, -- - 1012 997 1232 231;2 Wesimorcl'd . 5107 3121 321:3 5509 Wyoming, • - SO2 1.301 ' 807 1255 York, - - - 5151 18:3S 4700 55',5 e immediately de• ToTAL, 172 1 b!; I 53611110713 109531 17•2155 179743 Taylor's Majority, 1:115'S Pierce's, 19191 l'etv Works zioc.• sitting by los own fireside, ahrr. it thy of sevoro lab tr in the Su prow- Court, r. Wt: t-r introduced the last Sabbath's sermon and discoursed in au mime an d glowin g eloquence ior au hour on the great truths . if Ulu Ciuspvl. I cannot but reeard the opittions of such a wan in some s‘list• as pubiic property. This is apolty for at t,quptiug to recall :mar of those ruomFiss whlch, were uticri.Al iu du: privacy of thu d'..):ll...stic circle : Said ,Ir. Websler : tit Sahli tth I lis tened to an able and learned discourse upon the evidences 'of Christianity. The argu !news were drawn from prophecy, history, ' internal evidence. They were st itvd with logical accuracy and 14c.• ; as it seemed, to me, the clergyman failed to draw front them the right conclusion. He came so near the truth that I was astonished that missed it. In summing up his arguments he said the only alternative presented by these evidences is this; Either 'Christi : unity is true, or it is a delusion produced by an excited imagination. Such is not the alternative, said the Circle ; but it is this. 'The Gospel is either true history or it is a consomme fraud ; it is either a reality or an imposition. Christ was what he professed 'to be, or he was an imposter. There is no litir alternative. His spotless life, his earn- est enforcement of the truth, his sulfuring in its defence, forbid us to suppose that he was suffering an allusion of a heated brain. "Every act of his pure and holy life shows that he was the author of truth, the advo cate of truth, the• earnest defender of truth, and the uncomplaining sufferer for truth.— Now, considering the purity of his doctrines, the simplicity of his life, und the sublimity of his death, is it possible that he would have died for an illusion ? In all his preach ing the Saviour inade•no popular appeal.— His discourses were nll directed to the indi vidual. Christ and his apostles sought to impress upon every man the conviction that he must stand or 'fall alone ; he, must live fur himself and die for himself, and give up his account tothe'oniniscient God as though he were the only dependent .creature in ,the universe. The Gospel loaves the individual sinner alone with himself arid his God.— T o his own master lie stands or falls. lle has nothing to hope front the aid and sympa thy of associates. The deluded advocates of new doctrines do not so preach. Christ and his apostles, had they been deceived, would not have so preached. ''lf clergymen in our days would return to the simplicity of the Gospel, and preach more to individuals and less to the crowd, there would not be so much complaint of the decline of true religion. Many of the min, , isters of the present day take their text front St. Paul, and preach from the neWspapers. When they do so, I prefer to enjoy my own thoughts rather than to listen. avant ",iy pastor to come to me in the spirit o the Gospel saying, "Yotuare mortal ! your pro. batiun is brief. your work must be done speedily. y,O O are immortal. too. You are hasteniug to the bar of God; the Judge standeth befor, the door." When lam tLus admonished, I'have no disposition to, Evidences of thristianiip muse or to sleep." These "topics," said Mr. Webster, "have often occupied my thoughts ; and if I had tithe I would write upon them myself." The above remarks are but-a meagre and imperfect abstract, from memory, of one of the most eloquent sermons to which I e.ver listened.— Congregational Journal. Best Breed of Swine. The breeds of swine now most valued at the North, are the Suffolk and Middlesex.— These two are very like in every respect ; and after having bred both for many years we Would not give “the toss-up of a cop per for a choice." To be general favor ! ites they are hardly large enough, though their early maturity small consumption of food, and wonderful inclination to fatness, more than compensate in cash for their want of size. Suffolk pigs have been slaughtered at Gth month old that weighed three hun -ilred-an-d-ninety-Fatrr ds. No man need have a finer breed than this. if he wants' a bigger breed, let him select one of those Noah's Ark race, that weigh hundred I dressed (at Methusaleh's age) and try to make a breed by using a full blood Suffolk, I Middlesex, or Essex hoar. We wonder that no one has imported the Leicestershi res, to gratify this taste for large swine. We had collection on our own farm the materials and molds for molting swine on a large scale and some of them after a large pattern when we were summoned away from the pig-pen to the pen editorial. And we have no hesitation in :saying, that we have in the country all that is needed to build up breeds adapted to every seasona• ble taste and to all localities except a good knowledge on the part of fanners ofthe true principles of breeding.—J. .Igriculture. The Prospective Cubinct.—The following list of probable Cabinet Officers under President Pierce are set afloat in the journals. James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, Secretary of State. John A. Dix, of New York, Secretary of the Treasury. David Todd, of Ohio, Secretary of the Interior. Hobert F. Stockton, of New Jersey, Secretary of the Navy. Samuel Houston, of Texas, Secretary of %Var. Lynn Boyd. of ICentucky, Postmaster General. Henry A. Wise. of Virginia, Attorney General, Anniversary of Me Landing of renn.—On the Bth of November, being 170 in anniversary of the landing of Penn, at Chester, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania commemorated the event by appropriate exercises. An oration was (J....livered by the Hot. R.'l'. Conrail. ANOTIMRSCIENTIFIC ! . VONDER.-RTSitl ? an artificial Digestive Fluid Gastric Juice. A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ilan - Met, or the fourth stomach of the ON, after directions of B Iron Liebig, the great Physio!og.ica I Chemist, by J. S. IlonAton, JIM)., ;No. 11, North Eight Street, Phila-, delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Delulty, curing after Nature's own method by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See advertisement in another column 1111:1 Elt dall D On the 7th of November, by the Rev R a iw r , Mr. Xern /Feiss, of Lehighton, to M iss Loui sa ILmtz. of Mahoniog, On the 3lst, of Oct. by the Rev. Mr. A. J. O. Dohs, 11 r. ghinau Brisscl, to ,llalinila Gam - Jiff, both of South Whitehiill. • On Ow 6th of Nov. by the sa M r Jonas Kern, to Mitis Rach«el Kuhn ,7, both of IVashinqton. DRIED. At Green River, henry county, Illinois, Mary dam consort of Mr. Thomas Barber, formerly of Allentown, and daughter of the late John Rainig, son., aged about 3S yrs. On the Bth of November, in Siegersville, Esiker, wife of Samuel Sieger, aged 38 years. On the Ist of November, of consumption, in Lower Macungy, Jacob Tre,c!er, aged 3S years. On the 21)th of October, in Lynn town ship, ./olm Nol.ver, aged 5U years, 9 months and 17 days. On the Sth of October, in North White. hall, of old age, Alazdalena Saeger, aged SO years. On the I:3th 'Oct. in Northampton coun ty, .2dam Laubach. aged Jti years. On the Ist of November, in North White hall, Charles, infant son of Dr. Samuel and Mary Wilson, aged about 2 months. Allentown Aeadeniv., The Winter Term of this Institution be gins on Wednesday. November 17th. Pu. Nils wishing to attend, should enter imme diately. Mrs. Gregory will give instruc tion in Nlitt-ic to any not attending the school, who tleire it. J. N. Unrii er. A.:11., Prineipa/. Allentown, Nov. 17. 11-1 w Awneutturel Aleetin t The members of the "Lehiol County Agricultural Society" will n..et on Mon day the tlllth day of November in , xt, at I o'clock in the afternoon, in the Court House, in the borough of Allentown. A general attendance of the member, of the Society is expected, as business of importance to the Society is to be transacted, among which will, be propriety of purchasing a piece of ground, fur th . e holding of the annual fair. EDWARD KORI.T.R, Pre.? • NoveMber 17. • THE POSTRIDER. The undersigned giv'es notice that a year expired on the I Ith instant. He. requests his patrons to make payment either to him or to tho packholders, J. S. ELEMMER. November 17. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable 'Real Estate. On Saturday the 4th of Decemlkr next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold at ;g public sale, on the premises : ;.;Fitri • AAR, A Two Story Brick House, , • .1 and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Allen Street, forty.feet in front, and two hundred and thirty feet in depth. There is also on the lot a good stable, and other outbuildinus, Hydrant, and a varie ty of choice fruit trees. 13eing the real es tate of Elizabeth Knauss deceased. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by JACOB DILLINGER. kt:CCitiOr. LPAt the same time and place, will be sold sundry household furniture, such as beds, tables, chairs, looking glasses, desk, &c---- November 17, Valuable Real. Estate FOR SaLE. Wir.r. be sold at Public Sale on Saturday the 4th day of December next, at the Pub lic House of John. iVhcarer, in South White hall township, Lehi:!li county, the following valuable real estate : it Lot of Ground, situate in the aforesaid tom nship and coun ty, bounded by lands of John Shearer, Gi deon Alarx and John li.raizer. Thereon is i ' . t erected a good - ::-- 0... I '''' Two Story Fra me Mouse, n e "'. frame barn, with other necessaty outbuildings, all of which are neatly new. The land is good farm land. There is also a valuable Iron ore bed on the same, which has been sticcessfolly worked for the last 5 of lf years.- It lies within 2.! miles from Allentown, and three tutlei from the Crane Iron Works. The buildings with 12 acres of land con taining the ore-bed will he sold together, and the balance in there or four acre lots. as purchasers may desire. The conditions can be wade easy, and will be wade known on the day of sale. HENRY STETZEL. 11-4 w November 17 Israel Piing lria 's .3 1 1 141 .1111'D D. YI .3 T DTI li A IL LENTOWN I'm. undersigned has taken the old stand of Thomas Ginkinger, on the west side of Hamilton street. directly opposite the Odd Fellows' Mull , where he constantly keeps a large and fashion able.assortment of Fancy Coal I ~ 4 i filli r _77,l -...0. ~....ii:i!,,;,,, , iv., ... ,7 ,A r . _ , 0 , ,,. , ?''..pliZF:---:1--5---. I , rfr.« v.:. „...,i6.... , 1 , \ .---_- The Flora Parlor Stove The Extra Air Tight for Parlors. The Globe Air't'ight Cooking do. The Delaware Cooking do. ch. The Summer Baker du. do. 'l'lic Bar-room Stove. The Office Stove. And all kinds of Wood Stores. The above comprises an assortment never vy'slled in Allentown, so call and cxamine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Roofing done at the shortest notice mid upon reasonable terms. also keeps on halal a very large assortment of Tin Ware, Water Spouts, in short every article in his hoe of business. Old Iron, Tin, Lead and Brass will be ta ken in exchange fur new goods, hod the highest price ullowed. [beim* been brought up to the business, he thinks he can safely recointlWlld his work to cope with any in the place, and only re quests a generous community to call and ex amine his work, before they purchase else where. ISRAEL YINGLING. Nor(Aube'. 17 cill) • The wittier session of the Allentown Sem inary commenced on Monday last, Parents or Guardians, who desire to send their child ren or tvards to this shoo!, will please to ap ply soon. The Mu.sie Teacher of this In stitution will also give Private instruction on the Piano and C. R. Kussixit, Principal. November 3, ISY2. Coors Sale,. 13y virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of the county of Lehigh. there will he exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 27th of No vember, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, n certain message and lot of land with the appertenances, situate in Sols burrr township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, hounded by lands of Rudolph Smith, deed, Peter Rhoads, dec'd, John Diehl and others, containing one acre and 127 perches, Whereon are erect -117'.47t:ed a convenient D ' wp House, and stable ; a well of good water near the door, and a variety of fruit trees are on tho prediises. It being the real estate of Michael Klaise, deceased, late of said township and county. U'llousehold and Kitchen furniture will also be sold at the same time: The conditions will be made known on thii day of sale and due attendance given by DANIEL KLAISE, .?dm'or• NATHAN METZGER, Clerk November 36 li -4 w r 1l new and well finished ttvb story Moiclez Egonse, near the above mentioned proper ty, with very convenient Stabling, and other necessary outbuilding:, required for; the accommodation of a family, erected on lot, which is :i0 feet in front, by ISO feet in depth, and in the highest state of cultiva tion. There is a %yell of the best water near the kitchen door with a chain pump, l'he parlors and chaMbers are neatly pa-I pered, and the whole appearance of the property is that Of a comfortable and ver y elegant private divelling. The above property will he sold together or separately to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable. But little cash capital being required. If the properly is not sold by the 25th of becember next, it will be rented away by Auction for ono year from the first of April next. R. E. IVaitintr, .lltorney fbr UONS & IIEII,SIAN Nlvembor 10. 15 7 0041 Si OVCA, of the most approved kinds all of - ,vbiclt he can recommend, nmong which may be found „12 Peafraithe Taiiow Stand. Wll.l_, b.: sold at Public, Sale, on So:or dny the I Ill: dLip of D:•cfnnb'er next, at 12 o'clock - . at noon, On the nannises. That E•plendid Tavern Stand, and Saw Alin, situated near the Slate afil. in North Whitehall township, Lehigh coun- ty, adjoinino. lands of ailliet and Prer4 !Reu ben Sdinec r il,Sa!onion Brown, Joseph Veld, David I;'sterinacher, Thomas Veld, litn iel Buyer and Christian Horn, containing 11 acres & 90 porches, !none or less. There- 1.:;-; ; :, on are arected a fir:A rate house, Lt - ff,jl used as a Tavern at present, Shed- Sa wind!, a good Frame Barn. Spring and Spring house, all in excellent order. A prni ortional part of the above is wood land the stand is an excellent P - ,tyla one for a Coal and Lumber Yard. Persons wishinu to examine tit lot, will j pleas,. call upon Walp who at pre sent resides on it. There is a lust ratter Slate ()marry on the premises, also a quantify of finished roofing; slate. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by. 1 B 1 N.IAAIIN SEAINIEL. A bffIAIIAAI NEPI'. Assignees of William train. November 17, 1832. . ¶—.lw . Li agE3 l ll ilate .t:itore The undersigned offers his for ninny years established Store Stand, extensively known as "Trexler's Store" near Trexler's Furn ace, in Longswatnp township. Herks coun ty. Thu buildings consist in a V la •Star y Store House, mp Re 'tan adjoining building used as a stor age house. There is also a very convenient two and a half story dwelling house, near the Storehouse. ',Phu stand always bore the unite of being one of the best in the coun try and continues to bear that name. Possession can be given on the Ist of April next, or sooner if required. Tbe terns can be made known upon en quiry of the undersirzned, who resides near by. ‘VILLIAM TREXLER. Sept. 9, 0-4 w MOLASSES. The best Molasses in town is to be found at the old corner known as the Red sian, op posite. Seider's Hotel. J. W GRUBB.' September 23, 1852. • li.--Orn AARON WINT, is daily . .receiving from New York, the best quility of Fresh Oy sters, at his Saloon in Allentown-- , ;. SepteMber T-4w Valuable Real Estate, T averse Stand, Store and Private Dwelling FOR SJLE. The undersigned offers for sale the fol. lowin,g• very valuable real estate, to which the attention of capitalists is invited : No. 1. I Commodious Tavern, and tract of land, situate in Salisburg town ship, Lehigh county, near the Borough of Allentown, at the junction of the public roads leading from Sattcon..Salisburg, Lipper Milford and Lower iMacungy townships to said Borough, on which is erected 4 61 ; u I Large and Convenient va ' HOTEL, (now occupied by Mr. Kichleim) with exten.sive_Stabling,,-a -plentiful supply , of the best water before the door, and every thing necessary for the convenience and comfortable accommodation of travellers and strangers. This Tavern Stand in addition to advantages arrising from its position as above mentioned, is in the immediate vicin ity of two of the best established Merchant and Grist Mills in this section of country, the trade of which is now, and will continue to be a source of great profit to the,owner or occupier thereof. Adjoining the Tavern blouse, is a new rteye and very large and convenient isili riP"..1,0 Bric 1.: Elnihling, *" 11 feet in front by 71 feet in depth, finished in the best manner, for Storekeep-, ing, with all the necessary shelving. coun ters, drawers, hoisting machine, &c. fur cac 7 ., lying on that business. Its location as abode described will sufficiently indicaj,el iii - ialue us a place of business. No. 2. A Tract of meadow Laud, Of the very best quality i in the rear of the above mentioned property, containing two and three quarter r itdres. This is perhaps the only piece of)Mendow Land along the Little Lchigh, j tfirtt will be olkred for sale for many years. No, 3' A Brick Dwelling, OF A Fresh Oysters. prices turrent. t ARTICLES. - I Per: - Allent.Easton Phi& Flour Barrel 4 75 4.75 4 - 57 Wheat .. • . Bush. 95 98 110 Rye .- .. . . ' 75. 75 8W Corn 1 70 70 75 o ats I 86 88 a f ik Buckwheat . . 50 50 65 Flaxseed .. . 1 371 150 159 Cloverseed . . 450 5505 20 limothybeed. j 3 00 1 275 2 7 6 Potatoes •• • 35 35 59 Salt 4 0 45 80 Butter .. . . Pound 18 18 2q La NI I ' 12 ; 12 0 Tallow .. . . I 91 9 . 8 Beeswax ... 1 I 22 1 ; • 26 28 Ham f 12; 12 1 5 ' Flitch ... . I 10, 12 _ 8 Tow - -yarn -- ; -- . - l 8 i — 8 7 Eggs I Doz. 10i 18 2 0 Rye Whiskey , Gall. 2 2 1 22 21: Apple Whiskey 181 18 24 Linseed Oil .. I 60 85 86 Hickory Wood Cord 4 50 4 50 0 00 Hay .. . . Ton 18 00 i 20 002§ 0 Egg Coal . . . Ton 3GO 400 4 5 • Nut Coal ..-. i 250 3 oiLl p. Lump Coal .. i —3" 50 350 3 0 Plaster ' 14 50 4 50 2 60 • baltiablc eavcruf Ogeredat P • rrvat,e Sale: Tim undersigned of: ••••••-.•-•4••v.. • fers his valuable Tavern Stand . ;?:•41 fi. (or sale, situate in the I L jvillage of Millerstown; Lower Macungy town ship. Lehigh county, adjoining lots of Doc tor Hoffman, James Christman and others,- with two acres of land to it. The improvement consist in a two story stone [louse, , with kitchen attached, a two story Washhouse; large and convenient Stagy biing and Sheding, Smoke House, a never (idling %Veil with a Pump, before the door; besides other necessary outbuildings. Persons in.search of a like property will do well to'examine this before purchasing elsewhere, as it is one of the best country tavern stands that can be found. J. PETER HAAS. 11-4%i Nlillerstown, Sept. 9, Private Sale OF Valuable Town Property. The ondersigned wishes to dispose of his Town Property at private sale. It consists of a splendid Id two story HOUSE and lot of ground, situated on the west sule. of Allen street, in the Borough of Allentown, near the Market square, ad joining on the north by a lot of Ephraim. Urim, on the south by the lot of widow Schantz, en the west by a public alley, and containing in front 20 feet, and in depth . 230 feet. Thereon is erected a new two story Brick house, with a two story kitchen attached. There is also a wash kitchen on the premises. For beauty and convenience. there is no better property in Allentown and persons wishing. to purchase in Allentown_ will do well to examine it before they pur chase elsewhere. The conditions will be made on very ac-, conimodating, terms. Persons wishing to view theproperty can do so by calling upon the ownet-.:- FRANKLIN STETTLER. A Ilitntown, hilvjEr, 1552.. 11--314: 11,1 V ATV. S ALE OF A Valuable Phintatitikt The undersigned offers to sell his valua ble plantation nt Private Sale, situated in, south Whitehall township, Lehigh county:, adjoining lands of Peter Troxel, Fleury Roth and John Troxel, containing 109 acres, strict measure. The improvements consist in a large two story STONE s h DAVELLING HOUSE; with kitchen attached,.a log house, a ltrge etonc barn, a first rate hog-stable, sttiOke. house, and other out-buildings & The land is of the best limestone soil, with n limekiln oh it. A proportionate part of the laud is meadow, some excellent .. I () 01111L•61. 7 1 4 .71 . and the balance good arable land in the best condition, the whole under good and sub-t stantial fences. There are also two wells with pumps on the property, ono near the l'ag:. - M kitchen and the other near the barn. 7 -$ . ll - An excellent Apple Ordhard, with a large variety of the choicest apples, besides other fruit trees. The Jordan creek,., runs along the farm. IV - Persons wishing to incoming the farm, can do so by calling on Mr. Owen Sehniider, who, tenants it ; or to the 'owner' near "Hartman's Dam," where they can also bo come acquainted with the condition of Sale. DANIEL TROXEL. gg--43at August 19,•!852. lIMNVED. . . A Journeyman and Apprentice. - , The undersigned would like - to engage .1 first rate Journeyman Blacksmith, and ari Apprentice to learn the Blacksmith trade.= A good Journeyman cau find constant ew ployment. Both are imthediately wanted by the subscriber residing in WeisPort, Carbon County. • • WILLIAM WETHERIIO W eispotts,Nov: • • 17-4*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers