eitiPY.4,; ...i.-C: ~,T..4 0 ::„ ...a. • *..51, ''.. 7 -"..%•' ' • V Z Ai • 4-, .0. ,, k t.., .4 10/ .v, . 171C110teb to Nr POCttl), illefl)(11145, Paqvicultuve, th,c Dlffumon of tbcful Itfonnatio ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA,, JULY *l-;- 18, VOLUME VI. THE LEIIGH REGISTER, 0 8411:M81ml in the Bornoglf of ;111,nlown, Lthigh 'County, l'o.,epery rhurnloy - 1111' A tro - ,; gisr.rtN L. in UIIE, At f.l 50 per aonoin,payable in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until ihc end of the year. No !paper discontinued,until allarrearazes are paid 'except at the option of the proprietor. A :IVEIITIS KNi c•rrs, ma kirqt not more than rum square, will he inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent in=ellion wentyfive cents. Larger ;Advertisements, char zed in tire samepropottion. Those hot exec,,lin g I cn ii ncs will be charged ieeenty•tive cents, awl those inahing six lines or less, three insertiuhs for 50 MEE deduction will be made to th o s e who advertise by ihe yrar. Ihmillon XL, one door East nj the German Befirrined Church, nearly oppo.site the "Frieden.shole Oilier." Boot & Shoe Establishment In Alientovelt. Shattca• it, Hnter. Respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately bouttlit out the Stock of Mr. John Reeser, and ‘viti continue at the old stand, in [lam ilton Surer t, between the Allentown I loud and J. B. Amer's Apothecary Store, where they are prepared to uNCCIIIe nil orders in their line of business. They atso inform the public that they have just returned from Philadelphia with a largo assortment of Goldman's Ginn MiLOCS. 514114. They also keep on band of their ir:,lC is otvn manufacture, fl fleherni rt.;sortinei:t of extra line and cGa•se 4mtlemett's Boots-, Alonroes and Shoes.— Also, Lailitiri' and Misses' Alorricco and Pro milla Gaiters, Bootees nail Shoes. Boys and Childrens: Boots and Shoes—rill made (lithe hest innte rial. of their own ?:election. They wit' warrant all their and or ders t xrroted at the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. The hands in their einphiy are of the hest that Call be folllld.luill in the I. tdie. ai IV• noin's hrrtneli iii It I,u-1m thi'V l“`011 011 11:111II very cxietit-ive, ry artich• ti ut nuts he cal!cd for in their Hilo. Persons who are in Avant of a pair of good Boots or Shoe:, an article necer,ary to hey p your feet harm and dry, 'trill do well to give them a call, befor.+ purchasing ch•ewherp, as they do not intend to cliorg:e anything for ahot% il l y, their goods April 13 The i\avigation Opened. rBvIE LEn Ta txspowraTms Comrasy give notice that they are now prepared to r, ceive merchatidiz , and forward it ‘vith promptness and despatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown. Nlauch 'Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven and 11 iikesharre, and also to intermediate places on the Delaware and Lehigh Canals, and Le high and Swipielianna Rail Road. Tlue goods will be 'receive and shipped at the first wharf above Vine street, dieectly oppo site the Salt Store of A. NV:miff & They also forward goods to and from New York to IVilkesharro and also to all intermediate places, via :Delaware and Bar ium Camd and Delaware Canal. Goods shipped by this line of vessels to New Brunswick. TheSchrmer R P. Stock ton, Sloop Fox and I lrey I found, will he found at the Albany Basin, foot of Cedar Street, North River. Any information required can In' had of Messrs. ME•rrt.mt, Rcrsol.mt & Co., No. t;1 Dey street, or at NEtt.soN's Agent Office No. t.2tB West street. Merchants having goods to ship from New. York will find- this route the nearest and most expeditons. The company have large and commodious Store I louses at Eas tern, 13etItlehetn, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, White Ilaven and Williesbarre. Jacob Able having disposed of his inter rfa in the latu firm of Able, Wilson & Co., he business will be continued as heretofore, by the remaining partners, who hope by' strict attention to business to secure a liber al share of patronage. DRAKE, NVII,StiN & CO. PM/Jr/C(OM G .N, 7' 11. S. Momhead, Philadelphia, John Opdycke, Easton, Borheck & Knauss, Bethlehem, A. J. Ritz, Allentown, A. W. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Penn Ilaven. Horton & Belles, Wilkesbarre Allentown, April 29, 1852. NAILS.—:3O(3 Kegs of the best Nails, 13rads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. April 22, ./041 . Neutlyexecuted at the "Register" Office. A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. A ttalti 011 1 . T M c 11. o o FOR THE Clol fling Emporium OF ITECEE 84 LEE:. , , t in loan : ha :c i t. ; t If i r is i e t: 1 1: 1 .1 , 1 i a o i d i ( t in ithe ivo , -.#-.-.). public in get - alai that they 6q:' 4 11 . :::" . : still continue the rq: I 1 lu Eit C 11.1 NT TAILORING re pt ..., .`c . .;,,: ~ -.ZI - lititsinci.is rli 1 1 1 at their old stand,d i reedy op t I posite the'd.,ehigh Regis:ter" r..... _ , printiro , office, and that they —although much is said at other places of low prices—well si it as cheap, if not cheap er, than at any other establisaneta, in this or any other place. and if any thitao., Still a little cheaper. They will always keep on hated, a full supply of of every descriptions, and have on hand at present a large supply of seasonable goods', at their "Emporium." They arc both practical .Mechanics, and no work is suffer ed to pass unless fully examined by theta, so they can warrant them to be not only du rable, but made up with neatness and taste. Will be punctually attended tn, and made up to order in the must-fashionable 'Ammer. nu matter whether the goods are bought vlscwltcre, it will be thankfully received. They ❑rc thatilifol for favors lwrotofor( receive, , ant t. my will make it pffild to serve till with em:re satisfaction, which they trust will secure to them inore favors and he the moans to extend their custom still further. Call and examine their mock, liefere you purcl.ase elsewhere, and satis fy yourselves ‘tiilt what is said above. Al:entown April :P.), 1;—:3111 Two Piano Forte: q77 ,77 :.....:-; , 7'.71 tindt.rFi.j.nud L,ts jo.zt fin j7l/7,11iz,h(1 and has ready for sale • two ix and tiirce gnarl( r ocnivo Puum butte: %vont! easi.s. A Mill' Ainnufac.tory. in 111111 . 111. m stre,t, -1 II in A !!,.I.town. ):\ 61% El April 1;. 1;--;;;ri undersi.ned hereby inform the citi zens of Allentown, that they have built a largo Ice I louse, and ar.: now prepared to furnish every morning a fmpply of (drat, ice, though the whole ,enson. r-:;iii Titer would ako inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity that a supply of ice to pt.( serve the dead Call at nit tine be hml c;;liio . g at their eilice iii 1.:3:A Allentown. l'ustotners in town, will l» stipplit.tl rq ular every thornitit , at dick. tiotas. Thry will malty it a point punctually to serve thostl who may favor them with their MEM East Allentown, :May .2(), 11-2 w 11,eatX)' Tcsiaae, Clotlxing A complete assortment of every descorip tion, cheaper titan the cheapest. Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., made up to the shortest notice, in a st%'le calculated to stn•- prise the Parisians, not the "Natives" only —and still he complies with his motto, "No lit no pay." With such inducements held out to an impartial public, a Hottentot wnuld'nt for a moment doubt but what he is bound to eclipse all his coin pmitors. And now take his advice "Buy cheap while sluggards sleep, And you will have goods to wear and keep." So come ono and all And give• we a call. C. 11. SAMSON. April 15, 11-5 w To the Ladies of Allentown We want all the ladies in Allentown and its vicinity to call and get a dress of I3crage, Berage de Laine, Lawn, Gingham, or any thing else they may wish;at the new cash store, corner of IVilson's Row, the place just revived. J. W. GRUBB. Just received a largo lot of Rakes, which w ill be sold . very cheap nt the ew cash store, corner of ‘Vilson's Row. J. W. GRUBB. May 13, 187)2. Brandrell and Wrights Pills. ¶-3m Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that thti far famous Pills o Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Braodreth, arc constantly kept for sale at the office of the•'Lehigh Register" by the dozen boxes at wholesale prices. July 5: • ¶--Om . -ill, _:-- ..... • . . ....)., „.,,, ? P ;:' . - / .x. 4* 64 i. 4 ' • it,, .:., 11: • . 0 '.7- ~. . l i. .:' • ,:k. ::•.,.. i':: :%r:', 5; ... . .7. • ''' • 4 • ..„. .7.. • -1, .. f . . . Heady-Made Cloihing, Customer Work 1,,tv,0 3 T- , ; i),IL 3 CASPFU Rakes! Rakes! . _'".-- - .7--.11-'t - -- - := - --- -- -- _-,-.--- - - - - , Effir, - 77- - --'-: 7 t-- - 7 . ..; - : ;_ - •.:----,-,--- , . - .r„.--ii - - - - 1 =--"-=.7.--t . i l 1T .,....„_ : -- . 1 - _ -_ , _. • „ 1 4?::1 5 ,, ' :1 1 i-,..!'i . 0?; t i l i i f f t i i ,, • .Ag- 5 .,,,, i ..„- , --. . .- -._-, :- -- . - 1 ,- ,,e. -..-,, .- 4 ig, ...... ' .-.. 1 - •-. 4q . .4. ' 7: - &...":-..i7-1••••••" EtMEI New Goods. Builders Look Here. A NEW ASSOUTMENT OF liforuen;r„litE The wider,d l :neil announce io thy public. that they have jii,d returned fioin Philadel phia and New \ - orlc, n ith a very larL;(: of Ila rthvare, cpasi:d i of t r. -. ... , ;: r.T.1Atri ? ..thmv. l'lN.,?7,hin Ll . .I,li c h, .I.jk ; ; ; i:;;aJ: t 'diary. ( 'our;! 7 'rim min :4- s. . 1 / 4 Vdlrry anfl Shorlimling4, ail of which will lie sold at extremely low prices. They rile ti le puldic to p. iye Savger's !lard ware Store, sign of the 4:11,.• dia . 11/W Ir, , . . _ a can I t order to Convince thetnsclvesof the fact, that a Tently s:avetl is a penny made,' April 2-2 To lifortsc-Kerpers. A. --- great - lissortment—of-lionse-furnishingl articles, such as ENANIEI,EIiand tinned iusiii cooking vosse!s, sauce and stew pons, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid-' irons, waffle irons, &c. 'PEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to line, in sets and dozens. A ko, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. I(NIVES and I.'ol - Zl(S—in F(2tS and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers. steels, cook and blncher knives, %yidh a variety of other I.,;inntactures. ET awl I'EN KNIVES—Hazors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one. lo(, three, allll 1 blade knives. SI IO V ELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes pick, a x, s , SI It )1" El ;Ind TONGS, Iron and brass poli:-hcd sty , ' fire sets And standards, coal hods, trdlo:s' irons smoothing irons. k.vz.c. for salt' by O & J SA EGER. April, 22, y IRO N.—A Ica of I latnntered and Rolled Sheet Iron, American and English Baud Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and !ennui, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of U & J SA Em..! ER. GLASS.-150 Ilexes Glai,s,ti by 10, 10 by 12, •10 by 1-1, It) by 15, 12 by 10, and various taller seizes, fur sale by TO SUMEIIAICERS:—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French I:Albers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & SAEGER. OILS & VA of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all Glue &c.,--will he sold cheap by PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John I3ell's best tonbe, also a lar , ,,reassurk !nem of Carpenter's Took, fur sale Cheap by ( ) & J SA D.a".IZ. TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as 11.nch and Moulding Planes, Hand, Pannel, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Anger Buts, flawbets, Squr.res, &c., for sale by _ _ _ WHITE LEM ).-2 tons of W hite Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and or sale April, , HOLLOW WA RE.-500 Iron Pots and kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 140telt(u); , § Notice is hereby given to the members of the "flantcr3, 31111 foil Fire Insurance Com pany of No rl hanylon County." that the alumni meeting of the said Company, will be held on Saturday, the. 1•[ day of August nt•xt, at one o'clock in thC afternoon at the public house of CHARLES Ilmazta.r., Inn keeper, in Lower Nazareth township, North• inn pton county. IV --(41) And at the same time and place, an elec tion will .be held for the purpose of elec ting thirteen managers, for said county, for the ensuing year. By Order of the Board of Managers, MICHAEL MEvEhs . , Secretary. June 21, 1852. • 7 icc.w Goods. O. & J SAEi:EIZ. O &II SAEGER (i& J SAEGER 0 & J SAEGER 0 &J SAEGER. 0 & J SAEGER _3 --~- Eao Hotel No. 139, North Third Nitreet, HETwEEN IUEE AND VINE, • PHILADELPHIA:. CHARLES _.l ? p .. t 0r,., 5 Tl,eso Er( nileinen alt great pleasure tai inforn 'hi ir 'iii is and the puhlic in gen era!, l,at th-y have tal;en the ahoy( minted • AN t•il.1:110 11:1(1 sclvi dly F LE 110 TE!„ ! I jiPi4 t i ; RD 4 ' fl t mnst bus up w entirely 111 w liiriiiittre and 111(1- ilii , -• Ti.,. liars has also Lena renovated and iniprtivtql in a manner, which will compare lavilnbly with the lint clans I hinds in tin •ind cannot fail to eive satisfaction tly those who nine patronize the establishment. %'i•heir 7'al.lr will always be supplied i with the choicest and most wholesome pro . I viiims the inarla.t affords, an.l their ‘vith pures.t and hest liquors. The sta bling bel9mTing to their house, is good and osuv~sicet.ll(l will he supplied with the hest provender, and attended by careful hostlers. Nodiing in short, shall be kit undone to make their ( ;nests comfortable; and they (bowr them'selves, that by strict attention to busini.ss, they will merit and receive a lib eral share of public encouragement 27. • toachnilldwr Pshblihment tat oincniowit. D 311 11 IZespectfully announces to his friends and the• public in general, that he still continues on a more extensive scale, the Coachmaking Business,, in all its various branches, at his well known smut!. in weft Hamilton street, directly op litwinbuch's I lut.l, tvk.•re he is al ways prepared to manufacture to order at the shortest notice, and also keep on hand, Barouehes, York l Fagons, ROCK A WAYS, Carryalls, Sulkies, ,S-e, which (or beauty and durability cannot be excelled by any other establishment in the county. Ile uses none but the best mate rial that can be secured, while his workmen arc second to none in the state, consequent ly he feels assured that the vehicles he turns out will bear inspection in any community. He will warren: his work as it is all dune underhis own supervision. Wooden or Iron axle-trees manufactured to order,, and all kinds of repairing done in the neatest, cheapest and most expeditious manner. lorses, old vehicles, &c, &c., will be t a kee in exchange for ‘vagons. Thankful for Past favors, he hopes that by strict attention to business, to merit a contin ual increase of public patronage. may 20 vt(spol - ta___ l l - rol ‘ . (» • ri.stown and Preemansburg Rail Roail Cauipiti The Coinmis:_zioners wanted in the act in corporating the above named Company, will !nevt and open books (or subscription to the capital stock of said Company, on Monday the 29th of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the house of Ilerman .Letter, in Freeman burg. Said books to remain open at said place for 3 days, viz : 20th, 2101 arid Stith July—on the 29th, at the house of Reigel & Shaffer, one day; at Hellertown. On the 301 h, one day, at Coopersbur,g, at the house of Daniel Cooper ; 31st, one day nt anaker town, at the house of Jacob Kern : one day, August 2d, at The house of Elias Erdman in Charlestown; one day, August 3d, at the house of M. Sult, in Tylersport ; I day Au gust , lth, at the house of C. Rudy in Sum neytown ; 1 day August sth, at the house of E. Thomas in Zieglersville ; 1 day, August lith, at B. Lonenecker's Perkiomen Bridle : 2 days, August 7th and Bth, at the house of John Heins in, Norristown. By order ofllie Board of Commissioners ILLI%M Wmatm.T., Z Serrehtries (ii o. W. FOEMINO, July 8, 18.1.2 Doctor William J. Romig. Having returned to Allentown, offers his professional services to his friends and the public. Office at his residence;in Hamilton street, south. side, first corner below Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, in Allentown. February 19, 11-1 y Ul 11 la cb Notice is hereby, given that the under signed have appointed Mr. William Scholl, of Allentown, an Agent to sell Tobacco in their name. JOHN F. Runs & SoKs. Allentown, July 15. 111,-4w ."..::.,.. --:.. ' %;. :,t. 0 . 74 . 7 .-- •;') ' 4,• . A..).: . - , ;.; i7:-•: • • i 0 - •- • ..r.e : .•;-,.., • ilo,. - : • ..t. . rv: ;4 .3 " . A ' 411' g; - • •••,:mirri.‘ , - , zw• .- • 4' 4: 7 ) ia . ? Z. -.1"-- -_- It-- A.:.... "KV 7 4P 1J; v t t W Y 'b' 6 64- ,t JP" -t. - ...* r." 1 7 .- - / t t . . . ... . , • • . • 1, Ocncral 3niclligrilcc, Ckintmnient, illatitctri, One beautiful evening, in the year 1815, the parish priest of- San Pietro, a villre a • few miles distant from returned much (allotted to his little cottage, where he found his aged housekeeper, the Senoa Mar izarita, watching for him, Notwithsvinding that one is well accustomed to the sight of extreme nOverty in Spain, it was impossible to help being struck by the utter destitution which 'appiltred in the house of the priest the more so', as every itnriginable contrivance had been resorted to, to hide nakedness of the wad's, and tin' shalthiness of the furni ture. Alargarim had prepared for her mas, ter's sniper a rather small dish of olla-pod• riga, which consisted, to say the troth of the temains of the dinner, seasoned and disonis cd with ereat shill, and a a u nts. As site placed the savoury dish upon the tattle, the• priest =aid : ''Wit 54111 thank ( fod for this good slipper, Margarita ; this 0110 podriga makes nun's month water. Aly friend, you ought to be orateful for (iodine so eoeil supper at the house of your host I" A: the word host, Marearita i'aised her eyes, and saw a stranger, who had followed her nuts. ter. 1 ler countenance changed, and she looked annoyed. She glanced indignantly first at the unknown, and then at the priest,. who looking down, said in a low voice, and with the timidity of a child: ..What is tnough for two, is always enough for three ; and surely you would not wish that .I should allow a Christian to die of hunger? Ile has not tasted food for two days." ! Ile is more !Rio a brig and !" and Margarita left the room murmur . i ng_loud .en au ry,.h_to beireard. leanwhile the unwelcome nncst had re trained standing at the door. Ile was a man of great height, half•dressrd in rags, nil covered ‘‘ nit mad ; while his black hair, piercing eyes, and carbine, gave him an ap pearance w h ich, though hardly prepos-ess ‘‘ as certainly inturesting. "Most I go l" said he. Thuopriest replied with an emphatic ges ture : "Those whom 1 bring under my roof are never driven forth, and are never unwel come. Put down your carbine. Let us say grace, and• go to the table." "I never leave my carbine, for, as the Cas tilian proverb says, ..Two friends are one." My carbine is my best friend ; and I. always keep it:beside me. Although you allow me to come into your house, and do not oblige me to leave it until I v:ish to do so, there are others who would think nothing of haul ing toe out, and, perhaps with toy feet fore most. Come—to your health, mine host, and let us to Supper." The priest possessed an extremely good appetite but the voracity of the stranger soon obliged him to give up, for, not contented with eating, or rather devouringulearly the whole ofilie olla-podriga, the guest finished a large loaf of bread, without hearing a crumb. While lie• ate, he kept continually looking round with an expression of inquietude ; he started at the slighest sound ; and once, when a violent gust of wind made the door bang. he sprang to his feet, and seized his car bine, with an air which showed that, if ne cessary, he would sell his life dearly. Dis covering the cause of the alarm he resented himself at the table, and finished his repast. "Now," said he, "I have one more thing to ask. I have been wounded, and for eight days my would has not been dressed. Clive me a few old • rags, and you shall be no longer burdened with my presence." -I ant in no haste for you to go," replied the priest. Whose guest, notwithstanding his constant watchfulness, had conversed very entertainingly. know something of sur gery and will dress your wound.'' • So saying, he took from a cupboard a case containing everything, necessary, and pro ceeded to do as he had said. Tlie stranger hail bled profusely, a ball having passed through his thigh ; arid to have travelled in this condition, and while suffering, too, front want of food, sliewed.a strength which seem ed hard-ly human. ..You cannot possibly continue your jour ney to day," said the host. ...You must pass the night here. A little rest will get up your strength, diminish the intimation of your wound, and"— iu-3ip inust go to-day, and immediately,"•in terrupted the stranger. "There are sonic who wait for me," he added with n sigh— "and there are some, too, who follow me." And the momentary look of loftness passed from his features between the clauses of the sentence, and gave place to an expression al most of ferocity. "Now, is it finished ! That is well. See, I can walk as firmly us though I had never been wounded. Give me some bread ; pay yourself for your hos pitality with this piece of gold, and ideu." The priest put back the gold with dis pleasure. "1 am not an innkeeper," said he; "1 do not sell my hospitality." "As you will, but pardon me; and now, farewell my kind host. So saying, he took the bread, which Mar garita, at her toaster's command, very un willing gavi3 him, and soon his tall figure disappeared among the thick foliage of wood whiCh surrounded the house, or rather the cabin: An . hour had scarcely passed, When musket shots were, heard close by and the unknown re-appeared, deadly Filo, and ¶-4 w NEUTRAL IN pourics, The Cup of Cold Water. NUMBER 4 bleeding from a deep wound near the heart: "Take these," said he, giving some piece. 4 of gold to his late host; "they are for my childrennear the stream—in the valley. He fell and the next moment several po lice officers rushed into the house. They hastily secured the unfortunate mar 4 who attempted no resistance. The priest entrea ed to be allowed to dress his wound, which was permitted ; but when this was done they insisted un carrying him away immediately. They would not even procure a carriage ; and when they were told of the danger of removing a man so severely wounded, they merely said, "What does 'it matter? If ho recovers, it will to T.( cei ve sentence of death. Ile is the famous brigand; Jose." Jose thanked the intercessor with a look. Ile then asked for a little water, and when the priest brouelit it to him he said in a 1311.1 voice. "Remember." The reply was merely a sign Of intelligence. W hen they wet-- gone, note ithstanding all Mar garita could say to the danger of going out at Melo, the priest crossed the wood, de scended into the valley, and s - ion found, be; side the bo.ly ol a woman, is Ito had doubt less b , en killed by a stray ball ol the police, an infant, and a little boy of about fours years old, who was trying in vain to awaken his mother. Imagine Mat7arita's amazement when the priest returned with two children in his arm. "May all good saints defend us ! — Wliat have you done, sooner? We have barely enough to live upon, and you bring two children! I suppose I must beg from door to door, for you and for them. And, for mercy's sake, who are these children ?--The sons of that, brigand, gipsy, thief, murdereri perhaps ! I ant sure they have never been baptised'" At this moment the infant be grin to cry. "And pray, Senora Clerigo, how do you mean to feed that child ? "You know very well that we have no means pay: ing n nurse. We mast spoon•feed it. and nice Moles that will give ! ft cannot be, more than six months pool IAI-creature,' she added, as her master placed it in her arms. "Fortunately, I have a little milk herd;' and forgettimv her anger, she busied herself in putting seine milk on the, lire, and then u t down lw,ide it to. warm 1:1e infant who seemed half frozen. I ler master watch ed her in silence, and when at last he saw her kiss its little cheek, he turned away with a quiet smile. When at length the little one had been hushed into a gentle slumber, arid when Mar garita, with the assistance of her master's cloak, and some of her own clothes, had made a bed fur the elder boy, and placed him in it, the good man told her how the child ren had been committed to his care, and the promise he had made, though not in words, to protect them. "That is very right and good, no doubt," said Margarita ; "I only want to know how we are all to live ?" The priest opened his Bible. and read aloud : "Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of coil water ; only in the name of a disciple, verily 1 say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." "A men !" said Margarita. Twelve years passed by. The parish priest of San Pietro, who was now more then seventy years old, was sitting in the. sunshine at - his door. Near him, a boy of about twelve years old was reading aloud from the Bible, looking occasionally towards a • tall, Imo looking young man who was hard at work in a garden close by. Mar-;' garita who was now become blind, sat and listened.—Suddenly, the sound of - wheels' Was heard, and the boy exclaimed : "Oh ! the beautiful carriage !" • A splendid carriage approached rapidly; and stopped before the door. richly dress sed servant approached, and asked for a cup' of water for his master. "Carlos." said the priest to the youngei boy, "go bring water to the gentleman ; and add some wine, it he will accept it. Op,' quickly !" At this moment, the carriage . door opened, and a gentlemen, apparently about fifty years old, alighted. "Are these your nephews ?" said he to' the priest. "They are more than that senor ;they are • my children—the children of my adoption."- "Flow is that ?" "1 will tell:yen, senior ; for I am oldand poor and know but little of 'the world, and um much in need of advice for I know not' what to du with these two children." He related the story we have just told. "And; now, senor, what do you advise Me to do?" .-Apply to one of the nobles of the court, who must assign you pension of four thotr- sand ,ducats." "I asked your advice, senor, and not forjest." "And then, your chinch must be re-built:. ..VVe will call it the Church of the Cup of Cold Water. Here is . the plan. See, thid is to be the vicarage, and here, divided by this paling" "What does this mean ! What would you! say 7 And surely, remember that Yoieti that face"— "I am Dun Jose della liibberra ; and twelve years ago I was the brigand Jose. escaped from prison ; and—for the' reirokt-' Lion made great change--am now powerful.: My children." .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers