"I)c Allentown . , Pa. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1552. Cs?' Recollect the Agricithural meeting on Saturday next, at Trexlertewn. Even) , utetn• her should be lit attendance. Sunday School Pio Nio The Sunday School Pie Nie, of the'Veachers anti Pupils of the German Reformed arid 1,11• theran congregations, came off on Saimility Last. They turned out in large numbers to Eberhard',, beattliful grove, near town. After the usual ceremonies were gone through with, the pupils commenced their juvenile amuse inent,.i. The company returned in the even, ng, nothing happening to tear the pleasures of the day. Free Trade and Direct Taxation. "l'uthey taxes all tho produce of her agii culture and her shops with taxes and duties, amounting to horn twenty to filly per cent. on the cost of production. She only demands irom three to five per cent. on all articles of foreign origin, that pass through the custom house." We take the abovo from one n 1 the journals of the day, &siting to call the attention of our readers to the beautiful effects of LintiNh free trade and direut taxation, a favorite subject of declamation among the Solons of our day, who hold that a nation is to tie benefited by keeping the plough and the loom :mail from cacti Pike, and see in the exports and imports the only. Whig Calculation. standard by which to judge of the prosperity The New York Tribune gives its views mien of a nation. Turkey is the paradise nil littlish 1 the Presidency. fi Mod s that G en , s•r e m t te ,w 4 ,/ free trade. Not only does she admit all foreign 10,000 majority in New Ymk, that he is sure or produce free of all duties except from three to Pennsylvania, that his chances are brttrs than five per cent., but she also permits Imeign i :rsPierce's in ohm, rycn in liNlin”a, errbrin in Ren ders to carry their goods firm loon to town ( lucky, b ,. .'inmiu doubt in Nordi Carolina, proba. throughout the empire for sale, peddling them ; Tennesmi , ,ronv ~ore in Michigan and out to her unfortunate people, Me consequence : Wisconsin, about " 1 " 1 in fawn, and it b , /irrrs will carry ferinsiana, italit . ernia and New Jet.- of which:is, that the storekeepers are almost as scarce as man facturers, and her irepowerish. sc.Y• We quote the CsLIIIIHR! S cd eultivaims have twit even a place at which Probably fur cwt. Probably for Piet ce they can exchange their produce for cloth or Massaen""lis 13 N. Hampshire iron, sugar or coffee. It is, therefore,consiandy Vc mem 5 Virginia wasted. on the ground, and the land owner and Mindy island 4 South Carolina its occupants are reduced to poverty, while the Connecticut nation itself is the scorn of the' would fur its New York weakness. Russia protects her people in their W " e ffM IP! to bring the plough and the ItMin Mtn, ) j;), , 1 1. 11 ,.:, 3 ,.. vduia connection with each other, and therefore does lrc sho grew.strongovhile her•people aro becont- l~ruurcic\ors l air , lint ing from day today more free. Turkey leaves i m ennessee Tier people to the tender mercy of British free traders, and therefore does she front day today become mom weak, while her people become front day to day more enslaved; and yet have we arnimg ourselves men who would counsel the adoption, of the sante measures under which Tnikey has seen her manufactures destroyed, and under which tier agriculture is gradually dying eat. It is time that the farmer should understand, that he it is that needs protection, and that without it his farm would have speed • ily little mote value Man have those of Turkey, and he himself would became the tome I hew• er of Wood and drawer of water' to Bihish mon opolies. A Thought for Capitalists The Itelawino and Raritan Call al and Cam den and Amboy liailload Company have de clared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent., payable on and after the 17th inst., at the of fices of the Company, in Philadelphia and at Now York. This is equivalent to 10 per cent. per year, and the Company is building a road to Ea:ton through New Jersey, to connect %dill their road at Trenton, out of their surplus earnings. This will bring Easton very nearly, if not quite as near to Philadelphia as a railroad up the Wis sahickon through Bucks county to Easton via freemansburg. The Jersey road will there fore be a competitor for the Easton trade which no road can compete against., This will ad vance to the business interests of Philadelphia, just as well al if her Merchants invest their millions and secure the same object—namely, a Railroad connection and cheap freights.— There is no use of throwing money away tip on Railroads any more than unwisely expend ing it. in whin. way. Under this State of al lairs it is evident the first object of importance is to aim at the trade of the Lehigh Valley—of Lehigh, Carbon and oilier counties, the most I direct best, and by far the cheapest route, for which, can be obtained by a railroad from Al lentown to Pottstown, to connect with the Read ing Railroad. This made, time and business I will tell when another road to Easton, and trade northward which can find its most direct outlet by Easton, is advisable or hecessar A Maryland Fanner The Easton Star has the following account of the agricultural operations of Col: Edward Loyd, at Whose . place, on the IVye river, the trial of reaping machines came on last week Ile cultivates with his own servants-ImM, boring near 400—some nine or ten hums— farms—about 6000 awes of land, including timber land—and raises annually between 30, ' 000 and 10,000 bushels of wheat, and a touch larger quantity of corn, besides various other valuable products. Everything throughout his extensive operations is conducted in the most systematic manner, and the greatest care is ta ken to keep everything itr the most perfect or der-4ach farm being under-the charge of an intelligent overseer. Besides these extensive operations in Talbot, be has a plantation carried on in the State of Mississippi, worth several hundred thousand dollars, and his annual income from his estate here, and• his plantation in the South, we pre sume, cannot fall short of Slso,ooo—six times es much as the income of the . President of the `United States. His' residence is one of the • most bplowlid in this country, being the home stead of the Lloyd family since their first set tlement in Maryland. • Democratic Calculation. The New York National Democrat says :-- We will risk our small reputation foe predicting future results correctly on the lowing table Pierce and King. Scott and Graham Alabama 9 Massachusetts A rhansas 4 Rhode Island California 4 Vermont Connecticut 6 Florida' 3 Georgia 1 0 finliana 13 Doubtful Illiuols 11 Kentucky 12 lowa 4 Ma Ty la nil Louisiana 6 North Carolina Maine 8 Delaware Michigan Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio yen nsyl arii a South Carolina Texas Tennesste Virginia • Wisconsin The Tariff vs..Segar Makers. I ennui! wasted. , —• . A Voice for War. a• - yllon. floury W. Hilliard has written a letter A number of the New England 'journals are In reading over the Speech of the Hon. Thad Pottstown and Allentown. Ma. Mirror' :—Are the citizens of Allentown drusNerens, which by the by is pronounced by far to the Montgomery, Ala. Journal, in which he striving their best to get di, a cases bell' out . of the ablest delivered in Congress on the protective contenbdo loose the great, present, and still great- says he feels no hesitation in supporting Scott the difficulty between the American and En.. policy, t h e p resent sess i on ;we find the s o n,, w i ng .. er advahtages ultimately by neglecting to have and Graham, though it was his wish that Mr. list governments in regard to the fisheries on the ' new item, which accounts for the inactivity of the the terminus of the North Lehigh Railroad at , Fillmor; should have been nominated. • coasts of the British provinces. Those in par place 1 If not, it is time to be up and do- ( T'''Plie %Vhig State Convention or Florida titular, which are located in the midst of the of the Tobacco busitiess, of which we hear so your ;.; ; .. While your citizens need fear no country ; . i rm.( re nomtna ion ofGeneral Scott fishing population, aroused to quite a war spirit. much complaint of jouritcymen Seals m a ker s in. has end • • I alit . • t' S villages as rivals, they may rest assured the ad-1 and placed Major VVard in nomination for Con. One of these, the Newbutyport Herald, fires up now a days. We are sorry that we cannot give vantages of Railroad terminus at any point along i t ress, the moire speech. • in a strain of heroic indignation and urges the which i s mostly i m .. the Lehigh, are not easily compensated for.— i UV' Two signs 'were once opposite to each fishermen to send a vigorous deleg . ation to Wash- He says, "take tobacco, sSancona" of the Democrat, knowims this, in ' • pot ted from this country: • • r• • his ; oilier in Philadelphia, thus inseribeds "James ington "who shall b • estege every department of Xs. El. $ cts. last communication endeavors to throw dust in ish„ tii o and e ditor l," government 3 , shall • ment until the • obtain justice," Tobacco manufactured per lb. 03 0 0 fin your eyes, by suggesting a branch for your ac - ; E.:*A Kentucky and • . . publisher, notifies which course will hardly fail of effectin the ob- Sioill •• per lh. 000 1 32 commodation, to be worl«cl through the mono- • *ltis neighbors th at he will insert their advertise- ject in no lona l 'thi sg course, however, Manufactured or Meals, per lb. 0 9 0 2 00 lain ; the construction of which is as probable meats and do their j ut • ' line I printing, taking his pay should fail, the Herald then counsels open wet This is not all ;it is further provided that all as anima improbabilities—l desire, however, t ° ! after the election M .! Gen, Scott. . in the following terms : tobacco imported, manufactured in England to place the dist:tithes of the proposed routes again I ,•_'' Louis Napoleon is said to have bought aThen there is the la • st resort of self.protection; shag, roll, col, or twist tobacco, or cigars, and ex• before the public' I ha v e a " th lag to d" w i t h I latly, two large estates in Poland, for the sum which will bring ' on the imminent crisis, corn ported, shall be. allowed a brawback per pound "Sauconas" personal dissertation, to self gloriou a of 1,8061 1 000 francs. ' pelting the instant and energetic action of the of 2s. 71,1., leaving a duly on the raw article im- congratulations upon his personal success, in I -, i LV:li 7 (lays make one week, how many will government. The fishermen have good vessels; ported.for manufacture and expottation, of 4 : 1,1., making black white or white black. I ant ! make one strong ? • manned by strong men with courageouS hearts or only eight cents. . glad, however, to see that my "generalities of re - It is said that a case 'has recently -been Let them arm their vessels, and resist .. ' .. lany viola- Under ibis encouragement, owing to the cheap principle" has had some effect upon his calculi- discovered near Lafayette, Indiana, which is sup lion of the legitimate and long established con. pike of labor in Europe, our tobacco is taken tiny, powers.. They were only intended for aP" j posed to he lotreer than the Maininoth Ca . vr. in ' • fun of the treaty. l ie than scrupulously there, manufactured, and brought back to under • pliCation in the case, sit far as he had deviated I ' b Kentucky. . avoid trespassing upon the inhabitants, or fish sell the same article in our own markets. Jour - from facts• lie lira at last overhauled his fig, ing or curing .within three miles of the shore; !lepton cigar makers in this country are now rites, and summed up a distance of 72 miles fur Lake Fish.. but submit to nothing more , and sink every Br't petitioning Congress f o r relief, slating that they the Pert/ hone') route. This is mending utterly. The Cleveland Herald informs us that-im less i 1 cruiser which '' ' I . than 22,868 packages of pickled Lake fish have /i s m ' it ,, , • t . r if ~, nuiles,ls.'hem outside `)f the,se cannot compete, limier Me present duties, with 'lily fast. lie gives the new road to make now powe i reo by superior force. tet the j•eirneyinen cigar makers of Europe, who at 4I miles—which is 14 miles more than on the been inspected at that port the present season• m n their oan °: materially interfeie with their business. Free , p„nst„„.„ and A it e „,„,„_ 44 m il es of new „„,1 and the same authority, without having heard or vessels . 1 1 10„inkitoor glliiiiwiiii w it h . flags hying:' misers by Yankee trade England levies a duly on cigars of s'•l the to which add 18 miles to Norristown, and um dreamed of this muss attempted to be raised fishing boats ' would be . ' turning ,: aver a new lea!: pound; duped America of a few cents ! Why front Freemansburg to Allentown makes 72 down east, says that "I, this Huron, Michigan, in the of Britannia and Superior are getting to be formidable rivals But ~ history , should not the importation of cigars into this to- . tittles. In regard to the new rood, 1 woulil state, %a(• cannot consent to have a war for such a liacco country be prohibited 1 it is 83 miles up the Schuylkill river to firkin-! to New Foutolland, the Georgies, and the Boy of se, and while we hope the just rights of our lit looking into the English tariff laws! find the men creek, tip Perkiomen to sionnytown 17 Fundy, in supplying this great country with cau se, and , ' it lemon may be i nsiste d on, we trust that no f••llowing : miles. This distance I am perfectly familiar "IL" gotiation may soon settle the difficulty. Mr. More than 30,000 bands and half barrels of A list i•f good; absolutely prohibited ac• ba-fiti• willi• This makes 253 milts from Norristown " 1 s , 1 i 1 ill , i Crampton, the British Minister, has already gone Lake fish have been sold in this market since ported." in um ily.owo, eva.ca won.e. ,eave•••,,incona" out from Washington to visit 'dr , bs • ter, and tape It begins with arms, ammunition and utensils 183 miles between Sumnytow n an d Fre eman ,- the opening or navigation this season, and this over this matter as well as . Central of war, and goes dining!' several pages of other burg. I sin not acquainted with the di stance b e , is hut one of the many Lake ports from which When 1 h the Central American such men men take hold of a articles; all are rated with a similar view t o th e tweet the two latter points, by pers o n a l cam era . fish are distributed over the great West. l'he tatter see have littl wl f i . •Cish sold here are principally sold in Ohio. A u I. which : v ... . ' en"' an). shier result than encourageme n t of domestic manufactures. I tion, hot am 'informed by a resident of the cutin mi . d ii, b e honorable and satisfactory to go to Pittsburg and other points out of think I have shown that England acquit col and try, sr ho knows the distance, that it is 25 miles P OlllOll both nations. preserved her wealth, her gm eatne.ss, her prosper, by their nearest roads. This would make the the State. l'he Upper Lake fisheries are inexhaustible, Steanz Carrriage —Three gentlemen of New lion, by protection; and' that at this day, sl ity, both as a manufacturing and commercial nag actual distance of new road 30j allowing nosh . and with a ship canal around the Sault the trade ark, N. J., says the Philadelphia Sun, have com slutstill ing for full(iwing chasms, &c., which the Rail and double in two years. The fish i n sup er i• bitted for the construction of a strain carriage, adheres!. it with (I••termined pertinacity; and , road must do and increase the distance accord or are inct largest and finest in the chain of lakes, calculated to run on common roads and design that all her seeming approaches to free trade are ing to rough estimate 2t ; miles. The followtog and the market for Lake fish is rapidly extend- led more particularly for the plank road between really protective enactments.'" . is a statement of the distances as neatly as can ---- --- ---.•-••--------- be gotten at without a survey. I ing. The trade is ahead) , an important item of I that city and New York. They feel confident A .New Ticket. Pottstown and Allentown route. our inland commerce. though it is yet compare. that the enterprise will ba successful, so that an The Philadelphia SIIII informs us that John • From Philadelphia to Pottstown, 40 lively in its infancy," :.___ _ average speed of 10 miles per_hour_can_he_ob-,---- tamed, with a power as ce••notnical as that of -IV Fornej , late edi:or of the Itentis ylvaniati,__From_Putistown to-Allentown, 2° Lead Orr.—Volun a fewl •• ' i a3s pasta vein of i•s - abaitit'lo be nominated by his friend; fru 1110 * -- horses. l'he Evening Post contains a descri - T ow]. ~ . - vehicle. the Il.iiir ~r whi c h P is Presidelicy. We suagest Coheir!! Wallace ol Montgomery 'Mr. (leo. Porringer, of Plymouth, Mu Son a•• at.suii„ble ciiiiilidate for !'ice. — .\: - Rtifiati.... '' —'l'he air4ine from p°l"l° "' n t° AI fourteen feet from the grounil, and the natl . can: county, a specimen of which we have seen, and lentown is 25 miles, a railroad therefore may be be arranged for the accommodation of outside' ]or Sbir. which prirves to be of A rich quality. The ex, W tilt MI humility .we accept, aud - lay down he ' s than :ill miles. ' passengers. The mac/littera. is enclosed within tent of the vein discovered, we have not learned Perkionieu and Preemansburg ramie. the carriage, and the steam " is emitted through a omit Iiialfii1111: i . From Philadelphia to Norristown 18 small aperture in such a manner that horses 1. No Taxmion. slileniptiii Rad/o. i n. We understand Mat Mr. - From Norristown to Per Itiomen creek 83 will not he frightened. The machine will be 2. Nu Daiiits on Impoils. Charles 11. ll'illiains, of IVeatherly, was stop : Thence to I . 'reernansburg . 411 guided by a mall stationed behind. l'he work 3. Coligiess to raise all the money. . ped, on Saturday evening. last, on the Broad 1 urnr Freemansburg to Allentown 10 ing patterns and part of the machinery for the 4. Wit the people of oar Party to spend it.' ; AL•untain, nun his way home, and a demand made one to be constructed in Newark, are completed. •5. No more Ct•iimi•ozoises, for there can be Total. - . 81 upon him for the money in his possession. Al- no such thing as splitting the difference be. l Remarks z—l made a mistake in the distance though Mr. Weatherly hall considerable money .l MisrausiPio; l 7 7 ,/ (..- he ie is a f arm upon th e tween right mid al rorg. from Norm istown to Perkionten of I mile in my i widl loin at the little, the attempt to get hold of prarie, near Si. Louis, owned by Sigersto i & l'ottil 6. A Hastening, ( 11 the Good Time Coming. r°rtner communication. Instead o f 93 it should 11 Proved unsuccessful. We are not in pusses. Brothers, (who seem to understand that to make ••We do no tepid the vote of either Ociegia, 7. Free Pie•laYe for the Pertilsylvaoian and •he 83 • See card of distance via Reading Rail- :don of the painculars.—eurlso t Dem. . motley by tanning, rnomy must he invested to —..__ ._ Illitiots, or MissOLll . l, as absolutely:certam tot the i'flifitd,,lphi, Sun; ; di o il ier paperi., to g o road, for distance to Stonnytown, see Perkiomen begin with,) comprising 1.000 ;lett., in one fseld, :ilek Ti»ie.—A load of 1200 passeng,•r, that ' Pierce; bot the probabilities as le diem, are in excluili.,l lion' the mails as useless. turnpike, inure direct than a railroad can be. bowed with posts and rails, a mile arid a half ' left Don't!. arrived at C• s "''' his favor. Maine loses and honors Gen. Scott ;b. The Best ollives for our Best fi iends—we It rieeds no argument to Sh o w that the Pons• leccill ' Y '' ' ` " led, " In '' square, and contained on , _• bombed and filly hours, besides stopping, an hour at Dunkirk and t tt majority or her people want to vote for him ; to have 40 per cent. of their salaties. town route, therefore, will be considerably the 'ere, of cot. ' it, boar acres of strawberries for the an hour and a half itt Clevelanth They went by • • but the party serews may be applied so lights}' 9, Thu an ne x at i on " • ' •dlortest 'fin! it Gin be hlt toforthe ITIOII half• it. .I.••iiis Marker, *. ' y acres .1 B.,vers, 110 y of Ireland tin ting sum -. " • 'that it ' 11 Southern`l •I g - railroad. cy—that tvlom built, it can and will take the trade 'e R. ti -311 •as to defeat their flee choice. But Ohio alone acres of peach trees, and two hoodred acres of o'er. and all about the Equator in winter. „ i :added to the States morally sure to vote Cur 10. 1 beef and 'fen Dolla rs ada • iof Allentown and Lehigh, from any competitor. Wine Cutlarc— The :ult.:lst 1,2.00 acres i other fruit, among which are 1500 pear bets, scum will elect him; or Indiana or any other 11. Free 'Frade to and from ' Africa ' 3' The people of Allentown I fear will see the its- ' o f viney an k ar,,u n d Cincinnati alone, giving a b et ., i a j „e. .ie row of pear trees is three quartets of State in the doubtful list, or the three I,Vhig • , with a , • ' . poi lance of having the terminus of the. Philailel- employment do no less than 800 armlet : o. I ' ° ' , 1-. Down nath white :gayety. Southern ?States, or the four West of Indiana.' phi!! Railway at their town, when too late. ors, at an annual co s t of $29,000, and producing a mile long. All the orchard ground is calliva. 13. A lair Division of the property of the I . he idea ofP h i ladelphians taking the trade of in moderately favorable seasons, 240,000 ga t, led in strawberries, mel ons or something else.— Scott and States among, the faithful of our Party. r and Pierce in England. Easton via the Perltionien route is all nonsense. lons of wine 'Host of those 1 - I 'I- 'lliere are GOO sheep I e ma , e , In the en andlsocattle kept on the With these planks of our platform we can •* * - . else,- 1 London Times, in an article upon the ' .It can never compete with the Jersey road from titre of the vine have families to support. lt is farm. catty the thirteen original S.ales and then nomination of Cen. Stoll, declares its prefer- Easton, which is now being built by a company calculated - that the wine inlet est in Hamilton Dr .., • I zn,...zu . A man named J. Taluslilitz was pledge ourselves to build all the railroads, ca ' once for Gen. home, and its ardent hopes for and of their surplus earnings, after deduatino re.. • • - • • • • : county offotals subs,stence, directly and indirect- drowned in the canal at Smithtown Locks, in nets, latapikes and bridges, the new ones want. i his success, 11l the following explicit terms: nice dividends. COMMON b'ENSE. ly, to 10,000 industrious and sober people. Tinicum township, on the 6:h of luly. Ile fell We are 110tiV ill the field, and shall answer no I "In fact the advotimme of Gen. Pierce'; mime ' ()lithe boat just before entering the Lock. As letters unless ss they are post paid, and coolant • _ , lftention Czzpitalists.-011 the Ilth of Septem• L oa . fi»• Europe. One hundred barrels of to the Dernoerats, and the disadvantage of Gen. bur, the beautiful property of Mr. Edwin Ilar- • •• soon as he was missed search was made, and the renumerating enclosures. eggs were shipped from New Orleans, b y the • Seott's name to the Whigs, were both so get- ' lather, in Allentown, will be sold at public l body was found in about twenty minutes. An i N. 11.—We shall Colllllllle our old business s ".ei Etnpire City, on her last trip to New York.— ; eraliy recognised, Mat the latter was supposed at the house of John Y. Bechtel. The lot is 74 Cincinnati eggs travelling to New Orleans, iri s iiiquest was heiq by JosePli Haugh, E. “/” and a to have lost all chance. 'Flu: very las;i. tile ; oh editing the Sun. We s h a l l not resign des verifict rendered b y the jury in accordance with ( t derintici• li pee o a 011 s here orelsewhere, •I• •W feet front by 230 deep, With a large two slur Y teen hundred miles, over the Gulf of Mexico and ... graphic message that astived before the Con the facts, The deceasedwas known as a sober stone building, brick barn, &c., Sitting water iti op the Atlantic, fifteen hundred more, to New never eat our soup hastily, remembering vention had terminated its labors led ns to slip and industrious man ; and had followed the ca. the cellar, and well in the yard. See advertise- York, thence to be shipped three thimsand miles "—the man of Norwhich, pare that the nomination of Fillmore or Web• , nal for several years. Ills remains were taken 1% hu burnt his moth eating cold porrich." meal in another column. further to Europe, one of the wonders of modern suer was certain. But in a Democratic Cori , •------ —..—_-_______ by Andrew Schwartz to the residence of his lam. We never fitiuted in our life; never lost a I commerce. I vention, as in a conclave (il Cardinals, Dentin , ' Death of Gen . Jones ily, near the Lehig,h Water GaP,in'earbon coma ; battle, or gained one. therefore must be equal- • :is lost as long its the ballot can be kept We regret to announce the (loath of Brevet . l'alitical dalee.-I'he New York Mirror says I V.—near !We/. •-.• box i ly 4 o•ceotabl to the I . ' I - of• I . peace • e le non( s wear am. , . , • going. The Pipe and the Piesident of the : ' i ..' i Major General Roger Jones, Adjudant General that a couple of •"colored penmen" were over we have given pennies innumerable to little Cure fin. Dllrentary. A highly respectable United States am the two principal elective rm. of the united Stales Army, who Ellett at his heard discussing politics in Broadway. One boys to buy sticks of candies; we are forreli. and aged correspondent of the Georgia Consti. less of mankind ; and, though the conatituen- , residence in this city on the 17th of Jul . We says to the other, olViiiit makes 'ern calGener• ' gicius , and all kinds of liberty ; are in favor of tutionalisr, gives the following recipe for the dye coos difler, the mechanism of parties is not dis. learn that his illness was very brief LEI his al Scott Old Fuss and Feathers I" ••Why Lor,' the Constitution, and a law abiding citizen ; Sam, don't you know ? It's case he's fuss in scuterY—thou,gl) very simple, it has not failed, similar, and the recoil jost as capricious in one , death sudden and unexpected. It appears th•tt never cliiillenged 1)e Witt Clinton, nor refused under his observation, for many years: case as in the other. But in this instance, we ' on Wednesda , evening h • attacked ' war, fuss in peace, and fuss in de hearts ob de : •3 e a as swish 0 ;; • to fight Gen. Jackson; have been a Democrat . ' . "Take an equal quantity of sweet molasses, doubt whether any nomination would have !totem morbus, from which yesterday morning country pe ple. and voted With the Whigs, and now go for e , . , .' - -......- - olive oil, and good Wcst India rum, stir together materially altered the chances of the Whio• • Ire experienced some relief • but about 5 o'clock • • Sall In lowa.—We learn from the Dubuque and simmer over tlfe lire, stirring while simmer.. , , ' P ar. 1 cricanism • w b • ' , ere orn in a free S tate, and . ty; Rad :., o far as toe general interests of the ' 4-1 ; ' . n the he had : I • .1 1 • ' a second attar. r, is nch (Iowa) Tribune, Mat specimens of beautifully ing until the decoction is well incorporated m a Slave Stale ; have been engage's! : n no afternoon I Colon and its relations with ourstlves arc con. married ill less than two hours term 1 • lulled his life. chrystalized salt were recently discovered about gether; then lake it oir the fire but continue stir at Candy's Lace, New Gi•leatis, Yorktown, and _ (Trued, (ha. Pierce hug our best tri , hes fM•his suc• is Jories wasone°( the en. 0 ie vet erans 0 1 the war twit miles southwest of that town, by seine men , ring until the mixture is quite cool. 'lt Is then 'Trenton where we did good service in the rcss," , .of 1812, having distinguished himself on see- Inthe road track , the ea th • - grading .• , . r uas reinov- ready for bottling, or use. The dose for an adult , commissary department; have reached the "The pritnary question for the U. S. in this eras occas ions daring • ons that war. He wa s a no. eel f rom some rocks, in a crevice of which the it the disease is very violent and system much rose of discretion ; believe in the Federalism of ' ' election, as it is for ourselves in the eleetorial ' I , live of the State of I'4 : girlie. He had filled the salt deposit was found. A piece weighing up, reduced, is one table spoonful three times a day,. Washington', aid the Democracy of Je ff erson; contest of this week, is the national sanction Post of Adjudant General within the lineal wards of 100 lbs. was taken out • and it is belicv- mornina, noon and it I 'the attack i . , . . , i e is gave our fi rst pOlitical vote for old Hickory, i and inviolable establiAnzent of the principles zy' rank 1 Colonel, . i o stone 1825; and was brevet- eel that a salt spring exists at no great distance slight, ones poonful, ace —and tn at night, will have' fi-ce trade. For o . . and our last.for ourself at a delegate election ; though no country is more in , ted as a Major General on the 30th of IMa • from the locality of this crystallization, and that the desired effect. For children and young per have never been defeated before the people; ! 1818' I n . . • 3, I forested in the adoption and exter , sin of those n this city, where he had so long re. the water flows front it to the Mississippi hy sons, in proportion to age ; for infants, a tea 1' .• s,. ~* 1 fight R never been guilty of any felony ; have ! s • ' principles than Me Ainein•an Limn , the fis,ht 'hied, the deceased was uniformly WS nvited • some heretofore unknown haunch Th • spec', spoonful is sufficient. It is also a radical cure.' I thus far escaped the penitentiary, and never I ' ' I ' 5 - C L. • • has hitherto been carried on rioninst the avow ! and to the - army—to all the members of which men taken out was of excellent quality and res fur summer complaint in children. If the dis. d (~ ; • 1(010 , a the b ;%eetr , ; ,_ & „ • i having been tip for ofliee before. have enjoye d ease should be checked too suddenly, so as to e ji i tit u t...C/Vetlllllll/1.--- ' I from his officialposition , I • rkabl clear 11S name and char. ma y .. an irreproachable character. Upon this asser- ; Mr. Filltnore'a messages and Mr. Corwitt l s re yore well known—he was ever the sot - i occasion costiveness, reduce the dose, and use a • than, however, we take no credit, as no man a i ? ter% .. . ' - ' little castor oil. ports have continued to avow Protection tat doe 1 tier w i t hou t _tnemisli.— fVoslrißepttblic. knows what a consomme rascal he has been, nitwit worthy to rank with Lord Gratiby's po until his,publie cervices and vitiales induce any I Curinus Hisiaricaf Pr/rt.—During the troubles litieal economy and Mr. G. F. Young's stalk portion °Phis fellow citizens to honor Mtn with ' in the reign of Charles 1., ac untry girl came to ties; and the rountry has only escaped the lin an imporprit nomination. We are beginning London, in search ola place as a servant maid, position of more restrictive duties by the fact to turn grey, are over six loot high, and can , but not succeeding, she hired herself to carry out that the present American Government has write while persons are conversing about us— beer from a warehouse, and was one of those never possessed a majority nu these questions in the House of Ilepreseutatives. The triumph an invaluable faculty for the presiding, oflicer i called tub women. The brewer observing a of the candidate of the Democratic party brought el the Culled States Senate. . good looking girl in this low occupation, took , . We are poor and want a good salary ;• Col. !her into his'family as a servant, and after a short forward by (Inc men of the South; will secure, probably for ever, the ascendency of Likralcont^ Forney may be short-lived, and we may aceki time married her. He died while she was yet a Eternally succeed him in the White House; ;, young woman, and left her the bulk of his for. menial principles, and if Lord Derby should wee finally, Msnally, hold that no mars has a right ji Mr. Hyde was recotnindnded to the young wo. tune. The business of brewing' dropped, and next year bo disposed to take the American tariff for his model, 'e have little doubt that it to seek or refuse an honor, such as the Now will serve to remove the last illusions of the man as a skillful lawyer, to arrange her bus^ York Star has conferred upon us; and as We band's affairs. Hyde, who was afterwards Earl have given many "first,rate notices," we shall protective system from his mind. 'in this re of Clarenden, finding the _wido i w's fmitune een expect the compliment to be returned.—Sim. spec' ,and on this point, see lake Gen. .Pierceto siderable, married her. By h th ere he aliiir reiresentative Pi the opinions 1 of Ir. Cal - EV'Tlio Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad will was no other issue thana b daughter, who was af. holm, and as such n valuable practical ally to the be openedat 'W t . Olf d.* • first' k ael the' • . . ' . nos,er, . to, tiring the wee terw r s wife of James g., anti -mother of cornmercid policy Of lite country. in Auust. • • Harp and Anne, Queens of En-lind, • , 11'e holie,tlr believe the above will be result of the canvass." We doubt wilt flier t - .;coit will carry any `iatc be ide Vermont. Kentucky, Alaryland, Nordt Carolina and Delaware are sure for Pirice and P01.,' I:11 1) EINE Jury laud I., , utstana. Mich 'gall In cl, a EdIE 7 'Pout I Li Gemgia J:4 A taloa inn 7 MissiNsipi 27 Texas :3 Illmois It) 1111.otil ) !2 Arkansas MEI not Ida in hang N%'iscinnon California FM GLEANINGS Gen. Scott's Reply to the .S'lntellights Men:—h is said that Gen. Scutt, in reply to the certain • propounded to hint and (len. Pierce, by to Rights Convention of Alabama, has written to say that the only declaration of princi ples he will feel called upon to make during the present canvass is contained in his acceptance of the Whig nomination. queries the Sta Power r f ..‘.'prech Restored.—The Dayton (Ohio) City Item say , , that a citizen of that county, now in his one hwrilred and ninth year, and who has for the parr t wo years been deprived of the pow.. cr of Speech, was lately, by some accident, thrown upon his head, received a severe injury, but strangely to say, he has been able to converse . as fluently as at ally period of his life. New Counterfeit.—A new counterfeit $2 note on the Middletown Bank, Reissue Relief Note, his been detected In Philadelphia. Its general appearapec is good, and well calculated to obtain.. • „ • Big Betting.— The National Democrat pub ! ishes letters from James S. Swain and Paul , Hoover, Jackson Miss., in relation to certain big bets on the. Presidential election, offered by James Beckett. Mr. Swain offers to stake $3O, 000 that Gen. Pierce will not be the next Presi dent, and Mr. Hoover otters $25,000 on the same lay, and says he has friends who arc ready to go. $75,000 more. Mr. Bickcit replies that he has. not $75,000 to put up, but is ready to make a bet of any sum less than that and over $lO,OOO. Agasl ! Tobacco Chewers.—The Lancaster (8. C.) Ledger says that G. M. Heath, of that dis trict, aged 47 years, quit chewing on the 20th of May. His weight at that time we.; 139—0 n the 25th of June he weighed 153—gain in five weeks. 15 pounds. He also states that he has been free from a nervous headache whigh constatitly . at. t tended him' while in thdhabit of ehewing . ,- .• - _.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers