7 Great Attractions ! • AT THE New Dry Geeas Store in CatasauqUa. Reeolleet—"A Penny Made is a Penny Saved.' Getz 84 Gilbert, Adopt this method to inform their friends and the public io general, that they have lately opened a New Store, next door to "Limbachls Iliad" in the Village of Cat ar.nocput. Hanover township, Lehigh county, where they are now prepared to exhibit and dispose to their customers an entire new and well selected stock of Goods, "Groceries, Acc: at prices lower than ever b. lore offered by any estaldishnient in this place. Th, , ir Frill and Winter stock has been selectf.(l with-the-utmo:4 care and consists of Clotht.4, Cassimers, Flannels. Gloves and I Inspire; besides De laipes, A lapaccas, Lusters.GingharnsvPlain and Figured Poplins, Musllns and Prints, Boots, tihues, Hats, Caps, aueensware, Hardware, Looking Glasses, Stationary, Books, &.c., To which they invite the attention of iti Td — i vlilic—var— heir lit ds n~rt the b c - g - erre. - ral fident that the fulist satisfaction, both in price and quality, will be given to all who iiiny favor them with a call. The highest prices will be paid in ex change for County produce. As young beginners they invite all, great and small, rich and poor, high and low, to their establishment, and secure to themsel ves the advantages of their Winter purcha ses, by tht se means they propose securing to themselves a run olgoodcustomers. Nov. 13. ¶-3m Grocait!s, Fish Salt. The uti,li , Nigned have just received an entire new Stuck of Groceries, Fish and Salt, which they intended to sill at the low est prices at their Store in Catasnuqua, Le high county. GETZ & GILBERT. Nov. 13. 111-3 tn Coal ! Coal I The . under:dgrird have opened a Coal Yard in Cahisampla, and tvill constantly keen on hand all kinds of Coal. which they will—soilat-greatly_rodnentl_prices..._ Nov. 13 Wady-made Clothing. The undersigned keep aII kinds of Ready vnade rhahing on hand, and will make to order, at the lowest possible prices. GETZ & CHLI3EWI'. T-31n Noviln rl3 VASIMIONABLE Jewelry Establishment 1 . , Cheap and Good Watches, „ Jewell} , & Silver-ware, whole •—. 4" .% sale and retail, at No. 91; North d • Second street, corner of Uttar- P.;;lll.oraW.Nalg ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, 18 caret eases, $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jew`elled, Silver Levine Waktheb,jew cited. $ll and over , Silver Cloutier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, 371 cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. An Goods lvarranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly 00 hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Cu., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co.,John Harrison, G. .S• R. Beesh , y, and other superior. Patent ,er n ,7,lls, which will be cased in a'11:, style desired. A rrang, , tuents have been made with all the above celArated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of ' Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if reques!ed. 0. CONRAD, No. 96 North 2nd. St. Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, l‘Tov. 29 i°o[noble Iron Ore lied FOR SALE. The undersigned hereby offers to sell at Private Sale, his very rich and valuable iron Ore Red, together with twenty-lour acres of excel- Ir tit farm land, with good buildings, such as frame house, and frame barn. situated about three miles in a north-west direction from Allentown, near John Sherer's tavern, in South Whitehall, Lehigh county. Whoever wants to purchase the above valuahle property, will please call upon . the undersigned in Allentown. HENRY sTETz EL. 11-6 w Octobvr :30 DANE BTOTICE. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE to tip: ne.ict Le7,islature of Pennsylvania, to with gene dii..r.,-;nnt and (A. A. hanhing privileges, loc . :- %t nl . Allentown, el;tmtv;in hecnlled the "Farmers' and chan irN! Bank," t‘ith a capital of One•Huadred Thousond Dollars, with the privilegd of increasing the same to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. Eli. Steckel, • Thomas D. Wilson, &iambi! Weaver, i .hishua Howie, ••Thonias •Yeaker. I William R. Craig, •James.E, Kline, IJohn IL Schnurman, • • Josephi Dietrich, • Thomai B.Tilidner,;dharles S. Aloft Lune GETZ & (lILBE4T 411-:311) $l6 and over 4 : -6111 Grand Exhibition -OF- New, Fashionable, andiVell Selected SIDOWADO AT TIIE • NEW' TORE STORE OF KERN & KLINE! Admittance Free! As every-body seems to be engaged this fall in blowing his own trumpet, to what he or they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery Line, we have . had belle mind to try our hands at the business ourselves, but feeling a timidity about it, we. will only . say, that wehave just received several Boat - Dad s, omprising the latest styles of rich and ~ ostly goods, at which we have all hands engaged in unpacking, Our customers generally, rind particularly our Lady cus tomers, we now remind that such an assort ment of Ladies' Dress Goods has never been brought to this or any oth er country town, embracing every descrip tion and style of all that is • — NewOreat-and-Fashionablej at prices ranging from a few cents to dol lars per yard, therefore high and low, rich and poor, are - sure - to make selections: — The following comprises part of their stock 1000 ps. Muslin from 2 to 12 cents a yard. 1000 ps. Prints from 2 to 12 cents a yard. 500 ps. Alous de Lanes '1 rom I2a to 25 cts. 100 ps. Cashmers, front 20 to 75 cts. 50 ps. Scotch Plaids from 25 to 50 cts. 100 pa. Morinos from '2O to 100 cts, 100 ps. Alpaccas, from 121 to 75 cts. 500 Assorted Fancy Long and Bay State Slfla lIP.AL S. In all other kinds of goods, we can show in quality and price, whatever others can produce. and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be found elsewhere, especially in Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinetts, and we will venture to add fall and winter goods generally. 150 ps. of Cloths from 50 cts. to 5 dollars 200 ps. of Cnssimers from 50 to 2,50 do 500 ps. of Satinets from 25 to 75 do per yd. 200 ps. of Flannels from 121 to 50 do p e r 50 ps. of Carpets from 12.1 to 100 do per Since we opened our establishment here, we have fully demonstrated, that as a gen eral thing, we sell as low as the lowest, if not a little lower. We do not profess to sell one, two or three articles at a very low price, but we profess to sell everything,, in either the Dry Goods or Grocery Line, so cheap, that we are confident our friends would be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases. Ur - Remember the PI E IVOR k. STORE. KERN & Nov. 0. ig—am WILLIAM S. MARX ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the western front room of the buildiu.T. of John D. Lawnll, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1850. ¶—tf -- 1111 111111111,114111, The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITA L 300,000. Continue to mkt: Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. , • The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a peVect sec!trity to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1814, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 81 per cent, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing making an addi tion of $lOO, 687,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the pretni tuns paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. Bonus !Amount of policy and N". "F i : bonus payable at the Policy. ; lusured Addition.i party's decease. No. 5- $ 1000 $ 100-- $ 1100 88: 3500 250 2750 20f4', 9000 400 4900 2751 2000 124 336 5000 437 50 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of appli cation ; and further information can.he had at.the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. Rutin, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDS, President Jut). F. JAMEs..dctuury. December 13 H. G. SICKEL, BRASS WORKER, Philadelphia. Respectfully informs the citizens_ of: Al-_ lentown and its vicinity that he continues at his old stand No. 32 Idof•tlh Second Street the manufacturing of Gus l'ixtures, Siekels' Patent Fluid Lumps, Chandeliers, Girandolis, Roquet Holders, 4-e., reHe also manufactures Fluid and Pine Oils. His prices-are moderate. and his . orders . will be tilled with the greatest dispritch.L- Therefore remember- the .'place, No. -32 NOriliSecend Street Philadelphia. Nov. 27, 1851 COallillaklWEStabliShllleilt willentowai. • aTi Fai aOn 2 4 Respectfully announces to his friends and the public in general, that he continues on an extensive scale, the Coadmakift Busi aH4, in all its various brrinches, at the old stand in West - Hamilton Street, directly opposite HagenbuChis Hotel, where he is always prepared to manufacture to order at the shortest notice and also keep on hand, , Barouches, Oinnibusses, Rock aways, Carryalls, York Wag ons, Litegies, Sulkeys, Which; for beauty arid durability cannot . • trrpasseel-brats-x—Coachmaker--ir State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reasonable as those of any other establish ment. lie uses none but firstrate mated als7an-demploys none but the best of work men—consequently, he intends that the ve hicles manufactured at his establishment "shall take the shine qif'' of all others man ufactured in this part of the country. lie professes to understand his business by ex perience, and therefore assures the public that he is enabled to render satisfaction to his customers. Call and judge for yourselves. es.p.AV-ooden-oriron-u-xletrees-matie-to-or-- der : and Repairing of all kinds done at the_ shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. • Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good baranin.. ROBERT KRAMER. July 10. ¶,—Gun affa CU'lrAlti 3 STOVE MANUFACTORY. James IL Bush. Talces this opportunity to inform his friends alai the }italic in general, that he has removed his store and workshop, in his newly built business house, easily known by its iron front, between the German Re formed Church, and Pretz. Guth & Co's Store, and one door east of the Lehigh Reg ister Office, when with u very large addi tion to his former stock, he is able to expose to public view, and offer for sale the largest Assortment of Stoves ever brough to Allentown, among which are the newest and best Cooking, Room, Office and Parlor Stoves, for wood and coal. The patterns are so numerous that it would oc cupy too much space to enumerate them, therefore we would recommend one and al! to step into his beautiful Store and exam ine for yourselves, and we assure you that you will not leave the establishment without making a purchase of some kind. Besides Stoves, he keeps every imn►agi nable article wanted in house keeping. such as Iron, Tin and Pewter ware, all of which he will sell at the cheapest cash prices.— Thankful for past favors, he trusts that his immense assortment and his reduced way of selling will gain him many new cus tomers to whom he will ever feel thankful. Ile will exchange new for old Stoves. All his wares will be sold Wholesale and retail. Allentown, Oct. 30. ¶-3m Dr. 3. Y. llarues, _DEMTIST. • Adopts this method tia inform his friends and the public in general, that he has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Kolb's American Hotel, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to oiler his profrssional services in the science of Den tistry. He will call at private residences, if requested. ILI' His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general satis faction. Allentown, April 24, 1851. LOOK. HERE! A Certain and Effectual Cure. The subscriber, Druggist in the Borough of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts this method to inform sufferers of a Rheu matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of wed cine, that will effect a certain cure of this wide spred and painful disease. It is put up in Quart bowels; each bottle accompani ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to be taken internally, and the ointment external ly. The genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical' Druggist and Chemist, and originator of the medicine. Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles for ten dollars—which will be sent to inva lids in any part of the county. free of charge All orders must be accompanied with the Cash, or they will receive no attention. This medicine needs no puffing, it speaks for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope ration it eradicates the system from the effects produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced some astonishing cures, and of cases where the patient has been confined to the house- for years, and those that' got abroad only with the use of CrutChes, were set at liberty, by the use of from one to six Boitels. Certificates of cures can be shown front the mitt. respect able citizens. IVNone is genuine without his written signature in blue ink. HENRY GANGWER, Proprietor, Bethleheni,'Penn. December 21. , 11—ly. 2175 5137 11-1 y Brandretli and Wrights Pills, Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that the far famous Pills "o Doctors William A. Wright, and BenjaMin Brandreth, are constantly-kept-for sale' the office of the "Lehigh Register" "bytthe dozen 'boxes, at wholesaleprices. July 5. • o'—j ) btril 71 ,- 21 1 1131 • Valuable Lot of Ground • *Ai PItIP.ITI SaLE. Tho subscriber heieby offers to sell his valuable lot of ground. at private sale, situa ted in Hanover townsbtp, Lehigh county, on the public road leading from' Allentown to Bath, adjoining lands of Joseph 'Lighten- Walter, William Wint and others, contain , ing 19 acres. Thereon is erected a first rate Two Story Stolle House, ;V t.. nearly new, a frame Barn with '" Wagon house attached, and all oth er necessary outbuildings. Thereon is also a first rate . Apple Orchard, eidt--the—best—quality—nLgrafted fruit. of every kind, also a sufficient supply of water, The whole is under good fencing and in a high state of cultivation. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to soy more in praise of this beautiful lot, ns purchasers will of course examine the some and satisfy themselves of the above fact.— The condition can be learned frointhe own er who resides on Ow land. HENRY FOGELMAN. ' August 1.1, Mil 11—tif . _ I—Good-Hors's-and-Safe-Vehlcicsl •111ese 9Owae Dive 131‘ A ry st a 46 Anicut . THE subscribers take this method to in form the public that they have laiely enter ed into Partnership in the large -I"..ivery Establishment" formerly owned by (leorge Beisel. They have completely replenished 4 ". their large stock of r l i tg. HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. .• Their Horses are safe and all gotta travellers ; their vehicles mostly new and of the latest style, and such as have been used are repaired and repainted in the beet manner,- They-continue the business at the old stand in William street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with sure and gentle horses, good car riages and careful drivers if requested. Families can be suited 'at all times with ve hicks to their particular tastes. • Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tofore gained of being_the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will !rave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest nnd most splen did carriages, and sober and careful drivers. Their charges are very reasonable and hope by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor them with their custom. HOFFMAN & COMPANY. September 18,1851. 111-3 tn TatalEVlitZt. COACH 111ANUFACTORY, Allentown, Pa. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE LATE LY entered' into partnership in the fashionable ' COACH MAKING business, in all its various branches, at the old stand, where the same busipAss 'web followed by Joseph Kramer, in SoiithAllen street. They have prepared themselves with materials to manufacture all, kinds of 'Fashionable 'Vehicles, from a one-horse buggy to a four-horse coach, or in, any style that may suit the ill / vta_ fancy of the customer. The acknowledged ability of the partners, in Building, Painting and Trimming, is a sufficient guarantee that their vehicles will stand the test for beauty and durability with any manufactured in Pennsylvania. or Old vehicles repaired at the shortest notice and at very moderate prices. Their work will be warranted to be durable... Thankful for the many favors heretofore received, they feel assured that no one who will favor the firm now, will go away dis satisfied, SMECK, 'RHOADS & SIS:VDEIy SepteMber 4, ¶-3u. ' Fashionable lint & Cap Manutacto ry In Easton. LUCAS HAINES, WOULD respectfully invite the a i t e h . don of his old customers. thy rohlic in general, and the COUNTRY . M EU CHANI'S in particular, to the large a , .)rt ment and supsrior style and quality of HATS and CAPS, suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE , which he has just received and is selling ut reduced prices. He has also on hand a large assortment of Moleskin, Silk, Beaver, Neutria, Russia, Rough 4.Ready, Palm ; Braid, Leghorn, Panama, Canada Straw, and every other kind of Hats, and will be able to suit the taste and inclination of all who may favor him with a call. His stook _ has been selected With the greatest care, and having spent the greater part of his life in the manufacture of hats, he knows that he can sell as cheap,•and as neat and gen teel an artickaa any other estabtablishment either in Easton or the Cities.. His Stand is on the north side gF North ampton street, one doorabove Rader's Store, and nearly opposite the Easton Bank. COUNTRY MERCR.9NTS, will do well tonatiminn hie stock; as he is priipared acethinnoilate them on the low.: est•terms.' ' • Eamon, May 29.. "—Ay INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. • OFFICE, Na. 1133 i CRESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Direclora : Chatles N. Baneker, Geo. W. Richarus Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. 'Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CtINTFNUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as lowas are consis• tant with security. . The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi • ums, safely invested, afford ample proteet/on' the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1848 as üblished a7recabl to an Act of As- semh y, were as a ows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 65 Real Estate, 728,358 90 Temporary Loans, 205,459 00 Stocks, 15,563-15 Gash, &c., 46,581 87 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million Iwo hundred lho6ornl dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evide , m , advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompters, all liabilities. C ARLES N,JIANCII ER, Pr_sident CHARLES 0. BANCIc EU. Svc'y. The Sub,iiribers are the appointui the ahowt',•-stioned Institution, preparetl,6"-tniVue insurances on e v cry tion of property, at the lowest AUGUSTUS L. ItTHU.:. %1:•.ntow: C. F. BLECK, Bet10.e!o•In. Allent: ,, vri,,liirp. 13, 1818. eA tv ik e a. I,c'%. 11 1 s 7. PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMBIiSSiOaI erchon Is; No. 67 NORTH HARVES, _Below Vine Street, Philadelphia, Adopt this method to inform their friends and countfy merchants in general, that they have lately established the above business. in all its various branches, at No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. Among the many articles constantly pt on hand of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c. &c. will be found an assortment of Mackerel, Salmon, .Chad, Herring Blue Fish. Cod Fish. Pork, Lord, Than t Sides, Shoulders, Cheese, LS-e. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Recollect the place March 6 EMI UND J. MOHR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAN (Vice a few doors west qi (Ac Court house. EVelle can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages Allentown, April 4, Bank Notc riot. (Corrected Weekly from Bieknen,VanCourt's and Thompson's Detector.) Mechanics bank of Newark Mechanics bank at Bk of N America par Bk of Pennsylv. par Bank of Commerce • late Moyamensing par of N Liberties par Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers & !Aeolian .par Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Bk of the 11 States 12 COUNTRY BANK Ilk of Chambersburg / 13k of Gettysburg 1 Bk of Pittsburg Bk of Susq. County 85 Bk of Chester Co. par Bk of Germantown par Ilk of Danville par. Ilk of Delaware Co. par Ilk of Middletown 1 ilk ofMontg. Co. par Ilk of Northumben .oar Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank Doylestown Bank par Easton Hank par Exchange Bank Erie Bank 2 Fanners & Drovers 1 Alleghany county Bank i ' hank 71 Franklin Bank i ' Bank of America 35 Farmers Baltic of I do of Commerce .1( Bock:, County par I do of Brockport 3:. Fanners blink of do of Lodi Lancaster Par do of Olean Farmers Bank of do of Tuna wand a 5( Readipg Par' do of Lyons 2j Farin..rs' Bank of do of Western tsch‘,7ll;i!! co. P ar . New York :-3! Harr:,.' ~ig I;ank I, Bingliamptoo bank 41• 11. 10, , . t '.. Vank 1. canal bank ti 10„,0 . a',! , 1 . 111' l '" l' CiillarallgllS coo :r; . 1.;:. ::: ;,,'..,.• F',llll` pat; bank L n eb:.on liaoi, 4i .. an 4 , Er i e comity hank, 50 Lehigh Co. Bank 50! Farmers & Drovers Lehigh Navigation l bank . . 5 ~, Co. Script. '" Farmers bank of Sc Miners Bank of neca county 40 Pottsville p ar Hamilton bank, 30 Merchants & Manaf. 1 , Lewis county bank 60 Bank, Pittsburg. 3 1 Mechanics bank at • 46 Monongahela Bank,i I 1 Buffalo 45 prowa sille, • ' Merchants bank at Taylorsville Del. Buffalo 40 • Bridge Company, 25 -- !Millets bank of New West Branch Bank, _l-i_ - York 10 Wyoming Bank, .1 !Oswego bank 20 York Bank, •, 1 Phenix bank . 35 NEW JERSEY. 'Staten Island bank 50 Belvidere Bank El !State bank ofN Y - 130 Burlington County' '' I St. Lawrence bank r 0: Bankpail Dail:M.lml( 25 'Commercial Bank e ,united States bpdk ;0 1 Cumberland Bank partly. York bar cli . L 25' 3 k 0 , 4 Fanners Bank par Tenth...W 4 r l Farmers& Meehan . White Plains bank 5 ' ,ies Bank,Rahway 3 . er . .4ll.other banks no Fanners &Merchants . i ntentioned i n the . aboyC .Banii;Mid:Pciint, ;"i list are from Ito 2 . . per, ", itifs Coutilybatik ••e cent discount. . : • :- trivahinotes °Tian Banks marked with a dash (—) are.niii purchased by the brokers. E: • ; ‘: • .1N 3RTIFICLM DICZES'27O O .B . r - ' A GREAI" .1 f ( Prepared from ' of the Ox, •"v,. • • big, the great .1. S. Hough Eighth Street . • ► t• 1 This is a truly . , digestion, 1)y. s psta, Jaiendice; Complaiat, Constipation, and Debiiit, curing after Nature's own method', Nature's own agent, the Gastric C3'flaif a t.mspoonful of this Fluid, itiftiliettix . in water. will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds o' Roast EpeP in atottt two hours, ou o 1.. Digestion. bigestion chiefly Per:t formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid.: which freely exudes , from the itiriet coot. oP that organ, when in a state of health, the Gastric Juice, This fluid is the. Gireo:. Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preservj . ink* and St . mulating Agent of the stomtiClP and intestines. Without it there will be' rce - . " digestion -- no conversion of food info 61004 and no nutrition of the body ; but rather a • foul, torpid, painful, and destructive i . cond tion of the whole diaestive a aratus. • $1,220,097 67 ‘vval;. half dead, or injured stomach produ ,,a i Guzaric Juice, and hence tne and debility which'ensue. 7 is the chief principle of tht It is iiitaid iit greill abort- . firms or tilt human. Edo- •.• causes he •,• ••• ••• • Urn' It • .u.„; if, tl,e. stomach of anithaliwas , tie ox. call, &c. It is the material usedby. farmers in making cheese, called • RebrieWi: the effect of which has long been •the•spe cial wondvr of the dairy. The curdling of milk is the first process of digeStion . , Ren- net posses-ies astonishing power-The SM. mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou- sand time • its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig st..!es that, "One part of `Pepsin • dissolved in sixty. thousand parts of water, will digess meat and other rood.". Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, '• Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be erfectly supplied, we quote - the -- ; following Seienitle Evidence!---Baron Liebig, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry," says: " - An Artificial Digestive Fluid may: be readily prepared from the mucous ment-,.;• brane of tie stomach of the Call, in which - T, various at ogles of food, as meat and , eggsi,r . will be so! coed, changed, and digested,jirst• in the san e manner as they would be in the human steniach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise, o "Food awl" Dik," published by Wilson art Co., New York, page 35, states the same great fact arid describes the method of pre • partition. There are few higher author . ,, ties than )r. Pereira Dr. Jo; n W. Draper, Professor of dhe inistry in lie Medical College of the Uni versity of New York, in his "Text Book o Chemistry," pale 386, says, "it has beent• . a question whether artificial digestion could •• . be performed—but it is now' universallykd,:: . mined that it may he." •• . „ Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia: , in his great work on Homan; Physiology, tie- .. votes more than fifty pages to an examine tiin,..of this subject. His esperintepts. with D. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, dim mined fr)rn the living !mama stomach •andl from animals are well known. "ilt 1111 . 44.-• ses," "lie says" "digestion occurred fectly in the artificial as in the :pas i nal*F . : - gesliOns." • •- S 8 a Dyspepsia Curer.—Dr. Houghton•e! • preparation of Pepsin has produced: the' most marvellous effects, curing env of De- , bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impoti ble to give the details of cases in the linlits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 200 Remarkable C'ures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were - nearly all desperate cases, and the cure were not only rapid and wonderful, butTer moment. .-• • If- 1 Y = Burlington par Mechanics & Man- ufacturers bank par Newark banking & Ins. Company New Hope & Dela ware Br. Cofnp. failed Orange bank Peoples bank 8 Plainfield bank Princeton bank par Salem banking Co. par State bank at Eliza • bethtown, Newark, Camden,N.Bruns wick, pai Sussex bank Union bank Trenton bank. co. par Yardleyville bridge company 25 DELAWARE. The Banks of the state of Delaware are all at par.' NEW YORK. New York City. bks 3 ft is VA .- rent Nervous Antidote, and trom the astonishingly small quantity necesstity to produce healthy digeStion, is belieygdiAct act upon Electro-ilitowelic Principles!—ThOe.ial no form of Old Stomach Complaints Whiati . A . ',, * it does not :ceirt to reach and remove at•onc4,y No m;hter ;lw bad. they may be, it r.dioi! A single dose retnoves.all.the , ' unpit.:lzittit symptoms, and it onlyrreedalte: br rrp.-ited, for a short time, to inaliis ! theis :0 I ctions put•asnent,purity of bl* and vigor •,; 11..dy, follow at once. lady nt o f',.; au se a , V,4 .4 11, or of the pit of the Slur distrez ,, anor eivin..7. low, cold. -111te . 101,_,', ie Blood, Hee% iness, I,owness Sri:4.l)4e: - 4 pondency, Entail t! ion, lVealine;.F, cy to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price one dollar perbottle. One 4ottlei: will often effect a lasting, cure. Chelsea bank 80 Clinton bank 50 Commercial bank 10 Lafayette bank 50 Washington bank 70 COCNTR/ BANKS . . PEPSIN IN POfFI)EES, -„k . ‘.. Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For con-- ~ venience of sending to all parts of the court.' try, the Digestive matter'of the pepsin! id' put up in the form of Powders, wittrdirec- • , tions to be dissolved in diluted akoholoyaw ter, or syrup by the patient. 'rhese 'pow.' - ders. conidin_just the same matter im i lk,-. bottle , ' but twice the quantity fat;_ir„, ' 1 '..., p r ke, and will be sent by g"-/I'•,- "" ' 46 ,, t r 1 .. Age. for ono dollar sentostPai° i'°` ' r' 4 -- ' S. Houghton, No. Ais North—F.i ' • Thiladelpu‘ Va. Six pa cages for five dolla: 4.. , • •: package a d bottle beart the if r itire of J. S. Iledg.htoni M. D 4,. prier° .; . • • . • . gents vvanted •in every. Unii St. : di• :yen 3h and Batk. Another S l; ; < August II
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