Aft SaLSBUNG Green Tree Store . _ ,- Jacob G. Hillegass,- INFORMS the citizens of Salsburg i and the public Air general, that he has since the first of April purchased and occupied the well knoWa, property, formerly owned by •, Mr. Kline, near Allentown.and has opened The'Salsborg Green Tree Store,, where he haa received one of the largest and moat:witensive assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, • ever offered at the stand before. The great. est care has been observed in the selection of his Goods, and they were purchased at the lowest prices. Old Jake is one of 'em, he goes upon the motto of Small Profits and Quick Sales. j His stock comprises all the varieties and patterns of Goods — , --- such as Silks, Lawns, Gingham, Mouse lin De Lanes ' .Bareges, 41berines, .qtpacas,Prints, 4.c.- For the Gentlemen he has Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, as well- as a large selection of Goods for Spring and Summer wear. He. has also an excellent assortment of HATS; CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Fish, &c. The public are respectfully invitedoto call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is large,and will positively be offered at the lowest possible pricss. rirHe %trill always pay the highest mar ket prices for all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. April 17. MEI tailoring cf s stablitilmunt. George Keck, TAILORING ELTABLISHMENT, to which he inviies the fashionable public for an early call. Ele will attend promptly and faithfully to all business entrusted to him, and is fully de termined on being second to none, warrant ing a good fit, with neatness and dispatch. Ile is in regular receipt of the latest Par is, London and Philadelphia Fashions, which enables him to cut Coats, Vests and Pants, in real Bon-ton style April 10 w. 3 NM an Sellriage k, Co. 1 1-- 0 la PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMIS'S it'll efirerChanis, No. 67 NORTH WHARVES, Below Vine Street, Philadelphia, Adopt this method to inform their friends and country merchants in general, that they have arely established the above business, in all its various branches, ut No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. Among the many articles constantly kept on hand of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c. &c. will be found an assortment of Mackerel, Salmon, , S'had, Ilerrine: Illue Fish, Cod Fish, Pork, Lard, lion!, Sides, Shoulders, Cheese, 4.e. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices: Recollect the place March 6. New House Furnishinfr DRY GOODS of/T JLO IP PRICES: Sheppard & Van Harlingen, 274 Chestnut street, above 10th, PHILADELPHIA, •• Respectfully call.the attention of Families and Buyers to their extensive . and perfectly fresh Stock of First Class Linen and House Furnishing Goods, consisting in part of Best make housewife Shirting Linens. 13arnsly and Irish Sheetings. " Pillow Case Linens. " Damesli 'ruble Cloths. " Damask 'Fhble Linens. " Napkins, Doylies, and Towels." •Towcilings of all ;lescriptions. " Marseilles Quilts &Counterpanes " Blankcts,Eng,lish and American. French 'Table and Piano covers. " Furniture Chintzes and Dimities. Em b. Ltu;.e.and Muslin Curtains. " Worsted Damasks and Moreens. Our stock - is made up entirely of Staple Goods, and , being principally of our own linportatiot4 and bought for 'cash, we offer to buyers, either Vl'hulesale or &tail, very great inducements:. • N. B.—Always" on hand of best quality, a General Assortment ofCarribric Handker chiefs, Jeconeti Book, Mull, Swiss and Cam bric Muslins; also Shirting, Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslims, Tiekings, Furniture Checks,,&c., &., at Wholesale prites. March 18. 13.7 . • • irandreth and Wrights Pills. Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandroth, - : are constantly kept for - saki, at the race of the itLehigh Rogistpr''' by the dozen boxes, at wholesale pricOs. July 5: MEI NEW A DorTs_this method inform the citizens of M otown, and the public in that he has taken house formerly occupied r Henry F. Nagle, on the uth side of Hamilton street, ar the Court House, in the )rough of Allentown where ) iew and fashionable 5-3 in EU Directors : Chat les N. Bancker, Geo. W.Richarus Thomas Hart, , Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob IL Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited,on every description or property, in' town and country, at rates as low asmre cousin tam with security. The Company have reserved a large Comm gent Pond, which with their Capital and Premi Inns, safely invested, itirord ample kotection to the assured. _ The assets or the company, on January Im, 1818, a.; published agreeab/y to an Act of As sedtbly, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 65 Heal Estate, 728,358 90 . Temporary Loans, 205,459 00 ' Stocks, 15,563 15 Cash, &c., 46,581 87 .81,'220,097 67 Since their incorporation, a period ofefghteen years, they have paid upwards of one million two hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidene.e of the advantages of insu ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptess, all liabilities. CHARLES N. lIANCKE, Presi dent. CHARLES G. BANCI(ER, • Secßy. • The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution., and are now prepared to make insurances om every deScrip , tion of - property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown C. F. BLECK, 73ethichem. • Allentown, June 13, 1848. 1-1 Y 11-6 m Spring and &miner saousoen • tipHE undersigned.' has just re -II- ceived from Philadelphia and New York a very desirable assortment of - SPRING and SUMMER GOODS He respectfully invites his customers and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, which is large and well selected, and embraces in part, • Eabics thess eciobo, such ns black and colored, figured and plain Silks, Barage . de Loins, Illouselin de Lanes, Silk and Worsted and Silk and Linen Poplins, Ill pacas, Lawns, Brazil Lustre, Gloves, Stockings, Ribons, Laces, &c., &c. - 411 1 I '2 - anal • ,) a full assortment of plain and fancy Cassi mers, black, blue, brown and mixed Cloths, C'ashmeretts and Summer Cassitncres, Vest.; iags , of all kinds, &c. I have not the assurance to say that . I will sell my goods 100 per cent or even 20 per cent. less than my neighbors, but I do say, and with confidence, that they will compare in quality and price with any other estab lishment in the place. April 10, Ca fir'..e TS. The subscriber invites his cus tomers and others to call and examine, (be fore purchasing elsewhere) his splendid as sortment of 3 Ply Super Ingrain and other Carpets. Also, Floor, Stand and Table Oil Cloths, all lately received from Philadel phia, and which he will sell at a very small advance: • THOS. B. WILSON. - - --- Ground Plaster. Ground Plaster constantly on hand and for sale at the StOre of the sOb scriber as also at the 141111 of Jos. Deitrich. THOS. 13. WILSON. Mackerel. A. new supply of Mackerel in ilarros, Hulls and Quarters, just rectuved and fur salt: by THOS. B. WILSON Looking- Glasses. A large assortment of Looking .Glasses just received and for sale low at the store of the subscriher. . THOS. B. WILSON. C . O 4, _ _ Just received a large assortment of qtmensware, consisting., in part of Tea and Dinner Setts, Fancy Glass Ware, Man tle Ornaments, together with a gene nil as sortment necessary fat• Housekeepers, all of which will be sold at the very Invest pricks. THOS. 13. WILSON. —lw April 10 COAL. The subscriber has just receiv ed a fresh supply of Coal, which he Miens at the reduced prices of $2,50 per ton for Ches nut, and $3,50 for Egg, Stone and Lump Coal. THOS. 13. WILSON. April 10. 11-6 w Antlitor's N i n the Court of Common Pleas ti %I: of Lehigh County. 4Aty,t , In the matter of the account of Jacob Dilling,er, Assignee of IVil liam 'l'. Derr, underA voluntary assignment. And now May 7th, 1551, the Court ap point E. S. Moore, Esq., Auditor to audit and resettle, and make distributibn.• From the Records, Teste !Liam, Prothonotary. The Auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday the sixth day of June, at his office, at 10 o'clock, A. M., where all persons interested may attend if they see proper May 22, TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. 'MOS. 13. WILSON 11---43rn and Fectire the patronage of all those who will favor them with a call and examination of their stock. They continue to do all hinds of CUS TOM WORK in the best manner, and at short notice. nr"./.1 LI, FITS By strict attention to business, and by selling all their goods as cheap as the chea pest, they Lope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. N. 13.—Th e latest Fashion plates always on band and for ;ale. Allentown, March 13, 850. IA 0 oki. 0 Sits The gentleman to whom I lent an un bound volume of "The Horticulturist," will phrase have it at the office of the "Lehigh Register," and oblige P. WYCKOFF. Alay I. w E. J. AIOORE WO OD : The subscribers having established the Cash or Ready Pay System, will after this I date only pay the following prices fur Wood : Hickory $4,00, White and Chestnut Oak FASIIIOIVA 111 LE•• $3,50, Black Oak $B,OO. Jewelry Establishment I SAMSON, WAGNER, & Co. May I. 11.-6 w Cheap and Good Watches, 442 . Jewelry& Silver-ware, whole- I/ 0 OR 111Vlat le and retail, at No. 90 North ...4 .: , S sa e I ' ic..,:‘ , 5 . r: , , , , , ,1) THE CHEAPEST w ATcll , ,f .„ ‘k . ; 44 „ :,.. com street, corner of.Quar -14.1-.)-..„5T0103 IN I. IIII , ADM,PIIIA 27. ).:. ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled,lB cargt ffo: 1(i0, North Second street, Corner of New street. cases, $3O and over. I Silver Lvver Watches, full Silver Verge Watches front $3,00 tolo,oo Silver Lepine " ~ 8,00 ~ No jewelled, $l6 and over. Silver Patent Levers, " 12, ~ moo I Silver Levine Watches, jetv- Gold Verge, " " 12, " 20,00 I tiled, . $ll and over. Gold Lepine and I lorizontal, 18, ~ 2 5 ,00 ' Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Patent Lovers, 20, ~ 3 6,00 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 • lleavy Gold Patent Levers, 35, ~ 60 , 0 0 Pine Gold Rings, 374 cts. to 80 1 ant able to sell greater bargains than any Other articles in proportion. All clouds ra h, r ;tore, a „. I h ave a goad judge e„,1,1,,y_ warranted to be what they are sold for. ed to attend all Public S;,les and auction,: Constantly on hand, a full assortment of to purchase all watches that are cold very ' j fine GOLD JEWELRY and SIUER. cheap. 1 %%TARE. Also, an assmunent of 1‘177:1 . 0 - WANTED-2 good jutunivnict; to wink i bia.3 & Cu:, E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth at IVatches. . els , E. S. Yates & Co., John Ilarrison, G. G - . Silver Spoons and Spectacles mane- 1 4- R. Beesley, and ether superior Patew factored and sold at the usual low prices of (.ever .ilimetnrsits, which will be cased in the finest Silver. Fashionable Jcwelry of any style desired. of every description on hand. Arrangements have been made with all • 0 JOHN FRIES, the above celebrated makers, the best man- Cornci of Second and New streets• ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish short IT-,..i1w notice any .required . style .of Watch, for which Orders Will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering but on if requested.' - • ~ .• 0. CONii4P,No,.o.o.North 2nd, St. •. • , • • Importer of iVatehes. Philadelphia, Nov. 20., • 11-4 §--4w May I. ENOL, R . A ND GERNA. JOB PROTEIN, Of overydeseiptiort 'ntiatly executed at the " Register " office. • Great EleitOnefit • AMONG TIM Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps. • The undersigned have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and brought with them the largest, handsomest andmost fitshionable assortemnt of - ~ r -13 0 0 TS :,- A•ND " 5 4 0.. . „ 1: 4*„.1 * SHOES, 4 ...., fiats and Caps, y ,*-_, consisting in part as follows : Men's Boots as low as 51,75 per 'mfr.— You would scarcely believe it, yet such is the fact, and they are a good article toe.— Fine Boots are somewhat higher, but so cheap that you will he astonished to bear the price. Shoes former), lads e 1 • at - very low prices: - Arid for the ladies, we I EDMUND J. MOHR 7 ' really have ; the prettiest assortment of AN TORNEY AND C 0 UN SELL OR A T LAW Spring and Summer Shoes, you can lay your eyes upon, and will he sold for less Once a few doors west of tire Court House. -. money than ever offered before. For gen- • refle can be consulted both in ,the Ger. tletnen we have a most splendid assortment I man and English languages. ~,..4_ of the , latest city styles Black, Bea- Allentown, April 4. \-t ------ - - ver and Silk ( i jg . --,.-Z \- i t ira TSI We Study to Please. • ~hich will be sold from $1,25 to I _ $5,00a Piece. ,Panama, Leghorn and Palm Your attention is respectfully invited to leaf hats for f,tentlem and lads, of all sorts the extensive and well selected stock of and sizes, and will be sold cheaper than at H any other establishment in town. anding hardware And. now Ladies and Gentlemen we are AND Too Ls, to give some fight on the sub going you. now offered by the subscribers, consisting in jest. If you want to see a large and hand- Tull as follows : some, good and cheap assortment of American Front Door Locks, upright, winigh t th la work, pate or Oil, Lard, fluid and ramphene, Ta- , Colors' bras s furniture, ld; Do. and ; or t oreelain all ; Do. pla i n ide and Hanging latilps, for places of business, for pe ourssto p , jtocust please Store Door, Horizontal or Upright ; Do. Rim give us a call and examin uerreotype likenesses tak or showing. Locks, all sizes and qualities—white or brass k, we i furniture; Do. Mortice Locks; all sizes and A LSO. --Dag . charge nothing-f : qualities, with plated, white or brass furni tare; Do. Latches ; Do. and Rim Closet en by rain or shine, at prices varying front hocks, plated or brass escutcheons; one to five dollars. Don't forget the place, icon Drop, Stop ; Thumb, Gate, and Store Amer it is next door to Saeg,er's Hardware Store, ' Door Latches ; Also, imported Locks and in Hamilton street. Latches of every description ; Baldwin's, A LSO.—A large assortment of Trunks l and A inerican Butt Hinges, of all' sizes, faSt 1 and Valise's. 1 , or loose joint; Shutter, Gate, Door, Flush, 1 They are thankful for past faVors, "'I :and Spring, Bolts, of wrought or cast iron ronahope to i gain a liberal portion of public Pal' ' and brass, every description; Screws; Sprigs, ge n future. Glue, Sand 'paper oft be best quality ; A mer ! ican Axle and Sham Axle Pulleys, of eve -1 ry variety ; A merican_Buttons,_plain-or-on- Tlates, brass, iron, or bronzed ; American ' Nobs, plated, white, iron, or wood, all kinds; Sash.mrd, common and patent, with'other articles too numetollr to mention. rti - Nails and Sash-weights at Factory LOCIBIAN & May 15 Gooilleicves to 6111: cljl-rAO'w.a, •9 Vi „A. ~,Ij . - .4,,,, 4.1.4 4 ‘;',1,.. ..LA ~ 1 / 4 4 i .Fasb ion able Tailoring & heady-tirade • CLOTHING STORE , 4 I I:is !wen removed from the Odd Fellow's [lntl to die lmilding formerly occupied by the ' , Allentown Saving Institution," nearly opposim the Cier111:11i RefOrilled church, tVih•l'v ti n • y have just opened an extensive 1 varlet% of the best made Uluthing ever got I • up in A Ilentown ; Loins* as entirely now assortment, consisting Of COATS of all kinds, i PANTALOON.: of every pattern, VESTS and VEsitsus of the latest and most fashionable i styles, together with SUSPENDERS, SHIRTS, and SIIIRT COI.I.ARS, CRAVATS, &c., ske. All of which they \vitt sell at prices so low as to EXCide the Astonishment Livery Stable, IN ALLENTOWN, T WE subscriber takes pleasure to inform the citizens of Allentown and the pub lic in general, .that he has, in connection with his Hotel, established a new LIVERY STABLE , 4 ‘ 7411 • 111 L and has fitted it up in a manner which he confidently hopes will secure for him a liberal - share of the public patronage. His Carriages Are all new, and his horses good. Those who have riding to do. either for business or pleasure, are therefore invi ted to give him a call. - . His charges arc very reasonable and hopes by strict attention to business to satis fy all those who may favor him with their custom. April 2.1 ME II Goods delivered five of charge to any part of the City and Districts. At this Establishment can be found one of the largest and beet assortments of White owl limey Nobs for Locks, 4.c., in the City ; some patterns of which, cannot be seen, or.obtained, at any other Store. ' • 4 Spew & Jackson's Pack, Panel, Hand and Rip!, Saws,imported expressly for Re tail Sales, all stlecled will, care"; Sole agents for the celebrated Planes, &c., made by E. IV. Carpenter, of Lancaster, Pa., being all made of split wood, and the Kitts gcound and tried. Beatty's nod Williams' make of Chisels, Axes, Hatchets, Drawing, Knives, 4.c, all warranted good ; Pugh's and Slack's make of Augers and Auger l3itts, ail sizes; American Squares and Bevils of every de scription ; American Rules, Guages, Saw setts, Compasses, Screwdrivers, &c. ; Amer ican C. S. Hammers, Claw and Riveting, all sizes ; Anvils and Vices, all sizes ; Steel, lron, and Wooden Braces, with C. S. Bins, in great variety ; %V. Greaves S. Son's, Butcher's, and other celebrated makes of Chisels, Files, Plane-irons, &c., &c. ; Ad dis' celebrated carving Touts, all shapes ; mating one of the best and most extensive assortment of Building BUrdicarc and I Too/s in the City MEI At this Establishment it is considered a pleasure to show Goods.. You are invited to call and examine the assortment, and hear the prices asked, before purchasing else where.—Comt: AND sm: is. "Yours, Respectfully, WM. lUCCLURE & BRO., No. 287 Market street, between 7th an Bth, upper side, Philadelphia May I Gooti SL, Selivar, R ESPELTPPLLYinfonn their many 'friends and the public in general, - that they have lately established themselves in li the 11.w...we . Boot Sr, Shoe ~ 110 M ~,. ..jc BusiirvEs . s, A ul — • one door east of His b es . ..e, Gange‘ver s Hat i ble, so tin, Store, and nearly opposite the "Register" I seasonable Printing Office. They have just received ,with the chi, from Philadelphia, one of•thelargest and bedsTlean, am best selected assortment of STUCK ever commodiutis, wit. -L-rau-g-111—..t0 A liettteirr - firey:-Im u v e - pur- %bays at baud. chased for cash, and are determined •to do He trusts that by , business upon no other but the business, ho will be a, Cash Principle. share of public patronag They would here beg leave to state, that ever feel thankful. .April 21. customers shall save themselves the trouble --- - - of asking a credit, as they will positively re- P. IPPCKo, fuse it. To such, however, who will deal with them upon the Cash principle, will Attorney and Counsellor 2, IXTH find a difference in the price of BoutS and No. 17, NORTH S L ST. A Shoes equal to 25 per cent, less than they PHI DELI pal; up o n a Credit. May 1. 11-- They will always be prepared to do cos- ___________ LOOK HERE! tom work at the shortest notice, and will do up Ladies and Gentleman's work in the A Certain and Effectual Cure, latest and most fashionable styles. Ladies', The subscriber, Druggist in the Borough Misses • and Childress' fancy dress shoes, and Gentlemen's and of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts Boysn e and coarse fi hoots, always kept on hand. this method to inform sufferers of a !then made complaint, be it Inflainatory, Chronic They hone by practical attendance to hos or Acute, that he prepares an article of med siness and i . uch reduced prices, to be able cine, that will elect a certain cure of this to merit a share of public patronage. March 13 wide speed and painful disease. It is put _ .____________ ___________l 7 7 6ln : Up - in Quart bottels, each bottle ac - CoMimi 13r. S. P. liar es ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to be ) taken internally, and the ointment external . 1 91E.VTIST. . ly. The genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical Druggist ,tor:Z — . % _:. : Th Adopts this method to inform his and Chemist, mid originator of tlie'rnedicitie - Qtbfriends and the 'public in general, Price two dollars per bottle, or,six bottles that he has made Allentown his permanent rer:idence. Ile has opened an office at his for ten dollars—which will be sent to iriva lids in any part of the county, free of charge. dwelling, opposite liii/b's American Hotel, All orders must be accompaniedwith She a few doors posit of Pretz Guth & Co's. Cash; or tliey Will 'receive no attention. Spire, where he will he - hapiiy to offer his professional services in the science of Den- This medicine needs no pulling, it speaks tistry. Ile will call at private residences, for itself, while perfectly harmless - in its ope. if_r _equested ; -- Lir His terms are reasonable, and having efrects produced by unskillful treatment. It had Ili LIC II experience in the professions has already produced some astonishing f ee l, „„tadi e d I L" h e can g i ve general satin, cures, and of cases where time patient has factien, been confined to the house for years, and A il eil m wii , Ap r il 21, p.... 51, .. er.___ l3 . , I those that got abroad only with the use of _ Crutches, were set at liberty by the use of Stutterinw and St . tininerel . n A. 1 a Crum 01 ' 1C to six Bottels Certificates of 11,:g , ,' • • • - ....: culls can b e s hown Irony the most respect- CURED I able citizens. In from Five to Tu - eray Minutes. C. 7- None is genuine without his wriLWA o V 01l Ili Undersigned would re an si o mature in blue ink. spectfully - [JEN!? Y GA NGER, -IL notinc e to the citizens of Lehigh and the • Proprietor, Bethlehem, Pena, fuljoiuM,e; counties, that lie has located him- Decemb er , 12, ll ry self in Nety York for the purpose of -- - - • . • .12 ITE C TU.,ILLI' CCELVG. . i ark .Notc Eiat. person s who are troubled with , (omTcckd Wecklg frema Birlendry,r; zneutiTr..s7am:d STUTTERING OR STANNERIN . C, L Thrtnopswt . .v Delectur.) _ _ So confident is he of success, that no pay i will be required until the, Utmost 'satisfaction is given. Ilis method is so easy, that any child five years old may understand it, and yet so eflicivnt, that he will forfeit One Tho usand Dollars to any person who will stam mer and apply il. REUBEN AIOYER. 11-tf Dn. J. V. Wvenorr, No. :17 Chambers St., New York. P. S. For further testimonies as to the efficacy of his !twilled ; he refers to the Me dical Faculty- of New York, who witnessed the application upon a gentleman, who was an inveteraz stammerer, and had been operated upon by other Physicians, without the least benefit, and astonishing, as it way seen ) , Dr. Wyckoff cured him in 20 min utes. that he was able to speak and *read with ease, without hesitancy or semblance of Stammering. 'l'lle Doctor also has over 0110 Hundred Certificates °retires performed, among which are several medical gentlemen. N. B. All letters of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered by naming the Post Office and State where they reside. January 10. ' 11 , lit yois I 21.1.0 rt) 11 t.• , S 41/.11111.1 ry 4 The Oirard Life insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, (Mice No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300 ) 000. Continue to tnake Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords a perfect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterly- paymente, The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1 8 / 1 4, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 81 per cent, 7 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing making an addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the prenti nms paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company_.....__l T --3 m No. or : , _...- ' 811 in 1 Bditus 1A mount of pointy and i Polic y . ' l 11 """ ~ or ; bonus payable at the Addition. party's decease.. 1 • . ' • No. 5-1 10011 $ 100 $ 1100 RR :moo ; 250 2750 201.1 4000 ' 400 4400 " 275 2000 I 124 12175 " 330 5000 1 437 50 5437 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of theliubjeet forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had' at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica don to A.L. Rutin, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDS, President „Frio.. F. JAMVS.,vlClintry. December 13. Everriay Brings Soniethiug. New Ours A Great Country:- Newly Established cash igoot...V Shoe Store. t r - / y . • - 111131° allab 11 , 1)V1116 hi Allentown.- R • RO WOO 1 4' ER, " ESPECT hafirilt r informs . 1114 friends and the public in general,- that he has taken the well known Tavern House of the Ball's Head, _,..1._., customersaa hea cttl accommodate' o l2l m vlui Il n i cid t 9 : rb d el ° a l : e% t n ' e rsh i oW I 21.l'ri wh en i 'A s Y 1 friend.:el 1 t ti n l 1 His best efforts will be directed to his tit.' ble, so that it be furnished with the most seasonable the market affordS, his bar filled' with the choicest wines and liquors:, his beds clean, and his ydrd• large and Stable commodious, with an attentive hostler al ways tit baud. lie trusts that by punctual attendance to business, he will be able to secure a liberal share of public patronage, for which he will: ever feel thankful. . .. April 24. li V 4 , ~,,, .. \ 444;4, ri tes cz ~, ~- ; f1i. , :71,1iP Et 1.1, r01ig101,,,-- 1 ,... , /, __; P. PCK 6 Fib; Attorney and Counsellor at Land No. 17, NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Miy 1. 11-,3m Ilk of N Ann:l-Ica par Mechanics bank of Bk of Pellll,yl v. par Newark i Bank of Commerce Mechanics bank at Irate Moyatnetising par' Burlington ,par 111; of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man 13k of Penn 'l'owns. par uthetnrcrs bank. • par Farmers &Mechan.par Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company Ma oi it r. & Meehan par New Dope & Lela Mechanics .par , ware Br. Comp.failedt Girard par Orange bank Philadelphia par, Peoples hank fio Schuylkill pat Plainfield bank • ---. Southwark pa l Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Coon inercial Bank , State bank at Eliza of Penn syl v. • par ' bethtown, Newark, Bk of the 1: States 1 Canlez4N. Bruns- Celt - Nil( If BANKS. j wick, par Bk of Chambersburg I Sussex bank 1 Bit of Gettysburg 1 . ITnton bank 8 1A of Pittsburg 'Prenton bank. co. par a Yardlexville bridge lik of Susq. Comity 85 Bk of Chester Co. par ! company ' 25 Bk of Germantowx. par i DELAWARE. Bk of Danville par The Bank.s of the state Bic of Delaware Co. par I of Delaware are all at Bk of Middletown 1 par.' Bk of Montg. Co. par BkolNorthumber, .our o EN W YORK. Columbia Bank & i New York City bks i'• Bridge c um!). par , ! Chelsea bank 80 Carlisle Bank I ; Clinton bank 60 ' Doylestown Bank pad C ommercial bank 10 Easton Bank p ar , Lafayette banlc 50 Exchange Batik if ' Washington& bank 70 • Erie Batik 2 ' CiIIISTILY BAZYK S. Farmers & Drovers I ! A IleghanyCOUll ty ' bank 70 ' Batik , ! I t s Bank • . Bank of America 35 Farmers Bank of Ido of Commerce 40 ' Farmers Bank do of Brockport 95 ' Lancaster par , Bucks cloun of par t do of Lodi 25 ' do of Olean 35 Farmers Bank of Ido of Tonawanda 50 Reading par! , • 0 i do of Lyons .2 Fanners' Bank of Id o of Western Schuylkill co. Parl New York '9O Bin al bank 40 Harrisburg Bank 1 Honesdale Bank 5 Par' Cattaraugus county i l•Canal bank Lancaster Bank bank ' 35 Lancaster CM Banlc pal I Lebanon Bank Farmers &Drovers Eric, 50 Lehigh Co. Bank -0, 5 ' Miners Bank of Lehigh .Navigation bank . ‘s l i Co, Script. Lo ni • / L neca county 30 ' armors bank of Se •. . Pottsville P ar . Hamilton bank, 30 Merckan „ lB ,&,Manal• ,1 Lewis County. bank '6O ' ;.• ;• B aal'' , Usag* Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, Buffalo 41$:' • . Brownsville, I ;Merchants bank at' ',, • . Taylorsville Del. ' Bullalo 41.1 Bridge Company, 25 mop , ) c ,0,.. West Branch Bank, 1 , l y " ,: t 1" 411 11l "(Iv 10' Wyoming Bank , 1 0 5w ,, 40 h ank . 20 ' York Bank, 1 j Phenix batik. .35-' NEW JERSEY. !Staten islioid'hank 30' • Belvidere Bank. ' I State bank ofN Y. tito . Burlington County St. Lawrence bank .711: • • B an k • p ar Union bank, 25. Coinmereial BOW I United States bank .. 30,4 , Cumberland Dank par N. York bank. Co., 70' Farmers Bank par l'enth-Wark bank, 26' - Farmers &Meehan White Plains bank . 8•'• . ice Bank,Rahway; i . i1:0 All other banks nti ' Farmer's &Merchants mentioned in't}te aboyel'l; Bank, Mid. Point, . i list are from 1 to 2'pai Morris County bank ft cent discount. I (0-The hotel on all Banks marked With° daSITI ' (—) are nut purchased by the bruhcrie ¶--3d
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers