7:1. : --- T .,.._.::..r ...,_.,....."----_- -717:4----77,772•:...-77.,..::7::::,...:!____ -1:1_,,,. ••• :c." £0 • 411$ 1 . -',...„..--,---------- a ... . t .:.• .i .: ----___-÷-_... ~ ...-. ... . • • :,- Y.- lt *:,.. k - : .' fl -,.-.- - , r if: 4' • . 1!: -4 .• ..., __ 4V, ,5,„,.. ----....mr, slt i ,;:.'4 , . . , "__ ~, •,.. .."; • • 7 , • -- __ , ". -, , . s•„ . , • : - ' '! -- =•____ l -,-,- - --- . 7 . -_ _-._-.,.,_----_!---_-_-- 4 - s4.dit i ,: ,-- ,.. ..: / . : , ..;, , i ;'-* ,:• : ~—,-=—_ , ~. . , t,_. t -__ -- ~ ? --,--- . k _t, . • t • l•-:k,.. :f1 . 4 •'*,.• 7"-- --- t - - 1.- • ''' ~ •:: -.,. , • ..:; 1 '-' - . -4 "L' , .' -- :+ i l . .',..: A--. - ...,*--, - ; ; ;;i-. - ., lIIII4P/ , It, ,-, 4, 1 1 ';;•• -= ''' . -1 ". -'4.'. 'i- ''' , 77' , *.t1 '''"" .- ..i ' .. 11 ,, 4 fo."•.i , >4. i . r IztkV-,....... , ~. .......4'71 ; • :,, j ,31. -- .3' rm .— Olti4lll ,i , Pi. -di i' , ";'i ".. * ••• y.) 9 . , c. 7 4-2..1&=:-" . - _.,.. ~,.1.” -. 4it: ft . . • ..t „.„t 1) ;,14 ,. • . ...i . ......,,,, ~„ „ t 4 .7. _. 4 -- - - - - --- - . = -__-__.,....,.... • ...11 - 4., -...'__:. . , ~ . . ~ ~.., . ~ ... -•• tm , " . • 1 ' AVrek" . .-/ft , '4'''F --- ` .' ' l ' '. ' `-' - NEUTRAL IN POLITICS, . __ 73' Elcuotcb to Nuys, Citcraturc, 'porta, cicnce, illecluntics, 'Agriculture, tl)c Diffusion of tiscful information, enteral 3ntelligencc,7Aniuscincnt, illarttcts, &c. VOLUME V. TILE LEHIGH REGISTER, is published in the Borough of Allentown; Lehigh County, Pa., every Thursday RV AUGUSTUS L. RIME, At Si 50 per annum, payable in advance, and $2 on if not paid until the end of the year. No imper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid at the option of the proprietor. AnvxiiiiftEmwers, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar And for every it,bsequent insertion t ventyfive rents. Larger advertients chargd in the, same proportion. Those not exc.,eding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, an:! those making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cots. tV"A liberal deduction will be made to those Who advertise by the year. rr Office. in Hamilto'n St., one door East of the German Reformed Church, nearly opposite the "Friedenhbothe (Vice." IA WIT )1 , 1) IZ. C.ISH STORE! I.CERA• Have lately returned from New York and Philadelphia, with their Second arrival of SP RING II SUZIIIIIER_GOODS mono . which will be found the latest French and English style of Ladies Dress Goods, Such as lierrgrs, Berege de Mins, fancy colored Silks, Follurd Silks, Silk Pop lins, Lawns, white fancy Dress Goods. such as Mull, Swiss Mull, Bishop Lawns, Book Muslin,lig vred and plain Mantillas, plain and figured Muslin. prints, gloves, hos iery, &c., all of which will be sold 20 per centuin cheaper than at any other establish ment in town. A LSO, A large and varied assortment of gentle men's Spring and Summer Dress Goods, such as Oinks, French, English, and icandancy Ca.vsimercs and Vest rugs, 47e., 4-e. 'The goods have all been selected with the greatest care, and the assortment is such ns will not be found in any other store in Allentown. The public well know thut the motto of the New York Store is Quick Sales With Profits Therefore keep it in recollection that 'Kern & Kline's Store' is the place to make good bargains May 15 The Navigation Opened. Lehigh Transportation Company, Give notice that they are now prepared to receive Merchandize and forward with promptness and dispatch from Philadelphia to Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Penn Haven, White Haven, and Wilkes-Barre, and also to all intennediate . places on the Delfivare And Lehigh Canals, and Lehigh and Susquehaima.Rail Road. The Proprietors would inform their friends, and customers that they have • REMOVE II from their'Old Stand, Brocks's Wharf, to the First Wharf above Vine Street, direct ly opposite the Salt Store of 3. Might 4- Nephew. '!'hey also forward Goods to and from New York to Wilkes Barre and intermedi ate points via Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Delaware and Lehigh Canals. Goods Shipped by this Line from New York will go by 3. S. Neilson & Son's Line of Vessels to New Brunswick, which will be forwarded at the Albany Basin, Poot of Cedar street, North River. Any information required can be had of Messrs. Stewart & Mettler, No. 64 Dey Street, at Messrs. Neilson & Son Agent's office, No itlf3 West street. • Merchants and others having goodi to ship from New York to any of the above places, will find this route the nearest and most ex- Peditions. The Proprietors have large And comma diont Store Houses at Eanon, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven And Wilkes Barre. ABLE, WILSON & CO., • - Proprietors .46" E NT S: It S. Moorhead. Philadelphia ; John Opdyeke, Easton ; Borheek & Knauss, Bethlehem.; A. J. Ritz, Allentown ; A. W. Leisentirig, Mauch Chunk ; A. Pardee & Co., Penn Haven ; Blakeslee & Horton, White Haven and. OVilkes•Berre. April 1(►. A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Builders Look Here. A NEV ASSORTMENT OF 1 - 45 - aul Ni y6 A, a li Th a The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of .. c oFurnishing 0 Furnishing House .drticles, \ A ;" A.A. 7 10:c2 Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Saddlery and Shoe-findings, all of which will be sold at extremely low prices. Thee ask the public to give SAEGER'S HARDWARE STORE, sign of the 1.1 . 9 a call, in order to convince themselves of the fact, that a Tunny saved is a penny made.' 0. & J SAEGER. May 8. 11-1 y To House-Keepers. A great assortment of House furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, frying puns, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters, from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. A Isla, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers, steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. POC'KE'T' and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears, from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. IRON.—A lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel square, flat, and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of () & J SAEGER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Glat.s, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, It) by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by 0 & 3 SAEGER. IBM To mzeti ANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Panne!, and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts, Auger Buts, Hatchets, Squt.res, &c., for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. TO SEIOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business 0 & J SAEGER. NAILS,—:3OO Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. OILS & VARNISI-I.—Oils of all ldnds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue &c.,--will he sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 Si J SAEGER. w tirrE LEAD.-2 tons of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by • 0 J SAEQER. HOLLOWARE.-500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received and for sale at very reduced prices at the store of 0 & J SAEGER. *__ A splendid assortment of Prom and Parlor Locks with minertyl knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building 1-lar4 r . ware just unpacking, and For sale cheaper than.ever by 0 Sr, J SAEGER. Mu S. 111-1 y Two Journeymen Tailors WANTED. Two Journeyman Tailors, of sober and industrious habits, and good workmen, crtn find constant employment, either by the job or week, if they make immediate applica tion to the undersigned, residing at Sieg fried's Bridge, in North Whitehall town ship, Lehigh county. GEORGE DANIEL f - 3111' May 8. To Builders. NIII If; A I D Clocks and Watches. Charles S. Massey, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he has recieved at his establishment, nearly opposite the German Reformed church in Allentown, a large assortment of =elf.. JEWELRY, - CLOCKS, Olt, • WATCHES, \ 7. 1 ,1111,11 consisting of GOLD and 0 0:,?c, SILVER Patent Levers, ) •'` */ 7 1 Quartier and plain Eng °, :--- .- —,-- lish and French. Watch es sold by him are warranted, and as low as the same quality can be purchased at other establishments in town or elsewhere. His assortment of Clocks consist of Brass eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from ti to 12 dollars. His selection of Jewelry consists in part of Gold rings, Bracelets, Breastpins, Broach es Gold and Silver Pencils, Watch-chains, Keys, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c. He has also'on hand n variety of F. 9 NCI' ARTICLES, Such as steel-beads for purses and work bags, Silver tea and table spoons, Gold and Silvt r Spectacles, to suit all ages, Spectacle glasses, Silver thimbles. Every article'sold by him, is warranted to be such as represented, and should they prove otherwise can be returned, and the money will be refunded. His stock has been purchased with a view to supply the citizens of this county with good and genuine articles in his branch, and which have been selected from the best and most extensive houses in New-York and Philadelphia. He hopes by due attention to his business, and liberal prices, to have a share of patronage. Ir - e Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the hest manner and at the shortest notice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex change for Goods. Call and see, then judge for yourselves. May 1, 1t551, ¶-3m. 11111cJ lIIYD labTflo lin Allentown. R. MO R, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that e has taken the well known Tavern House Bull's head , :A at the corner of Allen 4-kilk'o; rz and Andrew st., where Afri?.lN he will be happy. to (10110011,—:--- accommodate his old customers and friends. His best efforts will be directed to his ta ble, so that it be furnished with the most seasonable the market affords, his bar filled with the choicest wines and liquors, his beds clean, and his yard large and stable commodious, with an attentive hostler al ways at hand. • lie trusts that by punctual attendance to business, he will be able to secure a liberal share of public patronage, for which he will ever feel thankful. April 21. lEEE axnes lA. Selfylap & Co. almau PRODUCE AND GENERAL eonsmission Merchants, No. 67 NORTH WHARVES, Below Vine Street, Philadelphia, Adopt this method to inform their friends and country merchants in general, that they have lately establis;led the above business, in all its various branches. at No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. . Among the many articles constantly kept on hand of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c. &e. will be found an assortment of Mackerel, Salmon, Shad, Herii»g Blue Fish, Cod Fish, Pork, Lard, Ham, Sides, Shoulders, Chase, 6.c. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Recollect the place. March 6 Wint's lee . CKeam Saloon! Meerly Refitted! rr HE-season is now approaching for this -K. delicacy, and in view of the better ac commodation of the public, the tmelersigned has lately refitted his Ladies and Gentlemen's Saloon, in a new, neat and fashionable style. ICE CREAM of all kinds, with tither seasonable delicacies and luxuries, will be served up from this time to the end of the season. Fresh 'Vegetables, domestic and foreign Fruit, 4c., constantly kept on hand. Thankful for past patronage, he is ready to. accommodate ail hie old customers and as many new ones may .think proper to favor him with a call. WOpen every day and evening except . Sunday. ' AARON Wiwi - . Allentown, May R. OIJNTY, PAA - 1 - A - Y - 227 - 1 - Brf - 1 . Allentown Academy. Thti summer (closing) quarter of the present year commences on Monday, May 12th. The following is the Board of In structors; R. C. CHANDLER, A.. M.. Principal ASHTON CLAXTON, G. S. WOODHULL, A. R. F. C. H. C. LAMrr•., ii. Teachers Mrs. R. C. CHANDLER, Mrs. E. A. LINDH, The teachers employed are fully capa ble both from educalion and experience, for the several duties which devolve upon them in their respective stations. The Principal appeals with confidence to a dis cerning public for the support necessary to the sustenance of the Institution under its present complete organization. The Academy is a Home Institution ; that it may ever be the pride of the county to which it belongs, shall ever be our ear nest wish, and no pains or expense Will ev er be spared, to matte it de;serving oldie kind patronage which may fall to its share. Three additional boarding scholars, un der years of age can he received in the family of the. Principal.—N. P,. Frequent ap , lineations are made for admission of pupils who are unable to read ; such are uniform ly declined. If accepted, the Principal does not hold himself responsible for their satis factory advancement, Allentown, May S INDEMNITY THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1634 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Chat les N. Sandier, Geo. W. Richarus Thomas Hart, Arlord. 1). Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David. S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, CONTINUE to make Insurdime, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consis tant with security. The Company have roserved a large Comm gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi ums, safely invested, afford ample profretion the assured. The assets of the company, on January 1848, as published agreeably to au Act of A 5 Nembly; were as follows, viz Mortgages, Real Estate, Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, &c., Since their incorporation. a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one r million turn hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording, evidence of the advantages of insu fance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompters, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCICE, Peesi atm t. CTIARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'v. The Subscribers are the appointed Iteents of he above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every deseeip lion of property, at the lowest rates.. AUGUSTUS RIIIIE, Allentown C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. AllentownJupe 13,1848. S-13, WILLIAM S. MARX, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the western front room of the bulkily! of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse Allentown April 4,1850 M c , IrVjaMatt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office one door east of Kolbi Hotel, Al entown, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 28. I,l—tf Captain, *Vagle Is iii tXxeltX A. Bain Captain HENRY F. NAozj, respectfully announces that by the encouragement of his friends he has leased the large and commo dious house formerly occupied by his father, on Hamilton street, (continued) in East Al lentown, as a Saloon and House of General Refrehhmenti which he has now fitted up in a style con sistent with a design of affording his friends the best accommodations to be found in •these diggings.” He has also fitted up and fur nished n Ladies saloon, and rooms for pri vate parties, where visitors can enjoy them selves apart from the bustle of the main saloon, and where they can be accomodated with a variety of choice refreshments. lie will spare no expense to render his house worthy the patronage he sMkils. His bill of fare will consist as follows : ¶- 1 Y Ale, Porter and Beer, of the Lest mann factures, Oyhters, raw,' riewed and spiced, Lobsters, Crabs, Clams, and all other kittrls of schen fish in their seasim, Pigs-feet, Tripe, smoked Tongue and French 13aIo nics:Sardines, and in fact every thing the markets of Philadelphia, New York and our own vicinity affords. . flis ICE CREAMS are too well known and celebrated to need encomium, and he will only say that he will be found as here tofore the ne plus Ora of Reslauraleurs. May S. - 11—lair ill -2 w Directors Morris Pattt.rson, $890,558 65 728,358 90 205,459 00 15,563 15 46,5141 87 1.1,210,097 67 EBB e :::-.4. 4. . MIL SD UR G • '''t Greep TkO6Store Jacob G• Effilicgass, TNFonms the citizens of Salsburg, and juthe public •in general, that he has since the first of April purchased and occupied the well known property, formerly owned by Mr. Aline, near A Iltttown, and has opened • The Satsburg Green Tree Store, where he has received one of the largest and most extensive assortment of . Spring and Sunman:Goods, ever offered at the stand before. The greet• est care has been observed in the selection of his Goods, and they were purchased at the lowest prices. Old Jake is one of 'em, he goes upon the motto of Small Profits and quick Sales. His stock comprises all the varieties and patterns of Ladies' Dress Goods, such ns Lawns, Ginghams, Mouse lin /)e bibles, Bareges, ./11paeas Prints s•e, For the Gentlemen he has Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, as well as' a large selection of Goods for Spring and Sumlner wear. Ele has also an excellent assortment of lIA.TS, CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware; Fish, &c. 'l'he public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is large, and will positively be offered at the lowest possible prices. 1- 7 VI le will always pay the highest mar ket prices for all kinds of Country , Produce taken in exchange for Goods. April 17. ¶—3 m CatasatiquA Headquarters. JAMES W.:FULLER, ri . Most respectfully in diirAtt;vites the attention of the ..,79NtqW• public to the fact that ' • ltpzi he has taken the above 4'01111117W•i. named House, recent ly occupied by Jesse in the village Cmasauqua, and Wit he is now prepared to accommodate visiters and the travelling public in the best manner. Ile will give Iris sole attention to his business, and there fore confidently believes that he shall be enabled to render satisfaction to whoever nay favor him with their custom. I lis TABLE will, at all times, be sup plied with the best the market affords ; his 13All be stocked with the choicest Wines and Liquors ; his STABLING attended to in the best miniver. His rooms are large, airy and convenient, and the utmost clean liness will be observed in the Beds and Bed ding. In short, the proprietor of the "Cat asauqua Headquarters" will spare no pains or expense to render his guests comfortable. He therefore cordially invites his friends and the public generally to give him a call. May 1, 1851. m NEW Zaitoring George Keck, AoorTs this method to inform the citizens of Al lentown, and the public in general, that he has takatt the house formerly Occupied by Henry F. Nagle, on the south side of Hamilton street. near the Court House. in the .Borough of Allentown where ape.. . a new and fashionable TAILORING ELTA BL IS 11 M ENT, to which he invites the fashionable public for an early call, He will attend promptly rind faithfully to all business entrusted to him, and is fully de rinined on being second to none, warrant in; - a goof/ fit, with neatness and dispatch.' He is in regular receipt of the latest Par is, London and Philitdelphia Fashions. which enables him to cut Coats, Vests and Pants, in real Bon-ton style. • A pril 10 U1.)V1.1(.9111cb \Vtu;nt•:As Daniel and James Fatzinger, trading under the firm of D. 4../. Fa/zin ger, in. the Butchering bdsiness, have made a voluntary assignment, of all their proper ty, real, personal and mixed, baring date on the 30th of April, Iss I, to the undersigned, for the bent fit of their creditors. This then serves as a notice to all persons, who know themselves indebted in the books of the said firm, that they must Mahe settlement with in 30 days from the date hereof. And such who have yet legal claims against said firm, will also present their claims well authenti cated within the above specified time. • JOSEPHNONriEMAC IIER, lssi gnee Tuosns 0. GINKINOER, May 8.. Spring and Summer a.ocowQ 2 THE undersigned has just re ceived from Philadelphia and New York a very desirable assortment:of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, Ile respectfully invites his customers and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, which is large and well selected, and embraces,in part, EabiCs 01:035 Q3oobs, such as black and colored, figured and plain Silks, Mirage rle Lains. Mouselin fle Laines, Silk and Worsted and' Silk and Linen Poplins, .fil picas, Lawns, Brazil Lustre, Gloves, Stockings, Ribons, Laces., &c., &c. (11101113 1 11A33121223, a full assortment of plain and fancy Cassi tners, black, blue, brown and mired Cloths. Cashmeretts and Summer CuSsimeres, Vest fags of all kinds, . - I have not the assurance to say that I will sell my goods 100 per cod or even 20 per cent. less than my neighbors, but I do say, and with confidence. that they will compare in quality and price with any other estab lishment in the place. THOS. B. WILSON. • --3rn April 10, C.lll PII TS. The subscriber invites his cus tomers and others to call and examine, (be fore purchasing elsewhere.) his splendid as sortment of 3 Ply Super Ingrain and other Carpets. Also, Floor, Stand and Table Oil Cloths, all lately received from Philadel phia, and which he will sell at n'very small advance Ground Plaster. Ground Plaster constantly on hand and for sale at the Store of the sub scriber as also at the Mill of Jos. Deitrich. • 'THOS. 13. WILSON. alacleerel• A new supply of Mackerel in i3,irreis, min and quarters, just received and for sale by Looking Glasses. A large assortment of Looking Glasses just receivi , .l awl for sale luw at the store of the subscriber. THOS. B. WILSON. CROE'KERP. Just received a large assortment of Queensware, consisting in part of Tea and Dinner Setts, Fancy Glass Ware, Man tle Ornaments, together with a general as sortment necessary for Housekeepers, all of which will be sold at the vitry I )west THOS.. B.'WILSON. 11--4 W April 10 The subscriber has - just receiv ed a fresh supply of Coal, which he offers th the reduced prices of $2,50 per ton for Chet.- nut, and $3,50 for Egg, Stone mid Lump Coal. THOS. 13. AVILSON.. April 10. Dr. S. Y. Ilarnet .D EA' TIS T. Adopts this method to inform his igi.n... friends and the public in general, that he.has made Allentown his permanent residence. He has opened an office at his dwelling, opposite Kolb's American Hotel, a few doors east - of Pretz, Guth' & Co's. Store, where he will be happy to. oiler his professional services in the science of Den tistry. He will 'call at private 'residences, if requested. riy" His terms are reasonable, and having had much experience in the professions, feels satisfied that he can give general saw- faction Allentown, A pril2 , l, 1851. 11-31 n New & Popular School Book. Comprehensive summary of Universal history, together with n. Biography of Dis tinguished Persons. to which is appended an epitome of EL-athert Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General Astronomy and Physi ology,adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Tenches and School ComMitiees addres sing letter:, to us, post-pnid, will b furnish ed with copies for examination. LVA full and complete assortment of Books and Stalionary for sale at the' Low- , est prices. E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers, S. W. corner of Fourth and Race sueettie Philadelphia May I IVLB_EII 33. NEW 'mos. rs. WILSON B.•WILSON C CAAL., 411--4 w Ir-1y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers