The Navigation Opened ! • tfi M M . 19 Philadelphia; .111entottaz irk Mauch Chunk TRANSPOIITITION LINE, For transporting merehandize between Philadelphia, New Hope, Easton, Free mansburg, Bethlehem, Allentown, Weiss port, Mauch Chunk arid White Ha ven, and all intermediate places along the Delaware and Lehigh Canals ; shipping from Budd 4. Comb 's Third Wharf, below Vine street, on the Delaware. BECE IE3E, ff. ONG; I 4 . " nave latdy purchased the Line et." r. 347 g 9 known for the last two yearn as the Tren ton and Lehigh Ttanaportation Line and previous as Cook's Line. They being new bef4inner.9, hope, by careful and prompt attention to their busi ness to get a liberal share of patronage. The . propriefors have large and cormno dious Store [ - bailee at all the above named stopping places. HECKER, LONC4, & CO.. Proprietors . 0 7GENTS Stephen Long, Philadelphia, Samuel L. Opie, New Hope, G. W. House! d; Co., Easton. G. & A. Buchman, Freemansburg i Charles Seider, Bethlehem, William liecker, Allentown, Lewis Weiss, Weissport, Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Hazleton, Horton & Blakeslee, White Haven. March O. --2 m eAVint7f7 , 3 20. ' MIL 1-1.11,19)-413 artlSid iOM, able Tili101111 1 9; Heady-Mak CIMITI NG STORE, Has been removed from the Odd Fellow's Hall to the building formerly occupied by the "Allentown Saving Institution," titiarly opposite the German Reformed church, Where they have, just opened an extensive - variety of the best made Clothing, ever 'got Up in Allentown; beinrs an entirely tow assortment, consisting of COATS oral] kinds, PANTALOONS. of et • el'y pattern, VEt,rs and VESTINGS Of the latest and most fashiondble styles, together %with Sn sPEN runts, and SHIRT CQT.L.:si. CRINATS,- All of which they will sell at prices so low as to Excife the Astonishment! and secure the patrcnao: of all those who will fitvor them with a call and examination of their :sioch. They continue to do all kind; at CUS TOM WORK in the best manner, and at short notice. far./11, FITS T1 1 11111,7XTED.,,,,- 3 By strict attention to busines3, and by selling all their goods as elirrip tr.., the chea pest, they hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. N. 8. --The latest Fashion plate:, aleays on hand and for sale. Allentown, March 13, ISSO. 'l`o Contrattors. The undersigned, the Commissioner,-; of Lehigh County, will receive proposals, on Saturday the 17th day of May next, at the public house of James Trexler in Breinigs ville, for 'materials and work,' for the Bridge to be erected in Lower Macungy township, near the Lehigh Church, as follows, to viz: For Stone, delivered at the place, by the perch, or by Wagon Load ; Lime, by the Bushel ; AS'und, by the Wagon Load (four , horses); For the Mason work, by the perch or by the day and for Laboring hands, by the day. None btit good materials and workmen, need be offered. BENJAMIN BUEINIO, SAMUEL KNAUSS, Commissioners. PETER E'NnEritnx, ATTIIST,I—J. M. LINE, Clerk. April, 24, 3 muesli. Selfridge S Co. To PRODUCE AND GENERAI. COMM ission aterchnnis, No. 67 NORTH WHARVES, ' Below Vine Street, Philadelphia, Adopt this method to inform their friends and country merchants in general, that they have lately established . the above business, in all its various branches, at No. 67 North Wharves, where they will be happy to at tend to the wants of their customers. Among the many articles constantly kept on hand of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c. &c. will be found an assortment of mackerel, Salmon,, Shad, Herring Blue Fish, Cod Fish, Pork, Lard, Ham, Sides, Shoulders, Cheese, ,S.e. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Recollect the place March 6 Through the earnest solicitation of many friends and acquaintances, the undersigned takes this method to inform the public, that he his cervices to wash, dress, lay-out and dig graves for the dead, to *such who may think proper to give him a call. Ito will be found ready to attend to calls either by day or night. Lie will feel thankful to those who will favor him with their calls. TIMOTHY GEIDNER. 117-4 w March 27. •Irege Goods ! MAMA ! lIURRA ! ! The People's Cash Store, -OF SAMSON, WAGNER & Co. Is again filled brim full of . 7 'E G 0 010 S of all descriptions, kinds and qual ities, which Will be sold for cash or ready pay, cheaper than the cheapest. ALSO: Ulli4 I'ILID2 149 of all kinds, from a Hickory shirt I to the finest Coats, at prices lower than ever before offered in this mar ket. • rouvits ana Crotizevy, A full assortment of ill kinds, just ilrrived, and now open for in spection. Grain Wante. All kinds of Grain Iv:tilted by the subscrik , rs, Col. which the high est mnrket price twill be poid. AINISON. WAGI'.;ER & Co. COAL„ Nel, stove tled cwct side, at the lowest Cash pvices by msoN, - WA n :Om & Cu. aMCICI Eliif EL. lads. 'No. 1, 2 and 3, just rO,- ceivecl and for sale cheap by SA ISON, WAGNER & Co April 10 D Ai ID J. ND alma, I ATTORNEY ,IND iIOIINSELL On AT LAW Ogire - fililo doors west of the C'rnnt /loose. :Tv - 11e can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, A pril - tf ite PE TS. Yl , cn. Staxem u ent , Just received and for sale the best quali jox/ITILIN pEicimpD , T re0 ,„ ? . 0 . , ty and latest styles of Three-ply and kg iit „ ec „ imi w i t h /be „zill e „. rain Carpets, fro the best Antericiman / „, „„, t eem ,y pr iy Is/ it m : ufactories, warranted to he superior to any 1:•150. heretofore in Allentown. • KERN FP4l*. 1:>50, - April N. I;:tlance on hand por Inst aoconnt, slt;tl INDENIINI171". Cas:t from Wm. 1.: , :yo for cows, 3 () I Tlizr4 ETIANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE s. Enhard :subzerip tion for cross walks, 391 COIIPANY of Philadelphia, • .1. Lost for 1 5 t_.; orrien, Nu. 1633 cllE5l(7l` sTREcT .1. Ilagenbuch. stones I near rink street. " SOW, Cliarics 11' eland for cross walk, J. 1 / 1 11inger, proceeds of sale of Bricl:s, for Licences, John D. Law:lll,appro printion from Fire Committee for Fire Department, Chas. Eckert, NV tier stock dividend, Jac. Erig, Borough tax for I for IS -10, " \Vin. Egge, Borom 4 h tax fur 1559, bare Erdman, Cix in ME Toh I, Cr.. Cash paid, Interest on loan., S. Bernhard, for eN - Ca VatillEy and repairina streets, 46 John II;i for , excavating and reptringiareets, R. Reiss for School EOM expenses; " 'Jacob Erig, for High Constable salary, E. J. Saeger for Clerk salary for 18.19, Daniel Newhard for flag stoni..Q, stones, Fleur• 1c inn for• Prof, servic es from lint to I S3O, Ea R. 113. /k, II:1111111111 Ibr publishing Borough ac count,. ISSO, A. L. Ratio, do. 1848 and 1849, 16 Repairing Engines, Jos. Kramer, paint ing Engine, " E. R. Net and others for hauling ground, Adam kLititz, repair ing fire plug s, " J. Sanniels, Borough Enginee r for IS.III and iNe5O, I3orough Notes can- Celia, hiCidental Treasurer for receiv ing and paying . $4771 (Jo nt 1 per cent, 1220 fla hands of the 'l'reti.stireri 02622 56 We the mulerSkmed committee appoint ed to audit the • aCove account report the same as correct. PE I'ER IVEIREL, WEAVER. THMAS Approved the SAIL O dayof April, Alum Domini, 1651. • 3. WALL, airnum. ATTEST: E. D. J.LA Ch SAEGER, Town Clerk April 24.. 117----4 Av $ 2622 56 Jac. Erig, for election )aniel Mill fur pebble Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT THE NEW TORE sportn. KEli7° AC Liirdirffij, Have lately returned from New York and Philndelphia,with their first arrival of Spring and Summer Goods, at which they are now engaged in unpacking, and which they are prepared to sell at extraordinary low prices for Ca s It. [laving disposed of a great part of their old stock during the winter, they have been enabled this spring to fill up their assortment with fresh and the most fashionable styles of Goods ; their new stook will compare flivorably with any other in the place. Their assortment of Ladies 11Press Goods, is very comrileto, embracing handsome black and I4ncy figured and plain silks, Berage de Ltins, Borages, de lains, mous-de-lains-I popr-,1. i»s Trish p - oplins, alpacas, lawns, lust-, res, prints, gloves, hosiery, &c., all of which will be sold 20 per centum cheaper than at any other establishment in the place. CLOTHS and CASSINI:IES, Vestings, fancy and plain, and all other kinds of L - etaleintm's Spring and Summer dress goods of the most IttshionaLle styles. Talks (,iii Gentlemen of Allentown and vicinity arc respectfully invited to call, and all who want to save money in their pur chases of Dry tfoOds, of any description will find KERN & LINE'S store the right place. (;:)l- freely shown and customers waited upon with the utmost politeness. April 3. GROPERIES AND QUEENSWARE, They have on hand a large Ripply of fresh (Arocerie.s. risk, Salt, and Querns- Warr, all of which they will dispoFe of v•.ry cheap. KERN & KLINE. April 3 'II -- I v, Looking Glasses- A ls:o just unpacking a large and splendid assortment of_Gilt_ and — nihogany framed Looking. (lassos, and for ;kale at the N w Yolk Cash Store of April 3, ! A pril :3 Directors: i Chat los N. Bancker, Cleo. W. Ilicharus 1 00 : Thomas I !art, fiord. 1). Lewis. !Tobias Wainer, . Adolp. E Boric, 21 97 ; Samuel Cl rant, David S. Brown, 30 001Jacob11. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance. permanent nail limited.on every description of property, in 50.00 ; town and country, at rates as low as are consis !ant with i.e:2urity. 202 00 ; The Cninpany have reserved a large Conan gent Pion!, which with their Capital and Premi , t tri i 0 .,,, ; ums,sniely invcsted, afford ample protection to , the assnrod. 000 20 ! The a , sets of the company, on January Ist, ! ISIB, as published agreeably to an Act of At 1:30S 50 sembly, sere as follows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 6'5 Rcal E.tale, • 728,058 00 Temporary - Loans, 205,459 00 Snicks, 15,553 15 Cash, &c., 46,581 87 I ME 1009 $1,220,097 67 8 G2l . :3 .1. 1 Since thei rinctwporation, a pericd of eighteen : years, they have paid upwards of one inillimi • ! two hundred Mousynd dalur.s, losses by fire, there 57. ' 3 if; by ati;wdiaLt evidence of the advantages of insu ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to 9'2'2 711 ! meet with promptess, all liabilities. 1 (311:1111,ES N. BANC:KB, President. 5 25 I CHARLES C. BANCKEIL Scey. 1 —. ... i Tee :subscribers are the appointcd'Agents of IS 90 I the alaive mentioned Institution, and are note prepared to make insurances on every descrip 21i 00 ; tion of property, at the lowcst rates. I AUGUSTUS 1,. UUI E, Allentown 45 (30 e 131.13 . F. 01C, Bethlehem Allentown,June 13,1848 i . :37 02 nti S Hi 0 iliA 11l IL E Jenelly Lstablishinent ! ,is 00 r r ' '' 7 -' )• Cheap and Good Watches, I .-;,. - 1 , 7,` Jewelry& Silver-ware, whole ! 1.!:-/ II sale and retail, at No. in; North 500 ' i......,?4..' Second street, corner of guar itrt. ry, Philadelphia. 4 . ' Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, 1S caret cases, $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, $lO and over. Silver Lvpine Watches, jew elled, sll and over. Silver guartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, 374 cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and • SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment oIM. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John Harrison, G. (3- R. Beesley, and other sup tier Pateot Lever Movenzenls, which will be cased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put_on if requested. 0. CONIIAD, NO. 99 North 2nd. St. Importer of Watches. Phikulelphia, Nov. 29. Ir-ly 10 OO'i 10 00 00 :10 55 00 MB 0 50 8 4 /0 S 25 2 00 lEEE :31 79 MIMI lell IiERN & KLINE. Sheppard &Van Harlingen, 274 Chestnut street, above 10th, PH ILA DELPHI A , Respectfully call the attention of Families and Buyers to their extensive and perfectly fresh Stock of First Class Linen and [ - louse Furnishing Goods, consisting in part of Best make flousewife Shirting Linens. Harnsly and Irish Sheetings. Phlow Case Linens. Damask Table Cloths. I)amask Tabk, Linens. ~ Napkins, Doylies, and 'rowels. Towellings of all descriptions. ~ la Neilles Quilts &Counterpanes I 3 lankets,English mid American, French 'Fable and Piano covers. FuridtureChintzesand " Emb. Lace and Muslin Curtains. " Worsted Damasks and Moreens. Our stock is made up entirely of Staple Goods, and being principally of our own importation, and bought for cash, we offer to buyers, either IVholesale or Retail, very great inducements. N. B.—Always on hand of best quality, a General Assortment of Cambric Handker chiefs, Jaconet, Book, Mull, Swiss and Cam bric Mtislins; also Shirting; Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslims, 'Pickings, Furniture Checks, &c., &., at Wholesale prices. March 13. .11-om-5 T AO. flk 01;9, MU f 1 .4 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office one door east of Koltm Hotel, A lentown, Lehigh county, Pa Allentown, March 28, MEC LOO7. aiIRE A Certain and Effectual Cure, Thy subscriber, Druggist in the Borough of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts this method to inform suflerers of a Rheu matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of med eine, that will effect a certain cure of this wide spred and painful disease. It is put up in Quart bonds, each bottle accompani. ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to be taken internally, and the ointment external ly,. The genuine article can he had only by the un dersigned, - a practical Druggist and Chemist, and originator of the medicine: Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles for ten dollars—which will be sent to inva lids in any part of the county. free of charge. All orders must be accompanied with the Cash, or they will receive no attention. This medicine needs ntlipuffing, it speaks for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope ration it eradicates the system from the cfThcts produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced some astonishing cures, and of cases where the patient has been confined to the house for years, and those that got abroad only with the use of Crutches, were set at liberty by the use of from one to six Boitels. Certificates of cures can be shown from the most respect able citizens. lIV - None is genuine without his Written signature in blue ink. • DENBY GA NGIVER, Proprietor, Bethlehem, Penn. December 12. • 11—IY Ludwig Wolf, Manufacturer of Cast Iron Railing Lockman 4' Leh, IILdNUF.I2G TUBERS D.E.dLERS • —IN-- Boots, Shoes, .Hats Sr, Caps. The nineteenth century being the age of Magnetic Telegraphs, Steamships, Locomo ii•on, Ratting. tives, &c., and in which all kinds of busi of a variety of patterns, of wmuolt ness is done in the very quickest and most iron for ; xv•rt maimer, it likewise becomes neces i;!. the trading public, to take smell prelit , , ;I:el make quick sales, in order to keep up with the improvements of the times. Upon. dila principle we have determined to act. We will sell our Goods at such priCes as will astonish the buyer. The following are some of our prices; to wit:— In alien town. Adopts this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he manufac tures Balconies, Cc:marks, rzniiip z for Churches, Public or Private buildings, Porches, &c., together with all kinds of plain and ornamental Iron work. Persons wanting work of this kind done, will do well to give him a calf and select such patterns, as will suit their taste. •- • Thankful for past favors he hopes by strict attendance to his bushiest+ and his lotv charges ho will be able to gain many new customers. LTJPWIG WOLF March 27, of/AEJLEarii9 Livery Establishment. T rIE subscribers take this method to in form their customers and the public in Ereneral, that they have lately purchased of Mr. Georg Beissel, his extensive Livery establishment, consisting, in part of lierses, Carriages, &c, c •- , -1 and continuing the business at the old stand on William street, in the Borough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnisl their customers at the shortest possible no lice with sure and gentle horses and splen did fashionable vehicles. Pleasure parties or societies, will be furn ished with g,entia horses, gdod carriages and careful driver„ if requested. Families can be suited at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes. • Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tofore gained of being the best-livery -estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest riorses„ the neatest and most splendid carring,ev, and sober and careful drivers. They return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage thus far bestowed, and trust that they will be able further to merit a.continuance of their snpport. J. & T. HUFFMAN: —.4lin November 21 New House Furnishing DR GOODS .IT LO PthrfirC'ESt Men's Calf-skin Boots from $2,50 do course do " .1,50 do kip do " 2,00 - -do Gaiter do' " 1,50 Ladies' Guitters " 1,00 do Slippers and Welts Buskins 11- , 1 w 31 to 1,25 Besides a very 1 . large and exten sive assortment of ..iz eft:; ready- ma d e . Boots & Shoes, cheap for cash. They also- keep for sale, a splendid as sortment of Moleskin. Silk and Slouch II A T Cloth, glazed, fancy and military C S Trunks, T.Tnihrellas, Cant phine, Lard and Fluid Lamps, Candele bras, &c., &c. M .— Recollect, one door west of 0. ‘;'...; J. Sager's Hardware Store, in the building formerly occupied by 0. ' 7;111411 ' S Apo thecary store, in I la ini ton street, A IlentoWll. Dec. 19, ¶-3in All persons knowing themselves indebted in the hooks of the late firm of C. Lockman and Ilinther, will please observe, that this is the last notice extended to them. They will therefore please call upon 13enjamin Lockman, one of the firm, who has the hooks in hands for collection, and to settle their accounts, if they wish to save costs. After the 20th of May next, the books will be placed in the 'hands of - a ,Justice for col- April 17, Stuttering and Staminering CUM. 111)! In from Five to 'runty Ninnies. P • fIE Undersigned would respectfully an pounce to the citizens of Lehigh and the adjoining counties, that he his located him self in New York for the purpose o f EIRECTU.ILL I" CURING. persons who are troubled with STUTTERING OR STAMMERING. I (Corrected Weeklyftwn fiichneiry,timCourrsand. So confident is he of success, that no pay - Thuinimon's Defector.) - will be required until the utmost satisfaction is given. flis method is so easy, that any child live years old may understand it, and yet sa efficient, that he will forfeit One Thou sand Dollars to any person who will scam. mer and apply it. DR. J. V. WYCIiOFF, NO. :37 Chambers St., New York. P. S. For further testimonies as to the efiiracv of his method ; he refers to the Me dical Paculty of New York, who witnessed the application upon a gentleman, who was an inveterate stammerer, and had been operated upon by other Physicians, without .the least benefit, and astonishing as it !nay seem, Dr. Wyckoff cured him in 20 min utes, that he was able to speak and rend with ease,' without hesitancy or semblance of Stammering. The Doctor also has over One Hundred Certificates of cu res performed, among which are several medical gentlemen. N. B. All letters of inquiry, (post-paid) will be promptly answered by naming the Post Office and State where they reside. January 16. 716 "1 114 r 4 Ma The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITA 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Live, on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, togethex with the accumulated premium fund affords a poled security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe-. riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 84 per cent, 771 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payinent to the'company. I 4 No. of i Su m ( Bonus Policy.'lusured4dirr Addition No. 5.$ 1000 $ 100 88 9500 I 250 208 4000 I 400 276 2000/ 124 336 5000 43750 .Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia ; or , on applica tion to A - . L. RUNE, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDS, President, JNO. F. JANES, December 13. - - Last Notice. criArn.r.: , -; LOCH:MAN, BENJAMIN Iff)CHMAN Amount of policy and bonus payable at the party's decease. $llOO 2760 4400 2175 6437 1-ly IPEZTE' S ADM alffilintilitaTo NO. 41, SOUTH SECOND STREET, Now conducted by Tho .,:',s,:•llqc. mas White, son of its late 14,• 0. • Proprietor, at the Old Stand, where dealersrVillat all times find a stock of Foreign and Domestic Straw, Lace, Pan ' cy Crape d Bonets, Panama, Palm Leaf, and an every Silk variety of Straw flats, an assortment of Artificial Flowers, unequalled by any other for extent or beau ty of manufacture, and at very low prices,• having facilities for producing these goods possessed by no other establishment. To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he would tender his grateful acknowledgments for their kind approval of the business sys tem of this house, and begs to assure them that no eflorts on his part -shall be wanting, to merit a continuance of their liberal pat ronage. They will still be greeted with the same old familiar faces, who will at all times endeavor to execute their commissions with fidelity and promptness February 28 to $4,49 to 3,00 to 2,75 to 3,00 to' 1,87 DOCTOR YOURSELF. , - '., ~ By means or the pocket ,„, •z, ;. Escu la pi us i or, every one a ~r, .. '4N„ his own Physician ! 24th 4\ 4 edition, with upwards of ' ~Sll '•' ,r,- r c a hundred engravings, P '''‘..-, 1 ' a /showing private d d iseases t.,11147 and ln"nVe3lfbrimai l l o a n n s of t form,. he 1 ": : ::ta-- 1 ) generative system, By Wm. YOUNG. M. D. This time has now arrived, that persons suffering from secret disease, need no more become the victim of Quackery, as by_the_ prescriptions contained in this book any one 'nay cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual ex pense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause or manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage—besides man' other dprange 7 metes which if - would not_be proper-to enu merate in the public prints. rizrA ny person sending Twenty-Rye Cents enclosed in a letter, will recieve one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address "Dr.. It: lormg, No. 152 Spruce' street, Phila delphia." - Post-paid. tar Dr. 1 oung can he consulted bn any of the Diseases described in his different publications, at his 011 ices, 152 Spruce st., every day between 9 and 3 o clock, (Sun days excepted.) July 5 l' -- I tv Bank - Note Eist. -- --- Bk of N America par , Mechanics bank of of Pen nsy Iv. par .; Newark ' i Bank of Commerce 'I Mechanics bank at late Ntoyamensing par Burlington par Bk of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man- Bk of Penn Towns. par ufacturers bank par Farmers & Itlechan.par Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company 5 Marini. & Meehan par New Hope & Dela ' Mechanics par ware Br. Comp. failedl Girard " par Orange bank i Philadelphia par Peoples bank ft • Schuylkill par Plainfield bank Southwark par Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank State bank at Eliza of Pennsylv. par betlitown, Newark, Bk of the U States 12 Camden,N. Bruns- COUNTRY . DANKs. i wick, par Bk of 1 Sussex bank p Chambersburg 1 Bk of Gettysburg I Union bank a 13k of Pittsburg 3 Trenton bank. co. par 13k of Snsq. County 85 Yardlexville bridge 13k of Chester Co. par ! company 25 Bk of Germantow:. par' DELAWARE. Bk of Danville par The Banks of the stale Bic of Delaware Co. par i of Delaware are all at Bk of Middletown 1 i par. 13k ofMontg. Co. par . . ' Bk of Northumberi .oarl NEW YORIC• Columbia Bank & 1 New York City bks 5. Bridge Comp. • par; Chelsea bank 80 . Carlisle Bank 1 Clinton bank 50 • Doylestown Bank part Commercial Bank 10 Easton Bank • par I Lafayette bank 50 ' Exchange Bank 5 WaShington bank 70 Erie Bank 2 COUNTRY BANKS. Farmers & DroversAlleghany county Bank .1 bank 70 Franklin Bank i Bank of America 35 Farmers Bank of do of Commerce 40 Bucks County par do of Brockport. 36 Farmers Bank of Lancaster par do of Lodi 25 d0 of Olean 95 Farmers Bank of Reading do of Tonawanda 50' Farmers' Bank of P ar do of Lyogo , 25. Schuylkill co. par do of Western 30' Harrisburg Bank 1 New York Binohampron bank 40' Honesdale Bankllu an ' al bank 5, Lancaster Bank p ar iCattaraugus county Lancaster Co. Bank pall , bank 3i Lebanon Bank ,' Erie county bank, 50 1 Lehigh Co. Bank 60( Farmers Br, Drovers Lehigh Navigation • Co. Script. • " bank 5; Miners Bank of Farmers bank of Se I neca county MP Pottsville. P ar t Hamilton bank, • 30 1 Merchants &Manaf. ; i !Lewis county bank 60' . Bank, Pittsburo. 0 Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, 1 Buffalo 45' Taylorsvilte Del. IMerchants bank at _ Bridge Company, 251 Buffalo 40i West Branch Bank, 1 I Millets bank of New York 10' WY°lrtingjittair, I Okwego bank 20' York Bank, 1 . I Phenix bank 35' NEW JERSEY. !Staten Bland bank 50' Belvidere Bank fti State banlrofN Y 80- . ' Burlington County 151. Lawrence bank 75' Bank 25 ., Commercial Bank par l I UnitedUnrot r hank 2b' bank 30s b s a ta n t Cumberland Bank par; N. York bank. Co. 70 , Tenth Wark bank, 25; Farmers Bank par i Farmers &MeehanWhite PlainS bank is , I ins Bank,Rahway 5 1:UAll other banks not . . Farmers & Merchants ' ' mentioned in the aboVcr - Bank, Mid. Point, 6 , list 'ar& from Ito 2 per - Morris County bank ft !cent discount: c-The notes on all Banks marked With • dash.' (—) are not purchased by the brokers. PHILADELPHIA. ¶-3m--3 For 2 Cents. 11-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers