CFMI2 Experiment With Corn The ground upon which the expetiment was Made was as near alike, ond prepared as near alike as could be. The!acirn was planted the 4th of 'May, threo by five feet. That which was plowed, was plowed , the widest:Way,only. Four rows were plowed exchieively with tbo coulter, from eightto ten inches deep. Plowing repeated four times, at suitable intervals. The next four rows were cultivated entirely with the hoe. The balance was pluored as is usual here; first throwing the earth from, and then to the corn. and plowing four times. AII was kept clean throughout the season. Two row of that cultivated ns usual when gath ered, we'rglii.'d 45 pounds.. The next two hoed corn, weighed 43i pounds. The two, .660 r rows of hoed;_wilighed_4l_ r rids. Two rows of coultered corn, side by side with the preceding, and having the same number of hills and ears of celn weighed 46f pounds. 'Thu hued corn was nearly prostrated twice by wind and rain. I .had to set up the greeter part of it. just before and just after it tasseled. The coultered corn suffered hardly half so much as the hoed. The residue suffered comparatively little. These are the facts. Deductions for you and your readers. The quanity raised on the ground is of no consequence. I conducted various others experiments with corn, but do not deem them of soffi ciern interest to - burden your columns, nor bore your readers with them. These little. things are interesting to me, however, and 4 ?!ways have some such under headway : 1 bouk-fartned that famous bottom I shako ! to you about, mid - made a fair crop of corn. Last year, it took sixty of the largest ears to shell a bushel; this year forty-eight do it. This book farming makes me the sub ject of great ridicule apd merriment. For instance, you advised us, last sinker, to plow deep and pulverize well. I did so, hut was laughed at therefr.r. Yoe advised the_ sowing of corn broadcast. I sowed something like four acres. This threw a' great many neighboring diaphragms into convulsions, and cachinations were rife and boisterous thereat.. So ty6ll inn pleased, however. that I shall give them an opportunity to split the larynx outright another year. The quanti ty of fodder produced ens enormous, be sides a pretty considerable sprinliling of corn. Yuu apprised us that it might be well to sow rye for early ~razing, soiling, &c., next spring, and I have domrso. It is /no green to laugh at now. You instructed us to sow twelve quarts of Timothy seed per z,cre. I did it. And if they do laugh at that, it is mighty green. (Fearina that some of our readers may not understand the meaning of the word "green" as here lised by our corresymident, we explain, that l the Timothy and sowed by him, agree ably to our directions, have already covered the land with a thick green herbage, and give promise of uncommonly largo crops of hay and grain,—Edd. To re DU rate land, you inculcate turning in green crops. I capsized all my clover— displayed Themselves qt.( at length and • tirchdth. Of all the green things. the wheat on that clover hail is the green est ; and rather to green to Inui , h at. The land having been put in Order hy , :harrowing, and crushing, the wheat Was Mowed in about. three inches the Ist of Sep tember. and I harrowed the Ist of Octo ber. It loggia very .tinscrican jgrioulturial. The Northwest Passage. Lieut, Maury, of tbe•_National dbservit tory, enclosing to Cont. Warrington some results of observation of the habits and places of resort of whales—sperm and right, —says . ihrave Teasori to believe the right whale of this 4inuthern ,heinisphere is quite a dif ferent animal , from that of the northern; 'that the two.ore separated by (to them) an Juipaisable barrier. I have also reason to suspect from results that have been elicited •In the course of these investigations, that the same whale Whiclvie teken•in 'Behring's 'Straits is taken in Baffin's 'Bay also; and if this be sooliese investigations prove be yond question that tibi'3 animal cannot pass from the, one region to the other except through the Arctic ocean; and ht-nce are entitled to infer that there is, at times, at least, an open water communication be tween these Straits and time I3ay ; in other words, that titer is a northwest passage. ~ This interesting piece of circumstantial ,: , videnCe in favor of a passage there, ,was called to the notice of Lieut. De - Haven when be left this. office to take command of the eigiedition in search of .Sir John Franklin and his companions. So much was that enterprising Officer impressed with rime im portance of this suggestion,, and the con , sideration growing out of it, that he expres sed the .into, ion, after reaching the Arctic Sea, to observe too closely the habits of the whale, and should these fish be , observed to take a westwardly course to use thole us pilqts by the way. The "Wind and current' charts give me reason to conjecture that the whalemen who tittempt to cruise in high SOutheintatitudes ,vill,find it a region of heavy weather, for thougli our researches have not yet been extended tv that quarter, the results attained . with regard to the., snide winds indicate, that in.the general system.of,atmos.pherical circulation the prevailing Winds are less i)able to interruption, and that the general .system of circulation is„inore active an the southern than in the northern hemisphere; e nd therefore it may be suggested by way of precautions that none htn,staupch well fitted and sound vesse ls should undertake , . - ihe-high_southern cruise. of litooyCafile.--The four thousand pound ox Vol. Baldwin, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been beat by the great ox Red Jacket; raised by Mr. Riley, of Erie county, exhibited in .IVcw. York last Oc ioher at the cattle show. !Ls owner. Mr. Clark, said he weighed 4,480,1,55. last 'tay ; lie, too, iptended to take that Ox to the kY.orld's tair in rendou. The Territory of Utah. Yesterday a number of gentlemen con nected with the Territorial Government of Utah, and the Indian Department in that quarter, Elder Pratt and a number of Mor• pions and several persons connected with the :commerce of the Valley, left on the Robert Campbell, for Council Blutr, en route for the. Solt Lake. A number of persons connected with the trade of Santa Fe and New Mexico, left on the same boat. , The overland : emigration to California this season will be einall, but the number going out to Utah 'Oregon and New Mexico will be considerable. The largest portion of them will go AC the Salt Lake—The great I rush to that quarter is net confined to mem bers of the Church of Latter Day Saints, but ens )races men 0 various pursuits an profession. o The time is near when the whole valley Of ;he &Alt . Lalie and base of the Rocky Alountsins will be closely ra iled be white men. Not Withstanding all that k enid of that ruggedness and barren ness of touch of that country, a population is pouring into it the eYtent of which no one not familiar with or informed in regard to it wd:111.1 believe ; and which -in a few years, by its own aggregation, if unaided by con tinuous accessions, would neteasarily spread over an immense territory.—.R. Louis Republican; 23. Allentown Academy. 1 ~. To llousen.Keepers , Pacific and Migsissippi Rail Road. The summer (closing) quarter of the • A great assmtinent of House frnishing Professor Forrest Shepherd, writes from p , rrent vear commences on :Monday, May article:, such as g Is theßoardofn 'Ulm f o ll ow i ng ' 1 EN ANI El ,ED and tinned inside, cooking Sacramento City, to the New Haven Pat , 1 - 1 . 1 " vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket ladium. in relation to the projected Rail- structors; : ties, fish and ham kettles, frying pans, grid road from the Mississippi River to the Pa- It. G. CHANDLER, A. NI.. Principal. irons, waffle irons, &c. cilic, that the. Road can be constructed from •ASHTON CLAXroN, • '('EA TRAYS and Waiters, from corn the Pacific to the Mississippi, iv:tbol'it erns- U. S. %Nom:mum., A. 11.1' inon to fine, in sets and dotens. A Iso, Tab sing any mountains, nr encountering so F. C. 11. C. LAMPE. ..d. Teachers. 1c form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. much snow as between Boston and Albany. Mrs. R. C. CuANDtma,j 'KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and dim H - I-1„ says the route is from the head or south- 1 Mrs. E. A. Li:coy, , ens ; also knives only ; carvers. steels, cook ern poition of 1' Waco valley, through Walk. 1 • The teac h ers employed are fully capa- and butcher knives, with a variety of other er's pass, thence to the Mojarse River, tile both from education and experience, for Inanti fa c t ores. thence north-eastward ~.,2 high grounds on , the severalo uL i t . s which d evo l ve u p on POCK T E and PF,N•KNIVES—Ttazors, OM tributaries of the Rio Ct,lehitlii, thence them in their respective stations. The scissors, shears, from the hest makers; one, crossing said river above th Principal appeals-with confidence e great Carlon, to, three. and blade knives. e - Jence to a tits- w , I ; thence east to Pilot Mountain, near Simla corning public for the support necessary tel ' si r • lovELs, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, I Fe, ' . - - titi .Phut NI r main on the north I— ' g . t a the sustenance of the Institution under its pick. axes, t. 1 , - side thence to Santa Fe and the Mississippi pre-sent complete orgatrinition. . ,• . SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and.hrasS at the Apple Creek hf.lOW St. Louis, where I The Academy is a Home Institution ; polished steel ti,.; , sets and standard:, coai ;here is a good landing and open navigation that it may ever, be the pride of tile COllnty h o d s , taunts, irons smoothing irons &c.. and i ito New Orleans throegh.the winter ; and of . t , w hi c h i l belongs, shall ever be our ear- I for sale by 0 & J SAEGER. • course a mad on the Lank •of the Nlississip- nest wish, aml no pains or expense will ti.i. 7 ipi to St. Louis. Thi s rou t e will be 600 or er he ~pared,toit d's •rvinn . of the kind TRON.—A lot of Hammered am; Rolled , I ! ;1500 miles nearer than any other has wood pnii .„„ a ,, e , w f l i c h nett fall to its share. Iron, Sheet Ircin, American and Immlish land water nearly the whole•distance, and 'Tree additional boarang scholars, un- Band Iron, [-loop Iron, Cast and Shear abundance of stone and coat at Santa Fe: I der I 1 years of age can be received in the . Steel. square, flat, , and round, just received IThe above route will ' accoininodaut both I faintly of the Pi iacipal.—N. B Frequent ap- with A nviis and Vices,:and for sale cheap , north and south, New Mexico and Califor- I plications are made for admission of pupils at the store of 0 & J SAEGER, I nit, and ocean steamers will soon render al w h o are unable to read ; such are uniform- : GLASS .-4 - 1 I trip from an Franciscoto kstoria 'l5 "0"bl. t p rom ..., in . . • A) lo;:vs .U na s, 9 by, 10, 10 d 1 . I If •pee d ,the P r i nc i pa l does • ` - "•, 1 ly. ec ine, . acct a twitter as at present from Buffalo to Chi- • b'y 11,, 10 by 11, It) by Iri, lq by Iti, and mit hold himself responsible for their satis- ! • • ' various other seizes, for sale hy rago or Misel,inaw. The rem ' leyther facwry advancement. I , 0 & ~ SIAF.GER, trorth is very objectionahat on account of the Allentown, May S snow ever on the table lands on the head 1 ___--L-„,_______. watt rs of Feather River. 1 have traveled I over snow apparently undrifted. varying front PA: to '2O feet in depth in the mouth of June. Pine ity.chnetis of native silver. re ported io be aburalara, have been bromzlat to 1.1112 from Ow line of the 30.titlwro Note. Dr. Ilenry, of South Catalina, hes writ!en a long and very able letter to the South Carolinian, most earnestly de. preciating skTeF‘eion as the beginning of an "'lliad of e‘ilb." is:VOTHER SCIENTI£Ic IrVoNovrt.—Pepsin! an artificial Digestive Fluid, or Grastric Juice , A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houp - bmn. Nl. I)., No. 11. North Eiglph Street, Phila delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful re- Meily •for Indigestion, dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Na ture's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Set' advertisement in anothe'r column. NEI/LR SHED. On the `27th of April, by the Rev. Mr. Hess, Mr. 11 illearn .4Thrighl, of Allentown, to M iss Catharine Bachman, of Lower Sau con, Northampton county. On the 13th of April. by the Rev. Joseph Dubs, Mr. .41vin Diehl, of Lowhill, to Miss Sarah Peter, of Heidelburg. On the ‘2oth of April, by the same, Mr. John . Scharer, to Miss Caroline &limit, both of South Whitehall. On the 27th of April . , by the name, Mr: Steplqn Miller, to NI iss Eliza Leienberger, both of North Whitehall. On the 13th of April, by the Rev. NI. A. I lelfrich, Mr. Solomon Dutt, of Upper Ma cungie, Lehigh couitty,to Miss Maria Sieg fried, of Maxatawny, Perks county. On the 15th of April, by the same, Mr. C. F. H. Hunzlemon, to Miss Lydia Sny der, botr. cif 'Lynn. On the 20th of April, by the same, Mr. Joshua Diehn, to Mi9S Lucy Fries, both of township. On the 27th of April, by the same. Mr. John Schwartz, to Miss Ester S'ehnelder, both of Washington. On the 18th of May, by the Rev. Josuah Yeaget . , Danis/ Scholl, to Miss .thina Snyder, both of Allentown. On the 4th of May by , the same, Mr. Henry Kemig, to Miss .11ona M. M. Young,. both of Heektown. On the seine day, by the Fame, Mr. Da-. gad Rosenberger, to Miss Maria• .1. Swart- I,y, both of Line Lexington. NORTH AM PION Water Company. • • Tho stoe,kholders of the Northampton Water Company, are hereby notified, that.- an election for aye Managers, to serge for the ensuing year, will be .held on Monday the P.,:th of May next, between the hours of 1(1.A. M..und ti I'. NI., at the house of Major Eli Steckel, in the borough of Allentown. By order of the Board, yl. D. EBE'REIARD ,Secretary. Pril If---lw• DIED. On the : 1101 a April, in Upper Saucon, John Philip 'robot, aged 70 years, 10 months and 3 days. On the ISth of April, in Hanover, Mary Jane, infant daughter •of William Rohn, aged 23 month s . .On the 20th of April, in Heidelburg. Maria Rebecca, infant dang,hter of John and riarriet Millhouse, aged 18 months. On the 20th of April, in Upper Saucon, Peter kurlz, am , ll 77 years. On the 17th of April, in Washington, of consuMptton, Bastian !Fir!, aged 75 years. On the 29th of April, in North Whitehall, infiamailon of the brain, John David, In fant son of John and Sarah Ann Freyer, age!' three months ~11 the 170761 — A71 - 17iIrflanover, Latn•• of .ard ware, consiKni.. no Sr . /be/s Srhneider, aged ti years...".- //ans.! Farnishin,c; 3rlicles, On the 27th of April, in South White- V i t t ,V ; , , r72telCutlery, coach. Trimmings, ball, Hannah At. Friedrich, aged 8 years. Saddlery and Shoe-lirnlingB, all of which On the 3rd of May. in Hanover, Zacho. will be sold at extremely low prices. Thev arias S. 3l'lluse, aged 4 months. . ask the public to give SAI:GER'S EIARDWARN On the 12th of April, in Upper Stinson, •-•,. STORE, sign of the of searlat fever, .Bmm:tin, infant daughter ~ ...*i.,,: 'la' PIE, of Ab. and Sarah Brinker, aged 3 years. a can, in order to convince them( Ives of the On the 22d of April, in Hrid e 1 Int rg, of a fact, that a 'penny saved. is a penny made.' Cancer, John Schmidt, aged 51 years. 0. & J SAEGER. blab . BS. ,r—ly -- • 1 TO :MEC( 1 A NlC"S.—Toole , of every de- P,i b tic Sale 1 scriptioti, such as Bench and Moulding OP !Planes, liand. Parinel, and Back Saws, .) •-• Valuable let sonal Property , 13race and Bitts, Auger Bats, Hatchets. 1 !: Symes, &c., for sale by Iv ILL be sold at Public Salt , on Friday ! 0 & J SA F.GER 17 the 111th day of May next. at the house of D.& J. Frozinger, in th: , Borough of Allentown, at 12 o'clock at noon, the fob :airing valuable personal property, viz : ce4ll o PIF,'; Two valuable hores, a lot of ! • !!" one- i l l i g o r w se b a ao a n r s n t s , s ‘ s %: a0. :3 0 o n n .t i- 1 1 1 1 , 7e 4 5 s a twavy log-rope,cow-chains, about 500 feet of planks, the i.C.e in a very large ice-cellar. 1 which is full, with the right to use it through the summer, at Ihr. purchasers convenience, a large vatentscalcs with weights, a wheel barrow, two sleighs, an ex, a capper kettle, clock, watch, desks, tables, chairs and bed steads, tubs, a number of baskets, one barrel of salted guts, bvsides a complete set. of Butcher Tools, together with oneotie best patent .ttii:age machines, a first rate tallow:press, cleavers, choppers, besides a large variety of butcher utensils tc6 numerous to mention. ALSO- 4 large variety of house and kitchen furniture all to mention is deemed unnecessary• • The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by JOSEPH NONNEMACHER, 4 :I'IIOMAS 0. GINKINGEH9 .fissignees of' D. (S. J. Fri/zinger 11-3 w VI e.y 8 lI(ULt io4la. WitartaAs Daniel :And James Fatiinger, trading under the firm of D. J. Falzin grr, in the Butchering business, have made a voluntary assignment, of all their proper ty, real, pertonal and mixed, baring date on the 30th of April, 1851, to.the under:doled. for the benefit of their creditors. This then serves as a notice to all persons, who know themselves.indebted in the books of the said firm, that they mast make settlement with in 30 days froM the date hereof. And such who have yet legal claims against said firm, will also present their claims well authenti cated within the above specified time.. JOSEPH NONNHAIAcHER. sh.v i g , ne , THOMAS 0. GiNkINGEH, May 8 'b 1.1 ',01( . 1:11eti Ili, ....10n0 1. 1 1. 114111 * ill . •11]..61 . 11/ 1 ,G . I il VW /1/I .I S iet. ', i l'e.llll 1 .. ; 108 • d:. ': "111". .. . r: ''''' " '') Ii . 1 iii . a ''' "- nisned a Lidies naiouti. alio 'dome tor [ at- , Meetly Refitted i Cute parties. , here visMirs eau . ii . them- T , HE season is now approaching fur this wive, avert. from sue bustle of the Wain delicacy, and in view of the better ac- . saloon, and where they can bit acconualitted comnaodation of theAtublfc, the undersigned , with n variety of choice refreshments. I le has lately refitted his will spare no.,eicpense to render his house , Ladles - Mid Gentlemen's Saloon, i , worthy the patronaga he solicits. His bill of fare will consist as.follows: .. - • • in a new, neat and fashionable style. ICE ! , Ale, Porter and Beer c ef the best menu .CREAM of all kinds, with other seasonable I factures, Oysters, raw, stewed and. spiced, delicacies and luxuries, will he served up ; Lobsters, Crabs, Clams, and all other kinds from this time to the end of the season. ',of schell fish in their season, Pigs-feet, Fresh Vegetables, domestic and foreign I Tripe, emoked . Tongue and French - Bido fruit, &c., constantly kept on hand.. ! nies..Bardinee., and in fact every thing the Thankful for past patronage, he is ready I markets of Philadelphia, New -York and to accotnmodate all his old customers and-I our own vicinity affords. as many new ones as may think proper to His ICE CREA'AIS are too well known favor hint with a call. . and celebrated to need encomie .rrOpen every day and evening. except I will only any that he will be. found as here- Sundint, ~ . AARON WINT. , I tofore the Its plus ultra of Restatirateurs. Allentown, Ms YB. - ¶-1w i May 8. , ¶-2m alders Look Here. A NEW OF _IX I,s) \T l y A *a.l •Si. IM•S•1 The undersioed annnuncv to the that they have in,t returned "rem phia and New with a ',tny large iot I • s of -2%v TO SHOEMAKERS.—Just received a new assortinent of 5.1• . u0cc0 at:d Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Peps French Ruhers, and 11!III:(-roux other artic les belonging to the shoenlakitto husin,•rs. .1 SA EGER* NA E Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale () 4.C7:r .1 SAEGER. OiLS & of all kinds, boiled and taw, Turpentine,. Newark \Tar nish of all kinds, Glue be sold cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. _•_ _ Pi, A NES.—A full assortment of Planes of Sohn Bell's best make, also a large assort ment 4.4 Carpenter's Tools, for sole rhoy 0 & .1 SAEGER. W II ITE I ,EA D.—Q. urns of W hite Lead just received, Pure uttd Extra. and for salt 0 &J SAEGER. HOLLOWARE.-500 Iron Pots and Kettles. just retieivud,and for sale at very reduced prices at th.i store of & J SA EGER. 71.11), May 8 To Builders. A splendid assortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, german Locks. Latches; Bolts, [-bilges, Screws, Paint Bru - sh es, and a variety of other building Hard ware just 'unpacking, and for sale cheaper than ever by • OSc J SAEGEH. May S. I y Cal" ila 4 " • is In t\ Vida. .s,.;axxl. Captain ll extt4 •P. ;NAGLE, respectfully announces that by the encouragement of its friends lie has leased the large and comino diotis house formerly occupied by his father, on Hamilton street, (continued) in East Al .lentown, as n Saloon e,ad • llntor of Geiseral RefreNhinent, %vine.' hr iiiiw fiitiiil 1111 pi si , i• u lis it •Iii:11 111 7 InCI:11, S-I;tv A. Turner & Co's. uNITRI t.„ N j • I/ ~r . ott`Z 7 3 a . 4)71; ' 11. ;1 4! :04t v i <le Mil .211111111111.11 MID 1113 113 , spb.ndid Citravrtn will cater tlw Poro.lati cf Allyntown,im of May or 0, accoin: tuned a , i!s• l -1 , 1 by 11)- fottotis •...N •w York Bra ...q flan I." Tilt. iho snow tvhicii Ivore ox!libitoti by 1 7 ;..n Amiliwgit through the rriNcipa ttities Europe. 'l'll ,, ELEPHANT excite:, the ‘vonderatid surpris.,. t•yory in vho 11:;:, soca 1.1.: L021195:I The Eq3eFf,rian is composed of 11 cortipitoy of are ithout their superiors in the lolowt world. ainow" the number is the Eix-Horse Rider, 13. Tunfr, and that clo , vn of all clowns../..11E FE/ 7S. lloors open et 11 o'clocli. P. M. Performance lo commence C '2 am', 7 P. NI. Atltnist.:Ha onl cent. Chi!dren undt.r 9 ycars hall price. On the Itlth of Alas. !Ito company will ex hibit in Kutztown, Borks May 8. vIN at e Sale O 1 , Valittbie '1 1 0',1,11 Pro poly, ornier,igiti(l to di:- po,t of ilk Town Proper at private sale. It consists of a splendid two story 4 4 4' 5 I ITOUS.I3 o r , • .1 lot of ground, situated co the %vest bide Of A!len•str-rt, in I'w 0 n._ 4 ! ) of Allentown, near tbe Alarlct ,1111:11.0, 11,1- joining on the north n lot of Ephiaiui Grim, on the south by the 1 ,,t t f ‘vi.l w Selma z, an the 0 es. , by a poi Ali. v. •to I containtritz in front leet.ltod leet. Thereon is erected a n, , ty .itscy Brick lionse,'with a two story kitchen it. tacked. There is oku n w tsh kitchen on the remises. For ht ;tiny and conveiti ..nce there is no better property ill too ti. and t t rsons purclinse in AlloaLwn do will to (ermine it I:• , Cory i they t ll:chase elseo..liere. '1 he condi , ions wnl be mode rn Corn Inild:llin9; 0-rms. vio \t• prt.,..•rty • . 1 Lt tiie FILUNELIN S L E 1"11.E12. 081 Clocks and Watches. Charles S. •Tiasseg, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he bus recievcd at his establish:llcm. nearly opposite the German Reformed church in Allentown. a lartte assortment of pr.o JEWELRY, CLOCKS, W.I. TV 53 IE, Zr.,; ;- ::::xs. , f t p . , :; , i k -,.. 4 ,, corm.bflimT of (i1)1,1) aml 1i..,, ,t1 b' ~,• 1 4, SU XElt Rump. Lwurs, C c ~,,.. A . 0,1111;1H-1nd niiin Pti.r -t" c.. ,' P , - ' . ' •-• • ~. AL . ' '''' 7 •7' "* ••=" . fish and French. Watch, es sold by hiln are warranted, and as low as OW SSW , ' quality ran be porchnst d at cther t•smblishincnts in . town or elst where. f 1 is assto town( of Cioel:s coo-i=t of Brss..., eight day. thirty hours, and alarm, from 8 to 12 dollars. I li%s .svicrtion of .I,.wi.lry con,i•ts in part of (I.dd rings. lirucelets. Breast Hns. Oold and Pvneils, lit•ys, (mold Pens, of n superior gnarl:y.47.c. tic InS liko on trawl n vniiety •O!' Fel,VG.r .-1117'1('LES. Such a , steel-head , for purses and Silvor t , •n alid tablo • p.ons. (1;1.1,1 I .zilv, Every ; niticle sold by h in, is tvart•ahted to be such us represented, cud should they prove otherwise CHtl be returned, and the money will be refunded. His stock hus been purchased with a view to supply the 'citizens of this county with good and genuine nrticles in his brunch, and which have been selected front the best and most extensive houses in Nets-York nod ithil m i c iphia. Ile hopes ht: doe potential' le Iris hnsliiess,;4olll priced; to Imet. n nf and Jewdry, rolatir a•tl in tilt , bv,t manner anti at the shorti , :t ntiijc. , . 01.1 Gold and Silver taltt ain ex for Gods.. Call and see, then judgd for vour.elve.s. May I. 1.331, Aloe& 'Lost, The gentleman to whom I lent an un bound volume of "The norticulturiza," will please leave it at the dike of the . "Lehiuh Register;" and oblige P. WYCICOFF. MAy IPO OD I The subscribers having ebtablished the Cash or Ready Pay System, will aftei• this date only pay the following prices for Wood : Hickory $-1,00; White and Chestnut Oak $3,50, Black Oak $3,00. SAMSON, WAGNER, it, Co, May 1. o'lour ..... U.trrt lu•nt . . . . I Bush.; I tye Cot . . • • . • • liuck‘vhcat . HLts:erl. . CI )vorscrd t' I Ilotatot s Said . Butter • kar,l . . Tallow . it?t`sl . :11:: 11:11:1 11 - 01 • . WE ~:),...., „!..f;-L ITtch To ;! F I.'l l )a' V1:;• r ) '•111. .sott i'l. ~[ •r Th.. t:n.lor , igm- , 1 hc. carne, to the cnn• clrsicu :o oir , .a. at 11: nalo her valitetl:lo real in Ailt.niotvil, ns Po!lows : MEM T - 0 11l ! , ! . >"Yr•' I ,3 ' •s~:. 1 ..1 II i MEI = =Ell Ili .11 . 1 BM El r,tl IT EN %... .. ~j ~ a . ~. ~~ ~~,siv r% T. ?'; a~A T SALE, r No. I. .1 cony twn story eiz E.F ti. p I* l o r • • eslatie James tiol col.' gI,;,L: 50 fort r.ncl (io , p, on tho orot ..ide of flea street, on a lot which is 60 fett from l.y feet Jer), tlx north side of :!'in lot-froms--10-feet-on- the t-sr } uare.l.i~cra is al-a a 1ar,40 frame barn and a wool boos-. on dmr. It nLs comaimr a largo varie• ly of the mast t.Lritiu .nod Choiceßt Fruit Trees, ;‘, ricote, phniis, chin ries, pea r 5. r • plus, ;;rape s , shrubbery and flowers, ail io the finez.i. coalition. 9-j` I\ vonirnt one Ttr_try 1 4 0v . 4 4 Frame house, s.l 30 feet .front by 2:30 deep, adjoin ite4 lot N'o. I, on the North, the lot of .rt.ssi3 NI. Line on so:ill], a alit y or. the E•t,t, The is frlote, Lite and e half story high, anti hontitifoily property is tindonbt-dly nno cf :he st sititiviol in Ow I.3ctott l rett, front• ii-1 t enci I r n ..,; i • i • iv iu tL , rai: , I Criv Tip. \v !i.,1. , C.!.1 :,.!they, tirty ht. C to 1)(1[1;11;1 , 0.N. op,t. I,r torr.)s (-In be matZd nc CCt[IIIU7U;I!.tI [~ t - ,hotild not lot tlits. , opportuni ty pa:'S Woll6ll'l. !:,t2 ntivannnf,v3 th It tv clorived fruot the of this th.. properly, w;i. i•:111 ❑n a the t::.; 'S 11 • or, sant , . .20A3. \1.!\;I P. — E • CIE CO a ;1 1, Manley and Counsellor at Law, No. I. NORTH SIXTH STV.F.E7, Mly 1. The Navig:ttion Opened, ° l *-- 64,5":1e0,,.. ce..".: ..;5 , ... , ...... . 4 .1 . : ; tf : r ' 1 4 , 9 :, :: .Er:•' C... ?". -t. . 7 -...4Z - t P:-: - .' ----- 1 -;."-,-..-- -,;.• . - -1. - p_:;. , , s <4'z ,, - J.. r. __. n.-- - %__, ,7::•i , e'.1::.--yr-...;-°-• — •--• '-,- -----,--.- --- -- ':f•P'* -- _ - ..--n-, - -:.4 - 4sitaZ4Vltal";ol,llAkifr,, , l'' Lehigh Transportation Company, Giv, notice that they are now prepared to r , c , ure Merchandize and Mrward with pro,u ins.:3: and di3:patch from Philadelphia to E:l,ton, auldehem, Allet:lc:Wu, Mauch Chuol;, Penn Haven, White Haren, and Wilhcs-Barre, and also to all interewdiat.3 dace , oil the Delaware and Lehigh Canal., and Lehigh and Susquehanna Rail Road, Proprietors would inform their friends, end customers that they havo Et; P E h.•ir Old .Stand, Biocks's Wharf, to • Va. , . IVhari at,ove-Vii , . Street. direct ty opposite the F..alt Store of di. ffria;hl 4' Nip to, They also Forward Goods to and from New York to Wilkes Barre and intermedi• ate points vita Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Delaware and Lehigh Canals. Goods Shipped by this Line from New York will go by .4. S. Neilson & Son's Line of Vessels to New Brunswick, which will be forwar.l , d at the Albany Basin, Foot U. dor :Arcot, North River. Any i,llOrointion required can be had of Messrs. & Metticr, No. 64 alley Street, at, Ait.:•srs. Neihou & Son Agent's office, No 6,, West street. NI ' , reliant:. and others having goods to ship from New York to any of the above places, will find this route the nearest and most wi ped it ions. ' The Proprietors hare large and. comma dibus Store Houses at Eaqon, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkes Barre. ABLE, WILSON & CO., Proprietor: SCBNTS: H. S. Moorhead, Philadelphia ; John Opdycke, Easton ; Borheelc & linauss, Bethlehem ; A.. J. Ritz, Allentown; A. W. Leisenring, Main ; A. Pardee &Co., Penn Howe ; Blakeslee & Horton, White Liasill and Wilkes-Barre. „ Akril 10,1651 ii I IG 1 5 '25 1 Oo 63 I 26, tit)! OZ ., <;F , rt; 5i • 3. 50 I 50 3 V 2 75 5 "I 4'2 ;4 i st). I 5 0 4 Co, ou 2 59 I. 75 - cp; I ' b h NEM S! ‘• 11^ '2 - I 7'2 0 Ot) 5) : ) 1 -,t) s - , 1 1 s 0 I 5.) a G• .1 011 = :1 5;1 1121 4 ',-3m;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers