Eleuoteb to News, fiterature, poetrn, Science, illecljanics, 'Agriculture, the illiffusion of Useful 3nformation, eeneral 3ntellignce, 'Amusement, iliaructs, &c. VOLUME V. • THE LEHIGH REGISTER, Jb publishedin the BorougAilf Alleittauut,Lehigh_ • County, Pa.,every Thursday BY AUGUSTUS L. RUBE, 4t.sl 60 per annum, payable in advance, and 42 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No ila'pat discontinued; until all . arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. ADVERTIBRMKNTS, making not more than one di/date, will be inserted three times for one dollar find for every subsequent insertion twentyfive cents. Larger advertisements . chargd in the, same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions fur 50 cents. lia'A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. VP Office in Hamilton St., one door East of the German, Reformed Church, nearly opposite the "Friedensbothe Office." Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. K E Wet, KENVE, Have lately returned from New York and PhOadelphia,with their first arrival of Spring and Summer Goods, at which they are now engaged in unpacking, and which they are prepared to sell at extraordinary low prices for C a .9. h. Having disposed - of a great part of their old stock during the winter, they have been enabled this spring to fill up their assortment with fresh and the most fashionable styles of Goods ; their new stock will compare favorably with any other in the place. Their assortment of Ladies Dress Goods; is very complete, embracing handsorri. black and fancy figured and plain silksMerage de Ltins, Berages, de lains, mcus de leins poplins, Irish poplins, alpacas, lawns, lust-, res, prints, gloves, hosiery, &c., all of which will be sold 20 per centuin cheaper than at any other establishment in the place. 'CLOTHS and CASSIMEILES, Vestings, fancy and plain, and all 'other lcinds of gentJemen's•Spring and Summer dress goods of the most fashionable styles. Ladies and Gentlemen of Allentown and vicinity are respectfully invited to call, and all who want to save money in their pur chases of Dry Goods,.of any description will find K E RN & KLINE'S store the right place. Goodi freely shown and customers waited upon with the utmost politeness April 3 GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, They have on hand a large supply o fresh Groceries, Fish, Salt, and Queens ware, all of which they will dispose of very cheap. • KERN & K LINE. April 3. *-4w hooking Glasses. Also just unpacking a large and splendid assortment of Gilt and Mahogany framed Looking. Glasses, and for sale at the New York Cash Store of KERN & KLINE. .*-4w April 3, CaRPETS. • Just - received and for sale the best quali ty and latest styles of Three-ply and Ing rain Carpets, from the best American man ufactories, warranted to be superior to any heretofore in Allentown. - KERN & KLINE. *-4w April 3 Ludwig Wolf, Manufacturer of Cast Iron Railing n allentown. Adopts this, method to inform his friends find the public in "general, that he manufac tures Iron Railing. of a variety of patterns, of wrought and cast iron for Balconies, Cemetarles, Railing for Churches,. Public or Private kuildings, Porches; &c., toget t her with all inds of plain and ornamental Iron work. Persons wanting work of this kind done, will do well to give him a call and select such patterns, as will suit their taste. Thankful. for past .favorS he hopes by strictdttendance to his business and his IoW charges he will be able to gain many rdw customers. • LUDWIG WOLF IJ-4w March '27, • Brandretli and W rights Pig, achintry merchants and others, are here by notified; that the fat famous Pills of Doctors WilliatrrA. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are cbfialit'a'l 'kept fo'r sale at the office 'of the "Lehigh Re4tster" by the dozen boxes, at wholesale prices. July 5. . —Gin , . '...,-..1 ___,=_____,_=_. . 7,= _ ...... ___ c_ __.15.... F air.7 • - -1 ... vs F....._.=--... , :... .... lia. . V P • , .. .._, ___________________ ________ ---:—.:, 7.1, t c ~, N; ;" ‘ \“-----------• :___ ::,:-. ------I'--r et :—. 'es.,...7 ...,%. :5.---?1'.."'14:*.1. I.lZ''''' --1---•• . ..d. . ...;-----" =-5.....-- - - ' ".""'&'" --- Aft, -- ,...t I ~, .- • , ~.*21 . 1 t4 ~,,,, .__________,__. . : 411 - ' ,. . t . - -- ....4=-.,-----7r- .00ri.4 , 11( - _, A , -,....--.. it .,......,„ --, -.. ~'.• -, , . __________ _.,..,--. . ----‘_:---- • --- f---------- -'4,l,ex c4....)2 , . , ..,_,,,. ..: , - 1 __r.....3. _.. ,-,--= 4, it „...,. , ..,,,, c _...p ..,..,. ~. . , •,..._ ___________ k - -- '- -- 1;, --- 7:.-,--* .- - ,i: =77: -.-:d..., , ,,,gv. ,• ',Ai - • --.-- .. ....I .' • ....... 4 ...,.;,.;-, ,;.,, .N,..... ~...... .-•••-.: .-- ..,; 'it: • ...' , .. • • ~• 4;• le to , / b . . •=4" ' , -' , -- - .5 7, v..;• ...: --...--.... .......... r fr ,A. - ,&*„_• --. .„ ' ,', ` ,. /.r:‘ ,-,.`1. - 1 X .17.•7 ,- "a4„i' 4, . . .....,.., ily 3: 41 , 1 13 : :., meloiiir r, • la§ x ~ . ,4 = TIA -- ' , ‘ ' -;(1',,,13:•'..'"Atw:i.t4., '41.4‘•1`'.. . . l'•---- 4-:,:i„ . ...._..,..,,, ~....... ,„ ~ , - 0 . 1 •, A .Ln ... - ~.. _ • . ''' '''__.„.--''''' 4eft>''. 7 . 3 g . •tWk.,o„`"'' •-...•.' 4 ' : :t k c6;4 o ],l' ' 4 ' : ' , '...:1,,'.q,..," - _____ ___________ ._ . _ ___ . _ _ _ __ ___ _ . ____ .._:-:_... - •__, -: :,,,,, ' .p"...,2 1 . 't -.' ..,,v . ; .., .. - ''''',.-. '1: -..- ... as..- A FAMILY NEWSPAPER..,. - 4 '-4w and secure the patronage of all those who will favor them with a cull and examination• of. their stock. They continue to do all kinds of CUS TOM WORK in the best manner, and at short notice. i - V'aLEFITSII 7 .II?RaNTED.., u By strict attention to business, and by selling all their goods as cheap as the chew. pest, they hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. N. B.—The latest Fashion plates always on hand and for sale. • Allentown, March 13, 1850. V Cheap and Good Watchezl, A Jewelty & Silver-ware, whole ,* sale and retail, at No. 90 North A . /..:, Second street, corner of Omar ,:iatCSiiilil; ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled; 18 caret cases„ • $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, Silver Lepine Watches, jew elled, Oll and over Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1,50 to 7 Fine Gold Rings, ' 371 cts. to 80 Other articles hi proportion. /I‘ll Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a fuji assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of'M. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co. John Harrison, G. (5.- R. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Movemento, which, will be cased in any style desired. Arrankements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best man ufacturers of Liverpool. to furnish at short notice any 'required style of Watch, for which orders will be 'taken. and the .name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested: • 0. CONRAD, Nci: 96 North 2nd. St. Ihnporter of Watchee, . • Pflikdelphin, Nov. - 29. 11—ly Every Day Brings Something New! ithirs — A — Great Cmtryl Newly Established Cash Root tii• Shoe Store. Good ST, Sairar, NIP ESPECTFULLYinform their many friends and the, public in general, that they. have lately established themselves in the fashionable . Boot.& Shoe . 4 014 BUSINESS, one door east of Gangewer's Hat Store : and nearly opposite the "Register" Printing Office. They have just received from Philadelphia, one of. the largest and best selected assortment of STOCK ever brought to Allentown. They have pur chased for cash, and are determined to do business upon no other but the cash Principle. They would here beg leave to state, that customers shall save themselves the trouble of asking a credit, as they will positively re-, fuse it. To such, however, who will deal with them upon the Cash principle, will find a difference in the price of Boots and shoes equal to 25 percent. less than they pay upon a Credit. They, will always be prepared to do cus tom work at the shortest notice, and will do up Ladies and Gentleman's work in the latest and most fashionable styles. Ladies', plisses and Childrens' fancy dress shoes, and Gentlemen's and Boys fine and coarse Boots. always kept on hand. They hope by practical attendance to bus siness and t. uch reduced price to be able to merit a share of public patronage. March 13 - • Go oeta"ettcs to all 1M 6:3 LU M. 9 i01301.1e Tailoring & Ready-made CLOTHING STORE, Has been removed froni the Odd Fellow's Hall to the building formerly occupied by the "Allentown Saving Institution," nearly opposite the German Reformed church, where they have just opened an extensive variety of the best made Clothing over got up in Allentown ; being an entirely ncw assortment, consisting, of CI:SATs-Dian kinds, PANTALOONS of every pattern, VESTS and VESTINGS of the latest and most fashionable styles, together with SUSPENDERS, Swum, and SHIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS, &e. All of which they will sell at prices so low as to Excite the Astonishment FASHIONABLE Jewelry Establishment ! ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., APRIL 17, 1851 TheAl_vigation-Op6nedJ. Philadelphia, .911entown 4- Mauch. Chunk TRANSPORTATION LINE, For transporting merchandize between Philadelphia, New Hope, Easton, Fete mansburg, .Bethlehem, Allentown, Weiss port, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, and all intermediate places along the Delaware and Lehigh Canals ; shipping from Budd of Coni/.7/8 Third Wharf, below Vine street, on the Delaware. BICKER, LONG, & Have lately purchased the Line at Boats, known for the last two years as are Tren ton and Lehigh Transportation Line and previous as Cook's, Line. They being new, beginners, hope, by careful and prompt attention to their busi ness to get a liberal share of patronage. The proprietors have large and commo dious Store House at all the above named 'stopping places.• HECKER, LONG, & CO., Proprietors. ./!GENTS_ Stephen-Long, Ph Hack! phia, Samuel L. Opie, New Hope, G. W. Housel & Cp., Easton. G. & A. Baclunnn Freeminsburg, -Charles Seidel-. Bethlehem, William Hecker. Allentown, Lewis Weiss, Weissport, Robert IClotz, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Flazleton, Horton & Blakeslee, White Haven. March li. 11--43 m - Orders RCCeid/ed F C) R Fruit and Ornamental Trees, 91111 E undersigned intends visiting the -Ca' numerous Nurseries, in the vicinity of New York, immediately on the opeirtihg of Spring, and will be happy to execute all orders entrusted to his care in the way of 14\i' -.71.k Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens,. Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Creepers, _ herbtaeous Plants, Bulbous and Tuber our Rot& Flowers, Eseulant Roots, //edge Plants, Box P.,d,i,ring, Catalogues can be seen i t his residence. All articles will be selected personally by him, and brought on immediately. Orders should he sent in before the first of March next. H. W. CR( )SBY. Near the Borough of Easton, Penn February 20. ¶-2m 1 0G1 laja:4l LP.121.Z.9 Murseryinan 44• Florist, Rising Sun Village, Germantown Road near PHILADELPHIA. 'ft LIN A s u rtrrs 3 al n a t e t i s e n e: iv r t d , t a l n o n r t d . ment of Fruit Frees, consisting. of • Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Apricot,. as well as Ornamental and Shade Trees of every variety, and Evergreens, viz., Balm of Gilead, Silver Fir, Red and Black Spruce, Norway Spruce, NVhite Pines, Ar bortitae, Tree Box, &c..; also Shrubbery, Roses of many kinds, Grape Vines, Hardy Plants, Raspberries, Currants, Ossage Or ange, Herb Roots, Ve! , etable Plants, Garden and Plower Seeds—Wholesale and Retail —prkes moderate. His stands for the sale of the above in the. City, are in tilt' Ma kt•t street Nla rk et below Street, where orders are also received. Ii Communicationsmay be• addressed by mail; to the direction of S. MAIIPAV, Ris ing Sun. I'. 0. Philadelphia county. • February 20. —2m—f2 WILLIAM S. MARX, • $l6 and over ATTORNY J COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the western front room of the buik,lng of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1850 _ ya ';11 , 1 "ArfORNEY AT LAW. Office one door east of 1c0163 Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh . county, Pa Allentown, March 28. EPPIIIMOD .1. ;mown; AT TO RN E YAND CO ONSkLL OR AT LAW Offlee a few doors west of the Court House. laqie can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages Allentown - , April 4. Clove• ete Timothy Oeed. 50 bushels cloverseed and 25 bushels Timothy seed of prime quality, on hand and for sale by, , PRETZ, GUTH - er, Co. March 13, • ¶-4w. — poetical - 134W ment. The Flag of our. Repubho. Th 4 Flag of our Republic By valient men was rai.vd, While traitors bargained fora fee, And tyrants stood amazed. Nor traitor's wiles, nor tyrant's hand, Though tried and fried again, Has n'er pulled down that noble flag, Or fixed on it a Stain I . The Flag of our Republic Announce the brave and free, Where timid vassels couch and bend, In climes beyond the sea ; And on the slippery, 'sanguined deck, And on the tented field, IP It gives assurance that the foe Must fall, or Ily, or yield. • . The Flag of our Republic Revives the exile's heart, As kindred sob a last farewell, And early friends depart; He blesses it upon the mast, And hails it on the shore, Where lordly rule and lordly wrath Are felt and feared no more. The Flag of our Republic Has still preserved her stars, Amid domestic feuds and broils, As well as foreign-wars; And God, I trust, will keep them still, A dazzling galaxy, 'fill time shall fade a i pd wane away. Into eternity, (Prom Mc Pictorial Drawing Room Companion ) The Wayside Flower. A flower by the wayside grew, Shedding its fragrant breath On evening winds and morning dew, On meadow land and heath. And then alone it reared its form, Alone, in feeble power; Exposed to whit Mods and the storm, A modest, wayside flower. And when the even drew aruund The curtain dark of night; _ And hushed was every stirring sound, At waning of the light. The little flower folded then Its purple, silken vest; And gathering round the bright folds then, It gently sunk to rest. Bill soon the "dreary autumn winds," And wintCr's chilling breath, Breathes on the tiny flower, and binds The fatal seal ofdeath. A hare and leafless shrub stands now; Where once the dower grew; And •'walling wind.," will round it blow, spring gins anew. Then will the tender blossoms burst From out their prison cell; And flowers, the choicest and the first, Adorn each glade and dell. £lli~ccllcujcou ctcctiuzir. Relic of Witchcraft. . The Newburyparl Herald gives an ac count of an old house, about to be demolish ed in that town, with which some interest associations are connected. It is on High street, at the head of Market street, and known as the Alorse house, famous as the spot where first originated the Witchcraft delusion in this country. that afterwards i•spread abroad, and from which flowed such terrible results.. The house was built by William Morse, about the year 16.15, and the Herald says, there are better attested 0 colds of the tviteherall, spiriwal rappinq,, std thruayin` , ;, transacted in this house, j than anything l•roug hI. forward by the tee dery spiritual philosophers: Cotton lather says that in the year 1679, j this house was "so infested with demons," that, whereas before, "the devil was chained up, the invisible hand did begin to put forth an astonishing visibility: , The wife of William Moise narrowly escaped being , hanged for a witch, as seventeen persons I gave their written testimony, stating the reasons why they believed she was really a Witch, and ought to be hung according to the old 'Mosaic law, which says, "thou shalt not sutlin' if witch to live." It is said to have been owing to the firmness of Gov. Bradstreet that the life of the wo man was saves; and she vas returned to I her family. IMO A 11-tf No explanation ofthe numerous exhibitions c‘f legerdemain, which took place in this house to such an extent as to excite the wonder of the whole country, ever was giv en, and this is the more extraordinary, al they perilled the life of the inmates and others, upon the scaffold. In Coffin's Histo ry of Newbury, evidence is adduced which leads to the suspicion that they were perpe trated by a roguish grandson of William Morse. It is strange, if he really was the author of the. tricks, that the lad in his after life ; 'if not'at . the' time his grandmether was an trial for herlife, did'not acknowledge 161 agency in the matter. 11-tf NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. The Stranger. . or friendly care, might have given courage One morning in the early part of the ex- • to the stricken soul ; she might in time have Creme warm summer of 18—, I was travel- become resigned to the dispensation of Pro ing along the dusty highway towards the vidence, and have lived a useful and honor city ()IN—. No rain had-fallen for ma- !ed servant of Him whose commands she ny days; and the young grass and humble Ihad thus outraged, wayside blossoms were withering beneath I Reader, condemn her not; for peradven ture even now, thou art not altogether guilt the scorching rays of a Southern sun. I too felt my weary head fast drooping across l less. Has de pair never gathered strength within the breasts of those who read con my path, leaving a long bright lino of verdure to mark its pleasant pathway. ins I tempt - in thy light tone and scorn in thy haughty brow ? Has not the friendless 011111 stinctively I followed the course of s the rivu often shrunk from cold withered glance let; bathed. my hot In'ow in its refreshing waterswatched the tiny fishes sporting and groaned beneath life's burden ? If so, over the bright sands—listened to the song lay thy finger on thy lips and be silent. of the hidden bird, and gathered the wild And thou. dear sister, .who sittest in thy roses that dipped their blushiug petals in own quiet home, surrounded Isis cherished the waves, Thus plelasantly engaged, 1 . I forums and objects, let thy heart ever flow forgot my journey and wandered on through with gnintodo to the ( ;iyer , and remon. l -!r the sweet valley till I reached it large anti- ethe.stranger that is within thy gate." glinted farm-house. It stool beside the creek, and was half concealed by a cluster I • The Rescued Criminal, of weeping willows that swept .its low roof I A great number 'of persons who know with their long silvery leaves. The smoke ' the celebrated Dr. B—, a professor of curled lazily up die chimney; and the die College of Surgeons, have often heard white palings peeped forth from the cluster him relate the following anecdote: of blossoming vines. All outward t dings One day that lie had procured the bodies breathed peace and blessedness ; and ita fof two criminal's, ii;'l) - 6 - had been hung, for few short moments since a tempos to which the purpose of anatomy, nut being able to the earthquake's violence is nothing, raged I find the key of the dissecting room at the within those quiet walls—within the portals moment the two subjects were brought, of a human heart, that now lay all cold and he ordered them to h'. deposited irsan apart pulseless ! and sorrowful to tell, rendered merit contiguous toaliis bedroom. so by its own ungovernable impulse. I en- • During the evening, Dr. B. wrote and tered the open door. A fair young lady read as usual, previous to retiring-to rest.— lay dead on the sofa. Her rich hair lay in The clock had just struck one, and allelic wild masses around her marble neck and family slept soundly, when all at once. a dull finely moulded form ; the long lashes sound proceeded from the room containing - drooped heavily over the closed eyes, and the bodies. the broad open'brow told that a spirit of no Thinking that perhaps the cat had been common order had been-,the inmate of its shut up there by mistake, he went to see deserted halls. Yet the small, delicate fea- what could be the cause of the unexpected tures were strictly feminine, and the deep noise. What. was his astonishment, or tears of sorrow and sufierieg lingered still rather horror, oh discoveriug that the sack around the chill cheek and lips. A.broken which contained the bodies was torn asun r • vial escaped from the palsied hand, told him der, and, 'ors going nearer, lie found thai how the fatal deed had been accomplished. one of the bodies wa; missing. The group of holiest country people who The doors and windows had been fa's stood near, looked down with awe and won- toned with the greatest care, and it appeared . der, and could not conceive how one so fair, impossible that the body could have been delicate., and richly clad, could have aught stolen. The good doctor appeared rather of earthly sorrow. Alas! the rich silken nervous on remarking this, and it was not robe—the jewels that shone on the small without an uneasy sensation that he began snowy fingers were little regarded by the to look about hint, when, to his horror and . unfortunate owner. But who and what is amazement he perceived the missing body she? A stranger from a far laud, who, but setting upright in a corner. a few short days since, Caine to this segues- Poor Dr. B— at this unexpected ups tered glen to seek repose. paritiou became transfixed with terror, A scroll ley beside her, and presuming which was increased by observing the dead that its contents might inform us of her his- and sunken eyes of the corpse fixed upon tory, I opened it and read as follows : him whichever way he inured those dread 'Friends have no Friends! and ful eyes still followed him. therefore as I thus. kiwi strangers, con- The worthy doctor s more dead than alive deems not unheard, one wile has none to now began to beat a quick retreat, without, plead her cause. Perhaps your happier however, losing sight of the object of his lot may prevent you from fully understeud- terror; he retreated step by step one hand ing feelings like mine. You walk beneath holding the candle, the other extended in - the fair skies that smiled upon your birth— search of the dour, which he at lengtft gain you know not what it is to be an exile—a ed ;Jan there is no escape, the sceptre had homeless wanderer on earth, to buy with risen and followed him, whose lived features gold a shelter beneath another's roof, and added to the lateness of the hour and the mark the free smile of the close knit circle stillness of the night, seem to' conspire to fade away, and their accents grow cold on deprive di spoor doctor of the little courage the approach of the pale-faced stranger.— he has left ; his strength fails, the candle Yet she, too, once lied fliends and relatives falls from his hand, and the terrible scene A band of young sisters wreathed their soft is now in complete darkness. arms within hers, as they sported in the The good doctor has, however,',ghined his merry springtime on the green baeks of the apartment' and thrown himself on his bed Vistula. An honored father siwltered them but the fearless sceptre has followed him front evil by the broad shield' id his MUM' —it has caught him and seized hold of his and wide-spread lands, and the fond eye of. feet with both hands. At this climax of a mother followed us with unsleeping love• terror, the doctor loudly exclaimed, "Who- We rejoiced in each other's joy and knew ever you are, leave me ! "Al this the sceptres no sorrow, till the grasping hand of despo- let go its hold, and moaned feebly these • tism drove us forever from Poland. We words : -Pity, good hangmen ! have pity found shelter on your peaceful shores ; but lon me!" The gond doctor now discovered my proud father's heart grew faint, as he the mystery, and regained' hy little his corn thought of his fallen name and desolated posure. Ile explained to the criminal who country ; and in a few short months he died had so narrowly escaped death who he was, My sisters dmoped like sweet lihissouis trans- rind prepared to call up some Of hh3 ramify. planted from their native clime, and' faded, Do you, thim, wish to destroy mu ?" one ry one, away from earth, end she who exclaimed the criminal. "If lam dis ease us hirth—whose life was, as it were, Coversd, thy adventure will become pub a part of ours—she too bent down her lit•ad lie, and I shall lie brought the sealibld and listened no more to my voice as of old. a second time. In the. name to of hum anity; Day by day she became mere silent, until save me from death !" death came to r. store her to those who had The goad doctor then rose and proetired gone before. Why did 1 not follow thetil f. a light ; he notified his unexpected visitor "Iran, the tried fri e nd and sharer of our in an old dressing gown ; and having made fortunes still stood at any side, and supper- huh take some restoring cordial, express ted by his strong love and faith, I again liG ed a desire to know what crime had brought . ted up my eyes and. dared to hope. I him to the scafrold dreamed not that there was no future for He was a deserter. • him ; for he strove to conceal from me the The good doctor did not well knoW what. slow fever that was wearing away his vitals; - means to employ to save the poor creature. and when at last he sunk upon his couch, He could nor keep him in his house and to, he still held my hand and smiled, us if death turn hint out would be to expose him to cer itself Was disarmed by the mighty power of thin death. The only way, then, was to get love. him into the country ; so having made hum: "It was a dreadful night. The lightning dress himself in old clothes which the kind, flashed, and the fierce storm bent against doctor selected from his wardrobe, his left our crazy dwelling, till it rocked and shook town early, accompanied by his Protege, to its foundation. I prayed that it might •whom he represented assail assistant in a fall—that I-might die with Iran ! But she difficult case upon which ho had been tempest bussed away,' mid the cold grey called in. light of morning found me seated beside When they got into the open country the his lifeless form—alone in the world. yet wretched creatate threw himself at the feet his spirit still hovers round me in the dim of his benefactor andliberator,to whoßhe • night and by day, ‘ S Something from the swore an eternal gratitude ; and the gener blue clouds beckons me hence. Iran ! I ous docker having relieved his wants by a come! and may heaven—" small sum of money, the. greatful creature Here the •manuseript'•beeame illegible left him with Many' blessings and prayers •• from the' tears of the unhappy* writer. My. for his happiness.' • • • own fell fasts ns 1 exClnitned, Oh I that I About twelve years alter this occur oeis had come sooner I—Perhaps -a kind voice, Dr. B—had occasion to visit Minter- NUMBER 28
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers