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' •' 414 -=•------ 7 - 7 -' = - t.; . t.;•• ...... -...,. .}i '. .. • I . • Z dam, • ' s ' . ..i . 1. - , • . ' - ----- • ' ' % ' ,IA! . I . k . ' iriP ".. ,'• ', i t # -.' "1, .:• ...-'' • •, ,,f fir'' .. r..1A . .:f kiri,.•.ft-.., ' .• 111 ' ' ~. • • .... • 5, . 7,• _`.. 7 r- 7 - ":-... . 1 1 4 . • . • : - . 1 e• 7 ~.,.., c is. - I.b. , .. 2 ,0"' • .. ol d to 5 , ~..i..r411 , m it t 4 4 , .. - ---- - r -- $x .• 1a1t,,.., % 1 4 : , --:..--;:-..- --- . 1 / 4 .e.:.- _ .. 1 .47,- - ,1,..t.-.....-1: : A„' ...,A.,r.0zp_t4 , 0:" , -...z—. , -.. ~,,„__,,..-7 , .. ____— ~„ .........,-.4. , ,_. • ...e k r.- ___ -.. __ L. — - NEUTRAL IN 11()LITIcs, , MILY .NEWSPAPER. ___ _____....._ ......_____ -..:_,_- ___ . . Eleuoteb.to 'News, Eiternture, Poch"), Science, illecljanico, '2,griculture, the Eliffusion of Itiocful Jnforniation, eeneral 3iftelligncr,:kranoemcnt, &c. VOLUME V. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, Is published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh minty, Po ..every ThurAday I . IY AUGUSTUS L. RUIIE, At,l 50 per annum, payable in advance, and OQ if i tO:4 paid until the end of the year. No paper.discontinued, until alt . arrearages are paid ...112 s eptat . thte option of the. proprie l tin. Ai.v,civisc:irs,making. not more than one square, will be hiscrnd three times for one dollar and for ever subsequent, in s ertion t weqtylive cents. Larger ailv&isements chara .41 ; the . , same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines will be charged seventy-five cents, and those makinp six tines or less, three Insertions for 50 cents. 17V . A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. LV" Office in Hamilton St., one door East ol the German Reformed Church, nearly opposite the “Friedensbothe Ogice.". eVe te Goods. TnE subscribers have just received from Philadejphia a very large aul de sirable lot of Spring and Summer Goods, which they feel disposed to sell at very low prices: We. truly invite our customers and the public in general to give us a call and examine our goods, as we feel confident that all can be suited. We would not dare to say that we sell at least 100 per cent. cheap er than any of our neighbors, but we have the courage to say that we sell as cheap as any of them PRETZ, GUTEI & Co Alarch 20 Carpels. 'ri t e undersigned have lately received from Philadelphia, 10 pieces 3 Ply and In irrain the beauty and quality of which c Intim possibly he surpassed in this town. Fur sale cheap by PRETZ, GUTH & Co Mar Chi 20 Crockery. -Just received a very large assortment of Queenstvtire, which will be sold unusually low by PRE'I'Z, GUTH & Co March '2O Dried Peaches. 25 buihels dried Peachcs of the best quality, in store and for sale by PLETZ, GUTH & Co. ,March 27. 11-2 w COdL. to consequence of the Coal mining Com panies having reduced their prices of Coal, the sabsCribers hove reduced the price of Chestnut Coal to $250 cents and Stove, Egg and Lunip, to $3 50 cents per ton and in vite their customers and the public in gen eral to g i,:6 iheip a call. PRETZ, GUTH & CO. April 3, 1851. 11-4 w EDMUND J.lllOllB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office alert) doors west of the Court Ilcuise. Liirtic can be consulted both in, the Ger man and Et es . h languages Allentown, April 4 A. General Festival uffisiille, Lehigh County, Pa. This splendid large new brick lintel, late ly erected by the un dersigned, in Goths " ville,South Whitehall township, Lehigh co., will be opened on Easter Monday. the 21st of Spril, for the reception and acdoinedation of those who may visit him with their .dulls. On this occasion a Splendid New Sees will be raised, to which old and yoUng,..are invited to bei•present. He will indeaver to make slieh preparations for his Table, as will satiety flit' dreatest epicure, and his Bar is furnished with the choicest of Liquors. Tti the evening his large and splendid Ball'riliVni will be furnished. with a full band of to entertain those who wish to •trip it on the light fantastic toe." Lovers of Music and Sport should pot fail to be in attendance. • , •, , N :s 151 - • - •"7:7: I iiti i (1111 I ` Those who "sport the Rifle and drive the nail" will ai.io have an opportunity to exer cise themselves, on the above day as it will Le the last change of the season. The Marks Ken of Lehigh, Berks, Bucks, Northampton 'and Carbon, are invited to be present, to show what they can do on a rest nt 100 yards, or at off-hand nt 60 yards, kluzza! now's your time, notf or never The Festival will commence in th.o foor noon, at 10 o'clock, Marksmen at a diitance should not fail to come early. March 27, A FA The Navigation Opened ! -t , Philudelphia,..9llentoton'tS• Blanch. Chunk TILINSPORTATION LINE. For transporting merchandize between New Hope, Easton, Free , mansburg„ Bethlehem, Allentown, Weiss port, Manch chunk. mid White Ha yen, and an intermediate. places along the Delaware and Lehigh Canals ; shipping from Budd Contly's Third Wharf, below Vine street, on the Delaware. HECKER, LONG, & CO. ) 1-lave lately purchased the Line of _Boats, . known for the last two years as the Tren ton and Lehigh Transportation Line and previous as Cook's Line. They tieing new beginners, hope, by careful-and prompt- attention-to-their busi ness to get a liberal share of patronage. The proprietorS have large and commo dious Store [louse at all the above named stopping plttces,_ L L 17 G E NT S: Stephen Long, Philadelphia, Samuel L. Opie, New Hope, 0. W. House] & Co., Easton, G. & A. Bachman, Freeinansburg, Charles Seider, Bethlehem, • William Hecker, Allentown, Lewis Weiss, Weissport, Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk, A. Pardee & Co., Hazleton, HOrton & Blakeslee, White Haven. arch 6. 11-3 n EMI Livery Establkliment. T[lE subscribers take this method to in form their customers and the public in general, that they have lately virchased of Mr. George 11,4,eissel, his extensive Livery establishment, consisting in part of '!--2111 r . 7 . 7 ...„6: Ilorscs, , Carriages, &c. gith...2.. and continuing the business at it,'• • the old stand on William street, in the Borough of Allentown. They will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with sure and gentle horses and splen did fashionable vehicles. 11-‘2lll Pleasure parties or societies, will be furn ished with gentle horses, good carriages and careful drivers,.if requested. Families can be suited at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes. Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has here tofore-gained of being the "best livery estab lishment in Allentown," they will leave nothing undone to keep on hand the best and safest horses, the neatest and most splendid carriages, and sober and careful drivers. They return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage thus far bestowed, and trust that they will be able further to merit a continuance of their support. J. & • r. HOFFMAN. November 21. Nortlrampt. Water Company. MS All persons using the water of the Com pany fur family or other purposes, will please take notice, that the time to renew their permits is the lirst of April next ; and it is .expected that they gill call upon the undersigned Treasurer and renew t 11A r per mits. Those persons who have not settled for their permits front the Ist to the 10th of April, must not complain if the water is stopped from them after that time. The Board reserves the right where the Water is used by joint Hydrants, if not paid by all joined, to stop it if they see proper, as they consider such arrangements solely advantageous to those who connect in use ing the Water, consequently cannot interfere with arrangements of this kind. • Notice is also given to persons who wish to.use Hydrant Water fur building Inuit()) ses, that they must take out their permits before they commence building, and if this rule is not strictly observed, the charge will be double for the Witter.. By Order of the Board, • CHARLES ECKERT, Treasurer. March 20. ¶ —4 w Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has been appointed by the court of Commou Pleas of Lehigh county, at its last session, a Committee over the person find es tate of Thomas Fraek, of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county. Vow be it known to the public, that hereafter no debts of th 6 said Thomas Frack, will, be paid, unless e j on!.raci.ed through'iui uiderirom the under signed. • AARON GUTII ¶-4w. March 0. HECKtR, LONG, & CO., Proi»ictorg efiLLEA'TO 3POP ozt - 147414.1Q JOHN TROXEL, Committee. 11-6 w ALLENTOWN, LE HIG Glorious News ! “NIONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE..' The subscriberS hereby give notice, that after the 20th of March next, they %yin con duct their business on the CASH OR READY PAY SYSTEM, Whereby their customers and a thousand more, can save from 20 to . 25 per ceottnn upon all moneys that they pay for STORE GOODS. As they can afford to sell anods that per cent, cheaper than any other Store that does business upon the credit system. And Another New Feature. After the above specified time, the under signed have the pleasure to announce that to their present large and extensive stocli of Goods, they will add that of Ready Made Clothing, Of every description, which will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this market. To Farmers ! Bring us your Butter, Eggs, Lard. Ham, Bacon, &c. we will furnish you with Clothing from head to foot, ready for wear, without any_CAsn having to-be-paid either for cutting or making. ILeNo goods will be exchanged for wood or produce before being delivered. SAMSON, WAGNER & Co February 26. Orders if ecived F 0 It Fruit and Ornamental Trees. rgiLIE undersiimed intends visiting the - 111- numerous Nurseries, in the vicinity of New York, immediately on the opening of Spring, and will be happy to execute all orders entrusted to his care in the way of • Fruit and Ornamental G k, Trees, Evergreens, Flowering 1 Shrubs, Roses, Vines., Creepers, Ilerbaleous Plants, Bulbous mid Tither our Rated Flowers, Esenlaid Roots, Hedge Plants, Box Edging, 6.c. Catalogues can be seen at his residence. All articles Neill be . selected personally by him, and brought on immediately. Orders should be sent in before the first of March MB Nenr the Borough of Easton, Penn February 20. I , DI CS' *1 Xisorseryman 0 Florist, Rising Sun Villuov, Germantown Road twar PHILADELPHIA ov • - gir A S for sale at his Garden and 11, , - -K. Nursery, an extensive assort , went of Fruit frees, consisting of Pear, Plum, Cherry. and A pricot, as well as Ornainental and Shade Trees of every variety, and Evergreens, viz., 13alm of Gilead, Silver Fir, Red and Black Spruce, Norway Spruce, White Pines, Ar bortitae, Tree Box, &c.; also Shrubbery, Roses of many kinds, Grape Vines, [lardy Plants, Raspberries, Currants, Ossage Or ange, Herb Roots, Vegetable Plants, Garden and Flower Seeds—/Tholoale and Retail —prices moderate. 1-1 is stands•for the sale of the above in the City, are in the Market street Market. below Sixth Street, where orders are also received. r 3 'Communications may be addressed by mail, to the direction of S. MAVPAV, Ris ing Sun. P. 0. Philadelphia county. Pebruary WILLIAM. S. MARX, ATTORNY d. COUNSULLOIL•AT LAW Office in the westi.rn front room of the boiling of John I).l.nwall. fortherle Horn beck's, west of the Courthowse Allentown. A pri 1)S50. -- • - ce L 04.4) in 12 41,,e - ATTORNEY A'l' LAW. Office one. door cast of Nolbs Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 28. CloVer 4 . Timothy Seed. 50 bushels cloverseed and '25 bushels Titnothy seed of prime quality, on hand and for sale by PRE I'Z, Guru & Co. March 1:3, 411—lw avauscou, Throtigh the earnest solicitation of many friends and acquaintances, the undersigned takes this method to inform the public, that he oilers his services to wash, dress, layout and dig graves for the dead, to such who may think proper to give hint a call. lie will be found ready to attend to calls either by day or night. Ile tvill feel thankful to thipse who will favor him with their calls. _ _ TIMOTHY GEIDNER. March 27. ¶-4w EN6LISII AND GIERNAN JOB PRIN'fIING, Of every desciption neatly executed at the “Itegistor" office. COUNTY, PA., APRIL 10, 1851. 11. \V. OE poetical Dcpartnicat. (From the Pictorial Drawing Miom Companion.) Say, Shall We Meet Again The powerful thought Icannot quell, It burns within my brain; I feel 't would kill me pot to see Thy own sweet face again. Though fairer forms may be around, They have no charms for tne, They - cannot turn this faithful heart From dwelling, love, on thee. I wallc abroad, and yet I am A I ,, ne and wretched thing . ; Tile blessed fond of sympathy Wtibia me will not spring. The joys of IN , are naught to me, lily soul is filled with pain ; And never will be comforted Until we meet again \Vhat though the earth has many forms Of beiguty, rich and rare ! - There is not one in witching, grace, WitiLthee that can compare ! - No, no, there is a void within, My bliss is turned to bane; Then say, 0 say, thou will consent That we shall meet again! Twilight How sweetly collies the silver morn, From out yon rose cloud curtained bower; While stars their angel watches keep, And balmy dews einbathe each flower. The glories of the dying day A golden hue have left on earth ; Hushed in the musk; c,c the grove, And gune the shout of boisterous Far as my eye this - hour can scan, The boundless bosom of the sea; No speck of life, or snowy sail Appears bin (toe tranquillity. Rost', over all—sweet hour of pcare, That unto weary man loth bring Oblivion to his careworn heart, Like fanninp, of an angers,wing. iliaixlLu ~cni aCtccticin . ( ro in Sartain's Magazine.) WIFE FIRST GRIEF. Who that has sat down in measureless content, and enjoying the pleasures which full gratification supplied, has not at times felt rising in the mind the painful inquiry. "How long will this last I—What will occur to disturb the happiness which is now vouchsafed ?' I never had a n t'animal to which I was . particularly attached—and I never had one from a cat to a horse to which I was not strongly attached—that I did not occasionally pause in tny • use or caresses of.it, and ash, "What will occur to deprive ine of it—accident, escape, or death lit the midst of social enjoyment, when the duty of sustaining the amusement or the conversation has devolved upon another, how often will the inquiry arise, 'How long will this last.' No sign of rupture is - pre, seated, no token of dissolution is observable ; but there must_ be a rupture, there will be a dissolution. "How twill it come, and when 1 " 1 confess that such anticipations are not always the evidence of a well-balanced Wind ; too often they come front a morbid state of feeling, that frequently produce the very evil they suggest. The anticipation of evil not so much the result of unhappy experience, as the consequence nfa want of seil•sustaining power. Years W;.'IS illy C11;111C0 to kit! ;War n tuna_ W0111:111 at the moment in which She was taking leave of a lover. She stood a moment and . watched his departure, until by turning a corner he was concealed from her sight. "Can it last r said she to herself. "And why not ? if he loves me now, when my station and consequently my manners are less desirable than his; surely he must love ine more when I have had the advantage of Iris association, and have c o nstantly l in • proved by that intercourse." She passed onward.--1 heard no other words, but her steps indicated a unit at ease, or if distur bed, it was the commotion of inexpressible pleasure. "Can it lam and if not, whoa will it fail t —I low will its dimin WIWI manifest itmdf ?" —These were querries which arose in my mind often, us [ thought of the apiiroaching nuptials. And once. a few days after the Marriage, [ saw her leaning against the trunk of a tree. which was then in full blos- 13121=1 She, waS evidently connecting her own new estate with the lovely hopefulness of the branches above her, and she raised her eyes again, 'twas evident that she Was thinking of the future, which was radiant with hope. . For one inoment,,_,a....cloud seemed to pass over her face; it was rather doubt thot !oohed again nt tree and its mu nificence of bloom; the cloud passed from her face, and she came away in evident de light. That was a spring of disappointment, es remember, a frost destroyed the early ve getation, entirely ruined Ow blip;sont,: uu the tree at which she had bgeit tool:Mg. No fruit was borne. It was I apprehend, my own infirmity that led me to think more• of the changes which night come across the path of the newly married person, than anything- in her condition ; for thotig-h I sub i staptentiv saw where iho danger lurked, yet then it was with me the only foreshadowin , of a son e •- what morbid sensibi:ity, contrived to antici pate enough to make the present litt - any with apprehensions of the future. So I watched. Blessed be the race of croakers, whose stomachs are always coojuring up a cloud to darken their ininds and. who itre too unselliz.-11 to lot any on.e pass withwit the benefit of their „overshadowing forebd inas. I watched this' case, fur the first ex clamation which I have rocorded of this young woman had touched a chord of melancholy in my disposition. and so I was anxious to see, how long it would last;' how long the peace, joy, and doarestic f•rli city would continue. It did not seem to me that the disturbanze could origigate with her. The husband was fond of amusements. and hi' kept and useida good gun and some well-trained dogs.. But thoa-1 these drew him occasionally from his leene, Vet tL fine disposition of the wife found in the dumb but sagacious companions of her hos hand, objects of re,ard. She learned to like them, and as became theirmettle na ture, they loved her, joyed itthier caresses, and seemed to have a sober resolvo to watch over her safety, and to seem.r it even at the cost of their lives. I confess that I was disappointed at this, having anticipated that the litter of dogs would have disturbed the equanimity•of the wile, and t h u; have provoked reprisals from the husbuid. It was not long before some event—l think it wits the ordinary result of , security,' the miserable pride of trying to make cue's self considerable iu jeopording the peat: , and confort of a family by goint , 's.tcurity' for a man, in whom others would riot have had confidence or they would not haye asked security—that swept front the hus hand a considerable portion of the property which had made his condition better than the. uifo'sh.:fore tnarriago. •And here.' said I, M will ce.ts- I hope that uiy 1 - 01•1111L4, 4 ware of the ritual MEE 111 elllit6:V. 8011 W 11,11111.. ••••• , :i1 to 1 . 61 1. 1 .111 I.IIOV Ila V t. 6:1 . 11.11. I I ()Illy tlrsirC to I,lu''.' 11.. W to ct the %vie. I Ict Int , b;intl 00;L6 1111.. to 1,11 hor ni the miz.,fortunt.s. "I not very sorry 11, deor, — s tid the liti t wire, —tiorry indeed. It wid compel mi to do much ul the well, which you Atare h ello hired others to perform. I ).) not let the loss of your property mortify you. our yt urs If to dwell o it he error, it it tans au error, ut ii • the act by wllich the lo3ti oc curred." • "But you --Von, fly de;ir Leif - • "It will riot,'' .said she, "essentially atil.et 1110 ; it Will 1 - 10 t adtl to toy labors or anxiety. I must look after the. household ttlrtirs wiw• titer wo have 0111 i flint: or two." wife shed no tears.' She was sorry that lior hu:Nhand should lose that soe.ial dizitinctiori'consequent Ortio suing prop , ety wore than others posse,sed but it was 1):11'll011Ale fet.liWZ in 113 t 010 of 111'0111'11y pincrd fo'r tnnrc 111)011 and removed I•oolothitrtz• of the nilpe;tr:tm:,. of dith:rmico Ifeßvotot them. 'rids thou wm4 out omehof "it holed vei." . • The sullen death of ti, fir : J.-h. - in', child, a hem/idol lily. win the next disturbing came. I ‘'irrts not in the house Burin • the shot•t sickness of the child, hut I mtetiiliid the funerabiand followed the body from the ;unique house of mourning to•the church, yard. When the clouds fell upon the coffin, I thought the mother would have horst. She leaned over to look down into the rest ing place of her chill, and the arm o f friend seemed necessary to prevent her Ilona "ming unto him.•' And I said, "It lasts no lotmer." The frit n I and tieit-Ither 11:11 her hack to her busload. lit it;entle look Ed: itacci ion. t oe sympathy Nl' 11101 it .4;1 Vt. 111 . 1* as he i placed hor anti within his, and drew her towards him, that she 'night !eau on his moldy 11)11 Illy IIIISIal( The mother hail siill;!red, but the Wee tion, nay, the happiness of the wife was complete. fieould a mother be happy returning from the yet unsodded grave of her only child ? Death had softened her heart, and lilted it for the ministration of new itfrection. The father had sulkred in the death of the boy as much as she, and yet at the moment of deepest anguish he had hushed his own grief that he.might sustain her in sorrow. 'rho mother mourned, but the wife rejoiced. [ - low beautiful and beautifying for the mo ment had sorrow become. • It seemed to me as if affection . had never before posses-. aed such charms; it ocetlecl ifilictioo to make it apparont, the sunlight roaring throtl2:h creyie, , s into darkened cloiinhers become. , vi.ilile only ht fluting particles that relli , ct the nivs. The riti:riri of the c;tti ph. were not so pros perom3 a the virtie..s, the industry, the eco nomy. and the ‘voilitanl, excellence of the \vile seemed to deserve, yet she never re pined. I think one or two instances of ex cess on the part or the husband drew large open the forbearance of the wif , , but as even the exceßs was occottirtoivti with ox. pression of allcctioit—they. tlitnil,l) maudlin, , no d to co:wpm-am, The feeling thert was rather a tapprola , nsion for the future than grief, for the present—dorrow and deep mortiii, - ation might have hem' felt. IMt those itistane s, joined with ne tioauluttlYtle d 'cov did not distort) the happiness te; d i , wi n., n h a ppi, tu.,l tt perpetual joy, . . ttp uhrtic f f 1.1.1 sho ! \‘",t Haab: to g.) titrno wi , d)l.lo 2)1 and drop int.) thy ! , -ray.• nWI a smile ! I lar rtanruish tat* the (I .mll o; pr..ved th...) contrary. The 10,-; ,propottv, to 011,2 Wil,) 11E11 ~1 1 beforo, s to produ.l'a no , 4rd.f, and It:t tom-inhor. nr if Ito 110. , not linown the f a ct . Idol now learn it. that thn 1a.,...) of proinoly is more bitterly felt by t 11,), ., who have from poverty tisen ha:• it i- by those %dm trona infancy' to the tli,a,tcr hn l ;Lllvays been rich. Tba of property produend no grief. t1“:1:11 of Itor chii,l 1,•,1 to a no‘v :,:t I an ...ilarT•cl joy in her tlaCr,..iticot hot ti:l (I,Tar tll,6; frp o , toriatteatle,l not °lieut.l tile vridu of hi; wifo. "It will rig ;,!wav inouro ;14 a mother." thought sho. b '•l most altato a portion of me social st:tt, awl I in ty otiott in a Int,* Gine, 61 ntortiti,•.l by s rn^ lots; ittdo'.goiwo tit Any liw41)Ill I. Ipo. Ito' 1, 'loop pt , rittatoutt grief as a wife it is prc;bitYtt I anti to he sp4rt..(l, its a co tipm•ison of lily own constitution whit that. oty htish to 1 shows that in tho of tt nor , I , h di ho spdred the i'intio ry of in.t.tritito2; for In , dt , toh, air( ho saved from sn'irti•v woo , of tvidowhood." Tit.• loss of itr .pirty temlered necessary more !alms nit the part of the husband and that ktt ; .t kiot :a,:_ fr.en bis hontelthan foin-rly ; but ..he Tattle welcome of the wifo cheered the toil-worn husband, and her &d -iem.• c tress e1.a:.;40,1 the gloom settling, on ht, brow oco smiles of c attraction. There; iy is p.•rhaps ionrs pleat:urn in the efforts which silo Wit", Ill'IkIll!f, to produce the evi den,- of gra;ffivittioo in her husband; than there was m the :moat ex.Llitingo of smiles of tv..monlt . mid thanks. The wife grew pr m I m her ii.timmc- to brim , him back to eoj e....i.0it, sae h.-. a nt".v coo-equence why!' she foood that she cok! not milt; recipm. cot e s mi les iota dispel fr.r.vos, not only sl id ..., ;i t th e pleasure s of Immo, hut dismiss the p tile:. l low holy is the office of a ;good wife, and haw pow most hit her sentiments, t t 11, I'll'o th hi . .! . :10.it grititic4tHn by pro. dtwioq• the It tiiptli ' , :j of :m •r. It . ...Li laTO in a summer aftornoen, and I,y ;,pp;,i:,tuient the hu-band ollgilt. LO have l'Cl ll Hit' I 1,:.t or tliroo hours. before. Tit ft this' , " of r..v. lrt, hod for a 1011'r lime disturb !tit Olt' Ittl'.ol' tq1 : . , ,'0 of tilt' village in which the dwelling %vat situ tted—some vulgar frolic. hit:mrto kept in a distant part of thn country, had b;ten adjourned to that neigh boi I:cod—toff the wiy oldie husband on his return did not h., in that cours .. The wife 1,1,1 Tm:! fr,lll,..;itly on uatch for his ap pn,aen, mid to h.eet him with a smile of web.,; n. , ---.lb.it smile which makes borne de -11,,!;!.1!1, Will: It lilll'arl.tt it ii retains. She lottiseti all \ illtl , iy It) the left, and stretched 11.. r t V'S nl i m7 the road in hope that some toket, ni his ttpproardi would bo presented ; there was none. Even the dogs that had followed her out failed to give notice of his coming. She leaned over the tailing with tniArustless hope—he would come soon, and wooid repay her fur all her anxiety by extraordinary evidence of affection. She summoned up fur her consolation the thou sand kindnesses of her husband, his, constant changeless love, his resistance or those errors that marred the domestic happi ness of so many families, 'and like a true wife, she suflitred the lustre of her own pu rity, exmllcnce, anti affection, to gild the character and conduct of her bust:and. She was started from her revery of de ! light and charity by an unusual outbreak of noisy debauchery front her wretched drink iiig house. below. She leaned forward, and stand fixed in horror at the sight. Ller husband was in the ntidst of the ri otous host, in sickening, disgusting lama. arty With an abandoned one of her own sex. She stepPed back until an angle of her; own house concealed from her the painful scene. A thousand previous matters that had scarcely excited a thought became then of importance, in the explanation which was given in what she had seen. She rat. Fed her apron to her eyes, but there were no tears ; her hands dropped on the fence before her; a. feeling, came over her heart , such as she Lad not before experienced. .:.°_,.. She had felt a woman's regret for the 191. s aj her property ; .tho another h . , IA I l' ; t ► N'. I , 11 - ' s.iid I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers