Lochman & Eck, ItLINURICTURERS DESLL'RS, -IN Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps. The nineteenth century being the age of Magnetic Telegraphs. Steamships, Locomo tives, &c., and in which all kinds of busi ness is done in the very quickest and" most expert manner, it likewise becomes neces sary for the trading public, 'to take small profits and make quick sales, in order to keep up with the improvements of the times. Upon this principle we have determined to act. We will sell our Goods ac such prices as will astonish the buyer. The - fellowitig - are - sorne - of our prices; to wit:— Men's Calf-slcin Boots from $2,50 to $4,40 do course do " 1,50 to 3,00 do hip do " 2,00 to 2,75 do Gaiter do " 1,50 to 3;00 Ladies' Gaitters " 1,00 to 1,87 du Slippers and welts Buskins . , ~, :11 to 1.25 z.-- -, C - ricks a very large and exten sive : , :i: - :ortment of Ltit s zo ,„ - ....„0 - 2 E rca oo d ia n : i t,, „ Ci i..._. ... :hots, cheap for cash. They ab - o keep for sale, a t pletelut a•• sorlinent of .‘,..:,. Mole; k in, Silk and .'.-!. ochrq,r, II II 1' !'-'l. e- --, ';- : , L .7711 1. Cloth, glazed, fancy and military 664.;-'•'-` '<-. C A 11° lb_i, Trittik.z, 1 . .010e110. , , Camphine, Lard and Fluid Lamp, , Candclebra,., & c., & C. r7iIICCOFICCi the place, one dun w - e:t of 0. & J. Saour . .; . 1 lardware l•itore, in the building formerly occtipi, d by 1.,. Smith's ApotheEmy .tare, in Ilamilton ::treet, Allen town. Dec. 19, 1; —lim Stuttering' and Stammering CURED ! In from Five to Twenty Minutes, 9111-1 E Undersigned would respectfully an ja nounce to the citizens of Lehigh and the adjoining conntiez, that be has located him self in New York for the plrpoi2e of L'FFECTC3LLY cuni_va persons who are troubled with STUTTERING OR STAMMERING, So confident is he 01::nccess, flint no pay will be required until tiny utmost. satisfaction is given. I lis method is sn easy, that anv child live years old may undorFtand it, and vet SO l'iTiCienL Oa? he will forfeit (..iC Thou sand DuArm to any per-mn who %%ill stam mer and apply it. 1)1z. J. V. \V ITILOFF. NO. :37 Chawbcr, St.. iNvw Yvik For further testimonies as to the tflica of hr; method ; lo‘ refer:: to die Me dical Faculty Of New Yoilc, Who witnei•sed tie; application igloo a gentleman, who Was On inveterate stammerer, and had been operated upon by other l'hp:iciao., ‘vithuot the benefit, and astonishing ns it may seem, Dr. Wyel:tar:tired him in 20 min utes, that liu Was able to :ipeak and read with ease, without bc , ,ihmcy ur :semblance of Stammering,. The Doctor also has over One Hundred Certificates of cu res poi Inined,ainong which are several medical gentlemen. N. B. All letters of inquiry, (post-I.abl) will be promptly answered by naming the Post Office and State where they reside. January 16. viA3VIc., otite. Notice is hereby eiven, that the pa r!nor &hip heretofore exil.ti,pg between & Snow, as 4_.l.ontractors fur the constrociion of t,lte Philadelphia and Willcesbarre Tele graphs Line; and the Siwluellailna River and North and West Branch Telegraph Line, is this day dissolved by mutual sent. All persons having paid for stock in -The Wilkesbarre Telegraph Coin spectfully requested to pre , en; such payments to ELI .1. Sm-, in Allentown, Lebi;,..lt county, I i of the said Company. awl receive Ownr vet tiftcates properly antlwaticated thercha; an; a!! person:: having stilisc.ribed and paH stock in "The Sw, l iwhanna !liver and :\%,, itlld Wei. , t Brawl' l'ele , .;raph Conti ~; • are also respe,‘;itii.y requeste.d to their receipts —.eh pup!), Gocta„ at the Au, ,ican 1100 street, the. phin, PresilLot of ,;(0i V.. I.N ALLEN, Trea:• , u r, I ):111% county, l'a., mut due form Om refer. persons having c:ahns agains' said Partnership, Uom.t. & SUANV, :11g to the construction of said lines, whether opoit promissory note, draft, book accounts, or otherwise, are respectfully requested to present correct statetnews of the same, without delay, to JOHN TITI'S, Esq., No. 12, Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, who is authorized to receive and arrange for settletnent of the same. A. C. GOELL, .1 A NIES L. Sll A IV January 11/, 1851, EDMUND J. 110111 t, VTTORNEY AN D.COUNSELLO R AT LAW Ornee a few doors west of Ike Court House. : t 3 lle can bo consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April 4 '3'031V10Q. 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Office one door east of Ko Ilotel, Al lentoWn, Lehigh county, Pa Allentown, March 28 WILLIAM S. MARX,• ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in tho western front room n( the building of John D. Lawall, Nine rly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allontown April 4, 1850. Itt—tf Livery Establishment, V HE subscribers take the method to in -"- form their customers and the public in general, that they have lately purchased of Alr. George Beissel, his extensive Livery establishment, consisting in part of Horses, Cartlages, &c. 4 and continuing the business at . :;.: 1 -:• , •• -_ . the old stand on William street, in the Borough of Allentown. They will always'be prepared to furnish their customers at the shortest possible no tice with sure and gentle horses and splen did fashionable vehicles. Pleasure-parties or.societies,..wilLbe_furn ished with gentle horses, good carriages and careful drivers, if requested. Families can be suited. at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes. Their charges are reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit lit has here tofore gained of being the ' , best livery estab li,l.tiotitt iti Alknown," they will leave le - t;l;ta..: tittdot. , t t eel, no hand the best and -.!!-,' ; ,!:t .s. ti:.• :.,,t::, , : and most t•pl-ndid cat 1 iiiLl 5, a ~ , i : , .,il. , ' r and careful driA. . Thev return their sincere that L.,• lil , eral I.atetlittgo thus far 1).;•-. , •.: t : tro,.. tl•at rlo.•\; will be able futtia i :- 3 .. , •;, , ..!tu , !•c • ..! tit- , r ;mitt tn. J. & I. 1101 TV i'Covt. t ub t ..c 21. li The Girard Life Insvrance Annuity and Ti Mt Company of Philadelphia, Ufiirc No. 169 Che.!tnut Strum, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300,000. 1 2ulltione to ilitik'tt laza( rance3 On !dirt S nn the niciLA favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund. affords aTofcct security to the insured. The premium may lie paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 184.1, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 8, per Cult, 71 per cent; &c. ; on others in propor tion to the time of standing making an addi , dolt of $lOO, $57,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. - ' -------- i Bonus 'Amount of policy and No. of 'Su m or , boapayable at the l'olicy ilusurcd Addition.! party's ilecease. No. 5.! j 1000 5 100 " SRI a5OO 20R . 4000 400 '275: 2000 121 -- , 4 330! 5000 137 50 rmitaininit tables of rates, aund explainisions of the subject ; lorins of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, ur on applica tion to A. IJ. Runts, Agent in Allentown. 13. W. 11.tcliAnns, President. J.No. J IMES. December 1:3 -AND PENSION AGENCY, The undersirmed Attorney and General Agent at the City of Washington, offers his services in procuring Bounty Lands and Pensions fur thuse . entitleil.—Being perma nently located at the scat of Government. with a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the necessary forms and routine of bus- Mess. and having- access to registers and Rolls filed itt the U. S. war office, Ito pos sesses facilities for the speedy and satisfac •tory a:1 . 01 , 119(mi. of Government claims of von: Hti i. EMI h. II I It , it hilt is his ati iCi to I! profession at a tliounce, and tube . against the. Government, are prepacco by a local Agent, will abate one half his usual fee. The necessary forms and instructions, and information on all subjects appertaining to a successful prosecution of this business, n ill be furnished to regular correspondents without charge. Information cheerfully given, and all communications promptly replied to, if ad dressed, post-paid to CHARLES TucK Eli, (Box No. 167, Washington, D. U. P. G.) De . c. :3 . 411-oin l' i d ‘s The Co-Partnership heretofore existing between Lochman and Brother, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All those in debted to the firm, he it for Shoes, Caps or otherwise, will please call at the 'old stand' where the boolts will be found in the hands of Benjamin Lockman, one of the partners who is authorized to settle up the books. Such who have any claims against the said firm, are also requested to present them for settlement ¶-t f MO ta . oThe Shoe, ell p and Daguerreotype hoariness ore continovil ot the o!(! Lochmtin,S. I,ell, who will he pleased ti, r - ceive lots of new custoineri. llccember 12. ILL EMT° TM" IEI2 liMilialtil-, ii 0 ET.l' 7' 1' iL,}l6.'is_D At Washington, D. C. t ill, , of ,;irloit , ‘v •• 4• 4:44 ‘V'41 , ),4.41.', 41 144414. 44. ! 4t, ;144.):;.4• Wl44l.st'l v 4 '1 =RIM =LI EMI 11 , • ,011- I 2,-ti ff . Dissolotioa or Partnership, CHARLES LOCHMAN. BENJAMIN LOCI-INIAN Surveyor and Scrivener, The undersigned begs leave to announce to his large circle of friends and the public in general, that he still continues the Sur veying and Scrivening business, in its vari ous branches, at his office, near Coopers burg, in Upper Sancon township, Lehigh county. He tins lately purchased at a very great expence, a number of the newestand most im provthl Mathematical Instruments, which will enable him, with a .practice of 20 years standing, to g ive general sati.,fitction. His experience as a Scrivener is undoubt ed, as he has also followed the business fur - ninny years - . Terms moderate. Fre will always be ready to serve his friends, at any reasonable distance from home, when called upon. ANDRF,W K. WITTMAN. 411-3 m Oct. 31 THE FRANKLIN MIR INSURANI.E COMPANY of Philadelphia OFFICE, v,, 1(;3 c; near near Fifth sirect. 1 . 1 , P Chalks N. ita.“-k.•. Thomas hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Gram, Jacob R. Smith, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanew and limited,On every description of property. ti town and conatry, at rates as low as are cm,sis tint with security. The Company have reserved a lame Coni!n 7,v111 I't,nd, which with their Capital and Prem safely afford ample t. The n...,;(1, of tite compan y , on .1 18 , 1 R, as I , l'l4l.'llrd arreeahly li a vnbly, were as follows, viz: Moitga Itnal Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, &c., Since their i neorporation. t period of eighterti years, thry have paid upwards of 1117 P rwirm, two clodlors.lll,,s by tier. thr re by affording evidence of the an:ant:ll2 . es insti race, a.: well as the ability and dispo,ilion to meet with prompt ess, all liabilities. IZI.EB N. rIANCKER, Presi den CI-lA.III,ES G. BANCK Spey. The Subscribers are the appoin mil A ..vults the above mentioned Institution. and now prepared to make insurances on os' Li.it of property, at the lowest rate,. Al'M'S'rT7B 1,. R171111..1 C. F. 111.T'.CK. Bethlehern Allentown,June 1:. 18.18. $llOO 2tal 4100 '2175 5137 LOOK HERE! A Certain and Effectual Cure. The subscriber, Druggist in the liorout _ r h of 13,t61,..h.,n, r.•1,-..r, this method to inform suliertrs of a Rheu matic complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of med eine, that %yid etrect a certain cure of this wide speed and painful disease. It is put up in Oman bottels, each bottle accoinpani ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to be taken internally, and the ointment external ly. The genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical Druggist and Chemist, and orktinatur of the medicine. Price two dollars per bottle, or six bottles for ten dollars—which will be sent to inva lids in any part of the county, free of charge. All orders must be. accompanied with the Cash, or they will receii7o no attention. 'fills medicine needs no pafliog, it speaks for itself, while perfectly harmless in its ope , ration it eradicates the system from the etThcts produced by unskillful treatment. It has already produced SOUR' astonishing cures, and of cases where the patient has been confined to the house for years, and those thin gra abroad only with the use of Crutches. were set at liberty by the use of from one to six Butte's. Certificates of cur; s can be shown from the most re4peck aide i_itizeits. None' i< gennint• without his .jgnature 1n him. ink. • • ip,NR y ; • 1 P ri Deet•itilwr =EI c 2 • Oreopicil for MOIT Mall a Wry. by George E FElhe undersigned would most resp, ammunce to the public, that h.. is /gr , // for more than trytnty of the mos! e.•l d manufacturers of Boston. V, r t i I ar/c/phea, and vkewl.. n ; reCt•lvitit! I . 1Irt•• PIANO of the richest and most varied sit r perior tone, and of the most superb ir.uth. of 6, fit 6.!,,63, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal to any manufactured either in this country or Europe. Just receivod. also. ii furl her .rn ply of Chitrch and Parlor Organs, of very beauliful patterns and fine tone, , . ilis ll"are toont is.constantly supplied with a choice•selection of SERAPIIINES AND MELODEONS. from the oldest arid most exteosiA (. lories in the United States ; n r,ra , is n new style of REED ORG Carhart's patent improvements, %%nil ~,,, pipes in front, and .case elegantly carved. and highly ornamental. Tuning any/ Satrador Ln nrassn, a (iiiailwai..l;tai Piano V.,..1,. Nlnnalactarer nr,;l Orpon bail lv r, «ill ;;;- 1,1;•.1 • -I . . k.IZ C. B. CAIZTV.II,- 17 . 1 Chesuiut street,. Philadelphia. August 10. ¶—Om ¶-Ow 'Take ..Votiee INDEMNITY t ‘V.Etiollarm , •nl. U. I.i.wiq. ‘.: . E v l• • :11,)rri:•• hitt I -.n, .8890,558 - 6• - 728,358 90 205,459 0(1 15,563 15 • 0,581 87 $1,226,097 67 ,Nl,‘•: 2 2. 2.1 =VIM IMEIMEN i7I MB TDIE °LID !.,-T:C‘.7OlC..i Another Scientific Wonder! • __ PEPSIN! .d.PTITICI.,II, DIGESTIVE vxula, or Gastric, Swicol. . A GREAT DISPERSIA CURER ! Prepared from Rennet,or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Lie big, the great Physiological Chemist, by .1. S. Houghton. M. Dc, No. 11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pe. This is a truly wonderful remedy for In digertion, hyspepsia. Jaundice, Liver Completint, 'Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. n teaspoonful of thiS 'Fluid, infused in water, 'will digest or disiolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach-. Digestion. Digestion is chiefly per.: formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes front the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great Solv(mt of the Food, the Purifying, Preserv fitinmLuing. Agent of the stomach to i tit:, Without it there will be no digestion--noconversion of food into blood, rind no nutrition of the. body ; but rather a foul, torpid. painful, and destructive condi tion of the whole digestive! apparatus. A weak. half dead, or injured stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, distress and debility t`vhich ensue. Ptpsin and Rennet.--Pepsin is the chief element. or great digesting principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dinice in tie solid parts of the human sto te alier death, and sometimes causes the otech to digest itself, •or eat itself up. It e:so limed in the stomach of animals, as x. calf. &c. It is the material used by nt !oohing cheese, called Rennet, whith-has-long-been-the-spe , . wood. t of the dairy. , The curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sto mart, of a calf will curdle nearly one . thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron I..tebig states that, "One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest !neat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric -.Nice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this wttut may be pitfectly supplied, we quote the following Scientific Evidence!—Baron hiebig, in his celebrated worlc on Animal Chemistry, ••An Artificial Digestive Fluid may lily r,-pared from the mucous mem aomach of the Calf, in which article of food, as meat and eggs, wi ll ((:, sotb-ned, changed, and digested, just same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Wilson & Co.; New York, page 3,5, stales the sante great.fact. tad describes the method of pre arelem. I kite are few higher autnon ties then Dr. Pereira 'Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Che mistry it) the Aledical College of tho Uni versity of New York, in his "Text Book of Chemistry," page BSfi, says. "it has been a question whether artificial digestion could be performed—but it is no* universally mi llilitrd that it may be." Professor Dunglison of Philadelphia, in his grout work on Human Physiology,•de votes more than fifty pages to au examina tion of-this subject. His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the living human stomach and front animals are well known. "In all ca ses," he says" "digestion occurred as per fectly in the artificial as in the natural di• MEI =I gestions. .1s a Duspepsia Curer.—Dr. I loughton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, miring cases of De bility, Einaciaticm, Nervous Declinet and Dyspeptic Conumpticn, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. Iris iinpossi lay to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement —but authenticated eeriticai,s have been, given of more than 2'!:; :iirkuble Cures, in Philadelphia, N-w Vori•:.nod Boston alone. These were ly .111 desperate canes, and 'the cures w ; ,!• • •nly rapid and wonderful, but per , :I.:In to. II is a great Nervous Antidote, and from the astonishingly small quantity necessary to produce healthy. .digestion, is believed Lo =I irt II lUM ni t . t !uznelic Principles!—There is 1.1,1 ,•I'Old Stomach Complaints which 111111 reach and remove at once. w had they may be, it' gives • lief! A single dose removes all the symptoms, and it only needs to r, reared, for a short time, to make these .mml elects permanent, purity of blood and ig",ir of body, fullott• at once. It is partiett, kr' v excellent ill CLISCS of Native, Vomiting, • -. Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, . low, cold, state of the i a vi,!ess, Lowness of Spirits, Des ' Nev. Emaciation, Weakness, leaden et. ti, lot:tinily, Suicide, &c. Price one dollar per bottle. One bottle will often effect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POIPDERS, Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. Por con , vemence of sending to all parts of the coun try. the Digestive matter of the pepsin is put up in the form of Powders, with dime- Lions to be dissolved in diluted alcohol, wa. ter. or syrup, by the patient. These pott ders contain just the same matter as the h"uh•s, but twice the quantity for the same •iiee.mid will be sent by snail, free of Post (..r dollar sent (postpaid) to Dr. i. ~aghtun, No. 11 North Eight street, Phil:1(11.10ln, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and, bottle bears the written signa mre of J. S. Houghton, M. D., Solo Pro- =III I prit•tor. • A o..rit. iir every town itl tue Very' liberal discounts *gi- - r 1 111 1111. tra d e. DrUggists, Postmasters - , and Booksellers are desired to act as agents. I August 8 ' Brandreth's Pills, FOR THE CURE OF ConsumptiOh, Coughs, Colds, TO THE PURIM! THOSE who are e.uffe•ring frctii remitting clr Intermitting Bilious Complaints, shoulp read the following, and be guided thereby : Cause of Pain.—Pain is the consequence of the exertion of the organ or part where it is present to throw 01l morbid or corrupt hu mors, for .no pain can exist but from the pre sence of those matters which are of an un healthy character. When we have pain in the head, in the bowels, or in any other part of the body, it only proves the presence of matters which the 'blood is trying to re move, and it is this struggle which is the oc casion of pan. To be bled, only removes the anguish in proportion us the amount of life is redocd, and the same may be said of all lulling or .soothing* remedies. Not so with Srandreth's Pills ; they at once go to the assistance of the blood in aiding it to discharge bad humors, to temper the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this way doe's 'not leave any bad eflixts, The lift Principle iz tot reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all the organs arc 'ch.Onsed and their health ins'ored. UP - The above Pills are for sale by the dozen a single box at the Register Oflice in Allentown. January 10. DOCTOR troultstlir I; Cents. By means of the pocket :sculapius, or, every one is own Physician ! 24th dition, with upwards of 'hundred engra\'ings, untying private diseases n every shape and form, nd maiformaltions of the ;enerntive system, BY WM. YOUNG. M. D. This time has now arrived, that persons suffering from secret disease. need Ira rivote become the vicani of Quodiery, as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge oldie most intimate friend, and With one tenth the usual ex pense. In addition to th general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cantie of manhood's early decline,With observations on marriage—besides many other derangt ments which it would not be pfope: totitiu merate in the public prints. [-rif - Aily person sending !'evenly-Fire Cetus enclosed in a letter. will recieve one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent fur one dollar. Address "Dr. Ir. Young, No. 132 Spruce street, Phila delphia." Post-paid. • re - Dr. oung can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his ditlerent publications, at his Offices, 132 Spruce st., every day between and :3 o clock, (Sun days exe,ented.) J uly • f3artk Note Eicit. ( Curreeled Werlelyfrom Bicknell's,VanCuurtcand rleninpson's Detector.) 13k of N A incrita. par Mechanics bank of Ilk of Pennsylv. pa'r Newark I3ank of Commerce Mechanics bank at late Moyaincnsing par Burlington pai Ilk of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man 13k of Penh Towns. par ufactlirers bank pat Farmers & Mechali.par Newark banking & Kensington par Ins. Company Manuf. & Meehan par . New Hope & Dela Mechanics par ware Br. Comp.failed irard par. Orange bank 6 Philadelphia par Peoples bank II Seim'llcill par Plainfithl bank — suntlliNVark par Princeton hank pat Western par Salem banking (b.. par Commercial Bank , State bank at Eliza of Penns) . IV. par: bethtown,Ncwark, Bk of the LI States 12; Canulen,N.Bruns. COI' :VTR Y BAN KS. ! Widf, par . . Ilk of Chambersburg 1 Sus sex bank I ilk of (Getty burg I Union bank t Ilk of Pittsburg 4 I . rentott bank. co. par Ilk of Swig. County sr, 1 aMle,yville bridge ilk or tlcestet• Uo. par 1 "mPanY 25 Ilk of Germantown par' DELA WARE. Bk of Danville par The flanks f t h e mai , Bk of Delaware Cn, par of Delaware ate all at Bk of Middletown I tint.Bk Lifl " / "g" t;'° ' P al. NE:NV VORK.• 13k of Northuinhen oar Columbia Bank & New Yorlc City bk s / Th 1, 1 7, o mep . p ar Chelsea bank 80 Carlisle Bank I Clinton bank 50 Doylestown Bank par: I Commercial bank In Easton Bank par .afayette hank 50 11xclia lige Bank a Washington bank 70 Erie Bank 2 , Cou.wrat BAit kit. Farmers & Drovcrs Bank Franklin Bank Farmers Bank of . _ . . , Bucks County par, do of Brockport 35 Partners Bank of , d o of Lath 25 Lancaster Par, do of Olean 35 Partners Batik of ' do of Tonawanda BO Reading pari 2i du of byons Farmers' Bank of 1 do of Western schnYikill CO' Pai l New York 30 Harrisburg Bank I Biughamplon brink 40 lionesdalc Bank I Canal bank 5 boner's:eh Bank par! Cattaraugus county , Lancaster Co. Bank pari bank ii 6 Lebanon Bank 3 Erie county bank, to Lehigh Co. Bank 501 Farmers & Drovers Lehigh Navigation - I bank 5 co. Script. 10 Partners bank of Sc- Miners Bank of I neca county 30 Pottsville Par, Hamilton bank, 30 Merchants & Mantif. Lewis county bank 60 Bank, Pittsburg: .4 Mechanics bank at 46 Monongahela Bank, I ihdimo 46 Brownsville, i ; Merchants bank at Tavlitisville Del. : : Ramo 40 Bridge Company, 25 :Millets bank of New West Branch Bank, 1 1 York 10 Wyoltring bank, I : Oswego bank 20 York Bank, 1 Phenix bank . 35 . . . NEW , JERSEY 18taten Island hank 30 Belvidere Bank State bank ofN Y 80 Burlington County 1 8t.Lawrence batik 75 par : Ilnion bank Dank 25 Commercial Bank b United States barklt 30 Cumberland Bank par: N. York batik. en. 70 Farmers Bank par' Tenth Wart( bank, 25 Farmers &Meehan- White Plains bank 5 ics Bank,Rahway cO.AII other banks tfot 'Firmers &Merchants .i mentioned in the above Bank, Mid. Point, ijlist are from Itd 2 per Morris County bank ticent discount. • ojThe notes on allßanks Marked with dash (—) are not , purckased by the brokers. • • FASIIIONABLE Jewelry Establishment ! ~,, - Cheap and - GoOd Watches', .-- -. Jewell)? & Silver-ware, whole -4 sale and retail, at No. 96 NUrth ,t'tc. , ..:;•,. Second street, corner of bluar . - to7C;tl7;: - ti,VZ. ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, 18 caret cases, $3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, Silver Lepine $ll and over Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to :10 Gold Pencils, . $1,50 fo 7 Fine Gold Rings, '371 cts. to 86 Other articles in proportion. An 'C'ciodt: warranted to be what they are sold fdt. Constantly on band, a full assortment of fine 'GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. A Iso, an assortment of NI. J. To - - bias & C 0.., E. Simpson, Samuel & Brotk ers, E. S. Yates &Co.,ljohn Harrison, G: 4- 11. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever filovemenls, which will be cased in anv style desired. Arrangements have been ma& 'With all the above 'celebrated makers, the 'best man= ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at shoit notice any required style .of Watch, for which orders ‘vill be taken and the name 'find 'residence of the person ordering put oil if requested. O. Ct )NRAD, No. 06 North 2A. Si: ,Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, 11-1!;.' G. W. NIERCHAN'I"S CELEBRATED UNPARALLELLED in TIIE HISTORY of iIiEDICiNE: Remarkable External Application em i:iscorered ! WHAT lIAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AbJON: Ignorance of facts and philosojThy, however; start at the assertion that any one remedy cad possess within itself the virtue of curing uuwd diSCatiCS. P.aperience of mote than fohrieeo yeah: has nevertheless established the fat that Merch ant's celebrated Uargling Oil, or Universal Pant ily Embrocation, WILL cunt: most eases, and rd Here all sttchas Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all r kinds, Presli Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. Fistula, 84:t.sii . Strains Lameness, Sand Cracks, Paundeird; Feel, Scratches or Grcese, Mange, Rheumit lion, Bites of Animals. EsternaloironS, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Biles, Boils Corns, Whitlows, Barns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands Cramps! Contraction of the Alusclei?,Sivelling4 Week»ess of the Joints, Caked- Breastsi 4-c., celebrated Duct. Parker also writes d. 4 felloWs:—Dear Sir: I have precribed your Uarg ling Oil in various cases of Practical Surgery. as a liniment, with marked success; and tkolittk commend it to physinians'generally for exteetoll use it: all contutions, tumors, sprains, white swell ings, and in all rhutnatic affection, where exter nal means are necessary. As a discutent it is harmless Where the febrile symptoms have beed reduced by genet al treatment. In such canes it is the most flicient remedy within the circle bt means now in use. I would recommend it to community ni large as a safe and powerful remedy where theme is no general fever in all the above diseas es to be used freely and to countcractinflainatiOn in a remarkable manner. In bruised wounds it prevents swelling and consequent soreness in hot weather. From the peculiar nature of this Oil, and the unparalleled success it has met within the hands of the Farrier, Farmer and Stage Proprietor, it is but justice to say, that of the great niimbef tit medicines which have been offered,non!havd been so Well adapted to the prompt cure of dis eases ;to which horses are liable ; it hat been very jttstly called a complete PANACEA Fl R /1011 SE: Put instance read the following : majcettify ti at I have had for many years the care et from too to 200 Ilorses and 'having made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for 2 years past and cat? Safely say, that fur all the dis eases that horses aff liable to, I hover saw its equal. I use about UP. bottle Per month, and recommend it to the us the best medicinti for horses now in use: . E. D. MINOR. Allegheny County . bank 70 Hank of America 35 do of Commdfce 40 Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sdre dui name of the Sole Proprietor GEO. W .MERCif ANT, Lockport, N. Y., is blown in the side of the bottle, and in his hawd writing over the cork: Dont be persuaded to take anything' dike with the promise it Is just as good&o. 'phis ik rree tised by those unprindijiled dealers j whose coif Sdience will stretch like exidia Rubber, and who' are of a kindred spirit of time in our large cities, whose nefarious pracildSe Have srl" i•er coyly I ein exposed to the action of Oongriess. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly tesponded tket a pamphlet of the Agent, and sec What wonders are accomplished by the use citt this medicine. Bold by respectable dealers generdlly in the United States and Canada. 'Also by Almon Rad' Bethlehem. Pomp & Easton, Amos Rog e rs,South Easton, Lewis Smith Co., A Ilentittiott• O. Frailey, Orwigsburg,, J. U. C. Hughes, Potts villa. M. A McCoy, Northumberland, H. J Sliea fer, Milton. Henry Masser. Sunbury S• Cl• di J. Allen, Jersey Shore ,+'B. Martifl, Willipmipyrre C. W. Sheltie, Lewisbur#, it•Aeeboia . Nl* Ber Httston az Porter, Towanda, C. H. Hcriaick A thens,Sttildi & bray, Belleutiee, W. M' Bickley,. az. Magnate & HnEyes, Denvilid; O. M.• Eberi,. Mauch Chunk, A. Turrelli, Montrose, W. 1 4 ; .tones Bro., owdersnotk U. 11flailey• 'Cosa & Beach. Mansfibld. R. 11. - Illsboro, O. Taylor, Covington, D. ,S. NewconjtjA,,Do., Trough &Hurd, bsterencevillg, Dr. k. phrey, Tioga, J. H. 010.551.3urg; E. Li- Shulze, book /Wren; • ifetemfiii , 4.11.fy.f AS TIIM MUST Facts are Stubborn Thiugs I! Ounars of Horses. Caution to liiiictuiscP.l $l6 and over
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers