Illegal Fees, The Bulletin calla the attention of all re ceivers as well as payers of illegal fees, to the following section of un act passed in 1831,. -which seems general!to have been overlooked. It will be per ..ved that the consequence of receiving su fees is not-a mere petty pecuniary penalty, ut a removal from office, which, under the Constitution, follows a conviction for a misdemeanor in office. 2. Sect.._.. If any officer, whose fees are expressed and limited in and by an act of assembly of this commonwealth, passed the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand •eight hundred and fourteen, entitled, "An act establishing a fee bill," or in and by an act-passed- the -twenty-second- day ofTebru ary, one thousand eight hundred and twen ty-one, entitled, 'CAn act to alter and amend the fee bill," or in and by any other act or acts of asseMbly of this commonwealth, at any time" hereafter, shall wilfully, frauds. lently, and corruptly charge or demand, or take any of the fees, in and by any of the raid acts, limited and ascertained, where-the business for which such fees are char_eable, shall not have been done and performed, or fraudulently mid Corruptly charge or demand and take anti• fee lbrony service or services other than those expressly provided for by the said bets, such officer, in addition to any penalty o penalties to which by the existing laws nay pow _he subject,_ shall be_liahlo prosecution and punishment. by italimment, as for a misdemeanor in office any lan or usage heretofore, to the contrary notwith standing. UAUItIEn. On Tuesday last, by lb,' Rev. Mr. Fuchs, Mr. Joseph Wendel, to tliss Sarah, daugh ter of Israel Trexler, both of Hanover. With the above notice, we received a. lib oral share of - the deleracies attendant upon the uniting of the "silken chord," in the shape of an excellent Pound Cake. We certainly t.hould_be,_wanting_in-gratitade-did-we-not-al this lime lender the happy pair our sincere good tri,hes for their health, happiueis and prosOn by through life: _That they may have an abundance of "tokens" to strengthen and Null still stronger their now coupled affections is the sincere wish of the Register. On die 21st of December, br the Rr. E. H. Helfrich. 111 r. David I?ice, to Nliss ./..:/izabeth Koch. both of Lulligh township. Northampton county. On the 13th ofJaruLtry, by do, R v. Mr. Seidel, Mr. E. TVarne, of N. J., to Miss Catharine Burk, of B..thlelpin. On the 14th of .Ith.) Irv. by 11-% Joseph flubs, Nlr. /11/hrt 'liver. to \Liss Mary Grurge, both of Waslthigtoil tsp. On the lath of January, by the sa , n- r. Reuben Ilensinger, of I loidelbura, to II is, Swum Iluteruan. of North Whitehall. On the 2 it h of January. \I r. iosrph Pelee. o t i :1 671 . im NI Eine/int of DIED. On the :Id of Novi mhe•r last, in Moline, Ruck Island county, 111., Nlrs. der, widow of Daniel Swander, bump-Hy of Easton, Pa., aged 58 years. On the same day, in Allentown, Mary Woman, colkort of Ilenry Woman, aged 08 years, 10 months and rvliaus Court !AMR, Of Valuable Farm and Mill PROPERTP. B Y Virtue and in pursuance of an Or der issued out of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will be exposed to Public Sole, on Wednesday the 26th of February next, at 12 o'clock at noon, on the premises, the following highly valuable and well described Real Estate, to wit : No. 1. ./i J:3 LU.HI3LE 11111.11, situate on the public road leading from Al lentown to Reading, about two miles from the first named place, in South Whitehall township. Lehigh county, adjoining lands of Charles Mertz, John Biery, Henry Loros, end others, containing Off acres and 34 perches, clear land of the best quality, in a high state of cultivation, divided in suitable fields, under good fencing, and otherwise in the best condition. There are four acres of the best meadow land, through which the beautiful Cedar ereelt : stream fl ows. The improvements consist in a large deuble TWO STORY i2 . 411}:, STONE HOUSE, • a large Swiss Barn, ,of stone, besides a large frame banding ad ioining the Barn, in which is placed a sta (ienary wooden Horse Power, Wagon-house, flotn-trib and Hog-stable, besides all other AttOesary outbuildings. 'Pihere is elso a never failing well with ei4ellent water, in the rear of the house, tmiciliafrtiu, one at the House and one at the' arri:are on the premises. rein also necessary to mention, that the i rrittlil can be driven through a by-road to wateat the Cedar creels. • Ilere are alzo on the premises A 4, TWO EXCELLENT APPLE ORCHARDS, - in a beating condition. ALSoL-At the same time and place, N. 2. 3 LOT OF GROUND, situate in the alotesaid township arid adjoining lands cf Henry Luros, lands of No. 1, and on the Reading road, containing 12 acres, tnereor less, good arable land, in an excellent condition. On Thurfday the 27th of January. n 1 10 o ' clock its the forenoon, at the Public Howe 41f George Moyer, in the Borough of Allen town, Lehigh• county. .No. 3. THE VERY VICLUABLE And Beautiful • REAL ESTATE, Tabular Statement of County Taxes for 1850. No, DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS, Dupilealo, Amt, Paid, 1 BoroUghof Allentown, Thom/3C. Kramer, . 1,439 18 473 97 2 South Whitehall,. . Gideon Guth, . . 1,734 :35 1,463 09 3 North Whitehall, . . Jacob Scheirer, sen. : 1,460 69 1,212 00 4 Upper Mactingy, . John Weitkneoht, . 1,499 (H) 1:30 00 5 Lower Macungy, • John Steffen, . . . 1,511 8(3 855 40 6 Upper Milford, . . J. B. Hillegas, . . 1.784 79 976 59 7 Upper Saucon, . . Lewis M. Engleman, 1,591 05 1,491 97 8 Salisbut, . . . Josiah Rhoada, . . 1,052 29 770 00 9 Ilanovor, , F Iloehle, • . . . 1,183 89 893 (37 10 Weisenburg, . . . Charles ScII, . . . 513 91 539 03. 11 Lynn ...... D. F. Folweiler. . . 896 99 703 00 12 Heidelberg, . . . Adam German, jr., . 351 .11 93 00 13 Weshington, . . . Thomas Kuntz; . . 491 55 423 00 14 Northampton, . . Jon. Trexler, . . . :311 :30 9..7 50 15 Lowhill, . . . . Reuben Sheirer ; . :325 21 308 09 -- hose heti miill'a - (*) . have paid - 16,116 72 10.621 10 6.525 62 Financial Account of Lehigh County, January 1, 1850. To amount of Loans remain- . ' By amount of Loan 3 paid dur ing unpaid on the Ist day ing the year A. D. 1850, of January "1850 , .. $10,982 50 Amount of Taxec nnessed for To amount of Loans made I the year 1830 remaining •,during the year 1850,- - 2,000 001 uncollected. Balance in the hands of the - Treasnrer, January 1, 1831 2,631 fil_ I County Defices - - - - --- 4;8-18 77 'Sit ate in Northampton township:county afore. id, adjoining the Borough limits, on the He ding rortd;direcdroposite the - wall known Hotel, formerly kept by Solomon !rimer, the improvements consist in a new rind well built three story brick 1;;;; 1 ' Store and Dwelling, SP • r., Er 0 containing in front 44 feet, and in depth SO feet, the Store room is 'shelved and counter ed ready to commence the store business, and of the best locations in the Bo rough,-to purchase and store Grain. The lot on which these buildings are located is 62 feet front by 210 feet deep, and thereon is erected also a large frame Barn, besides other outbuildings. • A large cistern is on the property, and the llydrant water can be tapped at several places. The Lot adjoins the Borough line on the east. Hamilton street coi the south. another lot of the deceased ol the west. the north by a public alley. It is our of th.• b,•st properties m the 13 iroug,h. FUEL 111 ER, At the sane Limo nod phco, /, 97' 0 G OZ7 in the aforesaid township nod c ;01 . '0111111g lot Nu. 13, on the east, Itmd- Nir, on 01 :"..11111, a 111 ill A i,IL,i;;;;I, th , t‘osl,;md iile• in.;-th a comaioing io front .10 fee, arid in depth 210 leet. FUR niER, On the same day end place, No. 5. .4 77?. - ICT OF L. 9 ND. c s !r i lt t ir a it te y, i t i lou N n3t. r •iny':'l;:;;;is .. o7,lol . l; l l ; liraZe Solvonim M,reaver, on the toad leadieg flow Allentown to Millerstown, and on tho ho.v.!r road leading flow Allentown to Readin v ., containing 12 acres and several perches of the best land, limier good fences, and in a high state of cultivation. FURTHER. , On Friday the 2,'Sth of February, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Public house of George 'Myer, in Allentown, Vo . 13 17N E.XCELLENT AG:. • "• " POlOl IMP Properly, PP - with the best Water Power in the! county of Lehigh. situate. in Salisburg asp , Lehigh Colliity, near the Borotioh of Allen- town, the power is sit pplied by the never: failing "Little Lehigh" stream. The pow er is one of the best in a circle of 50 miles! —the Mill has lately undergone a thorough repair, and will compare with any in the neiohhorhood in conveniences. There are three Lair of Stones in the NMI, is ndmitted. that better Stones w, re never laid in any Mill before. A new SLIM Ma chine, anew Corn Braker, and one of the • most convenient Flour Packing Nlachine is in the building; a full supply of Allivators and other conveniences, besids the genririrr.. are such as will convince any one at all ac quainted with milling, to be one of the best establishments of the kind in the county. The mill is prepared to do custom or merchant work, and nt present enjoys a large share of the former. This property should receive the partic ular attention of purchasers, s it is without question one of the best stands for business, either fur merchant or custom work that can be found in the State. To the mill belongs about 2 acres of land, part of v h ch is meadow, and on part of the balance is erected a two story • i STONE ' s jiT i n • ,v Dwelling house, • is with kitchen attached to it, a large barn, and other outbuildings, besides two large gardens, with valuable fruit trees theron FURTHER, On the same day and place, . N 0.7. 4'771?3C7' OF WOODLAVVD, situate on the Lehigh Mountain, in Salsburg township, Lehigh county, adjoining lands ofConrud I leimbach, John Ulrich, David Spinner and others, containing U acres, mere or fess. The same is of the BE ST - ' TAP:PI BE le iu tt.,• t minty, 6riu grown over with hand some young Chertnut. • It is et purr of the real esue. of Daniel Ludwig, dt.c, i,setl.l.att of tot. Borough of Allentown. Loittgit coatity. The etvlrtilott s tell: he etude _known. on, the duy otsule and due attendance given. by SOLOMON WE A VER. . Admittitdrator. By Order of the COurt, J. D. LAP/ALL, atrk. • Paru a rl. 5 $ 13,852 50 Public Smle OF Ole Personal Properly, Wu.i. be exposed to pnldie sale, On Wed nesday and Thursday, the 12th and 13th of February next, on each day at 10 o'clock. A. M. at the house of Williamlacher. deceased, in Upper Saucon township,, Le high county, the following large stock of PePSollal Properly, to viz: -A number of first rate team Horses, seven M ilk Cows, four Heiffers. and a Bull, all full blooded Devonshire stock, ``••:<.• .-- sploodil lot of hogs, two four horse Wa gons, one with buddy, ihe wool p.m of a now four horse Wagon, out I hors.. rtrot wagon—Caryall, nearly new, with ~ -e tt of H irn.:ss, a number of Plou , its, amom! which it Latent corn Plough, ill , o a lot of flarrows, Ii or (Waliz) lit ffritio 1114 .„ p.o• ro. Korn} , ti..e spits h-avy fur !)1,,11.A. , - harness, Cutting u., wah 11,,rse pnxer. (I;ra;l;•r Iro n IP, n n •• n•1i5..1. , ) , r :rain :Ind I ;I, • ,q/.,), IS ..r. .,, Rye, not.l :1;0 uer, , s %Vb. at in the ground. Farther will he sol I a l'iatin Porte, ns ,moo as new, a titt nh..r of 13..15. Tables Chairs, Uul b Sloves and Pipe, a handsome lot of Carpets, and a large mimhor if I The conditions will be made hnown on the day of sale and attendance given by JoSHUA fIaRLACAER. EDWARD f lARLACIIER, 3.lDe3h'S CHARLES KECE., January 2: IT Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion, of the estate of foci Krauss, deceased, Tate of the Borough of Allentown, county of Lehigh. Therefore, all rersons who are yet indebted to the estate of said deceased, he it in Notes, Bondi, Book debts, or other wise will please Wake settlement within 3 months from the (hue hereof. Also those, who have legal claims against said estate, will present them well authenticated the above specified EMELIN KRA ('SR 1 1 1 1411( mi. ,1 vrooNv I\ . it (7, '0 ~r,„.; to 111 1.• Ali , I, . u 111 1.., h of the firm of 13r0b4 and Krutpoi, will likewise make settlement within the above specified time, at the Foundry near Allentown. January, 16, r teedunt. EDWARD BECK. Register o/ the minty of Lehigh, in aceowa wilt the Common wealth of Pennsylvania: The accountant stands charged with the following: Received as Collatteral Inheritance tax, for the year 1650, to ‘vit ; January 9—Of the estate of Eliza- beth . linappenberger, - Pell. 6—Henry Alit -twiner, - " 23—Catharina Stoll, - May 7—Sarah Yaehel, " 10—M.iry Landes, Janl 24—Marin Dillinger, August 10—Henry Mertz, John Eleil, 44 Samuel Runk, 44 Philip 13uchecker, Total Debit, - $O3l 12 • Cr. January CuA per receipt of State Tredurer, $2OO 00 Ditto Ditto 419 $4 Coinini:;bion on $6:31 12, at 5 p. colt, :31 55 Ilvt•rpaid, which is to l,c dccluct..(l, I'ol4l 0,4111, %Vl', the. wider:Ai - pied, auditors Or the county al ladligh and State of l'etaisyliaida, have i.yainined the account Rogister, as , above stated. awl ess do C o urtify that the . same is correct. Witn hands this 12th dity of.litnuarv. 1551:. JOHN K. CLIFTON , GEORGE BLANK, Auditors. JONAS HAAS, rib/My 06 Balance. 9;4 21 271 35 218 6f; 1,359 60 646 46 SOS 20 70 09 2'32 29 290 22 4 0I 17.3 91 259 11 65 55 53 89 17 '2l $.)03 50 5,525 62 $13.5 , 52 5) MS ir- I IT ;. ~;~, IRE EMI S3l 21 39 63 II 52 70 00 31 81 25 00 175 00 139 23 100 00 7 69 MI :19 :40 27 $ 631 N County Statement. , The Account of CHARLES FL MARTIN, &AI. Treasurer of the county of Lehigh, fur the year commencing January 1, and ending December :31, 185 J. 19 EMITS. Tu amount received of J. Ilanse, i I former Treasurer, as per report of Auditors: l ln current fun - ds. - - $3,649 51 In uncurrent funds, • - 21 0.) Loans received for use of County, 2,900 00 Taxes received of the Allow ing, i»fulljor .1819 : .flenry-Romig,-- .----..--.7----.. 40 01 . Salomon Bohm, - - 117 :II John P. Ritter, - - 111 :17 Jonathan Werly, - - 11 11 Aaron Dram, - - - 03 lin John Scheirer, - - NI , 112 Joins B. Ku nrnerer, - :1 ...::: Abraham Ruth, - - - Ilia r-,2 . John Steffen, - - - 101 r;.: Charles E. I - I tiler, - . 171 IS Adam German, - - 1;J 11 Jesse_NL Line, - .. I'. I '4. John Pahrur.rer. on 'rum/ I r.,.. 1 i i 1. 1.15 . ) ) Phili P,r,:m. etiowy ! _x w, ~: ;1 oti;ly exott .ri ..1.. - - Paid hy e dire'ors -- 7dir I S3O, 0;t w.coutif : John Stain), Florentine I - la:lily, Jonathan 'Fre Thomas C. liramcr. Gideon God), - Jacob Seln-irer, John Weidlinecht, (iris %I. Engelman, Josiah Rhoads, Charles Sell, - I).tniel Follm•iler, Adam C , rotan. • - .7 , L,,‘ It Id••tiunk•d Ii Ji,ri •, 5 .u•r I i " (To! rvc •in•• 1 of li.t.r.col (I.'l t.v 111 , 11 1.,r ii • 11'rn. II 13iiiiii• r. \\'• U '"" 6 ' l • 1 "r "••• P kg. S 4 1 , 11 for 0:.I hi Er 11ater St. ck, AM ,uvr or I 4:ml-s :i By C,1.11 1);tt.1 .11 .)! ('( I=l Cour/ E.epritr Gram! .111r1rs, 11%.2-; 71; 1' tit Jurors, 1.02.) Court Crior, Co &Tipstaviis, 1.30 0.4 c sts . 17 97 of r. Sys:stuns. 171 .11 LO(1.18 bilerrsl On account of loans, 1) Ni 50 Lamest on loans, (110 51 Poor : 1 ) 10 , 1 on warrants drawn by I i . 1 11 1 ottoiths .9ert.letily A ppropt intim, by Ihe Grand Jury, paid lo the.Troitstirer of the ~ . ‘catfe.lly, - Fl.e•;ion 1 - 2.tyien4eN • : ,- 1.:..1•L.. C , Salary paid to As , essnrs and Assistant Assessors, - S Pri,v/9:7, Gull ' . Y,nni L & Ire xler. 7,e 47 13 uni.•r. 13u•h \V Co. SA) 0,1 .1 nnen IV . IVilsott. 0./ llalf•rtc & 1 lamitim, \I. Hammitt. 3.2 tIO A. L Raw. 70 :37 Blank li , le, 'HI ,V .t'i ) , ,,teg : Howin &Thompon,,i t tor Protlionnotry . :s office, Aaron %Vint, Stationary, - Blumer, Bush & Co.; Stationary, G. IL Leisbner. binding', honk's, Fox Paid for Pok scalps and f es, . Bri : ['aid Isaac Nl'l limy, on account of South .Betfilelieni Bridge. George Probst, on bridge con tract in full, Sol. Butz, for sundry bridge re pairs' and i•xira work. Peter Roth, repti.r., at Itiiikei's bridge, - - John Both, repairs at iit r, John Appel, repairs at 'front Creek bridge, Win. Itinig, rophirs ui bridge in Upper Maciings. - Dan. repturituz bridge at Muddy's, Danu•l repairing Jur.: le, er . - 111..tittown. Slyt2( I. IViiillr? to Ole ger's bridge, Len is I,arov, undu bridge, James, ri:Tairs'at the ".I.'urithole bridge. .• B. Gackenbach, hauling stony to blidge at Sc.hdinyt.r's. David Knerr, repairing briJg to Lowhill, - 9 81 I.;•;1 5. x:1.1 .17:; f 4 I I(;3 00 I:12 0(1 1:10 1 I N I 07 77(1 00 ."; 704 IH t:. Net% hard and others, auditing State iaxy:. couilly office:, • il/i.•;relluttroto. : 110;Inime, tabu. f.. r e.Aut I i • = =Il 21111 $ . 20,384 54 'LI . 1 V .0.11 Ecitt it. wilt r :or court hour and j (I.•,a z i• lobo I). doclict and office lialivrs. Lai accoilio, 111. ,•x l ii•wws for - Nal law tian,cr.binj milli dodo% . - II) 0,1 11,1rx. pan for lay in!! out State road final - / 00 Jailor Nod 1,71 . 2 77 1.517 01 3,003 00 200 00 , '4ll. I'V I .11 I „ Ell! 907 b 0 17,1-11 -10 Total amount of &bit. 20,3:51 51 11 q...1v•.(1 or Tr: rill Jos.1114:1 1 1111,4., I - Z , •ed.thirinu the yvar. 16,71'2 03 IUO!I to. 'mid 01H, 17, 14 140 R. (ft). and paid ffin, 31.15.1 43 •13i :17,Fion on above nI I I): cont., :1-1I 53 inow.i. in the Trim•stirer. '2,601 I "r: 131 IN • NVe,tlio undersigned.auditors ul the coun ty of l_sdligh.,"(lo that tce have ex amined the w.•couni of ('hallos 11. Alaitin, I.:su • Treasurer el said comity, lry I st, D. I ,50 to nee,mil,m• :11-t. days ii,cluded.) that the sdid account as almee staled is correct, and there remains a lialanci. of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Om. I idliirs aiid Sixty-one Cellis iu the hands Or bald Treasurer. 17 75 Bin 05) 00 5,000 00 11 ‘Vaness whereat. u e have bereunia Set ritir tallow, this eighth day of January. A. L.). 1.1.,5 121 60 5 50 0 25 ME 11 b 7 7C 55 1~ ill tw .!•01 , 1 oil Saturd iv Febrairy lust., ttt the res. tic,. oi eilb,ccibor, iti Ulita4angltl. L dogli County, the fvlluwiug arlicies Two horses, 2 - 11 - wkaways. 1 Sleigh. ,1 sett ut liartions, Saddle nod barrow.. 1) .k', Chairs: Bencho., Boxes, 13iirrels, 1-Pig Rope, Stove and Pipe, and a variety of artielea to tedioi a to trvation.. Sale to eminence at 12 o'clock noon, wli.n cOntlition of salel will be trade known and attendance given by Reunr.s M. LICIITENIVALNER. February tf, Idsl, '3ll, ME MID 30 44 I 08 & Oa 14,404 01 A.nowo o_•rt r, laqut6iiion Fees, 0.1 7 . M-itz, holding three . . Inquisitions, John Er.hialt. ttro do. J. F. Halbach, one do. D. Follwiler, one do. David Schat one do. 0. Frederick. one do. Drs. Romig and Martin, making po,t mortein ex- amination ors infant found in the JorJun creek, 25 03 ,lbatemeat on Collectors Cuminisions 13rob - A. E..yon, 83 07 J. Fryman, N. IVtlit . eliall, r,;) 00 301111. A Immvald, dm 30 09 .I,Mn do. (19 I?. dm. is in Ili 97 S. J. 1c.i,t: , •r,11M,1 , 11m,g.:19 (iJ - - 1:1"/:15 Chas Itno•r. Ilannvor, 131 46) C. F.):-ter. Nliliord, 151 11 Ad. Smmz..r.Sidi,burg, 10r) 1(m-rr. 21 61 ' ' S incon, 1'27 N 5 1"; 0 , 1 irtil I`, 00 I: .11.1 i, (7,,,/rthotic awl J Lii, - - - 911 50 7 . (t.r Refroi,te,l .1).1n) Ruin, Giffin) v taxtivor p,,..1 I.) I"). I.) Irrnh fir.l())., =MEM 13.5 ',"‘t) I J.. 1111 J:{( I)', !<l, (.'n») NI ':, P:ti.l I:: i•tent li:/. nrl of CIIIIVICIS fOr Ole . 17. '•IS and t, L) . 1 ; I Cf.r. J.; I. (or court ;.rid j. 1,1. 1 , 1.) art4l 1 . 1.)4), E.l .(). o • ), R. 1 ,1 c: ;t : 4 :•.1.. , r ;1 vt• , . :6 ) I ' .ttld I _tl,), 1..14 11,11,,nn, cuu j;i/ ~;1 E J. A hide, nst. _ oaiiot box, I.otisitiL , coal, Jls. I. • hr. do. do. Schaff. r. for catoll .s. \'‘ ,;, „. i 00.0 and cart ldrt.. !SD, illEi lumber, 11. I. 1 Comm ;.1 0 11::( 11,u1. N.. 111.,,, , :1.6% 51 Ji )1 1 N K. CLAP I'ON, I. ,Rt ;E 131, auditors .10N.16 11A.AS, la:Juary li, I Sale. I?.I) ,1l 1:1 17 37 11 17 62 10 63 16 t 47 17 l': . . I? ve (Alin . . . (Las" . . . c rd i i I =utter 1.1.1,1 alio‘v . h ;; , .0 .11; ':t: I 03.: M !'' I , , 2 n ;",.) .1k wk., I, ; ;pc =ll = 1:14 12! \c CI ! ' ii .;1 155 27 00 r.1).t;ti,•11,.! :1 , 1();,•:.; 1•••• , •i; I.) corlt r02,1;t:,. Alr 4 ' 21 h, e. lit , Tif , ;:ti ;,., Coney rom 11 ;11) b 11,) r., Mill ME I'i• , BEM MIZE =ISM 3 MI 3 00', 8 Oil (:h,, l'avoii:+;t, for! ;;1,1e; 2 1•11 :1 911 1 1: ..11il . .1 . ) I, 1111110 I ~~L~ ~n.; l'i '2:i 0 1 NEM lit ) r 2U() 00 4 4. :;:i (1.) , 1, • ',AI ;• 11 , ,;;e1,: of 1 1 . t, (I,pir hall. rota:nonc•, at is‘• :t; 0:1;•J r,:7. ee: Tov :IiL:r1!4•1. 1 , ) Priv:rc Salo, III: ,i• 11, 0 i *-25 I 1)) i'ls ,!.., t . :1,1 '1 I t . ' 'LI :1 AH 'I 1),0.r -oovli of ❑ 11:11,Thi. Th. , I tr—u w told( " rer.A liec..srary outbuildings.. The havo been conFtt ilcted but 1:it,1%. au 1 ;tr. in OD. m.. 11 i , )n. F'ur furtlior inform Ilion plvasu u;,l);:catio t , \vit . .1,1 . \ \I 11 . \yr, rifErZll("if,r) $ 20,284 64 11 , '1•11; Ljt 1110 1111dt'l • 11:•vt. t;t11. I. It.r., of 21.1,11I111.•tra `.1“11, :-t Ire i•th , comity. Tht . i . t.hiro aIl who :in.. yvt indehtod to tilt• tto bo it 'ob. ur 0 11it'INVIZA. Will plelMe ti tvorhs frooi tho &tut Ak.o rinse , tvh ,, I, IV,• av;tliiiA ;-•,•• • ••••ell ti •(I till EmvArti) II t•I, (.!nAlet.Fs Kuch, lantlar3. 9 7 -I w N hereby iven, that application' will Le suede to .the proper officers of de? ••Spring. ()Wit', Northam ptantown unit Bethlehem 'L'urnpike Road Company" for thy renewal of LW) Certi6cat..s. No's. 2US and 20.), fur one Share each, of the Capital Stock, stand ing vet the books of the said Company, iii the name of Susanna Sclloi, htte of Lehigh county. The said Certificates caving Levu lost or mislaid. HENRY SCHANTZ, JONAS BROI3sT, DANIEIr MILLER. Poor Directors of I,c4igh County. Innuar:: ?1, fCICC:3 lililj it 'l. , il.Rq:./.0 .11/ I 50 1 (10 0, ;;' ~; 75 • - • q ;,' • I I NM ; . :1 50 5 •i (1:1 :1 00 :I (;,), I nil :1 511 :I 5() p!:‘ y• 0;.,.., of Slncl; ? 11, in .nun MINI= I : 1 - ,Lz MEI IMOM ii . ..•Z:f:"! , i,'.':: ,').77: lIEII t , ;itc,z , htti-1:,I.,1 s' t• ' ik".ll' ,K ; ) !: ji ri - : . k, - ) ,-,: .4 (t) Ith I t); - , (;;, co I 1 Qtl 1 :() t; I ;41 , ( „mint EE =MI extrao I' • • =I ME =IEEE I , ~' ~ .. ~..~t. ~' l'il lif IZ El 11 I {!>tN!r!;! LI( II: :IN NI OEM FEE Ir-Otv
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