• '44* " .. • • • 6 " ?.; • . :~~~?: :~ , i*Ateaet44or'the'reople A Jenny Lind 06ng. ' CO MlI . n uppeo, , to the judgement, A-- candid appeal ; • ' facts on, our 9ids :•-•• • t ?. An assurande• we fni I.- • . Nct, la,-,our maxim,. _ Oa:fuels We rely, '• An 4.t0 ap :In the Lioons we. stii)ply,r; • 91; this town ntir Store, Seento 'aitract, ' • A triumph in _trade,. .- • - • "- Aiid in truth n great - Fkti ' Anti - • • Ai!• it ever hai done; A 'aleriOus fact . Porthe.name it . • I . , Ile;ders I ..We are not aliont. to 'carry. you oily false or 'unfounded - doer-1 Lions. ..-% e intend, in appealing to youi ; juctging.nt to stitto jitcts and fuels only with-, oltt theAligluOst fear. o f . contradiction, One . that :prominent nict,t, t he articles of • Somson,.. iloperl.lz, Co. . . . tire - disting6i , hed, by tinequailed style, in .:- proof of which we would call your attention to cur , second purchase.of ;., Fall. and Wilder Goods, tvhtch We - linie just: recieved and ,en Pack Mg. .A'nd' the-prominent. fait. that nt ottr store - you Will find :an , extensive' assortment of ev- ' ery thing' which Is usually kept in a coon. try store. Bin the. fact of all facts is, that 71,--fragit I -goods chocper per ...than:any other:Store in Lehigh county, but tlonCtoke our word for: it, btu come and see. Come men - 0 . 11:11 station:7, Isnclt rank and . degree,Come COM old Maida'alld young maids, --''Who yet 'are so free, 'Coale Sews and come Christian, ' • 'Come Gentiles and all,: Come each and come every one And rive us a CALL. SAMSON, WAGNER & Co. Novemker 14. ¶-4w ` - '7 - , - INDEMNITX In FRANIiiiiA Mit INSURANCE • 7 ‘: - . (0111 PANT et Philadelphia. ~.... . OFFICE, ?sin. 1633 . WIESMIT sTREET neiir. Fifth street. • . C~lnilcs'N. Bancker, • Geo. W. Richarus ThOiniti 'Mit, Mord. 1). Lewis. Tobiad Wagner,i Adolf). E Borie, • Saintiel Grant, .',".l3.avid S. Brown, Jdcß. Smith, Morris Patterson, • CoiNTiNuE M make Insurance, permanent and every description of.property, in town anecouarry, at'rates as low as are eansis• !ant with.security. a large•Conna. gent Fond; Which with their Capital and Premi• Wins, f;:xcry invested, afford ample protection to. ' the assured, • The assets of the company, nn Jan an rY' 1 t.t, 1898, as pnblished agreeably to an Act of A> sembly; were as follQws, viz: - Mertgages, Real Estate, Temporary Loans, Stocks, Caeb, etc., . Since 'their iaeorporation, a period 'of eighteen years, they have paid upwati.ls' of cite million (tun hurvir'ed Hunayind 411(074 losses by'fiiT, there by affording evidence of the advantages of ins(' ranee, as well as the ability and di.:position to meet with 'minim ess, all liabilities. • . • C.llAllfiES N. BANCKER, Presi den CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec' y . The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of -the above mentioned Institution, and ate now prepared to make insurances on every.dcscrip tionot property, at the lowest cafes. • . AIiGIISTI7I3 1,. nun E. Allentown P. BLECK, Bethlehem Allentown, June 18, 1818 ROGER . BROWN'S WINE (Sr. /ARNO STOStE. No. 323 NIA RKET STREET, Between Eig h and Ninth Sirs, North side Philadelphia, • All kinds of Foreign %Vines and Liquor:. !Weil ;„,;;;,, Old Coznac Bran.dies, Dark z ttki;Lialr,,, and Pale, II kind Spirits,l aintScoteli Whiskey of Ow . very finest quality. • IVIINE 4 S.—Such. as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Tenerifre, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret-and . Chaintingite, very choice and Also, Manufacturer:of Domestic Distilled :,..Brandy and Oin. Pure Spirits, Di , odorized !;--Xicohol,.Peach 13randy, Lavender Brandy, '•liliitiChtirry Brandy, and Pine Cordials, • riaspherry Brandy, New England. Ruin. also a large supply .of lint) Old Ignitongahela Whiskey on hand Thet.ttbovei4iquors will. Iry sold at th e re iyAc4e-St, prices. Coutry Merchailts and Txive_rti r. keepers, w do elllo give.the' edersigited a anWbefore purchasing elseurere, and exatnitiv:Piii.f. t iquurs,.which ,he vouch es,. •beni-1,14 ? itosi , st §,crutiny, recollect Ti0;313 Mat keeStreet MUER BROWN. Philadelphia, pecit: Zt.(o . • • . " Vil(1,11,11 ' Isicitice is hereby gitem. has . taken • out. letters oriftlniittistra t - Of the 'Fikt a *: of .D4rtie/ -Litdtbfe, , • de ..4eased; butt of.* the Botouth o f AJlentooPn,, • Eoatty "of Lehigh. Wherefore, ItirkrigrOitna , wEici•i fi re, yet indetrted to the • eetatit of " alit' iNtoeAtectrbN,. rt in'Bonds, fir f settletnetiti,withifi= .l _o6.,ltaistolia , lll6 'clateitersoi.' • :Alec shone;' wikiiiVaretittk* - •iitroiFttuthptipitti:ilibithi • Oil WE aiti/12; , • , " t•<, r ~t~':,tia~'i Direetars $800,558 726,358 90 205,459 .09 15,563 15 46,581 87 f 1,220,097 C 7 MED .jr• - ..ility, tate.. 0 - 21 a LtiV - . 1 1 1.'lie , snlii:sniibeflins ilia received a very, , I4Tge'itaNt l Ainndsofrip" assortment of new tvle Long nnd . qiiarc';' •. ' • •':, ' .' . ~ . ~ . , . OAT STATE ; WOOLEN SHAWLS to4liickiie—iriyites : the mtentioit of the Ln.„ tlici, its heis confident they will, compare in quality, style and price,- to la ny.othei Shawls in market. . - ' : • THOMAS 'l3-. ' • • 11---I‘i,. .lJct,?l y: Ar, L'OrTO 11:7P very E (b I i - s kill nt. THE'subsdribOis-ta.lce this riiethod in form 0 . 04 customers, and the public: in general, that 'they. have 'la . purchased of Mr.'Geor_ge - Beissel; his extensii•e :Livery eitablislunewconsistins in parr of Horses Carriages, &c.• nod continuing the business at 4.; p . • • . . • the old stand on William street, in the 1.30r0u - kh of Allentown, They, will always be prepared to furnish their customers at the Shortest possible ne4 • Tice with sure and gentle horses and' splen did fashionable vehicles.. Pleasure parties or. soc ieties , will be furn ished with gentle Liaises, good carriages and careful drivers:, if requested. Families can be suited at all times with vehicles to their particular tastes ; 7. . Their charges are, reasonable, and in or der to continue the high credit it has ltere tofete gained of being the "best..4very estab lishment- in Allentown," they will leave nothing undOne to-keep on'hand - thatesrandi safest horses, the neatest and most splendid carriages, and sober and careful drivers. 1 They return their sincere thanks for the liberal patruutTo thus far bestowed,. and trust that they will be able further to merit n continuance of their support. • J. T., LIOFFNI AN. 111-3rn Noveniber 21 EIMIUND ATTOftNI AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW 011 ice a few doors west of the Court House. r- "He can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. . Allentown, April 4, 1111 QV) Vel 4 1:2 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofiice one dooi east of Kolb: Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa Allentown, Mareh 28 - KAN 0 V 011,TV, walwro - Timavito _ 171 Chestnut street, above Fifth, "JUBLIII2. CIO NIL i• - Occupied for more than a !bird of a Gen ' fury. by George Wittig, E'sq. T he undersigned would most respectfully announce to the public,that ho is .figent for more than ticentg of the most Celebrated manufacturers of BoVon, New York, Phil adelphia, nod elsewhere ; and is constantly - "r"" receivino , from them ,1 • * , PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of su perior tone, and of the most superb finish,. of 0. 0.1, 64. 6i', and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal to any manufactured either • in.this country or Europe. Just received, also, a further supply of Church and ra2lol' Organs, of very beautiful patterns and fine tone. His flirre town is constantly supplied with a choice selection 91 SERIPIHNES IND MELODEONS. front the oldest a inn,t o tensive lorios in the United States; ninon°. which is a new style of BEED CV,' 0.1 V, having Carhart's . patent iniFrovenienis. uoh gill pipes in front. and ease elegantly _carved. nd highly ornamental. Tuning and llepoiring.—Sid. Salvador La (:ra s a, a distinguished :Piano Forte Xlanufacurer and Organ Huilder.will at tend to all orders. • OS.CMZ. C. B. CARTER, 171 Chvstuut :,treet. PhiltuklOlsin. August 19. -•--•- - . . 33.30T0T - 4 17-curtsErar rot. 25 Cents. I3y means oldie pocliet aculapiiw; or, every one his own Physician . ! '24th fed with upwarda Of hundred engravings,. showing pnvate disliaSes in.avery shape . and (Orin, -and malformations of the. generative system,. Its War. Found. M. D. low arrived, that persons suffering from'secret disease, need no mere become the viettni of Quackiqi, as by the prescriptions contained ill this•boolc any one inay. Min. himself, wit liout hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge ofthe most intimate friend, rind with one tenth the . Usual ok pense, In - additiOn to the generarrauttne - of priVntediseaSe; it fullY•rplains the'catise. of manhood's early decline, with.obserVatiiins on marriage-.-be.sides many'othrr . di;rtittee= merits 'tvitich it - would nat. ke proper to cup: riterate in_the public putts; ~' .....; ' ' 13"* :Any• person tikeit - djn Ttienty-Fieg . C'cnia enclosed , tp;d4rote,r, nk ,rtc, eye:-ohe_ copy of this boßic,,,by,ynatt,,ar,#yccoptqs *ll,,hif, 4,6: pil-or'.,46o:46llo:',;43late's•iriPij, At. ;P:;lit 6ff?1152 , A . Prg05.«110,.19 .. ti' , 0.4; hi:: `Amiihkiili:T#44l.lll4 :'-'i,:''''::: : •t;: , ~,: ,;4 7 .1. . '•t ' 115;: ~,1 itPr, 1 79:400. 4 4p, f 1T0321.11111 0 1,511t0t)3i, 4r t prAtte;;PieoiVqo:PcSitiitl4 . ; jililAili t 'Olk n.4itfiPliik4 . 4 l ,4 - , ',cep. Ag:PM , Se4gi i ; 9) . 4 4 0g4i.A 6 : . - i 744 .-it 1 794K(4,§. dti:Oit extlePtejl4 l X-. - ? , .. ‘26;ti.!l?r,it':;:ti;p'f -:?:(11-t-Ni;....1!1:472q.s.figit,7*,1131:),31t: ?^:^ 's ,+. ~.~ .~~1 iit .ift, /; .41.1 OM Jenny Zink' :',lll?Am erica • tel t • •• • 6ongre gated. Castle at; .12(rden , to. list en ke-tile' l3 *edishcNithtingale, tyhose. met actiOus votCe i enchanting -h %%St osiern blni"4:;="iiiisdyriClC.T; ela tiii j - hiff . 411'0 iic - ciailyL(Pntare': of ; cite fr(!its-..0r New Tank ;.bat-all'this-exciternent falls far S'ltort of fhe.ciinsteliitioti.that firodtfeed among the citizens of Allentown !Intl its vicinity, .by ;the' arrival - of :a most splendid assort ment of • • - I,;yLL./isn IV7NT.E.I2.OO:ODS New c ork • *tore , W 110:41 reputation for selling cheap and good Goods stands• second to none.--»ay is ac kneiVledged by economists to have no equals' in and:the adjoining counties. Their stock in thii•Ladies' line consists of Black and, Fancy illts,43lnelc Lustre,. BlaCk and Farley Meriu o • Thibet Cloth, Muslin de Laines,. Cashmeres ; Ginghams, Prints and 'in fact all they may desire in ou.r line of bu— siness. The Gentlemen will find such as French and American Cloth, of all colors and. pri ces, Black and Fancy Cassemeres, Black Satin ainl Brocade Vestings, Sattinetts, Vel vet. Cord, Kentucky Jeans, &c., presenting an assortMeiu eclipsing all former ones. Octobor 10 • STIAWL S. BlLick Silk, Bay State, Palm Leaf, Cash mere,- Mocha, Thibbet and, all kinds of mourning Shawls, cheap and of good quali ty, for sale by Such as lacers, edgings, fancy silk cravats, men's fancy pocket Hid's., combs, gloves, brocha bags, neck nod belt ribbons, fancy collars, all of the best quality, for sale by • KERN & KLINE. October 10. If —4 w The latest and best 6tyle of Carpets, com prising a large and extensive assortment and of greatly reduced prices, for sale by KERN & KLINE. Ti-4w October 10 MB n _ i, __ 4 , ••••_, Consisting of Mo. , ~, .. rt fA. , . (ow lasses,S oga r,.Cof- N i n. to' ,. 1 1 .„,, g ,_ fee, Tea, Ppices, r• - " c 7 • s'. - 7 ---I NI acke re I, &c., fOr '''''"="' Fobs cheap •by KERN & KLINE. October TO =1;--4‘v 5000 bushels potatoes wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash orin exchange for goods. KERN & KLINE. • October 10 - w 5000 cord of wood wonted, for which the highest ninrket price will he paid at the N. York StorOpy NERN K1..1 NE. Oetobe.rlo 91-4 w • No. 1,'2, and - 3 Maderel, in quarter, half and tvhole •harrels, for sale. at the New York Store by • Zo KEIIN'& KLINE. October•• 10 " • . '. -.' • 11--1 w .qs a Dyspepsia Curcr.—Dr. I foughton':: preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, curing cases of IX hility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumpticri, supposed to be on ;he vt•ry verge of the grave. It is inipossi. I 0 1 yit I_l..ifilt C 'r ;4.11tt !al to , give the detai;s of cases in the limits I Phi' . 1' 11— ' 1 L d I . , - , --- . of this advertisement-but authenticated The f.iibscrila4" hifornis his old .cii , lonters certificates have been given of more than and the public in general. thpt.he wizties to '2.f10 I?e , iiarhable PureN, in Philadelphia, pit reliaseo,,e 7'hou.smid Ohicliens,Ducks, . New, York, and Boston alone. These were To' Lel s. Ge'eee, Phetkants, Squirrels, Val): nearly. all desperate' cases, and the cures bits, Wooi(eoclis, quails, Suip"es, &,c., for were mit.only rapid and wonderful, but per all of which Ito Will .c.itlipr pay the cash, or inrinkt. • , ".' , . . . take them in exchange for Stoves, Stove- 'lt is a great Nervous Antidote, and•from pit : e, or 'J'in.waro of any hind tt haiever. 'the" aatonishitfglY .;Mall quantity. necessary .I.lr::ErliaEleS 51C1V12 111111 Tin•mitli estrth to;produce' healthy iligestiom is believed to i,.liiiitult • cast .be Ictind in Allen .street,i act upon ~ _ :. • ..,.. --- - . - ..- ft w dotas a Love - 11'. & 13.Cittig's Store. ' Electro-Illin.rnqic 7 2 . 1 Principles is . ''. :' 4:31.1.T HEN Bur pER no form of,Old` Stoinach Complaints•which N ov ,. : „li cr 7,._, „ ~ ~ ... ..- , l;_q w it ot s not sit eirt to teitc an rt. to ort at_ (met.. ...._.' . _,....,_.,...,..:_ • - ........ -_:_- No matter hear', bad .they may br; . i)..",giis. Brandreth'S rills, instant relief! A single . dpie rpinoveth all the • .' , AA)II."II,IE ijURE OF. ''' ' nalkteaFlnt'OnTlinnPl. and it:9nry .nePds-in ' - - r-, .1 be renelted : for ashort if tie' - to m:iku ' 016ke. COnSilinlitiOn; r eool/1/S, vo/uS, 4-c . . . - -, , .. -, . f - . -- . _ - i .._ -, , , Tip IIIIJE.1.17.1BLIkl: . : vigor. or•bodyr; Inflcny-aionee. .IC is.partitu- TLIOSE wlio; are su(lt ring : fta m remit- 7 1n rly exCel It;i it iri crises of Naiisea;Noinjtinn, Link, .or Interrilitting Bilious_Complainth, - CritinpS,„Sofeqes* 4(.14 pi , t - attn . ) Stoma; should, lad the following, : and be voided_ distress aftes,..eitt[tigi.fow , coldo3fat.e . .oC,the,. thereby . : ,; ' - •-',. ' • ' .' 4 . : Blood, Heaviiie, L.cnvaess 'or Spirits, Dee tatrse. of Ptan:--4Pliiil iS the eansequ'ene.e Pqntivndy, rititeit ' londy Wealrnpaif,Ttpdeti dr the , exertion of the'Prion or part wltere it SY- to I ripifrii ik.;Stlicii;tF;a:d: :2" .'. • - is p mien t.to -A row °iliac:whid oieoirtiPt htP • Pdanc.gne'cklidr ;per i Ono bottle: mors; for nis.linincaii `exisandriinri the pro-, WHI often effect a ltrstjpi u re - . ' .' ' ie.nie of th6oe inatters`whiak rire,ef'an..i.in,- :.' , !. I PCPs! ISTz .I:2V I' 91elltIgS; '-` - ... healliiiell'arirter:•....WK•it,' V. Wave:- pal, $, ,if ,bs,.milit,, E., re** Postnge. ; ' eii.e.or": , in the Keed, in the 'bowels,*...in any, other - :yinietice . firsending,(6:ajlpalls of,iltd'Afein.. T . pint Of tliehdtlr, ii only Proves ,tlia'preseape; try;.l4 :PlOsti 3 Oe...rtiatttir of :tlie'VOipFirt. is, .j 91 , :jn4tici.n,r1iicliOin'tilood.'is t i - yiix to ni.. put..lll).lCoe" , feftrt'..ot Pitiltilere:. *tilt: - ofie'C-• mi ? ov P; E i r lditisilds , ,Ari'gibi which is the . 15 C7 'tigorliflOkaiSSOliEirt)l,l dittit'ed.alColl,44a-: stall ..42:006, - ':- . 1:, 0. bit..,:,:01.,4. - -b. 0.!..i , , :I ; i ! innvi!s 4v . nj..ny - ru 0,, otl 1 cl p ati en t : . iiienriguishin pxqiiiption•asthe anotitit, of .sic,il,-.ofi. Jain.juit„..thd:eittili3-'ititit.te'i.as...'the; ige: , kro#l.l;_ed,, !!00.1,4 1 .014;04,y;.tksiAiiii4 ii,r; 4110,04 ilvics? Viti4lfiticr...ki.;iliW.sa4ie: 01c,. -14trirg"..qrliimithir.if;14.11,ftryptnaSrs#:,ock. fPl3l4.,Atid:lokoo4,lllTitjl;'_ll.46l":oss(- 4!%4l,34i.tiod.rfitit:4eitkl:4lieir t At,:-.049 'O/4.3,a0;;1:06*-4011airrOnt;(4OpOith:'4,Vi:."J., 4110`,1000,.,!a,,'0ggf,..61fi,11Le4t'b_,P.44:4,•1i.,1ik1ig,44 'S' ,l-113 ifeltilOt.:W . Jkao * t.tir Pik,-14-tfe6t; I A r Vr t rlr 9 °1 7 - 11 9V.!!*F0 11 91 4.et :004.Y411ik . -1 1 ,16.1itifq1c4ini, Pa y. :::...,;,.:.,- ,: . I ; 41 ' ,01 1 .i._•.4%'11.41:1,,,,5t!T0T;41.11„1ti.10ft ;';',-;:,...**tiikg.4lo4o2:3Tirrl/41.0,.:4011:Etri;t..r-ig,Y,l RIO B,. F 4 eiz;io,lN--4i..llp:sk*,...,;ifiAli.ilgmattuyt.t:ttlydiel*,ttiAgilticksjo4-,i ~. A. 9f .6,AM47,44ok.;o9jortit'it L OI YA . , 4 1i r 4) f - I • , Aicligkk)gom,i - Abli'g l. 9 , i tt I.ot r t . ; Ulempep.RiPsu tr A..4s - .-ii!iiii).4 3 :-. 4 41:- --1, 11,-, - v..64--; - ...1, ~- ) 4.;, . ....:'2. . .,.', aol qi trpi . r. fos_l i ftik s- '%'z'si.v*i:)..;.. ,- 7 ,, ' y',_ x'4o I:e,.; ,. .tfitbijk:lo,ftit'l-b . if-1,9-:Ati 2:,; lsrfr 11 i 00: :A U it" fi are" 0y : e - ji•jit i, , t4 1 ,10* 4 1 , s"'S.• , V 4 a - t ' 'Of 4 • 95 1 17 4 gf : ' j alsi 4 oori.)o 4 - ki;.4l;* ; litz, :. tie 4 -:•, 54 4 30 • kAtifOrm, ': ,• MI ;pap!, .200 : I li, 41i:4316,0 4#4 ,-, ..": - " - ;:i i .: ' :;' l ' '...)Y,V , 'r1,-`,1 1 :i?:410...*,iiiiiikaed;3444:4:0*1941:042W: ';''R ‘ ..';: , ,,f, iia t i:' • A splendid nssorttili.nt of loinl,iiig(ilaS:WS with Al,oo),!wiy tr^ et-. fnr aft vi-ry clii.ap 1\1.:1217 & it'll 3 Y'~ri: ~.~t~ . : c .. , T.,,, ,, ,,,• , , .....,......., .., REM AT TH KERN Si., KLINE KEIIN & KLINE FANCY. GOODS CARPETS GROCERIES IN AIN WQOD MACKEREL Looking G'lasses. ' : ,!..5,i7,,...',.7,..;, ; ... = .‘,,..,.:1 1 .. -, .:,..,-..,•: , ,- 1?..,,5:•,..,.)=f• M " • • - , 22F4RV0 pm) . " A .CagicT•DISP,F.PSIA 'Prepared NOM/hand, ortbC:fottithSforrinch; of the• - 12x,;.-afto . directierwor , -BarOn ~ .big,- 1 4e- g reat..F,ltyaiologicalzcilleMlst, by. S. Ifottihtfirt.,.. AL D:,•*'N0.‘)..1,:-NOth', Eigbth Street, • •, : • ThiS Is a truly Wmiderfurternedy.folin DaSprpsia,_ jaandire,- Liver • ( 7 0hiPlaint, endue, after Nature's. own :rnethodby Nature's ; own agent, the Gasiric:Aice. rrrinir a teaspoonful of this Fluid, itifesed in Water, will - digeSt or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in abouttWO hours, out Of .the. atornach... Digestion, -- Dige"scion • • , • ,is Chiefly. per-. formed in the stomach by the aid of a :fluid which. freely exudes from the inner coat of thot organ, when in a state of health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the. Great Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserv ing and Stimulating Agent of the stomach and intestines. ,Without it there Will be no digestion no conversion of food into blood, and no nutrition of the body . ; but rather a foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condi tion of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, distress and debility which ensue. Pepsin and Rennfl.—Pepsin is the chief element, or, great, digesting., principle of the Gastric Juke. It is found t ' in great abun -de nce-in -the-solid - parts - of - thelintuan - s.to= mach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach- to digest itself, or eat itself ip. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the-ox, calf, &c: It is the material used by farmers in making cheese,. called Rennet, the effect of which has' long , been the spe cial wonder-of the dairy. The -curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sto mach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron, Liebig states that, -"One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice,. Rennet or Pepsin. - To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, we - quote the following Scieatific Evidence!—Baron Liebig, in his celebrated work on Animal.,Chemmtry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid may be readily prepared from the mucous ment brane of the stomach of the Calf, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested; just in the same manner as they-would be in the human stomadh." Dr. Pereira, in his' fatuous treatise on "Food and Diet," published -by Wilson & Co New York page :15 states the same r oration. There are few higher authori ties than Dr. Pereira Dr. John W. Draper, .Professor of Che rni.stry in the Medical College of the Uni versity of New, York, hi his, "TeXtßurik of Chemistry," pare 86, says, "it:has been* a questiop Whether artificial digestion could be performed-4Mtit-is non, universally ad 7 mined that it may be.". ProfesserDunglison. orPhilndelpliia, in his great.-work On ,Human Physiology, de votes- more than fifty pages to,an examina tion of thiS subject." Ilis.experiMents with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric juice, ob tained. from the living human stomach and from animals are well known. "In all ea ies," "he says" "digestion occurred as per reedy in the artificial as in the natural di restions " 11-4 w - •:-li -t., .";!i. '.,•.• :444• •'•'- ' ';.:-7 ININ ._..':•, —; :• — •q"'e:Zi:,',.:A--0.::- . .2.5-:,1, - 4.ti.:4•;•'"* , 1::; ., '•:;:: -6 0:,:. .?:.,',Y..i.:l*e.,i ',.!..... 4 z..vh15i0! , :... - .... r.::4 , ;f:1 . :' 4, 3% . ........,;:' , ..eret5AA,,itA , 5. ,, A P.,- t t.' ••• - .=',....t.':!..1 - ,'.01'.... 4 :4 1 ,Z..-').?.;!`‘'...5 . ....i.. 4 -: / .. - .'f , •::' . .•.:•2!5 , ;!*:...'''' , !:. - .!.,.5'i 4, ' 1 1 -7 • • •=t;f.;;;.. 7 ZV , .4.1 , '7.'•::5;‘:.:•;;1:.'',..,i':*:' . '::' , *"..::, - ; - .!..7 .,.. ;;'..:: , :;;; ..;',..,..-.::, • ....7:':.:••; , 7. •••;- 1 -• ~--,-:•::!...,:.4-i-i,:y: • 4:::1:;;14;: , :1;,•.'.^' _ . 'SILL ,N;2l Gpoil 30.1 t Jewelry: (0) rota Ne"l"L second ..•.96-Norili ' Etti?o'S:ff:Al ry:;" Ph i 144 e P 631 d , Carci • • : •••cases, t • ' - •X3O and . over. Silver. Lekir• 2 •Watehes, full .••• gag and •,6vCr. Sirver I.;epitieWattlies,jew-,.. ••• •.• I 1 , an 4 over, Silver Ctaartier Watches; "0,00 :la' Gold Pencils,- . $1,69 7; • Fine Gold •".:374 ets.':6'.B6 Other' articles in prrportion:,.: AII G6odO, ,warratited to be: what They are sold for; ; Constantly hand, a full assortment •of fine' GOLD JEIVELRY and . SILVER WARE.' A lio;rtifriSsortnient Ofll,l.l.J.:ro bias..&. Co:. E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co., John flarrison, R. .Beesler, _and other superior Patent erillovemenlB, which will be cased in an tyle desired. • • . A angements •have been made with all the ab vo c,elebrated makers, the best man ufactur sof Live'rpool, to . furnish at short notice an equired style of Watch, for which orders be taken and the. name and residence of t ie person ordering put on if requested. • 0. CONRAD, No. CM North 2nd. St; Importer of Watches. Philadelphid,'Noe. 29. 11— I y G. W. ,NIE4ICHANT'S CEITE6RATE FOR HORSES.. INAILAUELLED in THE HISTORY Of MEDICINE AS TIIE , • Remarkable External Applieutianever Discovered!' Facts arc Stubborn` Things I! WII AT lIAS BEEN' DONE CAN DE DONE Aoitm. Ignorance , of facts and philosophy,- however, start at the assertion that any' one teinctly,, Can possess within itself the. virtue qf curing-many diseases. Experience °flume than fotirreeri :years has nevertheless established the-factthat Merck ant's celebrated Gargling Oil, or Universal Pam ifv,Utnbeinuttionova d ,. cc itx Most eases, and re sparim,Sween,y, /thishoire, itriderribi - , - Pai Ev il , Callonv, Cracked .1 !eels, Galls; o f all Math': Fresh Wininds, Sprains, Bruises, Strains Lameness, Sand' Cracks, Foundered, Peel; Scratches or IGreese;. -- illairge,'Rheittait• • 'limn, .*Bites of 'ExternalMsons,• Painful . Nervous -_dl ctionS,- Frost. 8i1e.,, • Boils Corns, IVltithims, Boras and Scalds, Dhapped 'pawls -Cranips, . • tractionqf the AlM:fetes ! : /awtlllnt s, Wee/ends of Caked•. Breasts, 6,•c, 4 The. celebrated Doe!, Parker el;o.writes as. follows :—Dear Sir: I have- precritied y'ourGarg ling Oil in various cases of " '-Practical Surgery:: ; as a liniment, With - marked success'; aadwould - - commend it to . physicians generally for elderttar use in all contutions, tumors, sprains,white sWell in es, and in all rhtunatic affection, where.exter nal means are necessary. As a disemetit it•is. harmless where the febrile symptoins have been reduced by general treatment. such canes it' is the most edit:lent remedy within the circle of weans now in use. I would also recommend it to community at large as a safe and powerful remedy where Mete is no general fever in all.the above diseas Vs to be mused freely and to counteractintlamation in a remarkable manner. In bruised woonds it prevents swelling. and consequent "soreness in hot weather. From the peculiar nature, of this Oil, and the unparalleled success it has met within the hands. of the- Furrier, Farmer and Sta,ge Proprietor, it is but justice to say, that of the great 'timber of medicines which have been offered, none have been so well adapted to•the prompt core of dim ;eases ;to which horses' are hable ; it hat been very justly called a complete PANAI . E.% et a Tile For instance read the following : ' , 7'o toners of Horses. This may eel - tit:y.lk at I have had for many years of front - WU to . ;00 Horses and .having Wrcliant's , Gargling-;Oil' for 2 1 years, post at,td'ean.sdfely_ say,ithat far all , the eases , lltat horses are. liable. to, I never•saw:lts use',aliatit,.One' bottle per nionth.• and vecominelid it to the public; a3,the'best metlictine I for Itor.SesnoW iti use., Caution: to .Put chase, Ile~eare ut i COUNTERFEITS',..rind be surethe naps C'o f the . &Va. l'roP4itir cmo, - W, . MFliell • .',ittlheP side.'of. ithe.bettle, eq. in AisAttr2d.piritjiig, Kilter :14.4(0(V. Dorlt be,FievstittdeCto, take; aqyait),TelF,Nyjth. titi:peonitge.if:4l juit 4 . § . ;:fpi)4•ateT;l'll*•,i. :. pra• by-!ihoie .1 -41etice.u4II;stiotch!litie,..Intli4,434tilieet.i64::}tto I.)re' or kin,drett, those- in. our, ; Inkge. so. 4*. onntly,boen:t4pr,isid,‘O;tlie nojton, of cling rpss. cirtfors 'addil iheaproitrietor. will.,bi p{omptly,.,to4pollite, c . , - • Q0 . 4)000110 Of • the. , :Agent o nntl see knpdcrs are:„no4Ornplished.-by,.tlig. use -. of !tits' • ' 131114;b.i'Ltglpolable liealemgenortllY in e ., -'lrAy otsv i s k.,„,.., i.kititi - Sl4teg,t . teikPatindic. Viliso by ...8,4110h Rau - .5P4404.. 0 0.0.1tan.ri j ,R: 6 , i • Boy do ni - ; piunit:4clCasi,..}34spack„Amos.pulp. VloAVatttlopplanif r A. i i iiti: StititY.SastOn, Le*.is,EintittOk.l./gAllenttilvn' ; 311ry IN g , 131011; ~.., OviNiitty;',,Oitvigsburg. J. 0.-.VA,lfisigfiei h y;iti t i vbi, -c. a vra, ...r. , .- r , ,/, I-„v,j II c,,R,A. lte.o ol4 444KthtliaiitlVldi tt.'.3 Staqi , ',,., 1 *ii-gxeEy,. , ;. filAillion:l-leilry,gassur;Blinbily:b46;'l•:get.' 4 ' 4: • 4 ' ' i- '' ''' '-' ' ' '. t: I: 4lloiii,lerse.y, 81i0re,;`1% . .. Mlifinp; WIT siint i;. , t o ivt9M .P f l,!! • ' 4.9 4. : , 13 L:- W:Sluitte, t exitobti.Mj,:,..ENetibl4 l l ,emei , . ft, _P%, 1 0,7 1 .A 1 M 1 .Y. , „,; 7 ; ita;Hiltifoli* PgriFi t r4Most6(l4,:o:Tir chi kiei,rt,...,,i.vio 4.,,k0,... 1 §.0.10.,,t..6.44011,r90164.4,:rtf t w00.0....:,. P /T T IV it ;,.`1,.il i t l ii. k At 4f.,1.314 aglie;kififixtAi ltk illt e wiii k oi sq ,,,.,, 04- t,9 1 orw,- ? tft ,l4 4 l 4 4l . l trotifstiothlupt rw lk . 'f a Al - .it 4 e ,11 % , .431„8,4 1 rO4; - . % 4 spv 611 . 1075 ti , Itri.f,l' ”4. '.., WA , ...0 , ''' rid' ' . " , : .-li i file i "i tl O,t i ttiqsApi 4 4 l ov: tif I+o r fir (I•fy NW151,9 .54 ay 3 44 4 ) 01 #44. i i 0 0 3 0 Mi#4 l ii i * g : . Otti.o9 ,l ,:rtifer4V 4 i r at Ip:S- f q :ia -0 iC - h l s kk itmlicriiolll:.,to,.:`,,,z, ~A,' , ,*ttlfr,s, iq)fetpr ~ .1 , 4 1 1 1 4 4 .0. 1 44 . 2;• - :::•'''''' -;"' '7 '• - , 1 -441 4.. 44 1P*),15•0! 41 90450;PA1Mua1ifa11Y5.11 WZA-4,''.''.441';--"`'l2-'''',..::::.,,,.',.;1:2:.:..t;;',•vaa.,.-4.`,,......;;i!:,-.....',',,,,r,,At-zz:,.....'„.41!# MEE ME 13k of I' Amcrica 4 -.Tar Bk of Peniirlyli. par Bank of Coltimeice . • late Mciyamcnsing' , 1.3 k-of-N-Liberties- par B I of "Peziti TaUtrts. par Farmers & Meclihrißar Kensington " -par! &Meehan - - .l 3 Rti Mechanics• "," • Philadelphia Or) par Western ..., _,; , par', Cotnrttercial Panic. ofePennsylv.- par Bk of the 1.3 - Btates . 12 Coosray DA:xxs. , ..• Bk of Charabersburg 1,1 131 c Gettysburg, 13k of Pittsburg . 1-1 Ilk of Stisq: County 83"' Bk of Chester Co. par B k of Cermanulwn par" Ilk of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par,; "Bk ofMiddleitiWn I Bk of Montg. Co. par ; Ilk ofNoriliumberi .oar Columbia Bank.& • Bridge Comp. pot' Carlisle Bank • Doylestown Bank pad Easton Bank - "Tar Exchange Bank . Erie Bank . 2 Fllf tners,4Drovers Bunk . • Franklimßank Farmer's Bahk Of -Bucks-County . par Fartners. Bank of Lancaster, par ,Partners.-Bank of • par rni -Bank 80110114 lb . par ihirpab,ingJla 1 1 - 11Ottesdala Rank jorg,sfax-Alanl.r . Lancaitci..co t Dankpar . . Lebanciti Bank Lehigh'Cii.7l3itrik? Geliiih'isilly.)lppionv .2 :` , Ooigariltt., - -=',...: .10 , 1 Milleig Think:op ...:',.11 1 ,-:.' ', ~,roitort,lll4 - ~ = • ": =,- Nit PliNkPlitti ll !i4Cf'' • I 4 1 41 1 IirtliVC * l3l l Itrarkmi g it i eht t tnibm,g, 2 §77!4'.,. , '; '"." j ~.ti.F!. . Mr771 7 7 4...... 4. -.:f'tk . .; . ,'Z':',4 - s.':-'.;4"...tY,,'Yt .; . .. „ .„,.....,..,;..ijt: - ... , ..E . ,..;,.e...,,,,,,,: , .....::: : .,.,.± i ,: ; . 13 .,,,.., :...,----,.-!...'..''..:,-,..,::,.'....-,....;:-;:::;;..... - .,:..;•...;..4.,!.., . ..,. . . .. . . MI =NM A:7;s ,- . , •"! , •!",i ' I. V. V‘ • 7. ; '3' ~4,:`,: •••• ,,,, 71:.-, - . ,, ,-., , , , , ,, ,, .-: I , ARGE:IRRIVAL • ,'. , Fall and:' , ,,___intet oo si• - '...--:: :-..../-:,-:•51-44,-Ei$.;.--:,•v,.,,- ;. ~-• David , iß l ifiotiropj% . - .. ,„ Al erchUnt in-lioSiiiiaiale:;•iiiiiit': Milford, Lehigh .acitity, ,infoims'ida la repircle of friends.. and .the lniblic i.CW:g6hertiV . 'that ho 'lids pit. arrived,frOm -Phlladc ; lota; ':and is - now_unpacking aild ,offstalc,or'sale; a large assortinent of seasonable' Coods, as:follows : PlainJustrei;cliongablo and figured Al pacas, plain, and-printed naaslin - de' lain, gingham?, calicoes. checks, flannels, &c. , a c . English, Frangh.and American - Cloths i of, all colors andiitikos,cassimeres, vestings, sattinetts, tbibit:stud,..Avaolon shawls, cotton 3'nrfl, eco.i&e.-..- - :'•,.• ...' ..,--,,,•, A'ere Mock of Groceriet. Molasses, r, -.•-••.-rm,.._, { 4/ , :E I -..:!,, , ,Rtt Co*e, Teti, ' pi-' :., t 1 ; i 'Affitg go!, ce q ; Nacl c eield of c; , l, L.a._ - -4 - --lall:numti e rs and: at -- 7-4-- - '-- cheap prices, Salt, Qils.'&c . • • ,Fashionable hats 'and, caps, shoes for la dies and gentlemen, sale and upper leather, calf skins and-morocco:- • - ' - • A large assortment of Queensware,..Earth4 enwa re,H rd wn re, Looking Glasses,- prtigs, Glais, and Dye Stuffs. •.11 L. , II?GE STOCK OP IRON. • Just received, such as warranted bar and hammered iron; American and Sre'edisti steel;. warranted' at 0 cents a pound,'" cast and sheSr steel, band, round; half roomfand cornereils refined-, iron. , sheet and hoop -iron, ca.st-iron-stoves;-IrettlesVpbts;toilers, grates,plough shears, wagon 'boxes. Also a large stock oPEti,glish wagontire; of every , width and thickness, ut 2Y cetip per-pound. assortment in general is made up of such a stock 'of Goods as but seJdom found in .a country retail - store. Ilmlithe font.invites each and every one.to• give •lijm a friendly call and convince them. whnt is said ,abore. No chergeS,will,.6 made,to show goods.. • - - He .returns , hid sincere .thanlis•-t0..: his neighbors and friends; for.theyety liberal custotn..bestowed upon trusts 'that he will make'it t4eir interCSt:Curther to con tinue their calls. Oct.. 10. co.wacole . ho . :tneinbers the old (.4Nortlianyton Blues'!"yet; living, or:the Widows of,,thps-e ileceased, or their "Minor Children, , can.7o. , ply O . c'tiptain John F. litthe'e.',offiee;,Were they, can get their application .-ftiOth . eir • Bounty And-all-okliers stood a tour of duty in the- Militia.; in - the,Air•tr of 1,81,2,- can. also be'supplied with the lines sary papers, to Kocure't.heir bounty lands, under the act of Congress. passffl Septent ber 28, 1850. Charges reasonable. . .lOIJN Penman of the uNortliamritin; Blues." _0:4114,...,..p,tc- : git,t : '.. (Corrected Weekly from Bichizelre,VanCoull'ikund • ;.• • Thomptines peterlor:) , " : ..htechatties hank•or .' Neg•hrk; :- ' .: hteehanic,s.bani; lit --Ilittlirigtoit ' 1 life . ehalieg "az 744 - '" . . , ..ur4e;tirershat* par Newarlc' ba n king &I, NI - . Ins:t6yhtitinyt • " --,.. ,i 1 New kloi)e & pela;' - '-- i -- ' .*a re . Bkowilli.tiritif 'ol:Azige . tiii* - '• ';,';' i -Peciriles- iNiii k '. , "• ' a •I'l'aidfie)tt , bitTik .. ".. 1 - Princeton Itaxilt:. ' 'itir eilleixi bßilking Co. jot Sititi liiiiik"lit,El!!;al,, , ~ be th triWzi; NeWarlr; • . '(.la,inderiily.liitnis•-• -.- • - liritik; ' : .' ' ~.-.' C . : par Ousclx ban „.•" :11 1 , .., Union - baiilt ' ~"''' , a,' 6' I Tien ion tiiihli\ - .9? tiar 1. ydraliqviireq.rlo4 .. • I, , einarpOny.i.„l;;:if:,.., 25 • DEX,A,V4iig.'t 1 The Efatikdorth,9 - si a 1 a of Delawapi::Vrcti:'!4 . l . at NEW YPIt/C. New York , CAty bkh obelsea , bilak ',". .80 Clipton',.bank 00mniercial baa 34 , 10 Lafayeite bank 80 Wa.shingtnil btink. COUNTRY . , . Allagliony county: , . • • batik : ~ -1-- -, .70 pooh 9f Ameyfr... , ,, 31i• _do , of Corrine do' of ilio'clikort.,.7l., % do of T.Odii - • ' , 1 5 24 • 'do of OkOrlir'' ' ' . : - § alP, • dd ,eRt Tou'Ot!litikwo 10,A74piit!,.. - : . !! ., 2 i vi t dot ' replvl 3 **:', . t'.. r.,..:''15t0w.A.64,,,, !ciitto vkli !tiinannitini: balp F .,l,4li , ~ ., / ..i.' 1 ;5. • ; I PIC U P•t ak !*-104 1 , ( 1 1 ! - 14,0 1 47',i4 ,$: 1- 2, ;:%3 ? tii4l 3 o l3 rY , Vagit, ' # GI ^ • Vv9P,A c kr . .. O .f t: f ' i : l t;# tY . r. ' i f?,,‘ . ? .. s a" ; 7 leratilpitxtra?, Ildaittosrben6.?' 'AG , . • . 4 00. 4 i 11 .Y,Pa)lic , 6 i . hhitilickba!l_Y.4e, 46 } Paghlo ' ; ' '1..1.1 jlj j•,i rdt. ißlac n r. t-.^s b' 11 .• 0 nupia '' 4. i •Z .a, ` , . ' o 4e 12 i 0 (.: ' kl . trilletspvkpil4es. 0*0g940 ,13 62A41) 4P II -gner.4 4 4k`4, 11 1-4 61 : tiiterMA , iraPo,. ,-;!;i!D Eig.i; 5„.,, 1 ~ ,.75 Tit6l3„ 14.'41 - 0. No otkio lio:01, i t .I.l q l a ' la f fi tl s ... 01dt ' 4 4 1 • .. :ov fir' - ;Re - ..:y~~,u.~y, ES IR 7,;Y*i .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers