MOM ammximarictitwi, 1- • Conatiitg4Ouse :41 1-111 1111 l a w Forth :Y~eAlr ' O olir Lord; Oq 6 azsza": fa-72' a g a t=r , • 5 , ia• 'a< : r IJ4iritit',.- , •S.. 2° - 3. 4 riil ' 't `5 , 6 7 '_f 8 9 10 11 t,, k , - : 12 13 -14 15 1(5 17 18 ,9') t- .:.-:-- ..------ 19 -20:21-2. 2 _,/42 2 4 - ....gALS. r . '- 26 g 7, 28 29'30 31 - ti „,,.., rat, Pk:Bitty/my, .' , ' 1 7 /A1 / I,NE -'' ' . 2: 3 4' 5 6 7 8V: rti .., • . 9 10 - 1.1 :12,•113 ' 14 15 n) vc - ---'-_-- 16 17 18 10 20- 21. 22 ,k 1,,,,/ j'a - ' 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 FA:I t iii i i ) , . 2 a 5 4 •67 8 t I ,ii',l - . - 910 11 1 . 2 13 14 15V. • • 1 - 6 - 17 - 18 - 19- - 20-21-22 2- . , e l ,___., : - .3_ i__, 25 26 27 28 21.q.,:-.0.. :3I tjr - 4 2__ 4 545 6 7. 8 9 10 II 12 VT 1 )-APHIL,,-... . 1 , ) 1:1 14 15 16 /7 18 10 0 29 21 22 23.21 25 26 27 28 29 30 1..2 3PAI 4. 40 6 7 8 1) lop., 11 12 13 14 15 16179,,„ 4 3 18 4.9 28 21 22 23 24Y 9 25 26 27, 28 29 39,31 8 Afar, gg . W . 4 V I I JUNE, .--.-. I" 2 13 4 - . Q . 7 :V4 1 , s olio U :12 13 14 4 ' 15 16 17 18 JO 20 21,:. ,:. C - - 22 23 '24 25 20 27 28# T t.z , , , 29 30 • -t.-4 ; !i t:A 113 LT, . . . 1 - 2' " -- 45 fir. 1 :1 6 31 7 4 1 8 5 10 8 1I LI 'l 4'6 4'. 23 24-2 o 25' 1 2 C 71 - 2 ° 9 30'31 #./ 4.-.4 AuousT, . I 2 1i".4 il_ ' :3 4'.r 0 7 '8 .14;1 hi 11) 11 12 13.11 15 16 te %. ~. rdi 17 18 . 192 a 21 22 2:39. . 24-25 20 27 28 29 3% L M :3l ... 1 2 3 4 5 GPi 7 8 9 10 11 12 13', 14 15 VI 17 18 19 20 • ...' 21 29 93 24 25 26 279) 28 29 30 t.,..: 5 0 7 8 9 10 11W 12 13 14 15 10 17 181.,_, 7 4 .1 SEPT V. ocro s ER it , A) 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 3'l 2:; 27 2S 29 30 31 7; NoVESI :l i d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t ; .6 W 9 10 II 12 13 14 15i, ' La ' 16 17 IS 19 20. 21 22 F:.,.. ; . V I IO ' • kvi 23 24 25 26 27 2 3 '29 k r:,•,i - 30 ~. s ..;,' DISE NO -l•-.- . -- T - 4, - -4) - rii - - i tv,:k, law Ini 14 15 16 17 18 19 20p 9 • .21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 ,`i 2,8 29 30 31 - 1 : .. , , " 4 A ..-- -4 , •micr--- - c ~.---- ~ 7 - -.....‘"1-'", Religious Troubles in Turkey. . In Asiatic Turk6y, the religious zeal of the - TUrlcs prompts them to fanatical extes sea against' the Christian :population. In European TurkeY, an obstinate struggle .politicalstipreinacythas already commenced between the respective followers of Christ and Mahornet.: The Sultan seems fated soon to be no niore than the protector of En- ropean Turkey, for Bulgaria has been al ready made a principality as little depen * dent oq the Porte an Servia and Bosnia— :the I'l.cregoVino and Albania are evidently the , snme . privilege.' Indeed the present' Turkey appears anything but satisfactory:. The perSecOticin of the Christians in As fiatic TurkeY.As. t4rible. On the 18th of 'October awattack was to have; been made an t 46 Christian's at Liwno, and one actu ally.did take , plaCe, on the 16th. at Aleppo. A body of Turks.and Arabs fell upon the Christians during the-night, and a fearful iroassaci! l took place. Few escaped with itheiix lives, c.‘nd such as did were. wounded. I ,lllle Greek 13;:ltep was among those :ner ..;dered. The Pasha locked himself up in the ifoitrms,:rokt the troops did not interfere. Ammo ilime.rrunc.—lt is not generally 'known, that no (Twang have been left .unetn ployed by.that .ciassni persons who attempt to counterfeit egery,:B l 43od medicine tilt,; has acquired public conifidenc.e, to mislead t 1.9 public into a belief that their oil is the stone his Merchunt'a gargling Oil 13e not : deeeived;thecefore. by such knav- . , . .„ „„. try, and be not satisfied except you find tlu inarlis of the genuineartiele upon the bottle. Of this Celebrated medicine one geode , 'Oen that-he:cured a valuable, horse Whielrhad hecome callous. ' Another says he has Cilred'a-fkne horse or, the s'tocelly which nothing ciao Would . effect,- Another has cured himself by the Lisa •of ..the'Oil, of. I?hiumatis and in his faltillyhai titerl it for all complaints requir; retied 3 ,, it.ifen hand, " says that veil " .. jihriself ! imniediutely of severe ' continued paio v resultiog from the fin„g9F a dislocatet! kriee joint ever qp y fOrlwetity foUr hours had' tii'perforitt;' he soon obtained sleep's rt littircured'Fpuitdars, a.earniiron remedy, for Gallo, Sprains. Bruises; Statics; :Oratripalrtilihriess of the Joints:and Limbs,' -Ifrbxerr reit;!-Ctititrtiction• or_the;~tiluscl e, fie.; 'llO 11the• - facts' were told . be ptF,l,S(thost4 filet*ditOttlietiOlitj*O l gtA4ol 6 i ) 6lNVK VsVllll, ) je7it fq, -1 :0 6 11:04 142 , 1 . 1 90q*P1110,!5 . 3 , 4k r- f4i.. 4 . • Incleperideid - Pank.=- -- VVe - learn 'Worn • & Leonori's New York sank Mid: List:grin: terreit peteCtor„that neiv Bank has been estab- . lis,hed at Younistown, Penn., under the nit. of February 24, 1845, with a capital of $OO,OOO paid in." It . Is nailed the Maligning itanii . ol* Youngstown. William Rayen,' President,. and •. _ . R. W. Taylor, Cashier; • Cincinnat e.ity, terrilett-othe Queen of the West," has a population of 115,590. In 1840 it was 40,382. This shows an' increase in tett years, b9,208i of about 159 per cent. This will hardly be beaten. , - •- ...ANOTfIER SCIENTIFIC WONDER.—Pcp , sin, • aitificia I Digestive Fl or.OasfricJutce ! :A €reni"'TlS~spejisin`Curer, = prepared'"`f~on Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions of paron Liebig, the great Physiological - Chemist, by J. S. lioughton, M. D., No. fi,-North Eighth Street,,Phila delphia,-Pa. This is a truly wohderful re medy'for Indigestion,. dyspepsia,Jaundice; Lives Coin plat nt,Consti pation, ad -curing after Natura l s own' methOd, by Na -turels-ownLagent,-the Gastric -Jitice.---See advertisement in another column. . . fll A 11MED. On the 22d of Deceinber, by the Rev. Josh tin YVII ge r, Mr. DattietEhrig,to Miss Issabella flatter; both of South Whitehall. On the 2(4h of December, by the same, Mr. Henry Eberhart, to Miss Ilenrietta .iioffert, both of Hanover. On the 12th of Dtcernber, by the Rev. Daniel Zeller, Mr. Thomas Ziegler; to Miss Susan Snyder, both of Allentown.' On the 17th of December, by the Rev. Jeremiah Schindel, Mr. William X. Mos-. ser, of Allentottr, to Miss Lucy .tut Fisher, of Upper Macungy. On the 14th of December, by the 113 V. Mr. Harpel, Mr:V. A F. Sleeper, orLow er Sancon, to Miss EliXabells L. Cole, of BetbieheartoWnship, * - On the 10th Deceraber,by the Rev. Issue- Reller, Mr. Nelson IL Trexler, to Miss tlivina . Fisher, both of Breinigsyille, On:the - 22nd Of December, by the,same, Mr. William Fleisher, to Miss Sarah .4nn Butz, botti - of Lower Mncungy. - On the 24th of November, by the. Rev. Mr._Bmlter,-Mc.--Richard Snyder, to Miss Strwatt both of Bethlehem. On the 11th of December, by the Rev. Mr. Fox, Mr. illonroe Muslifilz, to Miss Eliza :hot Rogcrs, both of Bath. On the 15th of•Decenther, by the Rev. J. 13: Parner,'Mr. Jonas Bar, of Lower Macungy, to Miss Rebecca Wetzel, of Up. per Milford, Lehigh county. Public Sale Of raleiable Property. I3v Vireftl4; and in pursuance of an order issued out of the ORPHANS Coml. :of the finTrt":;i6tr, *&tittritay the 18th day of January 151, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, a certain Illessuagn and. Tract of Land, with the appertenances, situatethin North Whitehall township, in the county of Le lsigh aforesaid,, bounded by the River, Le high and lands of John Trutnbauer, Jacob Mickley, Charles Mover and others. Con taining 21. acres and J 1 perches strict inet“ sure, All improved and in a high state of cultivation. The Improvements thereon arc u one story frame IRWELLING MOUSE, frameßarri, and other out-buildings. An Orchard of apple and other fruit trees aro on the premiSes, ' Being the Real estate of Jacob Jones de ceased, late of the• township and county aforesaid. Terms on the day nt the place of sale, and due attendance given by ERWINE JONES, ,1(/ , .strs W I LLIAM JONES, By la J. a LAWALL, Clerk, December 31, 11— 4 w APIADIIit 00111111 In the Court of Common Piens of Lehigh Co .. I ,txx. rf . In the matter of the account of :I ; v;:. George Stein, Assialice of An i ti . (Or: drew Klotz, under a voluntary rt,..; 4 7 ,0 . 6 , .5 7 a..Qsignment. And now December 6, 1850; on motion of John D. Stiles, Esq., the Court appoint Eli J. Saeger, Esq., auditor to exa mine and, if occasion, resettle the same; and report to the next term. From Ike Pecan-13; • NATHAN MILLER, Prom: The undersigned Attorney . and General Agent et the City of Washington, Affers his services in procuring lloanty Lanes and Pensions for those entitled.--;•Boing I - towl. , nently located at the seat of Government,. lvith a thorough and familiar acquaintence with the necessary forms and . routine of bus liness, and having, access to registers and 111.01 k filetin the IL, S.War 011iCe2 he pos. sesses facilities for the Speedy end satisfac tory adjustirient of Government claims- of every kind: By a late Act of Congress, Bounty Lund is granted to - the ollicars and Seldiers of the war of 1812, and-of the various Indian wars since 1700. 'l'd those whoeerv s ed. nine months 100 Acres, to those who served . ftair months 80 Acres, and to those who served one month 40 Acres: . . Arrarigetnehti luive been made with ,gen denten of the Legal professions: i re sections Of the country, forthe.lOcation or, Warrants - and the sale of the patents, when issued," on the most advantagebuti.terins: for the payment* of taxes,-`redemption of Lauds; sold for -taxes 1 : collet - tion of debts : and for the tran s action al neneMl.Low:lnts . VI (Mlifi% ',AOr ' - r al. TE - 1 - - •- 1 mom to the different,Stritesond lerrtt Territories,, *NI Nbtf islt:."%lhagv:' Et:lenders his stivioes to members of the. Notice is hereby given, .bit the_ umlttr- i profehion at•tutlistatite, rind .When, claiths sigiieo.ltre.;appointed l gxeciaim's, in tlin,last:l non.. insf'the adverorrent, are:preparedity a' -Will and,Testament of,t/ertry :1•;b11 or; dee d. - ‘.l lecidA gent,,' Will , abate ' one'hnlf - his' usual , late of the 43orOugh-of AlitntoWn4 count.) . of I fee. ~ ..7 he necessary forms and , nistrUcttonst .. Leilikh;'therefore:Oll.lleisonii who MI Yet ! and itiformetion'imeoll subjects appertaining , , J' ici P bt ` ll4l ' eiid ' i i titt ", L''' i t :ii ) , N°l6l 'o lB ,13 ' I to tyßiicciiss64l . proiecution of this business, or otherwtse, - elLientilit v.nete Will Ito furnished 'to tegular correspondeOs ... 6 :1v_r . ..41i - frAttl: tO- dilF•IWIllf, .:•7 1 1 • t Pl-1 i without charge. . -.-• s• -• •. ... ... ~, P/i6.Tlvit*, it'd trniet4ainst • Said 'eAtltte, ' 1 oTohrition': ; liee 'Tully .krieri: , rditt__ ttfi., 7111 050.Ait1101.3yetikiittienlietti:P4'ithin -coiritoutiidatiohkiiromiitly,,rsiplied"oll)#iii,-, 10;14,1;41 ,pOrPtiOto 1k ..',.'- 1, ,, - ',,,,,,, - :!:-:7".. drpss4l4pif; - ,....'‘, :- ' . ,:',77; ' -'3 5 ,..1,:',., t ' ' ' ; :.. , : '4 lt4/004 . $P:tOnkienit/4' 4l. thelii9ls - ,- - ,,.x•54' ,.0 • ."-:_ 5 ./ -:;:14 1 01 12 t*- 11 30-04k -, i Q:.',; -. ~..' , 44 .itA.h.Liii,-.4lt v e- t qiiil43 . -:, - , . : tWo . i..Nt',fittAftis4 l . l lo4 - P;S4 , : - TO4; V(iiiiiiV4el: , 4-;f':!',Y2.:; , !. :.;;;....117.741te: bp., , ..41,.'...- , ,,,- .• . -. , ,.,.:,..t:-,415 , , , e5k. , e ' .-#' ',,' 7." , ‘''' ' ' ' ,",:. ,•.''.:".`/''':' ",-' .?.'./;' ,l -,?'? , ` 4 , :"..,;" u-.7-...,-:;.... The subscriber auditor will meet for the "pu t raise of his appointnient,•on Friday the 17th or •fe.nuary neNt,,at 10 o!clock, in the forenoon, in his office in the.l3orough of Al lentown, where ;41 those who are interested can attend if they .7eo proper. ELI J 'gi.IEGER; 1/cicenilier 31. . • WILLIAM_ S. BIARX., , AZITOXILNIO•Y Ac. courzsiora.64 "VT LAW. ~ . .. , W w Wilco in , the western front,roorn of- tog latililina of John D, Lawall, formerly ~.?0r.n.., . . . heck's, t'est, of the Courthouse. A . llettiown . ,/,l:ittio,:lsso. . . . In the T..ehiglt county'Poor _l-lottse,. Mrs. RQBUIa Horn, consort , of IticliClau.s - l-lorn, aged 87 ' ' -.• On the I sthof December, in Lower Sau con, Sarah 4nn, consort of Isaac Ilarris. 'On the 21st of December, in. Upper Sau 'con, Jacob Rilepply, a highly • respectable citizen, oged 69 years. -- On the 20th . nr December. in Allentown, Elizabetk'Oudekunst i aged 82 Yenrs. On tho2Stli. Deceinber, Salsburg, Sylvestei.,-son of Diniei iftrig, aged three • On - the 26th - of ire Upper Sau. eun, Luct4an . Harmony,. azeCl7_.yeais.-- [-- . On the 20th of DeOntber, in North White hail, ./o/iit ;tauter, aged 73 years. 0 rvltans C (Iv:A Sale - = ratuable h e¢al Estate. BY virtue and in pursuance of_an ..order issued out of the Orphans_cciart of _the_Coun ty of Lehigh, there will be exposed to pub ilic-saleon-Saturday the - eleventh - day - of January, 1851, at one o'clock, in the after noon, nt the house of . Henry D. Wolf in Salisburg township, a certain undivided f''- i fp:2 moiety or half part of a tract of „W IPSO 0 D ,with the appurtenances; situated in Salisburg township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded by Jands of Owen Rice, George Gernet, Philip Person„and others, Containing 28 acres, 79 perches, strict mea sure. The whole tract is covered with young, thrifty Chestnut and other thnber. Being the Real estate of David . Leiben sperger, deceased, late of the township ,of Northampton, county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by • JOHN BEERY, • • JONATHAN- BUTZ, - Gpardianq of he-minor children-of said deceased By the Court., J. D. LAwm.r., Clerk.. Dec. 19, ; -11-4 w itoehmetit 6V..Leh, 1111 NUF.O2CTURERS DEALERS Boots, Shoes, fiats & Caps. The nineteenth century being the age of Magnetic Telegraphs, Steamships, Locomo tives, &c., and in which all kinds of busi ness is done in the very quickest and most expert. manner, it likewise becomes neces sary for the trading, public, to tape small profits and make quick sales, .in order to keep up with the improVernents of the times. Upun this principle we have determined to act. We will sell our Goods at such prices as will astonish the buyer. The following, are sume of our prices, to ! wit :- Flo coursu •do hip do " 2,00 to 2,75 do Goiter do " 1,50 to ::3,00 Ladies' (Joiners " 1,00 lo 1,87 do Slippers and Welts Buskins 31 to 1,25 ~..._... Besides a very . . -7 : 1] c-. large and exten sive assortment of ..'.,, ,„, w 1 2 ,. s_ l ta ... .452 !eadrnadf 1 _ . . ..g,„ 500 s it Shoes, - 3 .,, • cheap for cash. They also keep - for sale, a splendid. as sortment 'of ' e Nlolesh in. Sill; and Slouch - v H A T S. l I WSI -,,=-11 f-%4.,- r Cloth' b "7e , dad' fancy and military' • C A I,S, Trunks, Umbre Cinphine, Lard nod Fluid I . ,:rm ps, Cn nd •!idiots, &c., ii - wca,ct de place, one door west of ik .1. Saner's Hardware Stor . e, in the building formerly occupied by 1.. Smith's APotbeenry .tore, in Ilami hou Street, Allen town. Dec. 19, 111-41,11 II 0 Tl° LdIVD -AND PENSION AGENCY ; At Washington, 1); C. If -I f ME OP -IN- _ 1,50 to :1,00 do Ndildeleg LOo )1 4 1-.41M114_W.A74.M.8 The undersigned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and . New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of • ITouse.Prrnishing ery,Coael T bll/2/ • /228^8, Saddlery and Shoe-findings, all of which will be sold at .extremely low prices. .They ask the public to give SAEOER!SILIRDWARE_ STORE, sign of the • athr:PLE9 a'call, in order to convince themselves of the fact, that a penny saved is a penny made.' • O. & J SAEGER. To Ificaapc-Beepers. A great assortment of [louse furnishing articles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vessels, sauce and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish and ham kettles, fry pans, grid irons, waffle irons, &c. TEA TRAYS and Waiters; from com mon to fine, in sets and dozens. Also, goth ic form, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in :sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carveKs- steels, cook and "Dutcher knives, with a variety of other ma n u fact ores. I'OC K ET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears,-from the best makers; one, two, three, and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets ana—siandard - s, coal hods, tailors' irons s:nonthing irons &c., and for Qale by 0 & J•SAEGER. I RON.—A lot of Mannered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, [loop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, fiat, arid round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of & J SAEGER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Glarv,S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by IU, and various other seizes, for sale by - NIECIIANICS.—TooIs of every de scription. such pia Bench and Moulding Plab.s, [land, Pannel. and Back Saws, C.Z.C., :or sate by •-- - - - 'l'o SHOEMAKERS.—Just receive,d a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonoin , to the NAILS,-800 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just roceiVed and for sale by v & J SAEGER, OILS & VARNISH.—UiIs of all kinds,,' boiled and raw, Turpentine; Newark 'Var— nish of all kinds, Glue be sold cheap by Ok J.SAEGER. PLANES.—A full tissortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, nisi) a large assort ment of Carpenter's Took, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. W [I I'J'E LEA 0.-2 tons of W bite Lend just received, Pure and Extra, and for saki 1.0 & J SAEGER. 11OLLONVAIZE.-L--500 Iron Pots and Kettles, just received.andfor sale at, very reduced prices at the store of 0&J SAEGER. December 12. - TO ilteaderi. A splendid assurtimml of 'Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, 'german Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, - and a variety or utiwr building I.lard ware just:mipacking, and for sale , `chvaper than ever - by • 0.Z,. J SAEG.EII, Decentber 12.- , ' • 11--ly . • . auAittyrs Otice?.." la lice toitrt.qf Cójlinion" Ph;as Lehigh Tenn, • ,3•xx /„. Lenz Gideon Lez ws Godfrey Peter. t 4• ~, •• 4 December 6, ISIO,n on inotion ( "A ' I: of John D, Stileß 1.4 , the court , 4 I appoint Jacob I)lllmger,,Com rnissioner, to_ntal,:e tlitribution of tIM pro• coeds of, the Sheriff, to and among the cred itors and perscins legally entitled thereto.,, :.Froln the Records. Teste-4•NivitrAN Miit,i it" !) rot lion ota . , . commissioner a b ot.e optibiravtl, ‘vill mei:L . the partii.s at his ofiie:v, in the &genet of Allent - ot%;n, - on Tinsyst/tfu, the 25th of January,.,l6sl;at li)o`clock, _ tihure those that, seti'proper cart itueod. - JAO:-DILLINGER Coin Decensber 3lr' ITQL l VaaLa '' ' . `'. Notice is het'etiy thjit "the titler aimed: is nppofptr gxedtijr,,in, the !hit AV ill 'and T.,, , stsrpoot Of 1510. 6`ch(4ll.trec'tl• Jite:ef , the Litertiuzh cottitiy, of therefcire:alliox9ft.s..tijio ore, Y.Pi :jatebted atlitVesiate;.be itri.V4stt.s,Acmds oezilthektviite: : , mike' ice kitem idot . withi o:weelfilrng the. •tittte.lteriiii.'. Also. those; qtitte,. wlll ei.Teo4 , th - 0 1 1AtIjf,4 11 ! , 4VPtIC 4144 •Vi i jiki i k - A • ••, • • %%•..:! , ; . i. 14*(474.1w1, / 4 0 4/ 1 1 3 *aii (• 44eP itO t t ‘' .. Yl4- 9 .; . 1 • • .~es~! Front the Plough, Loon', and, Attv IL , A1eX4441.1. TO 9C'Ef.F t , Frie4dp .6f the American . syOfem, - Of Whiitevir occpriation or.Ptiity. • 'lVt, unite in the belief thatthe prosperity or niericitp industry depend on-the tines don--Shall the lays of the country protect !iquterieiz:/dbor against the dawn-trodden labor of Europe; and so diversify our ern ;Ployments„nnd secure for our products a steady market at home.l or, shall we . , by re leasing the government froM the obligation to . develope our own resources, drive the country still further back on subjection to what General Jackson denounced as "the friends,. this, after all, is and will continue to be the great bone of contention: Under a system of steady proteetion, cap ital and labor are invited to go into-the use of our ownitiel and the manufacture of our own cloth, and - iron, and china, and glass employments become diversified, population concentrates and with that concentration comes facility of combination, from which springs agricultural and every social im provement.--Vi ithdraw--thu-countenance_o( government, and you-diminish the number of employments, scatter the people, drive an over-proportion to the plough, and leave no reliable market. for the ever-increasing stir plus products of the hind. Old party-lines are becoining fainter and fainter. The people for the time are divid ing, into Unionists and Disuniorists. But amalgamate nr separate as we may, disclaim or assinne what names we may, the people will at last ri-soive themselves into fiends• or opponents of a policy that wilt encourage domestic industry lorainst the whole world —a - policy under which we may realize or forego the profit of manufacturing for our• solves the raw materials With which Clod _has blessed__our country. Tho:se. who -go for protection invite the down-trodden labor er of Enrope to come anal help us to work up, here on the . spot where Providence has beStowed thrtn to be-used, our own abund . ant materials for every industry.—Theysav to the immigrant, "•I\'e will protect and el . ovate you to our own level ; and here, whew you will become able customers, we will en jay with yeti that. real bona fide free trade, which- benefits and blesses all." Those who are opposed to - protection, hang out on their banner, "Let trade he free—let us contend against the world, for the marlwts of the world ;" to do which successfully, we must "prepare" to under work and out-starve the world. Now, friends of the American system, be not discouraged. • Parties may see-saw and fluctuate—up to-daffy and down to morrow— but, nailer whatever name, the party that 4rug,Aries on for the protection of our own industry—for the encouragement and ele vation of our own labor, must ultimately succeed. It /must be, sooner nr later, the established policy'of this country. It is the cause :t r ,-Mrn92Rtifth. -- truLli is mighty, and finally it must prevail. We go then for protection. Reader, do you .!Yes,, ' • you answer. Well then, come to our aid in the battle we are fight- 0 & . J SAEGER 0 & J SAEGIETZ tug. blere, in the "Plough, the Loon and the . Anvil," you have the first journal establish ed expressly and avowedly to prove to the agricultural community, Whose representa tives regulate the policy of government, that agriculture never did and never can reach a high degre'e of prosperity, in any country that exports its raw materials, nod &lords on foreigners for its supplies of manufactu res. Foreigners whose power to CMISIIIIIO is S111:111 in .proportion to tho eheapneSs of their latter Now, is it fair to leave me to maintain this contest. in en 11 , 2ticultoral journal. single handed, and without adequate assistance? Is it fair, is it just, [ won't say is it g,ener ens, to demand of n man who has been more than thirty years laboring to promote all the great industries of the country, to earn, to , collect, and to pay away nearly $l, 001) in support el thi common cause. before he can secure enott_Th to boy a loaf of broad ? I say common cause, since all are interested in the question, who live, by their labor. If other industries are put down by the coot pvtitim of the abject Libor of foreion coon fries, must not those who are driven froin them, become the rivals of the far M er, and to swell the surplus; product:: of the Plough If I unsay believe te•stiraneea tic reach me frotnabe South and West, the dif,pesit ,to draw the loom rind flu' anvil to the side of the ploughomder the influence of a rguments urged in every 'number of this journal,, is spreading rust and talrintr deep rthe- 7 -1:10 as far as depends on inn and this jtiurnal, must have mitre support. I ask if then frankly and'respecifully. 1 have forbtirne to-call 'or) idercules until I put my own thoubler to the wheel. Cannot !Oa gentle men be Fiend, in all the States. who -Will contribine $lO each, out fin& subscribers, or indicate, to whom the: inimbers shall be I serif 1 What say you, friends of dqillestic industry I I ITne I, without a dollar, run laboring for the cause, day in'and day out, most willingly, for I Irnow there is no other gtiarantee for general uniforin improvement and prosperity far . those whose labor and CaPital urn employed in agadcat Imre ; bUt, nuttirl have bread, and what'l here ask will barrilk give . it. I. ask no man's charity•-1 oiler a full equivalent, and ContribUto to the cause the hard earnings nf oWn labor to, the amount of hundreds ndurel &elm. tens.: I will keepiandfilallewed; publish, the, names ::of all who retpond to - this call. Time *AI soon decide:: 6KINNER,' qiihe and anvil.' 19:' - • •' • .13ka1>, retitan Vitnoil 51)111- `,C o littlyri*Ofits 4 i t iand 9 t1:0t6, : are here - -," P4cliiritViilii*AVW-Tiglo,i 1 3 e9j 41 Pift tiriffigritlY• f€it 0504 111-3';,q1i4.1•601,f1,q*A,,,.".?1itAir 0 &JSAEGER. 11-14 lArues tOrrnit.l ARTICLES. .1 Per Allenl.EctatotqViiltlti Flour,. . . j ßarrel Wheat . . !Btish. nye: . • , Corn Oats . i • • . 'Buckwheat .• . Flaxseed . ChversetAd . limothytoed . - Potatoes • . Salt . Butter • • I _ - Pound Latt1......._. Tall - ow . . . • I . Beeswax [lain . : . • • I Flitch I■ol Tow-yarn .. . Eggs . . . ' Doz Rye Whisl;4,. Gall Apple Whiskey: 'Linseed Oil.. Ilickuly - W - ao(1 - 7 - Curcl - ] Oak Wood . . ! -- Egg Coal . . Nut Coal . . . 'Lump coal Plaster'. .Public Sale Of Valuable'Woodland. Witt be. sold . a t Sale . ort Saturday: the 2lst of Decetoei next, at Fo'clca the afternoon', at ,tlia house of George fret 'bet-, _in Upper gaucon county, the following valuable property A Trod of Woodland: • , ". 0 situated in Uppet. Saucinf,town-. Air), •adjoining, lands of Frede 114 - Ycillist,::l4ol) . " ``' Roils, John Moltry and others., containnig containnig 3:1 acres, divided in seven.Loti,' of from :1 to.lacres each. The land,ii well covered with the bast of 'timber.. The conditions will be, made known' on . . the day Of sale and due atieinlane given;by' A. K. 'X 11"1" M December 12: hionse and Lot for Sare. A tw : p EOry frame .d,; Legg Hog flouse, and lot of gromprosit -4" trate in Williams street, in the Bor ough of Allentown, is offered at private salt. The [louse. is nearly new,. W feet fronit?, 30 feet deep, ill* lot 201 feet front by.f43Q deep, in good fences, and handsomely:situ ated, in a pleasant part of the town. - For further inferMation f please apply at the office of the'.l.lOhighgegister" one door cast of the German Reforrocd Church. NoveMber 11. ltai 1 nand Not Books, for,the Subscription of Stock „in "The PelaWare, Lehigh, .Schuylkill ji t n 4. Susgne henna Rail Road Company." are now open with each of the subscrZbers, who have; been duly authorized to receive suhscriP= It isvdisirable to have a large number of Shares subscribed at an early period, in or ? ., der to have the Road commencedas soon as pussilde:--- Therefore nll tiriShing to, sub.- . scribe, will please callon either of the sub scribprs as soon as convenient., JACOB DILLINGER, ' II • '. E,NR. Y - KING. . Coimnittee. CLIRISTIAKPRETI, 1 '• • .. Allentown, Dec. 12; LOOK HERE l' A COtain and-..CleCl-:Ott!:tfre'd . • The subscriber, Druggist in thse Berough of Bethlehem, Northampton county, adopts this method to inform sugerers of a Mien :mule complaint, be it Inflamatory, Chronic or Acute, that he prepares an article of med icine, that Will elrect a certain cure of this wide sprcd and painful disease. It is .put up in Oman bottels, each bottle riccnmPani ed by a box of Ointment. The liquid to he taken internally, and the ointment ext.efiitil- . ly. The' genuine article can be had only by the undersigned, a practical' Ditigglk and Chemist, and originator of the Prico two dollars per bottle, or bottles 1;:r ten' dollars—which will he scnt„te inva- - lid;in any. part of the county, free Of charge. All orders must be accompanied with the Cash, or they will receive no attention. Phis medicine needs no puffing, it spraks, for itself, while perfectly harmless in its oPe-, ration it eradicates the system' _from: the effects' prodeeed fry unsirillful treatinent.. It has atrcatly . produced some astonishing . .. cures; and of cases w here th6.patient.',4s been confined to the house .lor years . , : and : these that got abroad only with the - Useoi Crutelic3,-wcre:set at liberty - by. the use -from one to. six . 13ottels. Ceriifirates of cures can be shown from this most respect-. able citizens. EV - Vonn is genuine•wiihnut Lis written signature in filth. ink. . . • 1-IEVY G,AN6WER • .; • Pivrietor, Belltlehein;POritt._ Decelliber 12. _ -.. • 11—ty,, D'ss t P ~lrti~Cisllip .` The Co-Partnership heretofore existing between Lockman and' BotAer. ibtit 'l)ers dissolved by mutual consent ~ A ll tilt* in debted to the- firm, bd it, for slio.ei•Capti.or . oflterwise,.tvilt_please call. itt-thiould Stand! where the' books will be loand , in - the:himdk of liroiprniter Lochtnatt,;:onty.oc the loaners •wlio is. authorized ,to seal at the ibanki:' Stieb who have noy!:clornts•against thrsaitl fiiin; tire:also reqUested , to present ihem'fir' settlgrnent. •• • • . LOPtlitAis4/'. 13ENJA111t6c1::00144fAri . . • :btissineas are criniitiOd?4,gia sild,9t#l4 Loehnftiti , f;Zeh; . 449*igil*Wo 6 4 .lo Atitre",lotst ofMtmKenstonierc;‘,.,;•••••,„ . i?!it . ,k..'• Dee'elitteir , l2. '••• .1114.44kf II ~ 2 "ift. 66 - 42• . 20 2tl 1 04 e 5 00 05c 30. 051 80 , 40 1 50 00 2 75 45 14 1. 84, 4 00 2 50 50 46 16, 20 28. 25: (r - 00 4 50 3 50, 3 Och 2 60 25! ! 25 ! 75! - 4 - 00 3.50 22 251 • 85 3 50 , t 400 .3 00 , 14 00, 450 4001 300' 3 50 4 50 If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers