15'-4 1. • ; ?. tr •'• ••V. !Y•,'•••:,V ...:9:r,.,,•4•(.4 01. • • t. •• • ; „..:! •• ' ';'• • • ,•;.„ -9. j' t :f 0.... , " • :••• V • ••• ''''•:••• 4 1••., .• •=l. • t,7;•• •• • • , • ;;:4•'7 !,,-1714•.:{,,•': • • • :4 0 :2 .;•'• ;•' ; 44 • • • • .J.• tot;ft:..L 10 IS Alf. 1g flo". ' o,#•. `;c. •;, ail ES 1 " ' " iif Thi tit.; 1 ....!;.1. , .!:; It y l . i' 4 • ' :ti ,cs " . .1_ ~ .21 . •:..; _..iiti,,,iiiiiapti,NiF±; •i -..1.- ,', .•ai .-- .-10,4114-41"---?*144 ' -' • ; ': .41-!.14014,k1.41;;)-4;%t7* '-'' il;i'j . 14. 1 iiii . ' t " t t #R 46 4Ncii4-ea'oolfig:44. "f• - 4 I‘o' r' ' : ' ' 4 '''4i -.11'1,-, • , iiii , yikkh - --1?: igf, , Y,, • --... ' , i ... ,,, , ,, .. , -i- , :t iitlB'4o,- ......zr,,,..;,:;_.k.:.„,,,,-,,,7„ !...; ; :fiiiiii: - i ;14; ' ..' ' ' ...4y11.--.,,A.'iteiriiiihet,'lall•::''.'s .'- ~,,,ta,ititre.cp..9-, .. .- '." ' "_. • ' • ..;;,ititd. 01 ~.“0„54,.p. - -1, t t .',-- 4 . C'entuiool7-litthigte_ool.lll.,.,,.''''' . ' ,41 ' 7 , , - - - -•,14••T fi r oi. hl t • l4ln fieli • ee . e;o ftha - ,b, iq',u ii irq--: Oac ,003-41,01010Ounty1wo,are etAb!o44lo,g,v.o,el itio - follOii'inil4tietooo - LAwhilf,ANTpl!eillini? ,t, , •ianilden;" , tiod: Washin4i:Or' iiiiiitilifii6;sli ) 9r ' - ii';l;fe' . ii;*Wiiihersedpt* . . , 00nn,n0 4 n;,;0,101.v n very handsome increase over at e,,psipu lzitiOo of ;." 1P4 11 !..4..,, , %, . :'., :' ,- .-..:.. , ):..„ reasiiiiegtc. ' l6onijitjp: = 1 P'i3titil;;lii'it '. 1 , 511, F_ iniie)l4V;;P .. _Wel lin , g . 1i0n0ie,1247 ,11arn . m , fi,, we OA t ) 5 553 i . -11 e ) - 15; .456,. Corn ) 8 1 879' Caliel2 536'Atlie'af,Live Stack '90746, Hor :" eetrP3Aii ttOtitiiii42s; other. c2aftle,'.:3l6, Sh6ero, „. .36"3,'.SSWrA13,43titteirl'30; 05 3, Potatoes,' 8,- -155. bi l ar e yi i l-.1. 4 : , . ~, ,•:.!:1 , - :, ~...' .., • ~...; ' tti6lifilliti'weeittiliktron'll94l9l6:6rg; and; • . 1501 - 004ittatitiit about half the Onpuintioil O , ; . the ordiUttlfg:i;tiitlll)ii iir4b,:%ve2:2,Js3!—, • TfildnilifO u Tr:i!i: ri?iiiiYirc;ro'ir.! - Ib ,ti i e ...',...':' 4. liticieneeT:Wdir t oii„,3!), or 20 j)ty ,•eril. .` Weisetitir Opul a i N0,,•'1 • ;764,- . team iijes, , 32 1 jai w elliinE, , ,itouses,,3o6,l,M4o; 903 3: Fin - tile, ; .t. • 6313 , , Prifnib,iO3,,Whont, , 8,135; i 11ye:A374.2.3k ..,:----.---CorNi-folo;DaufitoBoi Value of live Sloc4,' 39,7*;:giii`fitl,t:08, cnvis, 639, bilSor , C4lo6;' 401, Sheep; 0 61' . iit iri e 1,..... 877; 81iiter. 2 34,5i5. t Prinicaligeliili4ll,l;429'rifidease" 3'35', :(..r 23+} peri3ati! u"' •-•- --- - :.,. ,2 .4,, sili/4:-Lr i opiiiii . B6, 2,366;r I.l'* - ilfd;::til: tem .6 - e 7 6 one • o in 1 n - 41 : 2 111;0 1. ll9 'if ii cr r •i i r ib l i o ~,,,,,t., ,14,,.. .".,t ~. -.,:: , ' ,,, L Vl' , •• • • .• at ,i gri,4)U;.-kn e g a sT l F,l° E .!.iT,g r r 3 v . ... r '' :rfittch,lo---Popplation 1 035 Fatrultee 179" :' , .il*Sillll4,3li,mtkri, 1 73, Farms , 98, Wheat, 3,760; '''1,441761P9rit;P453, Oats, 6,483; POtatoesi, `t,„9liftpoiswlleat;'l,77'2, yni ue2 ; 9r. LJve Stock, t..--,34:11119.673:44tr5e5, 4 . , covs, 344, other Cattle, 4 ~..,." 77' Siiitirciltii Swing . , 729, •1katter,;20,627, .tinir, ' ' l4l 4a,retol3l.oghtereA,,vnlite $16;795: - -,,.. - :-..' ' ..ii...iYil'itftillitihriArr , lB 4 o 854; increase 18 . 1, or 21 l'.'7''‘ 4 -74 1. We ' ' ‘ e ' 4;6 - •"‘ . .... : ... ' -2 ':;). ..-- Crops of .• - 4 4 fAccOrOing to the ; accounts which?fire daily reaching ,ns from,the t grain.growing*•districla , of t the` United States; says the NewArork HerriLd, -. there can : be' no doubt that the yield for 'the, year 18'60.)4,i1l • belite'most abuntlaut that, the eountr?"‘kae;iiiii : ••blOiseil,witli, and that bread stuffs will be as cheap if not. ehettper,.than.they ever we're. The Nest, the ':great ;ganary Of the cOuntry,i one vast storehouse, of corn, • wheat and_ oats, ju the Southern and Eas tern States, thit,produck Will he, : faF,Abnve that. of past We have no mein laseertiini , og-t6 yield of last year, but for 16 ceording:to.the.',re , Ron of die CornnisSiOne'rltif Patents:at :•Wash ington, the wheat 'harvested' : ' was 126,364,600 buslisels;and of Milittn".A:notii,'sl33;- 150,000 bushels. It is acknowletlg4Wall I hands that a much larger breadth,ol.ll4Z:e- Teals have teen sown this yeaFthat(eV f e'rlittr this, together with the enormoulryVeld; satii.Ges us that the wheat product this y,,,,arSyilitter 1.411 much shorrof two hundred rnilitons.of bushels, and that of corn seven hundrod. bushels. Estimating the popti,lation.of theUni led States at twenty millions, this ,would.',give bushels of wheat, ok,two barrels•of flour; .....1 1 , "'every individual—man, woman and'ehild•Lito . : I, ', say nothing of the corn, which is much more 'than is required for their consumption. Of _zonnrae, however, there will be a large qurin -lily exported, but not as much as in former years._ Heretofore we have depended ,upon ••" 'GreatHritain for a market for a large portion ";pf;our„surplus crops, but, according to recent accOunti,:frorn them, the demand will not be 1 -so great twit hai been in past years.; although .. st,P . anusual, • tini,barveromised to be later , th. , , there Were no fears entertained of.a . short crop. In addition to that, the•Yieldon thil l tinitinent promised to be abundarV,, i ttlWthq . erWT3 / verY little danger of damage oAk k p,M t iii.isifty#,l'an'tl, ,oecurring frOrrOtificit. ' 9 llloaUrefpi,4l . l7Rtkinll 4 1 • ...:above Whit we will requ Zi:S r h) , trlitto%; . -', I Con, and, what will be probably el will, therefore, be _unusually largeOirti.iyealawd must bring the 7 price down to;,.vt3ryhjAAO".. . ure-•-its 100;.perhaps,,as we Ilve l lmei t agekil, , in the. Market. . . •,6 , ,1 -;- li::•:;In. : . The extraordinary • yield of WhcatUn 4:inr 4 ~ while it will reilece-the; ktoesotti'OaeNitißclea 'ea low as-to place them within * 't e'6lio4ll.Rtvor ql.'? : s:, , the poorest, Will. also have . o.rpe.,:etleCt‘ron. other commodities , such ai , e ,0ef'404:0 4, it ctlfe'resilltyllt i 'he; that ,therejWili-be'#'ctiiiiily,,i, '-,,, ,1-:_i0iit3 , 0 (4 !,... 1 escOVeqo l ye: l Shoi.liorOin'oo , ;,..,., 4 :' , ,t9p; -"-,„ 4 .4 4 erATftida:'!Oi4o.4lo;ooo', ..- Auirool ot.,6l:‘o;lieti tp, the 'piices;•tkii(sAlie' • ,'. 4F1V .1 (. 1 0,6 . 1 140twit!.. .1 1; 4 f 11 4fi.04 61 1!, ? 112 0 1.,. 1104 .., , e,.. , . ail` w,il93'.' l l,`e;ll,:rppii?i . cl piiK i ,' 1474 i t .. h.ll,,piro gpatter,„tt!64ifhcw..kofri ~; ON .. - 1 . • 7, ?:0y n , 4 4'0 ) 4 d giibi t .. ' 41 , ?., ~.... , ,0t.1A4' . ':,....:.. ''4 ,, llol,4,9llNlVeh a it: ~ 4,...t.. ~. hicamito.e.lif*::,P' itli.;o l.44l,v t.' l 4,riti 2 - ,ar)i . mei, 001Axis.i . groNm. 9414# o..ittitiiO4...4w# 4 isivi:otooky„ li. 11040000001104:tottxiw000. ..4..t.l.l,:.i.:o4..,ioitilgio=otpiti: oli**itotio' ,-..:*ps:. f•:'kt'liitilt , 'o,thii„Otivbr. ; ',..:; ! t .1, ',.: !h*F.! strop, : . iiipii; butritigl Ft' s 4 l l . ~W 4l. J o • - ~,-. -, •-•-,••••••,; A ~.1.. , -d.. .: , .. , • '' °th 3l 4l I ~ tli e rufr.4 l YP I 4Atlg. ,• P ' • ." r '' tfrAiimE , . l3 o44o. tie kc'aiere).lprla*l4 A ii hr 4 t, dittite); as; we Anil*, ~'•.:, , : '' '' ,.1;%, : '' ', -.--• . , lti ti MIA :* ~, q (cifigii.;—:Thli e 01.11; Ist 7 ,lViilt i: Aiirb9;” :: ~ a tßekejl64ines for the'nflice othitigii.3—', ~.)\. 4. 131131111(...„- a liizens of L e hi g t , 9tAttells nine .. j •:_lierie•triiilie a selection tf0n . 4,• 1 . - .7... :; •t•••• , ,;•••:t.fr? . , , • , \ : 1`e; . ..;:14ii: . ~,,. - • • —,- • " :'.1.1.31 - .:,•' ,7 .r'%- . 4. ,- tal i , •-- ....- tir= - .., -, . ~,, • . , , •Ai +. 3' ; "•*1' , `”.).`;' , ...; 4.. .:: , i - ?...,t` • . • ', , ,T;;;, . : ; , , k,,k,,,.:: .. s '.; ,', • , ';:: ..'•,-;. , ~,- ....- -!..% .",-,..., '; . 4.; , ' •': ,: e;',::,:„ ;,, -.:.;" • ''. , ! , „„,11.,; • ;,,,;:, ..• , I ~..;;.':' .;‘z• . ,-' ~. A i l ht f, l ,,, ,: ; ;;i; .•,,, . ;',,i,,, ~,'. ' ~.; .---, .• - ', - "P .. :' 4:'''' .. 4'.: - 1 1 t; ';' " 4 ' ' . ;151`PV„ . .,, -2 t 1 ..`,;•. ht i,.;44- 41. ; ,,,,.,,...,5'1t.,;.,...,, 6 . ~.;,., " `'.3;',,,''."..-; (,', '''..:. ' ,- ; 1 .- .T, 1 ;, r 'i';'f - '1 1 e, , 6 ,, . •, „';t.;4'`,' ,4 4 , :''' , .' A; '- ;iIll ' . 't A ' ! '; : ' rr i'll A. ig .4 . -4 ;'; ; . .. 1 ` l 3 '. 1 *); ''3' 11l C4 • X ' /' ''; lt ;; Ai ; • - VY ' . ? r.-I ,V4 . s ' ". j 4Vi i k v ' ' ' ,2' :4 ; •'. ' N' t;' 7V'...i i . - 4 ' . ..4 7 ; :' ;1 ...te C2 ' ri' ,11k'ikAagi&DfclikUVI.::4141 34kr1;34 ititlem2l4l ki.4o ' _ a1.r . 4- 1 ;1, J'Ai!,:..i - ' " - .;•, kef.' _ ~:~ a •. .i c:.t.~ii, i ‘44 l ::'r.": •;•ft!rytC a 4 fiVT 4 '. ,4i. 1 - -. . !:•= 4O ..On t• , , • 4 ' . ,11'46040 1 . 1 11Pr01 1 / 4 ; , :tfet:.'... 011%.k04,k: .- sand ' l6 ' Tiii - i'ii-' kP.s-:: ). `A ti t liltirl: -..t- 7 .'5 4. 7M:1 , 11:Ai.,t - itA ';• h ': .1,) , .: --, : .' l liio Jiti;4o: - . tm.te ti T - ; ' l3l ,o44 l Fl i. ", n, LV'flf •• •:i . : 6 0.: . ', 4' . ' Irt V, the 'elei.ti.. for. .pl gatep- , ., : -het o. f‘• - , • rpiiiurdOvitgi'litlh•f3 eritbquilice fittieiflifi piiarify , Ontthijotv4la ir a`isci4k • 17:,ep-,, ''T ' .. 1,11.1 - 11 <# . ''' 1i6 ....‘5 ..4 14 V it It474 .. " :; ;iiitg.c'? :. '4e . s:l ''..sl.F#P 4 iiik: l-,'• t v liSlEV it nif r Ogq , S#49 3m0v0..4,tv,,, 11#4 0 4 , 404 1 01§ 1 v2Drcf* +ild - diOititioloplieyi4iiiii:alc-AtifOt:ikiii.jovs. '...,cihiiiiiiii7itio,?..ikiglieet'O)tli' . ..i,iti*of, .6kii)mittow,--wjit otyoger Ad • pyto3l ~ , , r t" tti,e,: - liill4l4o,Wiffit(i'ftirifiakiffiiiiiiiii§o 6 :s ll6: i. .:tAgoin.4 , ,,pottit m pfs; . tile ,priippi,, which .z.shOfi la, 4:111V.b.gi,,VigMi1it.14X4rtiA11i40 117 . 4 4,4. 1 ,4 1 :97' ` o lol4ls4l , i4bijityeanAic64s - iiictilsiktsjpiiiigtilhOS '''';-: ( 1ip: *4lY‘iii74ttagct z6 ritil 4 )) 3 ' l o ll ole44 llBll ' : oflas . iy&ei iiiiiiiii`s4eLltttiiklitir_tjiliit:oi . :,a4lyo. %iinilerriliniiqhe'-:vor:i444ltaiitts,. 44socjeA.,r ;: , Anil t yat we r ec?ljlrr t end, jp".c34.lr,_kol!ovirtiomo.: - , crats iii defeat it'at tfie polls t .-. .• 7 ~, , , h 41,„ ' ?~~0, IfirlW t =lra .;•-••••4•1 •‘• . • • jl• 4 'At!, !4"L". '.."i'"P;'.l.-.,::;:•t"':-tiV4; ;4'4; 11 & '* • .Cl-'‘..'*;,.2`,..t•:',Ct*- ,?• t'' ..-:' ' 4:•**;':-.; ' :.44#1i444A1.,T0•i1'.;.41 / 4 •4:ii.rt'lihs;,•• ; .*4;.•• , '' • ^ • :^* : f' !". - - ,Vl- 4 •Y4t• - The .itge• *- of'C. Thig`islan , •eige , of Ldontrentiipt; ,We :tfave:. the-EVorld , ree• rat a - t he Woild's Social ConVeiftiBit=fltV vention for-Chtistianiv.in;Tntidiettinsgelizmmthe huM an race;andioon sic ih all have the World's I ekltibition - ortv ;Va.% and lit ib otii• if the Pioject daps not fidl 'th7otglirof there seems to 66Eibitb)iicilphciad: thcre - With‘his:Wooden ntitmegs .and patent razor.ilropa=the Chinese withih is painted fan'i and caredkvory Elt,g= liptfrOit With - bie;iStOtTleld.'knifk - and lade, eakpefs and Rus'sita , with he rJen th e d r 15 1 .1, 'end p ery ,upon the iilath - sentt snme of 'hOr r , lttidlvArl and inventions: Lertho s e en. jhy these things who will _ .:I",he palepiep.s theienew fejoici) iii the praiSes of the.'newspapers and feel proud'of ..the moti-' I alszhich proclaim theirstiperioiltY and make . - th,ent contributors..'gto the. happiness oLtheir • ferlew mane';. ,:pp;theseinvernibusMakeltn en •4oi4ll.l°rl Tip w... 510 it ha pet with:li,>ese in v.entitmeih an,. if waTbefore..., The giumbling -fgmer'whkYtaßt.CCPll4 l o -19,41 11 rash.thb 3 :hundred bushelsof .wheat,tyith a nail, grum 7 bled nevertheless_when ihk horses:on the nova: ; able tread with , wheels' and straps, thrash ed one hpndred bushels to tha fl•til'q four The grumblcil,..never 'the more at bad innd delays,-(,Ashen: they; travelled- inr the sociable visii z vi;'Siageiciveryuggbd roads r than they do nOw6;whed.steam'o:4rries . titern isixty miles an hour •00r , ..1r0p •tracks, The unhappy man - clothed in ' totv cloth rs Unhappy in broad cloth and" silk. Turbans, and cashmere not slop theltehing of an anxious head or a bent O - Mg heart., Inotigh of this-moralizing,—rlet -the Viorid's exhibition gh on, and se'what it will ;come , e, to: • -2 Deith of flon. Jotise NVo regret .. .to learnAthAt:hsse Miller, died on the 20th instant,. at Harrisburg. flo has been for many- yoursin public life ; -.was Sheriff. of Pori). countp; Member-of the StatkiLegislature fprseveral sessions; representative - in Congress; Auditoilif thb Tr'etittiy• 'Of :the United States; Canal CornrniSAionet'; Seeretary of the Corn. Governor Shuck, 146..tiine t er Fiiii:cledeats. editor of the:ll . CßOgirreil,Pis(Ciie. Y . fro witS . a vio lent and,ultra,pnltuoiap, but estimable .in • all his private reiaticins.:, The'..recenttceusus.;of,.;llas=aEl;u~etia, .it is said, shows that the increase of tho population iii the'last ; ten.yyar§ hus been at least a quarter triillioit....The 'growth of Alassachusetts is ow ing :to her- -man ulacturoA,,,a fuel ; Which the Southern States should bear in,rnititl, as an in eentiy° to their own cultivation of that branch of industry. Iv wera'well-alio,dia more piac . - tical view Of this, matter Could-iind'ils'%vay . through the hair of our blustering members of CongTii :titer° lcan be no roilj.ubSfatitial proSperity where.intlustry is crippled. National Ecittoaticiniii.Convention The National Convention of , the fttends of Ettbeatton, tnet 'yu,terday. Its sessions will •be held in Sansom Street [jail, Philadelphia. The Convoution of last year resolved that them should be a permanent organization of the friends of edttetation througliouVilie United States, embracing is well those' interested in• ? Colleges and Acatleinie3, as'those-mho are en- i gngeti in promoting the impiovemunt of corn : Itpttn vihficils. Tht:s4iritteipreii%hieh are to &i -t ern irittia grant 'jiii'a Ca Ko to be diseu;sed :lira • ern {n -,, AO kFr •-, 'l'9 4, ~., sfitttodstoo.ngproaehttleoriventionjeand us i is be l t lreta t b at g r ? at 49 ° 4 31V4110 result from • ttn ntlel i'f;unioxi l lolhqFnlglitenoi,l , & ti t i e a Igo ti t 4 filetiilCof,cituip4opik,,jo'riny 44- ant that. 481 10 %.011, 4 1)13,4104tArRtlaswill bR nit 4 likely, ilt eeq ' Art t itygnd ,f!k.',l4. 1. -• , --lAtv, -,.. e- ‘ 11. -z,. 4...... , = ,,, 4.24 ,, 0virA.,...;iit.r -, , I . -,, ' 4 ; ' '. : 14 ' biIIOtiFAVP9 e Lkker, ' . 1, ..4. ',..---). ,e , , nti P , t`. ' , ~ 4 %7 lba l9e i r.l4 ,l Cl NlVAl °l )4 , 44 ,ll l 4b ß r g* • I fj, lns°ll '9°) 3 n l •Y{t a AlPlaft.l.4.o.frAkil,tii3Tioals • il ''-ii . yd 4sk 6tkilo.lo , LOIF•i i 4 • Iq. • n .12061414!".7'.1 01 *F7 16'1 , 9 tx t e 0.14 16 N;DP,04.1,1);5,k0# 8 : , jrr -1 ? tit! . ; . 0 joivrt§ l . ll 6i-Y#VAritP l 4 •A u s and •,:; .fiiirri,l?(li,,,a...f,!ipEol.o6.,l dralt reeolutlodse Prsiatiliciliff;e4gitanintiV - Toting ! todiyaibseueot thiA.qom t- atilteep-the • the•'‘V eetare Alll strong antl,tiriabiOtt hitaOhnieht , -to the, patty,,to-which webelong,,a94 that believing . , as we o; iliOoei,piiiieipree.anitthosemeasur,es to be :tfiebeati , ati4l, mast,effieitinl,antaans of ut- tatnlitg toaitid of piriieriirig,thiminaat end of of a 'rri'olii ., Perfe , ei he providing fot);i3eiiiir . iici;idefence, ilreProm;:it ing of the "g,elierar Welfare - arnt Ersu i; of -the" ble§singit -of Otivselves an our poApritr k we do fieroliy pledge to each, , other . .onr ablest , efforts to 7 ie 2 41 cure, the 61.1eCCSS of those principles. Resolved, we'eheritat.the rights of persoatii!libeiti.;•aa, among ,14a,Jiighes.t and 'most sacred'Prlvireges guarrintied:bY,tite. Con , atitutioni - antf paramount to 'alfelso save that 'instrument and, thenoble'Unioa,7vh ; cli,,it ; has .thus histbry ~so firmly sus tained; we cannot forget,.rior can'we disregard ,Llte spirit ofkeripiliatiort• arid mutual concession by ivitit'h . "iliO4iailsa ,, e of ',that inetrument ;was ,effected and its 'Sit bsetretiV'atleiption - .Eirthe Celt fedtratly:: was ~. • " v'rfr aa p, , g secured.: `ilisapprove , :the • . , ~ ma • 'course piiiSead by many "el the politicianS ofthe ilay t whei , .rcia . tited'hY 'different anti even sit motives' in . ditfereiii`p3rts' of i `the ' Whether 'intim:it : Med by.politield/.pUssietits unit • prejudices, the • disap,poiriimente'''Of..: personal itrffiition, the excitement's aaffibitifictatisitis of party strife, the,strugglesffirJparapnlar.syste . !ris, I and- measures, the niterests,'„jealOnsieSilin'il..ri vitlrtes of particular sectiOns, the apprehensicin of.unequalpreaspre.ola particular systent„of, irieristires,. or ,Whether ,the • horieSt teal . of merpritteeristeepdemb l / 4 UsiaSts, meditat ing: a tliii•O . rreifrien . i,'Oftli,:el üblie complish theiE ges, all: itTike' - are, to be,siinnei and comis. i Thatßesolved, wit ile.wedFAA ppli4f , ,Te irreparable Josp;which our , grear tfaiien rained in the , death 'of her able and i; petrioti Chief Alagistrate,:we cannot but rejoice, that the holm of State has •fallen into the hands of one so noble, so tree to the -interests of the co•untry; asi Dillard Fillinore, and socoMpetent to'dischargethe'arduous'and responsible. duties that haVd deVollied upon hiin. • . AcselVed,'That,m' Modification-of the'exigt ing‘Revenue laws, so as to place' the produc tions of Arrierieati Industry in a position to compete with foreign importations, is most ur gently called for, and especially is such a mod illoation needed with respect to the manufac ture of Iron, and the mining mid` sale ofnCoal, I upon - ttie prosperous condition of .which a very large. portion• of the agricultural manu facturing and commercial interests, of the Coon try depend. . • Resulted, That our Representatives in Con ' gress.are earnestly requested to use every hon• thabfe.effort to secure a change of the Revenue laws, in .accordance with the spirit of the fore going' Resolution. Resolved, That we cordially approve of the course Pursued by our late lamented Chief • Magisvate upon the exciting questions that have agitated the nation during his brief eccii, 'potion of the Presidential office, and that we Pull confidence in the ability,• uprightness, inlegriiy and:, honor of lila FucceeEar Millard .•:Itosolvtsili That hie Excellency William F. tharitsiho everlasting thanks of the• t • teeriton ofiihtiCitimonwooltiifor his veto . i ... . the LocoFeco /I:pportiOnnitintll. Thai; his.otiotioistokttpn of the allair . s Of , this Coto. gitonrr i l !k iNlisAcp t ;lvith our opprohntien, tio4 litinittOtittottt.h4 honorfif herself in : 1 4hiii,!.0.4. 1 !.P.;iacAon•%Y.Aikti;1 1 , 1 9S11111.14 , 0;;p.:.‘, Titat..ttie:ifentiity,opprOvq,)4o,potrp. idation,Ofrioltitua Dongen, of tl t tteitsiifoxictoltil. ;c§irintissiontir.f lienty•W. Snyder; . 9pUni!in . , air Nudiscir General ; and'Joseph. Henderaep, ol W . ,Oildil_gtort ;c,9,013,, , fpr 6:9r yey or General 91 . this :gem reenWealih:iipti (lint wo will ti4e,iiiit lidilect 131 , ,1gt a': t i o l te v uie . their eliietioriXaf” the: Vailtii r ;oxh.W4gAl,, , lialip:. ,-..,,,, ; I, , i ( 4o , 'e".?;ilol,l9lolipgimo.belh:;:ilitPrif;l; 1:4'.1 ., (1 . ,0 pellwaratlei,Wlijg,piirtyofi.ohi4hceutl. IYI wf3 %I'll.lt!‘Pti,!lllNAli4jl),e,,PPlgatc-SY;TIPte : 1 4 r' , ;thehihOgiiiimri4*400itrithid....0 1 91. Fi9l 06' e 6iiAo appear #4fitif3•, polls; aicl , ygto on( , I.4'if.VtiZcSaii , Akti t 'aitjt Siqke , Pu! 491%41 . 434(31 s . 'iltittfriisialo.o l3 ',,.,. - ‘ , :::.„ A. A‘li;„ 11 4 444 plyt;goijoil ' ' fges?),QthiPP9lll.!Pt9Pl,', 7, kltitilkl; 1 F 4 0150, ell , at,4 09 4 "?",, , y. - Of gigie , i lerf . Pio: - ,AVldixtliklitia r '':- . '' ! kil; On:yniii oncijiticii to ty 111 pe ons4'ere , a ;; ti , -' , P ri. d• ,41 . ; 1, 1 , cikit*l - titt Nakepto, A t Pinditli(S,(?Mjalie .. , 11.jj . i l b, o l, l ii l / 4 4ii*e&CAi.#14..',k' 2lid.' * 4', 1 l lk 1 k mor ..dovlippti,,,m-wom.totto.r) _ ,1011,41 1 :v,..iitto..vr,liawy,eitilionoliiiiii,i6l ~ro i araip l / 4 0liaiicryoil.Jitmek,ay.014.47:. :old.; Ititooll Wail .7: 0' 0441iVik4,4 *O5 ~94 , ( 1 ,.V.::: 'l.. r or, . : ‘vt* 7,,,,, '.oupwr i i: , ,,- •. yo f N...,,...4 , i , 4 , c , ' • 'tf ' -' . ' g s AllPi #4o4 l l 46 n;4l:k l iYiice i " --- ' ''.1 % ,, ,, ~ ~*. Al!: . . •,, L, , -. ' n. 4: e! ,i,‘ •: ' -..:. - '''' ~ c '.”,, •,,, - , ~ , `kiiii":Yii€4.-taliii?' HEE -A ~104"3T044*, .. 0 . 11 0 , t 1 .p !‘ eod. ••74, ME ' - 41*t 41 97:"; ' ••••:". . • '-' yr. 7,1 1 .1711. 4 • !-,tr.57:"..• tsr d = .ea : PX1„... : t L,4 6 .q . -tir - ';'" '''' ;;. • ' - ;•;.,P401#04; fT hat - : :k lieff:t,hl ii.... : - ftyp g, 1 i,.... ; - .VT, il 4 / 4 0tP:i.00Agliint0Y . Aitiiii*.4 i' .-* '‘.(t.'llf o.l 3 o;o ol 94 ll AlOALliil4o.oo.iiib '. r t Vent 69141 1 ;.. ) .Pif?ifilifi;f10 6 : 1 1 11 iN71 iii . . 7 11' '4 4 . ~4014610,gtirr i litlitliiii7:titi444.'iltinis q :,'', 4 Waft OiltraViniilcriljiihrris bliiiiiiije6lego "d . c i • ... .. ..? :4,..;.....:, _;• i Z,.:.2a L. 4 .. t .: its . / ei..i - ••• 1 • , ...• t • • f 7 .4:::WAti• Y.,...Z•pikalfW e rk.ll,llie NIUCOI.I ..,... .;• - • • : • P•i: , OM, .4 .. :•.:..4 . . , :• t ,;•:6-: Yli,lreaii6 in ' iiii dqoCilkiiiiiig .:o*i . tai ep* Glen: .. ,Yikkiipti' iti:OtOliioition ...1 ci . .lhg . tfihriiiii AniPTiirig - N6lllll644Doitilitaniin'agif iiii;! 01 . 11 , 11101700.lifyiK)114:01iiitsriAeli§t t i c ki , c). o -.11A.q i , - Ifit i lilitig! . .a.,- 114/ 2 4 1 , 9 4 :j-_NIK lini;yillinv!.;ipriji ! wopavt ! y .. i . itiyut disernl-i ;..inl;:'!!o;Pliire:Oen4 4 3l . *bliftl..oo 4 iir 644'4 4 ". *4443%0: ..ri(l'iiiiliihtiani . ot4ili446}!iiii ; ioiFr i0 1 $1: 4 0iii•e: 04 0. 4 r b& -1 0 1 §0 1 ,146.04thm;?fi . 1 # a0.kti 1 i.. , ,...110 0 .10144#1 1 eitiz.e.;,..g:::ti,,,..--..i-!: ..- aphigoivikvikireiti*Paiiitoifindiifi . f *09)910 - n••.) ,, .#0140,'.01:.x . :•(?".p . t - iorso - k'rel - 'iii . iiiipcl . .i t i,' ii Oili o e t :*!): t . 0)41191,1it r or,' iivorordi - ;,. "r ,1 eki:,:ifltilftP"liltle(tlik,:gniniati,trtria.q..illiEgil.s4- - 'enpaillelo,ll) :; 'qrni . o 4 ;olet liqi,t %.l.iles9:!ltnl; lilt) e'dliKititniih : iikiiii h. it te :n qw.:disliki#l,4o4.'sel*i :04.1ft - fitiO.' , ..lihtlj - ; , ii tkiiiiiallit4hifOle , trind: inC.lielii a . .iii - - bait to it titl:llkiirtiihi hi I t hy: . ille. .sii:4: -.l lYbillioryilipnitt!yoik:ilth4i•e!ye'fitiittO , : iiitr:- i lie - !lop* ilii!t .i 6 ,;„fl4l6 ) ,i'•ore.p' o rttiiii ! ii it 4 wpitl . theiiifiniateittl4: iiiiitl . ' - lifil . lialitit 6if.riarniony . and aiiel;l:tib:iiili liii ) ..liiiiiX:iii) ' ' ' . - .4' "'r' .'" cd ' - t;''iti 'ii - " lit ' .theinent . anemia ans. ;gin -pp n . g Ise? r :ffrttctithe.Alikin r ... - Local intriiiiijr . iitithlFalli ; bn . : llintii(!lior, :and ; ii int:histeiieir tAitll' i liiih : r.. "40 rr 1i1.9.:4001e§tr?i1...#1..!§9.:41.40241:*1:" w.libili t h e rineiilo.ef...tkotio4.loo4.§lptt!s : 4inct(l-• erifOkisiilel againotl*:c . omp.toii.roei . o . lpio mein ii :ortbr ididc]iria . .‘,,,,ilt,y - yclu t - iinitei , l:kelprf3l . l4, iii*Oeliiy4n4thelipinels,;.!bey: 1i0 , .0,. - rinjiikldr tirliler . the Ilrlisetit . ennetitAgo; - ffiliir.proud murk they bear ae'e itizens 'el' ililkireat ylitlubl k ; , : .4 , :. fie.aii.,ho-icoiled,io64.iii,a.: o 3-66.-crAtiiiii,,iiii! . kite test eye, ii in: etteing.:tiniSil . o4o.?llVtiiiiinielli):. or as one . people, ' what ftie . ..giflitillijfitgODAY :tient ..divi4otisti : of:otipirkfu:hpri;tlieite'brinchi - 1 'liiil;ii lieeit: lithy in end 'disiteierc4 V ...;:*: - .Ci .- ;;; ;• ;r : ,,., :: The lirel line of ttertret iniiirak . ..ii,titliViii,:.l . a •Phiglertler ern! iiiin ; ..niiii'clagiQ:iti'Atilfahl; firp: : ofr,i' i tiow . . lead ers Would sp - riOgiipi:niithhis. ii l uy.ind .t lyriops.,,rpfu l lAitrw ou I d 'spini...43.AU4 7 ktrOttif4;inisltiOiiiiiiiiietiy §lates, !WOO - , qiiiaiiitiq.vvithiatt credit, jealo mi. 61 one Ten ` . OtW6 ' ,o,ittfOd ireirnidtnel.rde,gresuioney'lentkod' eitiflaxell to pay armies and'llatielintedleirtio aid•itglitest • each .ether Rem foreign; politer.% insulted and traropled,uri . iittsy.,thel . ri:atio ~.. Eitriii)ec:'lnitil; Perrasietr with': 'oOnlytter;:4leir: humbled iiiiiildiitiaied'in.ipiiiii ihey!WeilV:litp 'ready . ,to subunit: Asi ithe . ' ! ubtkolutp ddreloiokiif . tiny military 'atilitilil ter; and surrender - their • 1 1 10.,P c fot 411°44 !!ff91: 1 :PP° 5° ;e., 1 11 E Y•i1 1 4110401 1 ; . on .n ihtipoii( f ileifees that oiluiltilAiii-` * 34 kr ileiv'•the destAtetionor this oueliTi . netit, an, 4 94fie.l'itidiknort.Wlieu we; Year Cold cid eUliiiiens about the . v.aluei. a of i . kai'Vetpui l and hare so•conetintly iiefore us line'oteonduei so well calculated to weaken its ties.. ' ~ PlionuinOiat to Silas Wright The. reproach. to 4cpnblics,:whieh •has handed down froth' antiquity, that they tireum :grateful, Nut reqeived iiedlittle - eountennnce . in the history of Ihn'A Medea Unioth , ' The'pimple of this ethintry,)lidOhe the admirable chaiiiticr; _istics whiclt ' distitigul h theta , have shown their true henantoskimprona4roii in the gratefulif. fection - sustakii tors and cherish - their memories. This MIS 'Pig: nally illustrated in the case of Mr. Wato uT:01 . New Yoik, .whO, during q life of unpretending and disinterested si Cu I ilia h , while. he II v. etl, sought only to be serviceable to others, for. getful altogether Of hiinself—nias constantly fol. towed by o P p'optilrititi 'which Spread over the whole ynion,.a . rid which, irrespective of party. (altirough herhad been a 'Cle'cirfed party . man,) made his early fallti.sOject ,of general grief.— We see thissuAr.statikAeltag now strongly fist ing, itself WfieroOndiPrt be'rooted, at the spot on whiilt he was reared. - , 41 Monument is iritic erected at Weybridge. Vermont, qn the 27th in , slant to 'this grist add 6'o man. Thousands will make their pilgriditigelolhat Village, remote 'from the sieiVe of his acti v e exertion, to pay their hOrtiage to the tiatifotisti'which distinguished his life, and to impress its'lessou•on the rising generaticroWash. Globe: , 147 • • - • ..Gerrit Smith's Convention.. Cazenovia, August 213618150 v The no party, no rot igion,,no•coridition;Ao..tml bfack, and white , convention, met in this, pylon tti:day, and, to 4how they' utter contempt toy, white men and wbilefthings,tredericlilhoglass .•.was made the presi di ng , o cer of c. ••h • tl lion. He • was. howettEr. assisted by aids of • s tr, '. • • •:'•• : `• • Two ihounind:petynqa4sempresent; not tile-, 'ny of whom, hiiiittr46.4i4iiiinAin bars of the bon- IVfintion. nis . 4 • 4 .• •:%.• •-* -• ". • • I '"l'lle.donVe . n!triripttiog,.ninino nll. churches I ,!and•all eorporationatinet:in•ope.fof nature/slit if: Raliftlikkroo, 4 .igainhipets soil; aifie‘' 4 • :br • ,; NOME 514.- " Ai a ,ii::ll;saiiiif-V4 , ..• - -,...-... . ;:- .:,; .. 0, 9 ,0, t; r, , wi ti t u ll 3oNiga, J.. 4 111 .q.11, i• A'',, *lo ' ~'` AV .'i :• -64 • f 104.Mitele ir - 1 1 11CiSt 1 , 1 .- tt `t; ' : 4 ) . 4tA, ~ 4 antlitti, 6 Lit 4.: ,'mil - : :6: -, pit :.-. a te c. 1 tijkiiiiro, 54ikr7i0 1 1 . 4012 . ' 4$ -'-'• $ iligh. tio , tofigfusiv A .it o rpoys t : -%.,,, p,. 0 ;-;,::: iiiyNert* tie. / • : 4itie:iiinii 'Fitt Of gti nf.' " yakitit 411(101t('. iifetp. act :;) i ndeed - of. lbe t iiiip;i!'!!l deattpcghl,"g, - ,l*Vitiilie Nie:r! z . :Althic:lftq)!lter2 : . ll- te ). - Aiii, - :.i1,:, :f110.11p;,3.e5 . lir k : ; which ) ,. ~ ~..„ ,„ e - a , bjel ow !Viit liiil 6130 e 4.4 . 1 t c l)., , .taranhlimilanimeirsalWrr . !9" r ,o*pit:d4llhilillaieiithirrpl* l iittlket4tli: Ifirl,)t m at ol 44 ii.,; i i.gt,,,,, i i, iv riffi k o. • c,..u.5ai, ! ,.„t.,-,....,it i gorfpw.gpysB 7 ~..,. briif iititieks . 're),(itfe Itipi'el s o::*t , ysKti 1 fl i ' iiiCiluiitiiill"Ge?,**i* some CF?-NMI:Tw • ..11i.C,i,a1144lAZI•zik-41M.,6140.• i 6- '4l! k- P - 1 milekout.oktr)ni . ait,stiioy fllet Iva 4 ta.cer!. / stldenlYtiolkillte.4 l l l ) s lo#itisialtiaiti. ;44110ikat aer..ROmpi.9_o-ebb.l9l/ a arf,. 04 .1 'there ieqe pi epe#9y,teisiedy &at co ul4 gXviliti' , • .ike4y#%:iiiitgthiOtelio-wai 0. 1 ,0; ,1 0 - WeiN tl 'illlyegittel!edto dicloseiiie i aisc - iic i iikieiPY, oll , 'distrait; .1 - teltist4he cljd art' ill id; 41,i ilui g rft 4 „ ol.VirceAllekapte,tpliei 4 pf...itil.";iitadfuiltgit: ' lifig,;s ll 4 l ll"fre;*'t u4 UPtik /1 2*. h q ;1.7 111 1 4 ) (1 1100 1 ,1*eatTfilifittlir, 1 , 11 s71: 1 Li'lW : 0143 00 . 0 1. rqicarl . #4 l -t lf,rtititY ii W.,. , 'tipti, 'whtz,iiiderittoritmlealiesarrik vi I Ing tralielle) .Ahetliil4:-;ttitht . ifirhilittirdr Mt then 1101 i I d7aiiip iihe Oithitlaliblio iitiiiAdjed-til%WilliiitfCity 1;* •.: ' ‘ • • • • • 414 :•.'s k.4.4,: , -, ' : • ••••• • . Praildep ! , l',lr . t...t..1Z,ii 1 1. 4 s.i., iri . -:: ~; ,: , .. : 1 ,I; - ,....Ti#SVANilitiiiiitufiiefi:l4ll4eabythi , iii;An tunic theiatiirarie,t4i4iiiii#Plitt .144ilise:of.thViie ' aeistl; itids‘erilrt6AViieltilk beraka a gince or il i cl!sieo4 ` lfilial4ol4; mint was !tow itiimpeekticiw44 .- 6014 . ... i;if y - iti . hell team oecodie . li VSJghtit vti a 5 , , :.4144... itotiiteiiiiii4 !tit:Vett AliFirtlFuatAblrefiril :Phil! is: trul y a lamentabik Walt?, tiatrratritTittsta . .lifttpreniting „to 4tig .:!Illic tett "famjiy 0'2'10: del! ceased. : L '":?....:4',•,:::` : .2 ,-.., '' • ' ~,, • '.' : - Teti :saltl ".cy_thit44oiettardie•iitat oler.e.y,tiliffe..< Ihialteltigite•tiefifieWaie4ho:l4ibien , nrL , 'ref te.d t its ha v int‘e.ituseil. her deotil l ttitt;_ere: Tv:. betty iiiiittdintratellilltitrOattlOala:rtitititttutir 1 ittodiietrithiti4iyeaecqrieittik.c.ll;hoin iniaakeltile:. 6A•ed ihipetiely-Wfielhe ItiVetriViit be iboioniblt I :llfve'stigaffolNAlll446llo.l4oliyiefiveiheir .rittit reiraillti isp . :;:ti&itiVettilintfit:Thtipi/hr ileireoclur* LarSiikCe.Alo 4 ,lltiiit - eitairtiVikri." l 4tinit. i 15c4::ike iinatitieiSrthilthliiiVE . o;ttlir4i' tite, , yYtjAtr4ol - liiitileso,ll'ikifCicillithtr i tniirtriil l . 1 .1':!:?, Ku?litt.hit, , ii i .so,44 7 iiii . o 4 o,44ft.ftgt . roicti,e7d l 4 4 ,, s ir m i.,,,-*.dit ! , - ;.*:, , , , tii inals: it . qefeired. ...IleA(111f Kirjitik . gil!t_il:' 41 chit "liiv,!.,llii liberty by:Ca teriag, tail' lii• .7 tiii' ',alit'. " ot.:, ca i 000: •.' ', '•• -'-,t' .‘ 4 =•• P. •• --••r a'. • r- Melancholy Eirent. • ~,- The . , fitllowing siligular:derith of nn lilished young lady. zo 4re;rilliy; . PIT iS S Cheri:trite A. faciuririi . ,rtifill: . hi laticholy interest: •• 2 On the evening of the 30th of July, at twilight' 11;be was Sitting in her father's hotiie partition over which a stove pipe communiaated with a chimney, during a thunder storm, singing. iithher sister, Mrs. Lathrop,ps was her custom; the plaintiff". ballad .43nrid.Bye,'", each. beating's Separate part. -And . while the SWeetcnelpdyl4o 1 gered ter.lips,=a hievi china r.passlngVer the house, discharged its fearfulCOntents?Aist: fatal shaft entered the•Chloney,follotiCdllikiklbv . e . , pipe' to: the iloie;:iiid- s thi.n d ow n ` against ithlCh plotted jOsi over Tier heart with:ri sudden' blaze of followed, a piercing siieani:irsiii!ifititirrl 4 4 Miss Mooers, who but a moment bl~ore : iw6s `ii{ perfect health, now eividli t ipeti"lti upon the flOor insensible "rad' alifigerity'deite Immediately, and before, the'death;Yigli 'lien'` left the room, her distressed ifarenti 4 riliKy.ilite side. the flames were extinguished, water .war. showered upon her and other remedies used,* no signs of life appeared.... Her ,mother, much presence of mind, breathed in lier,:qoAtlN, throwing a volume of air into her was repeated again and again by her faihir,:ult!..i tit by extraordinary efforts a slight reponsewds r :observed, a contraction of the lips, a quiver 701.-. the chin, followed by a partial res . pirationi;untit she was so far restored to consciousness;, itstrf regain her sight,• to speak, to know hetfrieida; around her, and appreciate their efforts teripkirl;. ate her . suffer inks; btif not to fully tinderstalfdlhb' *se of her disire*sed - Conditian vend altheilklit "iersiitrieings "internalli3el;re.lirlensiy'slie'”Val brit h . e!iid ti)-cOinPl4lll:'"AbciiiFtwenti r Ake . shiqtriiiirsli: yr; she g crultitillift)k! e a sy and , ttpttteently : uncori#l644s•(wlitikl., was paXsldg . .groirrirt her for • saine:hrtiil'vl4f4e" . ' she died; infer - thou( tbree o'clock . • vrig g r; • .. • •.0 • •Vi• -4."3.ulurryterft7set. , ? Ne .i i ,• , 1124 .. i.. .p" slit.. w..... ~r.. 4" :,o..rNifiebwi y"ttkilidliitlyl7l7,ll. ol census,.l,:!u.l population 1 0 1 n ! r " n e e n i,:r 4, 1, I ; n .. ,..f . 41 . , ,, 1 at ii . m. l a l i. • d i . 0 .9 . 6 . 6 , r i 3. " bii ik l it i, :t h, 0 . o ir f rei 2 hs t h : , : d; 9_ ,; 1 ; y1:47 1 0 ,0e , c er.:. ,1 , 1 oT; Mrs; P a pp4o%.-2.,:,.. ..., .Edueatilip.—T,44:. '' 09 - 3 and' 0-nionth • • • /... 1 ,i i i kin, 01?);%.1S, A. 114141211 littOOPaNift i 'Aiikciilliatiaanilktii.,4,,tt I f.l l- 1.:„.15".'fr . +4...t-s- -• ' 'iffj elf; , caqr,t9t,rr,n..... ztlt+ • ' ' " k r,. ---.40 iikr, IP. :l l., k .tbr : Ir. t,-. diriumforacy - it.,eid l itt . o . nymi 9 h O. Cli f=te, I r 4 fi ''' ititillfa.6V 4b.th s'' - - 10/0 "7 iigiq r t- 47;:tzt te, ,, Notii s..i'i ,4q: P' t i r:• ~ ~, . ••• ~:1iff.tf4!. t 41;t,...,.,, _ . .., ... .: ...; „. .:, 7'''''.;C:' ,7 .':.:%:l.` l Pf 1' .... 3 ?...;A..„ s . ,,t:e:'!floV . 74 . i!ifg?i i 1 ''.1 7.7 . .. ttp....„, :. :1;,.. :.,,,A;' . , s .' . v .•/- ',' *:. 4 V?•i11.:,;.,zf4,1, i.,*1:,t,?,...",1c:".,..?...4e,•14:;',r:C.;;:r.1541.,1??:_iiiiFfiTt'5.34?':Frtr:.......1-:: ... 5' ' f . ' 7'. ''' ' ....1 ..i t ' ;'.. 4 )1 A . /0 ?6r.:. '- ,' ' ~ 1 1F% 0='. . ' '':': * :!t 4 i 4.; ''' ' '', . -"" .. ! ) . ?' 7, :?: 1* 1 .. .. Z it' 41, ::': . .IfLf,S *r:4 l "k*td4r.. 4 " . ; ...... '•.. '.. '', ' 1 • .. e. - ' : '::.' 1 : ‘ ... - s. • 01 .. . 4 9 .'4.. . .. ,i1.}4i;,1 X Is„...„„"1,1% i ': ` ' 4 `; ,. =:ta . '''. '.1:4•:4.6V1:".".;j. tr.%7Cr.re;t:it.' . 1 : ;...... :` .. “ . " .-- :;' '' ' 4l ) ;. 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IN: te t , Loutitlxgrj-:'7 , 1 7 7pg , ..-W7ltet 4 . ''",'" '''s - A . - det '" : "'"ii w ntii sifeitr *a caiiiiisfyili Offi`. -... ' ..'. 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There iS ari unusual amount: of sickness ;4 l c/J.: :'1 in and tround.o6iibersbiqg at the present ilrpe. •-: ,-,'• • - •••• _ •,,, llysenteripilvailS':to an exien i that Is altiirtiajA; 7: *, ' arming.' ~ , --TL ~t ....:, - -- r ..- - ...4,1 '. , M t . -- .,i- '" 1 ::' 11 ' ''• rp - rn e T rombullitObill Eke iri n 'e, ritt says. fliae • - thg„Fointoret has - made.lts,appe;trance iII , `SALIN! - .,...1,. - - 00J-twits oil runib4,l.gou?ti, . ' 4 ~ ,“... ' ,, 14* .-- - , •..t.. .1. . .'4 4 "'-4, r. 1. - . •.. .•#" ' ',SI , : P '..Te'.l7' S ,1 t".. l l l !°,kna!:_ l 'll l :J4f.°W,Aek ther .census ot -, .i.t!itrytltt i ..'t‘t,ettle.:;)(9,li,tile..z!i i ,fie,:?,., - ,4 - ', .4 4 jiqiiiiiitiitiliti`an:tbirt; 50064:;,',. This I'S a gaiiist-2.V.,:..;Tr'f'kl: 'Clir. 00 1 /I n,J./ 84 9,4:e.,4;,: "ic ' , , , e;...4.43,t`i , tf y , ~l'i,,- . ,' ;.. ,74. k;:• ,, ,-1 ' , git' - itlarl'fiFie4r* opilli t titAtli ; ihtty 4 .4.l '''.-. -.- ~„ 4alithittOit:'iiLe I ne isT 4 .isirjira-stiiitittrian y . - ' , i ;: I , ' I ialiiiiiity , rll,ll4 . 4l 1:i „tiilftlig tlia'.'ertilti.i:,lki''.f:4: ,,, i,rci: - .. 2 ..,4 ..."' A A. , . • /W., ~- i s ..- ~I ..' - 70* tortk'iy.srui,q,"om eittarylutl i the,tr- -- 4,ariff iir 1.1!er; .., , ,, w , " cttplpt 4tii!ziem, nurat) - kc ' 4.l4 3 7gigg* 'alig, ' , .•. • •.. ••, -, s *, ,,__ . •• • •-_;_iti t vtgii,fiti i . ‘ ::42; er 47,i.,4,1; fiiitti4.64 - Is4 - oysi ir t Alak, , F litVil.riiiiqiiiiw ` - c"iil i CMk : :: -,...-,• ,,,, 0' • A., , ~, t:, ii03e: !,, , , 5 - g1a,945 , , ‘ , 44,..e,,,r( k i rit /IA , 04::;,: -. 16,..,, i „. 4qt. • - r ;k• l li' n . lll VOßili c , 4• 4%, , tll' make ef. r G . 44p. l E, , Yi,,rylattieisel. , ti - i; j 3 ep t Wtity - f t;.:. i i - r .t: 4 ..t!,;`...,: ~,., :"- pj , ekan,3hidil r r' "iafliiinis.` k- .5, , i ti s ,, t •5,, , ,,.0,,, ,, , ly faii 1 rOid4til.ii' , ltiN r 'ltiN : .t . iiodfitis: o `, l4 4 4l - 7 !`-'$ ~,*;!' : ;4, eV-414P -zl6lfrycii, i 0;i10 ' 2 ie.-* 417'4 1 07.4 1 A h F ll .-§4 14? 49.4 161 41 (1 1 1; l t r..ketior. tiv . 5 , 3 7 * o akiLP.re r 7 t ' '' I ) .!OSOLi74Y treat At fti'r ;paint :13he ettn:s I 'zig,ttiln'ieftt , coysetsi .If , ,Ifitil.'''. ' s' .*:;r tie. ' 7 1' 6 0 6 4.4' r ;4,lligs':rai - ~. • 4 3 4r - ') ° Aff!' 4 ?' l !' i tc j i9 2 o' *lt e l l O g ;vie gh Ilij - e , • A.... t .,.. 1 4 ; -A i . t Stsv.'se 1 1 • , t.t1• • •• ,,, - . ~.. ..q0#(! alltof tp'at ' gt l t:L., it ti447 l 4113 , 4tAl 4"" WEI = PM. • `rfr 4 S. .= 1;;i4;:f.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers