z , z r ;wti ~ ~~~~ ty . ts . ',; ry~~~ X ;. fir~,,.i 1511 4r s • "4 2.14 44 1 . rYt ' k tz• • .4a,m2r! "Wi - • ' , !..1.,..?? • , • .0 fil;kl • .•-,!;1•••• .• • .• -,:. • j aryorgfßiA t i -4 ''' ' ill i t e .4? ..,,... .. 0 .. s , _ - .. 4. -.-- 44, ' tit,f4tar l ...- -7 , N tiiir.bicinsln 1 ell '''•'t 4 . :%)."' -4 . 'l' , '!' lAN* id -• ''' 1 4 , 44 ' ' - I *l l i. ' -. m - *, .- . ,--- ryt i , "• -1,, '1i * .•";:jlN'Siiii , ' hf ie fts " lll 4. e A: , . •- PP . .1*...."-;oci 4ii*,•;,.:;.n.4teputwi.-- , , - .. - ; l siiewiHrkglc.,ysi , . 4etiiiortviasxie.i.ia..o.F.... ipt ~ w s-t..R, - --6,,,, .. , .... , 0 teiV t A ft litteatildt= Alf W. 1••• .--- . 1 .r 4. . 4 '../ -$ . ., 1 1 .. .•. ' • s ' lagitAC ~iib~ :,~: 4':... I.*: It'fi r d - W*.o6gSsil 3.`r.t4 4 l.l!itr,oPg tike4rekommd" i l heyeby: •!' , l4l:siffe:ll.its,klflto:y?ipt:pposild!tratiOn;as.a . can, f 'tit; 0) t; r •• • •• e •, • S. P. L I: J. 3 •b9pJe .. c,t tO' ?(16cisiori of the . rielecteetiq count 0?.1v should 110 licilootikajtto . .slttgi , tei:, • majo ty , yiiii.*l24 .*lll,l. rift& ;."Aftalh..epde!lver. to 'diichrimo; _it); otilici . •,,:;: : •• • • • • '•NATEIWWEILER, - fi*'2.j.t aiunali v i v a z utitia i n Kit a . Liiitgliptif,iffy.- • -*TA* • .. • - . By the "solicitation of 'atlar t tiO'rratniser Of my. filen - chiliad .4;',uo'cui,;lt - her& . !),y•-'offer- myself 'as a' candiOnte 70 , -(tir.thePfrice of - ; -..• • . be f ; r-:S-)sloiiiiii.iq . :feihigiiiifobWviestibli; ,- shou Id 'yuit- Off - litstir - • v 0 tes 644' `• • . s.;`• • • • ••• , 11—te 11111 - • us,t4 Al. „ - i - 17f.f.:trann04133• - eloa.dor arid, i .N.Admm , 0D an . istrators 0 , f 4 , Alice or ,•01, c0. , - rahiP;-11,g ,1i7,, court: 11-01,1t$E.u;''"-. rid' '' Ir:Franit's Isevi, , it ot , i4„, korawibti dit u , An o li n ', : ,d 4;110 41' 4 is 4441_ . opergo (ll ' I"ho r ilex t - • , ,„; ,-, ri , jk , , , . ,„,,ti,iy Cler-4-' .....- .A- J llll.lt4JAv . ' meet f o r mee , '''' •'' . , ir.f,*77.' tahffi e d will , riles. , , ~t .f. • ' , ~ Tonilt, I ' l r ' - ' ' 1114' Oii ' .0,- 4. L'‘'''' • 14A bowline t , at , 10 - ',-:-,-,,T ~. f,thol . 41ber :Ilex' ~ 1 ' mzb ‘ll. -e'idiYl,ll t q filfgfo r S. e Ptll. , h0:1..),:ubt......:10. v rii.i • .44 q tt y, . the • ~- ,f,5r0,09.114ii, of, w•le t„, ,4,6,eldelt:in'pe,•Nv j, . „cliiii,,pteast,,,ti,-.-5. .40:A4-Y.....`r.j. 7141ft-diaititiliffi hitLlyz.o '-t'•- 1t...;T0., 0 : trt.oteon 1 ~te.ock. where_a!,- , 11.. g 6tiiirr,1,140.11,, -,-'(' .4. tend,li thE,Y4,-,41,"mz, , . .4~~ ~F. ~. - - • -:' •• , • , s e ' 7 - • . 15, t. 11.?", "•• ‘`'; .4 1,140: • • • ;I';'4. • ' 17?.:;f1 .. - f ; ti 4. /0 v. ' .5 . 1 t ;- • , riwrz.ilottl •C" Jt^- ". • " , EN •,' -4 - ; ,.. : 4-÷;-----.., jile,trieid. P 1 t.., 4 211 7 11 k : ff: , . Alla* .pi 1;1 5, ' . ~ f - : , ..a , „--, , 9 , t...., ~,.. 1404'9*'... - e , ;s: -4 :04.0.-. ;4;4 ; 2 9gPa-hYmirplargt, ; . 494faiger4tiy:Offeli: , r ilt) l. ), : fa,.afnitgei - f.cir , ‘Shedr.-A , 7'ls , ,- Idrt o4. lo foil . nate. kfAttvoiioul.. , .. v l eescocraiptez 3-ArAyiibilmeify. 7...,faxAstrritY:' 1rip..,...71... v. ,Eir.z..63:: ,_:...%!tr". • t`ltt.: , "$. - , 4 ' 4,'''- 'lStof i 4jvg l* v j •cAt .~rr)) :,;,. Mv~~ I: ClO l lB .0 , 110 . 11,14 ~• . ' .AI ~, TO ik t - 4 • 4:7 '•• , A i , .ff ~ 4: it; , ,,: .;,-; 1 . .. -SP , • .1 , .T.'rr....,` , ,.. 14.4.,44',/•?..#•;-••,, ... ~..., if ..., .4 4 --`,. -' " 4 illi4<-, P V,, • .. V.;•= 7 • 41 ~,, f , , ..:,, iv; 1 ;1 ,, ,• 7 , ..e . 1, ,, , , .) !,. ,',.. , ..r:51.: . ko.Spitiik ' . kr;4!'l' 4 A r iligiteii . %.*Atitilii*afFt . gtiltlaile alli'ze 'pt* ~. tk 'OM ti;Aelk , ';si,,. ran.t,g' 17 i s .'' 46' ,Ii v ti(i 'Pealed:6i' l a s ....* 1 . •.51114 4 et „, Khrg",:iii\liis spfdli:la - -,Oiltingti! : re: :-:jihllt!itagigg'eiititliks AOlgijallitniitliiii,F .kitiliyailiflgifirit:Alß(citopsB4oll,iiiiftrifit • A if 4s446iYOV'Fitire - ik4 . 04.5if il.ii:hi#- * 4141AMOkikr r4z4A§Rforitlfitp.•:' r i ,_':, owtrttleJA. - itilkiiiliiiiWit.'vki::' cl vitt Aftiotrti...o •• hitiwolitoar-dikirdb: 4 , ,,Ai4c . io h oole kelibbtd- toi.caiid'i Id( -0/ 3 "*•••• 4 3itregit'lliiriklii4lOilta' Or tllui 1 ° 6 4'0 14 s':' , "'" A mmileV;b o oo4 -14 1. 63 '1ai11 -4‘itbfkOitilargitA:4W-‘l.4mti*OnticiffelMtr:? 4‘itbfkOitilargitA:4W-‘ 1.4 mti*OnticiffelMtr:? iviittinttlfrii tder,fo.l:oe,l47l47.Nf44icetfilm. triiikAyeautAaydoftlistfiggi,kitT 3 .i..:tf,:::- . '7--4,...?. A°•**JO 0,0,_ 1400. 1 -k.•ff'P0PP4 i 0P . .: , 4':. , :.. , li. is .theri:fotetntly;litie*iy;.(ell4teiCit- iettig..ictilyeppeXpOst,plinglKto:.o4.4l.4.tn,, .1 ia cariskont my.",iltfihnc rat* 14Init.liiioiiZ. ' inf:iicin:f!igiquAtMlNlfesOpp, 91 . 49010 t; • fiv.§.4440t11430 1 )19L - mYO trJe.ist• i uegfuAtoktsF•,.. .... ~ .. . ..1 : .A : prtlel.,:t . 9.7,oallt,lo;(tienikapl fella )ciA10114..t4:3:tif..10-etritielly,, fij4ivib.fecte4 iittAr.4 0 4 ..t1ec - kitisitq.,#l4tkeli9;46 ll SYrVO.IESeV I 44O 4 4)IO,:YrdOO I „A;;PIittI: at ..pri ric ifsl,iis,'Nv hti h - trMlefiti I COhiittlithlie probatfast Of tlie,frfe ilkii: . iitli.'piniVent itters .otlffetiMiikies Of Lellitbs Virittm. They:; I 'arc ' l otion '11"-Irtx1gOr :‘: •- ' .. - as 1- i „., ... ...j"PIC' li li. he 'ilfyitni" . 'let as ;a 'man ' ..,, 1 -$ A .4, • ~, 1 r i •. . . ---a.eficii - • all niti - tlitingislitll : l66 - rigidly Pc ;pii - ....t: I s shall act:in,brirtriatOirith the Dem-, (lova* Patty, so fir . lstafparailons are cod: , iettivtlittitl Div* fill Bnithiiiiinistitutidrisi bielitisa Banka (andla fact ,all mailed Ccii poraihms) are AntiDeirincintic. end at - va- nonce' tirstlt'the aiishea bi it letge majority of the "people—yet, at the same Otte, hoWev‘ er;-1 - shotild• like' to see a Battik ut Allentown, die% plattror my birth. and-could not consci 'entiously,oppuse. nu elTort to , ratablish one., :v.:4•3,...Whh.the„ithigs I shill udvocate and. Ivnte.fo'r,.a high proteptive Turin', especially . on.all snob , articles aa,cannot „be . produced in., this cOutitry, uuder•the full conviction .that ;Dame. Nature never intended these tiling:tor Asi—vide the History of the Abor igines, the ieu/AtatiVes of this country. ,blaittAlifiot.efl to m4BllBll advocate the lnEtal.Briliat,Zodiaiiplaw, which appropri- Wes Ilicla . Ititge's'utn to the completion of itiltei:th Welch Canal; because, it is of no v efarthfpisii tatnycotistituency—ta perspec -1464..i. .......-... - .. .-ii'VPltin apposed to the so-called "$3OO Exemption Law," and will endeavor to have 'ft - repealed, and a law substituted mahitig -din credit system a penal offence,. punisha blti by:fine and imprisonment. 'its , 6o am opposed to the present militia law, forzvorious reasons, and especially as it robs 'me of the command of the "bone and sinew" Of •our.beautiful Borough, besides rendering i iiy•arips and equipments totally useless. ..,17;.1.1 .. wi1l endeavor to reduce taxation; at . least will not go in favor of any increase, un .leenit,Eyery heavy one on all hungry . office leelsttra and old bache10r5...,.,........:, . ',13;.:,t,5ha1l studiously oppose all attempte: of ; tbe:Legislatute to remain in. session 0y0.r .. AtkilaYs in nay) one year, unless it, be, leak .. ,ye . nr, . and . shall. advocate a law making. it Atgh,ly.lespectable" for . LegislatureS Co vote' 44 - etnAttlyee a higher "per:diem" allowance Abtirillie;present rates,' :n.',V4l:al*so .deelarat4i)ii,•l . . iubinit lay • c t i ii n ii r i : Ggii r i,..,4iji g ii . pniiir iand . i.ifiagernipg, .o.olici.:Wiqtilig.OP.l449)lY-cPrible of . 4.14-• :c Hill i niting between; lia :clatinavf halt ,a do fen.,iti i tical;stf t Vyr.". 4110::,00,:.illesh pa . o 'of giymior E t ogieWiyailitignOrid pnaiu.:, itio!trliz4nd a iickar;,t4iit",4o(ltmcfjacing . *PPlicitilike.o l 'l46l' l 4tS 7,:: 4 : e•a'Y . . It .4 . .:#4.tie, - .7r. 4 , 44 .mmt r iati v ii.......,.:,;..;;... iatit" ,. ' 7 0Cf...."°”• 1 '.':'"`:..'''. <:,s.:V''.?:,:i-;.. v ,t ?At 'AVlgikalogibm AU' -•.-. ' 0 ~ - . - - -viii..p, . 4 - .:"": ( O' Ne. 4, ,--,- ",07" ., 5i . r. 1 -.•• • '. , '•; i'' , ,: ,, _;..-: c ~413, : . .?,-,.. : Alt, ~t,".'e.,,.- 4.5 i t, . , 3 .,,,:,-; ......1-_,:.„,i,*. .‘,.-- .:° • 1.,',7;'.-..41jif44.1.14j. :4 7 1..;%it,,,, • kt..i.04, " . .. 4 1 '‘.',": ..,:ania" '. ., 4 •' . %.„, ~ , b-4.-, ' ,..5 c •. e = - r , :z.qs. .• 4 -.:::-..„:. ~,tr•ti r .; : f,.l%,!l: -: ...•1 . ...4:'.0.''• ' ....z..1: 1 4......pkr , ., : . , _ • -% -:•. , P r - • ::: . '..• ''f•'(.:.:•':• ; ....%. 4 . 4 , -.:_;:::', - .;:i. , 12.1're , r - • :. 1. • 4 h -,••14:.p.. - !",:•1••• :,,'...-.-Nk* 1 .:*:• 4 ' , ....;-:• - •,•."- ••• ••; i•! - •••::•: .• ' f • . .;.'i .. • . -; • ''.- ' • ". -. •:-' -, `,, ,:. -L. : 7 ' " . *-,' r 0 C=. , .. Alit '', ; • .r.. 1% 3 , '?1 , . .',.. 4 . • t - • -.: ...:, • .' )1 4 :' • . ' N );. :" ''l , i g , s as : 44 4 : , I : .: .; ` • • • • • • ' ,,q ,,, = A " ", k•z 4, '' . -1. • AO: :. , 41 ' .'• • ° , 44* Viir•r i k„,!: . kliffli r l • ir. • • N! * ;:SLY.e C: - -n:•• -• - ,_ •R : 7 e . L. 4 ''' . ''- -. .0 3 • ,-...!. 4 . ...- %, • ... - . • i ....;•,•••• .- • • • , - •• '•• r• •....4,7•••., •• ,•••••".: -,-.••• .* • - agt ,24- .--L ' -i•— • • i•Nr.l.ia..akilsd.ralgtE/.._. i. ,ii. 4406.1. -:.: ',,,,.:Lidh-lk•aittrir:••4:'. ' ' ..I:.rFkltt!ta, ; eatlt f :Zz•i''' ' 4? Il i t t` E., 475.;:s .14, . , ` ,l t• '''''T:' .2,1511kr,' - 'Ar-fge t4..44:friTal 1 •••ti..;:',44.liVr.4%ill'iiifiliClCY.- ' 7 . : ' ; ' -? i,4,44rVii't.6r-1-.-441 „ ' . .1.0...,, 40 .e,4„ ;, 1. 11,1r1::q 4 4.7., •, , -,,t ' I .*: ak .. ..., X: 11. . . "E.l.- '..... ' . 7. Ka - '). ‘..., 7,:' .: . :BLAC-KeiBEAR,IOrEb../., r t irriski . !-f - --p..4.. , ,..1. 1 .:, .itiiiii . 44t;..4-- " .I/ , , ~..9 , ,,, t hiAr , ..,..6 4, ,,1 it: f t ..... ~, . ,shcbt.,Bo,to Roust 74% 1 rove?, 4 14411414- '' W -Oe it-..l:l)ir ' " ' '4'''''‘' ;."t i e..' l : l , MIrM - iitif oll-71 11frlil I);STiIEE'T, ''••?•:-; - ' 4 '''''st:S•s'i:E sitsliflvs , ....' • I ; -- s• Belweisi Oalloivhill find Willow'Streets, ,:•r l ,-,..-- - 1; - ‘342:•,:,, , t„., ~. ~ ~. '-, ,5 44,- ci: . 'l l -• -. ',. ' - • ''' • - ~hA,„ ilil l .W;Aitic '+;•; •'• ih`• "9 ',F,,: ' . • , PHILADELPHIA. • t. ' , l.Letn ~. 11 40/ • .... -,, . 4,1 , 4 , - The bhitersigned respectfbfl Anforms has. 4'hiiiiliC, •aitithfi?,'''=:''.N. • ';. 4::..,;.. „ri' aniffienfloand the public io.fiiittiral, that 811i'dildfrl'apei?.:..., , '4 , _...1 1 ,; n , ' ~, `„,:-.,::' .•:,. • ,ec• ho half; Intel ) : rented liti, - ;".Ttivera- .Stand, ja99¢ - #.a.44 3 .it11;":•A'.5;:•,-,;' '''',..:' i':".'' -.4. -. o. 24111 - North •T hi rd Stre,e.43hettifiea..Cal ..hottlivitti.mira'raiket. Iniiiintice • ••• ...,..: • . °whin and Willow. ariatar o w,e)llltpctwn - in. ( 4144 1 "0 ,11 ::Wegt' de 8 40 1 ,r,0 1- ''!; v'i. ,1:.?",.4 ' his •iection of the bbuntryrita'tlia...:. . 0 .,,,1ea.,•44.„ ' 'd .eP ir rrf!-CrikvatiTir f 7 • - -; '' 4. '- -• .in lisi . • -ifitriret . lriPtNtr , x.,:ii;:.-i7 - r ,- . - 2. :.. ~‘ ..:pi ~,,.,: 1 T a c : irft . ... .. -5:- .CV nilP4.. litkvemeseiveAalari . 11 ...' . '4114' \ii - thiell . I4latiliiliiiiifit ile‘has fi tted 01 .3 - 1 1 Vdi-thiobsl'ith;thir ( . I . 4 Pi!al ' .../ • sr ; i'.. •, ;i ,li.' 44-?-- s ii et iii : id , j o %m i d • i s . os i,,, ilfirepiiroi) , •laieiltetf;:affrct aurpleaftso,l4o . '1 i 1 rte ,a , '..7,. • P ~'•• • •P• Y. '.f. i t , i At al'iftsi ) l E• 4 '..''' - '.."" • -." -"-I' . . - ,•.: 1 -'• , - •;* k , e 4 = rea4Y;l o accoTßAgt? v 1 °se ," ") •:':Viii:itsaii,fyflifin.co!nrlite. : 4o , , . ... ,k ny faroi!:.(l:#l.-with, tlwir . c.A.tiatoin. -. rhe 171 3487 '•igi761 1 :* 4 40-OPV - " ), Il 114 .4 94A1• !.nilding.iditrge atid'ooriuncodiatliOnd is.rni leWilt W-Tfe...s l ..kili l o 4 : s, ‘' lt ;,, •'' '-' '7, 44 " .;, nimbly arranged to auictba cenitehleilbb or .-44 t 4 : k f4110144-z--.i- - - ..- .°: 5 -#l,. iseig''.,;:., ;111 persons, who Triitylavot s . bun With a call • ~ - r emtioraty Loans, . 205, ad: ..,- ..., . . . : .... . • . .. ': Li ICr .X414146'i ' ' --` /-. 728 ; 2 4 1 g ... c; . -:- ifor si !or* orihort•thne. ' • - -•.• :.. ',' -- tgit c li.7 ,‘- • •-••.-- -, • 15,56tri,5.:•q;.,-:' .-_ , Ilia yard is large, and his stabling com •/:":ttiriii.".gral':-:-. ; ' ' ... :46;681, gi . "...,,j , . `odious; and an fluently° "hostleviitlthi'all '.' '.. '1:::-'kt' - ''':trl.:ia 2 •-• • -•."....... ' -1, *;:ileisbf found in fitienclance: I=''" , - , •: : ..... : 41- e: I . . By cus;^•tual'attenclan.ce to his customers, ',... alb: ' lid a deillre: to ren.orthcalt.9lp.arta!?le..l..ke. -SP - 4 1 AD 'utril) 1 r0 , pri . 4 , i0r ... ..x . p , ec0; a...sliare."o64.blie Pativfl: . WILLIAR,FRY: .. :AtilAk.fri ta y 23. ' , • ' Irr - - 1 3' . *lowa; • • • liiiti*. • f.0..4, i ik 4 a..`l ll 2 :114' 1 01i b 1.4 t.d .10 t d rA +-•- t •.. rtY i4 l •Li.,. L(l' ;' " 'AOtgl i tti V. RU ,v - ? -41., .1..1;., 1° W. o,• '' . (3.4ll3llECWl3etirlehezpilv,: k: r ?- .kiientow.n;suae 13r../ 848 ; ..r , ' ,-)',..4:*-1,-.71/' ,E2ll,'•':jiii**l :.7• 1 111jlit ItArliN. - ,... i• si-r - 1... ,? .• - • Ilitiiiiiir'. 4 :. 4 4ifit :1 ~4 4 (4:71:4 ‘ 1 . .-4',41:i;1 A , ..4 1**- -, ''...' 1 .... Ttiii: - tubscrit•er;a4Ots o'4 ,it v ,q:1:161.4 ItorFicSrOlri i ifilliAlkthiCAubliclit l r WIN:. rti' he 'IC4O-I.oifr. - teutoxicl'iniok, tli I - 01T formerly q . ccuftit;cl` h):.11 , 10 1 .441i::Sthfage, in Hatnilton' . :.i reet. Aliisitii*ii: nearly 60: hekhoGiiiiiniatertirtriedChu fah, where he will itailfisYmetiliid*lfiv to attend io iiitlioii the difkrene hiiiiiahoilit liiibileineor whiiiclifi;'' • • ,= • .„ . • • • • • . ous.c au( e„ifn , .atrgtogr . i alating,'rei)eKHttiiging, .'4 c. • ptiring hia'' travels. he bas Made himself master irt.the above brittiChes,..pariicUlaily,. Paper-Hang ing, the put!) dr Wilidh...ta. the fashion... lie WilrtViirmiii his work to be well executed, and'his prices will at the same•fime.be moderate. Mlle constantly keeps on hand a large supply of Projecting Leiters varying in site from 2 to IS inches; they are used ler signs, and have become very fashionable of late. During the time he bas _located himself in Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal support, f6r which he returns ,his sincere thanks, and trusts that his woat'ivilj further insure him a liberal shnea of public 'patron age. , S. .W:43URCA W.• Muth 28. . •4[1.7-6in The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 160 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, • CAPITAL 300,000. Continue.to•triakeAsurances on Lives on the most . ••• being paid up and' inveistedi together with tlienceu m u laced premium fund itiroidra perfect security to theinsured: may be . iaid in yenTly, half! payinonfs. '• : ,''')CheOinptiny add 'a 1301+11.1SVcittited pe "iii;ilg*lo the insurance` for life. -.The "first' irusbonus appropriated inDecenriberJB44; - airtounting to 10 per.cent.'bn .the sum in cured under the oldest ter 7 , .! per cent, , Aci,lp. others tiOn to the timeof,sittndinerfakiemarreddii: 'tien'ef s slooAil37l6cr,..slzi r a:c l ; - on' :every , : 'BlOOO originallyinsere4,W hich ie an; eve rie ilidlandfiVitrOut irtCreitsingtheenntityl i feirymentio.the • ... :•• c".. 7 . . - ••••r!rng , ..-.: •-•"' , , . •,! .7. -A4.• ;.! " • - •••N• , Q:liAts4Ao • • IIEN! IM;;.1 YMPR El I 1111111111 1 fl1 4 •:.kb - i . niairMip*, .:.: :' , ...- f.;-4 -, . , -... E.....,,:-• - - A4-. 41! % ott• ' , •:' , C 't • t-iir, ,- " , :p5.., ,, ,, , 4 4 .. , ,,, ' , e., . ' 4.,.,•% L ... pi ..I".' • .. i , ,r).--,-,,t_.-...,.. . -4i.. ..,. - e-. ..•'...; itti..%,-.14-i, • ,' ,,, ';.";41•474tzi?"',... , .•;• • ,_, , , ( :+7,14 , .. r .., - - 4-. - " , i;,-10, 1 6--. -,- •,• •-,•',•• ~ ...• I. t ~. .„3, 1 4 „; ik k....04 ;4 4.. t . — mor ,:ii,7r 44 7, '4* - .7 - : - KYI,,i 4 •• F.,.. ,- '• :, t:5 Nviir,trivirpm,Tir, AA POLITICS' 4I - 64 c 4 v - : , ' .. 1 , -tii*;:2tpl , l, it,•. , ' .. 51. - '- : '''' ' ..•` '` ‘":' ':' , --% ; " ';' l ' .. "'. t . .. L . ..',.! 1 ' 1 - 1 ! ' ', ,4 '!'.. 4, 1 . '-, • ' ~.,, 1 .. -1 . 11 ; - ::i- ' " ' r - ' '': W l- 44"0 ' 0` t .e. r* Ite .' ...l l ' .. :%;"" . "'":'''''''''-• lI.Yr -.'":"' ';,-... . .....' 1-., , ~., '"' ' • ' ,'-' , o : t;' , .. .. , ._tv , 5..1,...1-, ‘ ,• rc: , ,•••ftw T. .4 .. . "l• ' I.' EltSlO l r , OLlNlSettiVAlttbrillittlani:, to,PliCtilit- 1:t e tigeticti - .,:ainuseitteliti4incivltcts9: , ...ei , i,-2. }.‘,.-.._-;,.;:i,,,,,,::.;-„,,,.:i..,:., ' ' . .,;;:e. ',' ,i 7 ' . . 4 . 7, :,4 35-, ::Zi:Atriil - 4,44 , , , ,... , .;' 4,. ,. .. . .4-1 ,, '', i - ,;'.. ;_,..,, :i , ,, t , ~,,. —4 ,- ; . 5 ..., , - & :',4•.:Z4c4114a . `,-Z-i . } t TY, : __ _,..IIO.GERTROWN'..S.: ... Iv. 01Elprattlyiigiie STORE, 1 4 10.,:323 : fiI.ARICE I T 'STREET, . ' .. - • eiwyjn:Mit44ll - und Ninkh . .trs,North side, : • :,.., :,.: i ..-: Philliollilike. • . ... . .., ... All kinds of - Foreign', Vines: and Liquors . eh , ear+ , . :. - •• ' .. • . . t• • • ~ : • ' ' ' ~t, . ..-;',' ....'.... ciid Cogiiil&brarnikny. Dark - f ;:" 7 ,ff 1 - 4 ';!:' and _Pit le,..Htilliihd: Qini :Jo ' ,_.' ~ • - ""t Milieu Spiriti,lrish alid Sbliieli . ~ . ', „ . ,, r - 2 7 -. ' - .i,'14 Whiskpy ,pr ow very" 1 .. tiskiiJ'aliii...:..,l,,,, ;..: ,•., ... ... . ~ !' :wiNEigs.§,usti-ai.iihoi , ; - : Port t lt",eregi; : ye •' r '- , Bv4e't . :7AtkiftE,Ll, - : .m . y . o.itt, * i• falt WI; niaine t v - ery 700 . fit and co d! 5 .'.. ,‘"... • ' . .. . . . ..::::...' .i.. Al s o ;•AtlatiufitctinOr orDintiesitic Distilled ' B rub d y"' and Gilt: Pureftpiiife,:TDeodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy; Ptiender- Brandy,. Wild-Cherry Brandy; and:Fine Cordials, 'Raspberry Brandy, New England. Rum, ' t ','-,e., dr,c.,. also a largo supply of, fine Old 'Alonongtheln. Whiskey on. hand. , ; • • The.abOvititpuirs.will..besold'at the re: ry lowest prices. Coimtry•Merehants and •Tavern , keepers, will dtiwell in.give the tin- dersigned a call before purchasing elsewere, and examine the . Liquors. which. he vouch es, will bear the closest scrutiny; recollect Not 823 nitill•krt Street , ' • • . . ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia. Dec G. • .V--ly . Stuttering and StaiUffiering. atiltEte I • In froth rite to Twenty oihthico: THE Undersigned would tesfienifUlly , an nounce to the citizens of Lehigh 41fid adjoining counties, that he has located "him= self in. New York for the purpose of.. EFFECTUALLY CURING persons who are troubled with • STUTTERING OR STAMMERING.:, SO confidant 8 he of success, that no pay will be required until the utmost satisfaction is giVen. Ills method is so easy, that any child five years old .may understand it, and yet so efficient, that he will forfeit One Thou; sand Dollars to any perion who'will slam. mar and apply it ..• . Da. J. V., Wyeao No. 37 Chambeniat.; :York S. For fOrther teminialdei ni to the efficacy ,Of. hie 'method ;" ' the Medical Faculty of NetiYolli; whoivitnees etl the :',Roifficatioa . upOn: lijie ride In an; who yae.an'idyttenite!storniithitelroiid.hitd been othetiPtiteiciiMailyithotit, !the lekitibettefif;*o SISOIIW Dr: Wicket!' cutedi:litigfin.2o: liinuk•o& that he ins able•to stOkin4.relid, vith.e p a§ei ,withoet lieeitanc . 'ofta • aleo.hee deitiWies of curektierianc i pip e ityiAkisil ere ieietalsmediCelie*lomett4:A ~~,:.. ~~ ~oa~ idieh ' .. ' - %le . . 4 1 1 ,1 W 11 it' C - s - -Tri l itr r Y' Z ." ti .' ' t. ' i'' t: . .. : L '11L ; 4:244 .1 tit....i. "•: is . ''. & fi , t .6.1.1..411Z1114 r -Quito .4 *I4.W .ret- ~ ..-- . 3.ry -• 4- ... .Q 1 s t m5...,y.......,.........Ag4F0 1 1 ' ... -- I.) ... 1 % . • 4,4 v.:lmp ':...V. ' at.% • •,„, ..af.,... 4. „ T o., ~ ........,,..,, ,, ,......-.7 e ,A: - T ... c .-: .....;. • : - 4 4.4 , "; „t t_3} ;.-44":••1. :JA;l•4;::4;:'.[:.),,Mirf :.Z..*:.„.1....i.5.;.•:,.,:ky.f.A.4, ".. ,.. ...;:e1:4 0 0,k?.;40 1 1 7 1 5i.....1,,'•'.:... , :3 , 1•1.4". . g ?ri.4"!:;'. -, 4 ik....kv?;y4b - - , t , 1 ) z I : .."-414'.". 417. 'V* t • .. °l -atl 4 % ,: g"t;PVe..i7 . ......ktis Af''':l. - V4e, Y• 'Ciri'ft . 444 1 ' ,4 4r te*k j e'f4rZn‘ '..qt%4"ta t tiPttft s iCrAi t vI,A"".. . +w 'r t‘ A•ii; Y:. c... Fir,f1.....::: ....77.. - .44,v.t.c'ztp4 l .- '..0,05 , 1f . 4 1 '''' 4' 4 ., "7...••••;) • A•i•• :•. :". :•,t , ' t 1 0 '1 . 'l••••;' , 4l l §S.:ir 'l9r::*•l:44' 2lA 4fAvr'•74 , ' :. ••• •P i'• •i" , . sl 4.!;ef...t. - „t • • ".:‘ -., ii.• • - •c•ii-d, 0 . ; -: • ~ 4 1 1 4 .e...iti i e1.,•• 1 :2. : ptu i 1: 4- • •••ccv, ~. • r., , •••-,..: -1!...,,..”, --: , ‘4); , . i . .4. 3 , t • t• ~,, *• . ~~J,. y~,~.. -~"~ 7714 s. • - • In ME MIIIIII .-- .-:lSiiiiyotibiliiiiiiSa'tiiii-: -- , There was.onceAut,ttit small fciivri in`fslad sachuattis, 'an; old"lndiii • Wivimitait.- - , Suime= . how or rithori - ;the- old Worriarif had-accumu;- lated quite,..a,d'iiliptde , little'pfapertyl - !" You she was an-Indian, -.and tt , d4. tfetted'ivith. l ege' conteuriPt;4.her.,u‘lghtior!;, - ,: , ;-81i r 6. - .ad no ' seat in:the•Eccicit ciicle. r i,ectfatrap;titi . tention from thoSTe'aiciund'lt i ur, - oC6)pitid,,ti back pew - i • n' the chliiiEi Laild'ilOWii towards th e 'grave Slie travelled, - coinrortt;r.7 -- '''' ''' ..' - `if' 7 ' . '"-:li t ,i''. l. -1? - ;'n;'i.V;i''!*''.;' . Old Nance' had - biii'APiOalito:liiing, that she liru:W.9l, and , lii'-4'iiiiiiii i 4qc:ele§si son, - Fle,i:v4 1,4 terror 6f t Ite":'`,o,,lfig-,e, f 'and spent his tiine24n t ari).:tliini - Jiiit utKete - cta.• Ede way: `.--" ' - '''' .l ''''''''''''''''" At last the vagabond soil; Lib worried the foibearnece:of his Old - mother, that in a has ty moment 'slio resolied to disinherit Jilin and leaveohet 'money to the Church— , - -• Accordingly'-she started for the house of one of the dencoris, and , made a clean breast of, doubles; and acquainted .him with her :determinationi_ . The deacon .diew from a . coot to a 'very:amiable Fribad 08,she procee -1 ded, and .at last hecain‘e profuse in his • ex -1 pressioniiif gratilUde. .., ,The Will,tlfrotigh the dt,tpey,-of.tgiidea con, ‘i'qs,ilnyiirp,vlu(tlikrolcl won!qi),..f.yelipg a littfe'cornit t ricthin,,lutd.a.alaus F tniqrted which should atalo ii, irOidLliro l v,iilecr the son should ji,itill . i•'.rtiform -- liislitil - .lta",''"§e'c;. res3i wieetijOitied upon the deacon, ychiCor . course, tOld• nobody but his' . `wife, 1 iih . oaf. course,"stiliriiiithin g about it s sirtrertecifie'or tivo frielide,9/INofcoir]'itiMitendiit all over the :yilltig? . -ul' - to l : 6 "it t-, ic 6 : 6lr P , 3 Ffak , ''„', • ''' ` 'Bat iho"qitge,,,‘ , r6oll c llii'Ute eltuation df,olt;laßags,yis i fnin4qiittOW:4Sitchstt good.ol44cUuutrf:, .Ift . 44e7bts:frop the I!tt,., tagoalegUlivto,p3grnfZdgi` neat riop=:, I kin! - to.; lig . r4.*l t 0 4 0 ~,,,' d% . ti,04,4 5 ,,.• 54, t iti i 10,4 guPdtlYrhpj . ,/N !sl.oli t k-4 etil.iji:,t s tt. ttijif: r 9,96,l,. ; ail carne • •'• *VII?. - 1 ; ti'lrli `oo,triere:.:sli!' .r. 4. - , .., 3C*liiiiil .'42 t . r„',. 1 $ 1 .: , ,1t9 .1 1.1 ) ,W! - .l t Akt , ~tli a .ske'plx, ao tr :t titt ty,s , pnlitti i V ... I.N4'ne to i*7 ey , ou'il ~' iiiitotl,ettilk' foriif dtlYriiiYaßit fi - kl - -wheficl , , k rßp . . JO!' 'Co u,l , 4.4. ' T Z's) 0a v ~ , , t , Act I tv i .' .m u t •,., ). -... t )o y o d 7 ... 1 -l iio t • - w in triisil.i- eectd.l3.44,,,nis!wd. t ii . diii Wiai:An; 4 vit( it ‘ 6181 a - pie #l. I.,'Nin 6 :#40,i 1 ik 1 11,01g,* ' liA . ,qter. 4 a uslik` - . 4: • i OD 0 I t SW i 8 , 4 ItTl, . .1, 6 1 : . ,„ 1 •r,...6 * i • 1414 - " . ..qh_C- ' • ' ' 1 14141 ‘ver.:A_."l -I ', -2 ' .' ~Si :51 r , %"' : '"i4100A, .7 6 -enicrOY ‘,:frox-;;v1/4,gr:', ",-Z*7l at iy,„„w„. ;4, • 45••• . 6z.417 , 1 , : , ,e,,:,, • • • • 4 - 0 , Ajiti ':ft ';, V.4o'; ME g yf - 7. t , • • .: aita PlOtliattittillt' ro,P I de.ii .b.ardi:Magaiine•j' ME , • • • L_ ;,. sweeter ; ; 4 1.1ireci'meloa.fipti:Cddyv:day. With itsfcp.mhcie iliinrlyjileetei. , • • . ••• ,•By the - Boy-Giod's magic sUray ; •id'lnbli 'on • ; • 'Thai•wps - eyerdairr'indt-ionely; • 6ntl" unlit bj,:oti _Till thy fr; : ce met my vistori )Vith its 'ericiWiii;e'esalit!' dirt% ' • 1,.( ad I mines of gold to 52uan r, Could such lavishmeni make fonder . ',her ( - rain would makeitity,.;kridp- 7 2-+ Bring around me {angel faces; '• Buch':as greet the poet's eye! COnjure,alLit pyintet:;tracea,,, Of fair witc.flefy4„ mig.ril turn frym„alLto-iriew,jfipep- ; ,... Arl.Ly haifihe4 as mine own, .• Speaking all my fend love - to;tiiee;•' ,: • • In Love's own most gentle tone, Let the ills,lorr:::'ronud i tre; . Letthe skies grow.dark Fate ,can neitherpain,norlyu4dln*lfi y: ~:While I sun me inst)iy.,)4vj Not-for all. the POI:AP 111 0!" , iPtflt - , •''On; With. its - lustre so respicnderifi-'::.' i. Would I part,iviih,thee, , :mind.owni • _ Poy,,where'er•rnysteps Julia-dear, thy - And miheart forgets it's ~ '•,ln-its:dreanis•ofliive'and thee.' , ili ccLttmcoii sclcrtwtts 10 •1 ;*ll, t r o ',1E4744., ..0411A.1 1/21lie:agti ,7 n' 1 3rif - 4( - 1 1 FICmq; - " A t •JAM 'll.!•:io'f'- 't„. 45:•40 tm • •-. 4 fi: • '•••"." ^vV2,t•;:r. Ir,- wan arose an ratiiing a piece of p per rdyn 'bur , - pdeltet -- ,: . intitiired' the driteof 90i:ilex Will 2 ! •••• - The ilato'-ias.liated,`-:-liiie.itiititink-Alie; •'Siiiiire fils-itpeii• the piiildril l egedslibd!hiax,':; to:reedit: , - - • '.- . • ' ..-4,invk-': 4 -''' , . , Alailit•was 'a will one ddy:yonnOtthati,'• thei . otherl—•-The fond motherin ,, berlsiienfi;;.:;, ,neFei had :told. i the sbn:What. - Shp,hadlAnnais..-,.-'s . -.' atid, , iio , liti'd4inttaiod to have, a Will ;dr4wti. ••,,. twenty-fiair'hi?tv*,afteithe preciouifane t id: • -' ' ` - Which • he. wita ilia a, 9le legatee..' ...,;:.. • ... - .ir. - 'l:':t. •:: Vhfs:ti'ssettibled wisdom and ilibihibfeSied4'''' . .: i tiiea , pf thil• - viilii iii',4enthOine'lliihttingi qa.. :•• -.. 1:f), i.yortafthv.p leasant iitier4fi6irot know i• iod 4 ;!`ifiretr§. ' iiiheioS',...l4ll`,iltfieVelifr her `Veit . daV.sl - #'-'"'''-''''":•"' - -cW**t;T:',-'-'•' - ': •-•-,=,::: • •••••:•ft e id e t this ta=rot 'a 'fictice.Y 4 ltifil:nifiiri.: •`;;‘,. insfaittes'brihev:iv . ertknesin .. 4fir.q..ticntifo,rks , natiiras- - ; i t jtv . ,g'ailitilat•ideveltipthentsi, -- .' „b orties before us with tholumilial.ingfra3pens'; - ,' • - 4 ..alikti - in !the iliighest,':and:ltilye,"atlwAlltt• ' ....' 0f..1ife,24 ,, .•',...•,:. - --••7•• •••• • • ~, _;,„••-'5.; . ..: ; •,;i:. , 74. , ..:. ...ni:,::: •: ..-."•'. -.- :t,,•,'• ,_. •,—,--*: '-: , . ' - ,'-' ''!,,, - t, - - -." ' :.TlloCAtirOlfltilittliel:Ott i n t ,..;' , . ~,, In t .. i vP-y-r ir ' .. if - rata : li '' .. ~, yt.ar,s ven ecn : un rf ~. ~,.., inc.-, l'piliree t when Louis the siii(i'ehty'll,:4 iiii; , ililiiird; - .,d,itil the,', FrPrcli•ießillitioii' Wits in tvirtiiiii . , - r vii It 1 iitirOUi4l 7 i§ltieltileal:" With ie Vc ii 1 611, 4 4;itiii64 oroui-61,6tAt. , ‘Iiiiiey:-. z : -. iiiiiiths'etif.iiiitreil'tuaid:,tif.thitiliiitei;"iii,•';„'-- .. '4. beitliand•Codged.itt .Edinburghlail:! ,* ,i 4 ii . i. .'•;' i ,•,.. as u iiiin afy =l'd il a gliicit-libcit`ktfici • • :1 t .- .. 'N.,•• .:, myselktind:accOrdirigly: -. lp i toole4P. , .1.1-... , ,, - e - the good c.ship, , tiproviadhcti,, , aatkii:; , llt4"4!t?7 . ..J.44,'i: 4 N0Y' 17 .9., 1 1 . ir!' -, Tuillill 7 44C'4;7•F•` ' f i ... i i ,'"? .. L ;`,- inyi,c..t`Wieniy,:)ecoit, ,yeiti', 4- :.-1W llen '..,..- ,1,y3•; , ' - ;• . 1 :cast•;•,erfrpie7,tlie:,eth iirr, ;in :4ektl. w , L.6:7 , Ak.. ''., •* 4 rig 'Your l.- 01 111 "t 11 4 ,1 4 : 9ip,-.4 1 . , , , ; . . ~1 1 1,t a. , . - ,' ,i '' itoOd••-40ii the sibiiitt - .:He::.Wtiii •,i.'.lf•i t if,..i.'..*. hil iti if,. antfeigtifried ; HReitenTiliWtfr..g ., toeffi. b - tif: day;'-' 'I iotito ., “at'' , N 6 * - -Ittir,lko:','',...•.":!:, '&itirdily 'alit a 'thg 'Mild daY.l:ittitig,ihe - Sii - - .:..-:•,'-!' -: bath, ,at nine : e'clobk,'..A rleAhree4oun ..1 ~ • 4 e-' , .4 riiiiii ist - Piii.CeritpatiY bdlted.:llt.MY,ltidgme; , 1 „ . •.• "t Where at;i3 - •-y . oii goingit:OlaYl7llo-111± - '.•: l ''' •Rui rid ..----.; , ~. •.:•... 1...-..,.•4.,5..i5.i,14,;":-';',',•'•.lisi..:,••• .;,•i y ilo thw_clpttpt,'.".4-!replLesl. i; - ;41 4 ;•,,, ,,, t ... 1 . .. 1 0,..1-, . - 4 ?. ‘ . , :Wit c hayt?•_beiftn, top„F.s,ekS,;A,,,sett ;',..pu.v..‘,.. ; • -, rietiltkife , iittires„Oteicittig,, 7 4,e( •u5,,AT1VFb .. 95( . ._•,,„.. - ...:? . . t0..04K, apdid r chC,lidi.,hjo - 2itgatii , d s t.itZ'ifiey i replied: -'''. .• . "•-•,•:,,..'":_,, ...„, .:.• , . 1 -4 'r - '' • ' • • lief ,'rri'l . .- ~, Said•;• , ,;.!..!. o ct,.cart go. wo. o p ease,i, but l'll:g0?0,11 : rpkylts tw j ewofilsi heard'.' fritn - InY.AttliellitSfe, -( 1. !neraliel. , the Sab• - •. , bath ,Vily;;ll . :lffd,".'lie .no iespeci foil:hp:, Van ith - Ckniiiinitd:' •-•• I hate tiet:fyet:forF/ ; -•.',": geltbiiiiiiigOitiad.yf ..".f. ; : , ,, , „...0., , ,. :-. :-.....,';',,,,- 'c' , '.,. ....., ThE43.%W s ebt x ti;itihe fields.,- Iment to tliti,;•: chui' :•.41 . 1 , 0y,sjittini• forty Or :fifty ,cents .iii`..; the.: ft , ,,i;: - ....1, put a one. • penny, hill iti the : .platio;t4eAkraing,:afternoon and night. set,Vie43o 77 -itOtal reci-pence...Thpy‘contin. , ue'd:gnmgritto , e,country, and; In process.. ti tl of Anne . 7tliel a lady's daughter, and ; the, .lanilladi'iiliac:tf,would join their CPiapany:.,,.. Thencactrclmp tii hired a gig, At tWe'dollatk, a, day, .' 'vine, cake and ice . cret*e.tii the? ! .' - . rad, fifty; detiti.et,i . ch ; dine at Jamaica otie:-,;IA • dollar each. • '• Theyrket , herite at eight e!clock - r ,, , ,M P. M.,%ticilfdrunli; afia; having been cityglii.4 . ..‘:A , •74i/ in a thundej%shotvet, their coats; hitt!), and:;.' t - Y . ./ I nctintles, were damaged fifty per cent; 'lcieStlT,• - ••• .. rose the next , morning at nine o'clock, A'. M:;, - with sore heads, sore hearts, muddy hoota,•-„ and an ting,ry c onscien ce , 'beside's tWelVil„f , • dollars lighter than when they staited.• -.1.:: ' v• went to church, rose at five o'cloCk4i , M:ir.- :` h e i t d , settrldi heart light, licirieS- ketettiV.:'.'• • conacietice,quibl, dad Conimeneelfl4eltlo6,„'_,:'.7: of thb'iie,e,lizin..iteade and .plentr: F,,a - hey, .'. weie?tilidtpeclianics ; smite' bf: them cciiii4j....• • parnlAlve dollars:e• Week'. • 11'1Y'§iAsin i en. Abet of st•W-056kfti iiitilimr . tker, was poor; iiih - ; )0 4 'l 4 li - cut -nail oniglitivikt i ,j . fy -ii j net got into iipani... .tion,:whipl•inay.dsV ,'' y wages*,te a,ahar,E; it,ig' l .,•rt;AilbAgl,b)ll: o - ggp k ti) P ic k dn'Y •eaFP49-44 '' IR r - OtAts.d ) eo, - ,VlPak• - x.,3 4 .3ra i •,. •.„. ...... - 4 p ,itio,,yeak:,iiiy.: • sibib o xr . 8 • 1 ... 0 ... . ' titdei' had title". coats ; : *fitiirliats 4 :, .. , ; -0 - headi,andTuffiettelfittsi u Aiti.fil:.,,, i ... Attired hard dollaik 0404 iti. t.ifig ,I.,f'''' 4. - 4 t s :' - —; "" ti :111 vast,,,an c6ge e l - i# Atti r t :g 9 l 4 it , tjcPA. l ...4 1 .i'1l i ;O,. - , iPt, ME ME! ~~.., ti~~. ;;, ;1 ter,: -:.Y.~.. ie o, 1 r ' ifilitttrilink e; . 14 iirrer I ' iWiffiVdiliiubt.,. c .1 ,e - 600piff. • `trtztr* i-t inf. :ixtiQ' „ ..t . q q, VQI _E , , V 1 1.1.1 14:(13* ','„ ~ ; - C, ' f •elroji: itti , /,'„i.trgy i PAY h 4 vatirp 'avtv ii °.. 4411 . '4 6 t ' : :h, .. •-- '.z t .• -Re* . . ottiouir!diA li, • tiii' . cii l tt tifflii`i tintoyilotirlol t ßAigifettll4 l l,. l, .. v l obi l : ; , : hoet4.l o4l lCP'4';,, i1.44 , ..1ci iii , ot*lYBo1 1 4ip ~, :;,, , rtfOrtftrop , ki.- . 4l.i.Ytotmllpla, 'Pp iii6sliii;fifikwiti 6f,7. , -, A g . ..v,iiirho,iii,kifip. 0 , 41, m...v.-,4•994Y'A'r i r o.vidzar 88 , to e i„it:,, , .„ --l i * 1 • , yFill)g• foi);AbOtir r VIIh proposed - to . poreh. ' - p•i i f , v,n 9.4 i ou,dOn't wont it, lat; , . . al ra , ttoleg Sink" • , ii: , •?‘ '.. C .V. . .. • eivNly r to - tv,;,....... , - t„yfrik,.g,„ •.' '' R ei f" •!A .8 ,- .. • ..,.. .. ,4 4 - 4 . 4 .0. • duNt.,... J:111 , . - .4^7,-..t ,f.. 1..,. 'I a! `MP' 131- 8, 11:ke a . 1 gene' 'mrotittt:4*;ii*Ai 'g' . 7A.,•• ei - 67 , = :4•: . '"' f th . Xl * - iiio• 1 100 4 ;i 1 ,0i nlij,sikkgj ! 4 , 4 4 41 • VI, , ii, -• . • eLBA •••• . k ill 1.;F: 'll- 71t4,1,v41 Win ES , - 1 ~~~. ~~~.~, ~I~~P~ < • , . 3 /is • • • , U - • ' • • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers