r ., - - op.trvirilittowtritHOTEL 'C'lstk,', A Yt, .:.Afiiil , Race Street, ' Mie.,Ukieriigned• respectfully informs 4.74ltiiititiendi'avid the public in general; that "t. ,,, hetios lately.taken the White. Swan. Hotel, •, inliaceStreet,Philadelphia, (formerly kept liy)ttec" . iliPeters.) . ~ f ' ' '' -. The Swan Hotel, . has lately undergone complete .', /b . 04 ,, , , repairs and now. stands second .......4..,:i - noneto in the city in point of style and ac ,.;.. -v.ommodation. The TABLE is well sup . , plied with the best the season affords, the :4 BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and' ' • • 72 ' ,. .,'• ' i .4: •:, ~,..-.:!;t1'..1-_:ii , prompt and obliging servants. He has sev eral private parlors, in order to accomrrie ,...3,„ - date families, who may deem proper to fa ger him with their custom. • " ,He ,has taken the house with a deternii nation to Spare no pains, or expense.in ma r, it -convenient to his customers. Ile hes Jarge and commodious stables, good and attentive !ciders who will at all times bo in . • attendance. y punctua l attendance to his customers, anka,desiro to render them comfortable in „every respect, he expects a share of public :,,.patronage.. GEORGE RAHN. fitdelphia,hn._lo,l6E). Vaper Hangings 1. THE , Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse .1n Philadelphia, h in SIXTH STREET, one door below •Race,-whore purchasers and•dealers can se lect from New Style Gold and Satin Paper for parlor's; with Velvet and Gold Scolloped Borders, as well' s Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din ing-room wall papers, which will compete • - in style and' quality, with any in . Philadel ' phia, or any other city in the United States, and at saving of 26 per cent. ' • - - WM. H. PATTON, Manufacturer of Wall & Curtain Papers, No. 93 North 6th 1 door below Race. December, 6th • Bra,ndreth's Pills, FOR THE CURE OF Consumption, Coughs, Colds, 4'c., TO TUE PUBLIC!! THOSE who are suffering front remit ting -ar Intermitting Bilious Complaints, ehoullread the, following, and be guided thereby` CaufeyPain.—Pain is the consequence of the exertion of therorgan or part where it is present to throw ofl morbid or corrupt hu mors, for no pain can exist but from the pre sence of those matters which are of an un healthy character. When we have pain in the head, in the bowels, or in any other part of the body, it only proves the presence of matters which the blood is try ing to re move, and it is this struggle which is the oc mien of To be bled,'only removes a u tng or soot mg reme , tes7lstOt so witlißrandreth's Pills ; they at once go to the assistance of the blood in aiding it to diaoharge bad humors, to conquer the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this way deee not leave nny- bad effects, The Life Principle is not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all the organs are cleansed and their health insured. t"• Th o above . Pills arc for sale by the dozen or single box at the Regittei Office in Allentown. Jcinuary 10. Pare Fresh Cod Liver Oil. " This new and valuable Medicine, now used by the Medical profegsion with such. astonishing efficacy in the cure ofpulmona-• ry consumption, scrofula, chronic rheuma tism, gout, general debility, complaints of the kindeys &c., 4.c., is prepared from the liver of the cod fish for medicinal use, ex pressly for our sales. (Extraetfrom the London MediealJournal.) 4 , C. J. B. Williams, Mr, D., P.' R. S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, Consulting Physicians to the Hos pital for consumption, &c., says ; I have prescribed the Oil in the above four hun dred cases - of tuberculous disease of the Luilgs, in different stages, which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large number of cases, 206, out of 284, its use was followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying in degree In different cases from 'a temporary Ixtirdation of the progress of the disease ,it,ndl a mitigation of distressing symptons, up *1 to a more or less complete restoration to ap parent health. • ,, The effect of Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases'was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and Opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally improve& • - '::"lnconclusion, I repeat, that the pure fresh oif from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regirnenal, that has yet been,em :" • ?.4t we have »lade arrangements to pro ;CtifttheCod Ziver Oii,fresh from head- • ,irtiarterafit can how.be had chemically pure vieitfrigle:bottle, orin boxes of one dox* en 'OW Its wonderful efficacy has induce& namer ouaapu ions i,nitatitma .As its success de pea& entitely.on its- virity, too much care cannot be used procuring it genUine. Every bottle having,On it our written *nature, may be depended upon is genii - • • • • , Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oilimith notice of it from MedicidJourpals, be sent to" those who address use free of JOHN C.-BAKER '& CO. a .Whoieside Alrolgists and Chemists, No. 100 •• ko - • Worth. third street, Philadelphia. ofi_om.4l MIZE M=EM=GE 5 ‘ . .t ib b ot * l e t .-g it ulit, E - Ti;ii'Acpp4nl.or JOSHUA HArisEAk.94:;:-Tielistirbi of i the'County of• Lehigh, 'for the 'leaf commenting on th e first day of January 1849, and ending the first day of "January Isso, bah days inCluded. 11.ECEEP.TS. To balance in hands per Auditors Report, $7,781 OS To loan received . for use of the county, 600 00 Jonathan Tresler, amount received ' from-Gm in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848, - 489 Abatement on his commission, 7 97 Win. Woodiing, amount received . from him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848, - 126 84% Abatement.on_his commission ' , 132 90 , _ - 2 174 Reuben Roes, amount received from him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for - 52 17 ' Abatement`on his cortirnissio - 97 25 ' Stephen Rex, amount received of him in full Of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848,-- - 95 91 Abatement on his commission 38 6 Charles E. 'Moder, amount receiv ed of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1818, - 165 51 Abatement on his commission, 138 43 Daniel Romig, amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the • county tax for 1848, - - •47 99 Abatement on his commission, 164 60 John Flexer, amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the • county •tax for 1848, - - 134 83 Abatement on his commission, 97 60 Jacob Shirer, amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848, - - 110 50 Abatement on his commission, 142 82 George' Miller, amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848, - - 105 97 Abatement on his commission, 187 08 Jesse M. Line, amount received of - him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1848, - - 444 38 Abatement on his commission, 16 97 Jesse M. Line, amount received of him on account of, his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - - - 600 00 Jonas B. Kummerer, ainoam received of him on account of his duplicate of the -rAtiVlSlAlVaißtgineuivuu'in I in 'fin 293 00 of his duplicate of county tax for 1849, 1476 46 Abatement on his commission, - - John F. Ritter, amount received of him on account "of his duplicate of the county tnx for 1849, - - - - 958 00 Solomon - lloclun, amount received of him oa account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - - - - 878 32 ¶-1y Henry Romig, amount.received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - - . - . - - 1246 00 Chitties E. Roeder, amotint received of him tin accounrOf his duplicate' of the county lax for 1849, - - - - 1400 00 John - Ste . flen, amount received of him on ac count of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - - - 1390* . .„ John Farringer, amount received othim on account of his duplicati of tho county tax for 1849, - Abraham Roth, amount received.of-Itim on • account of his duplicate of the', eeenty tax for 1849, - - - • Aaron bonart, amount recolvad'oE'him on . account of his duplicate of the, county tax for 1849, -- . - . . . Jonathan Worly, amount receiveCof him on account of his duplicate of thii county tax for 1849,. - -, ':-I'z - Adam German, amount receive: - f him on account of his duplicate of t . Minty tax for 1849, - - -L ' • " Moat's Kuhns, amount receW'd of shim in full arhis, d up l icatOf the --county tax for- 18499 .- -kit, 430 34 4katement on his donnifiiiiiiii, 89 25 • 4 ..t . : 7 ' ': 475 59 JacßiShirei, amonnvreceived of him on ac co.u„nt,of,',his dupli cate of the county tax • for - 1849i•'- '.., •‘';• '.: - - - - 1114 69 "' . .N A •4p. o :—., . .. : Philip 81470, amount received of him be. jog coin ylax exonerated and since re covered, - - • - - - - ' • 90 7.1). 'Lawn% amount received of him, fines mid juror fees, - - - ' - 104.00 . . . Metres Ecßed, amount received of. him beingsdividenta en titivr stock; - - 80 00 iv. Estate of John'it: Heat, .anfount receivedt . being ingnisition-fees, - - - 11 07 • Henry Dillinger; Amount received of bins for old lumber sold, •• - 233 Daniel Weis, amount received of him "for old ?wilier - - - . „3'ar ;:. N ". ~~ta~!~ TAXES OF 1819. TAXES OF 1849 828488'87 t , .! . . ,'.:-,-:.‘..,•: By cashpa on ersof the county commissioners, to wit: • • - COURT EXPENSES. Amount paid to Grand Jurors, - - - - $346 . 37 aa a. to Petit Jurors, . - - - - 844 35 a. to Court Cryer, - - - 68 23 s to Constables arid Tipstaves, - 126 07 to Comrtionwealth's costs; -. 201 90 " to. Clerk of Ctuti!ter Sessions, - 129 56 LOANS AND INTEREST.' Amount paid on account of Loans, duo by the COunty, 2760 00 of Interest paid on loans, - BOl 12 - 3,621 12 12 86 Amount paid on warrants drawn by the Directors, 0,500 00 ALLENTOWN ACADEMY. Amount, appropriated by the_Crmnd Jury, , paieto the Treasurer of the Academy, • - - - - - - ' - ELECTION -EXPENSES.' - Amount paid Constables and others Inr their attendance at Elec . tions, - - 149 42 , ASSESSMENT EXPENSES. Amount of salary paid to assessors, - . PRINTING. Ainount paid Guth, Young & Trexler for advertising, 46 " Rafferty & Hannum for Printing and Blanks, - - - - .. - - 'Blurrier, Bush & Co., advertising, - - . - - 134 27 _ James Wilson, „ft 41 A. L. Ruhe, advertising & Blanks, . . 303 04 STATIONARY. Amount paid Hickock and Barret, (Dockets for County othces,) . - .Hogan & Thompson, for do. Blumer, Bush & Co., for Blanks, &c. - - Gustavus Leishner, for binding, - - Estate of A. M. Pfenning, - - - 212 59 COUNTY BRIDGES. Amount paid for building the Turnhole Bridge. For repairing Bridges in South Whitehall township, in Millerstown - , - L. Macimgy, at Spring Creek, . lf " * " —at_Schmoyer's, 4, " at Appels, in Salsburg, - the Andilone Bridge, in Lynn, " ' Moser ' s Bridge, in Lynn, •- . . " Bridge near Germansville, 44 " Kunkle's Bridge in Washington, • " Kern's " Jordan Bridge, at Allentown, 232 43 23-32 293 05 FOX SCALPS. Amount paid for Fox scalps and fees, - 461 35 INQUISITION FEES. Amount paid John Saeger for holding Inquisition, Jacob Zimmerman, ." " David Shall,. 61 • " John F. Hallbach, ig Peter Snyder, • 11 George Rex, 46 ABATEMENT OF COMMISSIONS. 4mount nrkidDharles Peter, Washington tali., for 1848, . 38 37 Amount pats' tieo. Miller, South Whiteholl . tsto. iffelB4rs, iir37 OS Amount paid Sol. Fogel, UpperMacungy tsp. for 1848, 132 91 Amount paid John Saeger, Heidelberg tsp., for 1848, • 30 . 07 Amount paid Dan. Kohler, N. - W hitehall tsp. for 1848,` 142 75 Amount paid to Adam Smetzer, Salsburg tsp., for 1848, 97 61 Amount paid Charles Foster, Up. Milford tsp. for 1848, 138 42 Amount paid. Daniel W; Kistler, Lynn tsp., for 1848, 96 25 Amckunt paid intonniel Leiby, Weisenburg tsp. for 1848, 44 88 Amount paid Oleo. Ltidwig, L. Macungy tsp., for 1848, 165 00 Amount paid J. Knerr, Lowhill tsp., for 1848, - 32 03 Amount paid John Troxell, S..Whitchall tsp., for 1849, 176 62 Amount paid Moses Kuntz, Washington tsp., for 1849, 30 25 176 62 COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. Amount paid for scrubbing Court House, - .. for repairs of Court House lot, • 4 , for repairs of Jail, - QONVICTS, &c. Amount paid Sheriff Ihrie for transporting two convicts to Philadelphia, - Amount paid C.. H. Martin for medicine and attendance to prisoheys, 52 50 • TAX REFUNDED. Amount paid _George Rex, county tax overpaid, • Peter Haas, di it 2 00 777 17 ,AUDITORS. Amount paid Charles L. Newhard anVo . lhers, County Auditors, . • • 39 00 Amount paid D . $ Wileop , State%iidlictr;•;•• •-1 • -4 50 • •- • . • 4350 ISCELLANEOW,X.ISFANPV,g.• ' • To Charles Young•repaiririiTrucle:jr4466;" .-• : r ~ P. &.T. L: Hoffman for-Lumber;-', ' - • - • tZ . Peter West for Coffin for a Pauper, • ;." ,47,4 NY ; • . Yeager & Weidner Merchtiqdize for Jail, •' :-." Thomas 13. Wilson, Coal for -" = - ' - 2(00 Jacob Flock, Charcoal far Jail, - • • 312 . • Joseph Lehr, Hauling flip!, - - - 4 50 - • Pretz, Guth & Co., Bill - or Coal, -. • - , 22 27 E. R. Newhard, Hardware, - - 8 86 Barber & Young, 44 ; fi r - - - • .22 58 Cli'arles "J. Hallbach, Whipl g barrow, &c., - 17 87 Chits. Denhard, CrowbarMc., - - • 262 • Elias Derr, Sledge Hammer, - - .2 50 Eli'''. Saeger, swearing tissessorr, - - -12' E. R. Novhard, Postage, - - - •1 42 E:Hliftbeck, • fkl teWiti.Wolf, two wheelbarrows and blaCksmith work, 12 00 Williain F. Danowsky, for chemical investigations. • 15 00 - George Beisel, Horse and Cart Hire, - 275 Water permit, . - . 25 00 & J. Saeger, Hardware for two years, 20 75- , , Willoughby, Fogel, Esti., for laying out State road from • • Tamaqua to Kutztown, - —O4 75 337 00 778 00 229 00 173 00 Commissioners services, - - 28E1547 Clerks yearly . salary, - - 150 00 Extra salary, - - - - - 150 .KP Amount received, Balance of last years report, - Amount paid out by cheeks. I per, c'ent. com. on redeiving Sc. paying; 13alanci'in hand's' of , Treaisurer Jan., 1,-3850, EXPEAWITURE* , POOR HOUSE. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE;. TREASURERS. COMI4ISSION, $32 296 37 V. 781 06 - 28.454 82 • . . 1700 40 64 00 165 75 0175 0450 80 75 71 09 25 50 138 50 31 77 750 5,573 80 55 77 60 34 41 70 -1-1-09 945 121p3 433 502 ft 1 00 12 81 20 00 21 37 11 67 1390 17 12 13 30 10 02 1329 2 17 50 39 42 39 55 50 00 2 50 378 &I 586 50 $19,21416 $ 34,670 sa s 346.70 3,072 51 2111 $ 28,285437 Finalelai , lool4 .if,lobli 'Cot* ij 1 I'' iiiitiuliof tioieWi4&;' itiiiik - , - -, , 5 6 . 13,142. unpaid,o9 the ,1044qp, .1,849 i . ~, TO milady( tthillstoidiOurr: , ' 6 465, ng . thdkpar 1849„ ''' ' '' ... - ~ . By amount of loans . paid during Z 2,76600 the year 1849, . ...; - ', .5- • Lti . .. Amount of Taies assessed' for the year A. D. 1849,- remain- ,8e09,92' 1 ing,uncollected. - . - . - -. Baree in the hands of the T ea- I 3 672 r a surer, January, Ist, 1850. S ,! County Deficit, - . . . 4,60037 _ February 7. cri 14. In •• OCO Cei -La CT ACO in 76.. om ' o • • • • 'V o E .O CD • Fp - cog t t : .° E:rg. g 1 1 — g • n g e , pr= a .7 Fo . tzt o_, tu• P- • 300 00 * ir. 0 .0 • N to Er g.B..mr 9-,:r 11 °F3 a • M °.• 0 = •03 Cr 0 "" 0 • co ?' a 0 • e) cn 0 a,. •r.rw= iipa • c • 0 0 MI . e p S n .•-• . I = l • v. 4 4 5: -• P- a r ( 4 . * a a • • • -m . 460 15 310 25 Uto. . ~ ... G IV is CO C. 7 CD C. 4 t•:/ CI , .4 CO CD •• Cis , N'Ci CP Cis CI a •-• ....1 CD VI tO •O. Cis Cis J.-• N... . . CT o co oo oo .1. , . CI , •-• - $4.. a t. 2 a CO CT Cis tl OS 436 75 O A O 00 ID -.1 •-• 1.0 00 CP CD CO .4 r CP CA Da CO 03 00 CP 0 CP 4> CAH 0 . . VI 1* Cn Vi G. cO 10 • . • . • 1.111 et. 10 -a eu ca tO 00 CO Crt C 4 .4 40 .4 GO tO tOY .4 CT .4 00 0 Of G 4 CO CM o Of co a Of o' 4. 0, 00 a. en aOC4 0 0 00: CD4.00000,4000020000. 274 36 10 • CC I ..1. . ' •-• 1 , -4 I:11 FA W'.4br .. en 10 0 ~, oc ....1 ... C.O •-• 0 0 0 CO t+o 10 10 '—' W. 0 .4 VD 014C0.4. 4. 00 4... CO .100 i g , 10 .4 00 tO .4 .4 0 03 CO 0 0) CD is cra 0 03 10 OCOAs 00 .... 04. ooz 4.. ...4 0:0 r.P"'We the undersigned Auditors of the county of Lehigh, and State of Pennsylva nia, do certify, that we have met and did au'- dit, settle and adjust the foregoing account of Joshua Hanse, Esq., Treasurer of said county, commencing January 1. 1849, and ending December 31, 1850. both days in cluded. - That said account as above , stated, is correct, and that we find a balance in the hands of the said Joshua Hans°, TreasUrer, of 83.672,57. Witness our hands ibis Pith day ofJork,.... 7 .,_Liasn______ _ Approved January 31, 1850. PETER BREINIG, J. LICILTENWALNER, Commissioners ` • 13, Beramo. urp ARD. GEQ. BLANK, - ./sa J. K. CLIFTON, Sliest—JESSE M. LINE, Clerk. February 5. ¶-4w. 344 07 18 59 94 04 Register's accolent. EDWARD LUX*, .EAQ., Register of.-Lehigh County, in account with the Comnion wealth of Perinsylvania. 1849. Dr.' The Account stands charged with the fol lowing sums, received as collateral inherit ance tax for the year 1849, and such as was omitted in 46, 47, and 48. •''' May 4, 1846--John Dotterer ' $lO 07 April 28, 1817, Philip Buchecker, Li.),3 82 May 14, si Elizab.,Neucomer, 48 20 April 22, 1848, Elizabeth 13robst, 32.04 24, Cath2Eberhard, 97 15 March 29, 1849, Leon. Bteiriinger, 67. 12 May 15, " John Gering - er,_ 71 00 - Samuel Zink, .7' 300 00 George Bick, 420 00 Dee.' 15, is 'H. Knap'penberger, 65 00 Christian Brobst, ;43 41 To Balance per last years accaunt, , 45 89, To Amount overpaid which is to be ' ' deducted from writs, 16 69 93 47 EEI $ 1,340 30 1849. Cr. Akil 21,1847—Pd. Th. thrlacher, $.l 00 May'l4, 44 Omitted in 1847, 102 47 Jpj 4 4 :1 , - Pd. Jac. Heninger, 1 00 Jann22, 18 s Collateral Inher. tax, 12 00 d :so4%k do. per ReCeipt, 200 00 N otl Ptal -21, ki-4 .44 4 V•d o. • do. do. 100 9809 - 423 6 44 Receipt of Blumer to be remitted to H. '376 02 By Corn. on 1,277 81 at 5 percent, 63 89 We the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Lebigh, and State of Pennsylva , nia; have examined • the account of Edward Beck. Esq., Register, as above stated. 'do certify that the same is correct: - . • Witness our hands this 12th` day of Jan., A. D. 1850. 1 C. L. NEWHARD, J. IC. CLIFTON, - ' Auditors 13E0. BLANK, February '7. , . ~ ., ¶--4w. GUJPISI - 611,itrs,r1 . . . . The undersigned have.just received,HlOQ pair of Men's'Ladies' :and Misses .Gunk. Shoes.:, 41, fine article. of Ladies! Gum Boots, which they, will sell LOCHMAN • do BRO. ...November 30. *-4w gra hingtOn Printing Ptess s FOR SALE: A Superior iron printing presti,lYaahingz ton's patent, with a bed'gg..by afinehea, in rst rate order, for sale at' this 'office; on ac--, ccimmodieng terins.—Addiess A. L. Burley post paid. • July 25. • 0---4 w , 47 1 , 1 114111 4 - I Vii, I 71 IT 1 tope . wino % ~ ttnelilliffinie, aut.& sn Oen r re- I ipectfully inTorrns his Th ). friends - and...the public • r has Aillintlllll r -7 { tak en °roc, .t .f stary, brick j4yernof: ,/,esse, ikttiiq iorthwes!. "cornet,i?r,Mitrket Squaree in the nrou¢h ; 01 Allentown, called T H R .R. 4 (3I4,tior,BL: • The -froitse' known as'one:or IhCmeost spacious and coriirenierit h in'tfie'Stiiiiiime more, so.out ,or Philatrelphiainicifintains• 44 rooms. tie ther . Vorp regls esinrellthat Ali earl aceoinmelatelitttistitetbrily , '"all who may faior him ettilitfcitill. , • His TABLE sbar(fit'diiititdeAe ..ivith 4)01 hest the sedidn. iliiti-tye Markets' . . , '513)742-00! 3,742 50 and Liquors The Beds and Bdilitig:together, with alll bis f5,.t rrutu re, being!intirly',nt titi,'„tho. pat , . roils' of this' house may_ reli..:ppori3Ondinir those two great ,essentialls=clekttliheis andl coinfort,. / • , The Stabling is large and 'Comtrodious,andi as he will have none but kind. and latentivo. Oitlers, a due_regard.Will be hed' tiithe pro: , pi r' entertuininen - ortte — House as well ale ,his •master. ' • ' In short, the subscriber inten4 to Elmira neither pains noiexpense to xeep-hie house in the best manner, and lie , : therefore 're spectfully invites the public tegiye him tt call. BOARDERS • will be taken on rea sonable terms, and as the reoih, , tire ipaci ous and well .adapted' tpi . thetr wanks, they can be aecoinmOdittedin:a,stuisfettay, man ner. :Families : .;(iiivri •or 'country ac commodated with Boarding. ;. ), ' • ; . ELI STECKEL. Allentown,May 3, 11349.: F,. 11—tb W N W ixo o O r . , .. • ROGER BROW'S t o ~., wirpoi:a . i..xizitirine4s 'RE ; No. 00 , MiftligT STS Eletivic - n - EiglithiniciNinkhginidiffriside, Philidelphla.'; l 'l. - All - kifids - TifFirelei - M7l6eaTirtid - - Liquors such Us-- - -' '' :'•,.._ Old,Cegnac , Braltiges; Dark • - 7 i- 7 z/ ! 'IP and s Vale, thilliMd',Ain, , ' ' Jo 1. ,° .. " mama Si't ,1 itha ascoteb ..-- - . --- 7_ 7- ._..7 Malt.W.hisliey'..of Alio . very - fineSi quality. , • -• . f, ,, i.:";•',1 WINES.—Suci as Madehl4 - -„Port. Sherry, Teneriffe,' Siveet Malaga, Muscat, Claret. and Champagne, very •-choice and A to a en 9 c. c) r- ~, r . ••••1 . & co co Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin. Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy,:Lavender, Brandy, Wild-Cherry • Brandy, and Fine Cordials, Raspberry Brandy, New , England. Rum. &c., &c., also a large supply of fine Old 5- itbeln. Whiskey on. band ry Tavern-keepens, will do well to give the un doesigned a call before purchasing elsewere, und.examine the Liquors, which .be vouch esi will - bear the closest scrutiny, recollect. No. 323 Market Street. ; ROGER•P" Philadelphia, Dec Jewelry Establishnient ! R . • .. .CheaP • and good . :Watches. 4 -N ..• 2 — Jewelly& Silver-ware, whole ) gip) . sale and retail, at No 90 Nenh . _ -Second-street, cortier,9r Qua r () I_ as. - I C. \I , ry,Pbiltidelphia,P:: : ::•'4ii :. Geftl.Lever.vatchis4oll44oyrenedi ii. jl3Cirret '. cases, ' :`'' .;i..,,, , k . 840 and , over. Silver . Lever. Waiches,;:fulli , l4 - .„, _ ~,. , . • ' . jewelled, ' . . '..1116 and over. Silver Lepine Watches, itrw;' t ` ;,1,:: ' .' i...,1 ' • elled, -• • .. - ''', ,04 1. - ,iind jiver. Silver Quartier Wat c he s ,": "1165,00.•t01ti • Gold 'Pencils,- , • r ''.- ~, • 01;60•Pi7 Firig Gold R.inp;;. .. . 7 ", :' 37f C(l.. to t3O :. (Mier ertiales •in proportion : ':All,oOodet warranted ' tobe what they iire'aeldAt. - : - Constantly on • handilmfulltitiiiiitifient of fine GOLD 'JEWELRY ,and BOWER WARE.' A lie, eii;atiottitietir 61,11 V),, To him: & Co., E. Sinatutoa;l3aoinC,V.itroth ers, E. S. Yates & Co., , JiilitrilarOset4.G. 4- B. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Movemenis,.which will : be cased in any style desired. - u • 2' ' I'7-; Arrangements have beerkilide.',with'all the above celebrated makers, the beit'man ufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken •and the name and residence of the person ordering put. on if requested. -." - : " • ''. 9, CONRAD; 40. Ofi North 2nd. St.. •- • • .' . ''. : . • : iiripottarlOrW,atchea. Philadelphia - NoV • 20. -, ' • •••il—ly . . 1,340 30 The Great China Store . OF PHILADELPOIA:t-egiz. Thankful to the citizens of AllenK" and' its vicinity for their ingrene,y4 v.. : )vfe agaiwrequest theirnnmianYV I f large and splendid alsortrnen J., CHINA, GLASS &QU .)‘= ',,,, .11. Er, Dinner Seta, TeceSelsprag - 1 . • . ;Ind sing/spieces;:ei!ltrigiliiinr,Pinre Ware; sold in cnianttee t tT,SpO s purchuers, for len than. they 'Ciat lie hitrelseiv,here. In fact at less thrin ,15,,,kt#101:1i0e:Stt,4,': 4nletrea t 141 L* 114 * 4 ,,,A,,:; 4400.*.„ ? slit pfd...:. 'rn gTeltr , AUFTY.i sn'nvettiitteresoffitied in the citf. t ,VA2,reirAlitrra swetivertika rielY itetVi'AeaP.::/;1 , ; ;i - ' ,'` 1 , 4" ; ' ' ttirWt ilvtiti- 1 1(itititeigY rerbo9 vige/nir the' city ie.? jenthscearr=llulymilliKkleMs be pfeeee r Atik IkAtround out : /xlittifAk,4ool , N o _ an ,°,,, W jlie*,,, l :fintSt China,and like ,'o4lelP eargne, wo!tick, 'lce l . , ... .q. , :. : ,.." . '41,„ , I , 1 r7 1 7 rtilldeadtV,&MlTCHEr,, , , ; ' ~ TitSO4I47LI 4 , 't , No: 219.Chiaiiai Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 2D, ,q* 'lir" 411 Y-8 jro 8 . .PR/MrfeirON Neadj , executed at the ..fte-iWrADtige. 212 ROVER BROWN. 11-Iy. FALSIIIONABLE M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers