,vizsork",',.." ' WINWIETr .4 t. VT '''''' • " _••••• 7ll , ..rwrormen.r ii . 1: 13( .Tli . .„,++ ',' .. ;1 -!‘• .- , '+' ,ViEltipFroCi ' -+ -.VP ''' 1 • #,4o l ltatiiiiiti.fFi 3 :oloS i l PI ILr's ':lfi.+llMir'inibles'ust tfigtveztVithr. t+II 4 C . !F ' - /ttc?.NA#tils .1.- Iltllisltlilijka" - 4.9 , f i T b r k. ' Oft- 1 1 .( ll il l i t e i r t ,.,-, . : . ;•- tt n e,, n' ~t 1 g*-41stil; sr cot ';inurnit tf.IYNC,(ITAT',I+?4O; 0 : f_at , ' A in ,i ' vprlvt . slo4 - 2 - 4 1 iirreroLlikS - '+ 4 *ltA#ori r bt,; .iffiAtOulT. °6ol. l Y t inid'' 4 `14 el/b. by' 4 Allil o.iatik.rrV*Orrli&,:.,•2,,,i. -','' ",. . - . : t krof7 .nibrkiiii ttirlifornliW4ho;GOld mines,l,6 7ittpcintreed in %ft Francisco, ns ~mdrelbeifi blicatieri;:lOtifteri &y: E. Gould , w g4,9lllltni+ ltite,tleutenant.lst regiment . i . 2 ,11 . *: . '' , 5i . K .: v ,hteers. • Mr.' Bufflun has f L nir . dirk': ~ I liis.' astihree years in California, „ n ~ hts employed as a gold digger, ' a 114'61 Othir. ~..-z: • , ,"• - • + , k „.., 1,,,,,,....,......,,20,22.7. gold N I --,...1jt,' 'on,.,ll'entlr;ar,idAthe.irunlcs'of her pas ,z,,'.`,oe ;gen, rpR,St toye contained at:least :moth - 'er inilliorroldollais.--Seieritl-stecrage pas.: __,,,,, ... ~ i ss mpsert• • ;nrritve tc,rl4lFe had in their - pos • • , 4',e B P Ckfl, .4. 00.00.0,trpleoo, and sums of two,-1 .; 1 91,P" ;,,d,itiAl'iqWOnty and r :11130,000 lined tho' i , _ - ,,,,t,riiri .h nrcithers.:. ''' --- , - • • ' - - • iktioriethil+passengbrs (lithe Empire Ci +. ty.'•aterthe - Eton. George W. Wright and ,I•ll3:FrrilEdmirilkli - lbern - Refi ' res entatives r elect r l „from the State ofealifornia ; the Elonorable 1 _._ ; T,_,Buoler_ King, Smanel,_Ward, Esq:,,,E. Elaiiiieh , ex ;collector of the port of San :j Erar,le,4 ilol+ W. -A. Butrum-Esq., - W. B. , ' Kinder„ES:q.; bearer Of important despatch- , , es from the United States •Boundary Corn-1 missioner to the Secretary of State ; Syr geon 4.. T. I3owie, U. S. N ; Lieut. Norris, • beitrer.of disratchss from Commodore Jones r4hrliP...W.'Rice, Esq., one of the editors i ' :and•Protrieters-of the-Pacific Courier. ' i ‘The:stermisliip„ a Oregon,'CaPlain Pearson , ' ' irrivefl at perinnr on the, evening of Janu ary.: 20;• nr,ith'297 pissengera, —ninety in . the 'et:o)lo%rd 20S in the steerage =- having , lea San PriiniisCO, on•the +mining-or New- Yearsliday:+ - (She broright dowo the Horior able'.loifis Of-red - moat; and , Elan; William ,A , ,lZlEkorifillforth.trirs 0,5,,ct,• and Atli 'telo- rep xeseamti i:es" froin"ttio New'Statiii • ~. Cof- - ,•,Frerriont . ,was Untrveirlirbly detained :at Trinania, laJthough .110,had secured pas „sage 'on the• Empire City,) in con§equence 1 - . Of the'serious indisposition of- his lovely rind .accomplished lady, who accompanied him. H will, , probably take passage in the • Cher • :okee , ,- which is expected to leave Chagres +l:bout:the 10th inst. • . i• ' DriGiCin took pussage art the 'Falcon for New Orleans. •• The whole number of votes polled in the z Strati does ncitexcee'rl 13000. Of this num ' ber. 12,061. are in favor of the Constitution, while till are awaitisteit. 'Phis• is owing to the fault that a large number of tickets were printed Whereon the question • relative to the sidopiion of the Cons:nation did not appear. • The election , took place during the "rainy +, season,” and the roads , were in such a con dition that a large number of miners could Bch the Plist which .i i n u . in nr i Tses is, no doubt,.'tireciroin -con tains. eon tarns a population of over 100,000 persons,. and is entitled to admission as a State; with two Senators and two Representatives - Fir Congress. ' _ Meeting of the legislottere.--'l'he g rst Legislature of 'Cal i fornia convened at the seat of Government, the l'ueblo de. San Jo se, at 'l2 - o'cloch, M. December liith, but 1 thlre be'inig no quorum in either house, ad joii,itied•to .12 M., Monday; the 17th. Both house met pursuant to adjeurnment, most of the members being present.; The, Sen . ate organised by the. electioo o f Elon. E. IC Chamberlain, of San Diego, as its President pro icm, and Hon. 1.',-J. White of Sacramen to:Was chosen Speoker of the 'Assembly on the Ist ballot: , • inauguraltni. of .11re Gooerrior.—The ceremony of the inauguration of the Govern ' or, Peter El. Burnett, and the Lieut. Gov ernor, John NlciDougal, took 1 Ihce at one • Veloek,• on the 20th, in .the Assembly Chain- 'bet. ~ The oaths•cif officewere adanniger , . ed.in theta by , Chief Justice Ditraniclr, of 1 +the Sti fierier :',ou rt. The Governor then de -1 livered the inaugnrfd address.. ' . ' '.-•• 1 -..0T. ~..0 no • • , i. . • • .... ' N. Brpetts ssagei• t ~ •.;The,,M4ssitgn or the Governor was Iv- Le.&4l`to beth,hotiseisif the Logislaturt, at 12 ~ o'cleek, on the„,llrit'+'daji+ of the session, on ...Irate 21st, arid ,ten.theateand copies in English, • frondtwo • thousand in= Spanish, ordered to be ri • . nted. + , ~ ,i, +c .1.,. . ~ • ' 'in commenting upon Like mesenge, the sPacilic 'News thus remarks : . The views . which it presents of the con .. .vaitiop and future policy of,the State, will al •• t...se, we think, commend themselves, both to ',our•own, community and the American pea . ,'}plir irCgcrieral, as tieing, in the main, sound • 'mad well-judged. , - ' TO , view, of , the limits rind • rbaracter of the -IPidrival'lmillSiatejuristlictions, respective= It; tilti:piiiniPt itscpi gystetn—in .view of tea ' nit; i ersteulltion of California--and es . 'peciallyz.:Of,.the•,:procedents in the cases or • -,-*los9Uri'llild'lolcf4ani both of which States • init titeir-State,lGovernnients in full practi ' -04E 1 601.Mb:if befere their admission into the 'ilei<itiii?,2ltivertior-does not-doubt that it 1 ,-,'l4',,liOhniirriper mitl:eipedient for, the State iVgififko proceed at once with the busi '''''*%!' "liA-Letiiffition -which is b e fo re' , ...xi a t e .thent':, ,fie il i nefor,ii earnestly rccrenmen- . - •.s+aed ' in . d in e bid l c t c y'..pirt e the State Govern- • ~ ...'.'ziiithitt, into full,lllointion,;willt'olit delay. In 1 "!•tliiiereeeoruptindation,theGovernor ekpres--1 --'l,4l.,,l4*,tAliii;al,lnist tinanimOus senti- ' '''' l + 4 iIItrOAIIII. Jprllie'i3no,Ple:;" ' 0,.' , '' Ati-Titl44oPlOillyrfal,,vitana crams 4l dode." ••'''' . o**T9r,,•gali.lo,l"la; EirOsents`inl4l+,oi,„,,,, f „,..,,,,..,,,,,,,th,,„itOttiti l bEitifttntong,tlitY , , '•+ 4" 'l l 4. o,l2ol4,kl i t'essing i 4 Itnstnattelkpour tm •'- '' ' t tys rrifigislatitreffind •with,a. rea ,.z5g,;4114,,„.i, ~, . 1 .+,3..• „, 14 10•••+ 6 i es impsibilitv' 4111i , M11 Q.l ' ~ .M... 51 1 .+.0F ..! . + ' 44 ' ''/ 1 . 1 -00f lf,Fgllt Ne 11, fully -• a 1 1- ,)ir`&isite,'•he'l„ Rig ;. .; 101# amPormot ''subiktlail-Ml'o4 , l',‘'. , i;k„ittillA 'At° rec4m - •IlitirilliArri‘.lf , ~ rtr r t.+ l -` Ifs the'basis of s estim be laid . by the •''• -• '?4' 1 „,10 ( . 4 .) 1 41t.".' ' , ',.) . • ;•*1mu1Ay1n+P4.4',#.41,,.41.. 04:+1 , '..,• ,,,1 ~, • 4.,...,.. 1 1 - 4 ' ;;• + ; .01;iAglik.',S41110,trisde 104* gliKliktlAlAlV of ' -.417-16441' n : ^"Jt ' 'l, - : , • .1 * 0, • -1 , - ~ • 1 '. 11212 ll= . . . - '••,, , 1iz.-.4l,Vgit . s l 9o4r,tragio.4 0 c .1 4,10m 11 a - ou ' s 11 4) 11 1 . •Ur ' • bale thp greitti• if 'I HI ittilerteifille's '• • "VPlrill liCe`ktiaiP ' p,. ) , , .,, ••,„•:".....) :is. - V, .• ~,, . -....; ~..' , vi, . .2.... ,:„...,...., ~ -, • • , --'' ' ~ --•-: r .--• • - -•, - , -,t• -,•.., ..., .ss ...., • •••• •• t...1.,T p e rsigliakc9mpwikeiLlatgrar,,, , • , ,,,querion of estop I g siavetycolipr 'ittr. itge. ' •• b - '-` ' I . ' kin o',e tilt al, thurciftichsid 404' %ts'' * I naNobr ' t • t P rt 4-- The: ' ciyil 06fth SO of f.,•0 itit f territories acqpite rom exic ;.-;• i` I - ' "l i ' • •• '•- '• • ' ( ..vr s. j 1 ' Ph e , '9ll`l fillip, v -'' ' ' ---..-I. '' N 'h N rih dW' 11' 140... •Northamnton county was: etd on Saturday ',.. --, -' 4 t . • . , ... .. , fr in ft.• ~ ", •- • ,owte o an es ittve mem- I •-• , • •' - ••• ‘ ' •''• '' ' ' W . ll besold 1 sale,, ' 7. ' . - o r ,F e h r u ar y alleiterioven ,, , 1 at* nub.lo on Vritloy, • s'.—The touiliaiiii, , 0 o c. w time. .. i beatth 11 uSe of Representatitres, epre- i ~/ h Y .0 11 ~_ ~..,' ' t j i 22d d- f •e, fit •i 4 , ~. 4 1 P '' ' ' ' till a entire Tee ' ` ' • t° to ° " int c n ideration me ptacticarniity,as , n 0,, C 1 x 0 Nary - next,' at 0 o emelt „Iti yegard.to theolit Ovation of raising ,sen g , iy e pop,ulation ! , wh,ilei well as . jhe t i e f c ol , st . • .1 din het forenoon at theltbr h tiliof irt ge it o n rutting a rat roa ~ , p lc o e i Snit i s ~ai•U.,,y,vrinejut e pur m es, the Governor. l l4 1, i l • • Ithe Boeth have °idyl/1,21 of-Who sta a ,1• ' t • i • ' lt rn : P fr om Nerrlstowit toFreeinansburg in North. an,?n, perky , ' Allentown, the fallowing per aftvists, thafresort should at once be had to-, on slave popu stunt;(ca s h g only 70011. one am ton entintv Ile'sra •De it v• s call-al banal rd art to wit t I half of the members from the free States I P • - • " 1 ` 8 ' ‘ d I A • • both up a generalaysteM dr direct umation, , ,. 'tb the chair, and J.Peter Bohm, appointed 1 three spring one horse pedler Wagon, on persons and upon property, in place of 2 slanntng on free population. , The fr a I e 'Secretary. with suitable "body, a one horse farm wagon f . I States contain upwards of 12,900 000 of free i '' with, wheelba • rrou, ,ctitting•hox, one t, any attempt to negotiate a I . 1 , , . ~ , 'Phi ob. ~ int ei the meeting was \state(' by Why ' • f t tett s o the Governor in relatidn to , n'nne PenP e. 1 while the also,. St , w . Itua only ; „ ~, ~„,., ~, , _ , horse sleigh, grain chest, glass scythes, a I ilie expediency of immediate action, by the I contain 4,000)000,'400,900of white people. " ir. unman of 44..Utiliertown. set of one horse hurnrs c h 1 .., ow, ay ant nitt- Legislature, to prohibit the settlement of 1 ' of the I" ra i I . - • On motion the o t•• The true proportioa Co m mt. for , . f 110 tmg committee was I mire forks, potatoes by the bushel. •Also ) free people of color in the State, will also I the House of Representatives should,there- • rippointedtocollect all the information rela- 1 the, following variety of Household furni- doubtless excite mach interest andattention. fore be the. same, hut then there !night he I live to the road. - John Stehler, J. J. Riegel, tore; to wit: He thinks that if allowed to immigrate, th • ey seine poisible excuse for an equiflity there- , Peter Leith , Jr., John Rentzheimer, Henry 12 beds, with bedsteads, drawers, dinitig, will form contracts with their masters, and But no, Mr. Coblrsays the 70 or 01 slave , Detwiller. Charles Seider, Jacob G. Appel, breakfast, and other table.s, chairs, chests, I thus he to all intents and purposes, slarts., members shall have 19, and. the, • 14:3 free 1 Henry Krum, Balser Stever, Jesse Weit- desks, wash-stands, one coal, nod two weed- members only'lo also, who are to • be ap- , knecht, Joseph 11. Boyer, C. 13. I4eller. Ja- The Governor 'estimates the current ex- stoves with pipe, cupboard, one S day, MIA pointed by a Southern Speaker, and in this ' cob Brunner, Peter Harris, J. Peter Beam. con penses of the State for the liret year, aOO, two 24 hour clocks, a • sett of pictures, 1 000 dollars. To meet this large su t he manner hand over a partiw.the into of the The follotving resolutions were ado p ted , tinning all the presidents, benches, tubs, free territories of. the Union into the iron message reccommends the immediate unite - - • ' - Ilesolvef—T hot the committee appOiti- scanners, a large lot of pipes, barrels, and c• - - " - - - - 2 raq of slaver • sition of a poll tux and a tax upon real and •g,: P 3' ' ted Matte reportinn Saturday the 29d inst., smaller casks, - jugs,- decanters, pitchers, . . fhen there are correspon d en t s with slit- I • personal property, "in proportion to its v i al- 1 w• ,in general meeting to be held at the House mugs, and glasses. the shelving, verygrocery pens,u ho Uraw dreadfulpictures of ' he. The recommendation that no person ' ~. wilt:Lamy neglect to pay his taxes shall be m is Ton w hich as et siesta to have no oth- , Resolectl--That the proceedings of this, scale, looking glasses, a large Ititcle•n sale, er e ect than to fri g hten little children, an 9 with foUt shelves, boxes, camphine hang permitted to bring a civil suit in any Court 1 meeting he signed by the officers, and pub soleinnly aver that California must ing and side lamps, flour and wood chest, in the State until arrearages are paid, will I colic hailed in the papers of the counties of North 15Inmi "emit be dismembered, so as to save the besides a large variety of other house and ug_ e a popular move. . liimpton, Bucks and Lehigh. South.kitchen furniture, too numerous to mention. The election of I. r.i. Senators toolupl,. _______ _____ - on the first day orthe LegislittiVe session, V(J13114-IC-SAIA,E r-W"Ph p • co ditions will be made known - on the day of sale and dee att , •ndance given immediately slier the inaumiration of the l' —or--- _ by „ WILLIAM DE 2R. Governor. 13oth houses assembled, in pursuance of Allentown, Jan. 17, ¶-4w previous resolutions, at 50'elock, P. M. to proceed in joint ballot to the election of U. S. Senators. A solemri silence reigned for a few minutes throughout the house. When I the nominations were called for. Col. J. C. Fremont and lion. Wm. .M. Gwin were first • nominated, follovired by Capt. H. W. Halleck, Hon. T. B. King,• Robert Semple, and Col. J. W. Geary. The ballotings commenced, which result ed in the election of the. Hon. J. C. Fremont, he receiving 29 votes. The second and third ballotings resulted in the election of Win. M. Gwin, receiving 22 votes at the second balloting and 24 at the third. .4 new line of Steamers between Pana ma and S(ln i'raneiseo.—A company has already been for:ned in San Francisco, and $500,00e subscribed among the wealthiest merchants, for the purpose of establishing a new line of ocean steamers, to run between S. Francisco and Panama. _Land . Titles vs.. Squallers.—The Pla cer Times, of December 15th, contains the subjoined statement relative to the Squatter disturbances in SacraMento City. The citizens of Sacramento and vicinity have, for the last two or three weeks past, been somewhat excited by a movement on the part of a large portion of this communi ty, who have taken upon them the responsi bility of disputing the legality and genuine ness of the title of Mr. John A. Sutter-to the land in this he origi natty obtained from the Mexican Govern ment ; and, having satisfied themselves on this point, have arrived at the conclusion that they have equal ;light to sett . and occupy the land rtsttiose__*.ko • In filet, the “vote-yourself-a-farm" notion seems to have taken possession of the brains of a late number of • individuals, and two or three hundred persons have actually mutated' upon lots within the limits of Sac ranmento city. What the consequences will be,'[=leaven only knows, but it is believed, with the opening of spring, that the squat ters will (cave for the mines. , At the Mission of Dolores, near San Fran cisco, a number of persons have treaspassed upon 'the public and private lands. They have even gone so far .as to break up these lands with the plough, building fences up on them, putting up buildings and tents, driving in stokes, and by other means put ting the property in danger and greatly da- Maging it. A petition, signed by about 36 of the oldest inhabitants of the Mission, has been recently presented j to the Alcade of 1 San'Francisco 7 praying his interposition. Stet •will'Aotibtless ,taken to put a stop . • tOt idea butrages. Much alarm is felt, by the California resi dents: cif the Mission, particularly the females ereaccount of the reckless behaviour of cer tain evil-disposed men who have recently arrived there. The Brag Game of the South. It bus been the uniform custom :of _the South to brag built' and blusteroyheriever they, thought their prepOnderarice, either in the Senate or the [louse, rciShireseretativts where in dangc r from thepecessary ,j increase' of the States and y thelo47.o4ationT They have never assigned the4uciicisbirEof this course, but have always sought for • some other excuse to hide the reality from the people. 'rho cry l against free territory, is DOW raised for thia end only. It is to secure their accustomed weight in the Senate, although not possessing one-third of the , white popu lation of the United Statea; -- ' After bragging and bullying, then conies another act of the play—the manifestation of a spirit of pretended compromise, which means that the majority nre to yield up their just rights to,the ,minority. We hove or ! rived at this second act now, and the South I is very anxious that the North and the West I should give up ? a portion; if not the whole of tho free territories of the United'States to 1 the peritop., apd'Srughl9B.o l Shiver - y. 7 Wii. mist' mire greatly' mistaken -- the temp er of .. titt;peoi)fleiofi.the;Nurths—Alite..mtist have Vastly; deceired nartiolliesit they are at all 1 Tirepanid eoranriafeh an tilternatire, be the idle thretits - and' nienttees 'of , the '6oooi-ewer . 'saititutatid.blaiterini. . . , The most amusing specurnettof compromi ~,/ra„-have !text! of for ; -s o me lime, is 'tlieorikpasliiori ilifYlr.;teiliViilltdabitnie, who divide, the - Union , into thirtiorth and South, leaving filit ,Otti.,West ,, fre oppppse, entirely and. prepptien.that the Senate slialllynve a fonunatee RIO. d freta the North,. and 6 root the South. and that the Idolise of Repl reaelitatieesahall have V cdminitece'of '24:11.; ; i 1.0 of sylliell shall tic ftetu.tlic N0'041111(1'10 ..bet any. member. from a ree fit 01 -- . - 1'04! fur-such a measure, and he will find the fall Oections partictilarly fatal: • • •We observe that a gentleman who is favor of the extension of slavery, bus made a move at Harrisburg. Is it to favor the South in their plan of turning free territory into slave territorif We trust no other Democrat is prepared to unite with him in his useless crusade against the rights of, free white labor, and in favor tif the ;lave capi talists of the South. The voice of the peo ple of Pennsylvania, has on more thab one occasion been uttered clearly and distinctly on this subject, and wo to the man who ar rays himself in opposition to it!—Philodel p/fia Spirit of the Times. • Fire in San Francisco.—:An appalling I and destructive fire occurred on the 24th of December, which threatened for a time to .I reduce the fatuous city of grin Francisco to a I heap of smoking ruins, and caused the de struction of a million and a half of dqllars worth of property. The .0u California says :—The fire orig'thated•in. Dennison's Exchange, in the second , and' pper story. , At about one quar terbefore 6 &clock in.the.morning ofthe.2lth_ it was discovered by an inmate of the house, and almost iminediately„ also, the alarm was communicated by a watchman, in the Park er House, adjoining. Before water could be procured, the blaze had reached the pain ted cotton ceiling, and streaming through the sides. ignited the tarred roof. .Thee alarm was sounded, but by the time this was ac- ' complished, the building was in flames. The Pkcecs..-From the tniacs we learn that winter has come down; and wild winds, snow' and sleet, are beating the iude heights of the - Sierra Nevava, as if, for the despoili ation of itsslittcriag_Werdi b rush swollen and -thundering through gloo my and'rugged cannons, and. all day , long: the cold rain drives steadily downwara4iti ected from .a thick mass of a heavy cloud . on the blast from the.: icy North, holding fOrth scarce a hope' of favorable• mining weather, again, until Spring b ursts upon the barren mountain lands, and rtivalteS:to blooming verdure th . e fields orcalifornia. SCALDS ANDBURNS•=It is no time to run for a remedy when an accident of this kind occurs. An immediate application of Merchants Gargling Oil, or Universal Fam ily Embrocation will arrest his progress and prevent any soreness or pain, in even those of an extensive nature. Therefore keep it on hand. It will also cure your chilblains, frost-bites, and corns. See advertisement in this paper. A phamphlet of description may be had annals of the agent. • OLD WINTER has made us feel his pow er for a day or two, and they are fortunate who have been provided with narments fit ted to withstand his blasts. • if any • have neglected to furnish themselves with such garments, they should make no : delay in go ing at once to Shepherd's, in,Q.ltisnut.above Third street for a supply . froirj: fashionable stock: On.tho.l4tb.orattagarYjkiy tte. Rev., M r. Dubs;4ll;'.'o4.igke R. Labe r,.. to isa:•Afa= . ry 10s tog) , o o V„ 'te II , Pdihe,27th ofJnuun y, by,the sarae, Jesse io Mist litary itathert, both of South 'Whitehall. . . • On the 29th of Juisunry, by the snino, Le tr 4 Warp, to - Miss Matilda Biefender jet*, lith:of,South Whitehall. On Sundny last, by the .I.tev.:Mr.Buc Mr. Froneis . Xandcr, of South IKhi . tphall, to'Mise :Henrietta' Balliet, 'of•Alleptown. On the 7th of ,Februnry; thq,Ror.: r.•.llfoses Schneok,.to Miss' Eliz abeth gioto; both of:North .Whiteball.. • DIED. In 'Easton, on the 24th of . January:lasi.' of croup; Charles 11. Al,- son of .Taxies NI, • I and Sagan Wilson,. formerly of this place,- I aged 4 years and 2 days. . tiltPhiltidelphin, on , Thursday, the .7th of - scarlet fever, Theodore, in Ihe -5 4) year of_his • age, and ift4/sdn fames, in bib third ?Nur' d o n s W. - and - Sarin Selfridge; ' formerly of this place. " .0n Ttiisilay•the'sth inst. in Heidelburg; Of 'hernia ) Mr. Duri Regly, a iiighly7sp.9of tale:Otizen, aged 03 'years, On the 21st ofJanuary. in North ,White hall, Mary Jane, daughter,. sic../arnis and . Catharine Ketner9rttagl4,3lltra• On the 4th ntEebrunre, in South White hall. of. Fits, Xarerz son of Nathari. arid,l3oVilla Sieger; agtd . U months.--• • ~•.* On the 7th of FebruarY...in, qiiiper44la oumpt jou ' egyi°l Cns • • • - "a'ge .50.ye'ars. ' Palatable Alfa Estate; Will he sold at publie .sak, satnrday, the 2d of March next, at one...o't: l .9eic 1" the afternoon, on tlit! premises, in the vi;:ne of Catasauqua itr Hanover township, Lehigh 2. „.. ew county. the following valuable e tai• Twu Story Brick Dwelling house, situated on Church street,, in said Borough, the House is 24 feet front, by 22 feet deep, on a 20 feet front by 192 deep, under good pale fenciog, with all the necessary outbuildings . . - • • . The property cad be examined by calling upon the undersigned; owner, who :resides in the Hotise, and possession given on the first of April next. JESSE BROWN. • February 11. ~.)14 11.0 _Personal Properly. Will be sold at public sold on Friday and Saturday, the 22d and she 23d days of March, ut.the horse _ofPeterSieckel, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh co., the following personal property, to wit : Three horses, .even cows, 4 oxen, two heiffers, one Bull, 3 hogs. two sows with pigs, two four horse •wagons, one boddy, one oar boddy, one horse wagon, one. pleas ure wagon, two pair of hay ladders with bolsters, one sleigh, one woodsled, 4 plows,. one Thru § hin g -machine with horse power, one winnowing mill. Post machine, full har nes and fly nets for five horses; cutting-box, three log chains; cow chains, a full sett of quarry tools; three grain cradles, two bar-. barrows, Straw by the bandle,.hay and Ma- - nure forks, wheat and rye in the field, a full! sett of blacksmith tools. House furniture,'bed:and.bedsteads, ta bles, chairs, benches, tabs,. and other arti cles tea tedious to Mention. • Condithins ; will be made known on the day - nfStil4'ittid due 'attendance given by . • • Ponta STammt,'Executor. February 14 ¶ Fruit and Ortramental 'Freese The stiliscriber intendS' visiting the nu merous nurseries in the vicioity of New York immediately on'the openinc of of, and will be 1140 to execute all orders en trusted, to his care in the Way•of : • r e? Fruit and Ornamental Trees, " ••• Evergreens, Flowcrinn. Shrubs, Mips, Vines, Creepers, Herbatc .. • 076 F. and Tubey.b . u . r feted Flotveri, F4tdent Boots, HO,tfe. Flants, Box Bdiink; ri • " Catalogues can be seen nt his residence: All articles *ill be . ! - •solected personalty ,tly hint and brought on immediately: Orders should be sent. in before the Ist of March: next. : . 1-1. W. CROSBY; Near Easton, Pinti. y.0 . ).1., - .f..i, . . ,-------------------- 3'4)2113 - . • Thelugest, lieapest, best and most bk. : grant assortment of. '.• . ::• •. .„ : . . .piano Fm7fes, ' ' in the the Unifed - . Bicites, 2 can always' be 11340 nt the 'w4rehouse of the suksayiber, • -171• Chestnia's,tieet, above Fifth, • • ~ At the Old Stand occupied inure than n thit'd of3L. century by Mr. GEORGE WILLAG, *isle pablisher ,TIANOS, HARPS ORGANS, SERA. igoLtAlgs, &e., &c, , .. • fresh from the most, Celebrated Manufactu sies in Now;:Yorh, Bcistoriv Baltimore, Phil adelphia, and 'elscwilere. Sold,. wholesale and retail,:atihO maker's ,cash prices-. • • OSCAR G. B. CIA fLTER, 171 Chestriut strbet I.•lttladelphta. IFebruary 14.:^ ,t .'" 11--1 Y Coutity - ..lffeeting: The Sciaml Teacher iiiieotors and el . frittads of Education'in T...e tig cou nty , *ill meet in , the Court flutte, on",Sattirdny the 23dinstant, at ID &dock A . . 11. iamb purpose'of fOrning Tete:ahere Association and discussing questionsln -relation to our„ Schools Addresses may be emitteted in . the. English and German languages' • 'All are riavited.y.to‘attend:... By order of .the Committee.oftArremements. , Fehr dary ¶-2w .;. • .10111RINT,EVG, 01 every de m scription,atly. the rUBLIO SALE. Will be sold at Public Sale, on ThurS day, i.!e 21st of February, next, on the farm Of int, ttndersigned in South Whitehall tsp.. Lehigh c Oclock, in the forenoon, the following Personal .Property, to : • Four horses, and a good breeding mare, a two year and a one year colt, harness for five horses, six milk. cows, sonic of which afe Devonshire; taro one year bulls,_ 10 su, oerior breed Englisli gheepf thrashing ma chine; winnowing mill, wood' sled, a grit rate broad wbeelcd four horse wagon, also another four horse wagon,three horse sa gon, two wagon bodies; and' a large varie ty anther farming utensils too•numeroue to mention. EV'The conditions will be made known on the day of saki und•due attendance giv en by JESSE KNAUSS. Jan. 21.' ¶-4w The subscriber, residing at Geisingers Mill, near Coopersburg Upper Saucon town ! ship Lehigh county, respectfully. offers his services as ['endue Crier. • He flatters himself with the fact of hav ing had considerable experience in the bus iness & assures those who. May see fit to em ploy him; that ho can. make. full satisfaction. Ilis chatges,will be moderate. • - 'ROBERT A.V26; COURT. Upper Sancon, Jan. 31, • January 7th, 1850.—The memberS of the Board of Managers, eleeted for this year, met a g reeably to notice given. Elousum's wanl-lotel, Re.tding, to organise and ap point offwers for the year.. • On motion, D: Hottenstein, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and the foliowing ap pointments unanimously Made, viz • , Prcsiftent.—John-8.N.n0 Reed; Contra township, - - . - • I Secretary dna. rreasurcr.—A nron Sinking Springs. ilget2l,—Joha - P. Bali, Heading, Persons having, business to, transact with the cd'ompany, may call on either of the above named" &Aka:), or., any 44. the mthubers, of I the' BoarA,•i6sident as foiloWS : ' Dr. Van,-Palm, BinidiimSpriito, I.3orks 7 county Jacob Bright,.Penn lownanii,; near bernville, do. John L. Fisher, U. Heidel berg near Womelsdort, do. George K.Flault Esq.,. Centre, near Mehrsville, do. Solo. non Kerby, MitidonOreek, war' Moselem, do. ..Dayiti .H. :HotttMsteie, 'Maktnnwny, near:liutztown. .Tuhri.B.'Reber, Bern. D.' liciusum; Readingcorner of feu rthand Penn. Gehret.r . Lebanon county, near, ; 110(inanstown. D"r, P. 0.. Moser, 13rein igisialle, be,kigh county. LAW/hill "Lehicrit county. • ; Rtisofired, Thr4. I.he Board will condi - loe . their stated_meetingS Hoisurn'g.-Swan Hotel, Ratting; ori the first Monday•of 'Jun narY;.-00, August andNevenher-Os b 0 TOM whore till inntters roqui ting,t he:action Of.the . .Board,are.bioagilt.up•and •PtAhlishe,d'by order of the Board. 4sltox Mimt.,'Seerelary. • Fekt.r 14..' Off) is yogi). • . Time `ca s Hat -Muffs - andlbas --; • - • or &ale. at Reduced -1!!;tcr. - If-toxkg .1 I - n ersigrleu imb yet a ve rrylArcreatitl•splendid refeortment of Hats, Titpii AlutrylW BOA 5., - of evtit:y tlescription; AlCh hearers for sale at very..rettne;eOriiqhtlipd.invites rp his old custoers,,a44.44yrs, who wish to purchase any of,the&V.pprticles, tti cell at hiestore, directly opposite Mese es Alksh. , ecary store, where khey , can fi,Pil the above named. artieleS.3o eent'," , dhettper than ever offered before... Mr. Boos is determined to close his busi,-' tiess.inipring, which is the retison'whSt he offer:ethe.segreat adVstotages. indebted him, will pledse call and'settle•theitaecouritsc before . the °gist of March, t dtitrik , , , ,Which they will sere cost. •-,,- ;•. , D. oeltiiiiiterl'Bre.'airOliaaallielaring eve ry style cloth,l4.ttniectEPopi,'WKoh they. will sell extremely lo*,-,wholesaleasid re , tail.. •ttICHNIAN gc , 13RO: Nciverriber;,22: : „ MEI es ! 0 Yes ! ! . . : :.....4,R...r40 . :;,;(p.5,,: . ..- - ... ..,....,.. . 1 Flour . - 1 Wheat. • • • Rye ••• Corry (htti, • . .13uckwheat . Fliboteral • . 7 - Cloversevd . . . '1 iniothyt•ce,it . • Potatoes .. . . Salt • • Putter Litrd .• • Tallow Beeswax . . . Ham . . Flitch . . . . 'Pow-yarn . . 'Eggs Whiskey.. Appl 'Whiskey Linseed 'Oil . Ilickory.Wood .Oak 'Wood.. . Egg" Coal . . .* Nut Coal . . Lump Coal . . Plaster . . . . - OM Mart_ A new Stare Stand, ill file "gm . 3 s tory bricichud• d put up , '" --. the ittb.scribtif iivthe'villakdor Cala= saurian, Hanover tsp:i LAMA county The Store-room is 20 h;elfron't'ty4o feet deep, with, cellar, and the second -Story 'Or the'. sumo Aiinensions. It is' gituated , the corner of Alain st., and a.public'tiOr,"itiad well cdictd4ttl ib do ti , lttrge,taiainess. 1 . A man with fitivity can . bestipplied with sutlicient,roorn, if r e gtirgtii_ar,td,rkatngtetnnt_s_ can haVe boardin,g; washing and Mit ing„irs • the same building. Tbe'ient is moderate. , 'l'ho ,Store.rooni will be shelved anil. oottn tete& ready tube . ctrteretl ow'tho Ist of April next, for further- particulars apply to , thu Undersigned. IgSS.R . Ii4.NTAUSg:', January 24. • OMFCHOW, - .§•lfii)t'S4 - 100.4 . ' STETTLER & GE9ltGit Take this method Of cinfoittiipg the' pub. - . lic, that they are 'now in , the.ocpupancir of the Saloon of the Odd Fello - ws en; --. : town, and having fitted it up in a superior manner, are prepared to serve up all kinds of Refreshments, in •ti style fullyequal..to the best City Restaurants, The reputation they have hitherto acquired. in the, . Oyster List e' is regarded as a sUflicient euerrantee:to the public, that everything prepared' by them will meat with the approbation of their cus tomers. Connected with this Esteblislimeht is a the cle.licacies or the season. . UPGive us a call. 13y studiously-cater ing to,"the wants oar cusitometi;.by:assid uous attention to busmersi, and with a - de termination to render general satisfaction, we hope to merit a continuance of the liber al patronago. with which we have heretordire been favored. FRANKLIN STETTLER. JONAS GIMIZi E. fa.--43411 January tlith • '11.1.e Two - Worlds. ' A quarto medium of 14,pages, Moho fin est paper; splendid typography,le,pithlished weekly, et $2 pir annum ; is2;sfilt.serFecl. to city.. subscribers ;. or s4cents. • ihe 'sin gle numbsr. • . . - Thu Two. Worlds is edited hy v and William Ross Wallace. From n perusal of the f ollowing heads of matter, it will be. seen Walt is the aim of this Journal:to - impart Useful knewledgei to give agreeahle reading, to present •muluable criticism, n to Make The , Ttea 11Whle h'',Unive?•Bol Sheet.. : We gitre— .lSt.`l'Origined,.Seleeted and Translated Talits;' Poems a nd Easays:' • 241. Pondettsstipai,4,thp, ablest articles appeUring:t n be. great 'Votoigp. pm Wows such as the Etlinthirg, North'Elrinshi,Nest-: minister, Sharpe's, -frazei'ir Chamteie Journal, Les Deux MOIICIO9,#C:. 44r.C.;.:•, 3d, Domestic' and. Foreigit •Summary of News. 4th. Correspendence, tbsportiof Lec fures,Arnusemerits,,&c. Passages fro nt ad ifince of their peblication,,. fith. List or the ,intistkliest, wprits;and those which a renearly, rettilSrforpubliCatron. 7th. Occasional Dramatic - .and Ope ratic. , Critiques. - . , Bth. Carefully. prepared ; NOticeti 'O f New . 'Books. • ' . • ' '"'. 9th. MenthlyDescriptionspftheTtishions luth. Noties of the Mixst intereiting',Plo ceedings in Coruirscess."'.`'...-' ¶-4w. 11th. Humorous I Sketittetir:. Glimpses of Eliatiiipitmtekitiait'e. 13th. Ilokrareicia The Two Woritisis.ititha'VO:o 4 4, PIT, • the place of. "The ", which was dhicoininitoiV(oohalifilloae.of: presenting the seine amount -' of iputto a shape that 'toal4; tie iitioidQ#looq .half of the sainelitiCo ( ::":The Wrorl ci tAti It Moves " COSt'l lati;:ptiA aithum ! Worlds coots the!;t4Ffspeat. :Joltrfiti/ in the' COitiiirk...,` - 4 , 111E3 W'or,lfir As It Moves," was fecakreq ; tioit!VAlii,tgOitfeat` favOr by the United The , ItiltP,* PrecEePtssc'r:: • orposeniowrk*i ,ty it t toi# '04 . 444.6 scl, will ' . • •-Y.O! itillOnik. }centseagli l atibsOfik' 4.ll : l4 l 7l ,,i. ',,:i',, , ,' ~ on, --,-, . t ii,; iostAlbora li thikuo , ~, beceuorp2Prilijue'dnigcallion.Akilp „tiblioo9l4-13esoodi uins of Thi.,'rect.yriAtifoadolAtTiitOiti°nB 40-itte:Editcirs.:,; ~I.l.i.,,KwooplitFmo.. to ' be ' aitdress L t 2;'4 c i d - .4 A . 14 , Nmv . vi 0 . ~.. ...„--- w),„, fir u« - ' :-.'• .:':011....4W r el; r 16 11 041 ' . '-::, . •C ''. 2 2MI 60 *v - 4.46 - 110:1 11 ~ .66 1 ~,.. :-.'od , 19 -0 • 1 60...-4 , so I 3 45 . 4 40 215 4 ,- 60 -40 ' '', fto 40 ; '45 14 Bush. 7 ' r 1.26:•'' • t 4 Olkt 40' 15', Poundj 25 IMI gii 17. r • . ,10 28 • .26., 68, - 4 60 35,60 , :, 6IY E Doz. anti. 29 55 4 60 3.50 3 50 2 50 :3 60 4 GO 4:'60 340 4 00 3 00 3 60 4 501 Cord Ton El .xtr• coma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers