. : '4 .1 .3 :o4 • ' .", ' 4 .**, ilintaana k Ulta *;l.i7: Annuity and TruitCoritlfit4,o(philadelphia, Office No. .109`Chestiattit Street, Charter Perpetual, II • . CAIE I ITALL 300,000. Continue to make nsurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. Te capnrd being, paid up and invested, togetherwith;the'kccSmulated premium fund, affonli a perfect security to the insured. The pretstum may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The conitany add a BONUS at stated pe ricid-S— to`the insurance for life. The first bonus was. appropriated in December, 1844, amounting , to 10 per cent. on the. sum in sured under the oldest policies,. to 81 per ct.nr; 71. per cent, &c., on others in propor tion' to the time of standing making an addi tion of $lOO, an, 50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an avex ags of more than 50 per cent on the premi rns-paidf and without increasing_theanntiaL payment to the company. onus Amount! of policy and No. of 'Sum • • bonus payable at the Policy. lusurid r Add i.. on. l ti party's decease. 1 --- .No.• 58 $10(HI1 $40,0 I $ 1100 .1 88 •• 9500 l' .250 —.. 2750 4. 205 ~,4000 , ..400 —. . 9400 • . 44 270 2000 1 124 • 2175 . • " 333 50001. 437 50 , 5937 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of appli cation ; , and further information can be had at the in.Philadelphin, or on applica tion` to-Ar hrRUHE, Agent in A Ilentown.. • • • 'B.• W. RICHARDS, PreXident F. JAMES, dctuury: . Deeernber 13: Henry... Laurence T. Office at SteckePs Hotel, Allentown, Pa. Has just returned front the City of New •York where he has procured newly inven ted instruments which greatly faciliate the operation_of semoving teeth,_ mak i it, loss painful to the patient,'and more expeditiotis to the operator. Also a beautiful assortment of iitificial teeth which he is prepared to in sere in the most durable and artistic manner. Diseases of the gums skilfully treated, Car ious Teeth filled, Nerves of Teeth destroy. el) without pain, and all operations pertain ing to the profession performed , with entire oatisfadtioa and upon moderate terms. Refers to the following gentlemen, resi dents of Philadelphia and Allentown : Saint. Gee. Morton, M, D. E. Townsend, D. D. S Henry S. Patterson, J.K.Townsend, Dent. John B. McClellan, L. R. Kcecker Dent. Charles H.. Martin, J. P. Shantz, M. D. pharles L. Martin, J. Romig, J r. M. D. N. B. Tfeth and roots extracted gratuitously, when removed for the insertion of artificial teeth. Allentown, Decembe FASHIONABLE T ... ral- r -- t - 441KSIMPWAc T oes, lewdly& Silver-ware, whole *sale and retail, at No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quer it ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever' Watches, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, $3O and over. Silver ,Lever Watches, full • jewelled, $l6 and over. Silver Laepine Watches, jew - oiled, • SI I and over. Silver Clmtrlier •Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold :PinPlis; = $1,50 to - 7 Fine Gold Rings, 371 cts. to 80 Other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY andSILVER , WARE. , •Also, an assortment of M. J. To , bias 05c . , Co., .E. Simpson, Samuel '& Broth eri,'E. S. Yates & Co. John Harrison, G. R. Beesley, :and other superior' Patent Lever Movemertfa, which ' will be cased in any style desired.. Arrangements have been• made with all the above;celebmted makers, the beat man= ufacturers . of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice, atr reqUireid . ,stile of Watch, for which • o rd ers-will be ta ten and the name and retidence of the person ordering put on if requested. • _ _ _ _ CONRAD,No: . 96 Noith..26d; Irripnterof Wite.hes. ' Philadelphia, Nov: 29.': " • , Xueneal . Instruments 4 4 * "ritef'-Uodersigned has again` 44 . a veryr laid iny largei assortment of Musical Instruments, among Which are comprised Violins, Flutes, Accordions, &c: &c., in the Accordion line he challenges any other establishment in the'c6untry; to come up to him in beauty va riety and prices. He keeps Sanderson's of Pans,.best make, Violin strings, &c. &c. all of which he. will sell of the r lowest cash pri cet'-', - W. S. WEIL 'lie Great China Store OF `PHILADELPHIA. Thankful to the citizens of Allentown and ilevieißity::fOr their increased custom, we again `‘mtuest.',llieir company to 'view our largkand Splendid assortment qf CHINA;:-GLASS •&.QUEENBWARE. Diffnir.'Sets,.Tea Sets, Toilet Sete, and ainglepiecea, either:of glass, (Mina or Stone Ware; sold in4itintitias - to , suit purchasers, for, lest than they can .be hatl elseWherei In fact at less than Wholesale Prices, , iniertani end Engli*Biltipinht Metal Coal, irigreater,VAyieV than,ever t efore .offered the FaNcy,Citirikin a orewva 7 rie; n iferty cheap. ' '-• ' ' , invite-any peison,:trafil,ing and 8l ve they\vtll a! be pletteitd,tiivnilk aroma onibetiutifel Store and•te' c ivyillia finest China and the chiaii tot the Ver,ZIPAPOC; Oh.- • , TI7sJDA:L4 itMITCHELL • . 1 19 Chesnut Eftreet. Philadelphia Sept. 20, 11.1-13 LS =MEE • Tralliflnifire4nsurace - - , coons ) , of Phifodolphia State;nent of the Aes s gia o(the Company, on , TILb. Ist, IgBo, published intconformity with Abe provisions of the MI Sec, of the Act of Assembly, of April 5Th. 1842. ~, I:rIORTEii4GES I . Being first mortgages well secur. ed on real estate t free of ground rent, and are all in the city, and connty of Philadelphia, except $40,500 In Bucks, Schuylkill and Allegheny counties, Pennee, 'Also $7,500 in Ohio, and amply se cured by real , estate in Philadel "phi& REAL ESTATE. Pthehased at Sheriff's Sales, under . inorlgage claims, viz: . • Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 ft. on the south west cornerof clies nut & Schuylkill Sixth sts. 'A house and lot, 33.3 by 100 feet, N 0.467. Chestnut st. 'A• house and lot, - 27 by 71 feet, on __North side of Spruce street, west of eleventh street. . • A house and lot. - 21-7 by 100 feet, on west side of PentiSquatv, south side of Nigh st. • ; Two hoilses and lots; each' 16 by . 80 feet, on the south side of Spr'e. street, near Schuylkill- Seventh street. Five houies and lots, each 19.9 by 90 feet., Nos. 131, 133, 135, 137 nntl-139 Dilwyn street. Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 ft., on east side - of Schuylkill Sixth street, south of Pine street. A lot of grcidnd, 17 by 57 fe - et on' the north east corner- of Schuyl kill FrontAs Spruce streets. --- A house and lot ; 18,by 106 feet, on south side of Filbert street, west of Schuylkill Seventh street.. Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the south east-corner-of Chesnut and Beach streets. • Five:houses and lot, 42 by 86 feet • on the north side of George street west of Ashton street. Seveh houses and lot, 26 by 117 ft. on the east side of Beach street, south of Chesnut street . A house and lot, 18 by 80, No.pc, Fitzwater street, east of Ninth street. ' ' 11-1 y L9ANS. - -- - Temporary Loans, ob collateral securities, amply secured, $10,0(10 Alms House Loan, 5 per cent. (interest on.) 280 shares Bank of Kentucky, I 7 do North. Bank of ken 100 do Union Bk. of Teo. I 9 do Insurance company of state of Penn. s 200 do Southwark Itailroadrg Company. (#3 ` 37 do Commercial & Rail.' Road Bk. of Vicks burg: 300 do Penn. Railroad Co., yTd 91 do Franlen Fire Insuran'e LO do Mercantile Library Co do. Union Canal Co. ¶-4w 90 do N. Amcr'n Coal Co., $5OO NM th 'A mien Coal Loan Cash on hand, . $31,652,6 In hands of Agents 12,311,31 a 5.14.3 111 , ....1.1V ft Unsettled Policies, Merchandise, • $1,209,929,99 By order of the Board., CHARLES N. RANCHER, President. Attest—Camila:a G. I:l4:NexEn, Secretary. January 31. All porsons appointed as Guardians of minor children art referred to the folloWing Act of Assembly to wit: • "g,very such Guardian, whether required. "by the Court to give.security pr not, shall "at leastionee . in every three:years, and at "any other time when required by the,court "render an Account of the .magagement, of "the minors property, under his care, ivhich "account shall be filed in the Office of the "Cleric of the Orphans'.-Couri, for the infor "motion of the court, and• the inspection •of "all parties concerned." • • . . All those Guardians who have negleated, to file their Accounts as required by ..the above Act of Assembly; will do welrtOqaii,fc the matter in consideration and file . gteii; . ge• counts forthwith. D. LA.WALL;• , Clerk of the Orphans Ciurt ofLehigh Janutry . IQ., "~ • •••• • ••• 11 .'...•:14.0.*(0.4)4 . :!4::; • The undersigned takes theiiberti Af forming his friends and , etistoiners tUt 'he removed his Store; from No. 24 Nei1111 7 .4 St. TO NO. 140 MARKET STREET, between 4 and 56; where he hasr•sale, at verylo - 13liges,lin extensive ailment of in Giitigglihotian3r,ziallPo Frames,• well riclapied to %terktlierSoutfeel'n and West ern ;- • Larg'Fench Platgyl itrrors framed to or der, of afikiire . d•StVe, either plain or rich.. ly ornamenledSl • Toilet n td, Swing Glasses in great 'varieti; . Gli Fancy Wood Por trait and pictbre'. Frames, also Common Frames w ithout Glasses: • ~ , Lookiniglitssfiates by theboi;inkles;4llloltlllis. ALSO FOR SALE, - Brass and Gilt Curtain CorilicOs:Vid"Or naments, Brass'Andironeind-Fenderi,lgho vele and .Tongues and Stenlarde,,Fine_ Go thic Tea Trays and Wisitelli; IvorY , :tind• Self Tip 110ddle Knives itnaii!orkii,'in setts and dozens, , Fine , ' plated on. , :German Silver Spbons, Forks and Butter Knivestrine and Common Britutrinii Were Plated Cast ors, Candleiticks. Cake , Baskets, SnufferiCand • A generit assorfrinist of Clocks 'for Sale: 113"Loolang.glptises)ikiiked in. the eafe.st: manneii i ittid mquAdd•aguipitbreaWgre: • December, 4 • . I==== . STOCKS Company Notice to Guaidian,s. == ;*,* SellintfoiNtkfitstttstV . t 1 'GrOt:::nargiffosz.?; . i Great bargains gie s tiiiiidtered - to the pub FraV datoistitit io at,thOetore of fAii.„Ar , t , Of tilikkadi of F or eign' andliotnestie'Pry ; t : he is desirouCsd. r selling out' 'Cita of goods and' confine hhoself to whole- OlineeCclusilely. ' He offers all. his . eutt goods at cost which , are all new and season able, and consists ;of Cloths, Cashmeres, Sattinets, ar.d Yetings. Also all kinds of Cashmeres, Alpacttsc Coburg Cloths, Mous- Jin de laines,.Mohaireloths, Merinos, Cal', goes, &e., &e.; he also has.on .hand a splen.. did• ascortrognt of shawls-and-a large:Jot of jewelry, Violins, Accordions, &c,, &ci Per sons in want of ;goods are ,requested to andexamine before purchasing elsewhere, as these goods must be add out before the .Ist of April. • ; • . , He, intends making large additions,to his wholsaleing goods and will supply thecoun try Merchants= heretofore with all kindsef Yankeey.Nofions. He his.just received a -large fat of -Red Ends Violin' ,strings and should be happy to fill any orders. that may be sent to him W.M. S. WEIL. January, 10. $955,058 62 . ..* Pure' Fresh Cod Liver Oil. This new and valuable - Medicine ' now Used - WY thaid - edical profi - !. - sSion wid; such astonishing efficacy in the cure of pulnione consumption, scrdtda, chronic rheuma turn, gout, general debility, complaints of the kinileys 4.c., is prepared from the liver ofthe cod fish for medicinal use, ex pressly- for our sales. • (Extract from tile London Mcdiial Journal.) • • ..0. J. B. Williams, Mr, D., F. R. S., Professor of Medicine in University College, Landon, Consalting'Physicians to the-lies pital for consumption, Sze., says ; I have prescribed. the-Oil in the above four ,hun dred cases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have' been u n der my care the last - two years and n half. In the large number of ''cases, 209, out'of 234, itp ,use,"was followed by ,marked and . uneqpi vocil improvement, varying in degree in - difibretit cases from a temporary retardation of theprogress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptoes, up to a more or less complete restoration to ap parent health. "The effect of Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the_ pulse became glower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally improved. • "In conclusion, I repeat, that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, mediciaal, dietetic or regimenal, that'has yet been em ployed." • ./Is we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod _liver Oil, fresh from .head ayart it can now be had chimieally pure en each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced numer ous spurious imitations. As its success de: pends entirely on its purity, too much care cannot be used procuring it genuine: - - Every bottle having on it., our ivritten signature, may be depended upon_ "as genu ine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notice of it roni Medical Journals, will be sent te those' Who address use free of At Cost 90,077 78 63,290,77 At Coat $ 50 899 00 0,000,20 1,190,23 413,134 JOUN C. BAKER & CO„ Wholesale Druggists and,ChendiSts;No.loo North third street, Phil6del.phia.' Oct., 1I Hart's Gold Paint. An entire new articld, used for; the pur pose of gilding Signs, reguilding.Look ing- Glasses, writing visiting cards, &c., to be used IVithAiiill pen, for wiiting, or a pen cil-b.rush fe'rgilding, to be burnished with a piecp.o( smoothivoryi or agate..,' It will re tain its color' for years In being exposed to weather, being . already sized. It can be Alone in a short time, and at a saving of more than one half over the gold leaf gilding. Thu article can be had 'at J. B. Moser's, Apothecary Store, who is•the sole Agentlor R. F 4. H 'AR No. 75. John Street New:York, September 7. tiZZ=MMMM OLO . O IC STORE. No. 288 Illarkeat., above Tth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. „I; Although we can scarcely estimate the val e° of TIME commercially, yet by calling nt the above Establishment, James Barber will furnish his friends, among whom•he includes all who duly appreciate us, fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for making its progress, of 'whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on '•. hand, constantly changing in conformity to the improyements in taste and style of laattern and ship,, consist of Eight-day and Thirty-hoar Brawls Counting House, Parlor, Ball; Church and ."11cirm Clocks, .Fl.encli, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as. plain, which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufactures he finds he can ':put 'at the lowest cash figure in any quantity from' one to a thbueand, or which he will warrant the accuracy. ' nrClocks repaired flaw:antra - ed. Clock trimmings on hand. • \i all'and see = amongthem. Bittnnn f 231! 'Werke! St. Augusi,3o 11346. 4117-Iy-8 Washington Printing)Press , F0R, , ,8 .LE. A Superior iron printing press. Washing ton's patent, with al-bed 22 by .84 inches, in finitlabPorder, for sale at this officsoon as ntanwtoditifng terms.—Adkoss A. L. Ruhe, Irll9,- - 1 .,‘ itWrtoi6nle. an ors : eptirelnewStock'olOroOries, 3111 1 ; :0.11 such asCoffee r Sugar, Tea, hoeolate, MolasSes, Honey, SidCriih, Oil, Soda, Dye-Stufls, Spices of f ill kinds. • ' /. 4LSO a large assortment of • , I :LOOKING GL3SS.E4, Baskets, Yerit here and Liv erpool !Ira Earthenwarc,, and a large assort ment ef ;Other , articles genertdly kept in storesoAl of - which shall be sold at an unu sual low price. ,• . •,. __Como and judge tor yourselves, bring ei ther your 'Cash or your Produce, neither will be Icfused. METRZ & LA1613: 20. • — llw. Dec, • • The Largest, Most Fashionable And Cheapest Stock of. BOOTS, SHOES HATS • and -Caps,-, ''IN 'LEHIGH COUNTY. The undersigned would.sespeetfully the attention of the public, toWeir very ex tensive and fashionable Stock of Mens and Boys, I Kip,Calf and iVlo . rocco • ,411116., ROOTS - AND Shoes, ALSO.—A gen eral assortment of all kinds of • IMTS .BIND C.dPS, which they are determined to sell cheaper than any other establishment in Lehigh county. Their stock consists of every. variety of Women's Kid, Morocco, and Calf Skin Shoes,.Gaiters and Slippers, Boys and Men's fine and coarse Boots and :Shoes. Children shoes of every desiription, Gum •Boots and Shoes, Call and see at the old stand, one door west of Saeger's Hardware Store. LOCIIMAN & BRO. - s.—.4w Oct: 25. BRING' OUT THE BIG GUN ! The Victory is Gained! • THE PEOPLE TRIUMPHANT] !! Citizens of Allentown and vicinity who are in want of the best quality of Fresh ,Groceries l . are particularly invited to call at Depew's Family .Grocery Store, where they will find the best selected stock of Fumily Groceries, Liquors, and a large variety of Fancy. Goods, all of which will 'be sold at the lowest CASE! prices. - C. I. DEPEW. Nov. 29. t--4w PERFUMERY.. TL T A I t.t_n nr.4 timed to hts new ana splendid assortment of'fashionable PERFE(ERY lately received, all of, which are from the fashionable Perfumery establishments of ROUSEL'S AND HOVEL'S in Philadelphia, and will be sold cheaper than they can be bought in. the city. ['Remember the place, C. L DEPEW'S Family Grocery and Variety Store. November 29. $- 2 14W I Paper Hangings l e TIIE • Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse , Afn Philadelphia, Is in SIXTH STREET; one door below Race, where purchasers and dealers can se lect from New Style Gold and Satin' Pail& for parlors, with Velvet and Gold Sdollop . rd Borders, as well as Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din ingrroom wall papers, which will compete in stile and quality, with any in Philadel phia; orittiy, , other city in,thesUnited States, and-at:al ay' of-25 per .cent.. ' • • WM. It PATTON, Manufacturer of Wall& Curtain Papers, Nei,.o:r•Niirtfi4ltkit I door below Race, Deceinber, Oth , • . • -Om=O~ Orandreth'S pals ? FOR THE CURE OF : 6oniumption, Cou;qlth,•Vq(l.4;:4-c., • TO THE runtitc !! • THOSE who. are suffering 'from remit ting or Inteiniitting Bilious Complaints, should read the following, and be guided thereby ' , •••-• Cause of Pain.—Pain is tho consequence of, the exertion of the organ pr.part where it is present to Ihrow, oil morbid or corrupt hu mors„for no pain can .exist but from thaPre sence of those, mattora, which are ,of an un _character.. , Whqn" the 'have pain in the head, in the bowels; or , .in any other part of the body, it only proves the presence of matters which'the. blood 11 trying to re iriorph and 4: is' this istruggle w hi ch ; is the cic widen ,Of,pain. To be bled, removes the anguish in p roportion as , the'amount of life. is reduced, and the same may b said of all lnlling,or soothing reinedie,s. Not so with Brandreth's Pills they at, once go to the assistance of the blood in ; aiding it to discharge bad humeri, to conquer the Death Principle. To relieve pain in this way does. not leave any bad effects, The ;Life Principle ie not reduced,, nor are the teeth destroyetli but all the organsdre cleansed , and their health insured. 1 . , , arThe above. Pills are for .sale ; by the dozen or ' single boic'd the - Register Office' in Allentown: , ,• JOB PRINTIMIS4,k; Neatly executed at the .411egiateiflieci., 16, , Cap.d , Cap-Stoter Hamilton' IStricrneartif 4 . 4 1 64 ± • '‘; niikfta Tafies't is method ioinfiirra.hic friends .ands,ustigne,rs,,l Oat he ,40/1, continu the . 14atrnaking and Cap busiriess, and keeps ‘`Curtstiketly op hand, a,•large,assertment the nibs% fashionable, Beaver, /Vutre, Nusaia; ;Silk-and .IVaiyieirHaes: ioAtch he the lowest Aricer : also 7 —alprge . assortment' - 01'111e4s,:l!aus ' „ anti 01sqdretzer Caps , at vcrp rethiced przces. He is likewise prepared to manufactUre . to order Hats at the shortest possible,noticc,' Thankful for paSt . fayors he hope's' to en - jey a continuance ,of patrorittge, as he feels confident that his' Hats; fully recommend themselves. ' " (Such who are indebted to him for some length of tithe, will please reccillect; that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expetted will not be neglected. 'Nov. 9. ' ' 1111111.11b1:11;4' :t • A new House. and at new Landlord. - The subscriber re - - 4, spectfully informs his 7 r. 1.. -friends-tind-the-public tn.. generally, that he has • taken' the newly. erec ' 11111!II ted three story brick L I CLL III -- - :- 4, t ,3,,L tavern . of Jesse Grim, at the northwest 'corner of. Mitrket'Square, in the borough of Allentown, called THE E.da Le HOTEL. ' Th 6 House is known as one of the most spacious and convenient in the State—none more so out of Philadelphia--and contains 44 rooms. He therefore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily-all who may favor him with a call. His TABLE shall at all times be supplied with the best the season and the Markets afford, and the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors. - The Beds and Bedding, together with all his furniture being entirely new, the pat rons of this house may !rely upon finding thoSe two - great essantialscleanliness.and coinfort. • - The Stabling is large and commodious, and as ho will have none but kind and attentive Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro per entertainment of thd House as well as his master. • In short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expenSe to keep his house in the best man ,n 6., and he therefore re spectfal 13r invites the publiC togive him a call. re - BOARDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms,' and as the rooms are spaci ous and well adapted to their Wants, they can be accommodated in a satisfaCtory than ner. Families from town or country ac commodated With,Boarding. • " ELI STECKEL. AllentoWn, May 18:19.- • ¶—tb ettsig X. 040 (Corrected Weekly from Bicknell'B,VOnCoures and Thorppavii'a Detector.) Ilk of N America par Bk of Pennsylv. gar Bank of Commerce - late Moyamensing par Bk of N Liberties par Bk oPPenn Towns. par Farmers & Mechan.par Kensington :par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par. Girard par Philadelphia , par Schuylkill - par Southwark par ,Western par. Commercial Bank „. _of Pennsylv.. par Bk of the U States 25. COUNII T 11: „"ANKB. . . Bk of Chambersburr, I Blt of Gettysburg'' 1 Bk of,Pittsbitrg - Bk of Susq. County 75 Bk of Chester Co. par Bk of Germantown par Ilk of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown I Bk Moniy,.. Co. par Bli of Nordiumberi .oar Columbia Bank & - Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank • I Doylestown Bank par ,Easto*.ttank par E:tohanke, Bank' Fariners4rw Drs, . • Franrclin,Banie:44A.l FirtrysMinit'Att.: t .bucks: County par Farmers Bank.of Lancaster. .[••• ' Farniers Blink of Reading . par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill col , •par garrisburg Bank, -: '1 licinesdale Bank 1 batfeaster Bank Par Lancaster Co. Bank Lebanon . Bank': ' ' ;f Lehigh Cis..Bank 450 . Lehigh Navigation. Script. • 10 Miners ;lank of, Pottaville par , Bierctitinik &Metier. Bank, Pittaburg.: Monongahele . Bank, Brournsrillt,.'l Tayl srsville Bel. Bridge Campany, 60 West Branch Bank, WyomingMank,,„ ; , York Bank, 1: ,NEW JERSEY. i * 1 Belvidere Dank Burlington County Commercial Oink • # Cumbirland Bank - par Farmers Oink _par Fattnerti &Mahan ics Bankatahway Farmers & Merchants I Bank; Mid. Point, Milfris County bank # (0-The notes on all B -(A.) - aniriteit purchabed I= Mechanics bank of Newark 'Mechanics bank at Burlington par Mechanics &Map ufacturers bank , par Newark, banking & Ins, Company New Hope & Dela ware Br. Comp. failed Orange bank • Peoples bank Plainfield 'bank, : Princeton bank 'par Salem banlcing, Co, par State,bank at Blau , ketlitown, Newark, Canideri,N.Bruns- I = wick, par Isitssex batik • '• liniOn-bank Trenton blink; co. par Yardlerille bridge coin any-. :• . •25 DELAWARE: • The'Banks of the state of Delaware are all at ,par.,,i , „-; NEW • YORK. New tYork City bks Chelsea bank 80 Clinton : bank • 50 Commercial bank In Lafaygue hank 50 Washibgion bank 70 Cnitier, sr B , ATiK.B. Alleghany, county - bank„, 70 Bank orAzne'rica'' 35 do*-• of CoMmeree 40 do of Brockport 35 •do of Lodi 25 of (neap , 35 do of Tonawanda 50 de”' of Lyons, 21, da''',of, Western New' York 30 'l3ifightimpton bank 40 Canal ; bank: Cattaraugus county • ;,.. 35 Erie'CoMity bank, . do' Faimeis 4vProyiers bank tAt., 'I 5 Farmers baph of 8e- • , necat:cotiuty,' ii; , 410 Hami him bank,. 30 Lexvii.Comnty. bank 60 Mechanics bank:at 48 ..061fa,10 46 MeOcliatitgblilikßatlhld',Al 40 Millets bank Oc'NeW: York •t. '.•••f, "10 Oswego bitnki'• , l Phenix banks Staten. Islapd ban k 1,50 • fitate4k4Fhprtor, 80 litt.tawrence'bank 75 Union hafik r , ; 25 :ttniteldstatnakiiik' N. l YOrte bilk* O. 70 Tenth Wark bank, 25' White Plihis'bank 5 atpAll otherbanks , mentioned in the above list are from It!, 2 per cent discount: ks marked with a dash by the broker, • 11 , SIfit.T ,- Ail 116 I A,L 0 .1. b ini o iriorirt i k i .! . :, t , ,1101 NE ' CO," : A 1 , 4 14 1 0 / * . it, , C ‘ F i tf )43.1:1 5 1i A /4 4 111 NK.- 19 7: / I.* T near V I I ,Wci , rfel.• '1 I -, i •, , • •• Director/ : . ,- '• Clitlh os . liincicer, , Geo.*. / ttichnids, Tb, .4 t's, . . MordtV: Lewig. Irtt lik i i it itYP'; : ''' Adolpl, Et i3orie, SciMgel. intiti' ' : , David 13. ialrown; Jiic6 It'llSiirtth, ,* , Morris Patterson, COAIVINTA - to make Institirme, permanent and limited, od ivery description Of propetty r in town and country, at rates as low as are consis tent with securi , ty. ' The Company have reserved a large Cimtine gent Fund, which With their Capital and Premi ums, safely invested, alFord ample protection tcr the assured. , The assets or the owiipany, on: January 1 1'...t r 1844, sisti)riblislied aVsteentily tit i an Act of As-- sembly, were , as follows,lritt ....Mortgages, ..........,.$89056118 , 65. .. Real,Estiitg,..,. `.-iii, ArAliptika?kl4 'temporary'temporaryLbans, 205',4571 0 itlitoglrs, fri le ),, ~ 4 ,‘' ,15,151110151 4, 1 i. 1 ... ' ' Cash, dec.; t` .1 " ' 40,581 87) ' t incorporation, a_peeiod cighteer, years, . they have paid upwalls of. ime lo f t, two A tirtand thiturcnad dotkrol,losSei byfil'e, 4 there= by affording evidence of the advnotages of insu rance, as well as the ability•and ilisposition to. meet with promptness,.all • CHARLES N. BANCKER,Tiesident _CIIIARLES G. BANCKER,'Sdek i ' •• • ~. • The Subscribers are the appointedrAgents of the above mentioned Institution, and - are now prepared to make insurances oh' every descriP tion•of property, at the lowest rates. • ••' AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown,. C. F. BLECK, 13ethleh m. • Allentown, June 13, 1848. • .• ilk-. 4 3r • G. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED TnE MOST Remarkable External App&catkin ever . . Facts are Stbbora ;Thlilis WHAT HAS' SEEN DONE CAN BO DONE ..ttOALN. . Ignorance of facts and philosophy;, however, start et the assertion that any one , reietly, can possess xVithin the virtue: of euriug•inany diseases'. Eiperience'orrnore thint fourteen'years has nevertheless established, the. fact that,•Merch ant's celebrated Gargling Oil; or Universil.Fam ily Embrocation, wita. Cnys, and re lieve all such as Spaerins,Sweeny, Binghone, Poll Evil, Callous; Cracked &els, Galls ofall kinds, Fresh - woume7,- .urrains, - Braises. Straini • lnnesals„ . Sand Craiihs,'Pliundered," Peet; Scratches or Greese,"lllatikey Itheunia . limn,. Bites of. Animals. . Faternitlaisons„ Painful Nervous- Affections, ;Frost Boihr.Cornsi,Wlsilkau4 Burnsind Scalds. • Ch'ilblains;';Chaliped llcindsCrinops, Contradionofthe • Weekness of -` the ; Cakecl ! . • Breasts. AT.;-4A, 464 . .. Tile , celebrated Dact:,'Parkee,pl;io writes as follows:--.11ear Sir:l have picerfficdynurGarg ling Clii in:relines - cases of • ~ • Po:dated Stergel.:. . . , • 1 as a Jinfment, with marked success ; and.would commend it to phYsicraf generally for external use ill nil COgillllloll94lllVll:3opra,intS*llilearill ings, and in all rlitimatie airectnini_Ytete,exter. toil tneene.iire' necesiliry....Aia disCutentit is liartnleis'where thr febrile AftnPlciirti g harebeen reduced` - by general treattnent.-;lnsneh:"cases it is •ffic most efficient remedy' within the cliclifof means now. ip.use. • , ~. ~ . • , ~ ' 'I 1 t`' lA' I,stpuld also recomment t o cora niut y-,,st large. as,..n:,itafe' and PowerfUl','''reriieily• where there-A:nit general fever in all thenifittoe•disees es ter.be• Used freely and to,counteractiallarlation in'a•reuffirkable manner. 'sin brafsed•WOnds it prevents Swelling and consequent; soreness' in hot weedier: ', ' . - ••T .• ~, - ? 4 ' s From the peculiar nature of this;t6il and , the unparalleled•succesl.it lias met woiii eihapd,, 41 , „,,ihe„,, :,.. 'a r . .: - ..'' i ' ',.' 4,4 Y' Farriir;Farmer.and - blakil•roprieti*. it is bnrjostice to say, that of the great number of niedioin* which have been uffeted,nonettlive • been,so well:adapted to, the prOmpt ,curq, oldie eases ; to which horses. are liable ; ,itluts', been very justly called a complete 1 1 sruces. rot' Tug. H ouse. 'ror instance read the , r ffillo'ntlng:. : '. • , ' ' ' " To Owners ry. Horses. :. n, •. c • This may certify that ,I have nad for many yetirs.., the care of from 100 to 200 Horses and; having. made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil ,for 2 : years past and can safely say, that for all the dis- . eases that horses are ;liable to, I, never saw. its. equal.' I use about •one bottle per month, and, recommend it to the public, as the best medicine : for'Rotdesinow in use. i '.! r D.iD MINOR. , • • ` '.. :t •ratition lo 'Pierehasersi i I 4 • .Beware..OFQOUNTERFRO/Ilf rind be surethe. name of the :Sole .Proprfeler (IEO.' i!*IPRPHi-• ANT, Lockport, N.Y., tiblevrii - .16 the'aide . ,Of • the bottle, in hiP hand : u;rlring,ervie theibrlr. boat tie persuaded to• take anything elsCiiitik, the promise:it Is just as good Actsallris t iifOtez... 'lied by those unprincipled 'dealerkhateau... science willsiretch like , lodie'RUP, PO' '. ) 10, • are orattltihdiedt.ipithaof 'Woe , . fit ' 7 . `e.. . . . " citiga,. whose, : nefarious, primate . h ~ii. tto; Gently ' beep exposed to the action }f 0 , „ 1 3.!. - ' All orders addreised'ip.the propel! o' 43 11114.. , ProultiPi:ieilOuded 10.' 3 ' ..;:'' vii, 05,0k . ,, , e , , , t , Getwpatophiee.OfithiAtentoail:4 age ~,what, iv oodertilare, accompilehed,fiyAllt Red: pt his. medicine..; 1 *, • `, , q, , ,r , ,,...' .1. , .ir Sold by: respectable dealers gait e ril If It , the Caked Otales :tad Ointida:'eAlso by Shaba Rau: Rithlehhin; Poinit l ec.Kiniiri'Datitaaill:P.• Puf fin; w ai t ' .Easton 4eteiliamitso4.o44lllWn .0. Fratlel, Oeiv4sbirg:i.4P:RtigtigAellk AO' e l , a11te,,M.14... ~cpey,:Nortketeberlau'd;D:xJ: - Imo -' tell, Itlifteit' - : enry.Maisie,Didlia)Y.lL l O.4 l o l 4 -14„ . In e , lec 'Alletir4alii , ;660403011Ifiktiii;lAffilliAn" , • o..Watkoßinititliburiea./liels 1400* iet , liu•WinftUnlitikAlr. i SiekiiOteelttlf.i DA et* AtltertSAollMWSlppg..3cdford,a •.:51. ii: 1 It Chalfonte 4k . llettlesq/ 1 41 111 e* r . '.• Malluh ,.l '.C ll ol ol A , VTur,!,,i l, ',Moat ~± ,it. fi n. JoiteslidflieswOOlvdettifpoll.4l6 . l4#l4oPrW: deAteetliviMa46 - 014.4XiteavOiNliebeite - ovr, ... 14 iTey.104,0,0yjPt11e,,n,....P., 1 1.4 , . kii6,.&,.. Tredgh &Jinni. :I:mereoe . .„•A t ; MM.; , hre l y;T,likeeliti.,':' , ,gul*h- , "fegtl/... ' tittlzZitelt # ehi' 2 ' ....' 'i :1 ..,, ,0 .. i.;:,:e . Metember i 3. „' , .;11. - . 1 1 - 1':/.14A-Ar • ei . • .... ''.....1•4:4(:-..t.' • 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers