~._ ~.....: t. .... .7 6, 5eu , , , :.•55z1:.5 , , F .'`;' : --"'- • 11 . 11 ., •-. 7 . ,y 4 -,,, '4 -. , - L: .... ~ '',- it l ," '-' 4);. €irtli° 1 1- dege -At ' ii. , •‘' . . 0 k; 1 ) atiort.. i '', !. W , ', ‘ '..tiiilt‘• • i' , ...: • '! . ...iiii : olftOlVlV"iiiiiiiiiz;ky4sll4lr;Mi; •;:illeks l 4 . 2 -114 4; tkl Mliji Aktf inei, - iriii•!)M , '?(i : 1 OM! *.i),Jli :').-.--,-,:, - looiiiiriifi "%orittidwit \,-byfiirakv:Aly,., fa „zeilopAtiv toteilf*lo6ftttiV.Vilitw ~SltiC •vith •BAMI bbio 01'Ljtii).t.*49nliY*:,*: ', 'k4itthirarime fink;-:bilhe Itir:MicQeritino klir;!,,,F.Witini Dicjelidei:fer,rtO Mhts'2l , „firritt• . :44 . 4"tederiehi big') of bower Mactinit,i6'. , oii'thegth; 61 . Feb. by thi OtioeNfr..llesii letv•Un't.Yirrike . Siur. or Vpolet. Milford. to 190 / 4/itafi:ife '.4)ti ilangtenr Iferford, Beiki 6 Akifr;' , ' '." ' • • ' "'' '. . 4 i -1 k ..- itire 04: erfetrittlYki by the. Rev, . Mr Rolf, ha 0.( 4 ,. Graft; to Ar t ims .Si'. 1 _ t. , , rittnti lilt Ile; h' ef utxtown, , - I .... . .. r • itarc,,--_____________, r --a SaILE ' 7 Valttab e'.. 4Personal Property Will be sold at:public sale, on Friday, the tr-d.daY or t'f:bru ary next, at lOo'clook itt . theforenooti, J at the public house of WI!!- 446q11 .Derr, in' Allentown, the following.per ,4!3cinal property, to wit: • : ' - .41. , three. spring.one horse pedler Wagon, with suitable body:a one horse furin wagon with licaly;-'tvlieelharlow, cutting•iioN, v oile horse Sleigh, grain chest; grass scythee,.n 'set of one horse harness, row, hay and Ina: inure forks. potatoes by the bushel. Also, 'the following variety of Household furni ture, to wit; 12 beds; with bedsteads, drawers, dining, breiiliftts.t, and other tables, Chair& chests, desks, , Avas h-stands, one coal; And two wood stoves with pi pe, cupboard, one . 8 pay, and two 2-1 hour cletka,.4.sett;'ofipittires. con taining 'or the preSidenti, • benches, tubs, stfittners, a large lot of pipes, barrels; and smaller casks, kin's, decanters, pitchers, mugs, .and 'O - Oise& the shelving , groce ry= !boxes; and counter of a store-room, a large ::vale, looking glasses, a large . kitchensafe, with fopr shelves, - boxes, cant inPnd,sidelamps',- - IlOur and -*god cliest, IWides a large variety 'pf. other house itnd "hiiihen'fitiniture, too,numerous to mention. rV'The.7.conditions will be made known •-tin. Ow.day::of sale and duenttendance given by Al DEMI. Allentown, Jan. 17. If —9a• OM , Mallet tt% new'St( re' Stand; in the • MB 11 2 story brick building, lately put'up 11 " the subscriber, in the village of Cam- Satulua„ Ilapover . tsp„ Lehigh . county. The Store4ronth %fleet front by 40 feet deep, tditlt cellar, and the second story of the - mine dimensions. • It is situated on the corner of 3lnin...st., and a public alley; and . well Calculated to do a large business. A man. with family Can be supplied with sqllicient room, if regnired, and a single man can haitt;boa Ming, washing and lodging in the sante bitildittg. The rent is moderate. • The-Store-room teal be shelved and court• itiiinP,retidy.to be enter...d. ore titti Ist of.4pril twit'. further particulars apply'to the 'Undersigned. JESSE KNAUSS. „Faint:lry 2.1. 1:-4w PUBLIC SALE. Will•be sold at Public. Sale, on Thurs •day the 2lstof Februnts,:nest. 'on the farm -of the undersigned in South Whitehall tsp., :.Lehigh county, at 10 °cluck. in the forenoon, .11in , following Personal Property, to wit : - • Four liorsesi, and a good breeding, mare,, 'lt two year and a' one . year colt, inirness for :live horses, six mac:cows, some of which are neeonshire, two one.year au perierbreed English Sheep; thrashing ma •chine;:leinnotelpg. mill, wood :sled, a, first rate broad wbeelid four horse wagon, also another four horse wagon. three horse wa gon. two wagon bodies, and it large yitrie ofother fnrming utensils.* numerous to . . rrThe conditions will be - inade known on itie'day of sale •and due 'attendance giv en•bk -• • ••-.'• JESSE KNAUSS. Jan: 2f :.1(-4«. 0 Yes ! 0 The subscribirresiling at ; deisitteri i Coopersburg Upper %neon town ship Lehigh 'county. respectfully ()Mrs his services. as Venilue. Crier. He flatters himself with the fict of hav ing had considerable experience in the bus iness & assures those who may see fit to em ploy him, that he can make full satisfaction. His charges will be motlerate. , , • ROBERT A:to: COMA'. Upper Sancon, Jan. 3,1. WHITESWAN HOTEL • I litaCje - &tree... 'l'he Undersigned respectfully, informs his friends and:, tlie,Ptiblid genernl, that he has lately• l liik4 the • White - Swan Ilotel, in Raceliltitiet, Philadelphia, (formerly, lcePt • by Jacpliiraterai) • . "' ' , The Swam Hotel, link undergone complete pirw, stands , second to none in ihe Fify inpaip'ef.style.and tic.; commoiltdion.. • lbe - 1 •1 6, 8LF, °H P' . Vied with' the;besOliU,:sekisott afford the, BAR witht:thii'lloicest, of Lifittais, and IlaroMpt and ,obligiag-pervanti. liiikteiv .4431 private •parloro, in 0 .t4v .: rlic9 4 o l l‘ 9. families.. ho; may deem: proper, tvOlitim with their' customl'' • 1 4 44)!344e}y1~ tt L : • tuition da . sparo I ' 3 ma" tr,;itliconeirii,gent - toltiitOilituNrivrig; ,,,; 00114finit , bwin • 'Xitleadartsg; 41'w k om is e o•ll.-441...:1• , • v S Y labaettlitisttentietuffsk Om 114toine is, 36 0 , ~vf 1 1 "tr41*„!,";;144 .oiVe.:l? r a l lgt a irf . ,bj, l :o u 4l ic 1 - • ", •,•• • itiiihideldditt..lkus.. JO, iss( . ..... - NscoNwsicuoipwr44Vorrtvracp,Ai.], , irl , r4t-....r.. • :4.•• it... - t, ,) , , , , r'. V.4% ,, , ,,, -4,- ~V r •4 - ...,Al6}, . j.•.../.<4.44•}A''..44*1;4.311. , • ; r .. M. ' ICH - OUN , , 1T TEMENT - 4t%`':. C le' 4.'' '',.:' t 'l•_‘ . ..- , -' , .. , i ir J r ..•..--4.-'‘ a ,!• ;- '4 l '".. i. l 1: :: :r , '.. i',4 1 , f4'4 4`4 3 4: : •', ..;,.,* j or Tjio \ Nef,s4tifit: - 0 t Using:) - 11kNfig PRI., ' ' 'l i r9sgKer or,tll4:oot t nt,S* Of I46ltigli,.lbtotifa'xetr porkiitiencing till 11i'llacit. c.ta.3t,'Of4o.lktitir'y 1849, 4114 ending tha first day , titJanttai%) .- 1850 'T.iiithifaSis in'eltidif.' 7 ' .' I lttreEPP fi rB. - • I - MEE `l'o bainne iii Mande t')ierAilditotillOport, 0.7,781 00 To loan teed ved:Air use of rtrc fbtrite r, a 1100 00. . . . , . foffallan Tti.xler. amount received from him in full or his ,dyillicote _ •of the c o u n ty tax for 18•18, . .. 489 • Abatement on his commission, ' • , 12 Bli Wm.-Woodring . ,•amount received • _ from Itim in full of his duplicat6 of the county tax Tor 1848. • - 126 81 Abatement on his commission, 132 90 259 74 Reutorm Ross o amount receiVed from.him in full of, his dupiicate of tlie county tp; for IS4, - 52 17 Abatement on his commission, 97 25 ~ Stephen Rex. Amount received of him.in fisli of his dtiplicate•-of 'the • county-inx , lor 18" • .• - 05 01 Abatement .im his commission 38 36 131 27 Charles E. 'Weiler, amount receiv ed of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for ISIS, - Abatement on his commission, 138 43 Daniel Hornig, amount received-of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for.lBlB, - - 47 99 Abatement on his" commission, 104 00 John Flexer, amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the county tux for 1848, • - 134 83 Abatement on his commission, 97 60 Jacob Shirer; amount received of him in full of his duplicate of the county tax for 1818, - 116 50 Abatement on his commission, 142 82 George amount received of .him.in•full of his duplicate of •the county tax for 1894, - - 105 97 •Abatement on his commission, 187 08 Jtisse M. Line, amount received of -him- in full-of -iris: d itplicate - of 'the county tax for 1848, - - Abatement on his commission, Jesse Al. Line, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tux fur 1819, - - - - - Jonas B. Kammerer, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - Evan Guth, ainalinLy. gseixelciftiin in fall . or tifiTi." - , ico.te'cor-v.uunty tax r 19, -141046 Abatement on his commission, - 176 0, John P. Ritter, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for - 1849, - - - - 058 00 9olomon Boehm, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1949, - - - - 878 32 Fleury Romig, amount received of him on • aceinint of - his duplicate of the county tax for 1819,•• - - - - 1210 00 Charles E. Roeder, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1819, - - • - 1490 00 John Ste ff en, amount received of him on ac- . count of his. duplicate of the county tax for ISI9, - • - - - - - 1396 60 John . Parringter, amount, received of on necimnt - of his. duplicate of the county tax for 1849, - - - - ' Abraharin lloth.-nitount received of him on account of his duOicate of .the county tux for 1849, - - - - es• • Aaron Donart, nmount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, -- - - - - Jonathan Werly;:amount ieccived of him on account of his duplietite,of the.tourity tax for 1849, - 220 00 Adam German, amount received of him on account of his duplicate of the county tax for 1840, - - - - - Moses Kuhns,' amount received of hini in ftill'af his duplicate of the • county lox for . 1849,..- • 43641 'Abatement on his commission, .'.5925 . • ' -- 475 59 Jacob Shiro-. amount received of him on ac count of his duplicate of the county tax for 1849, • - - . , _ 1114 d 9 fhilip. Strauss, amount received of him he - ing,countk tax exonerated and sincere covered, - - - J. D,Lat ahl arhountrceet% ed of 1t , lin en ,•nri( l, i ol : o, tlQ 4 ra , - - - • Clinifes".teheiti amount , received'.of:iiim being dividents on' water'stock; '4' • •JO 00 Estnto of John B:'Haar,' , Etionnv'teteived fees, - ; • • fuo Fy 044140 ninoti rcFfived pr 11km, :for F - 11 'l' • Ti r'' fl • Duni& Wats/amount recei,io,,o(hlrn: for • obi lurribetto,lo, ,t !I? lIIIIIIIIMINIIIII 1i4 . ''QP7 ! ,i'44'0, , .. EM 4 11 38 Hi 97 TAXES or 1819 .' ill ~ ‘llll , ',' • $23,2401-01 I. C 1 1 ) kt orders of ttio co u nty. commissionyrs, • lb Wit; • • • - ' COURT EXPENSES. , . Ainount paid to Grand Jtirors, - - - to Petit Jurors, - - • " to Court Crye.r, ' - ". to . Conitaliles and 'l'ilistaVes, " to Conunonwealtles " to Clerk of (ivarter Sessions, - ..17U6'40 • LOANS AND INTEREST. ' • • • Amount paid on account of Loans, due by the County, 2160 00' . " of Interest paid on Wan's, -, '' '- '- - 801 12 4 • .. .. , ' I. - 3,621 12 . POOR HOUSE Aniounf•paidvn warrantidtawn by the Directors, • , _ A LLENTO WN ACA DEM Y.' Amount; apprrpriated - br . thif Grand Jury, paid to the Treasurer ibe Academy; - - - • , ELECTION EXPENSES: Amount paid Coriatables and - Others for their attendance at P.lec tions, - - . 140 42 ASSESSMENT EXPENSES Amount of salary paid to assessors, : - . - 310 2. , 3 r PRINTING. • ' • ."; Amount paid Guth; - "Young - t% Trexler fur advertising,.. 64 00 " Rafferty 4 Flannum for Printing and 13Ianks, .• . Blamer, Bush & Co., advertising, - James Wilson, Gl A. L. Rube, advertising & Blanks, 303 94 STATIONA Rl'. Amount paid Hielipck and Barret, (Dochets for County otlices,). - - - - Hogan & Thompson, for Blumer, Bush & Co:, for Blanks, &.c Gustavus Leishner, for binding, Estate of A. AL Pfenning, 212 59 COUNTY BRIDGES. Amount paid for building the Turnhole Bridge. - For repairing Bridges in Smith Whitehall township, GI in Millerstowii, 14.Mactingy, - - •• at Spring Creek, " ~ at Schmoyer's, 64 0 , at A ppels, in Salsburg, - 0 , the Andilone• Bridge, in Lynn, ".• Moser'S Bridge, in Lynn, Bridge near Germansville, 1 , Kunkle's Bridge in Washington, ~ Kern's 0 ,-- :- Jordan - Midge, tit Altetit*ti, 232 43 25:1:32 293 Oa 111 FOX SCALE'S Ainount paid for Fox scalps and fees, - 461 :15 INQUISITION FEES. Amount paid John Saeger for holding Inquisition, Jacob Zimmerman, David Shall, f t • John F. Halbach, 6, • " Peter _Snyder, • 66 " George Rex, 600 00 ABATEMENT OF COMMISSIONS. AMount paid Charles Peter, Washington tsp., for 184 bl, Amount Raid Jon.Trealer, Northampton tsp. foj Itl4B. AMount paid Sol. Fageh'UppftiMacungy tsp. for 1818, 132 91 Amount paid. John Saeger;Beidelherg tsp,, for 1848, 30 07 Amount paid Dan. Kohler, N.-Ytt hindiall tsp. for 1849, 142 75 Amount paid to Adam Smetzer, Salsburg tsp., for 1848. 97 61 Amount paid Charles Foster, Up. :Milford tsp. for 1848, 138 42 Amount paid Daniel W. Kistler, Lynn tsp;.for.l94B, 96 25 Amount paid to Daniel Leiby, Weisenburg 4sp.Jhr MIS; 44 SS Amount paid (Jeo. Ludwig, L. Macungy tsp., for 1848,, 165 00 Amou.nt paid J. Knerr, Lowhill tsp., for 1948, - . 32 03 4 Amount paid John T'roxell, S. Whitehall tsp., for 1849. '476q12 4 .. Amount paid Moses Kuntz, Washington tsp., for 1819, -89 23 1329 21 • 283 00 COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. Amount paid for scrubbing Court House, --, - “ for repairs of Court House lot, " for repairs of Jail. - - - - • , CONVICTS, Sc.',.. . . • Amount paid Sheriiilhrie for transporting two convicts to Philadelphia, Amount paid C. H. Martin for medicine and attendance to prisoners, - ' . • TAX REFUNDED. Amount 'Laid George Rex, county tax overpaid,' - T 64 " Peter Hans, " " i 2 00 777 17 AUDITORS. Amount paid Charles L, Newhurd and others, County Auditors, - . . , Amount, paid T. 13. witifliivStaiti Auditor, - • . . , •`,..IIII [ SCELLA.NEOLISPAPENSES. CharlesYoaift repittririg Truck Wagg,cn, Hofinum for Lumber, - - Peter. West for Coffin for a Prmper, 'Vetter & Weidner.Alerchrindize fur Jail, Thomas .13. •Wilson, Coal for Jail, - • - - Jacob Fluck, Charcoal for Jail, - Joseph Lehr, 1-laulinz.Coal, . Pretz, Guth & Co., Bill of Coal, - E. IL Newhard, Hardware, - Barber & Young, - Charles J. Hallbach, Wheel-barrow, &c., Chas. Denhard, Crowbar, &c., - -- - Elias Derr, Sledge Hanrer, - - - Eli'J. Saeger, swearing assessors, - - E. It. Newhard, Postage, • • - - - M. E. Hornbeck, 4 ' - - - - - Lewis Wolf, two wheelbarrows and blacksmith work, William P. Danowsky, for chemical investigations. George 13eisel, Horse and. Cart Hire, - ' Water. permit,. - - 0, & J. Sieger, Hardware for[two,years., - [Willoughby Fogel, Esq , for lay ing out State road from Tamaqua to Kutztown, ,• ''• COMMiOSIDN'ERS,OFFICE. Coratnissinnei*'serVicCi; dleilia Yearly salary;' Extra salary; 337 00 77800: 173 00 oo Ib4oo MM II 1107 AinountrreceiyeT,', • V 32,23 5 -3 7---- •• ' • Balliticiol last years refobit' (f: ,i 1 CJ,It.I I il f l,l 011:: ,4 A r• 1. • ~ , , d r „, • ' ,ttr; pal out 11. cheeks. I per cent. com. on receiviiii 4b paying: :I 884,070 48 • • %if 34Q 'TO:, Balance in binds cituri l iaitifer Jan 10850;.% 'l* 're! So012:41 E• • S if. A r 41=8.18Nift, BEI !. , 300 . awitTeßts. . , X28(150 , ' • - • - • , 150 Q 0 •' ' " ; • rit -‘ 150:00 IPP4StiIERS CPM4ia l 9O;•: , .=1 3 ,. • -4 7..1 , 040" /6" $31687 844 25 08 25 12607 '2Ol 90 129 5(1 - • 165 75 • 01 73 `6l 50 SO 75 71 0U do 25 50 138 50 31 77 7 50 5,573 80 5.177 9034 41 70 I 11 99 • 045 121.'03 4 33 5 62 1 00 1281 .. 20-00 21 :37 11 67 13 9(3 17 12 13 30 16 62 38 37 17 50 36 •12 39 55 50 00 2 50 • r r lam 3000 450 (4 75 37s 81 M M I . 4". 0 I , A Oei 0 0 00:4 0 ,. !M.14 .. 0 te . tf 4 l-I.t =le .141- 4 - .9, lzr gitt , r7 111 '=•:i 14 END •••.& = 37 d, El .3 3 " • 0- - E ; ,9 -Er3. . F L . 0 , *t: . - '•-•'.L._..."•••• • •• HO . ,107 fl 0.2 cr.° m• co 0 ° q, • •=-= P Cr P •-•• • P 'JI • (1 5 ul t r. • 0 in a , tzl,a g •••= • .-.•,=. 0 • g -45 g 0 S;0 = . ni. o l. CD CD, . 7 < • • P.' * - ; . C /0 'la. W 0.3 0 . 03 10 Cr , .4 C. 4 CI M . CI 01 /0"0 • 0:1 CI CI CC tO Vt GC el+ CI 0 0 00 00 da. CO fO D 7 CO tH C' IL.' CD 00 CM t .4.4 i 1.0 . 00 4. , CI ,4, 1 . 3,300 00 • • . r . _h ... . . , . .-,, . j ... .... . .., ... . G. G. 42 .4 GI .4 CO JA. 4O GO GO G. 1.3 CI r Go 43 .4 13 -1 43 -.I O 3 m G. .4 C..n .4 .—. GO .., G CI 44 CO GO •4 ...1 CO 0 CO 03 OC Cs CO 0 „, ...C1430000..G000430090.—. • ""CO G. Cil 0 C - I 0 .4 0 0 0 12 - 0 o'o 0',.., ',.., 300 00 460,15 UI R+ C. 4 1-+ .+ G% W Fit2t•-tiC70!..P.272C,)'D CO 0 .4 0 C . ) CO CI CL. V 4. et, Ca 4, Ca Q.l. Ca a.. -It 0 4:3G 75 We the undersigned Auditors of the county of Lehigh, and Stnte of Pennsylvti nia,'lle certify, that we hnve met and did au dit, settle and adjusi the foregoing account Of.Joslt ua flame, Esq., • Treasurer of said county, commencinginnuary, 1, 1819, anti ending December 31, .1850, both days in cludes'. That Said account as above stated,. iS — correct, and that we find a. balance in the hands of the said Joshua House, Treasurer, Of $3,672,57. Witness our hands this 6th day ofJanuary, 1819. 271 36 Approved jrnuary - :14 - 1850. - Pu'rna Bamsio, • J. LICIITENWALNEIL, Commissioners B. BIMINI°. 0. L. NEWHARD, GEO. BLANK, .4terS. J. K. CLIFTON, • Sliesl—JESSE M. LINE, Clerk. February 5. S-Iw. Financial ACC,onnt of Lehigh County. To Amount of Loans remaining 13,142 50 unpaid, on the Ist Jan. IS-19, - To Amount of Loans made du r, 1 600 00 ing the year 1519. ' . . 311 07 18 59 By amount of loans paid during ,700 00 - the year 1849, Amount of Taxes assessed for the i'enr A. D. ND, remain- 2,709 ingf uncollected. Bal'ce in the hands of the 'l' - EOM County Deficit, February 7 C. GM. It UAW, ATTORNEY . AND COUNSELLOR AT LIW, Has taken the Office of the late Samuel Runk . , Esq., and trill promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RUNIC may be consulted in the Ger man, as.well as English.. . • •-•:.•• llefer to Hon. J. M. Porter;%Easion; Pa. June 13. : • • 11-4 w MEE Registerls..4lccosisat. EDWARD BECK, Esq.,. Register of Lehigh County, in 4ccount with the Common wealth of 1 1 vinsilkania. 1849. - Jr. . The Account stands charged with the :fob : - I lowing,su!ns; received as;collateral inherit 7.ance.:t4..fin the year 1819, and such .as was omitted in 40, 47, and.4B. May 4, 1840—John Dotterer, $ 10 07 1817,P • hilip Buchecker, 123 82 May 44*, *Elizab. Neucomer; •48 20 April'22, 18 - 48,'Elizabetk - Brobst; • 04` * « Catlt. Xberhard, 97 15 .March May.ls; 001 Samuel Runk . 100 00., " George Dick, .420 00 Dec: ,IZ;,` " .IT.,KriapPeriberger, 03 00 . ". Chriiiian Brobst; 43 41 To BalanCe, per !nit yearSnceount,. 13 89 To-A:O t t:int oirerpaid:whichii to be. . ‘derlacOil front writs;' 10 09. 93 •17 ' 13 50 $ .1.;11.0 A pri 21, 1847:4'4: Th,li - ditcher; 1 41-Is.oo May 11, ‘..l,loPrnitl4lin-.1847., 'l6 C:47 July 5, 1 3 .1.44c.::Fleningek,, 4;00 Jan. 22, 1819--090ateraJ tax, 'l2 l OO July 20; 00 Sept. 21, tie" ':1400. 09 Nov. 21, " 410. t.fr.. ?"2,3 98 Receilikir-PA I O .I W° be. remitted idoH9V,. 379 02 By Carn. on 1;277 81 at :5 perbent,. 03 80 —, We: the utitlerbigned,. Auditord ofvtho . Comity of Lehigli,!.and, State of Pennsylva . - nia, bave examined the account, of Edward Beck, Elq . ...,llegliter, as above stated, do certify that tbd same is correct. - Witriess onr hatids,thtsl,l2th , dayi of Jan., - ' C.- li. 'NE ilif-i A. RD • , 1 ;.: ~ • , .X.,-Ife.-CIaIETION;L- } Aiiiiii°r B - :— . O.ItOII3LANK, ' ' • Febrtiar3l,l% - ••• 1 , , i . ' ''' ,"5.-,4421,w..• CAPkt . CUPS • ,• 1 L , Mimetn AS6.Bon:anetitanuhtctesing ere '1.31,4".03 4 :404 4 441 . 9 #o,C,ap - s, which, they 11:1. elt, 4 fificrernaly,, coy, , wholesale and re 7 bIAttAN & 8110. I.`"NOVagilitr.22i2 ' ` • 11?•--31.v- , ..• j Flour airiej Wheat. . 11Ye Born Dais Buckwhetit Flaxseed : •.' —. 01.worsood'. . 11 —. iraothyt eed Potatoes ' Balt . . • • • • I Butter . IPOttodi Lard , . . i 50.74 'Fallente• . . . Beeswax . . 1 Ham Flitch . = 'row-yarn. . Eggs .. . . ' 13oi Rye Whiskey ; Gall. Apple :Whiskey, Linseed Oil. . Hickory Wood Cord Oak Wood - . . - - Egg Coal . . . • Ton •Nut Coal . . . j— tinny Coal . I Plaster Da b. Co G. 0 1.0 0, CI 9 a 0 F. eD • 0 Hats ) Caps Muffs and Boas; For Sale ra Reduced Pricey. irThe Undersigned has yet a ye- • r.y large and splendid assortment o p Hats, Caps' ithis and* ' BOAS, of. every description, which- heoMra ler sale at very reduced prices„ and invites his old customers, and all others, who wish to purchase any of the c aboVe articles; taceil , f,..! at his store, directly opposite loser's A poth- - ecary store; where they ctnobnd , the above.' named articles, 20 percent, cheaper than' ever offered before.' . _• Mr. Boas is_datertnined tOcrovellis hasi , - ness in spring, Wliich.is the• reason why ho • ofThrs these great•ndVantages. , persons indtibituVto him, will' please call and . settlo theienodothita, ,before the first of March, by ddltig whiclOthey.; will save cost. • • • 1%. Allentown. Jan.-17 Odd Felio*'§lllTShloone Take This method of informing the 'plib-' lie, that they aro now•in. the occupaue3i . of the Saloon of the Odd VelloWs Hill, Alleri ton•n, and having fitted it up it a superior manner, are prepared to serve up all kinds of Refreshments, in a style fully• equal to: the bdst City Restaurants:* The repatation'' they have hitherto tiequired in'the ' ' • $13,712 •50 'Oyster, Line': •• . is regarddd as a eurficitirkt:gparraritee to the mildie that ewer (hi • torners 4,600 37 . . . ~ . . ConnesMil with this Establialimeht is a private L.IDIES 8.91,00t1r, splendidly lilted up, where partit.s of ladits and gentle men alone, can ho accomincidated AVlth'lllt the delicacies of the season. .' :-. . " ' • $13,742 50 111-3 w Ca - Give us -n call. By studioWy'cdter- - ing to the wants of our customers; by."nssid- r, nous attention• to business;and:'.With'ii de- termination to render general seitiitaction, we hope to merit a continuance of thc . Wier al patronage with wlifOh• ,have Aerekofctrik been. fator'ed. FRANICI.I2i JONA'S 11r--4rr.L January 2•4 th ROGER , BROWN'S 'Y viNE & tilitifit ST00410 1 :',-, No. ;123 MARKS Y STREET, Beiw'eeriNinkh Strs,Northlsida, • • , • Philadalphiai All kinds or Foreijn Nines' and Liquors such as— ."". Old Oegnac Bikndiee:Dirk leg i [:, a tii' and' Gin,' :Ja- II illq'rl4.l Nate Whislr4 or tho l vur ME' , . wiNES.--guch as - . Medeirti,.)leort;- Sherry, Teneriffe r Sweet Malaga: Muicitt; Claret•and''Chaitipagne;. etUT -0,4440 - Also, Manufacturer of DertiteSttelicatilled' Brandy and Gin, Ptire Spirits; Deedirliid Alcohol, Peach BrandyaltifetuleißratdY, Wild-Cherry Biandy:: and Fine CO Raspberry Brandy, - New togland Btlin, • &c., &c., also a largd supply ef fine'.Ord. Monongahela Whiskey on hued. The above• Liquors will be sold at the ry lowest prices. , ;Country Meiclutata'and Tavern-lccepOrs, will do well to , give the un dersigned.a call before.purchasiag and examine the Liquerg, which - hi vouch -.7 es, will ',bear scsutitly;recolleat'• No. aed Market Street:, • • 110t3EttlitiONVr% • • • '411.1Y. .... UZIVICUILL : - • In a letter.from thp Auditor Genera!, da- ted December, 0tk , 1840, to-Jesse , si, ,I...iae ' -.Esq., Clerk of the Commissioners of.Lehigit , county, in relation to, the Militia law, says,.. Alai the saute went into fere° iminedigelg.;; afterits passage, April 17,1840 .t ; . ',. ~.- :,, t,! , The, collectors Who have militia lin‘ l llll% hands of the year IS47ao4.4B,,itre,ttgirlst , ) 4 , reirested to_pay,titcp,nerivlgryLapkt s r, to,Dr. Charles Ii yidoin, krliAtiror) ?km oF-1- ae'e can be found firth .400etytier allomitd.: w rello.now HO ,_ '. , , ~,, -,.--',,t ~....t.,;',.''. ? ,.1--,..0 The Collector s- -ofSitilq. eiftr.C4l****l4 ., - and Milii,ifilie•Tfid,jo".`4ol4lo4o4lnedi to collect tfitiir,ttt**O*flito4'dgi*tilia'' pax . 'thelii9o , l44,qi7AlB,ctieTiOttiittier:!! .' _ • '''..' '" l Jbottte*llkiitrivilii`te)tifi l i , • . : ,., 2 - ':Ov: ii. ~..i'', ' 4 ;''Si' i*ClCtialaiiii..t` il l Atleaiol4.,TWift."ci k g .":" ''''''''.. • Jiiiiiinry : lo - ' '''' • ~e- I , fi-440, •,. - ,H. i , . ,,, .. t . - $ 1,310 #rrtitt - A- 4 211enrEcist-4iiPhilflq, • , t.. 1.4.••••••;; Rl= A RTIC EZS: V 2121 i ‘4 741.# . 0 .5-00, , gg),--.10•1,'-05, 4 58 502 % ' 00 28{_ 30 . 'B6' 4ii.=',40 1 . so 1 .25 k 1:419 1 I' 25 , 6. 61:V- - 4 00i 4'oo 's 25 1 2 00 2 OP ,401 56 aro - .4.0i , • 451: 40! 14- ~ 12. icy' 8* 101 0' , • 22i , _ 26 0; ' 8; 8! 8 :141• 12 - 221 'f 25 25 1 25 (15 - 65 4 50 4 50 1 350 3 - 50 3 501 4 00 2 501 3 00 3 501 3 50 4 50 , 4 50 • • ,Nag MEMO ES MEI ..'l. JNoiv is your Tinie StEi'TLER Sr. GEORGE uality. li ~;i~.~ 3 63 250' J. - D. BDAS; • IT-Om
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers