r_.car..?'„~b!~^c~.?.;sVf~ri~~i'.-,T .. , • Vi"LandWarran4ftre . xePliiiirlg ! it $125 each for 180 yt aurgh l 4 , ,ThEirikattieeti? teilicfe warrants e ew v, ;... Jersey tfanner understands that by e the tfrath dr* bite 'John Potter; ,his son.in 74tsiitriiii.iitireitionYikis • receiol;iiridilition of $28,000 ter . iir4uUnr enOrmeitis . IntiStrlel:Orthe - Com mo- gii.dhardli estimated l Fegslifan floor irlqb.:and 13.0robaEdy,incire:' . The enerokee Indians hive - prepared block of Cherokee.qattider Cot' ttl'e Wasitirighe monument.-. ` UrGeririair' emigiatiou to &hill will be quite large next Year. A Wifrterakerg CoMpany has goo,oou acres of fed there, and the Wurtemberg government ton're 0369 notes of it. flirTwo of the Cotton ltfiils in Pittsburg, Pa:, .have stopped in consequence of die adoptiott of the ten hours? system. ar A Woman named Mary Sowers. died in life poorhouse, at Columbus, 0., the 2 isi nit., aged 106 years, - • lfW"Good butter brings thirty cents a pound in On Wednesday night last, a horse was stolen Crum the stable of John Neville, in Lower ;Dablirt, lEfucks county. • Er The tzetV.Presbyterian Church at Riegels vine, Octets &rutty; will be dedicated on the 7th instant. UrThe cladding eioseness of both parties in the NcwYorfr Lelfisfitfilee leads to the appre hension that there may bd saute difficulties in that body this winter. doe vote determines which of the two parties shall IMAM the Ma jority. OrThe best thing you can do for yont otfrt business is to let every other people's btfsiffess 15212 fgeSeveraisour springs linye lately seen dis covered in Genesee county, N. Y. The watet is black and acid. IV - Unpleasant rumors arc afloat respecting the Commercial Pankot Perth Amboy, and the Union Bank;of Diiver N. J. It would be as well for our friends not to receive those notes for the present. • rrtt Is stated' by Wisconsin papers that there can be no legal election of county-officers in any county in the State. The difficulty arises from an omission untie election law. la•Pottsbille has increased so much of late .that the local papers ate agitating the conversion of it from a borough iota a city. • ,. ;13/"During the past fall, five full grovirn hears have been'hilled in "rest Chester. nr A dry goods pettier named Nathan Alder has been found murdered neat Aubtern, N. t.— He was 23 years of age. • litir The Texan Legislature is now in session. Gov. Wood's message has reached us. It is an 'able document, and treats with great clearness, and yet with brevity, on subjects which are of vital'importance to the present interests and fu ture welfare of the Statee The Treasury Deficit. the 'Washington Republic referring to the de ficit of betvieen fifteen attil twenty millions, which it has already been announced will exist in the amount of revenue requisite to meet (he expenditures of the government for the fiscal years, ending the 30th June, 1851, thus explains it from official documents: Our receipts in 1847 were $20,310,790 ; our expenditures in the same year were $55,920,093. Our receipts in 1848 were $95,436,750 ; our disbursements in the same year were $42,811,970. In the same years 1847 and 1848, therefore, our expenses exceeded our income $30,957,523. By the law providing for the execution, in part, of the twelfth article of the treaty with Mexico, $3,720,000 are appropri ated to pay the principal and interest due May 30, 1849 ; and $3,540,000 to pay the folatirtal and interest due May 90, 181h0. tinder the pro visions of the fifteenth article of the same treaty, the Secretary of the Treasury . trill be called upon to pay $3,250,000 of claims of citileas of the United States against the republic of Mexico Here is a sum of $47,401,64 over and beyond all our receipts. A portion of it has already been provided for b the issue of treasury cofes, on which interest is fo be paid,- and all this eau not be defrayed from the current reventiee This constitutes the deficit. fttc foreign 3ntelligence. Aid Val of the Canada. Tha Steamship Canada arrived at New- York on Saturday morning, and we are in debted to Messrs Copt& & Jones, of the ex- Change Hotel, Dock street, for a copy of the European 'nines of the 17th ult., in advance of all competitors :—.Evening HUNGARY, liossidh's Address to his Couritrg. The following is the farewell address of I Kossuth.to his country, written at Orsova : Farewellony beloved country ! Farewell land of the Najjar! Farewell, thou land of sorrow ! I shall never more behold the sums mit of thy mountains. I shall never again give the name of my country to the cherish . ed soil where I drank from my mother's bo som the•millt of-justice and liberty. Par dory, eli ! pardon . him who is henceforth con demned to wander far from time, because he combatted for thy happiness. Pardon one who can only call free that spot of thy soil where he now kneels with a few uf the faith ful children of conquered Hun g Ory ! My last looks are fixed on my country, and I see thee overwhelmed with anguish I look into the future, btit that future is overslmdowed. Thy plalns are covered with, blood, the red 'less of which pitiless destruction will change to black, the emblem of mourning for .the victitkies thy sons have gained over the sac- rileetous,:ehentits :of .thy sacred IloW Many.. gre,atftil-, hearts have sent their prayers-to the throne of the Almighty ! How many. tears have,-gushed from their very depth to implore pity ! Bow• much blood have beeh' shed to testily thaethe jar country,' and that herleneva how to die for it: 'And yet, land of ray love. ' tJniu art iii 'slavery ! Front thy very lieioat. vill .be forged,the „chain: bind . all tharis sacred and to aid . all that is sacrilegious.— 0 Almighty ,Creatori,fif!ihou'lovite.t thy pea. pie to whom. thou diast.give., victory .ander out hcrotic infplore thee notqo'sink them WO degradation.. I speak to thee my couritry,'Llrus Writ 'the`abyss of My despair, rind %than yet fingering on:the threshold . of Agit ;Pardon me:l:thee - a • . great ntimbbr of thy sons hovel shed- th eir blood flet fftee on my *OM: 'I - plead:for thee, l hove for thee; , even in the dark inri; moot when on thy brow was written the Withering %Word Despair, I lifted my voice in . thy behalf when men-said "Be thou a slave." I girt the sword about my loins, and I grasped the bloody plume, even when they said, "Thou art no longer a nation on the soil of the Nlajjar. Time has Written thy destiny on the pa ges of thy stor . t yeßow and. black letters —Death. The ColessUs of the Noith has I set his'seal to the sentence. tut the glowing iron Of the East shall molt that seal. For thee, rtry country; that has shed so inch blood, there is no pity, for does not the tyrant eat his bread on the hills formed of the bones of thy children. The' ingrate whom thou hadst fattened with thy eiltundance, he rose against thee, the, traitor to . his mother; and destroyed thee utterly. 'Thos host endured all; thou host not cursed thine existence, fur hr thy bosom and far above all• sartrow, hope has built her nest. Majjars ! turn not aside your looks from me, for at this moment mine eyes flow with tears for you, for the soil on 4ich my tot -tering steps still wander is nit d Hungary. My country. it is not the iron of the stran ger that bath dug thy grave; it is not the thunder of fourteen, nations, all arrayed against thee, that bath destroyed thee ; and it is not the fifteenth nation, traversing the Carpathians., that has forced thee to drop thy arms: No ! Thou hest been betrayed, thou host been sold, my country, thy death sentence hath been written, beloved of my heart, by him whose virtue, whose love for thee I never dare to doubt. Yes !in the fa vor of my boidest.thoughts, I should almost as soon doubted of the existence of the Om nipotent as have believed that he could ev er be a traitor to his country: Thou hest been betrayed by him in whosd hands I had but a little space before deposited the fitAlet of our great country, which he swore to de fend, even to the last dfop of his heart's blood; lie bath done treason to his moth er, fur the glitter of gold bath been for hint more seductive than that of the.blood shed to save his country. Base gain . had more value in his eves than his country, and his God has abandoned hiin i ns he h.td abandon ed his God for his allies of hell- Mahan! Beloved companions, blame the not for having cast mine eys on this man, and for having given to bias my . place. it was necessary, for the people had bestowed on hint their confidence, the army loved him and he obtained a power of which I myself Would have been proud. And nevertheless this man belied the confidence of the nation and has repatil the love of the army with hat ted. Curse him people of the Majjars ! Curse the breast which did not first dry up before it gave him its milk. I idolize dice' thou most faithful of the nations of Eu rope, as I idolize the liberty for which thou hest proudly and bravely combated. The God of liberty will never efface thee from his memory. Maycst thou be for ever b}est. My principals have not been those of Washington nor yet my acts those of Tell. I desire a free nation—free as men cannot be made but by God. And thoo art fallen ; faded as the lilly, but which in another sea son puts forth its flowers still more lovely than before. Thou art dead—for bath not thy winter come on ? but it will not endure sd totg as that of thy companion under the froien sky of Siberia. No! fifteen nations have dug thy tomb. But the hosts of the sixteen will come.to save thee. Be faithful as thou host been even to the present.— Conform to the holy counsels of the Bible. Lift up thy heart in prayer fOr the &pap ted : but do not raise thine own hymn until thou Nearest the thunders of the liberating people echo along thy urtrantuips, and ha , low in the depth of thy vallies: Farewell, beloved companions! Ynretirell comrades! countrymen May the thought of God, and may the angels of liberty for ever be with you ! Do not curse me. You may be well proud ; for have ;V the lions of Europe risen front their lairs to destroy the rebels P 1 will proclaim you to the civ ilized world as herneS ; and the cause of an herric people will be cherished by the freest nation of tha earth—the freest of all free ptople t Farewell ; thou rand dyed with the blood of the braves! Guard those reratirlis,—they will one day bear testimony on thy behalf. And thou, farewell, 0 youthful Monarch of theliongarians ? Forget not that my na tion is not destined for thee—heaven in-- sp?tes me with the confidence that the day will dawn when it ehall be proved to thee even on the ruined walls of Buda. May the Almighty bless thee, my belov ed country, Believe, Hope, and Love 4 1 ' ho Atped &Imled' to by Kossuth is the celebrated chief of khan of the Hungarians, who, when driven with its tribes from the banks of the Volga, tovtards the end of the ninth century, settled on theTheiss,and, as. the year 895. Under the weak rule of the' son of Arnoul. Lewis, surnamed the he became master of Pannonia, which the Rungarians have since then kept possess ion of. A rpad gave his name to a Hunga rian dynasty, which began with St. Stephen in 997, and which kept the throne till' the death of Andrew HI., in NM. This race Of kings is known as the Arpades. FRANCE. Reaplion of Mr. Rives. MT. Rives, the new MiniEter oFthe Arn,er icon Itvpublic to the Preach nation, presen ted his credentials to the Presitfern on the .Bth inst., at the. Elysee Narionar,' accompa nying then► with theTollnuring oaervations "Monsieur lo President—lltl• presenting ter yort thir letter of credence whiell have, . . If A.l Iwo ckargad.bs.,,thrarealdsiat i _ of, the,,Ultim- ....kSIiNEWSAIE-2''• teil •StateiTerdeThiet itrytitiTl - shOprf very ; , 21: , 7 . • irlaPe*c4Y?: coat relies' ,the •spfTit of WI . , ' . i',;'A ';' ..CII.P; ` -;;i• :. , - Ir'e,l MiSsidtfi and 'the , view's' ikiiif feeli wigs (if th lise I am commissiorted 7 tdcrivresent; If I were . IT altiablo .ItrealTgt fit , not : to,aseurrayou,•asilia,chmen Iread , of this The, subscriber,. Mires of . ..ludrew great nation of tke sieoo.and cordial friend!. A7of..i;:will sell at VubliWialifi on the .premi- Ship which the, pen* And government oft ses, in the Borough of • Allentown, in the the United. Suxterr cherished.for the peoplel county of the , Pa:,'on4iiifirdni, the '2O. and- constitotetrantherities of the French I of December. at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol. 4tibli Rc*. - ' Ytidte lire no two nations, we I iniViiig - dt4cribed Real Estate; &Irately the persuade OtYrservi,s,'''which can have stron- 1 property of said Andrew Kloti. ger motive, Whether in the recollections of , ni —O, 1-3 lot ofland with.thcapperten«nces. the pastor thkis'yin'pathies and interests of ! the i under- situate in the said borough of Allentown, on present, to cultivate ix constant tlse west side of Allen street, at its iMersec standing and fraternal intercourse with eac h • . lion with the public road leading from . to ding Easton, 30feet front on said Allen "Under the in fl uence of this senthrrent ,, street and 23 , 0 feet deep. I e improve the most ardent vows are formed every lot consist of a where in the United States for the .1 2ap . ments on this . . pineis of France, end the consolidation of ..,::,,,* TM O. STORY HOUSE, her liberties Upon the acre basis O' order, Vtq 27 feet front and 53 feet dr•ep. religion, and respect for the lat ; Which ,‘-'L'•,. partly frame end partly brick, 'you, Monsieur le President, on a tat, with btore room and cellar in the hoer sto august occasion 1 14) justly pronounced to be rye The' StoYezrotars has been newly fitted the distinguishing characteristic of a free up with shelirreg; and famished with Ain people. If, in the performance of the hon- ter &c. for mercadire btlsiness. 'The Other ()rabic with which . 1 have -been charged, I , part of the house is conveniently divided in should have the good ,fortune to be instru-: kitchen, dining-room, parlor and bedrooms. mental, in any degree, in strengthening thei There is also a large and excellent Garden natural bonds of amity and friendship be- on this lot—a number of excellent fruit trees, tween France and the United States, I shall 1 grape-vines, shrubbery, &c.,—and hydrant have accomplished my minion in the inan.:l tit the door—and also a good frame Barn. rrer Which mill best answer to the wishes i l As there are no stores in that immediate vi and interniorr Of m!st tovernmea as we t, i ' i cinitv the location is one of the best in Al as to my own most earnest desires." 1 • ' • fermian for the mercantile business. The Ptesident of the Republic declared , No 2----.. d lot of Land in said Borough, to the Minister of the United States that, notwithstanding the faults which it W.IS 30 feet ftont on Allen street and %30 Peet right to admit mr both;sidess, he Willingly deep, and adjoining the lot above described, took the first steps towards the re-establish- : without improvements. .meat of good harmony between the two No. 3—.1 Lot of land in said Borough, countries : and that a susceptibility which ! 36 feet more or less, on Ann street on the would be, perhaps, natural with respect to .west, on the South 263 feet more or less on a monarchy did not appear to hint to have It public road, on the east 133 feet more or the same serious motive as regarded an el- , less on a ptiblic alley, and orr the north 210 der Republic. Ile added, that ll °\t'ever , feet; also on a public alley, numbered in the jealous lie ought to be of the honor of France [dirt] of the borouglr - 601. he had too high an opinion of the enlighted No. 4--Phree' eontigu!ous Lots of Land. character of General 'Taylor to hesitete a I in said borough, on the south side of moment ncknowledginsrthe painwhich he felt !qtuate urner sweet, numbere d l' in lan of said bo on seeing sentiments of friendship, so inti- ,p mated and of such ancient date altered on , r0u.g1i,60 , 1,6i8 and 692,—the two first exten without i ni ..l f ronto f ding in sa id Turner stree t , .et 60 fee account of a misunderstanding 't portantei - . ! and the third 40 feet, and each extending - ! ! in depth 230 feet. o• ~ • N .s.—d lot or tract of woodland, Fel' - ',) ;k! ; rte s , in Salsbure township', in the cuff!) , ty of Lehigh aforesaid,- containing b acres, and 20 perches of land. . ALSO-31 the same time and place: an iron safe, One horse wagon and body,fan ning mill, and other articles of personal property. The condition will be Made known on the day of sale, and due attendance given by GEORGE STEIN, .Issignee. 11-1 t . rierhe attractions at garitunt's Museum draw crowds of visiters daily from the coun try. Such then, who visit the city and are taught ?r storm or ?din will do Well to call at Shepherd's doling storo, in Chesnut St.; near Third, for persona} protection. m Ai it MED: On the 25th of November, in lieatag, by the Rev. Mr. Omar, NW. ./.Ibrahant L. Pow ell, to Miss Elizabeth Griesentei., of Allen town. On the Ist of December, by the R v. Mr. Yat:2er, Mr. Enos Ackerman, to' Miss Eu phonic: Kelm, both of Plainfield. On the bCcond December, by the stint; Mr. Charles fiarbe, to Miss Elizabeth Man; both of Lower Salltlcm• DIED. • On Wednesday morning, at 6 o'clock, in this borough, of a lingering disease, wt:iclt she bore With christian fortitude, and which finally terminated in consumption, Clarissa Wilhelminu Ruhe ; daughter efJohn F. and Elizabeth Ruhe, aged :46 years 10 months and 'l, days. ElrThe relatives and friends of the de= ceased are invited to the funeral ceremonies; which will take place on Friday next, at I o'clock in the afternoon, On the third November, in Lower Sau con, David Bulger, aged 4:3 years. Third Pita-chase Of Fall and Winter Goods. The subscribers have just recei ved i their third supply of Fall and Winter Goods this season, which makes their assortment of the very best character and will compare with any other in the State, and as to prices,. we assure our Customers and" the public in general, that they shall be at least, as cheap if not cheaper than at any other store in the County. Therefore we invite all to girt: us an early call. PRET Z, GU TE2 S 3 Co. Allentotim, Dec 6th GROCERIES. The subscribers have received and offer for sale, wholesale and retail, a large and well selected Stock of Groceries, at' the low est market price. PRETZI . GUTH & co. December, 6 • • • ittenstvare. The subscribers have received a lafge supply of the most approved patterns of Queensware which together , with their for mer stock makes a complete assortment. ritETZ, GUTH & CO. 111:--1W Deccinter 6. Coal, Inaslei. dr Saler. The subscribers offer for sale, :1000 Tons Coal 100 ". Plaster'. 5000 Bushels salt December, 6. Cotton rant. Jugt received 5000 lbs Conon Yarn ; coo , erlet warps, and coverlet yarn, for sate by Pat rz, Guru Sr CO. 111-4. w December, 6 Three JourheynielTailors IP.IXTED. • The undersigned, residing in' Catasteuqua, l next door to Gross's store, wisht;s to employ. three sobet and industrious journeymen tai lors, to work on coats. Good hands can find constant employment, if application be im mediately made to J. T. MArcuarr. Clatasniepia,. October .21th. .li-1«• December, 6 The undersigned takes the liberty of in forming his frierrds and customers that he removed hiS Store,- from' No 24 North 4 St. 'W NO. f. 11) MARNkT sTRP,ET, between 4 Ord sthi where he hats for Safe, at very low prices, in extensive assortment of laCillg tAilts • in (lilt, Mahogany, and Common. Frames, adspted to to the Southern and West- - ern Mu;lcel. Large 1' tench Plate Mirrors framed to or: der, of approveci Style, either plain or rich ly ornamented. Toilet; Dressing and Swing Glasses, in great variety ; Gilt and Faney Wood Por trait and picture names, also Common Prattles wtthotB Glasses. Looking-glass Plates by tlie, box, or in less quantities. PRETZ,- GUTII & Cb'. 11141.31UV\7411Li ALSO FOR SA LE, Brass and Gilt Curtain Cornices and Or naments, Brass A ndircms and Fenders, Sho i/eis and Tongues and Standards, Fine Go: tide Tea Trays and Wa hers, leery and Self Tip Ilandle knives and Forks, in setts and dozens, Fine plated on German Silver Spoons, Forks find Butter Knives, Fine and Common Brittannia Ware, Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snuffers and Trays, &c., &c., A general assortment of Clocks for Sale. far Looking-glasses packed in the safest manner, and insured against breakage. JOSHUA COWPLANEY: Thee mbet, 6 I—fy. A TANNERY TO LET. . A good situated ' Tannery in South White hall Township, Lehigh County, four miles from ,Allentown, and a halt a mile faun Cat asauqua, (Craneville) is to be let on favora ble terms for a number . of Vents'. There is a good Dwelling Hoiise and n stiebre on the ptemises. The sitatilioM is one of the hest in this eoMity. • • • • furth'et particulars apply to the un cts. ivied on the premises. LOUIS MERV. Allentown, November 22 • !"-3tv Sißeautiful ActiouViano • EOM S.ILE. • The beautiful action Piano, of Mr. Mey er's Manufactory, in Philadelphia, which was used at Mr. Kesslor's School exhibition, in the Court House in Allientown, is offered for sale. Apply to' C. R: IMSSLER: Allentown, Nov. 8:: Pacing Match, A pacing match Will' take . . place on Sat urday the 15th:of DecemlYer next, for hay mile heal, of 13iery's Port', Hanover town. , ship, Lehigh county. The match will be between Fullers andrSellar's horses. Th'e match will positiVely take prince if the Weather "petmits, if 'not, it will cothe off on the following fine Saturday. Lovers of sport and ;peed will find it in teresting to attend. December, •IL et, LIQUOR STARE; XlO $23 mAnicrit 4 BetWetril won anti Ninth Strs,NOrth aide, All kinds of Foreign , Wines and. Liquors such as— Old Cognac Brandies, Dark ;41,—,tr4;41D0 - : and Pale, ilolland Gip, Ja . , •-• ”'‘,4 pip!, malCa bpirits,lnsn anti match Malt Whiskey of the. very finest quality. • VINES.—Such as Madeira, Poit, Sherry, TenerifFe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and ChrotYpagne, very choice and old. Also, Manufactutet of Domestic Djstilled Brandy and Gin. Pike Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy; Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry Brandy, and Wine Cordials, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a largo supply of tine . o.ld. Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a call before purchasing elsewere, and e*arnitie the liquors, he votrch es, will bear the closest scratiny, recollect No. 323 Market Street. ROGER BROWN, Philadelphia, Dec 11-13% TIM Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse its Philadaiihid, I's in SIXTH STREV.T, one door beloW Race, whele pterchrtitrg• and dealers can se lect from New Myth Void and'iS'atin Paper for parlors, with rebid and Uo Bordcfs; as well as Hull or Vintry, Chamber rpni ing-room wall papers, which will compete iu style and qtiality, with any in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United States, and at a saving of '25 per cent. WAI: H. PATTON, Manufacturer of Wall &Curtain Papers, No. 93 North 6th I door below Race. December,6th BRING OUT 'FHB BIG GUN! tie Victory is Gained 'rim PEOPLE TRIUMPHANT!!! Citizens of Allentown and vicinity Win) are in want of the best quality of Fresh errOcerta, are particularly invited to cuff at Deiiew's Family Grocery Store, where they will find the best selected stock of Family Groeries, Liquors, and a large variety of Fancy Goods, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASII C. I. DEVE W. prices. Nov. 29 . • PERFUMERY. the Ladies of Allentown and vicinity ace invited to his new and splendid assortment of fashionable PERFUggItt fatal, received. all of which are from the fashionable Perfumery establiAmerits of IiaUSEL'S AND HO UEL'S Philadelphia, and Will be sold cheaper than they dm' be bnagtht in the city. geurembet the place; C'. I. DEPEW'S Family Grocery and Vthiety Store. November W. The Winter Session commences Moriday November 18th. Full particulars as to terms, text hooks, studies &c, may be learn ed by reference to the Annual Catalogue, copies of which will be cheerfully furnish ed upon application at the Academy. R. C. CHANDLER, Principal. Allentown,November 12. 11-6 t Young Ladies Seminary The terrnS of t ultion‘ of Nil's.. Youtng's inary, ate as follows r• For papils Mulct S years $3,00 pbr rte over 8 years $l,OO , 6 14 14 4. $5400 " 14 . 4. 1 2 30,00 " • do. Stith pupils, as enter the School after the auarter has commenced, will be charged only front the time they commenced. ELIZABETH You:ce, Principa Allentown, Nov. 15 'Notice is - fiereby given. that the under signed hits been appointed execUtor in the last Will and Ttirstatnent of Mr. David Lan des, late of the Borough of Allentown, Le high county. All such who are indebted to said estate, be it in Bonds, Notes, or oth erwise, are hereby requested to trtal:e pay ment within three months from date, end' such, who have any legal demands (uplink said estate, will present them for payment within the above named period well authen ticated. . Geonon 1-IFrr, Executor. Allentown, Nov. 29. 4V-13%V. Public Notice is hereby giy,en total per son's, who are indebted.to the: estate of 'Jo seph Poiler, deceased, late of Hanover township, Lehigh, county,. be • it in .Notes, Bonds, Hook-debts . or Vendue-papers, that they' shall call upon, the undersicrned ono of the administrators, of said deCeask between not, and tin: lit of December' rie,:f, and make settlement and such who baire yet le gal clairriS against tho estate, will' elk' pre sent them Well'initheittleated., . LE Viltl,l,l DER': Oct. 25. • —6w Many' SpOrtsin ott Paper tlanghigs Allentown Aeadem3r, IN ALLENTOWN. acovascluQ. WICOU.ICOab pricea.durrot, ,, feel?. t4q ~:CI~~~ c FIZ • . • • - - •- !) Flour Wheat Ezi Coiii _ • _ OVA ' • --AY.I 13uelr.wheat . .l •—• Flaxseed . Cbverset.d; . .• ! imothreed . 1 . -- • Potatoes Buttet Lard . Tallow , Beeswax . Elam Flitch Polincl; I IN= IN Tow-yarn Eggs . Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey' Linsead Oil Hickory Wotkl Cord Oak wood Egg Coal . Nut Coal . hump Coil Plaster 'l'on 'MEI EN .....Eraysteremer.synosnar... h' 1 .1 . 1\ a 11 1' 1. -11 d . .11 .;!.1 for 7'oren. an 3 A weekly paper, dedicated to Politics,NeWs,Com• meree, Agriculture, the fine and useful Arts. 'file want ni a weekly Newspaper, fr•e from mere sectional prejudices. ;Ind devoted to th e 4i,seitiniination of the great principles, which the tViliver'qat . IN Mg party has al way; advocated , has been low: and s,r iber;ly To supply this defrbiebey ireimlueeu issue the Nurth Anzerican I•ur num and Cuaiilrg Confident that with mar. Daily; aq,ao , vie Would be, ettablato,present to out reatters'a Meaner trm'o rink ta I tl• it thh tin° Ik°lftr rtdi~e Le afforded', and render eminent seeviee to the par. ty by counteracting, much of the evil , su widely circulated through the press of tour opponents. In its politics our paper is broadly and 1180011- ally Whig, devoted to the principles (Ohm ;Treat party, which it maintains in all its integrity, with zeal, spirit and ability. AA evidence of this, it May be mentioned that it has received the sanction of ''he 14tifire tl7ti ,g liclegrition of both branches of Congresif; %VW tetairy that ..‘.l4t . IVotluree of so. parlor talt•CO.', eatrgy, ntore'nterprie,'tt has de servedly assAh'ed a high position :tinting tlo. 'nom enlightened' and intluential.jonriink of tit' country, and in'ny he elit , sed in the tront.raiili of the molt importantsillecies and defenders Whig principles. It has alsb conanmet,- dation of Henry Clay, J. J. l't ittendon, and John McLean. O'FINION OF HENIVI I have received ;mit attentively perused fur many Modat &wail AMERICAN. pub lished in Philadelphia, with Which the Gaited Slates Gazelle is now associated ; and I take plea Sure in beating tny humble testimony to the consummate ability with which it is generally edited, and to 41.- ..... umn which it labors to illustrate and establish. I think it eminently merits public , patteattge, Anil espe cially Whig support. if the great cause Should be triumphant, as there ia.ttvw greMnti for e o n. lident hopes, that paper must be regarded aspne of its "most fearless chatnpions and enlightened supporters." , If.' CLA Y. Midge McLean bears the following TcsiirnAny.. My Dear you say concerning the N. American, in Philadelphia, meets my ciirdial apt prove and concurrence. I regard Mk paper t, among the very Ablest and most. Influential ad vocates of the Whig cause, and the extension of its cirtertaim in all quartets of the Union, would niy iudgeffent, be among the mpst.e fl icient means of d igs/ftrirdinating those great principals. upon which' the party of the Constitution and the country stands. With every desire that it may reach the firesides of the West. and aid in spreading general intelligeace and sound polio cal truth. lam yours very truly, "JOIIS McLEAN. To— Esq., New York. FiXtracr of a lettEr from the iliAtti'fible John I;afienden to a friend. Irdar of even n still greater increas in the cireulation''of thil, Mirth American. 1 . have been for some. tithe • sttbsc - fibil for and, leader of that paper, and consider it one of ,the Soundest,• and Ablest Advocates of the %Vhig Cause, and eminently entitled. to the support, and • patronage of the Whig - paper. As a Literary Gazette. the 'North American, for . Town and Country," challengi.s competition.. Its ample columns are stored with Tales, Bs: . says, Poems, Criticisms, &c.&c. From the ppm ul the ablest writers. In its News Departments it stands unrivalled, as its ample arrangements, both by the Magnetic Telegraph and extraordi. wa expienea; combined with , its ext.nsiVe tor• respontitime;•entitiles it to furnish tlit: fatekf and most acctli ate intelligence, both Foreign and Do mestic. 'l'o the. Politician it supplies spirited and fear. less dlsgnimitions on all topics of public interest.; 'ru the Man of 'Paste, a choice repository of the neost relined and elegant literature—,and,. To the General Reatler,qin agreeable and most extensive variety of miscellaneous information; While Hie Farmer, the Matitif4icturer, the Me chanic, and the Operative, wilt cinch find in it instruction and amtise.ment. . Commercial Dtptqltnent. +-11% Our Review of Illy Philuelelphia .Alatb . et is made by vigilaut and t.•:;rerieticcil ConilficrOial Reporter:, u•ho nre col tged paper. All oar roports'are an transactions, and vre theiefore correct mid reli able. • fn addition we give a summary of,Alte prinri cai Produce Markeis, fligesied at the late.t ani• mcnt from the "Telegraphic di,srai , -lics received at oar office. • • . The Cattlexnarltehi, are also Riven, as well rs the prictes ofStoclis; and a bank-notf Table care .2.9nel:fed. In a 114,111. 0115 Dep:Kl [nen' wi:i rural it'eonirlcie manual for the St an'iJillisiflrSJ. 'IINII3II. • • s' • • . . „ 'Po make this V4!liable and desireVe phptr ateessitde , as it must he neCeOtable,• ses, the'rUblishers odor-it' upon the .follering Reasonable teems: Sim?,le copy one year, $2 00 Twi!,cOpiel, one, year ;43 OU Four copies, one yeai" tB, 9 0 ..,TVP co . pies, one year, it) 00 Twenty-two et.ples,'out year s'2o 00. . , Letters with postage, pre-paid, containing dera and the Money, arc lo s .he ;If 10 Sr.o JI I : . 11 A Ej. & No. CO South d$ 131.; beiciwdiArd 1 ank,llhil. December 6th . ' • ' • r A t. 1.1 1 1 1 Cid IA: 8 • ; • coch,ma l i •& Bro. are manuftiettrii4'eve ry.stYle, cloth and glazed Cups, which they will sell extremely low, wholesale and. re tail. I.COITMA.N a 13 ast(l4( I oilt , (1 1500 6 thf _1 - 1* (4, , ; 931 0.) RI 'O 4 • -.117 501°:.!;):0 ".••••111br. - 1430....r ! 40' • 56 f 1 25!. 'I. 10 1 ,1.25' 25i 4 00! • 4 (I() 2 25:• 2 00; .2 OiV 45 - 60 1 • CA 401 451 • 1 1() fOl. 121 13. • ...kr 10; .9:1•• • 01 -.2:1 , 0 1. • • 6 1 . 6. Si S 16 .it.: 9" Doz. Call. 221 . 25. ' 25! 25! 25 65, 4 50 4 50, 3 . 50 :350• 5 0:; :3 50: 4 (10' 4 sfl 2 h(.) 2 0l) 3 50 3 50 t 3 JAG' 4 SO 4 0 N. 10 2tl
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