*4. • • •• ' - • : •,xt7.4)1,••,' t•-• 'l`-atAr!.- to:, ; ,4 ; ' P4'7.4.1 -J. • kz.„ •• • • • . - y. ••1 0.1: • r .1 ••- ' s • '••••'.•••••• ••.; ••• • ' • .-- ':••"• • ' 4 .•4r4 ';""' , L- Zs r 44#41!10. .111Plitt SZO4 -`-' VA.( 0 ..t/...,:.,: ,~ ~~rl ONS • . . ' I 4: oxv valikktitetiintifxi ' ?Lir im rAti urk A 1 40ii,iiitlipftiontt.11)9120t-Odeedinitteh - lilpiese. 104:14icliA*dtatv,enwItti.ci;e'entii, and thiSiitnak." ing,4).t . ,/iki,?rigis;.thro,logriiiant.foVZO•c olll4 s l . • j*t j.iioilctioit will iii.macip:tij;those' , V-.oe4zußefoinied , Ckuivh; -4 # 4 .tt: .l oittlg , oppipife:i4v,ieriedpnaboti4 ,OACe,;-!!;1.q.5z4,1. 11Ellatifitik:FlittiNSeRANCE ,NCO IPAIY . OFr r iP4;l:sC , ? . o 33 i'cliEsNU:rSTßEaT near iftlistreet: • `,"'"'.• r• _ ' Chatrett,lsl: iikincket; Thomab •Merti: Adolp„.E Saniutel 'Or*, • ;.,•.;. -2,._ , Dayisl. S. Brown, Jacob R: ,;1414nria Patleiscin. cwriNgE to make la,Stikeince,,pertninent and liinite:d, on every ifesetipirtar:Pitiperty, in , town' and coun&y; tai rates its are consis- AgaCwitlt aecurity.. Cop pang have reserved a large boiittn• • tgentfaaika , liich-stiith ,their Vapitai and Altlut!.!l l 444f 4 ,ikreste4; afford*: am plefn?teciion to • 7-a Aroti t tite,Company, on - January Ist, 18 . 48.*_-p6lll jiiliflitittreettbly.to an Act of As. • • • $890,558 65 Real Rattle, • 728,858 90 t . •TiO4p9eor,i ,Lo'aus, , 205,459.00 • , • 1 . 5,563 IS ' , • 46,581 87 ••. • . 1 • . - r . $1,220,097 67. . . Since thelpncorporation, a period of eighteen years; they lave paid,upwards of one million, .twq,#urgefred thousand Dollars, losses by fire, there by affOiding evidence bt the ad4antages o f insu• ranee, - aS'vell as the ability and 'disposition to nreeftWth"ities. • ' CHARLES N. BANCKER, President CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. The SubSe.ribers are ihe appointed Agimts of tke 'above mentioned Institution; and' are now prepared, to make insurances on every descrip tion of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown. C. F.,BLECK, Bethlehem. Allealcitin, Inns - 13;1848. • I—ly 11411WILVIE0 That application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvtinia, to incorporate a Bank, With geherrat Discount and oilier Ban k id& 'privileged, to be - located in the Bcirongh ofbAllentown, Lehigh county,‘to be called 'The Farmers and Mechanics Bank," with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. and further providing. to• commence, the usual Banking privileges when fifty,thounand iarkitie ino • . • , Reter Wyckoff; , Carlos,Sarridni),• • Win ? H. Newhard, ..Amen Ettinger, J. S. D. Lawoll, , William Kern, J. D.. Stiles, ~ Nathan Draherr, , J. Saeger, jr. Jonathan Cali; ' James 14.1:Irish, .Jesse SO:irier, T.. 8.. Weidner, . , Joseph Burke, ' JOnitthan Kolb; WAD, fi 4 11(0 ci Notice is hereby given, that, the Partne rship in, the Tailoring husineisselieietafors existing between 'Stetkr 4. Getz, ed.by ,mutual consent. All persons, who wit indebteil in the'firm books will please call up on 41uhe Eig" With whom the books, nre.left,,f4r collection, and settle their account; bet w een, now and the , first otDe zetnixiT notti-,aild'auchwoi , have any legal claiiniraKnet the firm willipresent their ac counts for seitieinent. ED WARD S rwriait, W ILLIAM (hTz, V'oveini)ol' farelli; RU.711 4 K4 ITTORNET'INiI OUNSEIL IT Has takeri•the Officpof,,the• late, Samuel Runk. Esq., and Will prciiiiiitly attend to all business entrusted Ills care iii, :this and the,adjoining counties. ' "' M;. Rii,rat may be consulted itt the-Gor r tt, man, as well as English. ' • " 1 ' ''• Ikler to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton ' • • •• 1.11;_,4m, washingt94 Yrlfiting,Press . . iiiiittilig'fniessi Washing. tbn'e patencitivithit . bed WA 84 inches, in , liret rata eider, for sale at tbis , office, on act commo lit4l dittiog •terinti.:444iera,A• L!. Rajte, Postrt 4 4 '4 Ailant9wn,:hq 19. ~i~. ~'~Vt.i . ~.h.. . ORM ~ ;;Z 1-" F „p• : , ti t er V. ,i' j . 1 .4 , Atit • ditto r ply_ ..4t4 IMSI ..,. • • MiENTOWN. LERIMI 4COTT -TY5 4 3? -• •• • ,*,:kPRo If i ttz 4 1ltrfiEreEkk the 'Hor.!.4Th t inglelOnei,; Pleastorchellbitrd - flulicialo4lo4`4ompo• Sed•of Of theteVeral:OoUrtslirclyerlitleriripit!gf Add jnfin4": Aggi,-.Esqrso.,l4des. C'atirls, Oyes"'atitt;gefit Jail 4eliVeryi;f4 tlte::ftiaeg,larcoitca.or the. said county tegigh. By iheir , pfecepts.to pte oidered khe Court , of Oyer' anal Terminer and gene-, .rot TnilDelfirery,-to be holden at Allentown, county of Lehigh, , ontheL ; ' • Ylkst qnduy,l4 Aci:seOlerj which tliirti4ay,of,sokulonthi and 1 9 1: 1# 1 9 11 4 3 : 1 A 4 Aee4 , . '— • 4 411oTikz , ls theksforecdtprebygivenAixthe Justiees ( .1 1%4 1 e county 'of I.4lgy.,,,thiiktheyur6:l44lu , said preitifec:Orrirkutudedloffe therlatioo!cluck in,the.forimiSon,OF 401 *eft rolls ! , rec oo s ; pilogiti,lnetkinuyinatiotis, and all otlieit/icifiembunides, :to *.:•-,..tliVse" -.things whiefr';io thOr offides'appOtiMl,lo.be done, and aw-thoie aro' ces to pros k ecutt;`:agailist the.Yrison:is that are or then shall be in the otsaid:courk ty of Lehigh', are 6 . '114 then and 'there io prosecute them as shall he, just. • - Given under my, hand In•Allenfown, the , Bth dafof Noveinber in 'the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. God save the Commonwealth. CHARLES lliftLE, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office Allentown, Z v _ tc November 8,1849. ?nd *o N. B. Magistmtes are desired to forward their returns in cnminalcasesio the Deputy Attorney General, at once, !and. to request prosecutors to call at his office before court, and thus atibrd sufficient time to prepare the indictments, and, other inatters necessary for trial. „The amount of unsettled business renders this at present absolutely necessary. November 8, 1849. 1-4 w The Place to make Bargains ! ' The Frost has Set in! Stoves of cum) Elescription. NOW IS YOUR TIME! _The subscriber respectfully. informs the citizens of A Ilentown, and the public in gen eral, that he continues the Stove and Tin-smith Business, in all its various bran Ches, at the old stand in liamiltonljtreet, directly opposite the Odd Fellows' new Hall, where he will at all times keep on hand, a very large and well selected assortment of Wood and coal Office, Store and Parlor Stoves, to which he invites the particular attention of the public. * '' • He has also just received the American dir Tight Stove, a new style; just invented of superior pattern, in which' the Oven is as large .as the whole Stove. Warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All he wants is a• trial.. at the Shortest notice and on the most rea sonable terms. Roofing, Spouting, Fike-u til ling and every thing in that line will receive his particular attention. Stotie pipe put up anal times. All oth er business entrusted to his care, will be punctually attended to. The following are among the articles' he constantly keeps on 'hand'and•for sale : ' Tin Plato, Russian, American and Eng- , lish Iron, Block Tin, Speltre, Bar and Sheet' Lead, Wire, ' Iron Rivets, HolloWware, .; ,!~-4~Y ERNI • _lt- Fisigi 4,) ;~ ; a, .•. He is also prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK AtSO.-41, general assortment of ready made Tin-iiire, which he is determined to* sell at the lowest prices:" Newly married folks jusugoing to House keeping, can be supplied,with the necessa ry articles, of .. :rni Ware on liberal terms. He is, determined to Make,his shop the Re sort of the People, and therefore invitee all to at hie old, stand. ' ' • • "‘ THOMAS 6. GINKINGER. Sept. 27. • • t—tf CKERVit . Co's; 4 , '4 • • TOBACCO StitiviikSEGAß atantifacioft Third ;door' below-the 43errnan• .Reformed - A - Aurcb, south-eide.of.Hamilton street • '.l ' 7 11113torekeepert3i'Pe rs and others, are hereby iritdrined; thttt they 'keep constantly on hand.wlarge issottnient Of the above sr tide% and Can beitioebiiietodatedat the short. est. notice, and uportlthe , ,ltiostz reasonable , terms. VVholer t ale cr.RAisig: =.' Aug. 2. • • :linrria"o - 4 Neatlji'executed•:at the 4tivstietioOtriter, =V •c„ • , - • • ~ 4,-.litc;•„ti ii.kl",f)Vi'V. ••••,. A. 6 :; • ‘; ,v4r •,.A . , 4547 - , • 72. ••• • r UM MBE tWEIME " 1 1 , jAct t r e`~ ;.- • -,,..* et%1fr,,t,:.1 - triiatticat , Al3l4l -, ut iutf. FEE= r`''''', - , ~,,.-..-...-... ,- :ulier:Goo4sl 4 A-- 4VH . GOodg'll. 1 h ., ' ' IN ' r 44' -' WI - 1, -. 1 tj illig4 Y C mAt um -E.T A 11 • :1 . MRS 0 MIIILIPA..BROWN. ~L Th'elitgeSi;,irndi,theapesliiiEOrtiiiineOf :,Fall'arid Winter 'Millinery appd's;are rni' `uniindkrngtgi,,Alitlittigre','eatillortiiilinatht, - 67ne door east,,9l2l4wis-SChmidt'& Co'sv - -Ditig :Stor‘iiiat - eiriir ivis . ,eibibited itfAllentown,v broaglit.,illrettlyVrom Philadelphitt -.liar stock consists A itfong- - tahei ihingi . ;ol; all • , \, „IL ,*' kinds ,'..'• .9f.fss . hionablul; , f,,,1,', FaiLatEd WOter , . - Bonnets, t , ),,,-' 1 4:tVelvets, Satins, Silks and k 6»..--- , -,2ll: l lttsh, all - kinds of: Ribbons, 0.--?..c 2 - „•.'"French and Artificial,"Flour ers•aifdFeiihei2,:which-she,is prepared,,tp , • inatca'#p in "flia.tateat-Paria s tyles, and u the . lorgest possible_;prites.: 'She also _cat the attention of I,h . public° toher large a cirtmem bfßibyionsi.and rturnettas 9the s: Millindri , , artielpi:: , ,' A. ' Old Bonnets altered to the, taftat fashioi Britid iiiid Stria', bonnets; shaped, - 1)1i• - a6lre of ilyed, a - tilatk 'or a mouse 'color, at maschA, able prices; , ' :*' .l ' 4 "' - 'l'L '' '''''. ' 'lti't ' Coantry‘,Mittiners can be' supplied •; " ~ fashiciaabli:aibbons# , Hati,.. - &p:, ;a0 ,-,t ' i latest ! fa'shjon vitietns •on-reasonable terms " Persons' visiting Allenhiwn should not neglect . ye", her a call, .balori3, purchas= ing elsewhere, as she-,goes. upon the princi:: ple of "a penny : made is a penny paved," : and phnctually carries it: out. Thankful for past favors, she trusts that her very low prices at which she disposes of her good.i, and her strict attention to busi- - ness, will merit to her a continuance of a liberal support, October 11 Store House and Dwelling TO LET. The 'subscriber.Ars to let that large and. spacious Store gm. • la House andpwelling on one of the-best business corners in Al ; ., lentown, directly opposite llagenbuch's ho tel. It will be completed in the course ola few weeks, and will be rented for a term of from, one to five years. . It is the corner formerly owned by Peter Huber. The house is three story high, 20:i feet front by 93 feet deep, containing besides the Store room, which is 201 feet front by 95 deep; II other convenient rooms; besides celler 'under the whole of the house. The Store rbom will be countered on both sides,' and particulaily fitted for a Wholesale Dry Good business, an establishment much nee ded in,AlletiloWri. Application to be made to the undersign ed owner of The property JOHN W . AONER Allentown, October 25. 111-4 w TCO3I aIMYIII I c. wiFirst Rate Store Stand. The undersigned offers his '. valuable store stand, at Schantz's ' == Mill, in Upper Macungy township, Lehigh County. It is one of the best in that part of the county, where an enterprising young mari can do ,a very profitable business, it being adjabent to one of the best custom mills in the county. In case a man of fam ily .would wish to take the store, a conveni ent hOuse can be rented to it. HIRAM J. SCRAM : Z. ¶-4w NOieMber 1. 316D11131111(111413(DDL 'For young Men and Boys. The Winter 'session 'of this sat:loloin com mence on Monday • the' 22d of October next, and beetinne six months: At this school are taught all the branches 'comprised in a coanitela course of an English educhtion ; and also accuratelyq• to construe the ?rend) and Spanish languages. • The , pries for Tuition. Boarding, Washing and Fuel is IMO per , l2.'weeks, if not paid in advance,. or WO for:l3 weeks if paid .it 4, advance.• ' • , AllentoWn ACadenly.• The Winter Session commences 'Monday November 18th. Full particulars as .to terms, text books, studies &c, may be learn ed by reference to the Ahnual Catalogue, copies of which will te cheerfully furnish ed upon application at the Academy. ' R. 0. CHANDLin,'Principal. Allantown;Noireiaber 124' '', • ¶-6t , . . Brandreth and Wrights Pills. 4 CountrYWiercliaritsind 'others; tire here by notifleil;':that the far famous Dottorir Wright. 4ndrii*P . Brandteth,. are'conetantly'kepyf A:Meat. stile office pithe ..Lehigh Rectitert,A,bx,the , D6ren : tioxinsoit, hole:tale pricese,T.* MUM SINIEM IME MIES ME RIM Mi;:Z MATILDA BROWN. 11-3 m Line , Lexington JOHN PRICE, Principal. :.. September • 27, 117-2 m , • 14•)• , r' L.., ••;kkvßli %1 4 , 'WAN. t' 4 (' • : 41E2'1' tZ , • • "•-• • .p.:.~. ' MSS =EI gigUi RWV. ett . W.t. • , 061 11. ," : • •. - • . . . • • TheltensClA,VlThAr-"Z.7. Addiii lo4lLiiilkifteritierYithe_ltieition' 4 41t•r4O!igftitiog•kiiiitzsi 1 " . `. -* • • -• • 41- ,! f Deeaasr I've not *tie - • .- With a 'sweet angil-.14 one's alnnetto tlact-i , ': • Tis , ti give.= for tftcipit,t.iti - 1 -- ; , ... • I've sometinies,thuagill, j.t'S sort-taktlest, tip • Here iscthe thili,You!see, Which 13ht tO•be f6r:knowing•-• ' - • Wh9the.r . 4he'd help him mos(tOici,e,7_ UC k eep him tnottfrol# It's liktkall other questifirs—much Reinpins on either, side; , • Toqs • - . Let'" .hends Well,,hheadsr,it .. 2is;_andmarriage wins, Auki4en• !9 4 . 11 9 0 fe•ths.wire,:. lipw r ikkAlnan 191tnoi! Jekplio • Him' i4ppiest life 1 Yrom ii9cl l.lll 9,t.c. 4 =,APgos7 • Js to Choose, I rear tolislt , —solnelest they inignt, , And dthers, not lefuie. T h en Womankind; you:kne,w, is •,stich• . sort- of rilt,' : . • A ier, One hardly khoars‘iihaihe - shall , do • , • .• WO:0er; when he does get her. .. in harness she'll not trot, "•-•••• Quite Peaceably and civil: Presto, at once, she "shies" or boils," And flings you to the And then these Angels as they ate called, .. (ligav"n knows why, they've no, wings, Although they do fly off sometimes,) Are no such airy things : What angel's food above may be, I don't pretend to know ; But good substantial bread and meat •Our "Angels" like below. A wife Is like a horse and cab, Expensive luxuries— 'Taint every fellow can afford In Such . ..hard times" as these. In short; If still you ask why I Don't enter married life 1 Because—three little things I lack— Cash , courage, and —the wife. Illicgcllancou9 sclectiong. A mystery has for ages hung over these famed waters. The most vague ideas, the most wild and erroneous impressions have prevailed ; and travellers, who haw strayed on its shores and glanced at their mournful solitudes, have given their crude and. imperfect observations, and added to the existing stock of wonders and horrors so widely diffused. So well known as are most parts of the earth, to which great. historical events have imparted a deep interest, it was time that some adventurous spirit should arise in our age, and that science should. lift the veil from the doubt and uncertainty that shrouds the subject. That spirit was Lieutenant Lynch of our Navy, : and our country had the honor - of embarking in the enterprise." Pubiic curiousity was keenly excited. The truth was a great considern turn. The time had passed by when the wondrous tales of travellers are swallowed with credulity. ; and men were prepared to glean facts and phenomena from. an authen-- tic source, and to: draw deductions for them selves. The present is an investigating and 'a reasoning age, and nothing but truth, tvell-established truth, will - satisfy it.' It can not be denied that our commander has ex hibited,great zeal and energy ; that he has shown great firmness and tact in surmolint-, ing obstacles; acute observation, and the, greatest industry in collecting facts. His preparations were made with judgement, and an admirable precaution. Every sup posed difficulty was anticipated and guard-. ed,agaiast. . The equipment. was complete. His . two, metallic. boats, easily transported across the land, the one,of copper, the other of galvanized iron, were admirably suited to the There . were in all sixteen per sons iri - cbe'paiiy., In transporting the boats to the sea of Tlberias, the Syrian horses re , fused to draW, and'Oaineli Were substituted in their stead. ' It' Must' have been-an impo , sing sighttlie ,mounted Arabs, with their tithed speard, their'flietallic:boritsidrawn on great Carriages bY'crintels, with the flag' of Our country; :priitidly flying over theta. - The Jordan WWl' passed;-and; after great difficul ties and dangere, they arrived at the °bores of the Dead Sea: Twenty-one. days were passed'on the lake. It was crossed in eve- ry direction, for the purpose olsciunding It was found to be abont 40 miles in length . by about 9 mileti average,breath.. tom" of-: the .sea. consists of two submerged plains, an' 0/.9Yatek'inci'4ePr94#4::i -ine4l of 10019 o*-. **my.; eitip; tletorAre,.l4loolrAt QIISIPti4Ii - #Mr' • ' • ." . " 1;1 ', • tzeerz,t,;:i ~. ~~:~ _ ... • iiiß MN ~• .:4e : .- . , 5.7t... , ...(.. .... -, ':; . -k.' :,.......-...,,,,,...,,,.... '7. 4 .. i'. ' :,, :'l ',. : '*: . 7.-'ii,•!".,,!.!:,,'.i,. '`r • • - ,,,r , ••••••, ,- -:- , • -'•'• • " "". • • 'l' " • ,1 , 4" ,. • • f cftttltinitoonentiatltttiglaVvitv ••." • •• "•: .• . •.• • , t •-• ? 4,' 4 4; • z The Dead Sea. . 1 ' ., ..*;.:4 . :*y , 1 , '..: , ,.... 4' , .."',.';;'.;' ',.,•,-..•:?.;-..,'.,.,:,-:'.:\:74*,'..... ME -- - i i•-•-•- - •:i.7 -,-- ;z• -, ~, -,, : , ,, , , ,,,••,- : ;. • , : - • i i4tio, . . ki.- ~ - •-•=r• , • - ! , ,. - :•,,>5 4, 2 , ~., .444 , ,,, a , . 4•..2.-.., ~.-•-rw-r•••• -•-• •..,- ~ ..'-• •." . .- , '..„,,, • " it ' '.• '•' ' ' .. Y.V. ', ' •!"-f;'•,:'*.wi.. onhAeftooY 3 l,i'eP;;••kk , ..'•:-:,'••••••-•; . :1;•:-'4 - f$'W , il:•.'• . ;:•1: - -',' t*,l,l4,io2l,Petel.':-,71: •;1`.4 : :- , • 4 -r:: , : ,. .." 1, - ' 1..,;';F•.',kz•'!" . 0 ,,..4K-'7 ~.. " t 7.4 „,,:_ : , ‘:'"-:, ;: z4c., : ~..•:?:. . ..i?: , ',i- 14 " '...:- : '.."::'— •. r;if'','_i -lci, hi_ .',....,-,z. ..-z,„.. , - , : •Rt-'''''. - ,,:' ~ :' ,. ..e1:::.: *,: ~-'4', 4 fp-... i,-, „ - :1 7 - - .r.s - i' ti 0 ni 1 i :',;,...! : 1' . 'i:' • s. ; : . ''. 7 ":,•,,, • '•': '. :- 1 ';‘'1 4. :' ,. .. ' '..-•.;'. 1 ...1' . 4 • 1 15 ,'; ‘ ,t.1..''' ,2 0 & ,*. , .-i . I ;zip . '••••';',:": ; • 4 , .'.' .''f . 0 ,- ;',,, ..,•19-..'",...:4•';',.:!,•. ,A,...1-• •.. ~ 4 4 1 , , .71, . •':: . ,„l+- •,' ....,' ,„. • .-. :,...,,.• ..' - ....: •.•"..,- ..I. ~.7W,.: a ..',Za• c: : fAs' . . I';..:',N”' ?,,,,rili•.;'.''"7 .i ti( 4 l';l? . iMAf -- '74I . WA r., ,a:,- . ,..: :, ••:., t t.4 , a:. 4. , ..: ~,17.: ; •-•:,;! . ..,.... tf....f.ait....,•;.• , .,.„ : ,..1:-74:11..t.......-.••. , z:i . .4t ! ,,.,<''...,, , ‘:,,t'...,„ : ,..'•':',.”4. - .•,.• --,' -..: :."..? ' s - •_• . " - __, - . •:, , r • • ' ~'• ...r. r '-.1..;':', - ,'11i , ?:.:, ,- -4....' ~,r ia:', : ,';'' . .. ...,„ . . . C' r. l` ~t '>;tt , ry A - go: 1 ." 4,1 , • - • - - - . :NE UTRA L IN *P • P 0 pi Ticsi, ! „ • • 4' ; BEM 4 , 1 'bittiiiiletii!Which?ObOunded i the,plaihr . .. - Al thcingh : ,thi3i3irirey entered ' =.ryp , its• 31 w4ll NnnitiAting op inio raw 'On o.l?ei g",a tfe ded..unbelieteein :the the coarinapder.states that after:a-close artd.Pit& tiontipieeqraiiewof,twenty-two dilys!they,' were- urialintAis to thti conviction ;the, account Scriptura l : of thedestitiction%f, ? the' cities ::of the 'p lain ' The' popular idea has: been that the smoke froth the•fires, by which , the dmimed'eides were consiiiiied; still rose ': yri.aa•the7sheres and " , froni the Air iii reatl;il moil of theg. judgement,' Phenolhena waKfohnd, tol. be nothing more • - than the' great that enclosed it in arhin, transparent-vapor, wnich, with, its •purple tinge contrasting witii,the sea beneath;•was, blended in ; the - distance.. 'lt pieseinettrhe appearance Of smoke filial burning Sulphur. TlK.PhOsphorescene property Of - theie. lied icy tvpters by' n ight way he ve .led to the idea'' ol fire , steuelm t •yicl re .t slotas-`vdnishes - An other error:has prevailed;'aietliieeXpeditinit , shows: ..dtrlVas the general belief that fruita wooldrior.z..iipen on its ahoreS: 4 .. i . :Although their chaiacter was fonthe.miast-part barrea I and. gleihrty k yst orir,partgonrul n gieticva l - 1 rierrof plants, vigorous and full'df 4lossOms , and with every rodicauoir of „bearing` flri , to perfection The sahife oxhat tfbits t and the.interon -wit of thii.d4PPiir'theVeair Sea,'Nere `'• vegetable "life. - There` pps bean 13und 'a fruitlnentioned by obsephus rtitd - tacitus; and -by .tratrellersi , called thG 'apples, of , So-• dom,, about :which-- much! has ..,been - ;said: When, preseed,-it.explodes;with-ainifl,-,leri ving only •-•.fes‘Y - shreds ',rand. fihres,iii ; the hand. But this fruit. is foniaid,atSo in INyrni dia, Arabia tind,,Persia, i pad,,fe-pOttpecnija'r to the Dead Sea. ; A *chigoes discovery: as made, of a lofty, , rounajiillar of -adlid`salt, about forty„ feet high; found the heady of a r • deep,'narrow and abrupt chasni.' .Iriseihui alludes to it, and believes ir to 6e.theittetiti cal,pillar; into which.LoCa'wife . iiris tuned and the-traditions of the•Arabs'contirrrt this idea. It is, to* in the vicinity mentioned in the l3ible. Our traveller does not van , ture an opinion on the subject, nor do we. We have gone somewhat into these three points, because in the Apoerapha, in the Wisdom of Solomon, x. 7, they are alluded to in speaking of the cities of the plains,. From constructions put upon this passage, and trona the representahuns.of some trav ellers, the.4e errors, so generally einertained, seems to have sprung. 'l'hat the water from the impregnation of salt and bitumen is greatly heavier than the ocean, our trav ellers declare, as well as the fact of its ex treme buoyancy - . Many curious illustra tions of these !acts are gi venon Mr. Lynch's' book, to which we refer the reader, and which have been mentioned by' many oth ers. Many annoying and peculiar sensa tions and effects resulted from bathing. A highly irritated state of the skin, and febrile symptoms, and prostration of strength seem to be the eikCt produced on the system by the totettbe heat and the quality of the wa ters. The leafless branches of the bushes on the shores were encrusted with the salt, and sparkled like icicles in the sun. The copper boat, wnen overhauled, was found to be wearing away rapidly, and when ex posed to•the immediate friction of the fluid, was us bright as burnished gold. Theshores presented the appearance, from the incrus tation ofsalt, of being whitewashed. The very footprints upon the beach were coated. wan crystalization. These are strikin4 , facts mentioned by Lieutenant Lynch. Tee statement is confirmed, that no living thing is found in these waters, which, when suli, jected to a powerful microscope, exhibit no animalcule) or vestiges. of animal matter.. Though birds are comparatively rare, yet they were occasionally met with, and wild ducks were often seen, flouting on the sea. Taus the idea of the atmosphere being fatal to birds passing over the waters is a 'insta -1 ken 'one. We.have thus given a short and conden sed view of the subject, stating.those pheno menu which we deemed most interesting, and those facts which are the most striking and important. The world is indebted to Lieutenant Lynch for a great deal of valu able iriferiftation and a work of deep inter est.. '•Be has thrown light on many things that were obscure., and has corrected many errors that extensively • prevailed: He has 'giveti us .an :authentic record on matters about which :there -has long . been much mystery and , much Misrepresentation.. • in the result of this expedition,!ind the, man , ner in weiitii.iv was conducted to its close, ,he reflected tha highest.. credit-...0n hitnseltand on his country. . The cold begins now. to increase percep. tiblY. Wit the past, month, much, of the autumnal Warmth has 'departed, ,is alma dy colder,. suit Om shorter thkdaYs,become the more wiltthe earth lose its "heat, This We 'daily experience, and ,it , -_ , .rctlitires but 'a 013014 1 Pgrce of attention _ discover in this *rrOgement the great wisdom and goodness 'this gradual increase of cold iinecessa ry to prevent the indisposition, and` perhaps ' • . - „ y,. ,4.4rrTz lierease of the Cold. r~ ji ~~-~ ;: ‘. . 4:AW3 4 1 ' ;N. !ME MERIENg - • BEM =Ea RE OM :;.~ ~:.T t f ~•'~' MEI the 001:Ifetittiptul#0.,.,tjf(0iIiWiraffilktoId at diiihe . ittgVtlitlxilif:4c i itt raoNtt...of pyitithii',AViakliOihr , W nu tji . l4M:',tkett'... aud4 . ofhitti - hr.the, 2 . • k : - ~4 b nl 2 ' '' ••4 '.A 1 . •10•!tii. -- t na , .." As It i \ ti;';ise : '''• , . = ; :i. , : f‘ : , 4 ; , ' iiislo;- : .tfi*Oi . "' cold'i rt.lhh•;." . e.aol.';o .. : - :'.' ,. . -- 7..i:', fiiiiiiig•ol . ' discs,. would' it'• be; -1 `21 . -- ,:ifif'ddiiiiiAptiAsCti..7?•: - fitiireifii.bitritillel•.littit,C.,'Or,'ititirii*tfild'i4' ,. ...' A4rcliffi'aoi4;:tif-•.W4oolA.Hear,i*xo , ~ f s . , has,ihh , p iieiltf.4. l ,o*,kd e d ,. fotokto: 4:,-,x-, , .....,, .... ott'r:,.,lit!es :in Ahus glAntingus inthc0': ,, t . ,,u;,...:•: which immodiately.fitiocopii;Oie.: - 040. ~ : i • f,. 74.. • ,-, ~,,,r s, emOcunt.t.Mlliat:gradually..pratiateri tu '', dies 491194r. rhoie.etistty:tiithorctaatt,pf;9o, . ,1',,,., what •-,l99lll.ll)9ooitteiOr 09 8 9;Iklijx4UqtYlr: 4 4 0 ;4' copitit atiatta: Cart.Aot. - berir:tc.gritat'-'4eares pi . cold, rivinter suddenly cants witbouutithy.; ,p re Vio us '.prepttt'a,ttah I•:::TAe:gretttecip,a'!t'ot. birds a 94 1 , 4 94g9 1 4.,*1 0 144-PoBhAlkl} , eOgle. -.night,. an 4 With ;:therri , l.kir [ Ofist;,94:thekr. young ; whereas . .tiy.tlie grajdnal,tupy,c - rr, co f : . coldiheir.,littqtline ici•malifithviccesatiry . preprimtiAlil,At:'theii',p-resgiappli:..l:.;,Nlie atitutnnhilimaftieg*ltiChitt?PhilititiliFiviii;.- • ter'llArri'-tfilt.c*Mbe:ti4,trlt'sitititit4Orffilt , i. - their Abodefrirind;raPitikatottitrier clirrititeSi:•;‘lTi,....L • ,, ,. or: ro. getilcAnttlacife:WhepY,AtiOliftit-llgist*:': tlf-1j.01.V- : Ltilatitlo(efy,igier:Wifttext ., fo`t : ltitukli'(:*,, f . e'•,;. Aeatkop, - ...ef;.:- :.91•;.,•.}v;.•;t...t . .ti.,•: 1 A"...4 :•,ik - -) - A2.1 -4 YV . .gP": .., ,: It would . .bci.equallygTritalkek.Outt - ,4l,dituntid'''''.7 . : 4 thi•-!•:, our. gardernivlf.,theyiwaruitiddentyl.nWis.,:, ',..; „ ....:;'•,--- •prived'orthe,sumrper. , .hOhtl;,;4ll4-tilapta;tthcl,, p,alice,lerl i ,sioticei. wotild,...irkeyicablt :pf.:•, -, tali.; •.1tod: t heAProgc . pii ICE np.,milre.."lo4.,tis ; ~..,, , .> the beautiful ficitirers 'stitiii 'i66Akrtiltitei:Ais"'-'•' • frilits. -1 . .. .'". - ' -,.:. ..,.. - .r.,..-,..',....„ 6 ..,..:,:-.••• : ',". .- ... - It is, tlierefore;lkatdustllitit, we rilt:OUlit ift; - ;'' It noivleciteltiAhis A arrariteMent• - thef'virgifert".• ' And the:good:leis:of -Gtiok'ritit not, reOrtrit':', ri slt. Matte r, of 'little:- cotteafineneo..thlitt I',ioii:(k; the.last:days'of - Suii - inior,?.4i'eiiiiik,toio6o , o . :- . . finent.of.;wieter,thellielttAierridatalfoollo•,. isliesAS..the,cpl4 lriAreasesi. ' ,-- .4 11 )0. 0 040iPP4':1'.... Bible revolutions were: ..neceisury, t ..,t,,t, ‘ ,4(s!?r, , and;aliotherereatures:Anigli,tbe A litilti4sAtjt-:,.. Sist, and 4 littt: tite - 'earth• miglit;-„4'si 4 :l6firtirif,4o' ' -. -' Ape!: to us' lteryich'Stores,' ::14qt" - -!ii;,iiiii , ., sulapttioui‘rnart;•.W.iii4u;afitin ; PiiF4l:d.Pailifi''';' 1 . • the.,htws'cirraitu'ret,:iinly illsplaCe_iitiio*lB , .i. ‘ ! ‘ Wheel i n't the vast ' ' machine. -of cll. o .' r 410,,,1X .. i i , ' ..` .-..: anc)..hckvij-4.0. 0 4. hOye * :6 3 ccakic;i l :49i:#!:Atßii . "' injury he htte , dtkopiAnd , learn. to:his , ookrcnir4;.•s: • thatiheitili; 130 . ,:rrught."disorge.50,0,4t:,.q t, mik r,...:, gementaiifnutitre4•he:Cciukliaekrioinkcp .- : - :.. - c i,. them ::=.';'ltet::tiTs ;the n, receive .„.iit144304,,, that nothing is made withe?!...4 JuPiC9X4OO;::: , '.. r - and no revolution :happeni ititlibfiraltiffl4:A.- cient preparation.: 'Alt material•Oent il:!-•_ • ...-,' wally succeed each'. tither.;', all'ira:l4elritii - 7''.: ed in the most regrildi 'Ordei ; t arktblalltakti2: place exactly at the .appointed'Aiiittiff , iirdiff,'•'• , is the great law with which, Godfiruleit,ititi...... universe ; and hence it i6that his *all'ike ' are so beautiful,' iniariable as wcill . :4- . pr-,• feet. If it was 'our constant occupation to \ atatlY.' , .... this beauty and perfection ih the *irks' Ot, - ' 4. God,' and to acknoWledge in eierratiiiistiont' , of the year the. traces of His divine Totirer.. , *. and goodness; we should .hear nomore7of•.;. ! . those foolish complaints by,.which.,wailiii.....„'. honer : but we• should ever find orlerivii.; ;,.' (loin and goodness, even .in thoste,priiduc-' tions were we only expected diSorder' and . imperfection ; and we should say,'frornithe' . fullest conviction, ~ A ll tho paths of lhe Lor d" are truth' and mercy i' all his conditg . '3i);.'` wards hiiereatures love 'and khaiheial ::and' may weever revere'his cairethint;T)W,tifter is il his' Preeepts."..... - •.. • • ..,•,•'•:`.i...`-•••.•-• Singular and Mysterious, 347 • The lake Providence (La.) Republioari•of the 23d ult., relates the following 64414_ circumstance: • - Some time ago, when the cholera wittp..ll,•••• ging to such an alarming eitent.htlehilif ish, a gentleman residing a ahori dirit,imt;,7 . . • from Providence, determined te temof#4l4,:,. wife to a mon!, secure locality, ,andAic i rtr,,,,,,c o z , dingly.sent her to N. Orleans,. „Thavbt*.,: i .. band soon received the fatal news tender partner of hie bosom had,,filjeitOtti.K..,.. ,- .047 tim to the dreadful.. eit New Orleans. , ; Menths, however, greatest physie,i44 lence of griefLOo, : rk. ly iiimeinbianco 901, ho form ed the who attr4ted•-hispi,, qualities,,e*lo# gislr and l 4ntilienAt modest; , p,Olfe4V say, that psig;go married, tolkih r Olei their 'conntihkti'boW‘ About a Week Obi ed, and flung; herself husliand;.to the grel bride: . We hest; 'heard en of reasons'of:her conjecturesny tke. w auto willnowa , them, as the matter: the Courts'brJuittei druillisinf•rp dangoroita'.ilii►e~e~~s haiknot •biert afetrt'd „ '• 4 4 . • fr Ma Zk r.” jj:Yi f— fike4 •• •tiVt? ".~~~ ~;, { ~ ",`"~ Q M ~ ~ ~:~ • • ..„ , • t .•„ ' - • t • f t ; efr. I~` 3 ~LJ ( ~~ r, ~i . rl ~ 1 e ~ ` ~y N~J~~ 1: • _ ....w ..., v~ Pi • /1"4, 11 4,"„f • 4 ."? • • 4 F . L ; • (74?Pi.„.{.'„tr=4 11,4A,1.;,%:44'4•11 M ili El INE • , v~l ta • ' k w , 7:•-, E IMEI :„r l , , ;1 1 116.1i1b,
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