IME _ lk - '4 atl as and ye; iplol an a tr. r 1 '4‘11014 BOOTS ',lair • Opts, ALSO.-zA gen. oral assortinentl) all-,Ads of ~ - which they are 'deieimini:d tat'aell.pheaper . than . any ,dther. to • county Their Stock oppsists of every variety of Women's Kitkaleroico; and Calf Skin lioes;Gaitera d pus and - Men's' firio ,"`.; !carte Boats' and '''Shoes, ": 6 4 , 41 . • of every; iiik . l3oota and " thi;;;, &-- • 'Call and old stand; one 454 r west ot4ti s ogotyHttiiiwitto Store.. XtfICHMAN T &IIiFtO. Oct: 25. :; Chem, fat - and Cap Store. Hamilym Street •:neeirlxi.pppo!ite Hotel,Allentown. • Jacob 'D. l ono,. Takes this method to•inform hic frien4 and customers, that he still continues the klatmaking , and 'Cap husiness," and keel's . codstanily on hand, a large assortment 'o.t the'most fashionable, ` Beaver, Mare, Brush, Russia; Silk and Napped Hats, Which. he will sell at- , the lowest prices. .418 o— a -large tuisortinent Mens, Boys • and Childrens Caps, at . very .reduced prices. He id likewtse prepared to manulacture to order Hats at the ahortest possible notice. Thankful for past &Vol.! he hopes to en joy.a continuance of patronage, as,he feels confident, diet hie liatS, fully ,recouirrond themselves. • , Car Such who-.are` indebted to him for some length ..of time, will please recolleet, that their, al cnuntti should bd promptly sett led, anitit idexpected will not be neglected. Nov. ,9,. ; ; „ , • `RevolutiOnary Soldiers .LOOK HERE 1 -- , Thesubscriber ofll3rs toile public in len hia -sterVices‘ forthe ' prosecution ()fell manner•o! claims 'against the general gov ernment, and in particular in; ihe following - • s • ' • • , Suspended midaubjetted claims underell. Pension !awe:, Applications for increase of pension; Andee!anyfof the —Pension lawr where . the peektionersare- dissatisfied %via their present allowance.. For all those ivid ows who received, or who are entitled to re ceive; the ten:-years pension- due on the 4th of Mitroli/1848, under the.acts of July 7th 1888; MarchOd 1848, - and Juno 17th 1844, being Those whit were married before the•lst of .Tanuary,.l794; Ike ;will undertake to estab lish; pyler the eat of Febuary 2d, 1845, their Claims to a pension for life, commen cing in,the 4th of Morel', 1848, when their *Wens' under the foregoing acts terminaL For all these widows of Revolutionary officers or soldiers, who ivere married after 1708, but before January 2d' 1800, he will, undertake to establish their claims to peniiee for 'life, commencing on the 4th of March 1848, under the act of July 29th 1848.—' For all those widows of Revolutionary pen sioners, whose claims havebeed rejected or suspended for want of proof of service : or those who are in the receipt of a pension less than that, received by their hus bands under the acts of May 15th 1828, or June 7th' 1832, he will insure the same amount per annum, that their husbands re ceived ; from the time the pension is made to tomtnence by the law 'under which' they claimed or have been pensioned. All pensioners having claims against the General Government, groing out of our re cent. difficulties with Mexico, will find the subscriber a prompt, experienced and atten tive agent.. T,errasgmoderate, where the claira•is es lab( is hod, otherwise no charge. < All com munications'must be poet paid; and directe to the subscriber,. Lancastet Pennsylvania, ; .„ • • ..JOHN W. MECKLY, Office South Queen St. wiih Jac. B. A in walce, egg. :•7•Beptember-13, 1849. • . piciiket ' BookT Annufactorn, No. 52& Chestnut St, above Seventh; PHILADELPHIA. • ' The subscriber respectfully . solicits public attention to his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, aml Banker's Crises, other fine Culler.ii, Bill Books. Gold Pena lt Pencils, Dressing cases, Segar Bases, Cord Cass., Chess Alen, Por/Whales, Back Gammonkßoards, sPYrseit: Dominos 4.c., 4'c., 1441 assortment consists of the most fashion able atiikModern styles, of the finest quality' nueergleintf`worhmanship, embracing eve nr, destmblei r fttncy pattern, which he ‘vill at all thttplAtiii Pretutred to exhibit and furniah wholietleArtinful en the most pleasing tenns. ?Illgßitteh lWi ktieinvhddesiretasupply them seiveklltt,teles of ' the . pest quality. will coltiltli t :elr.tyn inter*, by calling at , this eatabl ... ;L:Sii : PifI' I 4AMPITI; p oc k - • ).' 7 , ~ ;r j litsietiirml.olfr Uliesaui Street, ',lPhil ' 4 2.1 ,1 ' 86 .1,10„, i4V4Aira,4l. ' K• ' :0,;:'.-' ji r', - ' - ~; • , . , I t u 131 8 I •, . LARDWC ,r HEESE; it, 0481:661. 1 ;gpf6:46-fi • • ,u_elnrM t,tlltag,(`.:;. , • 'r t6r4 V ok 1 1 if04 1 045 1 1 4 1 . - ' • • blie9 • reiteb'UnCWA • - • ' ''• . • ' - - 2 , table deeiCs, Frencb:Maliogluiy Fnedktemisilligibi ; :Feat 'itirfi c nbhf..o B tffetittifiittOEd iire rgn e kk iis, ' Wes hstanda - -of iliOribtliinihir CifpbOards, withi4erietYcifcitherEnrnlitire.• Every role lo kept in.such establialierits, 'or that may be reiltiiiidlqr.the 'cininunity. are kept' or made: to order, at the .; shortest notice and On'tinkiabst -rt4SOnabli terms. Having, had consid4rablo;_experience in the business, be:tiiliti"that - Wa'ssidnous at tention and moderate prices,limeiits a lib eral share.olpublicpatronage. • House.keepera • ata others, want: d eny ,thing iO2his line,.aro respeetfully,'invit ed to give him u friendly:call. .. - ..! ,E. LOQK IE . -E" 'The untlersighetl hp - si - just received a largo and spleptlidasiOrtmentqd PERFUMERY . to which ho, most respectfully,.calls ' the at tention.of the fashionable Ptiblic4his varie ty consists in part 'of the follOWink artieles to wit:: I • - ' Pine's !Pitrisian Ciiijling .lules Nauel's flair °some and „Mukcciissir,9ll;•:Qx=mar row, Mc'Curdy's Crystilini, Med icatell, Sand, Pidin,yrinii - Hisnel t r • Comic and other SoapS,• 'EX; tract of • Cologne,•;Briggs' Russian Cpsetic, Pack- • • ody, Rose,' Musk Steel Beads, Rings, Tassels, Dressing, ..Vide, dud - Back • Combs,Toil . et Powder, • , ' Hair , and Tooth' •Druikes. • : • iladelphiaMOutittit - 4.., v , vt ..„,, , n 6 No: 52. South 2d Street,,nettrki,nerttti, Movig's:a ExcLu5ivi . ..41,.. d ......-... Resson 4- AVIS* e r Mourning Goods;-and wort .10V44461 . " ention. of Jill buyers, visitinkilfte.F3ty4 nc amination of theirstoel;:7'r!;..,''': ~; , :cr ~ As the' utmost cam is takon in tilq . 14:0 4 ,) - 1 ing and sekction of.;theis,..•..keepipe, large assortment at all': selaisi.offering. for. sale only what is , good artdßf Ithe.)proper shade of black, no i1eCeP49014:611,109,91i • .. .- • ~4.7 ~ -- .1 , :..1%,V e. u .,:- ,o ~ is hmentat t.. : ,..) ? ? 40,!-.4,1g,,74: .. 4 44 ~..4,.1.-z_.• Lupin'itfloinbozineo.4oplitt i tine.4oooM.: paccas,PltifriVailltrilq4.ol o . l 44.WO„efr4 ". FrenCh hieritici43Vitteit44ol. l *X4)4l)';-:4 - ‘itiii..Mousselities'i:MOqiptar";l4nOttir '• - ans,MOuritintiqhjajtzg l ypg§o,ol;::',: • BlackVbi.lAlt446,oFlini a Vatee.t." .' I - E 'l - li'e ag.l'ltti k Veilir''-' '‘ fig ts tp v . i , ~.... ~ t :: calliriiplit3 Y.,ll,,kiltlf e 4 . .. isltilv , )c. t 0 91,0x , d ,, tok,st*AtiA t ti , , , i ,;,,,, ~,, ... ~,,,,..„,,,,..„.,, , 400..,.; ”, : a iPtc'erm .. ,trlXt F. t t 0.0., t ; ... t:' , 0 A t iiriliti 4t 4 to' hpi '' ',:‘, . ! .10,..44-: , *r. ;1 .1 :, : ,1 '': bpd ' , .!:,„ :.!---...:;,.. ' ', • I *.i.4 o P,§:Rti •'::;.1'-':!•ii**Or',,'. ); ;;;; - . ) ..i4:;;'..,, 0 ,•..:..:', i , ..., t , . •:, ~.. oiiiiiiiil4o)4ilaiiii j. eAlitligiliko,,O , '.Market":l3t:Vlititfo:. 1 1 11111Ap . E141114:: .... .... e. ..9TH x vv -- rii " Inv — at , " • . I • M . S . Of eveilyae : . . o .. m eat denth - : • . 1 4te'' . • t',0*)...;-- Sept. 13. If—am ALSO.---A Urge voriettof tithcr articles; numerous too meniiiiini all which . will old at the most; educed tirices. Septerriber 6 EMS r, I‘•4-- 'oecuPje4 tOPP;!tIP {tune, t4.1 . 11:3C t f.,Au- L g usklast,.. l o..ooy:wka i tnaUp L ltftkelr ousi oater;:itnproir,Onepts,' to the . contrail le neenf-lhoiez jrkeit h e rn %I;?ith.,,their ctkatern,:ail4,Atiikke !t.--,,, , eq41.if riot sutit riot tq.auit ;rloi# : 49uo ,l r!:the place. Th4r - Bitr;•:Vrill hesitnpliedltrith the choic est of ittitiorqabere'rabiertiet;Wiih., all the season ,a fiords, and ' , Ewell all new and clean ; in short; neithet tifouble: or ex „pnse'ivill ; saved ', titaecoditriffiodate 'Ettstomerkiii —7 I • Their stablineis : Ittriterand , . convenient. , with the'..hkdrant Water:in the yard, andittn attentive ostlef to attehd to cuttonters. •,' They trust theitetreneons•exertinits-to ac comodate. those :.w 'may favor Ahem 'with their calla; mill , be the means of bringing them: numerous,new:eustOmers. . • • • E3SER&PETtRS. September 13,1849:: ' - •-11-4rn JZaiiib Ej Strecessorio'S'olie • Importer and Muunfactarer . 01 ovcifOcripti94 of FUIIS :'• Huviiig just teturneilfrorn Europe talk a • • SMSVEPT§TOCK , OF?t I R BI . Is`now mantifticttftidgherii a very su perior' style; cm) irirnminitkenti M . the most • elegant minner,Und-WOulii invite the often - don of Merchants his superior hrid exleqpive assortment; whi6h, as he man ufactures as well as 'he is enable to oifor et%such prices 'O's ;'reii... houses - in the United Suites'oun coruppte'With.' ' ' 0 1. Storo•• alwriye Closed on 'Sittiiday's.: Pr-The hiiliestU r ash - P4depoid for Ship; .•" . • - ••• .: Wllemeintieiihe'plite; n e at to Lodden & Co's, Family Medicine Store- • ' .DAVID H. SOUS, 88frAmb (Mulbeiry) Street, 0 doors tietow ad st. August •. li—Grn LATE,WILLIAM STOVER - it SONS, 04-CaU DEALERilNtopiTity-.PlioDucE, N 6: 41A'NilitIfIlirrifetieet,"coinCk • &WO-4 ME • „IP Mia - delp - him"- • • • , . . Hiti•beeti replenished by. the itibscriber; lli.iia entirety fresh end well :select44 as •*- • ud i ngpiime, cßfee,'cb'oice flavored Teas, inititt.Wines ekndti4Ors, Spices . &c. &c. tery.article' is strictly good of its kind and ill be supplied to consumers and dealers a lama I l'proftt 10 cash. - H. LEVIN Jr .(late Wm.-StoOver & Sons, Phil.) 13"CO,Ontry,Ttoducti bought and taken in liti Itcnge,ror drocqries. • Sepieinbei 27..., .--3m-3 Pure - iTresh-Cod Liver Oil. thiti4f,ew• and valuable Medicine, now, ie - orbyilliaMedical profession with such tnnistfiigi efficacy in the cure of pulmona ' patiiii - Iscrofula, chronic rheuma ii;gotte,;4 general rkbility, complaints of 4:#l4tittotti; - itc., is prepared from the 'tj.1 1 .,1 1 4' 0 .01A„ - for medicinal use, ex r9_ _ l l -1. 040, 1 . 4 . 1 F 8 . - ' 'O.l - 410.froinfilse London Medical Journal.) 4 0 4.:;B:' 'Williams, Mr, D., F. R. S. , rAtspiof Medicine in University College, n,daki . Consulting Physicians to the Hos t fokl,;Constortiption, &c., says i I have issill?k,d:Altio . ,Oil in the above four hun :;ioisks, of[fuberculeui disease of the ilf ii.‘lliift,tit. , stogei,:Which have been ..,,,._ y;icaka r rtke;Littst. two. years• and a kC 2 g 4lil., l t t : I ' ( fe lli")l ",•:!f rn o b lle e w r''o ed f • b c y ase m s nr 2 ll 6 4 1 ..tio 'tiff I:offirio . ) , Vetioent; varying in 4 01 I Alt`ttlitik nfcgstit from n• temporary, otatlatiea r olof i i. etff,pr:Ogtias -. of the disease R . , mitt lo fdost esonn symptons, up to wiihlti, :iotiteCCenople(e . . - restoyation to ap ittientliM(l4A:e,•qr, '-, r .7. 9 0;;. -- . \ 7,-::: , . F*i 6 . • . ...!41110WO:.:9 1 .. pid„royk-glif its moat of iiekki3Of f Yi*AtrittOtk4o l o . 4::Evon in fl s :*(4o 4 4. l ) L q,4o,4oAW:o l o.iiigiAiiMllie, VitrtLn i" olstie,fin - q9cultitlo4, ? I PIC 4 :Ater.W.4*.O "03 1 1 , * 68 edi4litlptisa - IPAAK,' Ao i,,,,4,,,trAr0f0t0;2 'fig; le ~,,t , ‘ ..„. 1 ettrength,were-gmdn -11;Y:Itn ia,d;(it'•-••,:80:..:.••4:75: . '.1., . -,•„,,, • ..: 441 ,1149 1 14 1481an 1 " 4 ,.,,i 4.1 i pent, l- I , thit: the pure riitl:9) l l(Pkliksl4er : of , t l ti , Cod is more •betAcial:Mlt , V o trlent.9friPulmonary 'Continnitil,' tl4af thati-ank Arm,' -medicinal, filieNiiii,tfrolgitiienal;*thai - '•hai yet been ern. * - 0 1 03iidi , ' - :•a - !r 41 ?''' 4" anima have Mtitie angemersts to pro- Aureihkaii Vititreil„Qil,fresh from head qUatters;it :Vhiii-6e had chemically pitre by the si . titileicoi an boxes of one doz en eqill:,' ", t ,; . , J"...... .;-, ,• r ~ • . :,ItO'lyande 1. rftil efficacy has induced riumer titlitjwitrious imitations. • Aa its success de onlaisasnure y cm ipi purly,,too much care 'l3 attint,tie..uped , procu rio g ; it -genuine. .. l Nfory OWe , Agving, 9 n, it our written i egnature, maybe depended 'upon as gem intf_ .. 11 !': ~, •; ~ , ... ; ~ . ,- , ti . t• rig.iPhtelft,,Pontaining a n analysis of the Aili , fialth*gee:of it; from Medical Journals, mrittlitiaent i l.oiiltasezpiho address use free of poamge, , . . • JONN 'C. BAKER & CO., . ;,„ Wholesale Druggists and Chetniate.No.loo North third street, Philadelphia. 0 0t:p 11. ' • 11-6m-61 MEE H. =SUN 4r., i ' sr., F c.:ri. 11.41, 1•54 - il, is 401 - • • ti,M 4141 " ninV - iftit;" tii*en) , go;.ithinWtttirti, - ; 1,IT, Fiold*:Eo, l l.telPSrtitr-f 'beg 4,,;fin - aial ,t } q ffitid- Bill; is •jito-theb'hin&L,so h'etfk.g*pit, and` . off GoottiMbie, 4-' W - 10104, S. IN7,t; jujr unfnClted the Jtifge s t Fall and Winter evertiVoughl. coniptsed:-' - - 2(l,ii4,lo.kiperf. blue black French Clothe. i bla4k;iiiid fancy; Citenctiteorqti -26 at?,'';' - '4li. I FrenClakUrrricekoftillluttl.,: 20 do: l 0 ilo do. Coburg` Clo t hs „ 2546:' do: AlPticces'VfAll - Orico.. •A - . • 30 doi ' do. Mousede'Ln,ines 30 do. do. Flannels Of all colors.. • A large variety gffashionable shawl fr,cri 25 cts. to St', but none, as high as tweAty., All ;kinds of ,Bleached and tinbleached Mousjins, Linens,.4c. . - . Tho'above articles wilt bo scld whidesale and retail at Philadelphia and New roik prices. Call-and examine his stock,'ns it will bear inspection with town, • W. S. • WEIL.' October '25. Musical lustminen . The"undersigned has,tigain laid in.a very larie aisortment- of. Mnsicalelnstrutnents, among which are apprised Violins, Flutes, ACcordians, &c. &c., in the Accordian.,.. line he challenges any other establishment -in the- country, t.4 . S come uptojtiriir in beauty va riety and prices : keeps - - §rinderSon's of'Malte ,strings ; all of - icilesell of the'l6wesi:eifit Pri; ces W S WEIL dctober "- ' • Steelll6a Bangs. veryelegant - assortment 'of - Ste6l Bead Bags v Beads of the latest styles;: fora sale cheap a(tho Store of W. S. WEIL. October 25. ; , $7,4w L.A.MnMNCE, .!)gent for the serle,rif Soidhworth Man ufacturing .Cp's Writing Papers. Worehourn No. 3 Minor St. PHILADELPHIA. 100 cases of the abOve superior Papers now, in store ;and foc sale•to thio trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of— ' Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14,15, and 16 ibs., blui) and `white. • • Superfine Medium and 'Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine• Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled.- Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. • Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. , Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.. • Superfine Sermon Caps and Pcsts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. •Embroidered NotePapersandEnvelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. • Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. • • Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums,• Cap Wrappers, Hard ware •Papers, July 5. ••• • , BLIND MANUFACTORY, wozaatz, VENITLik: BLIND INUFACTORT. Sign of the ,Go Y dkrt Log e, No. 139 4•. 143 Sou& Secori4 below Dock A, , . • • PHILADELPHIA. . ' always on land. a large and fash ionable assortment of Hide and Narrow Phit'PVirigoio Blihdr; manufactured' : in the best'intitiner;sif the beet materialsiand at the l oWesteashprioes.',, ‘`l'.;•liaithiiiefitte4 and enlarged his establish men,tifiels::•in.epared- to , complete.orders to nOtoriiiturit atihe, shartetierintlci.' Conti - M . & ky on hand_an iiiiortMent Of. ' ' " ,111.11H0GaNT FURNITURE . ;., ; : of every , variety; manufactured; expressly for his own sales, and purchasers tnar there fore rely on a good article. rrOpen in the evening. Orders from a distance. packed carefully and sent frpc.Orporterage, to , any part of the city.. CLARK, Phil'a. August 30 1840. • GUMS GUMS 11 . The undersigned have just received 'lOOO pair of Men's Ladies' and Misses Gum Shoes. A fine article of Ladies' Gum Boots, avhich they will sell low. LOCHMAN & BRO. Oct. 25. • • $--.4w C.I.PS•I CAPS t Lechman & Bro. are manufacturing eve ry style cloth and glazed Caps, which they wilt sell extremely low, wholesale and re tail. LOCHMAM & BRO. =WWffl limit ' . r s f 4 - .464b1k r . 41 ,144. 1 ,k 4t4t • I Otit ) 7 :-Et 14:444., as ,ahns 6 ( l baer es! . ablishnipqn!..tiri 7:0 elsew h ere His sfssorttnetJt off' Clocka'consists of Brims' eight dayrthirty hours, and alarm; from 3. to ig l joliar s; - • • - •• ...:His - seleCtiorvot Jewelry sonsicits ,= in part of Gald•iiiiga, Brabv(eia,l3?Otitiiiiik,lritiattv es, Gpld'unTSiiverTenbilf, ,, Wtitchlc haine, ; bays, - gold. Penficsfsuf : 'Hillis : also , pri hand a:'tariati'or . . - S i I ve .eji vet S ifectapiei: 16 iiii - jitlegio; pgctaet glasses;; el voilhlrrkblet. , ;•;•> ; Every tirticle ; tiold.v.himi is warranted to be spot! as repiesefited;atid , :ithoold.ikey proVe.`otherwise -can be refurtied; titni the money will- be refundb:d.-r-,.. • ' is•stockpurchased-witha.vieti to supply: the _citizens of::this;:coutttylwith good and-genuine erticles . .in:.his brenchiancl, which hgve leen elycted.. from the best and mosi.e*tensive•.hossev,iik , New:York and Philadelphia Her.hopes-by due : attention t 4 , hier business, ond - c libOret,prices, share of. pqtypprigg., ; :. , ' • _, •_ , tx:Poelci; 3 , ,Yotclies - .Rridlewelryirepai,r 7 repair ed in,the beit:rripitrydn4 at. thp,sliortest , iiii. Old ,P9ld and Silver ; trikett ok cllivefpegoodip. and-see, then judge foryourselyes. ....A.Aglist 2, 184%. ..If÷3ktt a VEA , WAREHOUSE s'" • - . . 1re, ; 73,-chaintit Si., corner of Bank P. - Has Trtsrile-Aca'ollbtiiild TEAS; to which he inVitesile;attentior,of the,,trade 200'half 'chests Voting Hyson:Tea. • . 100 , do Gunp6wder • - do 100 do imperial -do • 20 do'' - finest - Company Hyson do 20 cases, each containing 4 13-1 b boxes, finest Curious YOund-Hyson; 20 cases . finest Ctirrious Gunpowder. 10 do , do: , Imperial. 200 half chests finest'Chulan Pmychong, 100 do Ningyong Powchond. ' 30 do very finest Oolong. • 100 do• second quality. 100 do • Ningyongdo. 50 chests English Condon. 100 bf., 'do ' do . do. • 25 chests Padre Souctiong,. 25 'do fine Mohea do. ' 1500 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. These Teas have been selected by D. R. with great care from the various late cargoes, and will be found to fully sustain the high and unrivalled reputation which this estab lishthent has enjoyed for the last forty years, and his prices, as heretofore, will be found as low as at any house in the United States. August 10. . . ¶--3m Hart's Gold. Paint. An entire new article, used for the pur pose of gilding Signs, reguilding Looking- Glasses, writing•visiting cards, &c., 'to be used with a quill pen, for writing, or a pen cil brush for gilding, to be burnished with a piece of smooth ivory or agate. It will re tain its color for years in being exposed to weather, being already sized. It can be done in a short time, and at a saving of more than one half over the gold leaf gilding. The article can be had at J. B. Moser's Apothacary Store, who is the sole Agent for • R. E. BAR r, No. 75. John Street New York, September 27. 411--.6m WJIOLE&7LE 4r RETSIL CLOCK STORE. No. 238 Market St., above7th, south* side, PHILADELPHIA. Although we can scarcely estimate the val ue of Time commercially, yet by calling at the above Establishment, James Barber will furnish his friends, among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with-a beautiful and porfecebtife.t. for malting' its progress, of tVInSe value they can judge. His extensive stock on band, constantly changirig , in confonnlity to the improvements in taste,andityle of pattern . and workman ship,.consist of Eight-day and Thirty-hour trams Counting House, Parlor, Hall, Church' and..9larm Clocka r -French, Gothic and 'Other fancy '; . siyles, as • well • ati plain, Which ' from - 4dr exte nsive ! s !Oq,nneition and correspondence ArithfiliCtianpractain3 he , finds!,he ien.pat et thelonfest ciSh figure in any quantity from ' one to a thou/en/4a *hich'herwillmarrant the accuracy. , ' Melia repaired amtwatmnted. Cloak trimmings on hand. • . Call andrisee Me among them. lons B4nati4 288 Market Si. Philad'a, Adgest 30 1 1 . 81412 • 'ff--ly-8 rmezteua , „ Is hereby given that the,andersigned has been appointed Executor in, Ole last will and testament of Peter Steckel,, deceased, late of South Whitehall towcship, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons who ire in debted to said estate, will • please make set dement between now and !he 17th day . el November next, and also all persons 'having claims, agaidat said estate, will please to .present them within said , specified tica:" . . ROBERT &swat, Executor. . SepteMber 27, DM. 'll—tfw BEE MGM l A. 6e E A - •! ', so:fiii i ; . 4 . sl*.Ofik ;more so out of hllgt hie - . arid iixini t h ;. ;; ll4 Ker% sl o# 3 .l 4o l ll 'i.*** ; ; he ca n'ateiminrnodate glaltsfitilartlyillitfav hit tnayi fa var.hi .IVi 41: 1 G r it I I ' -;:"•:•• is l rA •_witlythetliest 411 e: EqatOili "and • ront , ofslhit ti)lins*:nulyi 3 reJlrpiAlltititTg>'' • us 'lie iVitriiiiveciitibeliutiki*dtiiird•littettivro... Ostlersilt due'ritpitd :had ttrtheripro.k ;pet entertainment-kit th&Hottirtkink Wellfitw this master„ , , short,.ihe,subscrilferiihteiidett;.-igiair" , - , neither,pains nor e;cpense.t6 10erl , hit tiansei, in . .the :bestl , man nery andi•A - tlioliatotet:rif:= - spectfully iti s viteathe i3OAIRI3ERS will , be faken-orifrett.- sonable terras,. arid 'ttsfthe rooms out - and , adapted to their titstttti They can be accommodated in tttsii!isfacnityll4o - '.- comrriodated.kwithlraarditte,t , , . - ;Allentown, May 3p1840: ; .1-41 , Thankful to the cipient oft - Allentown a d 4-4 • • , its ;110 . nliy foi;_thoitin,creti4 custom 4T .rignin feri nest t.fieir'Oo!nti!tny;t:ti'' , iiiirio%nnt, large and'apfrridi'il 080>Itikiyit pf' ,- ; CHINA,GLASS '4.4ohENgt 4 ikß. . ITea:Si , tsf,r;s44l.,:sct* - 1 and B ing4Piece B, .....o:!hP!,l;t or:Olana Wart sold ',Sel(Ruithasers, • for less'lkpri tht‘„Y- . diin be lbaili' • fact at less than Nfioletaja,Prices. AMelietlll and English BrltanniAllelatGoods, In greater variety than'ever before offered: in, the city." FANCY CHINA in a greett-va= riety very cheap. - • I_-7'We would Invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at lettst be pleased to walk around our beaUtiful store and to view the finest China drid thetheap esi the world produces. Very respectfully, • TYNDALE MITCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 11;=-1 . .y : 19" *, (Corrected Weekly from Thompson Bk of N America . par Bk of Pennsylv. • par Bank of Commerce late Moyamensing par Bk of N Liberties par. Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Mechan.par Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill , par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Bk of the U States 25 CothrTax BANKS. Bk of Chambersburg 1 Bk of Gettysburg Bk of Pittsburg Bk of Susq. County Bk of Chester Co• par Bk of Germantown par Bk of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown ' 1 Bk of Itlontg. CO.. par Bk of Northumberi .oar Columbia Bank* • Bridge. Comp.. par Carlisle Bank Doylestown Bank par Easton Batik - 'par Exchange Bank I Erie Bank 2 Farmers & Drovers Bank • 1 Franklin Bank 1 Farmers Bank of Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading_ par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill co. par Harrisburg Bank 'l' Honesdale Bank V Lane:aster Bank par . Lancaster Co. Bank par 'Lebanon •Bank Lehigh% Co. Bank ' Lehigh Navigation Co:BeriPt.• • 10 •Mittertv Bank of N ,Pottsville ' '• . , par Merchants &Maus& ' I Bank Pittsburg. o • 1 ' Monongahela Bank, BmwrieldlW.,' t t.i.. Tayl minilllef/K44, !e / a . e; //ridge PPM l li West g ran ola , "5 eW I ti : it wYom e#r?lvik.l York Bab , i NEW, iZit i ti l3 Delvidere,ll4k li , Burlington ContilY.'`` ' ' Hank ' ' • ,- i v'paie Commercial Bank 14 Cumberland Bank I par Farm ens, Bank; . _, par FaTmers &Meehan...- ici Bank,ltabliny "„j' Farmeis&Merchanti" Bank; Mid: Point, :;:f Morris County bank:; I irj•The notes on all lb (—) are not purchased 111131 =JIM • fi st.: . : • Bieknelra, Van Coutes and 'alktector.) Mechanice'bank 'of Newark • : Mechanics bank at Burlington par Mechanics & Min.. , • nfacturers blink par Newark banking & • • Iris. Company New Hop'e &OM , ware Br. coliip,failed Orange bank , 4. Peohletti batik . Plairlfield, bank 50 Princeton bithlt 'I par Salem banking,Co. par State bank. at Ellice- beth town, Newark, Camden,l)l.ltruntt wick, ' par Sussex bank ' 1 ITrenton bank.,co. • par !Yardlerville bridge . • comparty . 25 DELAWARE. The:Banks of the state of Delaware are all at . NEW,I T ORK. • New, York city bits 4 Chelsea bank 80 ' Clinton bank " 60 'Corritrieer.ittll;tnik 10 teafttikteliiik 50 Washington bank 70 COtrerris' Bettis. Alleghany county bank: 70 Dank of America. 35 do of Commerce 40 do of Brockport 95 do ' Lodi' 25 do of Olean • 35. do • • of Tonawadda 50 do of Lyons .24 do of Weston New York $0) BiughamPton bank. 401 Canattiank 8. Cattitiatigus eimink • : bank ' •-• • .85. Erie connttbank; - ? 60 Partnere dalreyers , bartlut : - 5. FIIPPOPit';uOC '4 (Bir- -, neca 9ir DeWitt* Ant,' ' 1 801 Liniiii;eanntibakk Soo lifechiuticAboutle at. . 4¢ Buffalo ' 45.. 4 4PRV1L104. 1 ,1 1 . 1 .4 r at' r'' , Iftttrafo, •• - • .. 40 , .e biinlibt New. -. , iry : ' .. .k ; • 4'. ; : . ... ,1 4.:• , lto Q Stl "p bank ,0 ~ , A . h: 'ai ' „ASioPebaCio vy:Bor Li 401 • Entoult4ic.i , ?';' , . .114 1126 , • ' tred - ''..' • -; 'i'... : ii+lso • r li#l .1, , • 470 : TerttiVlay ~ • j-_ll's , White'Plit .i! k: 1 ?" - ii' 2it:s l .kb Obi; - 7' t•li r . '4' itteatielitidi..V•'' '',. * 'llia:late:Oki ; 'ft ••••e'4c''' .. • ' . d "Rt .4l l l C,o*;,•;i:';',- 1 ;fr'',1,7,••-. © *K4 °l . ''' ? •'o,llp• by the broker*. : -- - , - 7,- WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers