.-:.1.4111101 • fl::Wie-' C.' 1 y /j 1 wirfit'oo; 1 111 ~0 1 1 -.oetionqty4o4l - 1 : I .'ilsl44;ioOheic-;Prejiarj r ritor4 ••=tf, Pt vgt: gt•• ZittioNtipiirivre3B ,ae, • • k„,tli inttr[er.euc -,- . . . FwidEffl fld l. has been , ' rtiforrife • by ; Cquairl .that.'.the•.'4Pv demands that; the li3Ongtiriatr'reeftikeeti:alialPhe.,io4l - thtrAhfertor titCitititirtr - W*such othi er" . pPitrerif the Turkish 'territery,ps_M fl. ay • ferd•the,flOvattisi facilities .fot keeping- them Under tiorveitiance. • - ••• `,l(anY.-ofttielefugees wish logo to. France, ot'Eligiend. they, may be permitted to do'sp. Thetkiirlyilllnke.43l not Ice of theit„depar* • lute, netwithitanding tha.danger. , that . may. intent] •OA ;Orviiether in:France or;in En g . - Thliti.cititiar.l)Q.,doubt but that the ref tr izeett ,• - •Nterrt -el ves. in preinration for.rt .n (?:revolution . •- • • ThOleeiiiie‘cittitudeassu Med by, F.nojarid tat the' 'rtul ipmstion has annoyed the .Ertifieioi , Very Dinah. lie.has caused Count address an 'energetic note to the Erifilisit Gevermm.nt on the:subject. In ihls note the'Etit Orin. peo:Aste.agaiost . this hoitile•deinettstrution in the widst of pettct'.. had BgnhistlitvCriOfit tehibh•Eng2and arra 1- I •ah' 6 lu beflivlf ttin3rivreirt a matter :Ai ich regardeonly titirsin and 'the 'Eublim e -As to the dillietthies kviliciv this rifilut mak give rise to,- the interpretatiolvor the•• tregy het ween ,these two.powers belongs(says note) to them alPne; turd" 'England ought to remain'coniplettilY - unconcerned with it. •• •Turkey . 7 ' •• -• niiiiiritelicadike prrparisiions.--A6or- retyhtiderik, 'smiting from Constantinople, thus refers to the activity prevailing . there : —oThe Turl. Foritlnlle iheitwnilike prep orations. and t heit:Wbole 'fleet will he'ready very qo are actively at work upon •1.:441* ihirr•fii for seiviee:": Turkey is now itt'atttatiktoftlefy Russia. MEE 4i) sAirstitiesiOt . Austria. .. ... -me fullOktinirnote particular note:tent of ilie'lliec . :eite,chtioni;:Will -be *end with mei= tinafikily; interest :- . . , :.• .... "The tranquilit yand die discomineence :;of tlfeltiVe't.itectitions on the-Eloltzplatz, (the • . Tybeivi'*•,l l eistlii ha's already had its effect. 1404 ; k0file•lielieve . that justice would not .in future stride, eiver -corpses, but that it would walk: ad pe.,patits of forgiveness and grace. But or asuye,n a rot 'nor was, spread in the town, of the .eXecetions .which were to take Riede yi, day, ,20th ult. This rumor Coiirid little Credit, for people would Oat— onv, they could not-•-•-believe it. But this et , ' morninif at 5 o'clock a troop'. of horse with • • bared §words, iiptele its appearance in the 1-loliZplat4-.thue effectually dispelling all doubt as to the intentions of the utilitary au thorities. Shortly afterwards a iliattallion of foot appeared and cornicd n square, into the interior of Which they lead the men who were about to suilZ4 death. The drums were beaten. . Their hollow sounds caused our hearts to quake. After the roll. of drums the sentences were rend. The reading was long, very long ;:'and justly so, for. the: doc uments' Were"' neither more nor less than passports to,,eternity. At length the. first of the viclims Was red forwards. Ile mount ed theiliadeld.. Ile was a handsome . YoUng.than of -o years of age I was inform- ed that he awaited his death with the forti tude of a;martyr. • When 1 saw him'he . was pale,nnd cast down. . It was the . matt ner of his death, it was the execution .by the , cord,'which drove the iron into Prince Wo , ronieclee Soul. This men was •an officer when the Hung,ariaa War commenced. He . left the Emperor's service and founded' a , Polish' legion, of which ,he became the'cotn-' mender... , Elynates.troops cornered liiin at . Szurei..•' • ''' ' • ' ' • ' ' . , "" The second. .victim was Al. Abancoutt, I who; 'after ilie Volish movement, had been condemned to , tiventy years imprisonment, i and who joined alb Hungarian insurrection, acting es eidjutent, to Dembinski. 116 was more collected 'than the Prince, and „Indeed, he was able to • address a few words to the: public. The, third and lad sufferer was f,:iiroa ; he leaves three children behind him. He commanded the German Legion, nssist vd at.the storming .of Buda, end so grunt nvere his military, talents and zeal, that he Ives spiel to be.appointed to the command of the garrison of Comore. • I-le was captured at Peterwardein. The d read MI seene dos! . ed with n prayer, in which the soldier§ and the pubic joined." ::On .the.Wth October, three more victims 'Alia by the rope. • The first that 'mounted the scaffold was . . Baron. Sigmend V. Perenyi, seventy-live ,years. of age,l'el;Presideht of . the Board of ..Magnates of'lloo4y. It was' his name that figured Oa, dm celebrated'"Manifest of the Huagariatt:Nation,tol the higli..Constitu ent Diet, .dated 10th Oct,' 1848. The' olil man died'braVely.. • ' ..' ~ ,• C . sernus and :Siitestioy.'l.66 citheriturcr,i46- ,linis, were beth',Delegatek' of,the .. llungarti , tan Diet. It Wn§. the latter' that drew up ..the Declaration of the Indepeedence of;1 - 110- ,• gary,... , • - •' 7 . , .- , : V - " , •`" ,* t, ' f ' The Mortgaged Oligtirehi;:::;'''-.1. -,, Mit I)lsraeli says, oilthe authority -bin , Landon Attorne3 4 ; the'amOunt of the recto kages or'EttllAt/ is *400,006.000, Prod ii -4' er et! t 'kW, 000 a year, the .„ 1 4. . iri g . l 4 - 1) ' P' I' A ' ' (cast • ' ' jan Or .4 9 , ~; tap . are et as deeply to r .taortga'ged• tpstt of England and undoubt edly the lii .', l stinireti ;ire - in a still worse , condititihWiiittpaiel . that the. mottgages i n ' ~T•r e' TrelaiViiiid:,,tp .'; liio amounConly to. one .ial6tqkikliifAiglttid-rt200,000,000, pi.s4nCing ; A i fatyfper k ,ekiifo,ooo,6oo a -il4oSjOrSt(lo7B.o( tjeeriStscrtey • of l'ageofinttawkauktunt 10:2000,600N0 (for which..tbeylinvetlo pity, ia the shape of A'' . !•:T':Venielifiltiti.iist. N 24,4100,000:. •,'' ' ' '' ' ' ,...!:.,- ea..,.:4. , •,. , .. t -_- •,.; l ' ^N. ‘ , r-^4:"' & . (.. ". 'a ~1 •^',* V* . .1. 4...... ^, . . ‘ -'r•,".!..14; 4 ....te 5ra 7 " .: e..0. - 01*-Nio O''''reCetturitinf , '• all the " slaves, lediVdellect 11 tH'elire • wirrlllt emtuto. . . I r.!tkt .- -1:1•4 19, 1t0 ~,, , c ' 1A .."1'*1...1 4. t ..' i , - .. .rri ~ ..., ~---,,,, ,:. • t ~. -'- I . 'I, ~..,,n- f 2 I :s. ~. * ..•%,_•,..1 k_ -4„,.." , " <-' 1 4 1 , 1 1, 1 . , 11,,, ai + eq.. k f 4 ,1",64 • • :514•1:11.1•it.....-5a4.4'0 , 7 1 , 3, ~ ...0-.2 C. 0 '11,61,..Z.: - 0 , .... t . ..„ - •• .. . ,fi".: l l, • F' ' Ca (191VOTtlfitte004i: El ' ff,p ' f lo . o IcitWOPthPg ...- :10r'eXPM,IPARWPWer,!& ti t t o l TtTr11711,.. ,iItuPPI.V 3'olll's .. alv !„ -w ‘ it,ttlte .. rtn; tet,tp,etor , , The_41140f 1 411 , ,a," lakml,4r,,Wliptliag *; ''' W a. """ 110414) .MY• 746 ' 241 • 144 '‘ 61j. 1 4° -be ;4en ' tkeliPr4 P 9l) • ° ''' ! '"', 4 i '-'-' n,4 "-e regn' 1 lag ~Cr -k i l l : so o 7 , ifY4 k i'lt , ii r l et ii 11 0 'h ai a l . ._7',•_ l thii ,ur Ind -.oW4irl i lie‘cas , ;vvgettatiri: itfie - stiltjekt4;t:fijOrlOtige,#• - Vp#l,l)'esti Mate I slav e rs , bay . ° , ,_,, t i - IV • t g ic -8 1i - d ,t vl . ll ta' -g a ,- ! ,_•l ° l • l ;T i l i V 7 1 e,herii* ; l l l - nii`tilhit fi4t - ktralittlinigiilikettsr • imiiVigit'iti t a s ozwiglaisti‘i'AiiiitAirov , ..,....,t t 0 ..A., A uustitt- ... --.-• -• .. - +., 4-, ~ , z+-:--., ' ••• -.- r, r •,, ~ -' . , Yl. 0 16- tWo (l4s 9 l !Orillt B SiliETCYYi, * fi -. 1 40! . • 1 " 41 *' 4-Dll .- 61° Pe -- " lm Pirtel!v ' -‘ A il- - • 'l'Lcliit, I'on*,',itfitepliiitiVir;4l.:C.fiesn*ul.o.*Alliiit c l . rein" eel,,,uktip,Atis faspitiprogch ,Dr i minsTi: .. ,t 0 mG 1 00 15,1 i . ,,, , d 0 ci,,, 00n .,,, ,t i 1d it1A4 ,4 , 10 "h e ,cirie or:}wi z si,tj - s.t•,Bsos.els••rin s ; - piogiki ~.r. i i.., ~.11, : - .. d .• ~ -.-..;-•• ~: - .4 - 4,; . , t ,/. , , - -' 61;afghs - iitifshpri tti . OMd - ei086ti1i69 . 747 2 1 `Niitioroitoewhicii•••the . y.::triti , '?:;tnipatitd -one , 1 14Ying`TrP7Vsed..COP4i.n : 11 #91V 1 P" - 'Ist 1 ;10 fl:.. 1 _ 11 I P l 't . . 1 1 1 aii:.:::: '‘`; '..':-:r.i...C4 : 1 1 - '' • • •--; "'• •E,'' ' , 'f' l 4" - -4' , -*'''' l''l4 - ''' . + - 44;*9':3'+17`•'' . ~f inou potii t i il Leliv i' , C l .. .cll",, e , , I.ry . ,)'a d tri,:il i li . liti.4V oo B(X), o ,o oo ' l - I , o ) .i 'e r r i, tli i . ki ittlii-eiPs.Tadyfure...4,ll.ioT.Oe'th.ie. 5 111 oar :-----., , y,. , litiiiintn d iit. . n.. ., ,,v, ., ~ ..,,,e ..,,,, ,, , ,, ,:,,i '_•i . , , ir , ,;. 7_ N _„ " , 44... 0‘ ._ ;;; E ;',+.... 1 --"i tic .• .+Y•.. , „ 4 1 .., ‘ , 14r,..... --:, ••••••.•,..••••,Tel,i.'o ,itt Ike ?,.5 ~. k k t , , , , , ~. ~,,, 7 . ~ ;134 , :::„.: , ::: „ . ,,, ~,,,_. ,:_ . , v:•44, Nov ,?- • ... ..,- •• ,, i • - Z s .. 1 ' ,!!,?"I, f ri l .' s.', , -, ,'. I ;,... •••., r., •'• r', l P*4 4l Tiii,titr.liet/iS;!' * lbi!i - 40YE,i,i,04119 1 014, 1 ):: ~;;;;• •- ' '',;: i is'i • - k e rn e '• ...„, ~- ... .09.thel 9 Lh Pi9rofgl e ijli r allftki"74,, A. Aci. , tile.go94l,looll:of - Apo!okm.xiet..io . 1661 , 4:06 - 1:d thert ,.. dourvitorlwoisilii 4,, ; .A. ~;::::: ~ l it ~..,..x, P.. pi • , , ,v. .. :,,-„. ,:„. , K 0 ,1,..i,, mi. mai (ml 4i4r4.0-14:1013!14,,, .ii icoupty,,,itievi*lttm Underiiijned, have , just: , rtlitlitintoonelo'the's nedlne.billl s "M• 46o i •••".4 lieutenaht; ~6olonel, of ' davalrY,.iirierd. du yp e m er , h e ifitt..tt ppe vmpt o o... „ , , .. , received tin : know,nirer, . fol, sale one aim . •-•-• ••• .• • - . ••• ---•;-, ~ , i - I; . - mini . .Fintifinirifiavoik•tt 'raised the standierd ; •• - '.., •••; .. , ... . - ,- ••• . • ";-..... ~,_ • ....„....- . . Or v ille Ist lest ey, the ix 1 0. PP" da ' " aierlll3. g 74be ;(7.7o l -J Y , . & •. 4 • 1, ..Y- :- L - : 7 1 'of r . 'er 9 lt et Coctilc, rt . e . ar . lgii , isli procisil!ning . batigh,sic . vinn .. , rove, „ „ m;Y ,, h` B eit l l ;ii re o l `,,.i , `CU BA,.Large . st) ,4... p ,u tli a, lat- . 15e5i,.100k ikt terlist . ot.oolo,6o6; . .4 •- - y_. ~- - , Santa Aere•generul,in enter of the regent!. i • d dt of• ilo Perins'Ylvantri Tide. : ''-'•!•" yr - LP vr-i-F• O 4 '' * • ' I rating army Mexico. Ile hail but .firt b Y y ., . 2 oraph, Harribiiig, to Miss'Lltuinia ikidi'll - " evei lirMight infcisaid Cdunty ;• and 'which ... '.' sie:tilTis - 11:intOilicaiioiii:,,14 • The letivs tevairist iritoication:a ti re li:S e ' nf : o ' re . .. i a satdie . ra p * vit ? ' h it i l . n .' .. tie .' i ns , rat4 i l l ' iie d d _ h naugh,, of Nlyerstown, Lebanon co. ' ," we w!l'Vq • ell i'' ) .! !.* • •:'.,- ~ , . .'; ~ kltl'w with great rigor in Sweden.' WI • 1° "1 14 :r !Made Prisoner. . Villavdlt'a was to be'ex:i'-• At Washiegton city on the 15th cost'.; "'CADE, UNDOVIITED :CREDIT O R I is"seen drunk is fined for the'"..first offence three dollars; . for the. second.sic,;,fer, the , third 'and fourth a still _further sum, and is l , CD ted, fo thwith - Quiroz,*the 'principal leader of '•the•late insu ' Sierra * • • . • . i rrection in the , . Gordo, at r also deprived of the 'right or.voting at elec. • the Rev; ',J o hn C. Smith, Joseph Lcseur . c, ~ letutioucE . , L'sq. of liarri4burg;to Miss Nary Josephine; of . . , ' . ' *r t ~- hey_ daughter of &mind Kirby, Esq.vn vices. . ' . . at almost 3:o l lr 1 , . • . Our - Goods been shot, he was conveyed to * Xichu, . On Sunday last, by the Rev. •Mr . .Schiri- I•ti on s rind of .biting appointed .n repre,senta- t i v n gere'bis corpse was publicly exposed." del, Mr. •S'ltaurel .1. Kisller tO MISS MOW- Sp e ck for itlienisellies. Call and see, and tite .HC is, besides, ptblicly exposed in I 1 The /genitor says that a rumor. ia"eur. ( la 11.1iller, b o th o f So og e r syille, Heidelberg we will give , yott sortie praelied illustra ihe pariSlithure:h o . n the following sunday. ( rent that speculators- in the funds of the lie- township. ~, : , - ' " tion of saving, nioneY, by ofrering Goods' at Jr the same individual 'is found committing , shut up publiehavecorrupted . sofee of the members On the 25th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Yae- prices of will convince.' you that money -- thd same offence a fifth time; he is of the chamber, of Deputies. '' . ger, Mr. Reuben: • Lichienwalner,: t 9 Miss can be, saved - by purchasing •at the . cal-, in the- houseof correction, end Condemned T he ue-tion for and against there-estab- Traeilla Drader, both: of Hanover. . - itibrated • ' . • , , to kiv tnorithi hard ;labor ;if 'he is 'again" • - .,,, .~, 1, - • ' - months - . •- 9,4 1 lishmer g it oi the Ye * suits, which hns eaused On the day;'by the same, Mr. .10. 4.4 . e/V i Orie SiOIV I ! gailtY, - to twelve perriishirient nt nan open war betCyeen the Governor an d Le- i ' Miss • similar description,, If the remade has been i. . of. -.- ant ,uchenbach, to Louisa Frey, both particularly' those who are 'about going to eisiature umeretaro, has been referre dof Hanover. - , • lIOUSE KEEPING. committed •irt• public, such as at 'a fair,an .roy Mesa, t othe S • , the former, Senor upreine Lauction, Sr.c. the fine. is doubled; . arid if theOrithe 251.11 of November, by the Rev. , Governinent. • '' They will9nd do'liod assortment of Car petri, offerider has made his appearance at a chui;chHerinan 111. Daniel Ifrert to • 't. . • . I- M. Dubocq, a ce l e b rat ed French ecOno- Mr-C. G.' i• •• ' Floor Cleths, Itugs, Feathers, Counter rile punishment is still more severe., Miss Polly Dilgaa.d, both of Macnngy. panes, Blankets, Linen and Cotton Sheet. 3VIIQ. I mist, who distinguishes himself in the colo ever is convicted of, having. induced anothn the same day, by - the same, Mr. "1"fil- i n .., 'fable Covers, Diapers, Flannels, Mus t nisaticin of AlAlgeria,has a rr ived 'ln Mexico. er toinioxicete himself is fined three dollars, Of Rockland, to Miss lips and•Dil Curtains. I. ‘,Vhicli sure is . doubled if ths.person is n,ne . . He is about foundinga college at San Chris- nom, Fensternuther, label, in Chiepas. Judith Ziglsr, of Alacungy. LADIES please give.us a call atid examine I nor. ,Aree*celeSiastid •• who 'falls into this 'I 'he Apaches are [main murdering and On the 18th November, by the Rev. Mr. riffence loses his benefice ;ifhe is it•laYman • our large, rich and fashionable styles of ~ . pillaging in the State of Durango.. Th e Dubs, Mr. J ona s Seibert, of Low hill, to Miss 5 ..,, Goods wei: occupies any, considerable past, his .i,ress , American guerilla party, of thirty men at- Mary Stephen,. of "North Whiteha ll. , functioriq bre - alt• p n tl,.and perhaps he is tacked them on. the Ist ult., killed four and - On the 20th of November, by the same, consisting of Cashmere.s, De Laines, Mohairs,Coburgs, dismissed. • Drunkenness is never admit : - - recovered the plunder, which they wet© Mr. David. Rudy, of Washington, to Miss . fo r tiny 'crime • and who ted as an excme• ,- - , • • carrying orr. - Afar!' :/Inn Ringer,..or North Whitehall. ' ~, , • -Leonese Cloths, Lama Cloths, and numerous other fancy goods, which if ' 1 ' buried i nominious: ever dies wherldrt]n•c,is . g Robberies are. as frequent as ever in all. ... -IY, and deprived nt tho ora„yers of the church ' ''harts of Mexico, at the capital tilt!) , hid • On the 23'd .of Nove,mber, by the same, worn will add beauty to the beautiful, make, r En V both`. the 1•Il• and f ' Mr. Hugh Loyd,toN iss , cn 1 evens, pamoo t. ,gay, an casaba approach o to which he belonged. It iiii 'forbidd_en !ii b . ecome unusually daring. ' • „ ' • -of Washington. .' ~ • „ ' old age and deformity into the shade. • ' anyspirit- give, and inure implicitly to cell, An Indian Chief (Apache) lately killed _ . . . . . to students worl-rre."..a s'irvaints. IMMO uous liquors , , t , by an American 'guerilla party commanded . • .- 4ENTS ' DIED. • - , '- appreniiees or private soldiers:... WI .. i never . by Captain Box, bore on his person a med. Give us a call, and we will show in al. 0 S I ' '' U 's r unday .aston pper aucon, o can- . . . • is observer) drunk in thee streets or mokill,ST al,.which had on one side 'a bust %vial this. a -. /An * fJ c bAh. their inagnificence, heap upon heaps ; '. a noise in a tavern, is Seire to ' be taken ,10 •nscription : ~ A ilartin_Van Buren. President cer, Susanna I . 1 um, consort. o a r o d The Lusterial Cloths of old Germany; . . . . . .saber , . hen. aged 51 years, 8 months, and .3 nks~ t . . prison and detained until . without, pf the United Stales, A. I). 1837 ; end on the fi nes t Fabrics , of France , the . Th 1 - 4. M - G e rman officiated on .the od- • hoWever, being on that account exempted t h e revmse : Peace and Friendship.',', • • F ' v, r ... , , .. , heavy oods fromthp westof Eng- • :from the fines. o,le.half o f th ese fi nes go ::_______,...._______,. : _ . • cosien.• land ;the coarser webs of Amer . . to the ,inforiners (who are generally police. • OffiCi. l - , S.ecking in California. On the 12th November, in North White - • ical and the softest textures otlicers,) the Other half to, the 'poor. If the hall,. of Fits,' Levi, sot, of DaVid and *Ma. . • of Cassimeres. . delinquent hes no money, he is kept in rm. via Ruch, aged.lM days. • . VESTINGS , until p a ys . son some one fur him, or until he :On the 13th of November, in, ast Allen. has worked out his enlargement. Twice /1/ ;tau hter town, of Dysentery, Simla —.. g . of , o f Cotto nyo f S'll of Wol of:W p oster fan s year these ordinances are read aloud from Schwartz,aged' .1 Cravat s, Jonathan and Anna Maria s, Collars, WrapPers, Stocks, Stock die pulpit by the clergy; and every tavern- years. , ~ 1• ' ' • - " ings, Hose,.,, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, keeper is. bound, tinder a penalty of n hen- On the 19th-of November, in Washing- sacks, uninentienables 'arid inexpresibles, vy fine, to have it co;ly PI them hung up ton; of Fits; Leak daughter of Stephen und plain, delicate and fancy ; heavy, light and in the principal rooms of his house. Elizabeth Hunsicker, aged 4 monhs.• middling, large, small. and medium, long, .t and stverag•• , arae.'fine nial superfine ; German R efugees. M.. Beck, formally of Harrisherg, has written a letter to s the Union of that ty, describing the events which jet] to .his arrest as a rebel by the government of 11% 7 den. •He was . first arrested on a charge of ' high treason by ,thn government of Darei T stadt, but succeeded in escaping to Fratice. The breaking out of the Batltin insurrec tion induced ihim to join the revolutionary army. as a private soldier. Ile was soon made an aid Ale camp to the Commander of tilt: German leffioM with the rank of first lieutenant, and in this capacity was in the garrison of Basta& till that fortress`was compelled to surrender, after a siege of two mouths. For sis weeks he was confined, with others, and sufDred the most cruel treatment. At length he •was released through the intervention of our consul at Basle, Switzerland, Mr. Geo. Gouudie, of Northampton county, in this state. This gentleman interceded with Mr. Donelson, our Minister to Frankfort, who obtained his 'release on condition of his leaving the coun try without delay. Mr. Beck's lather who still clung to the aristocratic party, refused. him any assistance, but he at length reac,b ed Havre, having lust everthing he posses sed but a trunk full of books, which he had left in Fianm. The American Consul at Havre called him political adventu, rer," and refused his aid in getting a free passage across the Atlantic, but he at length succeeded in getting a passage on the ship 1 Robert Parker, Captain Weeks. This gen tleman brought him over for $l2, to obtain which he pawned his books. He arrived at New York on-the 12th inst. important from Switzerland,. The .Rsoemblee Nationale says : The three courts of Berlin, Vienna, and St. Pe tersburg, and the Germanic Confederation have addressed to the French Governnient a note relative to the afiiiirs of Switzerland. This note, which is ,one of considerable length, gives a review: of the state of the questions since 1810,.iiirid.concludp by de ! mantling of'the Federal Government, in the first place, the re:establishment of the.sov ereignty of Prussia, over the principality of Neufchatel mid then the expulsion of the revolutionary committee which have formed themselves in Switierland. .Some add that they also,insisLon the restoration ollhe pri mative federal point, Of. „ The,,threo courtsin vitt; gronce:Wa Harty' who signed erred), of : Vierma, to join wit4themin this common affai o rr, in order to .save. Switz erland by. her, geed cooocils, from the ap7 plicetion,ofvoercit3t ineans,eithei,by,a,black ! nde.or by arms: The oote.is conceived in the best terms as regards France, FrOm Liberia. A letter from President Roberts, of , the Liberian Republic, announces the purchase of Grand Cape' Mount - and 'Manna by the GovernMent, and the hoppliflheing atilt; to extinguish the. 'slave trade at Gallinas. The President lays i ' The slave•trade at aatlinits is on its. last legs, inconsequence of the strict. biackede of that territory• by the tritish squadron, and . the rapid extension of - cart jurisdiction in that quarter.. %he Mrfivis have dew, mined to nbaridnn the trairie;fr 'etiive4 and' the.'c biers have actually deliVerad. to 'Cirpf thin Dunlop, 41ter majesty's ship "Alert," . - . The Wet% lizirri California, represent a .. great strife goitik - on there for Office.. Mr. Durivage, one of t t .e'Secretaries.ofthe Cal ifornia OonVention, itt writing to the N. 0. Picallime •untler gate - of September 30th, says—" Within the last.few t;:tyson attempt has been made in tlieCcinventioo to appoint three coMmissioners'for,The porpoce of fra ming a code of lien to be presented M -the next L egislature . for their adoption, under pretence that it would faciliate the proceed ings of 'that .body. In reality, it was for the purpose of giving certain would be prominent politicians good fat, berths, and for the benefit of some, oftheltiwyers of i t econventien. So the politieiarist Will hove to “waft p. little longer.,”: ' ..''r ~, . ~ Mr. Freiner, .another correspondent say; "the , poljtitions from the States' have been defeated lo all the ambitions schemes they have brt;ughtforw.ard,•. ~N011.i.) "stood high er and fell` iarder'.' than. Dr. Gwin, who came out here 'fertile 1 .,.." - inrpose of superin tendino. our political alien's foi. us. There is no person more capable of contending with a more powerful opposition than him self, but I doubt very much his succers in the present instance. The people of Cali fornia seem to think that he would not look well In the Senate of the United States. The elections for members of Congress and the State Legislature will take, place prob ably on the 7th November: IVe shall have' la host of candidates in the field. There has been already announced for the Senate Col. Fremont, Dr. Semple, of Benicia, Col. Weller, T. B. King, and Dr. Gwin ; and for Congress, Mr. Gilbert, of the .ollia Cal-, ifornia, Gen. Morse, Cap. Suter and Ex- Gov. Boggs, of Missouri. With all our money-mat:inn . .propensities, you may de pend we shall have.an exciting time in the coming elections, and that the State will be thoroughly canvassed. • ' Mr. Durivage says, further, "for the re-: sponsible and profitiable office of Governor. there are three who are pretty prominent. Tlie first is Cap. J. W. Hillock, U. S. To pographical Engineer, and Adj. General to i Brig. General Riley. He is a man of sound i mind, well informed. Next is Peter R. Burnett, late. Judge of. the. Suprerno'Court of Oregon. 'Ho was elected;' akti:trecent election Jodge of theApperior.Court.,:Next in the field is Winfield'Seatt SltrWorid, line of New 7 York§iiite;:idelegate iii the Colveti: Ilion from Sacietnento.. :. I-le is a young law-, yer with a good deal ofnatural sense, and a strong determined mind`; .inappearance and !pelmets is an out . aad out Yankee: .• He.ie a politichut.hy trade, and: is "ambttious, of distinction:. Cols. J. D. Stevenson aitl:Fre-' mont have been talked of; bat l' do not think they . will run. • , . . . -.:,,,,.:.,. •: . i 'l' he extikisee of the' hetsi Sinfoilovern,. rneat, , at'thoptteep,t : value of::tinnein;•-Vali- - fortila and on the 'siSms ioalit' of 'iehtlitiers-: tion proposed in the: Schedule, Will:be Most ,enornious ; 'the present convention will cost every cent of •876,000fand this for forty, }eight members. ' The! first session of :the Legislature will cost at: the most moderato I estimate, $150.000,...and ka,.fore all the ma lehinertef government isin folk motion ma i ny, a keg of gOld i duit will be .expended." • 1. ill'U'aCC 1, Notice is hereby given, that the under;• signed has been appointed executor -in the last Will and Testament of Mr. David.Lan-• des, late of• the 'Borough of Allentown.. Lie coonty. All such•.who are indebted to said estate, • be. it in Bonds, Notes,_or oth 7 erwism . are he'rebY; requested to 'make pay- Ment within three months from:date, and such, who hate any legal demands against said estate, *At present , thiuti-for", taytnent -u'vithin the above named' petiod vvell•ttothen ticated,.. -.• .Grotton: E:rectdor.• Allentown, Nov. 29. . • fir—Olv • BRING.()HrthE'BIGGUiII Me VietSty'Gained! THE PEOPLE • TRIOMPEANT ! • ' ,_ Citizens orAllantoAim 'and vicinity who are-in want of the bc,st, qualiey .of,,Fresh Groceries; are.particUlarly invited to call at Depew's Essilly_Grocery Mom.. where th .v will find the best selected stock of Family tGroceriesi , Liquors; and a. tar e variety of , Frincyf•Goods, all of which will lie sold, at the lowest CASH prices.' ,* , • 2 C. I. DEL'EVy: Nov. 29.. .• • . . , pEnrummity,;. The Ladles of vicittjty are invited to his new : and spierdid•aisortmnr' of ". • PERFUM-ERN . , lately received. all of which are from the fashionable Perfumery establishiiitt9s-..- Roussell and liatiers in Philiidelithitr, ara, will be sold cheaper their they can ba bought in dal city. I CV Remember the place, • Family Grocery , and. , V,liietigiiir4 November 29.* ' FASIIIONA.Iiiit — ..: ' - - : i Jewelry:Egtablishment c,... , ..,.. . Cheap; and. Good '',Witte.ties, ,;--- Jewell!, & $i I ver-wa re: *tad et asale and retail, at No ' 00 North ,i' .1-., Second street, CiiineiliiNtiiii; , , ' 16 . - '-- 71 `a‘c`if-' l' f."' li; : -PhiladeJObid.: '',ll-i . ;,Fi''* -, l' . V:`• Gold Lever Watches, fit II ii'lieell - 634' . i.Sc8iel E i . cases, i7; . 'i' ' s'.', 7 1 :,' " ;"r.illti rintl'iiier. Silver Lever Watcliee;',TUll;. :.'-r. '.. '.12- ' :: • jeWelled, '....' ''' , \'?" *. ,,,e,ifilibil .. - 4 . v61.4 Silver Lepine Watcliii,'"jeiCt:tr,'"..>l? .4 -'"%!:: , :-, .. -- (Medi.; ; ; ".‘.` - ;'-.4' t,'.'" :' : :18;1'.01d . ' - oven' Silver Quartier.' Wiliches,*44,oo:olo, ,. : s Gold -Pencilsi ' 1; :. '" ''.. -:.... .7 1 111;q046 . 1' , ?. Fine Gold FRings..i:'':''..' .' ':: ,-,,,',....f'',21 - I . .'CiCkio:€ll • --C i ther arti9l9.looP9(o 3 oi .. :;' 7 A99C iiii !l' warranted- ti',k ., tie: what thpy, 4re 410 'fiir.4'.';- -... ~. Corfitentiriiit t liiiid;:al4l;!`iiiiroliiiiihr IK flte , GOLD JEWELOY:''ortaI‘'BILIVEn• ,AUE:T . Alio, -tiiiiiii3M6tii3(llMi i rO-', I:ilitS& Ciii,,',ESlriiiieft;r:';aiiMbk(t4ii'l3ikithi;' . era, E. S. YtiteAT. s O . , 4 l6fitiltririiiiirt.Gl: 4 .. R. licqclFY,.:katid . cith'ijititlfettilihrctfetti . Letirr:ll(ovemptra;•WhfClP''.tirill . lh'4tisel:'itt. any styledeiireil.,:-:.--,;.,- '•';'' '- ''.- ArrangeMenis, have; b e en mad eWith..till the• above cefibraterV'trifiltirS,:lol•liii4 . -71 1 ilil! ufactiirers• o( L i verpool, iii - fa MiSh , at ' s hot. notice .any, requirett , ,PtYle of "Watel:if-fliFr, which orders will beiitOn'TtMa' - the ,rutirfe . and residenceof the - peto4. orifiririglint; on if requested. '; . ' ,-•'-•-'•4"i,i'; 2 - - T . .*: : • ..-' O. CONRAD. Nii.;' . 99.54 . 4 . 2nd. S".. importer dr7atches..._' Philadelphid, Nov. 29. '' i' 4 .llily ONE CENT - 11:ENVAR,1)1 , ; ;Runaway from,the strbsisritiers , j-; k ' :residing in 'l4 antrOei township; ~.:-.S ". LefitgEr , COMity,- ori:-Tiyesday„: , PiC 'night last, *boy named URN % '-,-- '• • Wit; lliiii#;-' inilitieliinii.cf ' , ..4p , _ - • - - 'prentieir to iIYC'VAILCYRIM e ß h U visr g g l e N s .S il S i . .' . F liti lrfi t ; . . , ti if b . o , r ' l ' s re b nii im p ah ,' t h:tit bt .t , lo . „. , -- . November 22. • . ' .";: :';' '' ~' . 7 : ' ..-IP••••iW averagr, calm, pt. Doors open at all business - hours. Ad iision free, cora& one, come all. Call as the tempest does; sterner and •ci , ey on KERN & SAMSON. )411.tv Aileiketko—oSiano A7olt,Okklizati. • T4b , ,btenlilll4;n9ti action: Piano; of lel) wasusedot Mr. Kv:ssliVsfklinnl'egefflitior), in tiler Onlit; 1-fousß l in - Allbntowncis offered for safe , . •-: iv y Tiireelourlle 11 1 :' f f lo k ' ' ,-`' ' • ... , - 4. - - 4 4krq.11,,41;? , •,.. t " '. ..., 0 ,, 0f AF T ~),:.. / , ` . ..Ths,, ll l4erelgl'e Ir a ' of e! .„ t t,n 6 q„ , ii,,,ft f ,,,, o ir , v Grose, ..fitcrte, !. .* * *4 . _ ..c„ '0 clf threfs:icklitAlliddr-ikikiistritoPlM 'OYPOP.An:', loraVilkyVi#kiiiiiP9#lyindocan, ll pl i t nsulAit'',. . 4 -, f52#:;041 ispbe un': medilf - .. ~ rr...i v 94tasulqii Oco IMill r 2O di). do. ichopi after the , wilt bt3 dhargcd .ey commenced. _le YOUNG, Principal.- ER =UM f. sC''7' : l : l3 ll ll nt eV / 0 1 4 Want' 4.4 77611i*:41Wts.:Nt teitiAddigt OE :irlogil.:, , - , 1 ,.,..,,. :; .;.,- ~ Wkent.,-:....':.:.....i.Y 41-0 *l 3. '. :::. - I ! E ,.` 17441 ;Coln . ,- •,-,-..)7'''• ...AM' ''•"'"••• • Buckwheat .• i ~.77 -. 1 Ylitiseed '. ;'• ' t . - 7 .- 125 ..013votoeva '.' .. ---;: • liinetthytedd : 11 3 --- Pritoos.. •.• 7— . 2 25 piltt utt . It. ....: '. '7 :45 \,,, .. - l'i,-o-und"....... 1..° , suttee,.....: Lard Beeswax Ham. . . . .'• Flitch . . Towyarn. . Eggs • • • • • Rye Whiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . naz: Gall. Cotd Hickory Wood Dalc Wood Egg Coal'.. . Nut Coal . . Lump Coal . . Plaster . . Ton Potic OP titistei . • Will be sold at Public sale; on PrldaT; the 30th day of Noveinbet..nexti at I o'clock in' the afternoon, at the, house of Mr. lien jan#>l Ilagenbrtili,lliepnepii in '.4lllentotini. • A Certain House of ground, situate in James stree4. contain. 7! ing in front 32 feet and' in depth. 2:fii-qic adjoining on the north,, lot , of the Linti*vittn,, Church, and on the south lot of the. Ageit,. y• 'town Academy. Thereon is emoted:6 iWo's . i story b r •'JD:yelling liroitse 28 feet front . by , 35 feet tik‘ep,. con taining two spacious room's, nwentry, a kitchen on the first floor, and three rooms On the second floor anti hug garret. Also n frame Stable, hydrant in the yard',.andthu. Lot in good order.- . .•• A good title and poiitlisibn.can. on the Ist day of'Aprit. next. Tjte prop'4't; ty can be viewed by calling upon eithePof: the undersigned,.previot§lo.tirestrikr.. • • • • . 'Wont"' . •• • -Giiiittnt• STEM' • • • Jos. Rsiciiitor ..1 AllentoWn, November 8, ir••••oltir Wt(Diklteot E'ci Public , Notice -is hereby given (twilit:kW soni, who are indebted to the estate of• Imo seph Klader, deceased, late of Trianevarr township,.Lehigh , •county, be • it in , Neetwo BOnds, Book-debar' or Vendlie-paperrytinto they sho can wpm , the unclerdigned.oweroi ' h e ad mi n ist rntorsr of saidideceased, betweeti 'wand the 'lst of Ereceinbes nem; •andi lake settlement and , trich.whos have yet bhp claims agninst the estate, will: else. pie:- nt thern well authenticmedi.- • Itrf Oct. 25. A TANNERY .TOLET:w A good situated Tinitieryin Seuth di Township, Lehigh Ceenty; _fotir'tniley ram Allentown, and: frotirc etit-'• ;auqtia, (Craneville) rot be•leti on . fa'votu le terms for a numbei .e f part . , Therki good Dwdling . House trmte'stahle 'on tttn'' remises. The situation. is one of the.f.ieii this'county. ' ' - ' !' ' ,For further partieu fare ,nPply to 'the, tie ersigned orf,the premises. ' ' , wt . LO 131ERY I . . • Allentown, November 2.2 '- 31d' LOOK HERE. LindersigneV' talzes this tirethcat't iform.the public respectfully, shat hils, Ist received' a large and. excettent ist quality' of P/ND, Da* AND ALL KINDS OF OAK-VfrOODoi , hich he will dispose of at reasonableliri. is, at the Lehigh. Basin. WAll orders for wood left at Pret2, Gatti CA. Store, will be promptly atternied'lof JANES .9gent for Casper Meant:if') IstoVemlier " ', l la—avt . , VISUAL LIST 'l l l3 JANTJARY TEPltiilB44l.•• '-; John V. R. Hunter vs, Herji . tinlin Ludwig and others. • 5 - ‘0 The Cotnrnimweath vs: Clitis(fau,ituatiO arid others. • • lien btu Faust ands Nife lis.r.Factifti geirtti.,spuf The jdoriison tu mher C . OUlplany ye: Yardly de• Hucliman. • Hvalsicht Adatt. Sellers. B'enjam'in Vogel vs. Jacob Hart & Lauft Hurt Fogel &Behlauch tYs. San:re. Same vs. Same. Same vs. B.ainee Jonathan Kissel, vs. gatlijas kert.hiir:.; • Abraham Ilundwerkvs. , Peter Weft/ Abrahhni Ilitiolwerk vs. Henry Petef, istratot ; Josetih:Lautenschlagef,ys:isaad Hairs ,51. Citatles !Cycles use vs. Ilency KinkAilm'rkfte S,ltlfi4dge & )Nilson vs. Goclie.nboeh'&l3cck. Levi. Fry vs. Sidi:len !Jolliet; 'n ll. George Meitzler vs. Genytellr'pinig:. ..Meitzler dr, Erdman CPs. Georgefireinigfesi,!;;• Thotiißs Baker vs. ,Samuel Smith: „ , John Keln'arefer vs . Abrahatit...Werrnan.44- . " Proin .... coin I fit ..... Jj • . , . 0 NA•ritAn 3ilaucii;,P,'MAiinoYdrY . November 8, , i , , ., '' '- - *litiv ......--. -- T .- - • , ~,.,;_. •:, - . .... 1 ii i :,4vt ..` , : :.,..:0 7 , ,,, , # 4 '''':''': ,• f rhefr .. . rtie,l.-Itt•w. i ''•el•!`', , ~ • • ~ '•'- ~ s 1 ..0.0 the' underikined -4.retrhOli : i i enc i i l i e fsciit; *bii have tbeirpatp#l; di iire , ted by hitur truit the t'efilt,tkliiiited:lSiitjtfit,ithfitor ificotetiniai t , tin& : lilit'..tfter,,i / ifit' rifshOilow-, 4 0111 10 toeat l theit.P°o4 4 ;e!OktittilPhi r ifint foltifilkt• ODA* i -r- 'I , : ik;7•, , hr,lY'ril i J 1 r ~.,....,„,.,,,,„....,,,„,..LE,„ ~. N...,,,,.,,,,.„,...,:,,.. ..t...„,,,,,.„,...„...,:,,,, ..., ...: 'l, , '•';:ri,V.t - .2 rl;t I'' =1 . `4ll, - 4 G 0 ; p wit. 41 140 'I , ZA ,•4 0 .11 1 .:Oti , ] • ft:00 -t7:oo` . . 6 65- -46 : :40' 1.:42,•„,,a1tr i : .::.-.10 " 0 9 8 . - 26 , 29- • I 51111 • 16, 22' 25 . 28 ‘ do •.0 50 , oipS, : i'do 'at 50 1.3 op 3; 4 IA - 2:"r, 2 50 3 501 4. 50i SALE Eli 11! LEVI ALADER., • lj--oit lIIIMMMI ME EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers