lectioiti66lam'ation , .:)!. - 11103UANT to.tin act of the General Assaciblrorthe Commonwealth of Penn-, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the Second day of July, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I Charles i Thrie, Sheriff of the county of Le high,Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to•the electors of the county aforesaid, that - a - General — Election will be held in said county of Lehigh, on the -Second Tuesday, (oth) of October, 1849, at which time State and County Officers, as follows, are to be elected, to wit : One Person for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two person to represent the district, com posed of the counties of Lehigh and Carbon in the_Houseof Representatives of Pennsyl vania. One person for County Treasurer of the county of Lehigh. One perion for Commissioner of the coun ty of Lehigh. One person . for Director of the Poor of the county of Lehigh. Three persons for Trustees of the Acade my in Allentown. And that the Electors of the county of Lehigh aforesaid, on the said second Tues day of October next, will meet at - the sever al districts, composed of the Borough and the several townships following, to wit : - The electors of the borough of Allentown and Northampton township, at the Court house in said borough. The electors of Salsburg township, at the house of John Yost, in said township. The electors of South W hitehall towns h p, at the house of filaxander TV Lotter, in said township. The electors of Hanover township, at the house of Charles Rifler, in Rittersville. The electors of Upper Saucon, at the house of Edward Seider, in said township. The electors of Weisenburg township, at the house of kaac'Leiby, in said township. The electors of Heidelberg township, at the house of Peter Miller, in Saegersville. The electors of North Whitehall township at the house of Charles Stapp, !n said tsp. The electors of Lowhill township, at the house of L 4- P. Buchman, in said tsp. The elebtors of Upper Macungy town ship, at the house of Nathan Weiler, in Fogelsville. The electors of Lower Macungy town ship, at the house of Peter Haas, in said township. The electors of Upper Milford township, at the house of Henry Dillinger, in said township. The electors of Lynn township, at the house of James Seiberling, in said town ship. The electors of Washington township, at the house of Mr. Dennis Hunsieher, in said township. , In pursuance of an Act of General As-' sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled, "An act relating to the elec tors of the Commonwealth," passed the sec ond day of July, A. D. 1839 "That every person except Justices of the peace, 'who shall hold any office or ap pointment of profit or trust under the gov ernment of the United States, or of this State, or of any city, or incorporated district, whether commissioned or otherwise ; a sub ordinate officer or agent : who is or shall be employed under the Legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or in corporated districts, and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Leg islature, and of the select and common coun cil of any city, or commissioners of any in corporated district is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same. time, the office or appointment of Judge, inspector ro clerk of arty election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or officer deny such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty first section of said act, every General and Special Election, shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without inter mission or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, at which the polls will be closed. And the Judges of the respective dirtricts aforesaid, are by the same act required to meet at the Court House in the Borough of Allentown, on the third day after the saidc. Election, being Friday the fifteenth day of October, then and there to perform the things required of them by law. . CHARLES IfIRIE sherW. .Sheriffs Office, Borough of . r, —t e Allontown, Sept, 20.1710 S. Pocket Book. Itianufactorn, No. 521 Chestnut St, above Seventh, • PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber respectfully solicits public attention to his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and Banker's Cases, Other fine Cutlery, Bill Books, Gold Pens 4. Pencils, Dressing Cases, Segar Bases, Card Cases, • Chess' Alen, Port Afonaies, Back Gammon Boards, . Purses, Dominos 4-c., 4.e., His assortment consists of the most fashion able and modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent workmanship, embracing eve ry desirable fancy pattern; which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms. • Cr - Purchasers who desire to supply them selves with articles of the best quality will consult their own interest by calling at this establishment. F. IL SMITEI, Pocket Book Manufacturer, Mb Chesnut Street, Phil'a, August ZIO, 1849. ¶-om-41 Timothy Secit. A quantity of fresh Timothy seed of a superior quaty, just received and for sale very low at the store of. MERTZ 4• LANDIS. August IS. RESOLUTION . Relative to an imendment of the gonstilation. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representative's of the Commonwealth of PennsylVania in General .fissembly met, , That the Constitution of this Commonwealth j be amended in the second section of the fifth article, so that it shall read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme Court, of the several ' Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be establish- , ed by law, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth-in the manner following, to wit: The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the Com monwealth at large. The President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by. law, and all other Judges required to. be learned in the law,! by the-qualified -electors -of--the—respective districts over which they are to preside or act as Judges. And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qual ified electors of the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their races for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so long behave themselves well: (subject to the allotment hereinafter provid ed for, subsequent to the first election :) The President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long be have themselves well : The Associate Judg es of the Courts of Com Mon Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years, i f they shall so long behave themselves well: all of whom shall be commissioned by the Gover nor, but for any reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeach ment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first elec tion shall take place nt the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adop tion of this amendment, and the commis sions of all the judges who may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December following, when the terms of the new judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected- Judges - of the Su preme Court shall hold their offices as fol lows : one of them for three years, one fer six years, one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years ; the term of each to be decided by lot by the said judges, as soon after the election as convenient, and the result certified Ly them to the Governor, that the commissions may be issued in ac cordance thereto. The judge whose com mission will first expire shall be Chief Jus tice during his term, and thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the judges holding them shall de cide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. 'Any, vacancies happening by death, resig nation or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by appointment by the Gov ernor, to continue till the first Alonday of December succeeding the next general elec tion. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas- shall, at stated times, receive Ibr their services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be dimin ished during their continuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit un der this Commonwealth, or under the gov ernment of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of the Su preme Court during their continuance in office shall reside within this Commonwealth. and the other Judges during their continu ance in office shall reside within the dis trict or county for which they were respect tively. elected. • WILLIAM F. PACKER, Speaker (y' the House of Representatives. GEORGE DARSIE, Sp«ther of the Senate. rue ScNATE, March 1, ISO. Resolved, Tliat.this resolution pass,—Yeas 21, Nays 8. , Extract froth the Journal. SAW,: W. PEARSON, clerk. IN THE HOURE fir REPRESENTATIVES, April 2,1849. Resolved, 'That this resolution pass.—Yeas SS, from 26. Extinct front the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. Fileth April 5, 1519.• A. L. RUSSEL, Dep. Secretary of the Coin»twatecall It. • Penasylvaniu, Rs; I DO cse•rtry that the above 'and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Original Resolution of the General Assembly, entit led "Resolution relative to an Amendment of the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. . In testimony whereof I have t 1."1"? '"e hereunto set my hand; and cans -4 ed to be affixed the seal of the "?. vit.% k.'• -• Secretary's Office at Harrisburg, nt i this eleventh day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine TO WNSENP HAINES, Secretary of the .Commonwealth "JOURNAL. OF SENATE." "Resolution, No. 188, entitled "Reso lu tion relative to an amendment of the Comal. union," was read a third time. On the tlins tion, will the Senate agree to the r olution ? The Yeas and Nays were take a greeably to the Constitution, and were: iits follows, viz :". "YEAS—Messrs. Boas, lira wley, Crabb, Cunningham, Forsyth, .1-Itigus, Johnson, Lawrence, Levis; 141asori, Matthias, M'Cas lin, Rich, Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Small, Smyser, Sterett and Stine-21." • “NAve- , Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives, king, lionigmitcher,.Petteiger and Dareie, .S'peakei'--8," I- • "So the question was determined in the af- Srmative." ' , Journal qf the House of Represenlatives," "Shall the resolution pass? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro vision of the tenth article of the Constitution, and are as follow, viz :" "Yens—Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. Bloom, David M. Bole, Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, John H. Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliot; - Joseph Emery, David G. Eshleman, William Evans, John Fausold, Samuel Fegely, W . Joseph Fisher, Henry M. Fuller, Thomas Grove, Robert Hamson, George P. Henszey, Thom as 3. Herring, • Joseph Higgins, Charles Hortz, Joseph B. Hower, Robert Klotz, Har rison P. Laird, Abraham Lambcrton, bran J. Lewis, James W. Long, Jacob M'Cart ney, John F. M'Cullock, Hugh M'Kee, John 14I'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Samuel Marx, John C. Myers, Edward Nickleson, Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo Robb, George Rupley, Theo dore Rymer', Bernard S. Schoonover, Sam uel Seibert, John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C. Steel. Jeremiah B. Stubbs, Jost J. Stutzinan, Marshall Swartzwelder, Sam uel Taggart, George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah Wattles, Samuel Weirich, Alonzo I. Wilcox, Daniel Zerbey and Wil liam F. Packer, Speaker.-55." • "NA vs—Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn, David M. Courtney, David Evans, Henry S. Evans, John Fenlon, John W. -George, Thomas Gillespie, John B. Gordon, William Henry, James J. Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert R. Little, John S. M'Calmont, John M'Kee, William M,',Sherry, Josiah Miller, William 'l'. Morrison, John A. Otto, Wil liam Y. Roberts, Yoh!) W. Roseberry, John B. Rutherford, R. Rundle Smith, John Smyth, John Souder, George Walters and David F. Williams. 26." "So the question was determined in the affirmative.'' SEcitETAny's OFFICE, Harrisburg,June 15, 18491 Pennsylvania .98 : ...;,". t —, f oregoing is a true andcorrect I DO CERTIFY that the above and I " • t Z y copy of the "Yeas and "Nays," i f , , "•: , ; ,. : 40 4.1 4 .' , . -4. taken on the "Resolutigtlyelative 41- 0 1 ' to an amendment of Op-Consti tution," as the same appears on the Journals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, for the session of 1840. Witness my hand and tlft, seal of said of fice, the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. That application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsy Ivania, to incorporate a Bunk, with general Discount and other Bunk ing privileges, to be located in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, to be called "The Farmers and Mechanics' Bank," with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and further providing to commence the usual Banking privileges when fifty thousand dol lars are paid in. Christian Prctz, Peter Wyckoff; Carlos Samson, Wnt. H. Newhard, Amos Ettinger, J. D. Lawall, William Kern, .1. D. Stiles, Nathan Dresher, J. Saeger, jr. Jonathan Cook, James H. Bush, Jesse Schaller, T. B. Weidner, A. G. Reninger, Joseph Burke, Joshua Manse, Jonathan Kolb, July 5. —6rn THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. /634 CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Chalks N. Butcher, Geo. \V. Richards, Thomas Hart, Nord. 1). Lewis. 'robias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, Dati•id S. Brown, • Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property; in town and country, at rates as low as are consil;. tent with security. • The Company have reserved a large Contm gentil'und, *ich with their Capital and Preini• urns, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As• sembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 05 Real Estate, 108,358 90 Temporary Loans, 126,469 00 13tocics, 51,503 25 Cash, &c., . 46,158 87 SI:NU:TAUT% OFFICE SLCIt F.TAIIT ' S OFFS U Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million, two hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by aftbrding evidence of the advantages of luso ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKEIt, President. CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances On every descrip tion of property, at the lOWitit rates. AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown. C. P. ; BEECIC, Bethleheui. Allentown, Jung:lB, 1848. The subscribers invite the attention of Farmers and dealers to their supply of this remarkable fertilizer--their own importa tion, and selected by an experienced super cargo. TOWNSEND HAINES, Secretary of the Commonwealth. June 21. 411--.l3in ial)t - e114)1t14 INDEMNITY Directors PATAGONIA GUANO. Being dry like the Peruvian, it is all packed. in White Cotton bags—but not be ing like that, a Government monopoly, can be afforded at a lower price. Orders, from a distance can be executed by as either from our stocks here or at Now York. & I.IIZ.OUGIITON 39 North Wharves i Philadelphia September 6, Has constantly on hand and offers for sale, at his Family Grocery Store, a complete as sortment of fresh groceries, which he will sell cheap for Cash or in exchange for Coun try Produce. SUGAR, corm, 77M, RICE, Molasses, Chocolate, Cocoa and Starch, for sale at Depew's Grocery Store. • Browns, Buckets, Brushes, Ropes, Baskets, &c., for sale cheap liy C. I. DEPEW. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines of all kinds, Whiskey, &c., for sale at Depew's Grocery and Liquor Store. No. 1 Pickled Salmon, just received and for sale by C. I. DEPEW. Olfacicerel, Mam, Oil, Salt, Herring. Tobacco, Sepals. Snu ff , Prime Roasted Coffee warranted - fresh, Perfumery, &c., &c„ for sale at DeFew's Grocery and Variety Store: September 6. -1-4 w Ground Nuts ; &C. 25 Bags Best Ground Nuts, 10 " " Almonds, . 5 " " Cream Nuts, 5 " " English Walnuts, on hand and for sale cheap by . C. I. DEPEW. September 6. A new House and a new Landlord. The subscriber re spectfully informs his 'r'--a friends and the public ee 'e'•••,,421.111;;;.-5-1.61.11t M generally, tkat he has *;;7114!fit1ft.:;.".14 taken the newly erec -0011 ted three story brick tavern of Jesse Grim, at the northwest corner of Market Square, in the borough of Allentown, called The House is known as one of the most spacious and convenient in the State—none more so out of Philadelphia—and contains 44 rooms. He therefore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily all who may favor him with a call. His TABLE shall at all times be supplied with the best the season and the markets afford,and the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors. The I3eds and Bedding, together with all his furniture being entirely new, the pat rons of this house may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. • The Stabling is large and commodious, and as he Will have none but kind and attentive Ostlers, a due regard will he had to the pro per entertainment of the house as well as his toaster. In . short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expense to keep his house in the best man ner, and he therefore re spectfully invites the public to give him a call. LV - BOARDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms, and as the rooms arc spaci ous and %yell adapted to their wants, they can be accommodated in a satisfactorY man ner. Families from town or country ac commodated with Boarding. ELI STECKEL. Allentown, May 3, 18-19. I,l—tb LF+l ;.b I*! No. 73, Chest nut St., corner of •WWrnzk• St Has for sale the fullowino• TEAS, to which he invites the attention of the trade: 200 half cliests Young (Tyson Tea. 100 do Gunpowder do 100 do Imperial do 20 . 'do finest Company 1-lyson do 20 cases, each containing 4 13 lb boxes, finest Curious Young Ilyson. 20 cases finest Currious Gunpowder. 10 do • do Imperial. 200 half chests finest Chulnn Powchong, 100 do Ningyong Powchong. 30 do very finest Oolong. 100 do , second quality. 100 do Ningyong do. GO chests English Congnu. 100 hf. do do do. 25 chests Padre Souchong. 25 do fine Alohea do. 1500 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. These Teas have been selected by D. IL with great care from the various late cargoes, and will be found to fully sustain the high and unrivalled reputation which this estab lishment .has enjoyed for the last forty years, and his prices, as heretofore, will be found as low as at any house in the United States. August 16. 411-3 in $1,220,097 6:7 BROOM & WOODEN WARE STORE, No. 63 North Third "Street, ONE DOOR ABOVE Alien, EAST SIDE, PHILADELPHM. Idanntaetarers and Wl►elesale Dealers In all kinds of Breams, Brushes. Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French as Cash paid for Broom Corn at the file tory. September 6 Washington. Printing Press FOR SALE. A Superior iron printing press, Washing ton's .patent, with a bed 22 by 84 inches, in first rate order, forsale•at this .office, on ac cominodating terms.—Address A. L. Ruhe, post paid. Allentown, July 10. C. I. DEPEW, Salmon. iiiillll2 ItDllll, THE E3G LE HOTEL aVIA. 11av,X xi, PHILADELPHIA, Ivz. a J. nza RovarE, lia,,kcts, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern-made Wooden Ware of every description, 4-c. at the loweat market prices. . HURRAH ! HURRAH!! The Cheapest .aud Best • ASSORTMENT OF Clocks, Ira tches, JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES• GEORGE STINE, Clock, Watchmaker and Jeweler HAMILTON STREET, 0, Allentown, Penn. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and is now prepared to offer for sale the cheapest and best assortment of Goods, at his old stand in Hamilton street, five doors above 0. & J. Saeger's Hardware Store. . His Stock con sists among other things, of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest possible prices. His watches consist in a 2 14 part of (" old and Silver Patent .. 7 •-' Lever, lapine, Quartier ° ter ti • 11" and o a e tes. Silver Table and Tea Snoons,Gold, Silver and. Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and are warranted to be made of the best mate rials. JEWEL.It V. His stock of Jewelry is large and splendid and comprises nil the most fashionable arti cles, such as Gild, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold \Vatch Chains, Keys. &c. Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Sil ver Combs, Musical Boxes, and a variety of other fancy .articles. He feels confident that the above goods are - the best in market and offers them to the public nt the lowest prices. He would particularly-call your attention to his large stock of CLOCKS AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on him before purchas ing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can not fail lo suit you, not only with his articles but what is more important, with his prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods are warranted. Clocks, fratches and Jewelry, repaired in the neatest and best manner and at the shortest notice. He feels grateful for the patronage already extended to him and hopes that a strict at= tendon to. his business, and a desire to satis fy all who may favor him with a call, will secure for him a liberal support. July 12. t-3 fll BLIND MANUFACTORY. H. CLARIK, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 13!) 14:3 South Second Street, below Dock St., PHI L J )ELPH Pt~ Keeps always on ,hand a large and fash ionable assortment of Wide and INTarrow Slat Window Blinds, manufactured in the best manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash pricgs. Baying refitted and enlarged his establish ment, he is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice. Constant ly on hand an assortment of. 31.(1110 0.1 N 1" RNI TITRE of every variety, manufactured ttpressly Inr his own sales, and purchasers may there fore rely on a good article. ii'ol;en in tho evening. Orders from a distance packed carefully and sent free of porterage. to any part of !he city. H. CLARK., August 30 1810. 11-Iy-7 I Large and Rich Stock of Carpets, For Fall Trade. The subscriber, in addition to his former stock, has just received, and has now in store, a large and rich assortment of New Styles English and American C it It I' ETIN manufactured to order, and decidedly the handsomest goods in the market, all of which are offered for sale, on the most favorable terms. G'ountry Merchants and Strangers visit- Philadelpilia, who may be in want of Car pets, are requested to look in and examine this stock of desirable goods previous to pur chasing elsewhere, as they will i find all goods sold to be as represented, and at the lowest market prices. The assortment, in part, consists of: English Tapestry, Eng - li6h and American BriisselS, Three-ply Imperial, Super. Ingrains, • with low priced Carpetings of all descrip tions, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Rugs, Piano and Table Covers, Sheep Skins, Stair Rods, Bindings, &c. Also, a largo assortment of Rag, List and Cotton Carpets, front 121 to 50 cents per yard, at:the Cheap Carpel fare-Rooms, of . R. B. WALKER, • No. 25 North Second Street, Directly opposite . , Christ Church, Philadel phia. June 28. SS3-3m M4.11W10 a. PIQLADELPIIIA HIDE ASSOCIATION, Willow St" above Eleventh PHILADELPHIA. HIDES taken in with great care, as re gards cuts and flaws. la'Country Tanners supplied on the most liberal terms. AYKVOYD & GROSS. April 10. 11--lim 11-3 m MACKEREL, SHAD, Constantly on hand SALMON, and for sale by HERRINGS, • J. PALMER& Co. PORK, Market St. Wharf, HAMS & SIDES, PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE. Sept. la. T-41n) Cheap Hat and Cap Store. Hamilton Street nearly opposite Weiss Hotel, r2llentown. Jacob B. Boas, Takes this method to inform hi , : friends , and customers, that he still continues the Hatmaking and Cap business, and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable. Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia, Silk and Napped !fats; which he will sell at the lows! prices. ..dlso—a large assortment of Mens, Boys and ClAWens Caps, al , very ri - duced prices. He is likewise prepared to manufacture to order Hats at the shortest possible notice. Thankful for past favors he hopes to ens joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels confident that his Huts, fully racotnmmd themselves. LirSuch who are indebted to him for some length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected will not be neglected'. Nov. 9. , N. S. LAWRENCE Agent for the sate of Routhworth Man- ufacturing Co's Writing Papers. Warehouse No. 3 Minor St. PHILADELPHIA 100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale Ao the trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 Jbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt.. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. . Embroidered i Note Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine'Caps and Posts, ful s ed and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hard ware Papers, &e. July 5. 111—(im nauib C). (Succevfor to So 4• BrolherB.) Importer and Manufacturer of every description of FURS, Having just returned from. Europe with a SELF:c.f. STOOK or Funs, Is now manufacturing them in n very su perior style, and trimming them in the most elegant manner, and would invite the atten tion of Merchants and others, to his superior and extensive assortment, which, as he ma ufacCores as well as imports, he is enable to on:r et such prices as few houses in the United States can compete with, LV'Store always closed on Saturdays. - 'The Cash price paid for Ship ping, Furs, r.:irilerneniher the place, next to Louden & Co's Family Medicine Store. DAVID [-I. SOLIS, • 8G Arch (Mulberry) Strcet,.G doors below 3dst August 16. 11-61 n Muffs, Boas, Victorms, !MEI FUR TRIMMINGS. M. D. COHEN, Would most respectfully call the attention of all persons in want of any article in the FANCY FUR • business, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of the above mentioned articles, made of every description of Furs, and in the treat variety of shapes that are now fashion able, which he of to sell at very reasona ble profits, at his FANCY FUR STORE, No. 52 North Second Si. (two doors below ;arch Street.) Philadelphia. Nlerchants purchasing to sell again, would find it considvrablyto their advantage to call and examine his. stock and judge for them se es before purchasing elsewhere, rirThe full market price always given for SKINS of:every description. 1.-V - l'he Store is always • closed on Satur days. M. D. COHEN, No. 52 N. 2d at., Philadelphia. : September 13. WANTED. 6:3orncinntit ,scgctrinnkes, • The undersigned, residing in Wescoes ,. Ole,. Lower Macungy township, Lehigh county, wishes to employ 6 Journeymen Se garmtikers, to work on Spanish, Half Span 10p, and Common, to whom he will pay the highest wages, and give permanent employ ment. if application be immediately made. • WILLIAM D. BITTER% ;' : Wescoesville, August 30. 411-4 w • • Brandreth and Wrights Pills. • .Country merchants and others, are here-. by notified, that the fnr farmius Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Biandieth, are constantly kept for sale at, the office of the "Lehigh Register" by thq boien boxes, at Wholesale prices. April 17 • 11--4 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers