El = Arrival of the Cambria. Warketa and Harvest.-The market's are . . ',without much change. The weather is arvesting Was fine in all Great Britain. . he Liverpool Journal of the Bth says The harvest has been nearly safely housed, and is pronoUnced abundant, as the potato is redundant, anti is•so far exempt from rot. Trade is active, if not lucrative, and em ployment in the manufacturing districts awaits all who desire it. Xustria and Hungary.—Comorn and Peterwardein still held out. The former is ommanded by Klapka, the latter by Kird. The Russian General, had a long interview with Kird on the'Md oh, the re sult of which was that a Hungarian Major 'we sent to Gen. Haynau to arrange terms for the capittilation.. The impregnable po-. ;sition of Comorn induces Klapka to demand 'good clnditions. Klapka's Reply to the Sus( rians.—Gor -gey's surrender was known at Comorn on the 18th, and summons were sent to the gar rison either to follow his example or to send in their terms of capitulation. The answer - given on the 19th was as follows : "No official communication as to the po sition of affairs near the lower Danube and on the Banat has reached us. and until we know what has taken place we cannot, with out incurring the charge of treachery to the Fatherland, consent to treat in the name of the council of war. • The Reign of Order.—A lotter from Vien na of the 31st ult. states that several of the !Magyar chiefs had been executed. Amon:" these are the Ex-Nlinisters of L►terior, Vu- Icovich, and Gen. Datnianich, who had been hanged, and Cien. Anticlnal' who had been shot. Geri. Jowich, who gave up the fortress Esseg to the Magyars, had been taken to Vienna in chains. Klapka [This is corminlv wrong. Klap ka is in Cornorn.— . and those members of the late llunzarinn Diet, who • bad declared that the House of Hapsburg had forfeited all claim to the throne ol Hun gary, and others ►vhon► Russia handed over to the Austrian authorities, had been convey ed to Pesti!. Gleanings from the Mail Call is supposed that F 5150.000 more of.ilte Pennsylvania Sinking Fund will be applicable to the purchase of state Fives before December MIII Cir In 1835, Mil , i,eonsin. hail 61,;r one white inhabitant; nog.•.• it has a poptilation ol 19,000. Lir A young, man has returned from the gold regions, to Troy, Ohio, with a snug little fortune of $25,000. co- Mr. Edward Giddings, who left Albany about eleven mouths ago for California. return •ed onThursday morning, having accumulated du. ring•his shwa sojourn, between fler , ...n and twdre ihousanddoMzrs worth of gold dust. ?if rG. made his money by digging and speculating, and will return again on the 15th d Getober. • C. - Everything. manufacturing is going up and nothing agricultural piing down—such is thc present state of affairs as shown by statistie,rl re. turns. Er'Fine peaches are scaling is Daynat, cUo„ at 40 cents per bushel. farlt is stated that the euttineer of ;Ile Net tit •nranch Canal has been in consultation unit the Canal. Commissioners. as to the. Lest . mode of proceeding to secure the completion idthe work, and we understand that measures have been adopted to put a portion of it under c o ntract a s stunt as possible. Ur - Tennessee has al this time within her limits, 47 furnaces, and 9'2 bloomeries, forttrs, and rolling mills. In the manufacture of Iron, site stands as the third State in the Coitin. Locomotive was placed on the Hodson River Railroad, that made the distatate la•twr en New York, and Sing. Sing (thirty miles) in filly minutes. OrFree Schools have been rejected in A:be merle, Va., by 450 majority. A progressive cowl ►p, that rirChina is said to be ripe for a revolution. far In Florida an acre of land will produce four• hundred lbs. value of pine apples. I.:V - The laws sanctioned by the Pennsylvania Legislature last session, weigh upwards of seven Linda half tons! Gen.Twiggs, with a body of troops, arriv ed at Piladia, Florida, on the 30,h ult. The In dians had shown no new signs of hostility in that quarter. kV - Some sensible fellow has said, that where one man reads a merchants sign, a hundred will read his advertisement. The Encampment.—Sixteen companies have already signified their intention of being present at the military encampment which is to be held at Bristol, on the 20th inst., and other companies are also expected. Chester, York. Montgomery, and Bucks counties, will each have one or milite companies to repiesent them. Cattle.—The Scioto Gazette says, the coon • ties of Ross, Pickaway, Franklin, Madison, and Fayette, in Ohio, have annually, for three years past, sent forward at least 35,000 heads of fat cat tle, worth at home $4O per head, or an aggregiite •of $1400,000. • • Large Fortune.—The Trenton State Gazelle says that Mr. Andrew Thompson, a machinist of South Trenton, has suddenly come into posses sion of an estate in England amounting to about three millions sterling. Iron Cottages—An iron cottage weighing 18A lbs, 16 1.2 by IR feet in two compartments-4i kitchen and sitting room, with 'five plate glass windows, two beds, one table, one chest of driw ers, two chairs, a fountain washstand, and com plete apparatus for cooking, can be bought in Liverpool foillso. C'hemiitry.--We learn from the Annapolis papers, that a large class in chemistry has been formed at the opening of the present sessions in St. John's College, and the Rev. Hr. Humphrey's will receive samples of soils to be analyzed. MARRIED. On nonday last, by the Rev. Mr. Pubs, Mr. Charles Quier, to Miss, Eliza Keifer, both of Alletitown. batunterr tatthibatc for the State, S enate . To the Free and Independent Voters of Le high mid Northampton counties. FELLOW CITIZENS At the earnest solicitatiw of many of my fellow citizens of thesenatorial district, composed of the county of Lehigh and Northampton, I have been induced to suffer my name ns a Candidate for the &talc Senate at the ensuinr , general election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes, I ph fhe myself to discharge the• du ties of die office with fidelity and to the best of my abilities ALEXANDER E. BROWN. September 27. —te ir/Golunteer Candidate • 1;01: the £cgiolnturc. To the Free and Independent voters of Le high and Carbon Countiel FELEow errizENs! . I mire this method to inform the voters of the Re;:resentative dis trict; Composed olthetouniies of Li high and Carbon, that I off!r myself to their sulfraus as a Volunteer Candidate, for the Slate Legislature at the ensuring election, should.l be so for tunate as to receive a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to discharge the duties with fidelity and to the best of my abilities. JAMES WEILER. 11—te Septemlwr A.stoixviairioAlteAliwuco. The French Minister Dismissed I The Nation in a nage. Obi Schoen/0'001(1a/, The NAPOLEas of Storekeepers has declar ed war with the peaceable citizens of "Little Lehigh," and the way he adopts to have satistaction, for the prompt discharge of :41. Poussin, "Old Zack," is, to sell them the cheapest lot of Fancy Fall and Winter I )ry GJoils, ever ()tiered for sale in Allentown. I Here folows'his declaration of war: - Three cases of French Cloths., Bine:. Blue black. Olive, Brown, &c. of all prices land an unprecedented assortment. Five cases Cassimeres, French. Black, Doeskin, Blue Black NI iddlesex, Fancy nod Common, at prices to suit the tunes, cheap er than ever. 1 Dept cases Simtinetts. Black, Blue and all kinds of mixed l'rom 23 c:s and upwards. Vesting, Back Satin, Fancy Satin, Silk -1 Velvet and Fancy Vesting of all shades and prices, and without making further elm ; morations. t %%wild merely state that my leetion of Goods for gent lemans wear is hea -1 vier and will be di,l , os d or: at the lowest 1 profits 1 lorim.h. LALa:S DRESS (1)0DS Sdk-;„ floured and plain all and cheaper than they ran :lIIV 01111. r place. El •-b lick napies, 171', other t.inds of miles that you may 111111 k or men tiohing, ail new styles. ,ernes, Black %%tarp. 131:1,• L'OoVii, 111,11 , colored. oirod, and satm strip: al and L lain. Call :i1:11 see, before you buy elseivere, I ani crt taitt you may saye from er cent. 50 pieces E:orlash to Mmes. reccived by the last European Stvaincr, such as blu.• sky-blue, b.auck..tnode colored, figured and idain from 1.2. 1 , to :17.!cems 20 pieces French and Clorrorm merinoes, iii short, call for nue color you please, arid you are sari' to fold it, and about the price iye will leave it to yourselves ; the stock is large and. it must be sold at any price, also, lannbazines, alpaccas, figured and plain, (civakings II S . cases ginghams and prints. Ahou tthe colors, we have any you want, and then .I am determined' to sell without any profit. Shawls of every possible description , from the lowest to the highest price. JO cases hlracliell inuslins,. brown sheet ings and colored cambrics. I ENRY GROCERIES 2 11 hds. Porto Rico, Santa Cruz, and New Odeon, Sugar. 25 Hlids. Brown, Pulverised, crushed. and Loaf Sugar. Hlicts. Sngar•Hnuse, Trinadad, New Orleans Syrup Molasses. 725 Saclis.Javn, Laguira, Rio coffee, all of which is sold at.reduced prices by EIENRY SCI INURMAN. MACKEREL 123 Whole, Half, and • Quarter, barrels. Na. 1,2, and 3, Mackerel, just received and for rule, cheaper then ever offered at this H. SCHNURMAN. CA Rpors. 20 Pieces three Ply Ingrain, Stair, En try, and Rag. Carpets, just received and for sale by HENRY SCHNURMAN. One Boatload Liverpool .ground snit, in bulk and in sacks, also Ashton and Dairy. fine Salt, now unloading and for sale by 20 tons A mericnn Hammered Iron on hand, which, wilt be sold extreamly low by HENRY SCIINURMAN. PRODUCE. -. All kinds of country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard. Bacon, Potatoes, Dried Apples. Cherries, &c., taken in exchange for goods, for Which the hiahei.4 market price will be paid by 'HENRY SCUNVR3TAN. September 27. N env (mods! - Ni ew Gootis% Fall Arrival. racilz & Landts, Have just returned from Philadelphia, and are now unpacking a very large stock of Fall and Winter goods, which they offer to their customers :nd the public in gener al at the very lowest priceS. AGE.V7P-LEGITEA 4 '.! Your attention is patticularly invited to 1 the well selected stock of English, Frtnch, and Belgium Clothe, which we can sell cheaper than ever, from $1;25 to $5,00. A i rood assortment of Middlesex . and fancy casimeres,silk and satin vestings. All they ask of the public is a friendly call, and an examination of their stock will, they feitl confident as Jo cheapness and quality, satisfy i the most acute purchaser. EaDIE S 1 ' - For you we have a very large assortment iof Dress-Goods. Black mode, and fancy Striped Plaid Alpaccas, Mohair Lustre, a very handsome article of changeabre silk, Plain and Fancy Cashmeres, Mousse de laines, CoburgCloths, Parramettos, Alpines, &c. &c. . September 27, Grreeri CS di' QIECCUSWare. Earthertiware &c. of which we always keep on hand a largo and well selected stock. MER I'Z & LANDES uirveAr Achr E D woo Bushels PointOes for which the librhost market price will be paid in cash or in exchangefor goods. Eirrz & LANDES. SALT HENRY SOIINURMAN• IRON. 6S'a.VT E D. 1000 Cords good Hickory and Oak Wood, for which the hiiihest market price will be alloWt.d in trade by MERTZ & LANDES. September 27, 91—lw Line Lexington D rt 311 11 .0 .7) For Young Men and Boys The winter session (Adds school will com mence on Monday the 22d of October next, and continue six months. At this school are tilught all the branches comprised in a complete course of an English education ; and also accurately to construe the French and Spanish languages. The price fur "fiiition, Bor.rdincr. Washing and Fuel is $3O per 12 weeks, if not paid in advance, or $3O for 13 weeks if paid iii advance., JOIN PRICE, Principal. Septemb.er 27, 15-2 m County Treasurer. ''a the so ers of Lehigh County: FELLOW CITIZENS I. At the solicitation of nil - inerons friends, I have been to oln:r myself as a candidate for tl o office of C owix. 4 q . yea.s . wr , at the enzzoino: o,.enerill election. Should I der s t fortunate as to receive n nutUrity of your votes, I pledLt . o myself to dkchitrize the dwies 01 the ofli , :e with fidelity and to the best of Inv allilaws. Dcep,ctlu.ly your WOW citizen,• A NIOS E I'ING ER Sept '27 Poragnrcer Candidate S"or ti)c CegiEi!c,tl:,.te. 7'd ihr Fret , on 1 In !rptitlent TT)! rs ht k an/Carl:a', Can:rits FET.ViNV CITIZENS! I 11,i , m •Oiciti Ii) inform the vowrs lile rz.• ; p.spouttive trict. combos-d of the con to ies of LehiLrh anti Carbon. that I offer myself to their .4 . ltif rages as ;1 Volunteer Caralidate, for 111;3 Stale itargistatreire, at the en,uing electi o n. Should Ihe so luau - UMW as to receive a majority of your votes. 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties with fidelity and to the best of my abilni a. JAMES AN FEION Sept. !..:0; 1519 1U .3.. The Seminary of the Rev. C. R • Kessler. will ho'd an exhibition, of Sinaint.r, Speaking and rradi neCom position in the Court Clause, in the borough of Allentown. on Friday the 2stli inst. The singing will be in connec tion with Mrs . Young's school and will be accompanied with a piano. The friends of the institution and the public 'generally. are respectfully invited to attend. To commence precisely at six nod a half O clock. C. R. KESSLER Principal. Sept 27 wth)vacom Is hereby giyen that the undersigned has been appointed" Executor-.in the and testament of Peter Steckel, deceased, late of South Whitehall township, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons who are in debted to said estate, will please make set tlement between now and the 17th day of November next, and also all persons having claims against said estate, will please to present them within said specified time. RoIIERT STEOKEL, Executor. September 27, 1540. 111—tlw- ill)Wagah 1 The friends of Education will assemble in County meeting, on Saturday the 29th day of September next, at one o'clock in the af ternoon, in the Court House,•in the borough of Allentown, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the National Common School Convention, to be holden at Philadelphia on the 17th of October next, and to adopt such other measures to further the'cause of general education. MANY. September 13. . . 11--3 w (1)111Y1131°3 111411 3A12 By virtue and in pursuance of nn order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will be exposed to public Sale, on Wednesday the 17th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Jacob Ochs, in Upper Saucon township, Lehigh county, Two Valaablo Tracts of Land, No I. Situated in said Upper Saucon township. bounded by lands of John Mohr, Jacob Algard, David Fry and others, con •taining 7 acres and 02. perches. The im provements thereon consist in a one and a half Story •: Slone ng 4 1 4 1 t HOUSE , at.....;,-.TkVC- Log Tenant House, Frame barn, and other outbuildings, a well with a pump in it near the house. The land is all en closed in gond fences, and is of the very best quality farm land. There is on the tract a very large variety of 4 0 1 '4 , t Trees. No. f2 4 ,...3 Tract of Woodland, z 40174 situate also in said Upper Saucon + township: bounded by lands of Jacob Keck, Nathan Grim,, Andreas Wind and others, containing 2 acres and 139 perches. It is the real estate of Charles Ochs, de- ENE ceased. The conditions will be made known on the day of Sale, and dun attendance given by A. K. AN, Agent for Jacob Oohs, the Administrator. By Order of the Court, J. D. LA WALL, Cleric. Sept. 20. 11 Let, to in die iktrg.tins! The Feast has Set En! ..tours ©l cuern OcEicription. SOW FOUR 77.11 E ! subscriber respectfully informs the citizens el Allentown, and the public in gen eral, that he continues the 8 ovc altd. BUSIIICEM in all its carious branches, at the old stand in Hamilton street, directly opposite the Odd Fellows' new Hall; where he will at all tunes heep on _hand, a very large and well selected assortment of tvood and coal (Vice, Store and Parlor Stoves, to Which he invites the particular attention of the public. IL! has also just received the .American .lir Tight .Ytove, a new style, just invented of su;.erior pattern. in which the Oven is as Large as the whole Stove. Warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All he wants is a trial. Ile is also prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON \\ T ORr at the shortest notice and on the most rea• soindik terins. I.loo6ntr, Spouting - , Fire-wal ling and every thing in that line will receive his particular attention. Stove .pipe put up at all times. All oth er busines - sm-rdrusted to his care, will be punctually attended to. The fo ;wing: are among the articles he constantly keeps on hand and for sale : 'fin Plato. 11.1 , sian, A tnerican and Eng lish Iron, Block 'fin, Speltre, • 13 tr awl Sheet. \Vire, Iron RI vets,ll , d lowware, 2:eneral m - isortinent of rencly :no lo Tia-warc.: which he is determined to II :it the linvost Nowlvoicirri.9l fol!csjtv.t fjoiryz to HOUSt . - ket• b• Stl . ,)11 1 .11.••1 With of wart. oil !Moral t e nni. lb. lo in Oct. his ,Itup the Re- Pe' ' :toil therefore invites all to call at his 011 •::1:1:1. 0. GINIi."I.NTOEI - 2.. t—tr S •pt. 27 irdt • 1 1 .11 111116,3i,U1 No. 52. &anti 2(1 Street, near Chesnut, nounxisr: I:mon tS , Son pay exclusive attention to Nlourning Grio Is, an I would invite the at-: tendon of all buyers, visiting the city to an examination of their stock. As the utmost care is taken in the import ing and sod ction of their goods, keeping a large assortment at all seasons, offering for sale only what is good and of*e proper shade of blaelr, no deception as to make or quality, no de viation in price, and every ar ticle sold as low as 'can be purchased else wher-,•ihose requiring. mourning attire, can be satisfactorily suited, without the trouble, fatigue and loss of time of prorVeding from store to store, by visititig at once this estab lishment. OM Lupin's Boinbaziries, Bombazine finish Al pieces, Plain Cashmeres, Silk Cashmeres, French Merinos, Wide Black Silks, Lup in's Mousselines, Mourning Hungari ans, Mourning Chintzes, Long Shawls Brack Thibet,Sack Flannel Patent English Crapes, Mourning Veils, Ct,llars,Fleecy Silk Hose, Bayous ' . Gloves &c &c &c. They open • daily, new black and half mourning mate rials from liiiir-pficed to the most costly. Lir - Wholesale coati...buyers will find it to their advantage to calL l ;!h. Philadelphia, Sept. 11-2m-2 lif - I w Hart's Gold Paint. An entire new article, used for the put., pose of gilding Signs; reguilding Looking:: Glasses,'writing visiting cards, tfr.,c., to be used with a quill pen, for writing,or a pen cil brush for gilding, to be burnished with a piece of smooth ivory or agate. It will, re tain its culor for years in being exposed to weather, being already sized.. It can be done in a short time, and at a saving of more than ont o half over the gold leaf The article can be had at J. 13. Moser's Apothecary Store, who is the sole Agent for R. E. HAR N 0.75. John Street New York, • September 27. aj—thn PUBLIC S.ILE Of Valuable Real Estate. Will be sold at Public Sale, on Friday the 12th day of October next, at I o'clocir in the afternoon, on the premises, the fol lowing valuable real estate, to wit: That Noted Beautiful Farm, situate in Lower Milford township, Bucks county, on the public road. leading from Bethlehem to Charlestown, 10 miles dis tant from the former and 5 miles from the latter, bounded by lands of Jacob Bach, Ja- cob Weiss, George Steinman, John Miller, David Eberhard; and 'others, containing 44 acres, more or less, 4 neves thereof nre of the best Meadow land, through which a never failing stream of water runs, suffi ciently strong, to drive any kind of machin ery with case, 6 acres are of the best Wood land that can be found in the neighborhood. The improvements thereon are a durable two story 46!1; 4 ' Stone Bcorelling t3 House, with a ono story kitchen attached, n large log Barn, new Wagon house, and all other necessary TA large APPLE ORCHARDS, grafted with the best fruit that could he ob tained. The whole tract is enclose) with the best fences, and is•in a high state of cul tivation. A more convenient farm can not be found in the county. The conditions will be nnat known on the day of sale and due attendance given A. K. NV UrTAIA N. t —lw Sept. 20 PUBLW SALE baluable o.3tatc. Pursuant to the rast Will and Testament of Mariin LuzaruP„ deceased. late of Sails burg township, Lehigh county, will be ex vosed to Public Sale, dll Wednesday the 10th of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, on the promises, the following Valuable Zeal Estate, Consisting of a beautiful Farm, situated in Salsburg township, Lehigh county, about 5 miles south of Allentown, adjoining the Lit tle Lehigh Creek, containing 105 acres and 58 perches, strict measure, of which 10 acres are woodland, a porportionate share. of good meadow land, and the balance arable land, hounded by lands of David Kemmerer, Na than Mink, John Reinhard, and others.-1 The improvements thereon consist in .ft good two story lov-1 Bizvviii;:g Mouse, part Stone and part Log:,. with a never-fail ing Spring in the seller. A large Swiss 13arn, besides other noces , qtry Out-. a t buildings. a thriving Orchard with - 4i4? CHOICE FRUIT TREES, ALSO—A Forge is t heron erected, watt a never failing water power of S feet head and fall, sufficient to carry on any similar wodis. Iron ore being in abundance in the neighborhood. The Conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by JACOB STERNER, STEPIIEN September 13. Public S:Ile Of Valuable Rena Eslate. Witl sold ut public sale, on Tuesday the 2il of October next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, • TWIT SPLENDID RUM, situate in Upper Simeon township. Lehigh counry. on the street leadin , from A lien t to Coopershurg, about ono utile abort 11,11er's Tavern, bounded by lands of Jo seph Niohrey, Andreas Wind, Abraham Blank, and others; containing 151 acres; more or less. impraroments consist in a double r a n two story STONE DWELLING ee @VW P . 11 0 US E, . two Stone barns, Wagon house. Spring house, and other necessary outlmildingA, never failing spring near the House and' Barn. The Farm is of the best quality lime stone land, and is at present in the. highest state of culiivation and in good and substancial fenc ing. A proportionable Fart of it is good meadow land,abont 65 acres is heavy timber land, the balance farm land, there is also a ' first rate „.. 2 f? . . 1 3 a APPLE ORCHARD, ..‘4.v.: on the premises. • Persons wishing to examine the proper ty will please call upon Mr. George Weber, s%ho resides on the farm, or upon the under signed owner, wear Hellertown. The conditions will be made known on the day of Sale and duo attendance given by GEORGE A. %VEBER. Sept. 20. t.-4w EC, L'EVIN Sr., LATE WILLIAM STOVEK & SONS, AND DEILER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 183 North Third Street, corner • of Wood Street. • Philadelphia, Has been replenished by the subscriber, with an entirely fresh and well selected as sortment of:every description of Groceries includinrime coffee, choice flavored Teas, genuine f nes and Liguori, Spices &c. &c. Every article is strictly good of its kind and will be supplieti to consumers and dealers at a small profit fir cash. • H. LEVIN Jr (late WnoStoover do Sons, Phil.) ri'Country. producB. bought and taken in exchange for grocerieeA September ' '`? q~~ ,- Aii Tic L 13.,. I Per AnSid. - deli*Philda; ban Ll l Ttl Flour 1 Buslkl ^o: i Wheat . . . . Rye ! i Oats . • . . Buckwheat . Flaxseed . . CI werseed iinothy: ecd Potatoes . . Salt Butter . . . Lard . . . Tallow . . . Beeswax . . Ham Flitch . . . . Tow-yarn. . . Eggs . . . . Rye NVhiskey Apple Whiskey Linseed Oil . . Hickory Wood Oak Wood . . Egg, Coal . . . Nut Coal . . Lump Coal . . Plaster . . 1)1121110)3 21)412 13t• virtue and in pursuance of an order' i. ued out of the Orphans Court of the coun t• of Lehigh, there will be exposed to pub lic sale, on Saturday the twentieth day of October, 1319. at to o'clock in the fore-noon, upon thin premises, n certain, Message and Tract of Lando with the appurtenances, situated in North-: am pton township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, hounded by lands of the North ampton Water Company, (formerly Abra ham Worrnan's) Charles and William Mlle- - man's Mill property, Solomon Griese mer, Simon Schweitzer, Jacob Troxell, and . others, containing eighty six acres and six teen perches, strict measure. The improve 7 meats thereon are a one and a . 17— ' • li. , ii 4 r 6 half story :Acme dwelling t• il 0 t . X IE 9 . —....-.. , ..._a a largo Swiss harm Press House, and other out building,:, Tenant [louse and frame Sta.. ble ; a good Apple Orchard and other fruit trees are on the premises. The little Le high Creek passes through the whole breath thereof; the whole being under good fencer; and in a high state of cultivation. ALSO.—The one moiety or undivided halt part of a tract of IV 00BL ALIV ° Lf.':.,situated on the Lehigh Mountain, in SalOmr , township. bounded by lands of John Bower, late Owen Rice and others, containing twenty eight acres and seventy nine perches, strict measure, being good tim ber land. 13eing•the Real Estate of David Leiberi spergcr, deceased, late of the township and county aforesaid. Terms on the day and place of sale,and duo attendance given by L'x'irs EBBE cr, 1 w ASSIGNEE SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. A7otz., will sell at public sale, on the prem ises, in the Borough of Allentown, in the minty of Lehigh, on Thursday the 27th • day of Se ptCinher, inst.. nt 10 o'clock A. M., • the following described foal Estate, former- . ly the . property of the said Andrew Klotz: No. 1—..///ot of land with the appurtmances, situate in the said borough of Allentown, on the west side of Allen street, at its intersec- . tion with the public road leading from Read ing to Elston, 30 feet front on said Allen street and 6.230 feet deep. The improve- . tnents on this lot consist of a TWO STORY HOUSE, ~g, 2, feet front and 53 feet deep, part " ly frame and partly brick, with . Store room tin.' cellar in the lower story.' . The store room has been newly fitted up with shelving, and furnished with counter,: &c. for mercantile business. The other part of the house is conveniently divided in kitchen, dining, room, parlor and bed rooms. I There is also a lar g e and excellent Garden' 'on the lot—a numb er of. excellent fruit trees,' grape vines, shrubbery, &c.—and Hydrant lat the door—and also a good frame . oarn. As there are no stores in that immediate vi cinity, the location is one of the best in Al ! . lentown for the mercantile business. ~--3m-~ prices Qtutrcnt (0.5,00 5 100'.05 1 be • 80. 601 60,60 • 2b 3U 35 40, 40 50 1 25 1 1 30 1 26 0-00!-4-00 400 • 2 00 n 2 00 2 00 40' CO 68 40 1 46; 40 12 1 12 1 16 • 8 1 101 0 9 0 9 25 25' 20: 0' 8. 17 . 6 61 8. SI 81 0 12 , 121 10 22 251 28 25 261 25 * 65. 65. Ob 4 50 4 501 6 08 3 50: 3 S QI 5 05 :3751 4 001 4 50 • 2 50' 3 00 , :3 CIO' 50, 3 501 3 do -4 501 4 501 2 50 IN IMES j rou II( MO MEI MEI Doz Gall Cord Ton • JONATHAN BIF.DER, .11Inz'8174. SAMUEL' BrTZ, By Order of the Court, J. D. L A.NV ALL Clerk. 4V-4w Sept. 20 The silli..,eriber, nFsignee of .dndretv No. lot of land in said borouglat'• 30 feet front on Allen street and 230. feet deep, and adjoining the lot above describ- . ed, without improvements. • No. 3—././ lot of land in said borough.; .36 feet more or less en . Ann street on the west, on the south 263 feet more or less on a public road, on. the east 133 feet morti.or, less on a public alley, and on the north 240 feet, also on a public alley, numbered in•the plan of said borough 601. No. 4—Three contiguous lots of /and: situate in said borough, on the south side 'Of Turner street, numbered in plan of said rough 664, 678 and'692— , -the titre first ex- tending in front on said Turner street'l Bo feet, and the third 40 feet, and eachextend.t ing in depth 230 feet. Zgc No. 5—.1 lot or tract of fr . in Salsburg township, in' the connty of CeTilg I) aforesaid, containing 8' acieC and'. 20 perches of land. A LSO—AI the same time and piacee:' an iron safe, one horse wagon with body,- limning mill, and other "articles of personal• property. GEORGE STEIN. haaignee Sept. 6 9 111 'Z."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers