• • 1E.,. _,1 4 t1,4% TIN . A Tl 3 V •t: t `r • • • • itespectfully •infariris his, frieridiand the Public in general,gat lie cont!hues,the Tin , and Stove -Smithirigrbusinesi,in all' its-va rious branches', at old stand, two doors east of Nfoxer'S,Wlentown Hotel, to Ha ton street., In thn„borotigh Allentown I'S has on hanp tctiok laie . assort TIN AND IRON I' , , . Such as lands `` of B4Weis, Watering Pots, Spout-heads; &c. he also man ufactures to order, at the slimiest notice, and warrants them to be:durable, and of the best materials.: He keeps constantlY,on hand a large sup ply, of Roofing 7'in; expressly manufactur ed for Roofing Houses, which enables him to do roofing at the , shortest notice, and at moderate charges. He will undertake jobs a reasonable distance from Allentown, and will warrant_theWto be durable. He. also, keeps •On -hand "Downs, Myn dersfi &:o's..iruproved Revolving .Stand- Ptimp," at the extreme low price,of from $5 to This is•without doubt the best improvement in the*ay 'of Pumps, being very simple and talts - i,(p but very little room. They can be used ,Ili Wells or Cisterns, at a depth of over 60 feek' . ., He.pays. the . higheiVprice for old Brass, Copper, Pewter, :lielittr:and•lron, or takes them in exchange for goods. Call and examine his articles before pur chasing elsewhere, as he fs,neterinincd to sell cheap. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to continue to receive a share public patronage. May 3. . . 111-,-I.3rn Large and Rich Stock of Carpets! For Fall Trade. The subscriber, in addition to his former stock, has just received, and has now in store, a large and rich assortment of New Styles English and American • CARPETTING, manufactured to order, and decidedly the handsomest goods in the market, all of which are offered for sale, on the most favorable terms. Country Merchani's and Strangers visit- Philqdelphin, who may be in,want of Car pets, are requested to look in and examine this stock of desirable goods previous to pur chasing elsewhere, as they will find all goods sold to be its represented, and at the lowest market prices. The assortment, in part, consists of: English Tapestry, English and American Brussels, GI " Three-ply Imperial, Super. Ingrains, with low priced Carpetings of all descrip tions, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Rugs, Piano and Table Covers, Sheep Skins, Stair Rods, Bindings, &c. Also, a large assortment of Rag, List and Cotton' Carpets, from 121 to 50 cents per yard, at the Cheap Carpet Ware-Rooms, of R. B. WALKER,. No. 25 North Second Street, Directly opposite Christ Church, Philadel phia. Juno 28 EMPORIUM OF FASHION ! IN ALLENTOWN The undersigned have formed a Co-part nership, in the Fashionable Tailoring busi ness under the firm of Stettler.4. Getz. They have rented the building{ one door east of Meyer's Allentown llotel:Tormerly occupied as the "Lehigh Register" printing office, on the north side of Ilaniilvin street, in the Borou,gli of Allentown, where they will be ready to receive their miatotners at the shortest notice. They have made ar rangement to receive the Spring and Pall Paris and London fashiens„ivhich will ena ble them to dress at tan off in real Bun combe Style May 10, 5TE171.6 & GETz. WORM AN'S SPRING 'rho undersigned takes this Method to in form his friends and the ptib:ie,•:in general, that he has taken the well known Woraisan's which will be opened on the 19th, instant, with all kinds of refreshments &c. JAMES WILT. May 17. W h a.ITUMMQ• At Nagle's Head Quarters; a young lad about 15 or 16 yeari of age, to run errand' 4.c. Application to be made immediately t e ) , May, 24. • 4 11—:3 • Shoalilers and Hams. A large supply of Shoulders and Hams, cured in Philadelphia, just received and fur sale by & LA:cals. April 5. . 11 1 111411) 8 PHILADELPHIA HIDE ASSOCIATION, Willow St., above Eleventh St. PHILADELPHIA. HIDES taken in with great care, as re gards cuts and flaws. rarOountry Tanners supplied on the most liberal terms. -. & GROSS. April IC.. •, - - . ;14Ft44 -- A l t ftert ,, :lV-M '4414 - . • a mew, noose , . ;;•ti tavern of Jesse Grim;„ ctt the northwest corner of Market Square,' in the .borough of Allentown, called • TgE B.dOLE HOTEL* The House is known as ono of the most spacious and convenient in the Suite—none more so out of Philadelphia—mid contains .24 rooms. He therefore feels nssured that he can accommodate satisfactorily 'all who may favor him with a call. • His TABLE shall nt all times be supplied with the best the season and the markets afford, and the alit with the choicest Wines and Liquors. The Beds and Bedding,.together with all his furniture being entirely new, the pat rons of this house may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. The Stabling is large and commodious, and vs he will have nontrbot kind and attentive Ostlers; a due regard will ha had to the pro per entertainment of the House as well as his master. In short, the subscriber intends to spore neither pains nor expense to keep his house in the best manner, and he therefore le, Spectlufly invites the public to givekim a call. Cr BOARDERS will be taken on yea sonable terms, and as the rooms are spaci ous and well adapted to their wants, they can he accommodated in a satisfactory , man- . ner. Families from town or country ac, commodated with Boarding. _ _ • ELI STECKEL. Allentown, - May 8, 1849, ¶—tb INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 103 CIIESNUT STREET, near Fifth street. ... Chai les N. Banelcei, Geo.,W. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, E Boric, Samuel Grant; ; . ".11Itittid S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, • Morris Patterson. CONTINUE to makpqnsurance, permanent and limited, on every tleacription of property, in town and country, at Yates as low as are consis tent with security. •• The Company have reserved a large Contm• gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• tuns, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of .the company, on- January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As sembly, were' as follows;•ifiz : • Mortgages, `L;,5890,558 05 dal Estate,. 1108,358 ,~99 90 Temporary Loans, (11•0100 .Stocks, 14 Cash, cite., 40,158 87 . : -.,64. • $1,220,097 67 Since their incorporation , a period of eighteen years, they ha e paid upwards of one million, two hundred tliousand dollars, losses by fire, there by Worth evidence e of the advantages of insu. ranee; as ell as the ability and diqn-ition to meet wit promptness, all liabilities. R. CHARLES N. BANCICE, President. } ,w en,IILES G. BANCKER, Scc'y. ‘ ,4 The bseribers arc the appointed Agents of the abo mentioned Institution, , and are now prepared make insurances on every descrip -40 lion of rOpe A rt u y, G a i t ni th r e l l I .o s mic ,. s i t t rates, , Allentown. C. F. ISLEClC,,Bethlehetn. Allento , June 18, 1948. I—lt' t53...-3in . Chea '' at mill Cap Store. Hamilton ect nearly opposite Weiss t'atel, illlentown. Oa , 011) D. Boas, • Takes this . thod to inform hie friends and customers,"that he still continues the Hattnaking an ! Cap business, and beeps constantly on rand, a large assortment of the most fashio able, ll Beaver, Nut re Brush, Russia, Silk and Napped Hat .;.:y4lOch he will sell at the lowest prices;,, Also—a large assortment .of ens, Boys • and Children' 'Caps, at very'reduce ,tlrices. - . He is lihewise prepiiiek!o manufacture to order Hats at the shortest possible notice. Thanliful for post favors heiktopes to en joy it continuance of patrons r , e,'as he feels confident that his hats, ftilry recommend • 1 themselveS. LirSuch who are indebted to him'for so'Mo length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly .sett- Jed, and it is expected Will not he neglected. Nov. O. 411--!1y E. C. CHIEESEIEMIGNI, COMildiSSion aterchant. For the sale .t f FISH and PROVISIONS, No, 4 South Water sheet, below Market,. Philadelphia. s' • LinsTonstantly. on hand an assortment of and pickled; _ : 4.c., MaclA lags, Codfish ; Rams, Sid Cheese?, 11.61 19 No 1. Pickled Stil(ito, for sale cheap, at the June l • I GROUND 25 Bags best Southern received and for sale by,' June 14. ENGL AO 1 Of every descrile Office o. . ;Y .... 11;5 . subigeri!)pw: ctfully inforWhis 7firdh4ftvaph*japhlic BgerierallyArhas taken the new • tecL three story •r Directors Shad, Pork, Lard, fillers, 01'Pd and • - of • • • I,t':DEPEW' Ir--tf ERMAN . 71 TINr — 9 4ily executed at the 'ogistert" ;4 . 44 • - TAKE NOTICE, DS;et, yourselves be deceived, bought Actitioui ptices, that are pub -11360n-the papers. The undersigned sell as loin our next neighbors, and in fact as low as any commission house in Allentown. We (10:41ot deem it necessary to publish i rictajft order to inform the public that we arlower rates than others all we ask, thatrauch who purchase Iron, Hardware, uld give us - a call, and they will effaeger's Hardware Store" sells lower than any house in town. 0. & J. SAEGER, rardware Store; .Allentown. ¶-5w IN& Iron April W.-- NEW -ARRIVAL OF Hardware.- The undersigrilidAiiro just returner] from PhiliaffPhia with a large as- Et sortnrienif Hardware, Cut- Wit - eey and Saddlery;? - tidth Coach-trimings and Shoe-findings, 411• Of which will be sold at reduced prices at th. Store of • 91, J. SAEGER. S rc, ill—Ow • L 1 1 I I ! ' I c' .G ASS. ' l5O boxes Glass of all sizes, for sale by & J. SAEGER. April 20 g Rolled Iron, Sill lish Bsnd Steel, Equare,r tv;Lh Anvils at the Store 'WFIITEI:EU.-1 ton of White Lead just received, Pure . and Extra, and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. NAILS.-200 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received, and for sale by O. & J. SAEGER. S HOE-EINDiNGS.—A large assortment of Shoe-Zit - Wings, just received and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. TO 13t1LDERS.—A large assortment of 11;n1, Screws, Nails, Bolts with Mine ral Kno Locks, German Locks and Latch es, &c.',ljust received and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. tt,, LOOKINe LASSES.—A splendid lot of Looliing GI s Plates, and Frames of all sizes for sale b 0. & J. SAEGER. ...___ 1 1-I\l OILS & V ISH.—Oils of alllinds, boiled and ratt;, Turpentine, Newarlc 'Var nish of a!! lt . s, Glue, &c.,—will be sold cheap by O. &. J. SAEGER. -- , PLANES. full assortment of Planes of John Bell's rmake,also a large assort ment of Carpe ter's Tools, for sale cheap by --• P. O. &J. SAEGER. HOUSE KEEPERS.—A good supply of articles for House'keepers, such as ena meled Boilers, oval and-round, Plates, &c., for sale by `- --,, O. &J. SAEGER. Nov. 14. • ° 15-4 w EMI The s 15 30 10 10 6 _ 15 Bushels 11114 peaches. 12 Sacks 50 Boxes Motilll Candles. 20 Doz. BakesiC 50 kegs tar. 50 Sacks fine s• 2000 Bushels g . „.ri i ;r•salt. Hhd: m arr. • 1 Cask-iad • . • 15 Bbls. Dye wo. 5 4 , alum and coptras. and a - full assortment of ices, all of which they w" . Icwest June 2 50 bt other IV cheap ¶-3m June 2 Carpet pl unel :4 -; got._ y, , on • hind a full assortment of the, beet styles, which they offer for sale cheap. • PRETZ, GUTH & Co. t—tf' June 21. JOB IPRlA*Tirs* - G, Neatly executed at the "Register" Office. it of Harrirnered and g ; ron, American and En- Ai Iron. Cast and Shear it and round, just received Vices, and for sale cheap 0. & J. SAEGER. Looking cheap by 'GER. t—tf and reel and for AEGER ¶-tf invite the mere and th Spring Summer and the I-I &Co f—tf Owen Hoffman, Clock, Watekmaker and. Jeweler; Next door to the New York Store, of Kern and Samson,inflamilton . Street, dlllentown Pd. The undersigned respecdully informs his friends and the publicin general, that he has just returned from Now York and Philadel phia. with a very lorgifind well selected stock of GOLD AND SILVER ' WATCHES. /., ; ":Xii- ' i. 8 day and 24 hear ,. \ _ CLOCikS, 11 'll, ,47 - , from two to fifteen dollars, 1 * 4 Til• and a full assortment ' of 1k.,..-. ; -'' 1 1 ..- , Jewelry. Among others it Wmimumniz amk ,,,, w ar, corn prises the following ar ticles : Gold and SilvegoZevers, Anker Le vers, Lapines, Englikr French and Swiss watches, Gold; Silvee`and Steel Spectacles, for all ages, Silver Combs, Gold Birast pins, Ear-rings and Finger rings, Gold pens,. Gold and Silver pencils, Silver Ten and Ta ble-spoons, and a large variety of articles in his line of besinestit Ile has also on hand a large assortment Accordians, &c. , The above stock is entirely new, and se lected with the greatest care, and of the^lat est fashions and styles. a •He invites the public to give him a call 4 particularly the Ladies, and to examingiAis beautiful stock of Jewelry ; and he feels con fident that he can satisfy the*;iiiint his goods are not only as cheap o ,o2.ean be found in town, but will hear the.4ifrictest examina tion for their purity.--/ He is thankful-for past favors and trusts that his,prices and his beautiful assortment will bring him many new customers, to whom he will ever fed grateful. . Mllepairing done at the shortest no tice,- all'of which he warrants to be done well, at the usual prices. OWEN HOFFMAN. Nlay 3. 11-4 m Opening of Spring & Summer Goods, .8T THE NEW Boot, Shoe, Hat & Cap Store. The undersigned are just opening a "very large and Fashionable assortment U 1 Shoes, Hals, and Caps, for SPRING & SUMMER ITE4R, to which they very respectfu:ly invite the attention of the public. Their stock cony prises every varie ty of Mena and tOstiktr., Boys, thick Kip, Calf, and Morocco Boots and Shoes— LADIES AND MISSES, Light, Blue, Green, Red, Bronze, Black, and Linen Gaiters, and half Gaiters; Kid, Mo rocco and Leather Buckins and Slippers &c. Children Gaiters, and Shoes of every de scription. FASHIONABLE HATS AND CAPS, Silk, Beaver, Fur, Brush, and Wool Hats, Palm Leaf, Leghorn, and Straw Hats, of ev ery variety, Cloth, Leather, Fancy, Glazed. and Summer Caps. Camphine, LUrd and Fluid Lamps, Cnn dlebras, Umbrellas, Susperufers,Trunks,&c. KID AND MOROCCO ATIIER, All of which will be sold at the owest prices for cash. Don't forget the place, next door to Saeger's Hardware Store, two doors above Kolb's Hotel, in the building formerly oc cupied by Lewis Schmidt, as a Drug Store. Gr'rhey alsd manufacture to order all kinds of Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes at the shortest tioticemendirig dom ., neatly. LOCIIMAN & BROTHER. April 26. --t f Veteripar^rgepit, (Or Farrier,) NECHANICAMLE, ITHICII CO., PA. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in .genet;al, that Ail; he has now permanently located hitnselfin Mechanicsville, Sou Whitehall township, Lehigh count}•, wher he continues to treat all discuses of the Horse, with the greatest success. In the diseases of Pok-tvil,Ttistle, Spa via and Ring-bone, his motto is "No Cure, no Pay." He invites such who have diseased hor ses to give him a call, as he will always be irr readiness to attend, be it far or near, so that persons can rely upon being attended to punctually. May .. 31.411-3 in LEE 8c VITALICER,. succEssons To OEO. w A L. I O, ~ . . ..: ...!-. 4 K,ikeir §toaliiirMusielagi , .., ti jartXtititt. 4 -.., - Olt ~ , p-neW and spa us atonic to; = ' ! .;;I:)Xrulld'ing, No. 162 1 sous Chestnut Streei;' be . ItfleVenth, l PHILA DELPHIA, Whero ilp;y,invite the attend ance and patronago of the public. LEE & WALKER having purchased the entire stmkof Geo. Willig, (who has de clined business,) are now prepared to exe cute all orders,ln 'their line. Their assort ment of Music 'infl,Musical Instruments, is as extensive fie that of. any other establish ment in tlnicountfY, . • ' PIANO :':FORTES,:' POPTEg:• from various well known nntrcipprrhied manufactories,• now in store.,:o# ivill.liti' i cerisymtly offered for sale. - rargßikntri:444ottupplied on very rea -801)4 . ft- firliie-WF. 1 4 . ..i•'.'• 1 u,yr %.%••/...x:;' . •.•.•; - .. , J .- i.;• c. ~ • '.4 olitylVT4tiecke ..,,,,,,, i • • r ~.-..,,.,.,,,:......• . .,...,..,.., . 9 Attorney andtaaasellor at Law. Holf.resumed4he':.practice of his -profes sion iif.. l l;ithigh'att4thlindjoining counties. His otiice is in th:S:tresirlence of the late Hon. Jon W. HornheclrOn Hamilton street, Bor ough of Allentown. January 11. New Family Grocery S . . . threi READ THIS: ONE 'AND ALL r •'' The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinitr that he has opened on the corner of Market Square and Allen Street, itt Allentown, for-, merly occupied by the Lehigh County Bank a new Ealnify Grocery Store, where he will always keep on hand, a large assortment of Groceries of every decription. which he will sell, at the lowest . CASH' prices or in exchan.ge•for country produce. 'ills stock consists in part as follow : Imperial, Young flysoni Black ..A.. 1 and other Teas, New Orleans, o id • 41 ' 4 ' 3 Muscovado, Refined, Pulverized 71. Muscovado, _ _ and crushed Sugars. Molasses of all ki Is, Oil, Candles, Soap, Rice, Rio; .1-it ' v a amtother Coffee, Cheese, Salt,-Brushes, Broomo Pails, Wash-machines, t,. ~,,.- 4 ALSO a large.assortment of •,: _. :- *; -'dint Wines, such as Lisbon,••Port t•=, 1(g i: 1 and Madeira. Brandy of all ......?:''‘ - ,4 kinds, Gin, Whisky, &c. 4 , Tfie. undersigned will make it his busi neSs to buy none but the best of Liquors, and c.b ;confidentially recommend them to his customers. • , He trusts that by punctual attendance to business he will partake of a share of pub lic patronage. So don't forget the place, the stand formerly occupied by Grim & Reninger. C• I. DEPEW. April 12. t-3rn A splendid assortment of Perfumery con sisting in part as follows : Houssers Genuine Bears Oil. Magical Hair Oil. • , Brigg's Russian Cosmetic for the hair.. Italian Medicated Soap. American Shaving compound: Genuine Cologne water. Genuine extracts of Musk Patchouly. Jesmin, &c. &c. Fancy Snap of all JuSt received and fer.sala.cheap by C. J. DEFEW April 2G. " APPLETON'S CHEAP BOOK STORE, A6l; Cheshmt Corner Swaint's Buildings, KNOWING the wants of the comrnuni • ty, the Proprietor of this Establi:ditnent has fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort of his cus tomers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at home. HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the vari ous Departments of Literature, so that visi tors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock for the most part nt the ..Ruction Sales, and beino connected with one of the Largest Publish ing Mitsui in this country, besides publish ing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books at than any other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the /nt portatiou of libohs from Europe are uusur. passed, having a Branch of his Establish. ment in London, whew orders of private gyntlerifenT.are carefully executed and for.. yvarded to ttiii Country.: by every Steamer ; and Packet of Boas with the prices attached is issued q tin Hedy, containing Lists of New Additions wade to his large collection, which are in all caws for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. or. from 25. to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying - even a Few Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. A a kill further INDUCEMENT, . to strangers visiting the city, ivory one who purchases One Dollar's worth of Books, vill Ji copy of the Igo. in Philattelphia, an elegant ISmo. volume, the price of which is 25 cts. 1,17,i - The limits of an advertisement are too confined to enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even a faint idea of the immense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the Or-al Central Cheap Book Sore, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Catalogue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visit ing the city, give Appleton one call, and you will be sure to call again. STATIONARY in all its branches. furnished at the lowest prices. The Initial of those purchasing Letterp&l Note Paper, neatly stamped in the-cofrir4.,without charge. Orders for "any... Article may be sent by mail, addressed to tlie:Proprifilliiiwa . J4, directions in all cases will be fully serried out, with great punctuality and despatch. Orders lorGatelogues should be pre-paid. GEO: S. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Sta tioner, 164 Chestnut Street, corner . of Seventh, Swaim's Building. May 10 • Lamps, Lamps, Lamps. ---,- Just received a splendid lot of Caudlebra, Lard, Camphine and Fluid Lamps, which will be sold cheap by LOCHMAN & BROTHER. . January IL ¶-4w ¶--Gin Brandreth and Wrights Pills. Country merchants and others, are, here by notified, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office of the “Lehigh Register" by the Dozen boxes, at Wholesale prices. ' April 17 11-4 w 11-am IPertienter•y. 4 ; 1 .1 EAT CENTRAL,' LOWER PRICES A CATALOGUE Bate lot theTtoolee):A. ,,, .., ORIN I" EIG WAYThR HAMILTON STREET, ALLRNTOWN PA. WOULD respectfully inform his and the public-in -general, that be , -has just received from New York and . Philadelphit• the latest - , Spring Fashions : • . _ and will be, pleased to (*nisi! •Itis.custorn ers and all. others'With thein at' the'-'shortaSt::', notice. His nats for;durability and finish - , cannot be surpassed by any ment in this or any other town in the Union.!.. His , stock consists of „I—so BEAVER, NUTRIA, BRITS.II.OIIUSS . IA, •CASSIMERE, MOLESKIN, SILK,.. PALM-LEAF, LEGIIORN, STRAW HATS, MEN - - -& BOYS-CAPS, of all Iciris, at the very lowest eashPricei.• Call and examine his stock befora' . piirchas; ing elsewhere. arCon ntry Merchants visiting Allentown.- dealing in Pats and Caps can be supplied at Wholesaqi — fifiee'S; — fibm one to dozen,t such sizes as any may, want • A.prils; ROGER BROWN'S` . „ WINE & LIMP* STOBIti, NO. 32g MARKET STREET, • Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North Side, Philadelphia> A II kinds of Foreign:Wines and Liquors such 11S-1 14 Old Cognac Brandies . , Dark aggn, • ' and Pale, Holland Gin, Ja, 111051m 4 rnaica Spirits, Irish and Scotch Malt Whiskey, of thti very finest cinality, ,as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet 'Malaga, MuEcai, Claret and, Champagne, very. 'choice and Also, Manufacturer of Donicsticstili.ed Pram)). and Gin, Pure Spirits, DeodeilFet Alchohol. Peach Brandy, Lavender Bitifte dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi als, Raspberry, Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large ..upply of fine Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will he sold'at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Nlerchants and Tavern Keepers, Oil do well to give the tin ., dersigned a call before purchasing elsew here, and e.xamine the Liquors, which he vouch will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect number 222 Market sireet. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia August S. 11-1 y L 11111111; 1/1749 ATTORNEY AND COULIELLOL AT LAW, May be consulted during Court week, and a few days before, at the house of Maj. Eli Steckel, Innkeeper, in AllentoWn. (ink NtteCisi 8 Deterlor.) (Cu:Tee/cc/ Week! :from Thompson 13k of N America par 13k of Pennsylv. par Dank of Commerce late Moyamensing par Bk of N Liberties par Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Mechan.par Kensington par Mannf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pchnsylv. par 13k of the I; States 25 (/tlt NTttr BANK 4. Bk of Cluunbersburg I Ilk of Gettysburg I, Ilk of Pittsburg Blc of Swt. County 5 Ilk of Chestor Co. par Bk of Germantown par Blc of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown 1 Bk of Montg. Co. par Ilk of Nortliumber. uar Columbia Baolc Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Batik 1 Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Escltatme Bank a Erie Bank • 10 Farmers & Drovers Alleghany county bank 70 Bank of America 95 d'o of Cordmerce 4t do of Brockport 95 (I'o of Lndi 26. ' do of Olean 35 do of Tonawanda ba do of Lyons 2J: do of Western New York 90. Binghampton bank 40 - ' Canal bank z' Cattaraugus county 'bank 35 ". Erie county hank, 50 Farmers & Drovers bank 5 Farmers bank of Sc neca county 300- Uninilton bank, 'BO LeNv is county bank' 60 llieclihiti auk at 48 • Buffalo . . 45 • Merchants b at Buffalo 40 Millets bank - ot ' • York j Oswep bank Phenix bank 96 Staten Island hank 80 State bank of N Y 80 St. Lawrence bank 75 ,• Union bank 25 United States bank 80 N. Yorkank. Co. 70 Tenth W ark bank, 25 White Plains bank i 0:1•All other banks not mentioned in the above list are, from 1 to 2 per cent discount. anks marked with a dash by the brokers. Bank Franklin Bank Farmers Bank of Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmer& Bank of Schuylkill co. par Harrisburg Bank I Honesdale Bank 1 Lancaster Bank par' 'LancasterCo. Bank par Lebanon Bank • • 4 Lehigta, Bank 50 Lehigh 'Navigation .. Co. Script„ 10 Miners Banleo Pottsville •pa Merchants &Mane. Bank, Pittsburg. t Monongahela Bank, Brownsvillr, Taylorsville Dcl. Bridge Company, 50 West Branch' Hank, I Wyoming Bank, I York 'Bank, NEW JERSEY. Belvidere Bank • I Burling4pn County Bank par Commercial Bank # Cumberland Bank par Farmers Bank par Farmers & Mechan- ics Bank,Rahway Farmers do Merchants Bank, Mid. Point, Morris County bank I aj-The notes on all 11 (—) are not purchased 01 SI 11-3 m . 11---6 w Mechanics bank of Newark Mechanics bank at' Burlington par Mechanics & Man- . ufacturers bank par Newark banking & Ins. Company- New Hope & ware Br. Comp. failed Orange hank Peoples bank Plainfield bank 50 Princeton bank par Salem banking Co. par State hank at Eliza bethtown, Newark, Carriden,N. Bruns wick, Morristown,par Sussex bank 1 Union bank Trenton bank. co. par YardleYville bridge company 25. DELAWARE, ,1- The Banks of thetstate of DClawara are :41Vat par. NEW YORK. .. . New York Pity-liks ., - Chelsea bank • ' Su Clinton bank 50 - Commercial bank '""10- Lafayette bank 50 Washington bank 70 COUNTRI BANKS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers