"ItikC r Yt,Re... matt ` ivAturtugettre.. , ri , , nipooantliettia_!,- , ,.. w. , H t l do,id.,.,ffihe: : ASteani ship.....O r id,o! . :.. 4-I„CO.Rtigimshiftt'anadaarrived at Halifax 4 ,A,Ah....7.thstant,.with.seven-flaSs_ later • 'fiVsliotia the European continent, and up F ,, v4 ;the' 33i1 oflttne. . ;-- '-' •• Rolm ,- - -+Up to the evenaig or the 21st ult. ~..„: ' ,.,P4itiews-lml heen. received in 'Paris, 'or the ealry,Of the French troops into Rome. -' := .:Gen. Quilinot;would not makOn general • _;.ter lief Ore ilie. 16th Or 1,761 - . when the . .-„.j.rkw.lef failure attic conspiracy. in ~ F rance, - s • !wOuld.reach that place.'and would. probable • ~ inducejhe Triumvirath to 'capitulate.. '..., .:,The. London Globe, of the 22d.. P. M., , . --- Vays -- iv i9 - urne.rdly - thouela -that-the-Tele graph will to-mort uw,amounce the cu pitula • tion of Rome. ~ .. ... • ' The Gaidte of. Lyoni -al the 20th ult., ttites that a Tekgraphic despatch froM Mar ' '.eilleS has"been received as they' wereloing ..to press, annotincinß to the-PerfeCt ihe entry Of the French into Rome.. : • •::' _ir attemi4edi,insurrecton at Parishes been followed by a more forrinida- Itle resistance to the laws at •Lyons. A se iions.encragement took place in thestreetd'of. that city between the troops.tindjhe mob: in ilie:Oourse•of which a considerable . number. 'lisi l 4 es were lost on both aides. Barricades '..W,etS....t.brown up which were not taken away until they had been battered down b the l. 'The fighting commenced on the morning of,the 15th and continued till ti'lcite, hour in the night, but n Telepnaphic despatch, dated Lyons 10th at 9 o'clock P. M., annouroces that the insurFents had been completely rou ted, the streets cleared and the city restored to tranquility. There Were upwards of 50,000 troops in and around Lyons . There . was no apprehension of any further disturb fine. • • • 'Great excitement existed_. in dißrent pla- Cea, and it is e_rident'Thithhecitispiraoy'of the Paris Reda extended not only to every ilni)artilfelit of France, but to every town.- - kipikars Lobe the general opinion that the ,Aiilure of the conspiracy of the 18th ofJune, 1 - 1849, is a grater blow to the Red Republi cans than even that of June, 1848. - Anmtempt was made to get up a disturb. 'lnce at MurSeilles/but it totally failed. A regiment of cavalry sat all night without a blow being struck. • Rumors are again up in Paris that other ministerial changes are about to take plaCe. AL Dan fun re and his eurvlvors, it is believed, are alamtto retire. ' • It is reported the Abbe Palootic, Private Sec retary to the Cardinal Antoille, has arrived in Paris . from Gaeta, and that he is the bear ( r of important despatches for the French iovernnwnt; and also of an autagra ph letter from his 110 neSS to I.ou is Nu iwkon, p res si ve of his regret at the bombardment of Rome. HUNGARY AND fitsTruut.--The news is contradictory, sonic. accounts giving the ad ‘:antage to the Austrians. In the South two actions have happened, giving the advan tage to the Austrians. The Hungarian Genertil Perezel, from the fortress of Peter wardein, made nn attack on some Austrian vithenchinents, but was ultimately repulsed and driven with loss into Peterwardein, al though the Austrians admit that their own troops suffered severely. The other battle was fought by Barcn Jellechich, and it is asserted to have been a brilliitnt victory; but the Austrian accounts are evidently not trustworthy—at least as regards their own losses.. The London Globe - of the evening. of the 22d says, we have intaigence from Vienna to June Ifith. The great news is a tremend ous encounter with the Hungarians. The Austrians and Russians are Said to have been completely defeated, and to have left on the field the fabulous number of wenty three thousand killed. This battle took place on the 14th and 15th, on the large plain between Kaub and NVeisselburg. It lasted 61 boars. The less of the Nlaygars, is stated at 8,000. The Austrians were com manded by Hayman, the Russians by Hu dige; ittul the Hungarians by Georgev. Al though-the news is up to the 1:lth, this 'bat. tleinis . been received in private letters. Sin gularly-enough no papers allude to it. The Lloyd-of notna contains not the most dis tant allusion to it, and another affair which - must not be confounded with the above, is mentioned as having occurred at Cyoma. A brigade was soot by Scheick from Or densluirg, under Gem Wyss, in that direc tion, General Wyss was taken prisoner, and the Ultlan Colonel Baron Yessner, was Scheid; srnt out this brigade to cover his right flank ; as he was marching to Raah, it Was beaten on the kith ult. Some reports represent this whole brigade as having been destroyed, others say that 4,000 men have deserted en masse from . Scheik,to the lag yars. What is certain; carts of wounded for three days have been continually pouring into Presburg: A fresh recruitment throughout all Aus tria, is intended. • Letters from Odenburg, state that Ater tain Count, Imperial Chumberlain, niid oth ers, in whose possession sattirmber'of pass ports of the Rebel partyThave beep found, have been arrested. ~-The only mention or rather allusi94-whia can be gleaned froM Viennvta firs, with regard to a great battle reporte sin the above. itipt Laws of illo:ne.—The Maine Legislature h een engaged for a few days past in.discns tuag a proposed change of the usury laws of the d eoge.r State,.by which the rate of interest ( left to be settled by parties in their .ontracts. the measure was voted clown by ma- jority. • . , .rather litathew r• , .—The !hip Ashburton, 114 1 V- - Liverpool, h vi • on hoard the great Apos tle of Temperance, Chen la Math w, has arriv ed in the city of New York. ' ry preparation is being 0 , a , !, , to Arelcome the illustrious stran• 1 * - ~fi.~... x..,; ~ s~ . . ^.'' C~';~v. 11181 ;;5.f,..;....*-4.,5,.,....!!t5:... ::: ~,,,.• . .Troubitglablexico. :: ~..44.. 'Pei iiiii, a"Sliariish paper published in New Orleans,ims the following, which is ta leen from the Bien 1 7 .nblico, a Matamoros pa :Per 4ated tbe'lBth inst. • • • On th6.l7ilkinSt. the following document readied our hands, which we have transla -tedfront'English. [lt was originally in.that latiginige,]. Although it appears( as if prin ted in this city, we have the well founded be lief that it came from the other side of the river: - " - • JUNE 16, 1819. Unaniinous declaratintrefthe seven North ern 'Stoles gf the Sierra itadre y Mexico. . W.hen, in the Course of human events, it I becomes necessary for one people to dissolVe ' the pelitical bonds which have connected, "them with another, and to assume among 11 ti powers•of the earth the separated and eni I t , station to which the laws of nature' Int of ; nature's God entitle them, a decent raillpect to the opinions, of mankind requires that hey should: declare the causes which imptihem to the Separation.: :The history- Of the present and paskgov ermnents of Mexico is a history of refteated injuries and usurpations, all having in qrect objects the establishment of *an absoluteqy rhnny over these States. 'l'o prove this, v let facts be submitted to a candid world. • 3 . frinf.—They have harassed us with F : litical changes, which; up to the present time, have been Tiothing else but a continued op pression, through new agehts. We declare courselV6 free. Second,—They have ground us down by taxation, exacted solely to perpetuate the power of the usurpers of the liberty of the peeple. We declare ourselves free. Third.—They have persecuted us with standing armies, kept up to oppress and an- , niltilate the, industry of al!, except 'that of', our oppressors. We declare ourselves free. 1 Fourik.—They have acted so that our be- I loved religion, constantly threatened by bay -•I onets, has been trammelled in its action of ' benevolence and public instruction. We de clare ourselves free... • .Fill/,.. —.They have so managed that the people in the : midst of their vast territory are denied the right of individual property.— We declare ourseke.s - free. .Sixth.—They*ave violated the promi'Ses made to our childien,who..in anxiety, vainly claim from their rulers the-right of education. We dec'are ourselves free. soerit/i:They have so miSZOVerned, 'that our gray headed parents gradually de scend to the tomb, like brute beasts, without honor an without hope. We dec!are our selves free. - Eighth.—They have so arranged that whilst indigence and misery are seen every where, they go clad in purple and gold. We declare ourselves free. . Ninth.—They have adhered to. the na tional declaratiou that there shall be no slave ry on the soil, whilst domestic servitude is artodious, a hurt i hie, and a cruel system, and it exits without notice and without repro bation. We declare ourselves free. We, therefore. the public of these seven ' Northern States of the Sierra Madre ofMex ico, appettliugupreme Judge of the world for the rectitude \of our intentions, sol emnly publish and decbire that "these United States are free and independent" that they are absolved from all allegiance to the Mex ican government, and that all connection,, which has cens4.d, is, and ought to be, total-' ly dissolved. Consennently, as free and in dependent Stat. s, they have full power to levy war, contract alliances, establish coin- i merce, and to do all other acts and things 1 which free and indeflholent States may o r f right do. Ac i d for the support of,tWideela ration, with a firm reliance on Divine l'rov-• idence. wi• the people, mutually p!ed..2' to' each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. . Our swords r.re drawn ! The scaltlnds are thrown away ! Then---death to tyrants ! Matamoras, Mexico, June 113, 1,-19. .7n act (ry april 9th) to exempt property to the value of three hundred dollar 4 from levy and sale on execution,and dta tress for rent. Sect. I. lit lieu of tote property now ex empt tiy lyw front levy and sale on execu tion, issued upon any judg,iinietitiitt• upon contract and distress for rent, pr erty to the value of three hundred dollars,exclu sire of nil treating apparel of the defendant and his family, and all bibles and school books in use in the family, (which shall re main exempted as heretoMro.) and no more, owned by or in possession or any debtor, shall be exempt fro:n levy and solo on exe cution, or by distress for rent. Sect. 1. The sheriff,•constable, or other officer charged with the execution of any warrant issued by competent authority, for the levying upon and selling the property, either real or personal, of any debtor, shall, if requested by the debtor, summon three disinterested and Competent . persons who shall.be sworn or affirmed, to appg4R..3.fic property which the said debtoremay elect to retain und«Olgt-VO!`isibliii7ct .this act; for *filearsiirvice - the said appraisers shall be entitled to receive fifty cents each, to be charged as part of the costs of the proceed ings, and property thua chosen and apprais ed to the value of three hundred dollars, shall be exempt from levy and sale on the said execution of warrant, excepting war rants for the collection of taxes. Sect. 3. In any case where the property levied upon as. aforesaid shall consist of real estate of greater value than three hundred • dollars, and the defendent in such (execu tion) shall elect to retain real estate amount ing in value to the whole sum of three hun dred dollars, or any less sum, the appraisers aforesaid shall determine whether, in their opinion, the said real estate can be divided without injury to or spoiling the whole, and if the said appraisers shall determine 'that the said real estate can be divided as afore ! said, then they shall proceed to set apart so much thereof as in their opinion shall-be of sufficient (value) to answer the requirement of the defendant in such case, designating . the samc•hy proper metes and bounds, all ZEE Exemption Law. of whic!jroceedings it ml I be certified in writing 4tlie said' appraisers, or a majori ty of thenti; under their proper hands and seals•to the Oeriff, under sheriff, or coroner. charged • witkthe execution of the writ in such case, who shall make return or the same to the prOper court from which the writ issued, in ciacpection with the sail writ.: Provided, That tf4section shall not•be con strued to affisct or impair the liens of bonds, mortgages, or otheriantracts, for the pur chase money of the , . real estate of insolvent debtors. Sect. 4.etrpon return made of the writ aforenirl, with the•proceedings thereon, the plaintiff in Ole case shall be entitled to harts pji writ of venditiorsi exponas as in other ca- : ses, to sell the residue of the real estate in-•i chided in the levy aforesaid, if the aPprai sers aforesaid shall have determined upon a division of the real estate, the pl sintiff may have n writ of vonditioni exponas to sell the whole of the real estate included in such key, and it shall and may be lawful in the latter case for the defendant .in the execn lion to receive front the sheriff or other offi cer, of the proceeds of said sale, so much as he would have received at the ap praised value, had the said real estate been divided. Sect. 5. The t:lsth section of the art, en titled "Ab act relating to executions," pass ed June Its:36 ; and the 7th and t4th dectiOns of an"act, entitled "An act in regard to Bclain entries in ledgers in, the city of Pittslitg,lind relating to the publishing of sheriffs gittsond for other purposes," l.ass ed 22d April,l44tl,and all other acts incon sistent with thislik, be and the same are . hereby repealell. [PAN. Pi g . 4-15. 457. Sect-0. The provisiaiof . this act shall not talce'effect until the 4th day of.fitly next, 'arid shall apply only to debts coniVatted.on and after that date. itiA atnunr,v. On the 3rd of July, by the Rev. Mr. Yae , ger, Mr. David Young, to Miss Maria Pfieger, both 6fUpper Salmon. On the Bth instant, by the same, :ler, Ed cin of Nazareth, to Miss Lusti ann German, of Hanover.. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jacob F. al/er, to Miss Maria M. Ga both of Hanover. On tha . :3rd of July, by the Rev. Mr. Rad ler, Mr. Reuben Gernert, to Miss Eliza Hinkle, both of Macungy. On the 17th .of May, by the Rev. Mr. Ger man, Mr. John Rastian, to Miss Mary ../nn Kerchner, both of Macungy. On the 1 st.of June, by the same, Mr. Da vid Schneider, to Miss Catharine • Mohr, both of Upper Milford. On Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Dubs, Mr. Thomas Troxel, of South Whitehall, to Miss Rebecca I?cit, of North Wheithall. On the . 30th of June, by the Rev. G. A. Wenzel, Mr. Charles .4. Heckman, of Eas ton, to Miss Eliza Craig, daughter of Tho mas Craig, El., of Lehigh Gap. On the 21st of June, by the 11ev. Mr. S. Rienke, Rev. Mr. 11mm:delis .11. Rienke, to Miss Ellen E. Rice, daughter of Mr. Jacob MCC, both of Bethlehem. DIED. On the Oth instant, in Washington town ship, Stephen Rex, aged 22 years. l)n. the same day, in South Whitehall, Mrs. Maria; wife of Solomon Ileffinait, need 23 years. On the 7th ins:ant, in Allentown, of para lysis, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Vu!entitle Kla der, nerd 48 years. On the 2nd of July, at Bethlehem, dud -denly, Dr. Edward Rice, soiruf Owen Rice,. Esq. The deceased was distineuished fur hi% hi7h . \mental'endowments mil many su cial qualities. lie was eng,a , ed as Profee. soy in the Theological Seminary:at Bethle hem, whidt institution has sustained a great lu,s in his early death. On the 30th of June. in LTa'Macungy, Jacob Fahringer, aged 47 ye,as. On the 25th of June;lii : l s hiladelphia, Sa rah .'inn, consort of Mr. James Schmidt, limed 30 years. On of. Tune, in the Lehigh Conn . .00r [louse, Air. .Idam Lehr, aged 71 On 1 ith offunt•, in Sal burg, ?Marlin, son of Martin Keininervr, El:..q.,,aged 2 months. Daguareotypo. LikenOes. C. L. LOCHMAN, returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he re ceived in this beautiful art, and would an nounce to his numerous friends and public generally. that he has lately received rt new Apparatus and is now enabled to take larg er pictures than heretofore, and . iu•the . most ele“ant manner. Lie will assnre - the D F. S. that his pictures shall beam clurrgethe- OrierialposstiAhl enable l to adorn jheriv*lPO*PY'Ec: "A grace he.V6Ad. each of art, Every.Youlig:filan should get his portrait talierli'before the win ter of age nips the fair blossinnn of yotith and leaves a rugged 'and care scorn broo. ,And especially OLD PEOPLE: , in whose younger days this' . art: wds un known, should not fail to . 'pttOcure' their lilce nesses for their children o _ r, • . CIIILDB - BIC'%. who so much charm and glad4n'the hearts of all, excepting misanthropists on whose smiling faces sits joy..andinnocence ia . their heavenly purity, shoolilidsti:Oalith4ißpret ty faces taken, whicti.n '',.?.iirtkiii,4liolol a t upon by'parents us itlea tilitfgeo!fik4s',:, , Ladies should weair.lil *', dark'gg* d, and avoid pink or' liglii'b ieaSea", • ::... . 4: ' :* For Child reit" ; fliuredliir f plaid' dteseir ' • For Gentlemen; Dark:,veak tinli cbfito ' . His rooms will be found 'Mike - house-for merly occupied by Mr. Lewis Schmidt as . .. Drug Store July 12 HURRAH ..11URRAH,,j, The - Cheapest and :Etat 4 . AssgnmpiErvi , eve - CiOCkS, Petri*atChes' • JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTlcimi: • GEolieGE • Cl2cii ) Watchmaker - and -.I ewnler-- HAMILTON sTnEET, ANentown, Fern. r..•=pert informs his friends nri:.• raldic in 11 .; , :ler:11, that he has just from york end Philadelpr .5 .! is woe prepared to offer for sale • Clieapest and best Ll, , Sortment of Goods,4::tlml , l stand in Hamilton street, five doors:lbw/13 0. & J. Eneger's liar! ware Store, : ;His Sind: con sists :mama; other things, orikllBls (Jocks, of every • description, at thekiWest possible • pri .H*intches consist in THAijjek.' Silver Paten( • an Levgli, Lupine,Quartier rev • ter atches. Silver Table and ipnoons, Gold, Silver and Plated to, suit all ages, and are xvarrunted to be the best mote t Hs. Ilk stock of .1 wel ry is la . and splendid `and comprises nil the Most ,lonable arti cles, such as Gold, Silver nn ! Ther . Breast Pius, Ear and' Finger r.;',lcl Watch Chains, Keys. &c. Gold and "..er Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a,superfer ;uality, Sil ver'Cowhs, Musical Boxes e r4o, , :cvariety of other 'fancy articles. I-le-rleelii4ainfident that the above goods are the best inlnarket and ofii , rs them to the public at the lowest - •pricgs. Ile would-particularly call your attention to his large stock of CLOCHS AND WATCHES, and urge you to call on him beforetpurchas ing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can not fail to suit you, not only with *articles but what is more important, With hfil, prices. and would also inform the public thai-all his goods are warranted, Clocks, Theches and .1: . paired in the neatest and best m lit the shortest notice. • _ He feels grateful for the -eady extended to him and hop, let at , tention toliis business, any fy all who may favor him secure for him a• liberal sr • 13(111141 AumITTANCq Come Along TO C. IL DO 49,51 Family Gro cry. Store! where you wi:l be sure to get Fresh Groce ries and its cheap as the chespeA. Ile has r i e the best assorttnentjp Al' fitown and war rants them to be all fly . and rand. C. 1. DEREW. 11—tf Tilly 10 Co:rec, Th, evivt. 1 "Artbli fee, ret Ide ilict:•s Ly July 12. ---- • t 4 2:l3l.aSSe ; Syrup, Su•za ses, Sahnon, Nlac • r cheap at De pew's July 12. Brnotn:.. rails, Brit I ides and Cherries —ale by 1 / 4 1, • _ • 'OFFEE. 1 :in. warranted Depew's Clr _ - . • • t P' July 12 noAsTED, ( - A round and in the Gi and pore, for (.. , alo cheap Store. July 12. Iteliace astd drs. Brandy of alldffii%Ea 37 : 1 NTtikilift to em,ot) per 1.. Port:Lis -1,1, 1, 1 .1 111 1 ban and Madai hies, Gin, hisl“3y an& tun, for scdo cheap at Depew's etrocerviEltore. Ju:y 12. &Iva Notice is hereby given. ",/, ~Trtx. p nyers of the School District of .. .' ! .i.o . ttirh of Al lentown, that a warran .'. o . '`o Feet the SChool Tax for this 'Distri leas been issued to the * 7 undersigned and 't r ho will attend at the linose of Captain ,ionta s !Cramer, in said ti tb 1331110 instant, , nt.l2 o'clock M., fin the pttrpose,of participating in the funeral cerenionies to be observed on that day, in Honor of Ex- President Polk. • July 12. '.l-:-2m sc < r s;lt - 'V MEE 1,1,f 51 ei frVCII.V. undersigned has just rt -1 a largo assortment ot:Cof ffigar and Teas. and are 01- Iforsale at the lowest !)Si os c. I. DErEw -t I Oil and Fish, and N. 0. :Mullis.- ”rt.l and ''erring, for sak `:racer}' Stork•. EEO NSF, S.l T, • hes, Dried Peaches, AT. C. 1. DEPT', \\7 in. warranted fresh t Depew's Grocery MS IiEB R. E. WKIOIIT, D. D. 0. 31 ef 1-12 . hi - 1 it 14V1 SE 'e fsumnitir seashiii , iiith.this institution ; T -,i)ced" on , the •of!May, and twenty -t eryks. rliia - 6th'' Rag I.assistanceorcornpeteffiNti deutly, hopes to render satiiri who may entrust' their daughteis to: hi imtg r 4-;:She Will be glad to hove the parents . ji 'the pupils visit the school, and observe what 'progress is made by their children. Scholars entering after i he commencement of the session will pay only from the time of their entrance. amaitifis. For board, washing, &c., pur session 918 00 Tuition :—For,those under eight 0 00 " For those between S& 12 10 00 " • For those over twelve 12 00 ELIZABETH YOUNG, Principal. June 21. r4 :20 a 11. That application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a Bank,with general Discount and other Bank ing privileges, to be" located in the Borough of Allentown, J,phiqh county, to be called "The Farmers and Mechanics' Punk," with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hund - red and fifty thousand dollars, and further providing to continence the usual Banking privileges when fifty thousand dol lars are paid it. • Christian Pretz, Peter Wycltofr, Carlos Samson, Wm. ll..Newhard, Amoj Ettinger, J. D. Lawnll, Kern,. J. D. Stiles, Nathan, Drk.sher, J. Saeger„jr. Jonathan - Cook, Jnates , t-1.. Bush, . Schttiltbr, -- 7 Weidlll.lV, . A. 11..oinger,'N._ Joseph Burke, .I( ) !ma Lluus., :!, : ,Jootithan Kolb, July 7). t—(inn RESOLUTION 1121ativi! to an Anyluturnt of:the Constitution Resit ve,l by Ike Senqie and Rothe of Representatives of tlie4:om . montoetelth 01 Pennsylvania in :Oenral .tisscnibly met, That the Consiiititi4Otthis Coinmonwealth he amended in the second section of the fifth article, so that it shalLiend as follows : The Judges of the Suprene ) court, of the several Ceurts of Common PleaS;rand of such other Courts of Ree.erd as are or shall be establish ed by late, shall be elected by the qualified e! ve tors of the Commonwealth in the manner following. to wit : The .1 udges oldie Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the Com monwealth:it large. The President Judges of the several Cettrisiiff Qinnriuth Pleas and of such other CMOs' of Record as are or shall be estriblisfied by law, and all d'Eher J ‘- be learned in the law, Just, by the qualified '''et ctors of the respective districts over which `ti are to preside or act as Judges. And the" 7 "A s tTqciate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleakby the qual ified eli:etors of the CJ1.1:10....4 ZkipOCtiVely. TO7 Jed , es of the Supreme. Cotrit'sall hold 1: l their offices for the term of fifteen ',' ears, if they shall so fen, b -have themseliii .well: (suliiect to the aliottnent hereinafter tvid i) eil for, imb;eqateit to the fi rst election :):: 'he President Judges of the several Co' Is of Conmon Pleas, and of such other tins of ltecord as are n• shall be eshablishedi ' lave, and all other Judges required to iiii , armed in the law, shall hold their offices r the term of ten years, if they shall.so I Oa be have them;elve Well : The A ssoqig e fudg es of the Courts of Ceintnon Pie 'liall hold their 001.1 es for the term of five; ears, if they shall so lime; behave themselve. , . veil: all of whiiin shall be commissioned ; the Gover nor, but for any reasonable: wise which shall net be sofiLient grout' - of impeach in:m:, the o.,vereor shall r novo any 'of the-,m on the address of twos irds of each brancii ofohe Legislature. 'he first eke-. stun shaii take place at the meral election of this Comtnonwealth next her the adop tion of this ameptlinentMcid the commis- slims of all the jud Wivhir may be then in oflice shall expire .o did first Monday of December following, when the terms of the new judges shall quitnence. The. persons who shall then , : he/elected Judges of the Su preme Court ?tall hold their offices as ' fol., ' lows : One t i ll/do/an for three years, one? for six. years, one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the term cif., each to be decided by lot by the said judg,es,, as soon after the election as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governof. that the commissions may-be issued in ac cotdance -thereto: 'The judge whose coat.' mission will first expire shall be Chief Jus-' tice during ',his term, and thereafter each judge whose 7 :ommission shall first expire shall in turn lie - the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the judges holding them shall de.i. cide by lot . Which shall be the PhiefJustice. Any vacancies happening by death, resig natiotror otherwise, in any:4l' the said courts, shall be filled by tipliot4ent by the Gov ernor, to continufki .4fie first Monday of December sul . '",.'ilr/L'L'l e next general elec tion. The;: ,, i , ,.., : 4,:r the Supreme Court and ihe:Pl!l 4 - ,., ! ' t ' • • : ; seyci•al Conti; of Common Pie; ,-.,,, : .1 . - ;'; jqued times, receive for their seriiieeaS - Ar late compensation. to be fixed by Itiwi ;xhall not be dimin lewd defing ; tl4 i c pril rally once in office, but hey,ilialt re 1 5.011,8 tp-,.;:5 . or perquisites of Claiciiir l'. - bold any,., ,ii'r.,r office of profit un 'flqk 11: c— minoniy, -I.' ,or under the gov :011ie i'l,„ :41W .f'; 441 States, or any other -'"k ' :' The Judges of the Su ing their continuance in ithidthis CoMmonwealth, during their confirm iside within the dis tithey Were respect- Offier ()nee itiofilsttA trict or 'cotiiityl„o, ively elected. , •:7A t WILCa Speaker of the HOO •GEQBA ~;;.~p, ..:.a •~.~~ EIRE 4 , . ;s'~e it tRY; = NV heriti.•: - .; Ryd. Coin . Oats . . . ueltwheat liweed . . Cli:ti, n t4gpd . imothir4 •• Potatoes 'Salt . • • • •••••' 13utter . . Lard Tallotv . . . . • Beeswax . . . Elam Flitch . . . . Tow-yarn . Eggs • • • -• • Rye' Whiskey Apple Whi , :key Linseed"(' it. ickory Wood Oak Wood . . Egg Coal . . . Nut Coal . . . Lump Coal . . Plaster . . . bar- Resolved, 'That 21, Nays 8, Extract from the : JO6l4lA NIU AV. PEARSON, eicrk, iv TIIE llncsr.ne ßE In ES ENTATivea, April 2, 1849. Ile:laved. I:brit:this resolutigurass.—Yeas 59, Nays 20. Extract frail' the Journnl. WM. JACK, Clerk.- Piled, April G, 1819. "A. L. RUSSEL, Dep. Secretary of the • Commonwealth. • Penns,ylvania, cs : I no ccrrnrc that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Original Resolution of the General Assembly, emit !ed "Resolution relative Wan Amendment of the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this of ice. In testimony whereof I have 40 " 71, 1 %: 1 :: hereunto set my hand, and caus , ed to be affixed the seal of the Secretary's Office at Harrisburg, ‘ .(I M I this eleventh day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-tine "JOURNAL OF SErFriTE." "Resolution, No. 18S, entitled "Resolu tion relative to an amendment of the Consti tution," was read a third time. On the ques tion, will the Senate agree to the resolution 1' 'rho Yeas and Nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz :" "YrAs—'Messrs. Boas, 13,rawley, Crabb, Cunningham, Forsyth, Tlugus, Johnson, Lawrence. Levis, Mason; Matthias, M'Cas- I in,Rich, RiChards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Stnyser, Stereo and Stine—,-21." "Nays—N/essrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives, .King. Konigmacher, Potteiger and Panic, Speaker--9." "So the question was determined in the af firmative." "Journal of l:lie House, of Representatives," "Shall the' resolution pass t The yeas and nayo4ere taken agreeably to the pro vision of the tenth article of the Constitution, and are aVolkw. viz :" YEAth-Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, David J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter. D. Bloom, David M. Bole, ThoinaS K. Bull, Jacob Con, John 11. Diehl, Nathaniel A. Elliot, Joseph Emery, David (i. Eshleman, William Evans, John [' u nsold, S!iniuel Wegely, W . Joseph FiAter, /leery 'M. Fuller, Thomas Grove. Robert I lanison. George P. Henszey,ThOm as J. Herring., I . oseph Higgins, Charles Elortz, Joseph B. Hower, Robert Klotz. Har rison P. Laird; Abraham LaMberton, James i J.• Lewis, James XV. Long, Jacob M'Cart- I ney, John 1?, M'Cullock, Hugh M'Kee. John M'Laughlin, Adam Martin, Samuel Marx, JolityC. Myers; Edward Nickleson, Stewart Pearce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo Robb, George - Rupley, Theo dore Ryrnan, Bernard S. Schoonover, Sam uel Seibert, John Sharp, Christian Snively, 1 'nomad C. Steel. Jeremiah B. Stubbs. Jott. J. Stinzman, Marshall Swartzwelder. Sam uel Taggart, George T. Them, Nicholas Thoin. - A ronah Wattles, Samuel Weiriph. t'V .- ICiri zn I. Wilcox, Daniel Zerbey i and WU- : • tam F. Packer, Speaker. ' • 7 NAVS—,Mesirs. A ugustus IC. Comm David NI. Courtney, David .Evans, ' Henry S •''arig, John Fenlon, John %V, 'George, . L, . Thomas Gillespie, John B. Gordon, WilliaM Henry, James. J. Kirk, JoSepb -baubach. - Robert R. Little, John S. M'Calmont, John Nl'Kee, William M'Sherry, Josiah Miller, 1 William T. Morrison, - John A. Otto, Wil t liam Y. Roberts, John W: Roseberry, John B. Rutherford; R. Rundle Smith, John Smyth, John Solider, George. Walters and David •F, Williams.-20." "So the question was determined, rmative. • • l'ennsylvania la:. • • 0 ,. t , t . 1 DO.cEßTlFY.thatthe above andi foregoing 15 tt, true and• correct, copy of the "Yeas ond "Neye,"• en'on the "ResoNtion.relative r to .. an amendment of - the Coneti-. to don," as the same appears on tl;i3.Joorpala of-the two 1-louses of the.Gonentl ,AssistublP of this Commonwealth,, fcr. the ii.geldpn 1839. Witness my liand . and - t he, se,allithiaid!of... flee, the fifteenth day,o(June,,ope tbou.ipdi eight hundred and forty-Wipe:,• • • TOWNSEND. HA, l - VgEfit. Secretary of the commotlvialik.. June PACKER, • rfrc i ron!atives. • • of the •.Veriate.. • it* 1 ..71,.,.: ..;:.,41trttilf: , 1 , 2= aslon Philda Bush. 4 75 IAO -.551 am 'ts - ig6 30 -- .40 i. go 400 `2 75 1 .. 21 :a 00 2 001 ES . 85 45 12 10 10 8, qfund ~,t__ Doz. Gall. EFEI 4:50'. 3, 50 3 75 2;50 :3 50 4 GO Cord Ton an SENATE, March 1, 1849. his .resolution pass,—Yeas SECRST•IIT ' a °MCI SY.CRETAII2 . .II OITICE TOWNSENI) HAINES, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 866RETAI101 °F MB. • .114rriSbUrg, June lb, 1849.1 i~ t• ~.,. ‘4,,,,. 4 75 1 05 .58 00, S/ . 65 1- 25 4 00 2 50 65 40 18 15 28 28 05 0 00 5 00 4 50 3 50 3 65 2 50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers