lailn Cttegraf4 HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMGER 27, 1864. TOWN AND COUN TRY. BEnIND TIME. —Owing to some cause, many o f the railroad trains have been behind time for several days past. QVERY ?—Do the rebel sympathizers in our w id s t believe that Sherman has captured savannah? Do they believe that Hood has been whipped? Do they believe that the confederacy " is about " played out? " I=ll We invite attention to the advertisement of the IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY. From a careful e xamination of the affairs of the same;we feel satisfied that it will be a paying concern. The Stock will eertainly.belt valuable investment. IMPERIAL OM COMPANY.--Thistoneern owns valuable property in the oil region. The man auers are well and favorably known, and capi talists can therefore satisfy themselves as to the merits of the enterprise. This, it will be seen, is a prodticing company, paying divi (lends from the start.—North American. • COAL SHIEWICNTS FROM PENNSYLVANIA. —The amount of coal shipped from the Pennsylva nia coal regions, from the Ist of January to December 24th, 1864, was 10,198,832 tons. During 1863, for the same period, 9,736,433 tons were shipped, , making an increase of 452,399 tons. • ,„ Coarima.ts has come tt'f f A* ne. Palling on Sunday, its observance as very quiet. Ser mons appropriate to the occasion were deliv ered in all the churches, and the congrega tions were large. • Collections were taken for various worthy objects, and the contributions are said to have been quite liberal. Persons who were not content with a ;Sun day observance of Christmas, devoted yester day to that object, and feasted upon turkey and other rich edibles. There was a generalinterchange of presents tuaong friends, and the usual greetings of the season. DEATH OF JOSEPIL B. Moorms.--We regret to learn of the death' of Joseph B. Mooney, which occurred at" Annapolis, a few days ago. Deceased was an honored member of the Seventh Pennsylvania Reserves,t;and was cap tured by the rebels in an engagement many months ago. Like thousands of other brave men who were confined in the filthy rebel prisons, the subject of - this notice contracted chronic diarrhcea, which reduced him to a mere skeleton. He was very recently ex changed and brought to Annapolis: where death terminated his sufferings. His remains will be interred at Mechanicsburg, Ctirober laud county. Deceased was a son of the late Rev. William Mooney, of the Church of God. SAMPLE LETTER. TO A 'MEMBER OF CONGRESS. —The following letter, which is published verbatim, will give our readers an idea of what kind of labor members of Congress are sometimes called on by their constituents to perform: "Will you please to inquire in the atent office for me for a patent rat trap that goes by weight like a Clock that will catch. from 8 to 12 rats at one running down & thin has to be wound up before it will catch any. more. I wish to know if there is such a patent there when it was patented & when the time expires also the name of the patentee and his post office address. "4t thus oblige yours" Tax GREAT Sena of captured cattle, at York, which commenced on Monday last, is still in progress, under the supervision of E. O. Park hurst, special Government agent. The prices realized were generally low. The proceeds of Friday's sale amounted to over $60;000. Sixty four head of cattle were sold on that day, and six hundred and sixty-eight head of sheep. The latter were sold in lots of twenty, the first lot bringing at the rate of $l2 50 per head, and the last $6 05. The average sale of sheep was at about $5 75 per head. About 200 head of cattle were sold on Saturday, and the re mainder of the entire lot will be disposed of this week, when it is expected a large number of farmers, from different parts of the State, will be present. The largest purchasers thus far are from Lancaster and Dauphin counties Ir will, doubtless, interest both the venders and consumers of whiskey to learn that a bill km passed both houses of Congress increas ing the duty, after the first of January, to two dollars per gallon. The law does not tax the stook on hand, applying only to liquor manu factured after the time stated, so that those who are lucky enough to have a large stock laid in will make a big thing of it. With corn and rye at their present rates and a duty. of two dollars per gallon on whisky, the old to pers who have been in the habit of punishing ten or fifteen "horns" of liquor every day, will have to fall back on "lager," or some other cheap stimulant. A quarter a drink will be about the figure for "Old Monongahela" hereafter, and at this price one of your steady drinkers would not be long in guzzling down a small fortune. We may expect, of course, more adulteration, • and an increase in the deaths from whisky, already so alarmingly numerous. • YMITOIEtte., CONVENTIOX.OLLO of the Reading papers has -- the following: " We have heard nothing of editorial con vention for some time past, and would sug gest that one be held in Reading on the 17th of January next, for the benefit of the pre; fession. Our experience teaches us that if the profession would stand up for its rights, they would be readily granted by the commu nity, who always measure a man by the esti mate he places upon himself. Judging by this standard, there must be some men edit ing papers in some of our neighboring towns, and dailies at that, who have but a poor opinion of the sheets they issue; otherwise they would charge living prices for advertis ing, notices, &o. We can't come down to their prices without runnin' g the risk of starvation. Let na, then, have a convention, to fix a rate of prices by which all can stand: " • Dries TO Tin INVALID .COBPS ON SATUS DAY, DPCSNIBER 31ST, 1864.—As it is impossi ble to have the Invalid Corps partake of the 'Christmas Festival at Camp Curtin Hospital, the ladies intend getting up a dinner on Sat urday, the 31st of December, 1864, expressly for those brave men, who certainly 'clOeive our sympathy and regard; for they have, also, become partially disabled in the service of their country. We call upon all patriotic and liberal citizens of Harrisburg, and the farmers in the vicinity, to'aid us in our en deavors to cheer and comfort the hearts of the invalid soldiers. Donations of poultry, vegetables, apples, thansausages, pickles, or money, will be kfully_received by the committee. Mrs. KEPPLE, State street. " ZOLLINGER Third street. " SMALL, Chestnut street. P. 8. Persons sending poultry will, if possible, have them cooked; or else Send in on %da* or Thursday unt. , - - A EUNDsoms Onsisruks Gl:Fr.—General Sherman presented the city of Savannah and its contents to the President, as a Clhristmas - The news of VICTORY again sounds in our ears—victory at Savannah, and victory over The armies of Freedom are conquer ing the rebel hOrdes, and peace will soon reign throughout our land. MASONIti.-At a stated meeting .of Persever ance Lodge, No. 21, •the following gentlemen were elected to serve for the.ensu ing Masonic year: J. W. Jones, W. M.; Geo. W. Hoffmann, S. W. • Jno. A. Small, J. V". ; Val. Hummel,- Jr., Treas.; Levi Wolfinger, Sec'y; who will be duly installed this St. John's Day, Tuesday, Dec. 27th, after which the annual. supper will take place at .the "Lochiel," (formerly Herr's Hotelp) and judg ing from the Prisparations which are made,We feel satisfied that it will be a handsome affair. The , supper will be , on the table at 9P. -ra pre cisely, and all . n4iiorts - in good standing are cordially invitedloattend. Exisosrori or A Cos.-Om accident, caused by the_ explosion of a coal oil lamp, occurred, a few nights ago, at the residence of Thomas P. Campbell, Esq., in. Huntingdon. While the family were sitting in the room, the light from the lamp began flickering as is sometimes its wont, (caused by the wick being to short or not saturated sufficiently with oil,) whereupon Capt. J. D. „Campbell approached to the lamp for the pur pose of extinguishing the flame, when the fire communicated with the oil, which instantly exploded in the Captain's face. The oil upon the Captain's hair, face and shoulders becom ing ignited, it *as with difficulty the fire could .be quenched, and not until his hair had been totally burned and his face dreadfully scorched that a bucket of water dashed upon his per son prevented further• injury. Other mem bers of the family were slightly burned, and the ail spilled upon the floor being on fire was making rapid headway in destroying the car pet, but the flames were soon extinguished.— A child sleeping in a cradle in the room was rescued by a gentleman before any injury was inflicted upon it. BUSINESS ITEMS. F9ll, THE .HOISDKYR. —A large assortment of ladies' skating caps and ladies' fur trimmed Asiatic hoods, mans' and boys'.fur caps and mufflers: Also, a large stock of cassimere hats. A great variety of cloth caps just re ceived and • for sale cheap at H. H. LONG'S, Jones. Row. , nov23 -lw I=l BAGIBIeS XIOHIGAN FINE-CIJT TOR&C(10. —C. A. Bannvart & Co. have been appointed sole agents for the sale of this justly celebrated tobacco. It is strictly pure and superior to all other brands of tobacco. Tobacconists would do well to examine - it, as they can pur chase it here at manufacturers' prices. Sold by the ounce, pound or barrel. dec22-3t Ds. M'lhuns'a Nang of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earaohe in three minutes. Diarrhceo; BlOody Flux, pain In the Back and Side, Tnfl motion of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KIINK_EL Aft RHO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All order from a distance promptly attended to. s ept2o-tf =:::122:1 Surzav CHILD, CLAM Aosta, has re moved his office from the Max Building to WALNUT STREET ; 3D DOVE BELOW TETRA OPPOSITE . STATE CAPITOL HOTEL. All claims for Premiums, Bounties and Back Pay promptly attended to. dB-tf Loon at a notice in our advertising columns headed Itarisavarr. deo2o-tit• CAN the whole field a plant display, So rich, so noble and so gay? No, nothing can exceed Collins' Syrup of Roots, Barks and Herbs. It cures ooughs, colds, sore throat, croup, bronchitis, asthma, &c. For sale at the Drug Store of J. M. Bomgardner, corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. dec2l•dly IT HAS Coats. Thy IT ! ROSY IT ! Indian Pain Killer. cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,Pain in the Back or. Side or Stomach, Cramp Colic, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Diarrehm, and' all similar complaints. For sale at the Drug Store of J. M. BOMGARD NKR, corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. dec2o-1w POSITIVELY tepE L LING- OU T; The undersigned being desirous of closing out his stock on account of taking an inven tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary Ist, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia and New York wholesale prices: Ladies' bonnets and hats.. Misses hats. Hair nets. Head-dresses. Ladies' cloaks and circulars. Fur capes and muffs. Ladies and Misses'woolen hoods and nubias. Sontags and riding hoods. Comm.'s, plain, embroidered and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs. Ribbons, bonnet silks, velvets, flowers, roshes, laces, bonnet ornaments, feathers, &c. . Dealers would do well to .call and examine my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than bity wholesale prices. Call one and all and judge for yourselves. M. MAYER'S • Bonnet and cloak store, 13 Market street, between River alley and Front street. decls-tf belling oir our Whole Stock at Drq-Goods Among the goods we are selling off, we have 25 dozen of hemstitched ladies' pocket handkerchigis. 30 dozpn of gentlemen's linen pocket hand kerchiefs. 25 dozen of small woolen stockings, at 15 cents per pair. 200 yards of remnants of paramattas, at half price. 50 black cloth cloaks and circulars, at„B, 10 and 12 dollars. Furs ! furs! at very low prices, to close out. 200 gentlemen's neck ties at 25, 35 and 45 cents. Broche shawls, in double and single. 20d pieces of calicos and muslins. 50 pieces of black alpaocas, bombazines and merinos. 500 dozen of woolen and cotton stockings. 45 dozen of gentlemen's woolen and cotton socks. I would, call particular attention to some bleached muslin we have at 35 cents per yard.' 50pieces of red, white and yellow wool flannel, all to be sold cheap, in order to close out our stock. Persons in want of dry goods, would do well to call before pprohasing. . ' N. 8.-15 pteces.of black silkeat great bar gains,' a. LEVY. • SPECIAL NOTICES. • RE vir.ezzanwr , Tomo. THE mosthealthy proms fee}more or loos ji week this extreme warm weather, and lose their aft petite. They need • good strong Urdu—one that will strengthen the nervous systdm and 'awash. This they can get at 60 cents per bottle, at Km L. so% No. in, South Ma Mart, itarrlidinrg, Marl a daltaloa ProOLSIY WOW to. aml T HE:CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID Published for the benefit, and as niOAGTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous 'lability, Im mature Decay of Manhood, &u, supplying at the same time lins i alEANß OF SELF-oms. By one who has mired himself alter undergoing tontiderable quackery . By en closing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq Brooklyn, Kings county, N. Y =I Ur' 1619LAPTIO FITS CAN RN CITNED Loclerow having become eminently successful in curing this ter Able malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or• tend for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of •from one to twenty-four years' standing. He devotes his attention especially to diseases of .the Cer ebro-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System; and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 A. ar. until 4 s a x., except Saturday and Sunday, 'Address all letters to Dli. V B. LOORROW, New York, Care of P. 0. Box 6116, • oc8d&w8to COLO.-ATM'S SOAP This celebrated Toilet Soap, In sum universal de stand, is made from the ChoiCest materials, is Mall& and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin, For Mlle by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. an2s-dawly W A • PursioLocuosi. Verwrrs Mannish-Nl—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 190 line Plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human. Organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan or treatment—the only rational and successfulanede of cure, as shown by the. report of eases treated A truthful adviser to the married, 'and those contemplating -marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condi tion. tient free of any address,on :receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX,. N. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany,-N. Y. The author may be consulted upon_any,of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mar, and medicines sent to any part of the world. oe.BllClm w Military Business attended 'To Bounty, Ptsl,2loll, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military sad. War Dianna, generally, made out and collected.. Per sona residing at a distanno can have theta bustnesa trans anted by mail, by adffiressing. EMENESNYDER, Attorney-nl-Law, 1317.11 r Third street, Hartishant 'Pa Kromer's (uPham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A. BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. WARMANTED to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by. Da Ourrerort of New York, •and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Driuikeuuess Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup.. Dr. Zane7ll antidote for strong drink is a s certain cure for, drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong' drink, and can be adwc stored without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canada& Price $1 per box, or packages of Mx boxes for $5. JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent,. 403 Chestnut St., Philadelp - hia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorlicert, , Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Sprzmw of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. JITO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ang2s-dly Bannvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat• Di seases, &a., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persona whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. Bead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Henmsnuao, Feb. 8th,1864. _ C.A. RksarvAnr-Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations.for hoarseness and throat troubles, and, in compariseu with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. • Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. WI agroo with Mr. Robinson as, to the value of Bannvart's Troches. • W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. 8. Preabyterian Church. ELssaimatate, Jan., 1864 To C. A. BANavanr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expec torant, and that want ,has -been , supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them vary far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice- arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres= see. Yours, JNO. W A LICRR JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust'lit. Methodist Church. . _ To O. A. Bernivenr---Dear Sir : Having used your ;Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them tn all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness ofvoice, arising from public speaking or singing. 'Yours, &d., G. G. RIKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Ammar's OFFICE, HAERDWORG, Feb, 29, 1864. To C A. BAruivAni—Dear Sir: ,I have found_ your Troches to be invaluable in relieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR. BASKETS i BASKETS !—A very large tat . 43. well selected stock of all kinds of Willow and Cedar ware, market, traveling and clothes Baskets, at dew KERPBB'S. ' _.. . . 'BUST received, this morning, litiehener :it 0 Co., Fresh Smoked BRIM Iker and Waves, at ens Kemal% & PRAZTR. ' EPPER SAUCE, a 3: acw invoice, just:rtk P Woad at Noll- SHISLER & FRAZER'S': WNW MACIKEREH,L, ERRING AND SAIL ~13 Drove 1101/1111.4 SONIRPSI HOLIDAY GOODS. CHOIC E Holiday Gift Books. ALL the Choiceillustrated Gift Books issued by the press of this country, can be seen at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. An early examination is Solicited, as there are but few copies of each of the elegant volumes in stock I. • ENOCH ARDEN. B'egently illusrced by Billings, 88 plates or the most flnishid character.; Price in muslin, extra.gilf,s4 50 ENOCH ARDEN. Anothrr edition illustrated by La Fargo, Vedder and Dartey. Price $3 00, SA)CE'S -CLEVER STORIES." The pOems all new, and the illustrations in the higher style of, art. Pr ice $3 EO. "'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE' CHRIST MB." Moore's beautiful poem of "The visit of St. Nicholas, illustrated by Maley, with characteristic engraving Price, Illuminated cover,' 75 cents - V. CHRISTIAN BALLADS.. By - Ailltur Cleniand Cone, illuminated and illustrated by Bovis. Flegantly printed. Price $6 00, antique $9 00. VI. BISHOP STEVENS ON THE PARABLES. An elegant volume printed b on fine tolled paper. Il lustrated in the fittest style of art by Franklin. Mee in morocco $8 00. VII. SACRED ALLEGORIES By Adams, with Illustrations by Birket, 'Foster and others. Price in haliTarkey $5 00. IRVING'S SKETCH BOOTS ARTIST'S EDITION Illustrated with one hundred and twenty engravings, from original design. This is the most elegant book ever published in America. Price $2O 00. LY.I4 OCERIPANIL Veries of Praise and Faith from American poets ar ranged by Rev. George T Rider. 12 mo. Price $2 00. LYRA ENGLICANA Uniform with the above, from English peels. 12 mo. Price "2 00. EL GOLDEN LEAVES FROM THE BRITISA POETS An elegant volume containing the -celebrated minor poems of the British authors. Collected and. illustrated by Hewn Price $260. GOLDEN LEAVES FROM AMERICAN POEMS: trngorm in design and , character with above.— Price $2 50. • BITTER-SWEET. - 'A new and elegannyilluatrated minden. Price $7 00. Turkey, $9 CO. _ THE SNOW IMAGE. By Hawthorne. Ajuvenile gem, illustrated in colors. Price $1 75. xv. KEBLE'S CHRISTIAN YEAR Elegantly illustrated by Sehmolze, Half Turkey. Price $5 40, Standard Authors. Elegant editions of the following works, expressly re. pared for the Holiday season Heber's Poetical Works—Turkey morocco •$8 00 Female Prose Writers of America--Turkey mor.. 8 00 Thomson's Seasons—Turkey m0rr0cc0.......... 8 00 Roger's Poetical Works ..... 8 00 Campbell's poetical work,... 4 GO Shakspeare's complete works • 800 Moore's Irish melodies--eloth ... 2 00 Sabbath bells chimedby the poets 2 00 Songs of the affections, by Mrs. HeinaM3 2 00 Gray's poetical works, illustrated 2 00 Longfelto w's works, new cabinet ed.-e.per vol.. 2 00 Tennyson's poems " " .. 2 00 s axes , t‘ 414 44 2 00 Holmes' " " " " " 2 GO And many other standard works. BLUE AND GOLD SRIITAIS—SI 50 PER VOL Longfellow's poems 2 vol Sales' poems 1 vol Lopesllow , s prose 2 vol Holmes' poems.l vol L well's poems 2 vol , t Bryant's poems 2 vol Whittler's poems 2 vol Crabbs' poems 1 vol Tennyson's p3ems 2 vol Irving's sketches 1 vol &o. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHILDREN 1 'ALL THE NEW BOOKS FOB Bag AND GIRLS ARE IN STOCK AT BERGNEIeB. Lock at the list and preserve it for ref erenee dinerlean boy's books of games and sports—an elegant volume $4 00 Abbott's histories, 50 volumes, pike per volume... 1. 20 Abbott's little learner series -.-10 vol " 50 Abbott's rainbow and lucky series-5 vol " 90 Cousin Alice's home series-8 vol " ... 1. 26 Abbott's Florence stories-6 vol ... 1 00 Santa Claus gift story book-6 vol ... 100 Bo peep story books-12 vol Little one's library-12 vol Youth's pictorial vol ... 50 ,Walter's Tour In the Earl 4 vol each 100 Miniature Library-12 yobs 40 BOY "LIVES Of Distinguiehed Americans. Price $1 50. The Patriot Boy. The Farmer Boy. The Farmer Boy. The Druminer Boy. The Hero Boy. The Bobbin Boy. The Pioneer Boy. The - Fairy Boy. Fanny Fern's New Story Books—lllustrated ~. . 1 50 The Angel Unawares, by Mary Hewitt, " .... 125 'The Lite Boat--a tale of our coast he- roes " 1 50 Youth's History of the Rebellion " 1 50 Fireside Philosophy of Common Things " - 1 25 Glascoyne, The Sandal Wood Trader " 1 26 Dora Darling, The Baughter of the Regiment ' " 150 The Water Saida, a fairy tale for a Land Baby The Snow Image, a fairy talc by Hstw thorns . • • 1: Oat of Prison.... /6. 1 25 Hasson Abdallah, mew fairy tales 1 60 Watch and Wait, or the Young Fugitives 1 25 Frank's Campaign, or What a Boy can do 1 50 ..And a hundred others, new and beautiful, together with new editions of the old favorites, Sanford & Morton ' Arabian Knights Robison Crum Asop's Fables Mayne Reed% Works &c., &c. FOR THE WEE-FOLKS. • A large assortment Toy Books, frbin'S cents up to 50 Alphabet and Spelling Blocks. , Durab/e,. GAMBB, BALLS, &c., &c. • . Call at once. Selectibna may be made and the goods retained to be sent home on Christmas Eye. BERGNER'S BPORSTURE, deel7 • No. 51 Market Street GIFTS FOR CIIIIISTMAS Worth. having, at WARD'S MUSIC STORE, No. 12 Norivit THIRD STREET. Steinway's suberb.rianos. Schomaker'a splendid ROOS. Grovesteen's cheap Vanua ' . • Prince's (new) , automatic Organs, , the Irreatest triumph Melodeons; Violins, Guitarit, Fluters, - • .. Drum and Mee. • Sheet and book Music.. - • • Pictures--Oval and mutts Walnut, Oak, Rosewood and Gilt Frames. - Albums—A very large and tine. stock st, - lower prices. than elsewhere. Call and see the really largest Music St= within .100 mites of Harrisburg. . SILAS WARD, decl7-till and No. 12 North Third StiseL ' TOYS I TOYS !-! TOYS! 11 GREAT ATPRAGTIONS I WISE LARGEST ASSORTMENT and the Loweit Prices! .111 st-received from Europe, of his own selection. Toys and /ndic7 Goods of every amerip tion. Pipes 104111;7pda, Pansy Baskets_ Fancy Boxes, etc. . JDIEN DOLL, Importer, 002041t02m No. 602 Marketstree t, Philadelphia. Q " ' OIDBB .— A few bble. of an. 4.1.ieel- J..) lent quality of pure sweet cider, just received at - - deol7 • BOYER & KERPER'S. PUtrE SWEET CIDER received , to-die at t - BOOS ' NEWADVERTISEMENTIL , 1864 Christmas 1864 USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Ladies Sable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Fars, Ladies' Silver Martin Furs, Ladies' Siberian Squrrel Furs, Ladies' American Mink Furs, Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Furs, Ladies' French %bac Furs, Ladies' Imitation Ermine Furs Children"s Furs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Large Assortment of Dress Goods. Shawls at Reduced Prices, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Embroidered Collars, Sontags, Nnbias, Alexander's Kid Gloves. Balmoral Skirts, Hoods, Genuine Bak Lace Veils, Embroidered Setts, &e., &c Iff THE MOURNING DRFARTMENT OUR Stock is Complete. Our Fine Furs. have been manufactured ex- pressly for OUR CHRISTMAS SALES. We are now receiving them from the mann- factaiers - We can give purchasers a decided advantage In all other goods The Prices have been Reduced. CATHCART & BRO., No. 14 Market Square, Next Door to the Harriaburg Bank deels.d2w Ho for Christmas tr At No. 109 Market Street, lIAFURISBIIRG, IS the ,place to buy Presents for the Holi days. Call and examine our stack of FANCY BASKETS, WILLOW and REED .ROCKING CRAMS for Children, TOY ROCKERS and ABM CHAIRS, WILLOW HIGH CHAIRS, NURSERY CHAIRS, • CAMP CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOL STERS, BLANKETi, COVERLIDS, COMFORTS, COUNTERPANES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, • IRON BEDSTEADS, de. - • J. T. BABNITZ: Market street, near Fifth, Harrisburg. decal d2w ' WM. BRAD No. 62 :Market St., Harrisburg, HAS just returned froni New York -and Philadelphia, and is prepared. to Offer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the ,choicest and most carefully selected STOCK. OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, consisting in part of the fallowing articles: Fine Gold Hunting-eased ENGLISH, KOREAN AND SWOD WATCHES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Fine Solid Silver and Plated Ware, stirresu. FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OT/Cll AS Tea Betti, Castors, Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, - • Butter Dishes, Ice Pitchers, Fine Table, Tea, Fitte!, Bur & Fruit Knives, Soup Ladles, . Napkirt Blass, • Card-receivers, Call Bells, FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCK AS • • White and Black Onyx, Coral, Amethyst, • - Carbuncle, Ruby and Pearl Setts, Initial Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold. and Silver Thimbles, Gold Guard, Chatelain, Vest and • • • Fob chins, • Lockets, Mums, Tooth Picks. Denso* Warren and Hyde's and Jobn Foley's celebra :ted Aold POW, in gold, silver and gotta percha holders Seth Thomas"telebrated Calender Regulators," and an endleas variety of everything In his line. We reverie the old maxim, and invite ladles anik gen- Seinen to rill at other awes first, then give us a sal and see the difference in stock and prices. We defy compe tition. W. BRADT, dem 65 Market street. SHIBLER:k FRAZER gAYE. 4and are receiving goods in th eir usual line, for Chrism** for fambee, consisting of rono SPICE, RAISINS, in all sized packages, Riga sad Prunes, Apples, Older, Wine, Brandy, Rum, &c. Prepared Mince Meat, put up by the most celebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Pine new crop New Orleans Molasses and Sorgium Syrup, a domestic which is comedered s tine ar ticle for taking purpose& deal, NEM- -A.DVERTISEIVLENTS Christmas Presents NO. 7 MARKET SQUARE. AIIBOAS respectfully calls the attention of citizens nnd strangers to his large and well so- I=i SrrOCEC CoV" Fine Gold American and Swiss Watches, Ladies' Chadlain and Gentlemen's Vest Chains, SAS Swiss Watches tor Boys, . Fine sets of Jewelry, such as Coral, white and black Onyx, Pearl. Amethyst and Gold sets, Cutts Percha Chains, Pen holders, Pencils, Gold Lozkets, Sleeve Buttons, Finger Rings, Tooth-picks and Studs. FINE SILVER WARE. Ice Cream sets, Oyster, Gravy and Cream Ladles, • Tea-spoons, plain and twisted handles,Cake Lifters, Deny Scoops, Preserve Spoons, in pair or single, .. Individual Salt-sellers, Butter Knives. Plain and Fancy Fret-spoons, Fruit Knives Tee Fees, Round and Oval Waiters, Breakfast and Danner Castors, Cake and Fruit Basket; Sugar Bou Magic Butter Wallas, Pickle Stands', lee Pitchers, Tea Knives, Nut Crackers and Picks, Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons, Dinner Forks,. 'Children's sets, Knice, Forks and Spoons. WM. M. Gray & Co. DON'T fail to stop and examine our new stock of line fatuily groceries just received for the Fine Handkerchiefs, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY; Consisting of the following articles: Fresh canned peaches, Blackberries, • Strawberries, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas,Beans, Also, new layer and bunch raisins, in Whole boxes, and N.', Currants, Citron, Seedless raisins, Figs in large and small boxes, Figs paste in cakes or boxes, Fine catawba grapes, Assorted jellies, consisting of Currants, Blackberries, Raspberries, Lemon, Pineapple, • Peach, Pear and Quince jelly. New mince meat always on hand, and new sweet cider; also, a new stock of queensware, girt China caps, and par lor ornaments, China toy tea setts for children, and wil low ware, &a, oat received at WM. IL GRAY & Co., (Houser & Lochman's cid stand, Market Square.) decl9 VERY LOW PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS, TO IEUE.IYUCE, STOCK, rrellg subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage during the past four years, and begs leave to inform them that he has a very elegant assorted stock of fine Watches, Chains, Rings, Pins, Sleeve But ton; Scarf Pins, Charms, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Thimbles„ Silver Spoons, Butter Sutves, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spcons; Silver-Plated Cups, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, Syrup Pitchers Break - fast Tea, and Dinner Castors, &c., which will make very ele gant and durable Christmas Presents. Call and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortment is full. No pains spared to show goods. Ali the above sold at very swan prat. deelaif 4 F. ZIMMNRALIN. - _Great * Musical Establibhment. TIM/WY New Pianos, Melodeons, Hamm- Xi aims, Alexandre and Cabinet Organs, at Wholesale. and Retail. Prices low. SECOND HAND PIANOS at great hargains, prices from $6O to $2OO New 7 Octave Pianos, $260 and 1215, with carved logs and mouldings, $3OO and upwards. Melodeons, $65 to $250. . . A large stock. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, and all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and Music Mer chandise at the lowest rates, 10,000 steets of music, a:lit tle collitd, at 134 cents par page. no26date3ni ITARE this method of informing my nu merous friends and the public in general, that t have opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnet and Sixth streets, where I am willing to sell fifty per cent cheaper than any other store in the city. Coate worth $3O, for M. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. All goods leaving my estsblikhruent I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fail to coma and convince yourself of the-truth. • decl2-Im* R. BERNHARD. H ORSES! HORSES! HORSES! Gsruntat.'s Oriarrot, . F/BST DIVISION, WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 1864. 3 HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service , will be put chased at Giesboro Depot, in open market, till DECEMBER 31, 1864. Horses wilibe delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. • Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, 1.180 awn. Payment will be trade for eix (6) and more. JAMES A. RICIN,, Colonel in Charge First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. dec3Adec3l AVE receive daily quotations from the east ern markets which are open for the inspectlan of oar customers, and at which rates we will BUY, SRL OR EXCHANGE, U. S. 840,10-40 andlBBl Bonds, Oil, Coal and Railway Statics, Gold, Silver, dm. !fantod, Pennsylvania Slate claims. BIOL.ER & CO., Stook and Exchange Brokers, BB Market street, Harrisburg; decs d 3 w* . JACOB F. HAEI-INLEDPS STEAM CRACKER AND BISCUIT BAKERY, CORNER OF CHERRY AND RIVER AT.T.WYS, decti-Cm HARIUSBIIIte. - - Nitt-pick, &e. &e, &e. U - 4 1 fITED STATES Seven-Thirty Treasury Notes, Of the various denominations, For sale at the HABILLSBURG NATIONAL BAN& deca-thr J. W. WELK, Cashier: FOUR VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, idtnated on Third and Herr streets gheximend's Laued corner lot 251121.. The other lota are 201:131, running back to a2O feet alley. For further particular§ enquire of GEO. H. IsELL, no3Odtf Corner of Second and Cheeinut striae. FOR SALE, I(MR VALUABLE ROUSES, Wasted 'Afferent parte of the city. For particulars enquire as th e cheap Grocery Store, corner of Thirdand (chestnut. nottoatf cocOAKITS c COOOANOTS r just re ceived at WM. M. GRAY St CO., ' Rouser k Lockinan's Old stand, Market square.) ANEW .SUPPLY of 'FRESH SMOKE/. HAMS, just reoeived this morning, at ' gicnotait Ar FRAZER 1017 Suocessiors to W. Dock. Jr.. & Co - QQBENB and GLASSWARE, a well 'a& looted seeortment, Just received, of the latest styles 11 , 111 - BMX h. NOSRPEIt C. A. BOAS'. PLATED WARE del9-2w SELLING AT At No. 52 Market street HORACE WATERS' No. 481 BROADWAY, NEw YORK. GOOD NEWS . WALNUT STREET INA GREAT BLAZE. STOCKS AND BONDS. FOK SALE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers