THE TELEGRAP I 3 PUELISIIED 211ORNING AND EVENING, if ti' E 0 It id, V, B E 11 G N 1-; OFFICE S 1f _•:L_: TEP,NIS OF SUBSCi:IPCION si;ZU.F. THE P.ticy TEths-uneu is mrved s.ubse:ibeds in the city at lay cents per wee't . Yearly subscribers a it, be timed $6 00 to advance. Tho,e persons whe neglect to pay iu advniee Will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Ten TELEGRAPU is also publish ed weekly,and is furnished subscribers at the following cash titter 8' ogle copies, weeklY niece copies to one Post (Aloe Mil copies to one Pist Office N re-Av ADVERTISFYIENTS. H.OLIDAY GOODS ! IN dIIITIiDANCJE AT W. I. I_4 E. DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, tsro. MARKET STREET. w _ E are happy in presenting to our pa trams again this season, an entire new stock of Fancy Goods for the holidays, fresh from the hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the Gates WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A WIFE. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE' HAVE GIFT'S SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS _ SUITABLE FOR A FIND GIFES ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to 411. In addition to our special NCI" GOO ;2S, we have the usual large stork of TOILET ARTICLwB and .PERFUNIE KY, n hien remains unrivaled in this city. Our French confections are unsurpasted in quality, and give entire satisfaction. Pont fail to go to Keller's. Sou will there find the most beautiful display of line goods, and the greatest variety yet off-red in this city. It would be vain to attempt to number or describe them; they mutt be Been. Call. It is our business to show good•; yours to buy, if you sun proper. Competition is the life of trade, and we enter the arena ‘l," Ail pleasure, (let-named to act our part well. Please notice that we are offering some goods cheaper, in reality, than former gold prices, and if you want bargain; go at onco, to KELLER'S DRUG AND .FANCY GOODS dec22 STORE. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY FOR Holiday Presents. GEO. W. 141 1 CALLA, NO. 38 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, Has now the finest, best selected and most desirable selec tion of Jewelry ever breught to 33,arrisburg, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. The stock embraces, is pail, the fuLowing articles : Gold and silver watches. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyx and gold setts of jewelry. Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal sings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Geld and sliver chains. Go .d and silver thimbles Luskets and sleeve buttons. Pins and ear-rings of all descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives and fruit knives. Breakfast and dinner castors Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. Children's cups, goblets and call bells. Fancy bronzed mantle ornaments Fisted spoons and forks. Andae extensive assortment of ammo Lames ana genuemon In search or presents for the holidays, will do well to examine this stock:, before pur chasing elsewhere, ta-All goods warranted as represented when sold. decl4 HOLIDAY GIFTS AT f Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market Street. pIANOS, Cabinet Organs and Melodeons Piano` , tools and Covers. Guitars, Flubs, Violins, etc. Musical Works of all descriptions. Portfolios for Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications; Engravings, Paintings, Photographs. Oval and square gilt Walnut and Rosewood Frames. Albums the largest and best assortment in the city. Call and examine the stock of the largest Music Store this side of the great cities. Sr. INOCRE, ilecl4-tjanl 93 Market street. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA OIL COMPANY. $450,000 - Capital Stock. 150,000 Shares---$3 00 Per Aare. .Present bbls. per Day. (4,1 WO Producing Wells on the "Columbia" Oil Company's Lauds, another being bored, with a good show. The Pearson Farm on Cherry Tree Rua-80 aeroe—also owned by this company in fee simpfe. Cali and see prospectus and maps, at Bigler &„ Co. Call at once, as bat a limited number of shares will be told in this city. E. J. S 'SENT, For the Company. Reterences.—Buitsh & Co., StsnanLY & MTNRES. de2o-tf NO PIANO IS COMPLETE WITHOUT Copies of the Following Elegant Works: "THE HOME CIRCLE." A collection of Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Schottnches, Redowas Quadrilles, Con tra Dances, Four Hand Pieces and Piano Gems. 2 vois. "THE SHOWER OF PEAIiLB," a collection of choice Duets, w:th Piano Accompaniments. "THE SILVER CHORD,' a collection of Songs, Ballads, Quartets, Duets, Ale , with. Piano Accompaniments. " OPERATIC PEARLS," a collection of Gems from the Best Operas, with Piano Accompaniments. Mee of each, plain, $2 60; Cloth. $3 00; Full gilt, $4 00. Mailed post paid oa receipt or price. OLIVER DITdON A. CO., Publishers, 277 Washington street, Roston. dec2o-lie SHAFFER & BROTHER, PAPER HAN GERS, AND DEIT , VII I 4 IN WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, &C., Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. decsl-ly Information Free TO NERVOUS B UFFEBERS GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous De ,:l4, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and "roan:i nnactuated by a desire to benefit others, will be Error, happy to fur. lab to all who need It (free of charge,) the receive and dire,-Guns for making the annpleremedy used swishing to profit by the advertiser's in his case. Suffere." -mess a sure awl valuable remedy, bad experience, and p 0,.. mat once at his place of busi can do so by addressing hi.. vormation—of anal imor nose. The Recipe and fat In. tance—will bess cheerfully sent by • " eturn mail. p ' , PIN B. OGDEN, Addre No. 60 Nassau atl :et, New York. P. S.—Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this Information invaluable. B IITTER AND EGGS always on Lam- at t WM. IL GRAY & Co., ((Houser & Locitman's old stand, Market Square. ) deulL9 CHESTRUTS.-200 bus. prime Chestnuts, . for sale in any quantities, at BOVER & iiERPER. , 3 No 3 Market square. dec22 BRANDY PEACHES, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, just received at WM. M. GRAY & CO., de2l (Hower and Lochrattn's old stand, Market sonare• . . , ... ' . . - • . A. ,A. - Dl:4- --: . . . _ . . V , i . • 4'4V . (.fTifii.,'‘' .. 4 c ) 17- • . . , ..- ... .. ' • - : • • - \1 1 -it-V.' ' '' ''-- '''' . .-:- ' ' . - -'-'- ' - 4 1 €l' .' E ; % * • ~,...:1 7 2 CO 5 00 15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER HARRISBVIIG; Pi., WEDNESD Y EVENING, DECEMBER - 28, 1864 MEDICAL. CHEROKEE PILLS. • FEMALE REGULATOR FEMALE REGULATOR SUGAR-COATED. Il.ealth Preserver CERTAIN AND SAF.A. la r For the Removal of Obstructions and the Inotirance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods WTbey cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregularity itself. AKIN...They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men struntion. fkirThey.cure Green Sickness (Cklorosh3.) aa-They •cure Nervous and Spinal' Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Ac., &n In ti word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it ALL the effects that spring from it acskomposcid of simple vegetable extracts, they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. THESE PILLS HAVE NEVER BEEN KNOWN TO FAIL WHERE THE DIRECTIONE AHB WELL OBSERVED. u-All letters seeking infOrmation or advice will be .promptly, freely and discreetly answered. Cr Full directions accompanying each box, sir Price $1 per'box, or six. boxes for $5. Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. sea- Pamphlets sent by mail, free of postage, by Da. W. It. MERWIN dr CO., Proprietors, nols-deod-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. D R. WRIGHT'S 7 REJUVENATING ELIXIR! OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing nb thing injurious to the most delicate. "As toe Phenix rises from the ashes of its tire, ant mates with new life"—so does this Elixir rejuvenate the system and overcome disease. sir The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern dinoveries'in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirely new and 'abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. :kr This medicine has been tested by the most, emi nent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical dienoveriee of the age. SEA - One bottle will cure General Debility. Aar A few doses cure Hysterics in females. Sis- One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. Air-From one to three bottles restore the manliness and full vigor of youth, Asap- A few doses restore the appetite. Agp- Three bottles cure the worst case of Impotency. Ai?. A few doses cure the low spirited. Ara- One bottle restores mental power. Air A few doses restore the organs of generation. gar A few doses bring the rose to the cheek.. jar This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor, debilitated toorn-doWn and despairing. .G-The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the WM': vidual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. tar price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. Aar THE CHEROKEE PILLS and K.I.JUVENATING ELIXIR are sold by all enterprising druggists In the civil ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however,; try to 101 l worthless compounds in place of these • those which they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more mo ney by selling than they can on these medicines. its you risme your health— ay, the health of your future olf gisi+, ask for these medicines ands~.a, dit. L 'inr i othtr. tire druggist will not buy them for you, inclose the-Money in a letter, and we will send them to you by Express, se curely sealed and packed, free from observation. Ladies or gentlemen can, address us in perfect con& dense, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in male or female. Patients need not hesitate because of their inability to visit us, as we have -treated patients success fully in all portions of the civilized globe, by correspond ence. • -. Patients addressing us will please stale plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, county, State, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. We send our 32-page Pamphlet free to any address.— Address all letters to the Proprietors, Dn. W. R. MERWIN & CO., nols-deod4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York THE LONG LOOKED FOE HAS COME! "HEALTH AND HAPPINXLS TO TEM BONS AND DAUGHTERS OW AYYLIOTION DB. COLLINS' SYRUP OF ROOTS BARKS AND HERM, - FOR the cure of Coughs, Colds,Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar com plaints. The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking, hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the irritation in the. throat, which is produced by catching cold on the slightest ex posure. It expectorates the diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards - and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, It purifies and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Good News for Mothers and Children. Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your family, sickness comes' as thief in the n ight, and your child is suffocated by the awful distress, Croup, or similar complaints. Here is a preventative—it is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUkL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Strawberry alley. - Also, for saleat the Drug Store of J. M. BOMGARDNEH, Corner of Fourth and Market streetsollarriebuig. All orders should be addressed to DR: S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. nol7 A FEW MORE COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT AND COURTS OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Composes). of Dauphin and Lebeion counties. Price $3 50. For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. nob SOFAB, Arm and Parlor 'Chairs, Marble top Tables, Lonngea and COTTAGE CHAMBER SETTS, In great variety at - JAMES R. BOYD & SON, noiawl New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second st CHEESE--Choiee new crop. Cheese, just received at i 01.7 SHISLEB & FRAM% Elacoessorti to W. Dock, Jr.. k Oo VALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at nol SHISLER & FRAM'S. NUTS.—Almonds, Cream Nuts, Chestnuts, English Walnuts, Filberts and Walnuts, at deel2-dtf JOHN WISE'S. NEW GAME FOR CHILDREN. GAME OF SOLITAIRE, together .with an assortment of other 'Games, at Sotteffees Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Banishers, 'Pa. octl EXTRAL FAMILY. FLOUR and OUP ULU, always on hand, of tho boat quality, at 18 BOTXR dt XOERPEIC TOMATO KETSUP, by the gallon - , quart or pie; jast received at WM, M.-GRAY & CO., (Router and Lochman's old stand, Market square.) decl3 EUEIKED, a good lot of Apples and Po i::44qes, at JOHN WISE'S, (n3012-01' 1. USS and Wallnit., THE"4 'I. GEST and best Selectio n of Gio caries In the City, to be bad at oot2B SEMLER & FRAZER'S CLONED Farll3. eaohes, Blaekb es, Tomstom MLA° at [deel24ltl) JOIN WISSIL "TU F. 1 - N T - 0 N NE W Al) V ERTISEMENTK. Ni„ ?1 ,N IN G- Fall and NV - ititer Trade AND SCARFS! FURS! FURS!!' The Largest, and beet selected, stock• in this city New Cloak Store, IN B. W. GROSS' :NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. ser2-6! Great Attraction! NO. 13 AHEA DI MR M. MATER. - NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Has just opened her new FALL STOCK of BONNETS; LADIES' AND MISSFirIIATS; FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. Also, THE LATEST STYLES of CLOAKS AND. CIRCULARS And a tine assortment of WOOLEN ROOMY, N77BIAE; 4c. TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found in the largest furnishing establishments In the country. sep2o GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! Pictorial Game of Characters. Pet hf the Cradle. New Game of Quotations. Fireside Beall : Mg flame. Mrs. Jollyboy's . Old Maid and Old Bachelor • • . Parlor Amusements. - New Game of Matrimony. New Game of Forteit. New Game of Spirit Rapper. Nuts to Brack or 54 Puzzles. Arithmetical Game. Game of Nip, 8/edge, Tuck and Frizzle. Sparkles of Wit from. the Brain. Pan of Momus. Quartette Game of English Poets. Sultan Vizier or Bcherzerade. Quartette Game of American Pests. Dejected Picture Puzzles. Conversation Cards. Fotbine Telling Cards. For and - Geebe. • For sale at Schoffer's Bookstore, 21 South 2ad. street, Harrisburg, Pa. n 021.- TOYS, • TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, A large and fine assortment, consisting of Chum tea sets, &c., Wooden tea sets, China baskets, Crying dolls, Vases, Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, • Horns, Tool chests, • Moving boys, Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep, Doll beads' Watches, Guns and swords, Stables, Furniture, Menageries, . Anidefis on wheels Grace hoops, Kitchen utensils, Wind-mills, Infantry, Drummers, . Cavalry, • . Harlequins, Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards, Sheep folds, - Ten-pins, Box toys, - • Noah ark, dtc., &a , - &c., &c, , Also, a large and fine assortment of sugar toys, P ranch and common candies. - Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit In season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cakes and crack ers, teas, spices and coffee, Jellies and canned fruits, rais• ens, currants, citrons, prunes, &0., wholesale and retail at the store of JOHN WISE, nob° Third and Walnut. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. GEO. W. McCALLA,,_, No. 38 Market Street, Opposite the Jones House, 1011A8 just received a large assortment of _ILL Jewelry, &c., suitable for Holiday Presents, and invites the public to give him a call. Select your present while the assortment is full. • decs-dlm JELLIES, Currants, Blackberry, Pine Apple, Cherry, For sale at plecl2-dtr] JOHN WISE'S. GU M..BALLS. Bat Balls. Parlor Balls, lifusical Balls Alphabet Balls, Fancy Ribbed. Balls, A full assortment at BERGNER'S Bookstore. H. C. ORT , • Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. No. 16, TEM MUT, BILOW KAMM. sop3•dBm • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. M TONS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a sive rier quality, just received from the Wyoming Valley and for sale in any quantity at - • nol4 SIEMER & FRAZER'S. EXTRA Wtwist WHEAT FLOUIEL—Se lected White Wheat Fatally Flour, jest receive and for sale at - SEMLER & r 378' . Sneadiesors to W. Dock.i= ITAVANA OILAINGrEI3.—Fine Havana Or angea just received at MUSLIM & FRAZER'S, ziolB success= to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co. CASES 'SPICED OYSTERS, just re coifed •t SHRUM & FRAZIW,I Surioamoore to W. Doi% Jr., & Co TIIST RECEIVED, t o lot of Pickleo aid u Cranberrim Nedl2-dtf] JOIIN WISE,a lOK.LEB PICKLE/81! PBy the barrel, half bung, Jar VS dosan,_ at DVSS& lOXRPLR. --N A"' AN 0 . it EVER ." CLOAKS, CArculars, C JLOILKS 8 ROCIELE AND MOInMI'4O - - S : H - AWbS ! at the MEDI' AL DVSPEPIA A Ciire Warranted ' . Dyspepsia has the followirty Symptoms: Ist A constant pain or Uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. • 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea; with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. • Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th.. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Heade°lii3 and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr.. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We. warrant a cure in every case, no matter, if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists-everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. EizzaßETH BBANsoN, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and' nervous debility; I could not:digest my food; if I ate - even a cracker or the'smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a paSsag,e in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that 'I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that myfriends thought best to have me placed in Dr Kirkbride'S hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a, few days my dreadful com plaintwits raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's Gwent American Dyspepsia Pills sna ta . on Dr. Wished and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of bpdy and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good, I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. WISH/Bea Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA I Dn. Wisamer—l have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravited than at others, and then It seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an implealsant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings; so much increased that Ibecame almost nattier business of any kind; my mind was continually filled with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain ,• also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by. day or steep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent physiciase of various schools, finally came to theconclusion that, for this disease at my present age. (46 years) there was no cure in existence. But, through the interference of Divine Providence, to whom rdevoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure- and content. ment are my everyday companions. JAtew- X SAUNDERS, No. 459 North Second street, Philedelphia, Formerly of Woodbtuy, N J. Dr Wiehart's Office No. 10 North Second Street, Phila. dolphin. A POSITIVE OITB.E FOR DYSPEPSIA. HIIAH WHAT If JOHN H. BABOOCK HUB. No. 1028 Oliva Suns; Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863. J DR. Wirousv—Sir:—lt is with much pleasure that I am now able toinforin you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that moat distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I had been grievionsly afflicted for the Jest twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free' from its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged on a most misbrable existence—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain„P mattered not how light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what• ever and my clistrers was so great for several months be fore I heard'of your Pills; that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I bad taken one-fourth of a box ' and after taking half a box, I am a well man, and earseat anything/ wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anytping I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de• sirahle information to any one who may call on me Yours, respectfully, JOHN E. BABCOCK. For sale qt Dr. :Wishart - s Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Bent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPEILI. 1, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three years. I employed three or four of the most emi neat physicians of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county N. J. They did all for me they could, but all to no pur pose. I was constantly filled with awful pain and dis tress, and with constant belching of wind and sour add. Ky tongue was covered with a white coating of moon until It cracked in large furrows, and . was dreadfully sore I Oh l I otttimes wished for death to relieve me of thy sufferings, for I had lost all hope of , ever being well again. I made it a subject of prayer to God that he would direct me to some physicist', or medicine that would mire me, I was told to poi an 'advertisement of Dr. wisbar 7 a in the Philadelphia .!.edger, of. a great cure made 'Ural 'Mr. John Babcock, oflClll Olive street, Phila delphia. by the mat American Dydrepaia Pills. wen‘ to Ile Wawa ofdee, gad placed vomit =du b tog, iVeb4ter PRICE THREE CENTS MEDICAL. went, and told him if he failed to cure me, itwould bathe last effort I woutd make. It has been six weeks singe I aomMenced thb use of his medloine, and I ain - now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my ease, as I want every poor dyspeptio suffering as.l was have on me, and I will tell them of the great, cure I. have received from yout invaluable medicine. • 8.41(1Dr.L• D. HAVEN. Corner Venaugo and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly • from Wrlghtstown, Burlingion county; _ The above area few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an iintimely pave. . . We have thousands of letters Prom physicians and drug• gists who have prescribed and sold the Var Cordial; saying that they have never need or sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, • •HR -14 C. WISHAIPP, No. 1.0 - North Second street, Pbiledelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists ecgrywhere. SixdplB-ead-dkw itiElV Aln EwnsEmEry TS. A Grand' Exhibition Christmas AT KUNKEL. & Drug -and Watley Store, NO. 118 mimcsm' wrnarr THE following are some of the articles to be obtained, appropriate to the season : ORNAMENTS. Bohemian Glass Vases. Flower Stands " Toilet Bottles, Wau•.h:Stands. Cigar Stands. Match Starala; Cigar Ash Stands: Reading and'Book Stands FANCY GOODS. Fancy Fans, Fancy Riding Whips. Card Cares, pearl and Canes. leather. Ivory Tablet.; LEATHER GOODS. Dressing Cases. Shaving Case & Ladies' Companions, Ladies' Satchels, Caba Satchels. Cigar Cues. POrtemonnnies TOILET ARTICLES Powder Puff Boxes. Hand Mirrors. Toilet Waters Brushes. Powders. Sachets. §OLDIERS' WARES. Writing Cieses. Sewing Cases. Cavalry Cases. Folios. Leather and Wicker Pocket Mirrors Flasks. Money Belts. Leather, Metal and Gum Cups. - - VARIETIES Wooden Puzzles. Fancy Boxes. Meerschaum Pipes. Work Boxes. Brier Pines. Box of Cigars. Pocket Knives. Leather and Gum Balls Fine Razors. Fine Dominoes. Diaries for 1865. Thermometers. Also. a great variety of Lava Wars, all of which had at KUNKEL & RHO'S DRUG STORE, deo7if No. 118 KARIM eisaar, Haaarrunntc. BUEHIER__HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased tho BUEHLER HOUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this OLD AND POPULAR HOUSE. equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. dec7-Iy* rp REASURY DEPARTMENT. • OFFICE ON COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY, WARR:MOTOR, NOV. 21, 1864 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made appear that the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK, in the City of Har risburg, in the County a Dauphin, and State of Penn sylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereOf,! , approved Juno. 3, 1864, and has complied with all tho provisions of Mid act required to be complied with before commencing the business of bank ing under eaid act: • • _ _ . Now, therefore, I, SAIIITJEL T. HOWARD, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the Harrisburg National Bank,in the City of Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, Is author ized to commence the business of banking under* the ant aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-first day of November, 1864 ...--.-- SAW:IEL T. HOWARD, - {.---- siva.. I. . Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. no2B NATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT. T HAVE re-fitted and opened the above named restaurant, where' all the .delicacies of the season will be served up, such as Oysters, Game, Terra pin, inc. The public are most respectfully invited to call. Families supplied wish oysters. A, J. WARP lELD. N. B. —F, ea lunch given every day from 1.03, torl.K, A. M. di:MN-dime Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR 1865. A LARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily Journals for the year 1865, tor sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Hanka/um, Pa. nos PTMTiI LARD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle rendered LARD, for rale by the firkin or pound, just eceived at. tiyisl BOYE:ft & HOERPKR. Neutral Sulphite of Lime, FOR. PRESERVING CIDER. WE ARE selling the very beet article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. U. uorsforct, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Gooas Store, No. 91 Mar ket. street, Harrisburg. ec26 SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut mqg and New York State Che ,ese Just received at SMSLICit a . FRAZER, my 6 successors to W Dock, Jr,& MINCED MEAT received fresh every week from the celebrated manufacturer, Atmore Philadelphia, at decl7 IALT SALMON. 17 A new Invoke of line salt Ealino°, just. received and for sale by sept 26 RaiSJSBURG NATIONAL BANK, 1 December 10, 1564. 5 lIIHE annual election for - thirteen directors of this bank will be held, as required by the national currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day of January next, at the banking house, between the hours of 10A. at. and 31.. at. J. W. WEIR, deolo-te Cashier: TOMATO CATSUP—By the gallon, quart and pint, jtut received at WM. M. GRAY (Ho iser & Loclanan's old stand, Market square.) decl9 YANKEE JUMPERS, WHEELBARROWS and ortildren's Wagons, bought expressly to meet the present demands, at . BOYER a ROERPER'S. • decl7 11QUCKWIELEAT FLOUR.—A fresh supply _Lill of Towanda Buckwheat, fresh ground Corn. Meal, extra family Flout, by the bbl. or Dui'. ,every package warranted and delivered to all palls of the city free of charge, at BOYER & &IMPERIL deol7 Presents Cut Glass Colognes. Portefotlos. Match Cases. Ladles' Parses Toilet Soaps. Pomades. Combs. Burnett's Toilet Pelts BOYER & KERPER'S, SHISLER t FRAZER, (IrDOCASSnr to W. Dock & Co.) STEA# PRINinG IiSTABIAO RA'rZEI—LIAILY'hAni rnefoLlownig Atli the rates for ads - et - tieing in the WIZ GELPa Thane having advertleing to do will end it con venient for reference: 47. Font lines cl lest coustltute One-hall square Fight ”r Ilan roc,. constitute a square. FOR OSR S.:WARR. . Two days... . -1 CO three days..-.- ' ::::I 25 One weer.— .. . 225 One month 6 00 Two months 0 00, n 00 Six months 15 00 One year 2600 • 2 76 ?ph S •!..,LP eIQ.U.LBE. Due dal . £ 30 Two days.... . .. 50 Three days.. . . T 5 One week 1 25 I Ono month . 300 Two m0nth5........4 50 Three"months 6 60 Six months .. 800 One year.......... ..15 00 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Audttor's Notical al • Rraexal Notices, each insertion 50 at' Business notices inserted in. the Local Coitt . m,n or herons Marriages and Deaths , ikons OEM PAIL Li - wirer each insertion . EVENING EDITION. The Army and Navy. Later News from Porter's Fleet. MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL SHERMAN. Ile is En Route for Augusta and Charleston. Later from General Thomas. ROOD BROUGHT TO A STAND HE IS WITHOUT ARTILLERY OR PONTOONS Thomas Moving upon Him. NEw Yoax, Dec. 27 The Commercial's special Washington dis patch says the War and Navy Departments have both received advices from the expedi tion against Wilmington. The intelligence is highly favorable, and gives an assurance of the utmost immediate success. The Secretary of the Navy declares that Porter will capture Forts Fisher and Casswell, and that afterwards Butler will be prepared to operate directly against Wilmington. Sherman intends to move immediately up the Savannah river and capture Augusta. The news to-day is that he has already moved. Sherman also says that after this he will swing round upon the rear of Charleston, destroying all the railroad com munications on his way. The news from General Thomas is also glo rious. He has brought Hood to a stand on the north side of the Tennessee river, which is impassable. Hood is without artillery or pontoons. and Thomas proposes to move upon Hood and force him to fight of surrender. FROM GEN. SHERIDAN'S ARMY. OUR TROOPS ON ANOTHER RAID. The Occupation of GordOnsVille Rebel Accounts of the Raid• PrumADELmmt, Dec. 27 Richmond papers of the 24th instant (Satur day last)" have been received here. The Whig of that date says: The telegraph operator at Gordonsville re ported this morning that he was about to withdraw from that place, as our forces had fallen back and the Yankees were. advancing. The probabilities are that Grordonsville has been occupied by the enemy, but we have the satisfaction of knowing that before they are many hours older they will wish they had re mained at home." [Gordonsville is on the Virginia Central Railroad, seventy-four miles from Righmond, and the junction of the former road with the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. It is an important centre. At Charlottesville, a few miles beyond, the railroads divide, the Central Road running on to Staunton, towards which Sheridan's infantry are approaching, and the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, running to Lynchburg, which is eighty-two piles from Gordonsville. Daring the war Gordonsville has been frequently threatened by our forces, but never betore occupied. The destruction of the railroads there will greatly incon venience the rebels, even if our forces do not permanently hold the - place. From Alexan dria, by the Orange Railroad, Gordonsville is ninety-two miles distant.] From -Savannah. Further Particulars of the surrender. Mow Hardee Escaped. Nzw Rata, Dec. 27, A special dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated the 26th, which gives some particulars of the capture of Savannah obtained from Major Gray, of General Sherman's staff. The surrender was made by the Mayor and Council. Sheiman's and Slocum's headquar ters are in the city. The demand for the surrender was made on the 16th, and Sherman closed his dispatch with Hood's words to the negro troops, at Dalton, to the effect that if his demand was not complied with he would take no prisoners. Hardee replied that he could and would hold the city. Sherman proceeded to complete the invest ment of the city, but owing to the swamps on the north side could not at once extend his line in that direction. General Hatch's division of Foster's force held the left of our lines occupying the upper part of Hutchinson Island, completely block ading ingress or egress over the river below, when a Ferry boat was discovered plying bel tween the city and the Union causeivay. This was the hole through which Hardee got out. ' Oar prisoners are increased by constantly finding them 'secreted, The place is so fall of citizens, refugees and others, that many live in the streets. Nearly 300 Union prisoners succeeded in reaching our lines. The Millen prisoners are supposed to be 40 miles south of Savannah. Capture of the Saint Albans Raiders. Comm), N. H., Dee. 27 Three of the St. Albans raiders escaped from Canada by secreting themselves in the cars until across the line They then pro. needed to Lebanon, New Hampshire and en listed, securing the bounty, and hoped to ge. back to Dixie at Uncle Sam's expense. . The were, however, detected and are now in the State Prison at Concord. A considerabl• amount of money was found in their posses sion. The Gold Market. NEW Yon 4 Dec. 27. Gold closed this afternoon at $2 17. Philadelphia Stock Market. Promitaaamia; Dec. 27. Stocks steady. Penn. s'a 93; Reading R. R. 51k; Penna. R. R. 64i; tiold 215; Exchange on New York par. FZ2
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