THE TELEGRAPH I 3 PITBLISHF.II • . MORNING- AND El' EN Ili 0, BY GEO G F,' B 11, - G-N•U 9.; OFFICE THIRi.; 4:'.. XAAa Ml 4! r 7 TERMS OF SUBSCP.II2IION.- . fs.usscrurnox TEE DAILY TI.LEGRAPTI is served striwctiber:i in the city at 1234 cents per wcer. 'Yearly sobscribt rs be ' barged $6 00 io advance. Those persons v. ha neglect to pay in adv.neevrid b.?. charged ..S,l 00, FEEBLY TELIIGRAPat Too TELEGRAPH IS also published weeldy,and furni , hed rubFeribets 4t the following eaqt rates Single copies, trcekly Three eopkis to one Post Cdßee Ten col - 11oz to one Pc st Wee UA L _ . DEC JOHNSON, BA:IAT I ITIOR LOCK HOSPITAL, dirluun6i•ed tlrei wait eisrtattu, diteetiy Al and etrotrtun! rotnethea in the e - orld ;et tiE.A.SUS Of IMP it ti I >.6.'N OE. KRUM IN SIX To TW - 11;!,V1 1 1 Holt r,;? N.+ AtEISAJtiItY OR NOXIOUS DRUHS A Chore Warranted, or No Charge, in from • ff=EW=l Weakness or the Back Affectiens of the Kidneys tiud Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De. WI% Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low. Spirits, (Wanton of Ideas, Palpitation of the heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lunge, Stemanh or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Debits of Youth—those' secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, so., Impossible. YOUNG MEN g„ i ,peciaits% oho have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that & sw im a k zt destructive habit which annually sweeps to. an untimely VIM thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents end brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entrance,. listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence, MARRIA.G.E, afperied poisons, or Young Mon Contemplating marriage, heinlawaro of physimi weakliest orvanic debility, dolor calties,.itc, speedily-cured. He who placoo hinuelf under the care. of Dr. J. may re ilgicinelytontlde ha his 'honer as a gentleman,' and email• dontly rely upon his skill as a Physician. • ORGANIC V.EARNFJ,;IB artmudititely cured, and full vigor metered. This dtaressing affoolion , —which renders life miserable and marriage impctsible—is the penalty paid by the vic tLm3 of improper indulgence,. Young persons are too apt to commit exw.u. Irons not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the Butted will pretend to deny that the power of procreation ie sort sooner by them falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Beeides licizg deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de atritetive symptom to both body and mind arias. The system becomes clerangqi, the physical and mental functions weakened, lose of I=T:cativo Power, norrone irrltsbility,,dyspepsia, palpitation or the heart; indigestion, Imnaltatoinal debility, a waettug Of the [map ; ceoo,.ten gumption decay and (lease._ ' ilzmwm pro. 7, Pours FingDARICUIC armiaa, Left bald site going tram .aaltamoro street, Eb, few doors from the corm, Fat not to ahem 70 name and number, Letters must he paid and contain a stomp. The Doctor's Diplomat hang In Ids olden. . DR. 40/111SON, gember of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad nate from oneof the most eminent colleges in gm United etates, mad the greater part of whose life .has been went in the hospitals of London, Paris,. Phtiadalphia else where, has effected some of the most astonishing 'cures that were ever knows ; ninny troubled with ringingin the Amid and ears when ezieep, greet nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfuln; -with frequent blushing, attended. sometimes with detangililo6lo of iniud were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIOL %. 1 1.0;a are soma of the at and melancholy efiecte pro% dated, by early habit; of youth, viz : weaknosa of the batty thotthatteti pains ..the •head, dimness of wog .roui of tnueoular waer, palpitation of the heart, tlyepepele, Dar row?: irtitabllity symptome - of consumption, &e. • 0.-Zrt max.-to fearful elfecte on the mind are mean to 14 gireadatl— ose Of willory; eunfaE!on of blear, de preeetati-Of spirits, Oitrforenotilitge; aversion to .theiety. self dltitregt; love of enatatfe, theldlty ; Fe., ari i t '6OllllO the evils prod4toe-.1.. ;lOU NG ML dtave i^iured taeMseltres by a certain tri; 444,3 g in whorl CUD; a bait frequently learned from lull coMpanions, or at school, twe drools or which ore lotglitly fa3lt, even when asleep, and ti not cured rendira Marriage rR osata,e, end destroys froth unod and .body, anoulda Kap aLtrieditAcly. . Matta n, t hat a young man ; Me hop,or oak:airy, trot darling of liis parents, eboaki ecatched from all FCSTrAIIi Sitioyments of life, by the consequence of dOviatitio, from tiatli of nature and indulging in a Coortign Setab. persons sorer, before contom platlog Renee ithat a soend mind And btnly arethe Meet net edzirY requisites to promoteconnublalhappinces, :indeed ; Wit—. out, those ; the journey tifrough LiCe becomes a weary MI, gilinage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the riot.; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and fißed with Oft melancholy reflection that the happlacas of another b... Mimes blighted wlth cur owe. DISEASE OF IMPEDDENOE. • Whim the misguided and Imprudent votary - of pleasure 'duds he has Imbibed the seeds of this painfal diseese, too often happens that an ditimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who tfrom education and respectability, can ahem befriend him, tie.falls trito, the hands of ignorant an& designing pretend ers* Who* incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub. Aimee, hasp him month after Month, or:as longue 'ilistisnaileat fee sae be obtained, and In despair leave him • , ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, use of the deadly *eon, Mercury, hasten lite daplmeofthistonetan' diseme,suatianadett. fie n d , bract, Nose, Skin. progreSsing bone ‘6f tL ' rapidity till death pas n ported to . his with frighthn ley Khan him to that midi/corded &Segal suffraint. • ** 00 invoice rstursz country from whem. INPOWEBIET 0 1 TEE PRESS The many thousands cured at thin inettlationjear alter year r and the 'numerous imporitnnt rtarilgal operatio of ns performed by Dr . Jobnson, witness:4 by. the ces of which reporters the Surt,,CUpper; and .rin3r, other Pagel'., have appearen_ageitend again before the public, besides hies 41difig: genticinati et chatueter and respond. bility;lS a sufgcdent guarautea to the ralictod. SKIN DISEABLI , .I SPBEDI/IYOUKED OLEIa• NO, 'I Bonn% ktratheiriale. 414.r.rtt aD2R-dltv . • Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR 18135. A LARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily .01. Journals for the year 1885, for sale at scherier's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa nob l Almant s gsl .E it t ! Wanacs English timid Grernipin ,Lancaster Almanacs, for the year IL S 6 5 . -e t ude, by- the grose, Doren, or sine, at Schefferi . e & 'tore. 21 South Second ?treat , flaniEKKa• , Se ' V Swim. FE 1 • 4 4 MORE COrrE c i - Of the • , v4311.141114 1- IRE PRACTICE 114 Tom, p;• ,1 0 74 . M. 'II;TRT AND COURDI OF THE- St r PR F X E k , amOuL•meritlor OF TWELFTH NyLvANIA, FENN- 4 Lebanon counties. Price Coinposed of Dauphin an, - Nxetore, Harrisburg, Pa. 23 to. For sale at Scheffer's not --- CLOP"- Aim pad Parlor vi airs, Marble 0 top Table?, :Lounges and OWPAGE.9EIANEBEW-SENZT - In great variety .' .:.. JAISEES . R. BOYD* SON,: New'llrarp-roomg, 29 South Second 51 1018, e LARD .—Fifty - Irkins firtie liettle .111. ran• red LOA for We firkin or round jua eadiroA UM BOYS Ai lOA, , ~. . . , , . , • ILL , , • . _ , .....„- ~,, T- : ..'•- • __ - ''''' - ,t4'., (.7 ' - 'lJ,"' _ -. ' —''';- " ::,..&': • 7 , 1 .1 1 . 1 . .....,:,' 1 0 : . .' :to „,-,, ,t‘\ k- , o f - J...4 l kT_AO''' f CZ= $2 00 500 15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER 111E1)142A 1. CHEROKEE CURB - THE GREAT" INDIAN - MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM' ROOTS ) BARNS, AND LEAVES. An unfailing cure fin- Spernnatorrhea, Seiniruil Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, Mil all diseases caused by kelf pollution; Ricoh as Lose of Memory t Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Aide, 'Dimness of Vision, Ammature Old Age, Weak Nertee; Piffitillly of Breathing, Tram/Zing, WakeA4- nets ffruptions on -the Face, Pale CoUntenance, Iracin deg Consumption, and all the, Direful complaints-caused by - parting from the path of rtaiserr. ,y -This medicine Is a simple vegetable extract, and' one on which all can rely, as it haWbeen used our practice for many years, and with thoniareffilreated, it has net failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have-been sufficient Id gait/ victory over the Most stubborn case. ' u - To those who have trifled With their coniditution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of Medical aid, ww would say, Despair notl the CHICROICES Cows wilt restore you to health and, vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed • Price,- $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, an*, for warded by Express to all parts of the world, Pamphlet sent by mail free of postage by OR, W. R. 29:RWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, n01.5-deod-4rn No. 63 Liberty street, New York. G LAD NEWS for the lINFORMATE THE LONG SOLTOHT FOR DISCOVERED AT. LAST. Cures in from one to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEROKEE INJECTION, Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leayes. CIIEOKERE REMEDY; the great Indian • Diuretic, mires all diseases of the urinary organs, such as /neenti. Renee of the .Urine, Inflammation of.the Madder,. ./Own motion of, the Kidneys Stone in the Bladder, _Stricture, amid, Meet, Gonnorhea, and is especially .recommended in those cases of Fluor alkts (or Whites in females) where all the old nauseous medicines Amp fated. Aar It Is prepared in .a . highly concentrated form, the dose only being from onto two teaspoonfuls three times gar It Is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying anti cleansing the blood; - Causing it ti flow in all of }ts original purify aid vigor; "thus removing from tifesystela all pernicious causes which have induced disease." CREEOKEPi INJECTION is intended aian ally or Assist ant to the OffEROFf.EE REX - NOY. ttnil'shbuld betused in 'conjunction with that Medicine In all owes ,Goork-rhea: Ofes: Otto' -" 'or Whits. Its effects, ere Am/inn; foothinfr triad "ctentaWnt ; removing all scalding, heat, cliordee and' pain,. instead of the burning and &truest un endurable pain that Is experienced 'with nearly all the cheap quack.lnjectipriz Kir By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY-and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the 'two medicines at the ague tirne=all Improper, discharges are removed; and theNreak ened organs are speedily Teetered to "I vigor add strength. lox. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY; $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. • Seraby Express to any address on receipt of THE CHEROKEE MUM', CHEROKitE INJECTION AND CHEROKEE CURE, arc sold by alt enterprising Druggists in the civilized world. Some unprincipled dealets, hoivaver,. try to sell worthless compoundsin the place of these ; those which they can purchase at Mcheap price, and make more money by selling, than they can on these medicines.: AB you value your lenith, •aye, the health bf tbb.r future offspring, do not be deceived by such unpriticipied druggists, ask for these medicito s and take no others. If the drUggisis will not buy them for you, inclose the money in a leiter,•and we will send them to you by exprtts, securely sealed and will from 1 -- ,, dibi nr gentlemen can address .us in perfect ?.come deuce, stating fully and pl i vrity Wen atacaSeS and sym - Corns, as wo treat all diseases of a ebrortic nature lia in e or female. Patients need not hesitate because or U. ir inability to visit ne, as we have treated pat!ents epccess ; fully in all portions of the Civilized glone, by Correspond- Patients addressing un will;pleise slate plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, .1;40 write Postoalce, County, State, and: name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply.. We send our 32-page pampidet free to say address.— Address all letters to the proprietors, OR, W. R. MERWIN 8: CO., nolo.decll.4m . . No, fl 3 Liberty street, New York. 'rag LONG LOOltHli 1:0R HAS COMES %MALTA AND HAFFINPL2 TO THE BONN AND DACGOTRRS OF AFFLICTIONI" DR.• COLL L.N.S . : SYRUP OF . ROOTS HAB/ISAND - M.Ftlti)S, - . . ViOtt the cure of Coughs ColasSore • Thront, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthm a, and all similar cone piaints. The object of this Medicirie is to soothe and ease the cough; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking ; hawking, and coughing; to relieve ~the irritation in the throat. which is produced by . catching cold pn. the slightest cx.:. ROSuro. It expectorates the diseased matter, that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which rounds and `oppresses, the respiratory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, ti purifies and circulates tap Mood, which -COusesOppresSion of the chest and difficulty in breathing, , • ,• God. News for Mothers ant' chOdrem—Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your 'acuity, sickness comes as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful' disease, Croup, or -similar complaints. Here' is a preventative—it is nature's friend. Medicines are prepared and sold by SAM.II4 COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the.corger of Third street and Straw berry alley Also, for sale at the Drug Store of J. BL BOMGAIt[>*ER, • Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. All orders should be addressed to DR. •S, CO LLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. nol7 Information Free; TO NKR Y 0 U - TT FFER RS AL GENTLEMAN, cured of NervoUS De MEW, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and Youth nu Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, ;will be happyto'fornieh to all Who need it, (fret) of charge& the i',Noipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his ease. Sufferers wishing to profit by-the advertiser's bad experience, and posse3s a sure and valuable remedy, cim:do . so by.addressing him at once at-his place of : husi 7 , nem. The Recipe and'fall information....-of vital 'raper Lance---Will to cueerfullyeent by return mail. Address ,„, JORN,B..C.GDEN, . . • • No. 430:Nassau street, New York. • „ P. g,--Servous sufferers of both setae will full this inforniation invaluable n029-daw3m CEEEkSE—Choioe now crop Cheese, just received at SEMLER & FRAZER, :ell Secatatorm to W. Doak. Jr., & Co VALENTIA RAISItS, a now invoice; at nol SEMLER & FRAZER'S. N UTS:—Almonds, Cream Nuts, Chesbints, English Walnuts.; Filberts and Walnuts at • decl2..dtf • JOHN WISE'S. NENTGAME EO - 11 OBILDEEN. (ZAIRE OF SOLITAIRE, together with an " 1128("me"sr*er Gaines, at i3olloFer o a Bookie, 21 Sabah Sectindstibet:HaiTilburg: . oot 11XTRA FAMILY FLOUR and CORN URAL always on hand, of the beat quality, at' -4 • • DOVER ac.K.OZEPEIL fiIOMATORtTSUP, by the gallon,. quart or 1 pint, just received at WM W GRAY At CO., (Houser and Lockman xold stand, idatket.square.) decl3 . E 0 I ED, - a Odd lbt of piles and Pa" tale;at t . . : fS auel24ltf Thin! vl4 Walnut . . irreM LA_RGEST andlestSelection of Gro , —Nadia% Blsokberneo, W9lnatoes, imekc., at E4rrl2-407 JOHN WWI, == LI F. N , I 0 W AND FOREVER." IiARRISBUTto, PA.. FRI EVENNG, DECENIBER 23, 1864 NE W V EitTikiE EN `O-; 11=3=EZMZE ra lErcvklN IN C . : FOR Pall and ‘4 l inter Trade! CAL:MORALS AND SCARFS ! FUNS! S t ! The Largest and hest selected stock in this city ! •New Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. sep24f rpat Attraction ! NO. 13 AHEAIIiI M. MAYER, . -LIJL No. 18 MARKET STREET, " Has just opened her new IMLI; STOOK of BONNETS, LADLES' h,NIY MISSES' RATE, • • FEATHEDS AND FLOWERS'. Also, THE LATEST STYLES' of- CLOAKS AND CIUCZLARS And a fine afeortinent of ' WOOLEN HOODS, MMUS, rte. • 'I•IIMMINGS Constantly on band, besides everything usually found in .the largest fufnishing estahlishmentn in the country. se.p2o . r , GAMES t VAIVIESI • GAMEST '''' Pictorial Gatne of- Chaiactere. • • Tot of the Cradie. • • ' New Game. of Quotations, Fireside Spotting Game. . • Japan Puzzlet. - Mrs. Jollyboy's Co many m.s4 0/4.l3 4 cheier Par' or Amusements. • New Gement Matrimony. NeveGatne of Forteit. ' New Game of Spirit Rapper. tO Brack or 64 p uzzles. Game. - Game of Nip, Sledge, Trick and Frizzle, Sparkles of Wit from the 13 Pan of Memos. Quartette Game of. English Poets. Sultan Vizier or 'Scheriertule: ' Quartette Game of American Poets, Dejected Picture Puzzles. Conversation Cards. Fortune Telling Cards. Fox and Geese, For sale at Scheirer' s Bookstore, 21 South 2nd street, Harrisburg, Pa, no2l TOYS, TOYS, .TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAYD.' A large and fine assortmen onsisting of _ :. China tta sets, &e., Wooden tea seta, China baskets, Crying dolls, Vases, Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, Horn; Tool cheats, '' . Moving boys, ' . Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep,' . Doll heads' Watches, . Aura and swords, Stables, ', Furniture, ' Menageries, Animals on wheels Grace hoops, Kitchen utensils, Windmills, . , I: - Infantry, Drtimmem, ' ' Cavalry, ' Harlequins, . . - - Railway., Magic lantorris, Poliltf.fyarrts, Sheep folds, , . . Ten-piA ' , BoX toys, . • Noah ark, &c., &0., &c., . &c. Also, a large and fine assortment of sugar toys, P relish and common candies. Also, always on hand Such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds" of nuts, dried fruits, olikps and crack ers, teas, spices and coffee, Jellies and canned' train?, rais . ens, currants, citronS, prunen; &c., 'Ordeals and.retall at the store of .' " JOHN WISE, . ne'lo Third and ,14rninut:• - HOLIDAY PRESENTS. • 0.120.; W. IttIeCALLA Or .151 a a : , No. 38 Street, Opposite the Jones House, rp t *vizioa a large assortment of gi,, suitable for Holiday Presents,. and. invites the public to give him a call. Select your present tyltite the assortment, is tun. . decb-film , Currants, Blackberry, - Pine Apple, • • . . Cherry, For sale at [declB•dtJ JOHN WISES; itrr • BA.I.LS. • ••.; Bat Bal, Parlor Bails, Mq B kcal,4oP i sk h . A t f - ull EtE f E9r:m .... eat ;c '"-'--I"l' B a E ' RGN Fa E n i T S ß ß i o b o b k e e d to ß r a e tt . 13' H.. 0 k T x, teacher of. the Piano, Melodeon Violin AND" &INGING. No. 115. THIRD MIMI; lIBLOW IikEILZ-. sepB.6m * BAOKWHEAT FLOUR. g. TONS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a supe rier quality, lust received from the Wyoming Valley and for sale in any quantity at nol4 KjIBLER & FRAZER'S. MIXTBA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.—Se ALI lected While What, Fart* Flour, just receive arid for ealo at. . • SILISLF4B 4r. FRAZEE, . 1,0 Succeel - ioeslOlF. Docli.„'4, A cof 1111 AYIENA 011 AN( gS Fipe . Havana Or .11.1:iixiiea jut recdtred at SIEUSIXR:k.:IPRAZEWS., nag -sitcceseoe to W/il .D. Jr., & Co. rriEN OASES SPICED - 'OYSTE RS ; jui4. , re j. -43.34 , 011-11 t 4/1110_LER &SBAZIPE4' -- 029 ...SlMl:worst* Dock, Jr. &00 ..00•104 fine lot of kicidee CrQ .11-4 17 1 j8 , r t • - ided2-dgi ber., , .0- a Pa .- - - ,ptorsz,vitai.--,PIOI{L.ES 1 I • 4 — l3y the barrel, half bariel, Jar OT downy_ at - H ow • BOYIIS 4 40.1111/1101, CLOAKS, Circulars, CLOAKS ' AND MOIORgING SH AWLS 1. at the SEADVERTISEMENTS. A Grand Exhibition Christmas Presents AT KUNKEL & BRO'S Drug and Fancy Store, 240. 118 MARKET' STEiir THE following are some of the articles to be obtained, appropriate to the season ORNAMENTS. Bohemian Glass Varna. Flower Stands. Toilet Bottles. Watch Stands. Cigar Stands. Match Stands. Cigar Ash Stands. Reading and Book Stands. FANCY GOODS. Fancy Fans. Fancy Aiding,Whips Card Cases, pearl' and Canes. leather. • •• • • Cut Glass Colognes. Ivory Tablets.- LEATRER GOODS. Dressing Cases. 'Shaving C ases . Ladies' Companions. Ladies' Satchels. Cabs Satchels. Portefolios. Cigar Cases. Match Cases. Portemonnaies. Ladies' Purses'. TOILET ARTICLES. Powder Pair Boxes. Hand Mirrors. Toilet Wafers. Toilet Soaps. Brushes. Pomades. Powders, Combs. Sachets. Burnett's Toilet Petts SOLDIERS' WARES. Writing Cases. Sewing Canes, Cavalry cases. Leather. and Wicker Pocket Mirrors Monej• Belts Flasks. Leather, Metal and Gum Cups. VARIETIESI • Fancy Boxes. Work Boxes. Box of Cigars. Leather and 6ntn Balls Fine Dominoes. ' Thermometers. Wooden Puzzles. Meerschaum Pipes. Brier , Pines. Pocket - Knives. Fine. Razors. Darks for 1866. - Also. a great variety of Lava Ware, all of which can be bad at KUNKEL & BRO'S DRUG STORE, dec7tf No. 118 MARKET IBTR.BET, HARRISBETR6.. B U ,11 0 . 0 St, HARRISBURG PA. The undersigned; . havingletely . purchased the BUEHLER )(OUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this MEAD AND POPULAR IICOILTSE equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. - J. BOLTON. doady* Public Notice CORRECTION OF - ENRCTILNIENT LISTS. 0/14016 es ion 80AR:n . 317 ENRCILLMMiT, 14th'Unsrater 'PEnucavityNine • Ittatinsumno Nov. 23 1864' rp . 130A.11DVE ENROLEIIIENT will, AT L AL!. ma% receive-and attendlocipplimttions for the correction of the enrollment lists. Any person!, properly intereated,,May apes*. §efore the Board, • and have. any name the list if he can show, to the satisfac. row.: of - Heil: Mira, tfuttlbs Denson named la-not- properly enrolled, onmcoonnt of : - Ist: Allensge. Non-residence. • 3d. Over age. . 4th. Permanent phySical ' 6th. Having servedint the in.litary or naval service of the United States two year! during the present war, and been honorably discharged. Civil officers, clergymen, and all the prominent citizens are invited to appear, at all times, before the Board to point out errors in the lists, and to give such information In their possession as may aid in the correction and re vision thereof. G. G. HUNT, Pro. Mar. and Pres't of Boar*. CHAS. C. BANN, Cointitisaloner of the Board. . B. T. •CHABLTON, Burgeon of the Board. n023-41m 11: -:UP11, coY DEPARTWENT, WM/Wall 9. 3. 01 ThARECOX t N WASIIING,TOI:I, Nov. 21, 1883. Whereas; by satisfactory - evidence presented: to ,the undersigned, it has , been' made appear that the HARRI8B1)3.01 NATIONAL 'SANK, in the City of Rar ritburg,-in-thelCounty Dauphtn,' and State of Penn sylyania; has been gulp organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide, a National Currency; secured by a pledge of Unite I States bonds and to Provide.for the circulation . and redemption thereof`;" approved June 3, 1864, and has 'complied with all the provisions of said act required -to be complied with before commencing the business of bank ing under 'said ants - Now, therefore, I, SASIUEL T. HOWARD, . Deputy 'Comptroller of the Cnivericy, do horehy - certify that the Ilarrleburg National Elank,in the co. of Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin, and State , of 'Pennsylvania, is anther , izcd to continence the business of banking under the act ' aforesaid. In tesjfmeny whereof', witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-first day of November, 1864. iIUSL T. ROWARD, SEAL. 'Deputy Pomptrollor of the Currency. no2B LiTEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch , kj lug at QUEENSTOWN. (Coax Reniekt - .) The well known. amines of the Liverpool, New York and Pliila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying ihti U. 8. Matte , latexided to aao artglOWS G (INV 'Saturday, Decemlier 17. :NANO ESTER • tt tt 24. 5A1711103E.. . ..—. .—. " to3l. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon ; from Pier 44, North Hirer. ____., ;.. BATES OF PASSAGE: . Payable in Gold or its Zquinideni in Currency. FIRST CONN,- ,VP 00 STEERAGE, $3O 00 do to London, '.Bh 00 do to Loudon, 34 00 do to Parls, " 95. GO . do to Paris, 40 00 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre Br men, Rotter dam, .A.staverp, Sid, at equally low rates: F a resfrom Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin, $75, $B5, $135. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy. tickets here at these rates. For farther information apply at the Company's mice?. - , 401153 cf. DALY., I,,gont, ocl4 , 15, Broadway, N. Y. OVID F. JOHNSON, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oita= No.. 23, SOUTH SECOND STREET. L4pl business and collections_ promptly attended to dcs•dlm TI ARRPARENT SLATESI • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRAITSPA m, RENT SLATES, of all sizes and prices, for sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 Sotith Second street; Harrisburg, P i octl FRESH LOT OF LEMONfi• just-re ceived at -WM. IL GRAY & CO., (Mouser & Lochmanis old stand , Market aquare:) delft CEESE.—Prime New York Cheese, Pine .ipple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, jutt 'ret• casei. this morning at SHISLER Br. FRAZER'S. not , SOMETWING -New. and amusing for linen—Vat Flying Birds, at non t Clap/Tim Bookstore, litairisburg,e EDUCTION Di PRICES. .--- " -- SHISLER & FRAZER, , Rive made another relinction'irt Prices 011 "the - leadMi aril es of . act2B . i; ^Ei CRAOKEEII%--Booton - Wilke 131 s Booton,ltwE Thecnno, Beaton infint Bia on. Bedell Olster C'raciterk soetea Pio-nlO Cracking, ?rep , , n -;Buttox Orekorn, just received at , ; DOUR k ICOIERPER. EW CURRENCY BOLDER at nOot saiXll2lll Book ato e, —WebsMr PRICE THREE CENTS. EVENING EDITION. LETTER FROM SHERMAN'S ARMY. Below we publish a letter written by a sol dier in Sherman's army to his friends in this city. It will be read with interest: NEAR SAVADINAII, GEO., Dec. 15, 1864 MY DEAR. • : The last time I wrote to you, which was about the sth of November, I told you that might be some time before you heard from me again." I tb,ought, then, that I could see that there was a "big move in prospect," How well I guessed at the truth, you ate already aware, for I assure you it was all "guess work" with me then. Well, the "great . move of Sherinan's army" has finally come to a stand still. The one "great object, for which the move was made, i. e., the establishing of a new "base," has been attained, and the' Army is now estab lished "in line" around the city Of Savannah, and in full communication' with the fleet of Farragut, and the forces of Gen. Foster. On the 13th ult., a part of the 15th Corps made an assault upon, arid captured Fort M'Allister with all its garrison and armament. I do not know what the strength of the fort was. Savannah is said to be defended by 35,- 000 or 40,000 troops, but all the railroads run ning into it are in our posie.ssio.n; in fact the place is c'hemmed in" and must eventually fall. The 20th CorpS rests upon and commands the river above 'the city; its. line running south connects with the: Fouiteenth Corps which, in turn, Connects with the:Seventeenth, and the Seventeenth with therifteenth, which is in communication with the fleet. I will not attempt to give you a description of our journey or "raid" through Georgia. I have not time; the story cannot be told in one day. Suffice, now to say, that it was attended with little, or no difficulty. The army left Atlanta on the 16th of No vember, and destroyed all the railroads and public property, on the route, and in less than a month was in communication with oar forces at Fort Pulaski. We foraged nearly all out "?rub"—did not have but four days' ra tions issued to us from the time we left At lanta until we came here, and . we .never have lived better since we have been in the service. The whole country over which we traveled is now a complete, wreck, unteneable for man or beast. We had but little fighting to do on the raid. At Louisville we had a skirmish with Wheeler's cavalry, and when within fourteen miles of Savannah we ran against a fort which commanded our, road, but we soon dis lodged the "Johtuaies" from there. One man in my company was wounded in the taking of that fort, and one man from one of the other companies. I hatre nOt- time to write much now, but will at the earliest opportunity give you in detail a history of this the hardest blow the South -em Conthieveracy ever reCeived. I do not' believe_thatlone hundred millions of (Toilets - Would. Pay 'for the Cotton - 1m haVe . burned during this-trip, at the - rate of. $2 per pound; and the burning of the cotton is not one-tenth part .of the damage We have done. I have not heard a word of news Since the sth day of Noveriiher—do not even knowthat Old Abe is President. Please write soon— ditect to Savannah, Ga. Affectionately; your brother, WILBER F. Atj ZeCeorapQ. From Europe: Arrival of the Steamship Africa. NEVV S UNIMPOUTAI\*.L' . • H..s.mikx, Dee. 22.- The steamship Africa, from Liverpool on ou the 10th, via Queenstown on the 15th, ar rived at 11 o'clock last night, hi a thick snow storm. The political intelligence is unimportant. The bank of France has reduced the rate of discount from 6 to 5 per cent. Petroleum steady at Is %der. 10Id for refined. American securities, inactive; LT. S. five twenties 424® 434. LIVERPOOL, Dec.. 10th.—The steamer lowa, from London for New York, which run ashore near Cherbourg, has totally sunk. The news by the Australasian came to hand too late to develops any effect upon to-day's markets. Arrived frOM Philadelphia, December 9th, ship Scotland,*at Queenstown. Arrived from Baltimore, December. 6th, ship Flora Mc- Donald, at Havre. There is no ink 'Mediae prospect of a reduc tion in the Bank of England rate of interest to six per cent. The demand.for. discount rather more active. The Confederate loan was depressed by the news of 'Sherinan's progress. A violent gale on the east coast of India .had caused great immolation, and thousands of lives are reported' loaL • The Earl of Carlisle dia. , 'on the sth inst. The English Home Secretary awards all the monetary reward hi 'Muller's case to the cabman Matthews. The remains of Mr. Dayton were embalmed and sent to Havre for shipment to New York. :The obsequies took place on the Bth, attended 'by a representative of the EmPeror, and the , Freneh Foreign Minister and the whole dip lomatie body, a detachment of troops forming the guard of honor. XXXVPatit Congress---SecOnd Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Eliot (Mass.) offered the following: Resolaerl, That the Secretary of War be di rected to communicate, if not inconsistent with the public interests, the report of Major General Canby, concerning the purchase by the United States of.the products of the States declared, to be in in busirrection. • t Theit not being aAttorum of in embers-pre sent, a call of the House was 'ordered to ob tain one. One less than a !per= answered to their napvs. Mr Stevens (FR) said it seethed unkbad :that after,"a holiday or - to weeks ft'pla to-day `ha4-beeriotel that thienbanj.shonld:no* ah : dent Mr. Farnsworth (IlL) teniarkticl - that the House yederday refused to concur in the sug- ,STRAI PRINTING iSTAILISRIIENT. eirikIR . I . L4LNO The Allowing are the rates for advertising in the GRAPH Those having ativertiz;ug to do will Lad it con • - - 4 , 0 , 1 f lines eue-tudi equate Right Laos, or toot,- han fou r . I.,:ostitrae, a square Felt 4 ~ .41,P 44411 tar. One $ Two days.... ..... 50 Three day A..... ..... 76 i One week . 1 5 One month . 3 00 Two mouths. 4 60 Three m0nth5........ 5 60 Six months 3 00 One year 16 00 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's 'Notices Funeral Notices, each insertion Business notices Inserted in the Local COhMirl 7 or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CRXTH sea LINE rot each insertion. gestion that there should be no business transacted today, and yet some members had gone home; thus preventing the transaction of business. It was subsequently ascertained that some of the members had retired, thus leaving the House six less than a quorum. At half past one.' o'clock the House ad journed till the sth of January. N Orthern Frontier. ARREST OF THREE OF THE RAIDERS QUEBEC, Dec. 21. Three more arrests of the late rebel raiders have been made, and they are now undergoing an examination. A special messenger has arrived from Washington, with dispatches from Secretary Seward. CAPTURE OF YOUNG; THE LEADER OF THE I:= QtrEnv), Dec. 21.—Young, the leader, and two others of the St. Albans raiders, were captured to-day at St, Francois, sixteen miles from Itiviere du Loup, on their way East. It is thought all will be arrested. It is'evident they are making for New Brunswick by differ ent routes. Mirkets by Telegraph. Nam- YORK, Dec. 22. Cotton quiet. Flour advanced and prices firm; sales 7,000 bbls. at $9 60®9 86 for state; slo@,lo 25 for Ohio, and $lO 65®12 for southern. Wheat quiet. Corn, dull and declining. - Beef steady. Pork dull and lower; new $4l 50®42. Lard dull at 2024:i.. Whisky unsettled; $2 25 offered and $2 30 asked. • DEATH Or TELE Hon. Wrrx:rAM L. DAYTON. By the last arrival from Europe, we regret to learn that our Minister at the Court of France, the Hon William IL Dayton, of New Jersey, died suddenly in Paris, of apoplexy, on the .second of the present month. Mr. Dayton's conduct of our relations with the French 'Empire during the term he has filled has been honorable to himself and to his country, and ,his demise will be as muvh deplored by the ,Diplomatic Corps in Paris, and by the French government, as at home; for Mr. Dayton had. ;exhibited a peculiar adaptation for diplomatic `life, mingling dignity and urbanity with ,shrewdness and tact in the management of the most difficult complications.. There was ,nothing petty, mean, tricky or intriguing in his 'nature, and in such a whirlpool of diplomacy and intrigue as Paris is, and always has been, his lofty attributes and dearly marked course procured for him a degree of respect which is rare. For a number of years Mr. Dayton was a ;member of the United States Senate, in the 'days when statesmen filled its seats and eon-. (ducted its debates - , and in the companionship of such men as Clay, Webster, Clayton, 'frying, Corwin, Crittenden and Sewar•d, became fa miliar with the higher walks of public life and questions of international policy. Thus ,trained, and gifted by nature with a well ILYslanoed mind- and rare equanimity of temper :and amiability of deportment, he was enabled to render to his-eountry this great: crisis of aestipx -most_important services. at the court of the European interfere in our civil war. -He was emphati cally the right man in the right Place. Mr. Dayton was not quite fifty-seven ye-ars. of age at his death. Born at Baskinridge, N. J., he was educated at Princeton Ccillege, be 'came a lawyer, served as a member of the New Jersey Senate, and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee; served three years as - a judge on 'the bench of the New Jersey Supreme Court, and from 1841 to 1851 was nominated es the : Republican candidate for the Vice-Presidency; .in 1860 was an important candidate for the Presidency before the Republican. National Convention, and in 1861 was appointed Minister' to France. His career has been a useful one throughout. - A "ELomx" MAP. —Nashville lies in a, bend or curve of the Cumberland river, the right bank tending toward the North. Ten turn pikes diverge from the city, almost exactly as the fingers point, when, placing one's hand side by side (with the palms upward,) one ex ' tends them as widloly as.possible. The wrists represent Nashville. The left thumb of the left hand is the Lebanon pike, running along the river nearly parallel with it; the forefinger is the Murfreesborough pike; the. middle -finger, the Nolansville pike (between which the Chattanooga Railroad runs;) the -ring finger, the Franklin pike; the little finger, is the Granny White pike. The little finger of the right hand is the Hillsborough pike; the . ring finger, the Harding pike; the middle finger, the Charlotte pike; the forefinger, the Hyde Ferry pike; the thumb, the Buena Vista pike. Between the Charlotte and Hyde Ferry pike runs the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad; and between the Nelansville and Franklin, the Tennessee and Alabama Rail road. Five forts protect the city. They are situ.- ated about two miles from the center of the city, excepting Fort Efneston, which is about a- mile and a half. Fort Negley is between the Nashville and Franklin pikes. (Between. 'middle and ring fingerpeft hand.) Fort Cassino is between Franklin and Granny White (Between ring finger and the little finger left :hand.) Fortlf orton is on Granny White pike. (Little finger left hand.) Fort Hueston is on the ;Hillsborough pike. (Little finger right hand.) Fort Gillen is between the Harding aid Hyde Fer f). pikes. (Between ring anei middle finger right hand.) Our second line of battle. is per haps half a mile beyond the forte; our first, a mile; in front of them are skirinishers, more or lees advanced, as the situation permits. This map may not be as accurate as the Topographical. Corps could make, but it is sufficiently , correct for ordinary purposes. And, if we can master it, there will be .no chance of losing it, and it will always be at hand to explain subsequent events if the "siege" be prolonged. The left and right hand will also' represent the left and right . OUT army. VINE FAMILY FLOUR--SHISLER FRAZEE have.mado arrangemente with one : of. best mills in the country to supply the families onion burg with choice FLOM Every barrel warranted, delivered to any part of the , eity free of charge. gnIFILER. & FRAZER, Dealers lu Fine Family Groceries., opposite the Con House. *lll3 JUST4.4I3,IVED T=A fin - e lot of PANNE PEACHES• and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERICV PINE APPLES, FRPSH PEAS, just reeetVed by mel4-Itr IMIW 11775 Y, 4reet neer nieinfir_ . QMOSED SALMON.-- FERE SMOXED ►euLudori; just received ar ' SEMLER A; IMME:11, iQah (scecerman to Wm. Pock jr, 4k co :SALT SAL . A new insoles 'of find salt ealnion—joba metered 'and for sale by SE MLER el FRAZEE. nepred (successor to W. Dock k vok) EZBE ?OR B + . QUANB. one 4111- Two . 1 00 Three days.... One week..... Ons month.... Two months... Three months.: Six monou3-..... One year 1 25 2 '25 6 00 9 09 11 00 15 00 25 00 2 75 i5O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers