THE TELEGRAPH I, PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY 4;'IEOR GE 11 ER 0-N Eli, OFFICE THIRD Sr NktitE WALZCV TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 6ING.LB SUBSCRIPTION. run PAILS" D.I.EGFAPEI 145 served t enu,criber., to the city at lu,lf. cents por WOO t. Yearly subs:3o3as will he barged $6 00 is aavaucc. These persons wile neglect to pay in ad %%incr. wid biz. charged $7 00. 'WEEKLY TELEGR4Pii Tun Tut.eou.Allits also published weekly,and is furnishel bah:err:l3os at the following cash rates: Stogie copies, weekly ..$2 00 Three copies to one Post. Office s • 5 00 Teu copies to one Pest Office 15 00 D ICA L. Dit. IMILNIM 0 R LOCK HOSPITAL, tio discovered Lite most curtain, Eipc;:tiy LA. and etiOctital remedies in the world tor DiB , I4IASES OF MPRUD.FNUB KELITIir iN Si 'TO TN MOVE WALK?, NO KEHOUHY OH N9XIOUS I.IHOOsi Vure Warranted, or No Charge, in from 1:,1. t.J . .i)::0 1)(11j4 Weakness of the Back, Affections of thill - Kid.a.eys And Bladder Involuntary Discharges, Impotency General De. bility, 'Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblinge, - Dimness of Sight or Giddinms, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lunge, Stomach or Bowele—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those Secret and solitary practices - more fatal to their vistims than the song of Symms to the Mariners of !Mystics, blighting their Most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Mc., imrsible. YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the VIOLS= of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps untimely grave thousands of Young .Men_ of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherivise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE afarriith persons, or Young Xon codtemplatang marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organla debility; defer• &0., speedily cured. Re who Macon himself under the care of Dr. J. may re Mr.cusly confide in his honor as a gentleman, end cons &l rutty rely upon his skill. AN a Physician. ORGAINICI WEAKNEE-U; rair.odiately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing infection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the .vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue.. Now, who that under stands tl a subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened ? loss of procreative power, nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, eonttitutionni debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, eon samption decay and deth. Orrcom No. 7, Sorra FRXDX.R4OX Surma, Lent hand aide going from Baltimore street, a tow doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a !tamp. The Doctor'. fliplomas hang in hie °Dice. DR. JOHNSON, sambor of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad. nab from One of the most eminent celleges in the United States, and the greater part Of whose been spent In the hospitals 'of .London, Paris, PhiladolPhis and oleo, where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures Wit were ever known ; many troubled with ringing ha the head and ears whoa asleep great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended eameihnea with derangement of min were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are sons of the sad and melancholy affects pro diced by 'early habits of youth, via : weakness of the back and limbo, pain it the head, dimness of eight, loge of ingscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia ; am. VOUS Irritability, symptoms of oonsuniption, fee. Xiiefil,LY. —The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of oaemory, a:reunion of ideas, de . premien of spirits:, evil forebodings, aversion to loalety , self distrust, love of Solitude, timi dity, ant, are -seind of the aella produced. I'OUNG MEN Who have itintreit themsefrus by a certain practice in dulged in . when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil ounirtahinna, or at school, the Weds of which ere oightly,folt, arab when asleep, and if not cured: rend'ers marriage modra Bible, and destroys both miod and body, should& mmediste/y, Wbutta mom, the hopoof his Los day, the darling: of his pareika, should ho snatched from.all proapi , cts and enjoymOnts of life, by tho consequence of deviating from the , path ,of naturwerni indulging in a certain 'learnt habit, Such portions wow, before contem plating MARRIAGE; &gee t that a sound Mind End body mettle most n'illAsary 'requialtes to pronioteconnutilalhappinese; Indeed, with , out these, the journey through life becemwr a weary pit.. grimage ; the prospect hourly darlr.cus to the view ; mind becomes shadowed with despair and in led with the melancholy reflootir.n that tbc hallpiners df *iamb b, comes blighted with fair own, DISEASE OF MIESITOENOE. When the misgu ided and imprudent votary of pleasure dads he hes imbed the seeds of This painful (Itemise, 3 too often happens that an (Mimed muse of shame or!tho &and of discovery deters him from applying to those who frima education and respectability, can elope befriend him: Re falls kilo , the hands of ignorant and designing pretend etc, .who , inmpable - of boxing, ma. hip: pecuniary _ Bub- Stanek. keep Minlrliting moul d aftermonth, or al long es the smallest fee can be obtained, , and in despair leave him With rained health to sigh ever hie galling disappointment, Or, by .the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten :the Oonstitutionaltracom sof this terriblectis' eaoe,such cetera& dons of the -hroat, Nose, Skin, eta, promoting with frightful rip dity till death puts a period tibia dreadful sufferinp by sending him to that endive°, a country from whence no traveler returns. INDOESMWM OF TIEEFi PREBB The many thousands cured at this Institution year, after year;ind the numerous important surgical: operations performeilby Dr. Johnson, witneesed by the rtiperters of. the Hun, Cfbigss, r and many other papacy, notices of which hare appeared again and, again before the public, besides Nislpliong a gentleman of character and reaporad. Illi ' maldent guarantee to ths Mated. SKIN Dr3EASES SPEMALY CURSD ' • 011laiit NO. Sarah: Wredisrislc Strimt An 20.1113, Diaries ! Diaries `von, AtLARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily Journals for the 3;erir . 18 6 5, fur, sale at Schefer's ato* 21 South Secorid:striet; Harriatturg, Pa. "nab . . . AUnanacal. ..Almanacs ! 13 A. "Et English and German 1 4 aricaster Almanacs, for the year e 3 6 5 . __For able, by -the growl, Dozen, or elngle, it:SO:Leer's gookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrbsburg, f'24- • 6020 A. FEW MORE COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTICE IN TSB -4 ; pIPREME COURT AND COURTS OP THE rivEurrs JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP. PENNSYLV ARIA; Composed of Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Price -$5 60. For sale at Scheirer% Bookstore, Hanisburi., P.. nabs • FAS, Arm and Parlor Chairs„Ainible 4140:able?, Loaages and - 7 00'ivrA0E,.411A.ildB..1r; Idt, , E~ -Irogreat variety at •, lAMBS R. BOYDICSON: Now Workroom 29.Arntkpocomiqt 13‘444.1 . • 11111Ratik:UAD.---Fifty firktrift fine luftle . rendered 1. 4 D, for sale by the firkin or pos i dt i aost waived at EOM UOYZR & . . 7 _ • . $ ~ \ .., . : ----- .- .--:. . ' ' i t • '1 . . • "1' ;: : :: : ° 2 , ), 7 --......; . . . ~ :: :-. .. .. ~. ...., _ ...1r, ~ p ,` ..'-,, : 4 2. ::. -- 'l•.. ~, . 1 ~ . .1! ID. ~. i , .„_,...r..."-..,,,,,v•....i.;,4:1/F,. ,7,,,..,„..1-t.:..,-.7,...-,,, . . it . I .„ .. , • __ —,.„-„,,, 0.._-_,...,...„.7.4„..z.-1-4, 3-_,„,,,,....„1„ , ._. . . . BY GEORGE BERGNER MEDiCA L CHEROKEE OIIME THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS, AND LEAVES. An unfailing cure, for ffpernustorr Asa, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal /remissions, and ail disaster 'aditeust by :eV pollution; such as LOSS of Memory , . Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Ditrif KU of Vi sion, ffemcdure Old ilyr, Weak Nerves, Difficulty, of Dreathiny,-Trembiing, Wakeful seas, eruptions on the Pace, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de- Paling-front the path eaf nature. ,• japoThis medicine's a eietableer‘ract; and one on which all can rein as it has been Used in our pradtice for many years, and: with thousands treated, it had not failed in a single instance. " chrative powenshavo been' sufficient to gain victory over the most arab* cane., Ail - To those who have trifled with their oonstftution, . until they think themselves beyond e reach Of thMedical. aid, we would say, Despair not -I amps:anoxia Cirna will' restore yen to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failedl. Price, $2 per bottle, or three hottles* for $5, Mid for warded by Express to all parts of the, world. Pamphlet sent Ji mall free of .postage by • DR. W. R. MERWIIQ & CO., ' - Sole Proprietors,• nols-deod4m • No. 88 Liberty street, New- York. .(11 LAD NEWS for the UNFORTUNATE. THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DLSCOVERED.AT LAST. Cures in from one to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEROKEE IN.JECTION, Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves. CHBOKRER REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of fheurinary organs, sees as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the ttladder, Inflam mation of the Kidr..em Rtone in the Madder, Btrieture Greed, Cleat, Gonnorhea,' and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor a /bus (or Whites in females) cohere al/ the oldnauseous medicine& fame fated . • xi,- It is prepared In a highly concentrated form the dose only being from one to two teahgeonfuls throe, times per day. . . .4%-• it is 'diuretic and alterative its action; purifying ono cleansing tlio blood, causing, it to itOW ail 'Ptlts original purity end vigor; thus removing from thasyst m all peruitiloas causes which have induced disease. •,,: CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or iselat ant to. thoCUROREE REMEDY and shobld be used An conjunction with.ttilit medicine in all cases of tiormrrhea; Oleet, Fluor or Whites. Its effects .are healing, soothing and 7ernuicene ; removing all scalding, befit, chordee and pain, instead of the inizedng and almost un endurable pain that is eltperiended with - nearly . all the cheap quack Infittions. Sfir By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medidnes-at the same improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. Prick, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or threelottles fbr $5.. im.Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle,ior three bottlee for sb. Sant by Express to any address on rocelpt of price. THE CHEROKEE. REMEDY, CHEROKEE INJECTION AND CHEROKEES CURE, are sold by all enterprising Druggists. in the civilized' world. Some unprincipled dealets, however, try to sell worthless compounds In the place of these ; those which they can purchase at a chisp price, and make more money by selling, - than they can on these medicines. As you -value your health, aye, the health, of your future.offspring, "do not ,be deceived by such unprincipled druggistsi ask for these medicines and take no others, If the sionista will not, buy _them for you, inelose.the MOney WA, letter, and we Witt send them to. youby. express, securely sealed and paaked from observation. . Lathes or.gentlemeaLcan address, es in. perfect, cons thmesoktaaieg.fully and plainly their: diseases And- synen toms, salvo treat 1 0 1 1gifeW... - of. kobronic nature 6 -mob. or female.. Fattente nee4 not : bositato because .th Weir inability to visit us, es we have lcepled, patients success fully in all purlieus of the civiiined • glow, by correspond- . Pattents addressing us Neal please state plainly all the symptoms of - their. complaints, and write, Postoillte, County, State, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for 'reply. We send our 32-page pamphlet free to any address:— Address all to the propiletors, flit.. R. AiEßw,itra: CO. nols aced dm No, 33 Wert.) , street, NCW York, TILE LONG LOOKED , FOR - HAS COME! "HXALTH AND.HAPPINITAI TO THR 80N8 AND bAITGIITMIA" or. Ayrucnox t" DR: COLLINS,' SYRUP - OF ROOTS DARKS - AND HERDic, "VORthekoure of Coughs, Colds,f6ore Tiro Bronchitis,. &fibres,: and'altsimllar Mire , valets.- • The Ojai of this Medicine is to soothe and easejlae cough ; to diesolye the ,clifigealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking, hawking, and doughing ; to relieve the irritation in the titrilet, which Is produced py catching Cold on the slightest ex posure. -It expectorates the diseased attitterthathas as cumulated in the Lungs which retards:tend oppresses ithe. respiratory or breathing organs, heals and tourialies the lungs and bronchial tubes ; • t This medicine gives tone to the stomach, itpuriflei and circulates-ttie bierni, which causes Oppression of the chest and difiElcUlty in breathing. . Good New for ;lathers and childreiti---Here is the sufferer's balm k keep it in your family, sickness comes as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful dMease, Oroup, or similar complaints. Here is a preventative—it is natnries friend. these Medicines are prepared and sold by . HAHUaI., COLLIN.% Maa, - Mear the minter of Third street and Strawberry alley.. t Also, for sale at:the Drug Store of , . . J. IL BOILGAHONHN. Corner of Fourth and . Market streets, Harrisburg,. All orders should: be 'addressed. to .ISt. S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. , . . . . These Medicines are purely Vegetable. . n017.' Information Free TO s FEE - 0: its A GENTLEMAN', cArell Nervotid .4ol.. iiliiy, IncomPetency, Premature Decay, and TOath tut Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, wilt be happy to furnish to ell who need it, (free of charge,) the receipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertitiees bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable, remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of latal. nobs. The Recipe and full information—of vital imPor to cheerfully sent by return mail, • Address • JOHN B. OGDEN No. 6D Naasau street, New Irerk. P. R.—Norio:is sufferers of belts Semis will find this information inValeable. ' n029-daism CREESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just reoelvegl at SHISLER 4 FRAZER, IA a 7 stowoomo to W _nowt: V.> . * Co VALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at nol RSIRLF.R ac MAZER% . -A.lmonclgi; Opis' fritaki, Pllberta aril Walnuti3,.ae decl24tf JOHN WLSET. NE.W GAME_FOR OHILDREN.' . :CIAME OF 80/iITA.IERELtogetheT with an hatmtmeht ot other Games, at Schaffer's Bfohsthre, 23:South Second street., Harristaut .3%. • octl TRA FAMILY. FLOUR and. Iti EX a *4 always on bind, of Ole 1304 IBLlility, BOYER - dc KoravEß. /11011ATO KETSITP, by the gallon), quart or 1... pint, Just _rawly ed a 6 MM. CQ," (Houser and 140 : 41 . pan t a Old StIVIL4 liptsreL) dealt dea „ - - • 114 Buhl `.ED,:. gooadotof Appian:and Po ! YIP tatlea,st .1-ullN u ecl2:dd _ qkNa4l, frEELARGES . tasiti best Seleaiitizi, J. es In the caw s -to be bad at , a oeda , 4413W11A-TRAMn" piklitTEDTßUlTs.—Peaches, Ithiek • es, Toniatoeu, &cLoSse., at fdecl2-dtf] JOHN WD6JO2. THF AND FOREVER." lARRISBURG, PA.. Great Attraction' NO. 13 AHEAD!! . . ERRB. . MAY NO. 13 MARKET STREET flag just cipeeed her new FALL STOCK of ti v ia BONNETS, LADIES' AND KRISES' HATS, PEA TIERRA! AND FLOWERS. Also, THE LATEST STYLES of OLOAKS . AND .01E01:MARS And a fine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, REBUS, dtc. T E NFAII INGE Constantly on hand, besides everythinirninsally found ' In the largest furnishing establishments imthe country. sep2o ....GAMES! - .GAMES! GAMES! Pictorial Game of Characters Pet of the Cradle. ' • ' • New Genie of Quotations. Fireside Spotlit:lg Game. - Japan Puzzles. - iiirs. Jollybo*'s Pic.rde. - - 010 Maid and Old Bachelor: • rur•krt New Game or Matrimony. New Game of Forteit. New Game of Spirit" Rapper. Nutg to Bract or r 4 Puzzles. AritlnnetletilGeme. ' Genie of Nip, - . Sledge, Muck and Frizzle. ' ',Sparkles ot lr It front thf.Breln. ' Pan of lifoinua. • • "Quartette Game or English Poets. • Sultan 'Vizier Or Scherzerade. Quartette Germs of American Poets, Dejected Picture Puzzles. • - Conitersation Cards. Fortune Telling Cards. Fox and Geese, For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, 21 South 2nd street, HarKbAtOrg, - • no2l. TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, . . . .. ;; I F .11 R TX g ; x. o r..i Ilt-lk Y 15, - • A large and aneaSsortment, conNsting of China tea sets, &O ' ' WoOden tea sets, China, baskete, - , :. :Crying dolls, ' Vases,. ,„ Boxes of game Tin trumPets, • , Paint hoasts - 'Rola, , Tool c,heata, Moving boys, Dressed dolls,. ' Wooly sheep, . Doll heads' Watches, ' • Guns and swords, Stables, • • • .: . Furniture, Menageries, - Animals on whiels Grace hoops, -, Kitchen utensils; Wind-mills, Infantry, tDrhinnunti,..i . Cavalry, .^: Harlequins, ' Railway, Magic, lanterns, • ' rbultry yards, 'Sheep folds, : , Ten-pina, , Ilex:toys ' ' Noah ark, • .Ito,' • Arc., , Itre. , , atc , Also, a large and [the assortment of' sugar toys, trench and common candies , ' Also, alWays Can hand 'such as foreign and dorneslic fruit in &neon, eh-kinds of mute , dried'fruits, cakes and crack:. ers,..l4s . , spices and coffee, jellies and canned fruits, res ent', arrant.% citrons, prunes, &e . , wholesale and retail at, the 'Stbre of - JOHN WISE, ; nolo .. . . Third and Walnut. HOLIDAY PRESENTS: GEO: W. IicCALLA 3 -w Na 38 Market Stred, Opposite the Jorteif House, .IUfAS just *give& a large tisOrtpaent of IWT:Vial;:gtnrear ida r "Ivmuti4 and ' 13e eat your present while the assortment is cat dee64llm 3tLiitl3; Currants, • Alnekberry, • Pine Apple, Cherry, . per sale at. : Etlecildtti . JOAN GUM BALLS. .Hat Balls, '• - Parlor Balls, Musical Balls, Alphabet Balls, , _• ; • , Fancy Rlbbstißalls, A full assortment it BERGNER'S Bbollstbre. H • C • 0 4 H feadier of the, Piino, Melodeon, AND "SINGING. t . No. 16, Mao grim; BMW MARKS?. kop3-d6m BIIOIIWHEAT FLOUR. • TONS ISI3OKWIEEA'I' 1 7 1,0178, of. 1' Empe. rlef quality, Justleceivid Croke. Ma . Wyoudn Valley and for lade in any quantity at. nol4 SILIBLER Vradz : 'E; ' MIXTRA WHITE WEIF.A.T FLO .1/ 'looted White Whelk rey•ltiour*, Jed ivf, and for tale at WISLSR At , it* Successors to W. Dock. Jr., co HAVANA OliaCrES.— Fine Raven Oi••• angel Just Teceaved. at , -siILSIAII ewe aneecalSOra to wm.Ds . mk., Jr., Co. Til* OASES BFICED ,GYSTERS :..tetiiid at BLEB,FRAZ Jeo29 Successors to W. Dock, Jr. • TU O T bEIVEI: 1 ; a fine lot of Pie and OP° 4 461 . 9 : 44r i . 1 t";(4 1011.0iLLESFAkialli.drall ' - ` ,l non) Bo By the barrel, hal berrebarrel,jar or YER KO ittCary* Sa I HUBS) NEN{Nti, -DECEMBER .22, 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Grand Exhibition OF Christmas Presents KUNKEL & BRO'S Drug and Fancy Store, • NO. 118 MARKET BTKEF.T THE following are some of the articles to be obtained, appropriate to the season.: . ORNAMENTS. Bohetniatt Glass Vases. Flower Stands. - " Toilet Bottles. • Watch Stands. Cigar Stands. Match Stands. Cigar Ash Stands. Reading and Book Stands. FANCY GOODS. , Fancy Fans. Roney Riding Whips Card. Cases, pearl' and Cues. — leather: ' ' Cat Glass Colognes. Ivory Tablets • LEATHER GOODS. Dressing Cases: Shaving Cases. Ladies' Comps])lons '.. Ladies' Satchels. Cabs Satchels. Porta°lios. Cigar Cases. Match 'Canes. 'Portertionnalen. ladies' Purses. _ . TOILET ARTICLES. Powder Puff Bolos. Hand Mirrors. Toilet Waters Brushes. Powders. Sachets. Burnett's Toilet setts SOLDIERS' WARES. Witting Cases. Sewing Cases. Cavalry Cases. Folios. Leather sod Wicker Pocket Mirrors Fluke Money Balta, Leather, Metal and Gum Cups. VARIETIEBI Wooden Puzzles.' Fancy Bolles. Ifeen3channt Pipes. • Wurk Boxes. Brier 14i:es.. Box of Cigars. Pocket Knives. Leather aad Gum Balls Fine Razors. Fine nominee& Varies for 'lBB5. Thermometer& Also.", great tariety•of Ulm, Ware, all of which can be had at KUNKEL & DRO'B DRUG STORE, dec7ty No. 118 NAIig.TW ATRNET,.l3AllreeBtre6. „, BUEHLER HOUSE -.HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased the BUEHLER HOUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this OLD AND POPULAR HOUSE equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. dec7-19* CORRECTION OF ENROLLMENT LISTS. OFFICE:AZ=I BOARD OF ENROLLMENT, 14th Ingmar, BENl:mm.ora, B.A/MDSBURG, Nov 23,1864. rpilE BOARD OF ENROLLMENT will, iv A. ALL vricra, receive and attend to applications for the correction of the enrollment lista. ALLY per&on, Pr ray tr-eu...-xmorar p "balm itogotos any name Am - nen - Off the ha if he etui,e,how, the satiellic lion of the Board, that * the person named is not properly enrolled, on account of --: - Ist. Allmage. 2d. Non-residence. 3d. Over age. • 4th. , Permanent physical disability. '6th. -Having eervedinthe mffitiiry or naval service of the United two years during the present war, and been heel:wady discharged. . • • Civil officers, clergymen, and all the citizens are invited to appear, 'at all 'ttm,s,,before the Board to point out errors in the lists, end to give such information in their possession as may aid in the correction and re vision thereof. n023111m ni I:MAMMY DEPARVMENT. Orrrog or COXPTROLLER OP ritir denitEVOlf, : - WAimuserox, Nov. 21, 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned,. it has been made' appear that the pIARJELLSBURG NATIONAL.BANS, in the City of Her: rlthurg, in the Coanty Daophtn, and State of Penn sylvania; has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled !‘An Apt to provide a National Currency; ECOIITC'd by , a pledge of Mittel. Stetthtlioride, and'to ProVide for thaelrenlatibn and . rederaption-iheredf, SPProvdd Jane S, 18.64, and has complied :with 'ell,the provision% of , said act required to herromplied with be'ore commencing the husinoss of bank-. iniknruler said net: Now, therefore, I, SAMUEL T. .'HOWARD- Deputy, Comptroller of. the Currency, do hereby - certify that the Harrisburg National Bank,ip. the City of Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin, and'State of Pennsylvania, is author laed to the business of banking under the ant nforeiald. - testimony wilder); witness my band and seal .of office this twenty-first day of November 1884. • ; SAMUEL 'l'. HOWARC, , Omar...) Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. no2B • • STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, tonoh- L 7 tpg at.QUEENSTOWN (Conn ,HAnson.) • The well known illeatherli 'Or thelAirerficopt, New York and • Phila. delpfda Stiamablp Company, (Zupan Line), carrying' the . 11. S. Malls ; are intended tO NIB as follows .. .. Saturday, Degenibpr MANCHESTER 24. BALTIMORE... " " at. and every. succeeding Baturdny,, at noon; from Fier 44, North Miver. RATEgbir PASSAGE: `..-,' Payable in' Golderitt Equivalent in Currency. I !UST CABIN, $BO 00 ATICER.4OS, ' : • $BO 00 do to tondos, 85 00 - .do " 63. Ldudon,' 84.00 do to. Paris, ' ' 95 00 ' ' do . to Paris; ' 40 00 do to Ramburr, 90 00 do . terHaniburg, 87 00 poneongentalso forwarded _fit Hone, Br. men, BOtter . dam, Antwerp, &0.,.at equally low rates. Fares/rola Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, 875, $B5; EA littneragesllo. . Those who wish to send for -their _friends mt buy tickets here at these rates. Por .further" - information apply at the Company's o.fflous. - . ... ' JOHN G. DALE, . - Agent, ... .0c,14 - - 15, 4 BmadWay, N. A'. • . OVID'S'. JOHNSON. ATTOR.STZT AT LAW. Ornas Na . 23, - Bonn Szcomi Legal baldness and colleotiona promptly attended to dodo-dim TEANSEAVENT SLATES! ALAEGY. ASSORTMENT. OE TRAITS RA RENT 13LATIIM, of all sizes and pica; for;safe at Scbefforlaßooliattire, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, A. FligB4 'LOT OF LEMONS -jtst re= eeivid-ht' . WM. N. GRAY & - (Houser & 1-whom's old stand; Klrket silhare.) IHEESE —Prime lieQ'Tork Clieeie Pine Apple t - Ettgllati Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese; just re colved.this morning at SRIBLER & FRAZER'S. , . QVIIETHING,New amusing for cc -kJ dreill'llt:l o lyitig Bills, at • no2l .t.CHEFFEWS Bookstore, Harrisberk, • • itmr'w,Pßicsa• R ED:134:71 & FRAZER, Have made atioßt S 'er . , in Prices on !be - 00 1644 in: '; articles of. groosniew., wilitsiroititikiiik—Bireitoii Wine Ms `eiultaj %kin tli blk - I)lgnits, Boston Batter Mr. -WA BOston:oystosr trackers,. Boston Pkwlki Crooke*. Trento/I Dotter 9rekerS koPeivtlik*; • • 1 1 0100A , A PPM:. , 'JEW CIIRRENOI 1101410.2 Ci t --. 1 . XV. 1091 81:411:972RI8 Book sioie Toilet Soaps. Pomades. Combs. Public . Notice G. G. HUNT, Pro. Mar. and Pres't of Board. MLA& 0. itAWN, Gommdssloner or the Board.,. & T..-CHARLTON, , Surgeon of the Board. ENNIO Webster PRICE• THREE CENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHOIC E Holiday Gift Books. ALL the Choice Illustrated Gift Books issued by the press of this country, can be seen at • BERGNER'S BOOK STORE: An early examination is solicited, as there ere but few copies of each of the elegant yolnmes in stock. ENOCH ARDEN. Negantly Illustrated by Billings, 33 plates of the most flnishcd character. Price in muslin, extra gilt,s4 60 . . ENOCH ARDEN. , Another' edition Illustrated by IS Farge, Vedder and Barley. Price, $3 00. SAXE'S "C.LEVEE, STORIES." • • The poems all new, and'the illustrations In the high* style of art. Pt 1ee.5310.. "'WAS THE NIGHT"EFORE CM110T; . Moore's beautiful poem of "The visit of St. Nicholas," illustrates" by- Marley", with characteristic etigmvirtga. Price, illuminated cover, 75 cents. V. CHRISTIAN BALLADS. By Arthur Clearland acute, illuminated and illuetrated by Hows. Elegantly printed. Price $6 00, antique $9 00. BISHOP STEVENS ON THE PARABLES. An elegant volume printed on fine tone paper. n• lustrated in the LiOesi style Of art by Franklin. Price in morocco $B.OO. VIL SACRED ALLEGORIES By Adams?, with illustrations by Birket, Foster and others. Price in half Turkey $5 00. iRVING'S SKETCH BOOS-ARTIST'S EDITION. Illuitrated with 'one bnndred and twenty engravings, from original designs. This is the most elegant book ever published in America. Price $2O 00. ! LYRA AMERICANA. Verses of PIIII6O and Faith from American poets, re mnged by Rev. George T Rider. 12 mo.: Price -$2 LYiIA ENGLICANA. Uniform with the above, from English poets. 12 mo Price -$2 00. XL GOLDEN LEAVES FROM THE BRITISH POETS. .401. An - elegant volume containing We celebrated minor poeme of the British. authors. Collected and illustrated by Hows. Price $2 50. : GOLDEN LEAVES FROM AMERICAN • • • POEMS. Uniform ,in dcaigu .and character with above.— Price $2 50. • AI new and elegantly -illustrated edition. Price $7 CiO. no CO. IMAGE. • By Hawthorne.- Aluv.enileient; illtisiraied in colors Price $1 7S. xv. , ittßlAt i g OnRISTIAN YEAR . , . . . Elegantly - illustrated by Schmolze.' tral.Turkey.— price $6 CO. Standard Authors. Elegant. editions of the following works, expressly parod for the Holiday season Heber's Poetical Works—Turkey morocco $8 00 • Female Prose Writers of America—Turkey mor.. 800 Thomson's Seastais—Turkey'morrocco 8 00 Roger's PoeticalMorks ri 8 00 Campbell's poeticaLworite 8 00 Slaakepeare's complete works 8 . 00 Hl:lore's Irish midiadleicloth gilt—illustiated 2 00 Sabbm.hbells, chimed by the poets... 2'oo 'Songs of affections; by His. Heinous 200 .Gray's poetical works, Illustrated.. 2 00 tougfelioaos works, new cabinet ed.—per vol.. 200 Tektnyaon'apoerba " " • :"•' .. 2'oo. Fazes n 44 44 2 00 Holmes' " And many other standard works. • BLUE AND GOLDBERIES-81 50 PER VOL LougfelloVes *Mum 2 irol Saxes' poems Ivol Longfellow's prose 2 vol felines' poems 1 col L poems 2 vol BrYant's poems 2 vol -vthittier , a poems 2 Vol osanha! poantio. voi Tensyson's poenty 2 vol. Irving'st ketches 1 vol ' • • ko., . • WHAT TO BUY: FOR CHILDREN ! • ALL THE NEW 80O8S:1011 BOYS:AND , ouILs ABE IN BERGNER'S. • Lo:k at thetist and preserve it for reference! American boiis tioOks of games and sports—an • elegant- volume $4.00. Abbott's hirdories, 50 volumes, price per volume... 1 20 Abbott's little learner Series-10 vol Abbott's rainbosennd lucky Berke-5 vol " 90 Cousin , Alice's home ASIIBI3-8 vol ... 1 25 Abbott's Fjorewatories--.5 vol " 1' 00 SantaDlans gift story, book-6 vol 100 110 peep itoryvol " 90 Little one's library-12 Vol "45 Youth's pictorial litirary-12 vol " • 50 Walter's Tour in the .Bast-4 vol each ....... 100 IDzdature Lebraty-42 vole " 40 . - BOY LIVES. Of Distinguished Americans. Price $1 50. - The Patriot Boy, The Farmer Boy. The. Farmer Boy. The Drummer Boy. The Hero Boy. The Bobbin Boy. The Pioneer Boy. The Fairy Boy. Fanny Fenea New Story Itooks—=lllustrated.... 1 50 The Angel Unawares, by Mary Hewitt, X 25 The Life Boat--a tale of our coast he roes" 1 50 Youth's History of the Febellion Fireside philosophy of Common Things; • • ' " 125 Oruswiyrte, The Sandal,Word Trader " 1 25 Dora Darling, The pine:der of the , Regtment • " 1 50 The Water BEibles; a fairy tale for a • Land Baby " . .. 1 50 The Snow age a fairy tale by Raw. theme Oat of Prioon . ..... ....... .. 25 Has , on Abdallik, new fairy tales 1 50 Watch and Wait, or the' Young Fugitives 1 25 Frrink's calopaign, or What a soy_ciur do' ' 1 50 And a hundred, others, :new and beautiful, together With new editions of the oldifavoritak Sanford & ttortpn. • ' ATablan Knights TiobbionTrusce leioVa Fables Mayne Reed's Works .&c., &b. FOR THE WEE—FOLKS. A large assortment Toy:gooks, from 6 cents up ... to: oq. Alphabet and Eippihng-,Socits._. pantbk ' GABEES;.:BiItr 4 1, &0., &c. Catl at ma: 8010:41011131lity Made and. the goods retained to be seat: home on Obsistinas Eire. BERGNER'S BOOKSTCIitg, Mod. Vluta =ateinflur_FLOl3ll,..-ainSlige: IghtalthavoluadeArtitgiuleuld,with . cl/18 ' C ' t the beet,,,tniliitindbeketosepplyithe burg with bliolte - FLEIIIR: rrel ill trertrtod, Ida delivered to any part of th i eartee of . .Dealers 4 l l. ooert. Hoesd;„ „ , „ „, EPP= 1§4.110E a new invoick ju j i4 !re ceive' at 81111111301 MA.M4 EMI VIII BITTERSWEET 10:3111 STEAK PRINTING-.-ISTABUSITIYAT. • • ADviRTI4Eh gATEIS—DAILY t itidgGkitign Thelollowing are We Aden for adeerfidne lif the nix linen/ Theitehaving advertising to do will tie! if con venient for reference: sir Four line• nr luer uortstitute one-hall equare Eight tutee s or more than four, Constitute a square. FOR .3 HALF 8417.8. RE FOR OFR 6QtrARS Oue day . $ 30 Oue day $ 60 Tai, . . 50 . 1 00 , Three .... 126 One week . ..... 225 One mooch 6 00 Two months 9 09 Three months.. . 11' 00 Six months 15 00 One.• ... • 25 00 .2 75 Three days 75 One week ..... 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months..., 5 50 Six months ' 800 One year 15 00 Administration Notices ltattlago Notices. Auditor's Notices _ -• era Notices, each inacTLicn *5O : Business nottees handed in the Lanni , Cohens or before Marriages and Deaths, Mum Owl's nut Imo for each inaertion. EVENING EDITION. Order from the War Department Officers and Others, Belonging to Gen. Sher. man's Army, Ordered to Report for linty. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADiT-GSM's WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, „ • SPECIAL ORDER xo. 455.. [Extract [Extract No. 25.) 1 All officers and detachments absent from General Sherman's army, and„ not - on duty with General Thomas, will immediately jdin their respective commands neat - Savatiruffi, via New York. • • The Quartermaster atNew.York will furnish transportation. • By order of the Secretary o War. (Signed) E. D. TOWNSEND, A. A. Gen. Shermanls Grand March Through Georgia. Cnven.•xeTt, Dew. The Commercial publishes a letter .fro:in Hil ton Head, giving details of Sherman's march. It was in the main uneventful so far ai fight ing was concerned, hardly' anything in that way having occurred between'Atlanta and Sa vannah. It was not known to the army or to General Kilpatrick himself.that he hal been whipped, or 'that he bad lost his hat In ,the skinmshes on the march no general officer was injured and all , the loasesirom straggling and otherwise will not reach one thousand. . The army moved in four columns. How ard on the right and Slocum on the left with the cavalry in front and rear. In this man ner it covered rt strip of country nearly sixty miles in width for three hundred miles. Sherman has cut through Georgia, a swath of Sixty miles, and has completely destroyed the great railroad qUadrilateral of which the Atlanta,. Macon, Augusta .and Savannshiare the four corners. The railroad leading "Bast from Atlanta to Augusta is destroyed for, ever seventy miles, including the bridges over the Yellow and the contiguous river. The rail road running south from Atlanta to Macon is destroyed for 80 miles. The railroad running east from Macon to Savannah is destroyed for a distance estimated at from ninety to 'one hundred miles. The railroad running be tween Augusta andlSavannah is destroyed from Waynesboro to Savannah for a distance of over eighty miles. The wholesale work of destruction was carried on leisurely and with an eye to:com pleteness. Every rail was bested and bent; every.tie, bridge, water station, tank, vivid shed and depot building was burned andtvery culvert blown up. - - • For miles on the Ma - c.on-aud Savannah: and vogranta. e,..a savannah roads the track is par ried over marshy territory by extensive trestle work. - This-is all burned, and'it will beVery difficult to replace. In all, Sherman has completely destroyed nearly four hundred miles, of railroad .trs.ok. Sherman reached Ossahaw Soind vith — Six thousand negroes, two thousand rebel pitton emandabundantrsupplies of cattle; horses and mules. He released no Federal prisoners of Millen. They were hurried off to Columbia, S. C. A few confined in the Penitentiary, at Milledge ville, were released by our scouts, to whbm the city was surrendered two days in advance of the approach of the main army. 'No doubt is entertained of the capture of Savannah, but flliennten-never intended more than-a demonstration against Macon-and ,Au usta to deceive the enemy, and in, this he was perfectly successful. XXXVIIIth Congress—Secon4 SesSion. SENATE. TASILELCOTON, Dec. 21 Mr. Collamer presented a memorial of Har per & Bro.'s, and other publishers, praying the modification of laws relative to carrying periodicals in the mails. 2 - • Mr.'. Sherman• reported from .the ='Finance Committee the consular..approprlation .bill; also House bill taxing whisky, upon the lat ter of which he asked immediate action. Mr. Sherman said that the bill proposed to 'anticipate - the additiiinal -tax, &Mang-it's-op eration commence January first instea4oaeb rattly first. It was objected that &Leh change of legislation indicated instability in Congress. It Was in effect to•day a judgment upon man ufacturers, interfering seriously with the 'to:L iar arrangements; on the other bandit was asserted that the manufacture would, be' in 'creased during 3snuary, if this bill should not pass, an immense quantity made, =Upon which only , one dollar would be paid. Mr. Mcpougall (Cal.) objected thatit would interfere with contracts. " . . Kr. rartsie'll asserted that the neglect tO" tax whisky had already deprived the connfiy of money enough to pay up the army-to , date. 13.0115 E OF REPRESENTATivI 3.-- Mr. Worthington, member of Congress from the new State of Nevada, was queilfted ; and took his seat. 11 , 1r..Rasson (Iowa) introduced 'a: %%lint posing a duty upon 'tobacco and its mantifac tures. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. The House took up the pending - resolution calling on the'Secretary of War to coirimuni cats the obstacles to a general exchange of prisoners. debate tookJ . 4oe, in which the subject of retaliating, the game treatment on the rebel prisdliers, as the rebels 13esto* on ours,-was discussed: Mr. Schenck (O.) said the Committee on military &trai l s vas galheringlufor,mation on the subject of the barbarous treatment to which our soldiers had been subjected when in Southern prisons, and eigfreeted to hevable to_ makea report at an early day. The House adopted a- resolution that if not incompatible with the - public inferi34 3 all communications in reference •toilie-dicittinge ofpriseners Pot heretoforte Pub*keik be com municated to the Howe by the , Secretary of . . War. The House proceeded tb the consideration of the - bill to , supply. octet 49;000,000 off a de ficiency:in the appropriations for- thoolsent fiscal: year. , Apadigiaftills.itooactittialtiu • -•"-.` PonerontatillOrDetr.ll. t tikooka,dtdi and heavy; I t ontek a ,4s* 93; Bemis XL IL 57b1d0n08,..can54,!30; Penn's f0.54143•0id 222'; Ekelftike on New York par. 1,60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers