THE TELEGRAPH IS PriBLISIEED M0R2W1 7 4 "VW KnaiThai s . rf f GEORGE BERGNiu R. OPTION TRIED 81, NEAR WALNUT •, — ERALS OF SUBSCRIPTION. grigetz atrEacluproN, TILIIOII.OO is served to subscribers in. We ~:ty at 12% MAO per Week.: Yearly subscribers will be .thizged $0 00 In advisee. - Thome persona who neglect to Pay in advance will be charged $7 Oft WitaikLY TELEGRAPH Tss 111101.42 R Is also published weekly,and is furnish - ad subscribers at the following rash rates mtsgle copies, weekly : . Three loples to one Post (tar:, Ten copies to one Poet Utiack. MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Clare Waxwanted. Dyspepsia . hae the following Symptcmir Lot. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. 6th. Diarrheea,•with griping. sth. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita , ►ion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Tb.roat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Steep at night. • • - 10th. Loss of Appetite and Von:tittrig. 11th.. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsii that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has tailed of a perfect owe. We warrant a cure iii every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing: Sold by all druggists - everywhere, and at Dr Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street; Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and, con -sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Bent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. , „ I, ELIZABETH BRANSON, Of BraILCLYWHie DeL, formerly of Old Chester, DeL, do eerti4 that, for one year and a halt I euffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with Weakness and nervous debility;_ ;I •could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowelsthat I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I couldnot bear my husband nor my own childrem every-" thing appeared to be horror-strickeir to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost my love of family and home; I, would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, end was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de• stroyed, and also m 7 mind from that awfUl complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thoright . best to have me placed in Dr. Rirkbriiie'n hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nino weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful_com-i plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of' the wonderful cures performed by Dr, Wis. bart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, My husbandi called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him: He said he had no doubt be could cure me. So in three days after I Called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return, my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis.. l hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Lyme Asylum and premature grave. 411 persotin suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to dq all theood can for suffering hu manity. ETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. WISHABT'S Office, No. 10 North Seeand, street, Philadelphia. • DYSFEFSJAI DYSIWSIAs Da. WIZZLIST-I have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years,. daring' which time I cannot say I. ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were Mate when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then It seemed 3 'would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that became alihriaruntit for business of any kixid; triy mind was continually Oiled with gloomy thoughts and fore bodliage, and if I attempted to change tueir current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a deadweight, as it were, rested upon my brain; also, a Mang of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the contilutal fear of losing my reason. I also experienced peat lassitude, debility and nervousnees which made it difficult to walk by day ' or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent physiclate of various schools, &molly came to the conclusion that, for this disease at my present age (46 years)there was no cure Inexistence. But, through the interference or Divine Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my trinnkii, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list or ailments and bed feelings, and in their plats health,: . pleasure and content , meat are my everyday companions JAMES N. SAUNDERS, No .'466 North Second Street, Ptdlidelptda, Formerly of Woodbury, N. .1. Dr Wishart's (Mice No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA MAIL WHAT NH JOHN H. BABCOCK BAY& No. 1028 Ourairteruntr, . Philadelphia, January 22d, 1883. I Ds. Wiesuar—Sir:—lt is with much pleasure that I ran now able to inform you that, by the use of your great .A.,noriesu Dyspepsia Pills, I havobeen entirely cured of that most distressing complaint Dyspepsia. I bad been pleviouely afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. • I have had it inns worst forma and have dragged on a most mirerahle existence—in pain day and night Every kind of foie/ 'that I ate titled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how email the qua:ratty, A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distrers was so'great for several months be fore I heard of yonr Pills, that I frequently wished for death. •I bad taken everything that I had hoard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any behefft; but on, your Pills being reiimmielided . to me by one who had.-beelk. cured by them, I oonolnded to give thorn a trialirdStough. I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one.fourth of 'a box, and after taking half a box,- lam u well man, - and out eat anything/ wish, and muoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one who may call on me You* re B Pectfully, BABCOCK. Per sale at Dr. WLskarts Medical Depot, No. 10 North *card street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per bat Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA': Samnal b i tven a have been great sufferer with Chronic Dyve an Inflammation of the Kidneys for three yeast employed three or roar of the most eml nentpbysdelamoot Philadelphia, also of Tharlintonexamti N. J. They did oil fir me they could; but al l to no'per- Poue. I was co=f t =th -awful pain and ma. and with of wind and sous acid. m.. 7 tongue wee - cotefidatith a White coating or 'Mem um onKi t c4 mama. Instom aiid waft dreadtblly as Cat .1 °mi mes 7 - Twiibsa,Oir , —Am* to: renew); me of Ildgerlaz fir I had losiall-latte of . a nd It g mimeo& of prayer In God' that he would direct mat some pi/peanut or medicine that *NOM loi nn Mid te reed in advertisement el .... .... ~. . 18'1111 PRIIIII . • • . .- - . ~.• .•,-..7...., ..,,,,..:'.. - : . J.. • :-.... '4. ,'.„ i ' •- ''); h :. g I,''. ,it, i 7 1 ,0 i• ..., . , 1 AM16111N0,24/44* --- . -- -- The MtMinn( etithehiteethr MlteMeor ... _ '''' '. ' ' , ; ' '. , e,' , 1.•'; , ' ~ 4 - ..... _ ~.t4 ,j . . 1 iv, __.,........_ `1 . 2 ; ',.f,..;,„ : , ',..,, _ . , ..., - . ' '_ - %,•,. tX Ifil_it----,1- 7---- : - ...._, .. _ . mum Those heftier advertbiteg to do WM . ',. '-., , :.•-'..,, I -.1 -"' - ' ..z,, . - ... ~..,• - ~\7 . .1 1///,,,./. - ? ,,- - - - ~.- - ..,...., _. _ ....._ . • . ~.-, . ',, e ' • reident for reference: ; - .1 - ----- /Er Poor lines or 1 0 9 1. ' :::::- -----. - '..- ---- "' . 4.-'2.t. \ . \'' "..(74-;.---1..------- - .-- i . - ' .. i . riz t tlin e s, aa jr orin ut ere rAl thi eTezr 4 ) _ . One day •' * ..J', ..'. , Two days 6O TwoNle 1,0; .. ' 11/ ' ''' 4:: . . Three days 'S :Thilei ,..P l, , ~ ...4 " , ;1 ' ...... I . . Wl,, Alrf ~,' P-- .., -... r, - 91 One week .... ..., . 1 25, I One. 7 ... One m or on nth 3 (W t-, Two tha 4 69. ?wet ,1"- ..., i .=-- - ,- - -- - f - 4 ' s ' , ... ) . Three months—. - . 5 50 _Three - Six months .. 100 lits m ~..... - . .„ • , ..; . '• One year....... 16 09 One . .. • - •• Administration Not!, • A _ -- $1 60 . 400 10 00 BY GEORGrg, :RERGNER. MEDICAL. Dr. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great oure made upon Mr. Jobs Babcock, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor's; Office, and placed `myself under b treat ment, and told him if be failed to cureme, It would bathe last effort I weutd make. 'lt baa been six weeks since I commenced the use able Medicine, and.l am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat • three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel. perfectly well. Dr. Wisher; I want you tb publish my case, as I want °eery poor dyspeptic suffering as / was, Mean as me, and I will tell them of the great cure" • have received from your invaluable medicine. . SAMIIEUD . HAVEN. Corner Venango and , Lambert, streets! near 'Richmond street, formerly from Wrightatown , Burlington county, J. . The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, B. L. Q. C WISHART, 'No. 10 Norib Sowed' greet., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere BniylB-eod-d&w W OPENING FOR Fall and Winter Trade! AND SCARFS! Puns: FURS:: The Largest and best selected stock In this city at the New Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HAREISBITRG, PA. sep2-6f HABILISHIJRO Berm, • October 12, 1864.1 1 A meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank 11 will betheld,at the banking ;Inoue on litonday, the 14th day of Novenaber nowt , atl.o o'clock a. et., for tho purpose of taking into conaideritia, and deciding on the question whether or not the said bank shall become an AssoCialion for coming on the business of Banking under the - taws : , of the United States, and of exercisin,„." the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of Alas Commonwealth, entitled "An act enabling the Banks roll: this Commonwealta to become associations for the mono of banking under the laws of the United States," aAtrovod the t4d day of Augnst 4 1864. By order of the Bdard of Directors. J. W. WEIR, Cashier. net 124,3 'SOW AGENCY FOR. THIS CITY T AM tappy to offer to the public a large .K. and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by • LEROY W. FA13101111.11. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. • PT,PARE TRY THEM. , SCHNITER'S BOOK STORE, &Mond Street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa.. ap23 NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOA.K.STOIt.E, IN D. W. 024T1F NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES : or authossma CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the lei of April. Imar2l-dly Almanacs 1 Almanacs BAIT: it , te4 English and German Lancaster Almanacs, nor too ytiir. IL Si .6 . , - For sale, by the gruel/ Bask or stasis, at Schabr's Bookstore. 2L South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. . ee29 I) 0 INT NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON. Walnut street, between Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer and the beet quality of liquors constantly on hand. A share of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited. [oc3d6mj • JOHN DONNER Very Convenient. JACOB .TAUSIO, S plesaare- to . Werra- 1 1 ga friends and 'E Customers. and the public in genera! that he has opened a wholesale ana retail Vhriety; NO 40711 ,, dna Jew,' etrir Store; .106)4' Market Alfred, at:nu-Ms/ Th * l km, kei'r Bnikitag, Harrirburg,lw- ' • ' itwould occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing tag stock. The purebaser , vrill Ind; tniough my experience fee thirteen years in the bunters, that I can sell goods equal to the Jobbers in the Eastern cities •aejnss-116m* TREES! TREES! I TREES! ! ! THE UNDERSIGNED will commence plantlng Shade and Ornamental Trim; Vlaes, and such Fruit trees as are fit to plant in the Fall. _ J. MISL P. S.—Persons whe were famished with tx es last Spring that were warranted to grow, can have the same replaced that locl3l J. MISEL VERY fINE, mum= rrio our line and extensive .elt,Olc of Photo-, 1 /mph Albums - end Pbotogniph Card Pictures, We' have added a BRAtaletlL'irammors Toil the receptionr of hard pictures. TheY must be seen intd pride adralred kr-Photographers supplied at the - very lowest whole sale price, and their card printed.npon them for $l. thousand, wholesale and.retail. at may 24 • "- sounrrExtt BOOK TORS. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, , a well se w iected assortment, just reetvecl t ' of the latest. styles WlB BOYER it HORRPKEL • . . SPSAGO, English thary, .Thice Apple, Nnib meg end Wee York State Cheese, ,iwit received it MISLED a FRADiat i mys succeseme t,e 5Y Dock, Jr.. .!4 Co. ALPHABET BLOM'S" " • AND HOUSE, 'WILDING - BLOCKS, FOR gale al SCIMIFFEWS.BOONSTOICE, pota 21 South Second street, Harrisburg,' N 8.0 t):E 8. 7 11311 SHOULDEB DAYS OF SHODDY Jait neitrqd 111; 14.111 9OREFFITD , B BOOXESTORF. OIDER VINEGAZ—Pure Cider Vinegar V ea¢ be bought by the.bOnel or gutan raze ty, at lylg BOYER & HOERPER. VREgfir OYSTERS " In 'ol,,,jtiat ro el ve d ta d .ot lisle lit : sztstica , nste gamma= lo -W /k.C9I - pOZEN . . : hoiciam Picalilly, glair Chow, datiikaawer Plikjea, Gadding, Walnuts and lOnkang. , Yor' 'diatom& and retail by - 811I8LWR. & 1196 11114011111101% to W, k Oo "THE UNION—NV* AND FOREVER."—Webster. CLOAKS CLOAKS BROOHE AND )(MIMING SHAWLS ! HARRISBURG, PA., , SATURDAY . 'EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1864. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS When will Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY, OF THE wimp DR. Malin:CS SING OF PAIN cure any ache or pain in.from one NVlt l 4:Latzty minutes I It acts hew magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, redncir and regulating the secretions and excretions. It As of a dilltudve, penetrating nature,. exerts its iniluemeetrom the periphery to the centre of the nervous organfient, thence by miles entice Its poWer is felt throughout the entire system, restoring' the circu lating fluids end checking disease with invincible Strength. THE KING OF 'PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what t* pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It Is en internal , and external airs. 1: Hi; 'KING OF FAIN ' Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, -Earache, Nett ralgia, Deafness, - Silva Throat, Colda,'Bronehial Affeotiona, MOM , " D Diarrianai Amatory or Bloody Flux, liver Complithacßiohley, Blame, Diseases of We .Bladder and Metal 'Orgma, Cramp, - Cholla and alt apigraidic Peas, Fever andAgee, BWll L Bruises, Cuts, HOtaiaci end wounds ogpverridowription.: It proves itself the mastery, lie the testimony of nhonaancia prove its meritorious worth. Sold, whelesale an re by S. A. draggle", Sole Aged*, •.1 .US Market street,./lanieltrg SOLDELES irtRADI The following letter from, a soldier, In reference to Ihe efficacy and powerful. restorative quantities, of DB, Xe. BRIM'S SING OF PAM, speaks for itself': Entrembe, Cconetemarrnloorneff, „ Sept. 14,1.8134. Messrs...s'. A. Kunkel en Dm. , deaggildt, Howrisbarg, : °writ would inform you Mall recelvedthe bottles of Idelliklets Great-Psin 'Killer, and enclosed 'please find five dollars More, for which Bend me live bottles addition al to-morrow ; . ; T leave for camp tomorrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company - H, 202 d Regiment P: V. I have been in very bad health: for upwards of four years, and two of the' one.eloilar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel bike a aim. Besides, I have cured a nuno 7 her of my comrades of various dimities incident to camp, life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provlide for himself. Yount .raTectlidly, JOS. E. WHITE.. Jw. All ordera from a distance promptly unaided to by S. A. EUITKEE'it BRO. A. HOME OERTIFIOATE The, followir ig certificate is freak WertknOwn Citizen' of Hirriaburg • , , 114musums.0,,Aug..80, 1864. • To rix PortMe :—lt givei me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared' by DR. J. J. MoBBIDE, Winch he calla the S.D7G OF PAIN." I was induced to MA it as an external remedy fora bruise, which hn it relieved mediately, and aubsequently cured entirly. Its success induced a to use it, internally for Diarrhma, with which. I was afilidted in a chronic . forni for nearly. eighteen.rtiontbs, and to ouch an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The' medicine .has .toured Ane, and certa inly that saying a great deal in its fever when I reflect bow many other wmedies I tried without experi. taming anything but temporary relief.- For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house; believingav I do that it tea most invaluehie family medicine. BM The unexampled. Bale of this medicine prover ft to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. Thei.littdennsmed ate the sole - 4tota for the State, and will :apply it wholesale mid 8. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, ogilsl . PEIPH_IEWS DAILY LINE BETWEEN: PRILADIGLOHLL, Lock Haven, Jersey abort, ,Withamsport, Hun ey, Uniontown, Watsontswn, Hilton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun- :- .I)niy, Treverton, Georgetown, 'lykenstown, Hillenbarg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through 'with each train to attend to the wife delivery of all goods intrustedlo the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. ,EILIRK„ 812 Market street, Pidiadelp hie, by,6 o'clock r. a; will be delivered in Rex riaburg the next morning. irrslgtet.Alvsayi. as Linn as bjy Any Other . Idris: BIONTGOMENY a co., Philadelphia and Raiding Depot, . • octal.; r Foot of Xarket street, Harrisburg. CANNED HAIIITt3 OF WRAF DESOREP TION. SA DES of all shicelebrate4 manufacturer!. SARDThr&R, • . .OL/PE OILS, , , . . brarrAiwai o 'every description. AJ so,, DROWN STOUT, FENS TPA.% 003ertg,, SUGAR and STRUP.of all grades and pritee, and the irettleleoted stoc'a outside of Philadelphia. • All goods guaranteed as represented. • P: utieniar attention paid to all orders from. a dirta.vee. floods carefully packed wad delivered to all.partn of t h e city free of charge. SHISLER & macs, inms successors to W. Dock, Jr_ &Co. NEW Lnivom. sTunic. re - PORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTRERS.—The undersigned offers at whareeak to the wade, a: choice lot of the bestliqrsors ever brdiuglst to Han labium, viz: French Brendle; Bialand Gins,. Sooph, rrigh,, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Bye Whisky; Firm") and r9smertic Wines, such as Champagne, Claret, eatawba, 41i liquors warranted, as .represented, Landlords and oth era will find it to their advantage, to calland ex amine the assortment at the store, on Booth Seoond street, two doors below Chestnut. nryffr-dam . GEORGBIUNTICES riff. ROMA NO SHERRY, imported: 184104. Warranted the Tomo Sherry Wine in ittia ry. ro , awls at SEISMS & FRA.ZE.4. orta. ranch. tr k (18 ► *TSB SW and EINE NEW MACK,- EAEL, iltCreCeiVed, 11 t 348 , & KORRPER. W FISEL=NOW No d 2 Maolterel 1,1 barrela, half barrels an •%a and by the pound, at (angel " RESLER & FRAZER XTRA, FAMILY FLOUR and 001 IN E NZAL Minya on hand, of the biut quality at is BOYER &.1101fRPER. •QALMON.—Fiae salt Salmon, at ► 7 nue RRIRLER & YuAZER. CAMPAIGN TORCHES, Manufactured and for sale by J. HALL BORMAN, ie2B-6t 606 Cherry atree Philadelphia IITINDOW SASH FOR SALE —l6B lights, If V. 9x14, well seasoned. Inquire or a... BENDER, At Ziegler's Liquor store. Market st se29-8 ANEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOKEI. HAMS, Just received this morning,' at SRIBLER & FRAZER. Jeri Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co ' - I\TEW MACKEREHL, ERRING AND SAL • vov st r.,44 1 40 PER S. lirOlaRPV4 FRENCH CHALK AND PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Offices, &c., At Scheirer% Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2ft • I'NGLLSH BUTURFAST TEL—Just re jl:4 oeirtei, Vine chest of English Breakfast Tea, at gt.FRAZIIR'S, . . ' . (Sameasers to Wm. Dock. Jr.) AFRESH supply of krielkenees Celebrated Hagar Coed Hams and Dried'Heat, at bow.. f • Ito k ECIERPHS. .ttitiltaYa NESS SHAD.—We received a • *Webs tltllimornifig, at seat. ,= BO • • = rem's ' TaratithsaO' BAgEtTS.—aidider & Fre- LJ se; anedinnonsla W. Dock, jc.. &co, have 35 doses Idokoi"baskeis. redo — Pl_ 50 per : dozen. . KELM—Choice new ort_4llolninse,E_Lnit ‘,l) Teoelved ny/81 BMA IMERPsn. "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN ALS "H E L *lll 0 L D 9 5 99 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: IfELAVDOLD ESTB4(77 "DEPOSIT,. SELIWOLD ETZDAOT DIRDALPA . HELMBOLD IMPROVED BOSE WASH. EIELM.I.O_LD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. • "EIGHL.Y 00N4YEN.TRATKD,". COMPOUIV FLIJW, EXTRACT BUCITO, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL T' Kedieine'inereases the. power- of.:Di gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS hit° healthy action, by *WO the WATERY or, CALCIEROUS 'denota tions, stet . itir : UNNATURAL 'ERLABCFEIRINTS are re- dficed,,:tuewell as pain and inflainthatiory and is good . for AR, N WOMEN or,OHILDREN. • HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT - BUCHU, Arising fro . m isc:46a, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Aniline, 300 A alk•,', 44: SV;4 :Ott.) rAlvie;{ eICSv , '. Ito i.)J,.z} Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness Of the Skin, Less of Memory, • Loss of Power, Weak Hems, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, 1 Eihnness of Vision, Wakefulness; Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flushing of the Body, Hot Rands, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenace These symptoms, ir allowed to go oti, which this clue invariably removes, aeon follow ' DANIEL E. IMPOTENCY, FATUITY; IikPEELEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient :inaY. &ilk. 'Who can say t ia tttyare not frequently folle2sed, 17 those "direllal INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are aware of the cause of their sufferings, but none wiliconfesa The reedrds:of the insane asylums and the melancholy deatbshy'Constfiription, bear ample 'KU- M:lnto the truth.of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine te strengthen and invigorate the !system, which Helmbohns Extract Buohn invariably does. .A trial wilt CtelVilloo the most skeptical, • ox, OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, T . Gobrum. . PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections-peculiar to females the Extract Hi: obu is tUtntualed by an other roluedniM IsiChJarrett or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the customary Rviumatione,filcerated or Schirrous stele of tho Uterus, Leacorrliee dr Whites, Steri/RY, add for all com plaints innidenthilhe sell; 'whether griming front.lndisere tOn, Habits of Diselmatilwriar * NO malt SHOUL D BE • WITHOUT IT. Take no Baiesm, Mercury; or ITincleasant Medicine lbr Unplespant and Dangerous Dismes. HEL32:BOIO'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Curia Sect* Disesiteisie illtheir stages; at little carnage; litUSor;no duutge in diet; if:a:annals= and notispo sera It mom :Creams*, and . glirea strength-to Urinate, thereby removing otistraCtione n .preetadrig and curing Stricturee of the Urethra, allaying ticln aair.tnitam. Elution, so tterorAlitTr 6 fOltd expelling Poisonous, Dusateed; olio* -Mattar, .Tbousanda Upon thousarafti.ito thoiliell=irAnae •D, and who haVe paid basal' fees ab be tune Ina &tort-Mica, have froundthey were deeeivekarmithav the “Pedecti" her by the nee ot. , .‘powerfunta,l' been titled up in the systeni, to break' at in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use HELMBOLD'S =MALT BUCEOI for all Affections and Diseases of the . Orinary Organs, Whether existing in Mate Or FOinale, from StilatOrOr cause originating, pact no [natter' of how Wag istardifig. DLseasek Of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. IifEIMBOLD'S &MAUI' Dijotau is the Great Diuretic, and.itis certain to have the desired effect in all Diseasea for which it is recom mended. _ Blood--Bloott—Blood. .Helmbold's Highly Concentra. ted Cowmen/4 num 4117fItaGT SABSAPARELLASTPHT LIS. This is .an giteoti9n Abe" gaviti.tindr attacks the Sexual Organa; - kinings or_thulkuie, Raw, Throat, Wind. WM and other hfubueSurThees; wants its aPPearance in the form of Ulcers! 'Helmbbld'is Extinct Sarsaparilla pu rifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions .of the Skin giving to the Complexlona Clear and . Healthy Color. ft being prepared expressly for thls class of complaints, Its Blood•PnrifyingPrupertiee are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparationof Santapartla. An excellent Lotion fbr &scares of a Syphilitic lkfaturf gad se en lajection in _diseases' of the Urinary .Organ is; arising' from habits of dillipatiCit, used in connection jib the Extracts Buchu and . Sarsaparilla, in such disease' aas recommended. Evidence of the most responsible au d re . liable character will Accompany the medicines. CElr,rin. CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years ate with names known to Science and Fame. , For' x Properties of Buchu, roe Dkipemary ofthe UMW, States.. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable worksim the F largoo o f Physic. See remarks ; made by the , late celf waged pr; PHYSIC& Phil Ilia. ..See remarks ma, le by Dr. SPMAIU MoDOWELL, - a i celebrated Physlok end mem. ,ber of the Royal College of Bmgcons,,end put: fished in the Transactions oY tlid Mines and Queen's " Journal. g oo liredlcc4Cidrurecoillevlew,pablished by BET 3J. TRAITEES, Fellow of the.Boyal College of Surgeons. The most o f the latostapdard werks on Medicine. Ext suet of Buchu, $1 00 pow% or'six bottles for $ 00. Extract of Sankiparillm $1 Oo per bottle, or six for 6OO f ro ., proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, r Six fo r gg 60 Or heir a dozen each for .$l2 40,,,whiek , will be sufficient to Cure the most obstinate OM; if direr lions are adhered to. Delivered, to any 'address, smum2ni packed from ob servation. Describe symptoms in communicate= Caresguarantecd. • Advice gratis. - • . AFFIRC I tira. • . ' Mr lehniti of-the city , Pomona/1y appeared before rowan 4 sw Sworn and Outooltheet he i-'-'4."',"..nAf of Philadalphia, K T. Heimbold, who, being . tily i f::„ . doth any, Mies preparation; contain no naroidic, n o ind arr. urely eor stable. Ourirs or Other 1101rite r dnIA, C: maathotn. 1 L 1_,.1. 1.. na milan da 7 D ot No. tr enter, Inc • , • . •• tow At, at. Rue, rau. - " I 'm' Nh " ip. 'confidence. - -- ' tuilrointh*OM for,l-1 ,r 'MOLD Cdteniint.. oill 104 South 10th Week babelt,w alc' ric / 101 0 4 161. - 1 . 01% ." Imps. MEDICAL. THE GREAT A PDSITiv.h. AlikkiSPECIP 1 10 REMEDY AND DROPSIOA.L PO.R. )1 1 7. OtNEs,gLs DECLINE 02Z•662V0E OF LIPR RELNIBOLD'S ROSE WARR PRICE THREE CENTS. VENING EDITION. 'APTIITRE OF THE `"FLORIDA:" Trouble Anticipated with the Brazilian Boveriunent 31Er. Stanton`Convalesce-nt. Good 1V ew,*, to, be; Expected from Sherman - and brant. T.l-1. N F . W LOA. N. WASHINQTOV, Nov. 11. The Inteiggetkcer this morning days that the Florida affair Wilrce,tae us no trouble with ; mil, as that en:terincent is known to be ell affected , Winn:ll3am% • Secretary Stanton . is, a little better in health tO-47.. Re has 4en Oita ill. .• Biped great militaiy news froth Sherman and•Graat within a fortnight. The campaign of...WA ism:it:yet. closed, as reported in the *Aettterßi • • . • Secretary=nden will probably 'wait mn til Decardber for his new loan.' It is rumored in financial circlet that he will attemptlo raise on&hundred millions next time. Honor to Captain Winslow. A committee has been appointed by the Boston Board of Trade to adopt some suita ble measures. to, testify to ()apt. Winslow the grateful fueuguitkm.uf thelnerohants of Bos ton,for his gallant condnatin ; sweeping from the oei3an the most destrnetiVe enemy of the .commerce of th&United Shaba: The 41.dsertiaersays that Joseph Storey Fay, who lowered the:l;inion gag at . half-mast on the Fourth of July, was nominated on the, zommittee, but' subsequently had his name erased by a vote of 26 to 6. The Kearsargd will be thrown open to visitors for the benefit of the Nationalftgoiligair. Tornado in 841/011S• ST. LOWS, Nov. 10 A terrible tornado passed oier the town of Chester, El., at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. Over a dozen houses were blown down and demolished, buqing that:looping inhabitants in the ruins. Five persons were * killed, and twelve or fifteen wounded, seven of them se riom3ly. A brick church was blown to atoms, Several skiffs in the river were carried near a quarter of a, mile up the bluff A. Rumor Uspinit.... : .• 2 lizew Yorai, ,zwv. 4.4 The ()currier des Rats finis of this city to day authoritatitely denies the publiahed state meats that an alliance offensive and defensive existed between Mexico and the Southern Otinfederacy. The imperial government of kfamimiliam it declares, does not now and has never entertained any relations with the rebel government at Richmond. !Glorious News from Missouri. TOTAL DEFEAT OF TEE "CLATBANNE"-lIENCT MAJORITY FOR LINCOLN AND JOHNSON--ALL TEE REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. Si. Lows, Nov. 10 Several pro-slavery counties of this State have been heard from, and give considerable Lincoln majorities. The Republicams claim nearly a fall. Congressional delegation. Pennsylvania. ,NOIITHIJHBEELAND COUNTY, Oren= :-:--Dentocratio, 3,388 ; Union, 2,- qB6; DemOOratic majori t y; 702; Union gain over hon, vote at Octebiar election, 185. PHILADELPHIA. The ~ -offletal returns show e. majority of 9,608 for Lincoln, in Philadelphia Massachusetts. With a clean majority of 70,000 to '15,000, it is hardly worth while to give the details of the few towns which were not heard from on Tuesday night. They 'mill not alter the re sult." Onr returns foot np : 307 towns-n Lincoln 119,087 ...... .. 48,237. Liincoln's majority 70,814 Indiana. lannaziapoLms, Nov. 8. Returns indicateorer thirty thousand Union majority. ' •J. D. DEFREEd. The New York -Election. New YOB.; Nov. 11. The Trilinne's estimate of the returns gives Lincoln a 'majority of, 6'333. Decline 114 Goid.. • Pnrupsnritts, Nov. 11. Oold declined to 241 this ifternoon. Markets by . Telegraph. • ' Pita4aialaque, Nov. 11. Trade very dull in all biragehes, The receipts of Petroleuni for the week anztoupt to 1,775 bbls crude and 2,530 Ws refined;, the former sells st 4241-3 c, and the latter at 67®69c in bond, and 82®86. There is a firm feeling in the Flour market, but the demand islimit e4;,sales of 2,000 $ 11®1125 for extra, and $l2 25&13 for extra family. Nothing doing in Rye four and Corn meal. Wheat in better supply and meets a steady jug:id/1i; sales 50,000 bus red at $2 ; 55®2 60 for Penn's and $2 65 for southern; white ranges from $2 75 to $2 85. Rye is $1 70. Corn scarce; . Yellow in demand at 81,78. Little change in Oro - eerie' and Provisions.- Whisky in steady, demand; sales of 400 bbls Penn'a and Ohio at $1 77®1 78, and drudge;at, $1 75. Taw Y O EI4 Nov. 11. Flour is dull; sales of 9,000 bbls. at SQ, 6.5 a 10 40 for State, $ll 10@12 : 00, for Ohio and $10 ; 1®15.00 for ,SoTabein, :Wheat dull; salskaf 7,500 bushels at, $2; 25 for Chicago sprisgi Corn has advanced 4,2 c; sales. of 14,000 bushels at $1 75®176. Beet firm. Pork firm; sales of 1,000 bbls. 840 so gin. 50 for mess. Lard steady at 22®24.ft. Whisky dull. BALTIMORE, Nov. • Fleur- is dull and inactive; _Ohio --ecOrs , $ll 621411 75. Wheat bafi a;declining deny; the market is hestly;. Southern wbdte 42'90®2 92, red $2 60." Corn dull and 2®3c lower. Whisky dull and nominal at "$179. laroeerieS are drooping. .dam Notices Marriage Notices ... . ..... .. . Auditor's Notices ... tomtit! Notices, eZ:cifilineriies' " 80 ge Madness notices inserted in the Local, Winne, or before Marriorn , sad Deaths, "Enure' Cmcrs m Lizei for each lanirtion Although no Mum Iwo been received from Kansas, it is quite certain that the Union ticket was carried in the eteCtion on Tueadv, No other ticket was in thifield:: It b prole • ' ble that the Peace Democrats of that State have all joined Frieesieriny. Naw rola, Nov. /1. Stocks are better; Chicago and S L 104 a; Cumberland Preferred 52i; Dlincria Central 130; Illinois Central bonds 117; Bliclifpn Southern 75; Do. guaranteed 140 ; • New York 'Central 1264-; Reading 138; Hudson River 1224; Erie 192; Gold was guotefr at 244, and fell to 240; One YearOettilicates 95i; Treasury 7 3-16's 1084 Ten-Forties 95; Five- Twenty Coupons 101 V registered 1004; Cou pon 6's NEW A.O V UHT IS EIBIENTS. A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. 150 ACTIVE, ENERGETIC BI7BINESR MEN wanted immediately, to engsge -the sale of Dr. Mcßride's RING OF PAW. Very Avertible terms offered. The preSent sales of this meecUli are ilk- SALIM, and still increasing. This Wunit. zew*ske rem edy offers unparalitieu inducements topersons wishing to engage In a pleasant business thatewift pay them from .s6u tosloo a week. The RING OF PAM wilt pce ltirely cure Headache or Toothache in three minutes. For further particulars apply either y or .by letter to H. EL & BRO., Manufacturers and Proprietors, or to, Dr. F. H. HEMPERLY, State Agent, Hmiisburg. Pa. no22f HENRY . REGAN'S Steam Engine And Machine Shop. SITS ST., =VEEN WALNUT AND WARSET (J. C. Moltz'a Old Stand.) • BosroN, Nov. 11 undersigned having taken the above Whop, respectfully solicits a share of. the ptiblic pa tronage. • Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re .wive my personal attention, and satisfaction guarantees *llO dly LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE, FOR BEAOTIFYING AND PRZSERF7IIO 4211) TB PURELY:A VEGETABLE 'Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from rho south of France, conceded to bu the most dellcately per fumed and desirable Hair preparation ever offered ' teals American public. It will restore lost hair, It will pre vent hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hair to Ka original color. Its continued use will materiak thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short time the hair will grow dark, soft, &my and luxuriant. Price $1 per box. Sold by RIZIKEL & BRO., • sefie . Apothem:led, Harrisbuig. H. C. ORTH Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin A.ND B.INEWPTO. > - No . 113, Tama mar, maw RABA= . lepa-dem * NEW 15008ltil - PIEW BOONS! 1 - , ArN SCHOOL AND OUT, .or i ' CbgirtlfArt Q f Richard Tors Somers, or the Siddieraoy. \ Watch and . Wilt or the Youeg Fogitivei Learning how G 3 Talk, Read and Speak, by Feeder Wells. Enoch Arden, New Poem, by Tennyson. For For sale at SCHEFFERS BOOYSTOS 046 Htirrtabmi. FIL Q . ALT SALMON. • . 1,7 A new invoice of tine nit minion, just received and for tato by SHIM= & sept 26 (successor to W . Dock & Co.i 11AIGHlENEB:13 excelsior buss, of this see M. eon% caring. .Tnet received and for a4e , 17 .1. SHISLER & Onmaegeore to Wm. Dock — l - T.77k aa CM DIOILLE8! mama n By the barrel, half barrel, jar or dozen, at,' r 0251 BOYRR & ROMPER FRESH LEMONS, just received and for ante by [nol] SHISLEIM MUM ITALENTIA RAISMS, a new invoice, at ne t sEasiza & MIRA MIBUFF JARS. of the latest Patent (Grit .l: We Test Paten ;) jest litoetvedi 1114. An ads et iY/ 6 BOYII2II geklinnta 'FEN OASES FirwED MIMES. Ind res .'. calved wt SEIISLER & 19.A.Y.Y114 j(INI Enocesooro to W. Dock, Jr., k•Go RESEI PINE APPLE% hermationtly F sealed, Jut received at t.III3LE.Ric FRAZER'S. NEW STORY BOOK - FOE CHZLD E N ; BY FANNY MN. For sale at Scheabesßooketorek Barrianug, Pa. Rag Vain/able Building 'Lot For Sale, OITUATED ON THIRD STREET, NEA North, 21 feet front, and 131 feet-.deep, running to. 20 foot alley. The lot wW be sold cheap, and en eas. tame. Inquire at THIS OFFICE - el33odlf BAGS RAG 6 1 1 RAGS! !! 'VINT cents per lb. ettah psis' far good inbred I: Rag& SCHEFFEB'S ftoWure, sept 26 21 South Secoz4 steed. Shuiiebtui, Nana PUTTER, BUTTRB.— mss, roll butter 1) from Snyder county received every week. Also eggi et rearil ROYER & KOERI9I3I. Soldiers" Portfolios. A . LARGE assortment at BEKOKKB'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, wall Bold at Wholesale or retail at law prices MELS SHAD.—Fine Mess Shad of-the sea , In tuff barrels and kflfa juryivedat jeI AMA; Sneeessora to IV. Dock . Jr.. & Co PICKLES i maxim I I—By the Barrel, Ralf Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at SMSLIIR & (Sacceepors to Win. Dock. Jr, & co):. n 0 2 9 PATENT CLIPS! or sale at Seheffer's Boasters., Harrisburg, Pa... . REDUCTION IN PRICES. - : . SHtSLZR & FRAZZA, Have made another redaction in Prices on theleadin: articles of groceries. - con 1000 LB brand st.Paeorge brai n, juTt e Zt ana for mile by =Wan rßnia&f: febl Nuccaliere.WWFl. 00K] T IMES, BUCK FITESZEI NArI add atenerea UA- W= WOW 'Nat frod a s • BP3lialiEß'S BOOK ft:TB. A SMALL but suPerioriotof MOM Am, recelved, at , , altisif3 kviLtzpv , a,, augis - • .A- • - A - 01Eivro 112114131:+iitie_ egti 7 ;CVki oiepin,t at - " Er-4. lIITAMS I JlAMBlllllkilietzerli . - •e AA AO evred• RUOLlAlanittrait e : ..n1 IhriNNIWN tit W. Iltat, OFI • ••• flaa it •- Ojai:A:at griu.:a rAei aquan. TOZ OM SQUABS. • $ 60 / 917 Wonays— 'weft • 25 6 99 imcoatba • 909 ee Go Imago 15 60 year 600 2 Kansas. New York Stock fferkets. to,4llMeLimielia'tiketernuil And Bill, Holders, El Eel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers