CHE TELFiGRAPH f' Nr L~L ~afr~r ....1110B2111Arti_ AND BEIENING,. (3V GEORGE BEILIGNER t °riles elitliD sr., 'dal 9 1131 S OF SUBSCRIPTION. slic(l4LE AiBSCRIPTION.. red b.smir TZLIGIUIR served:A° subscribers in the ,ay at 12% conic por week. Yearly subscribers will be Barged $6 00 in advance. Those persons who negleotto Trance will be charged $7.00. "MENU TFLEGRAPIL • 1.4 ill.taa,Aea Is also pub us hed weekly, and is furnished nbens at the renewing rates weekly 'MK'S to one Post Con t MK% IttEDICAL DYSP PSIA. A Cure Vi'arranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the yit of the stomach. Flatulence and Acidity. !id. Costiveness and Loss of Appetites 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. nth. Diarrheas, with griping. tu, Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough,' with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed al a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every ease, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at. Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphit Pa. All examinations and con qultaticam tree of charge. Send for a circu lar, Price 11 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH Baez:sox, of .Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Cheater, Del., do certify that, for one year and a halt I. suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could hot digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return ,ast as I swallowed it; I became so costive in ray bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight dayst, un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed manly to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I haled everybody; I could not hear my husband nor my own children, every zhing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; had no ambition to do'anything; I lost all - ..ay love of family and home; I would ramble end wander from place to place, bat could not 3e contented; I telt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for Me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, 2.0 near was my whole nervous system de strOyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful coni= plaint was raging As bad as ever. Hearing'of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. •Wis bart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my ease to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two teens i began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and Imostsincerely return my thanks to a merciful God 'and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature graie. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as 1-am willing to do all the good I can for suffering ha. inanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. WISHART'S Office, No. 10-North Second• street, Pliilaclelphia. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DR. IV/Maar-1 haVe been a constant sufferer with dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time. t cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There tvere times When the symptoms were more aggravated Elvin at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re .crr to die. I had at all times an unpleasaAt feeling in my freed, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that t became almost unlit for business of any kind; my mind ens continually tilled, with gloomy thoughts and fore codings, and If 1 attempted to change their current by aading, at once a sensation of Icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, es it were, rested upon my brain neo, a feeling of sickness would occur atthe stomach, all' great pain to my eyes, accompanied. with which was the. continual fear of losing my , reason. • I also experienced. great lassitude, debility and nervousnese, which matielt difficult to walk by day or sleep if night:: I beoame averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and caving tried the skill of a number of eminent physicims of various schails, deadly came to theconclusion that, for ads disease at ray present age (45 years) there was no cure existence. But, through the inlarterence:Of Divine ;Incidence, to whom i devoutly offer my thanks, I at last • .found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and COrdial, *hien seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, plessure and content ment are my everyday companions. JAtIES IL SAUNDERS, No. '4i(3 North Second street, Thiladelpnia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wlatiart's Mee No. 10 North Second street, Phila-' delphia. . A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA SEAR WHAT LLB. JOILN H. RABIX.CMBATB. No. 1028 °hiveSeaerr, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1863. f Wriatasor—Sirt—lt is with much pleasure that I now able to inform you that, by the use of your great llnerican Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of , _at most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia i had been gricriously afflicted tbr the last twenty-eight years, and fillet, years of, that time have not been free from Its path one week at a time. I have had it Mils worst form awl have dragged on a most miserable existence—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ale filled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how arnall the quantity . A miritirlard belching was sure to I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what nal my distrers was so great for several timbal:is be heard of .your Pills, that L freq ientty wished for loath. i had taken everything that I had heard of for fryspepeia, without, receiving any benefit; 'but in your ?ills being reeeincriettiied to me by one who had boon cured by them, 1 coneiuded to give them a trial, although I had no faith iu them. To ray astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one fourth of a Box, and after taking half a box, lam a well marl, and can eat anything l wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day without inconvenience from anything I eat I or drink... f you think proper, you are at liberty to make :his public and refer to me. I will cheerful ". give all de tiretile information to any one who may call on inn Yours, respectfully, JOHN Ei. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Wishart-s Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Prii. Price One Dollar per boa. Sent by mail, free el charge, on receipt of print. .- DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! 1, Samuel D. Hann, hare been a great sufferer with Arse yea rs ehroan Dyspepsia and Inflamaon of y for I employed throe m °r ti my of t h e most eini but physichuas of Philadelphia. also of:Burlington county X. J. They didall for me they could; hat ail to no par. 70se. I was 05tiatantlY Wed with awful Pain and die. tons, and with maw' belching of wind and spu r a dd . Ity tongue was covered .with a white coating of mum mull it conked M large furrows, and was dreadfully' sore! Ohl I animas wlshed.for-death-k...relleve me of nt9 sufferings, for I had lost ail hope_ of eye( agoal ain. dir ./ ect 1111t4q11, a kibiatt of prayer to .Clott.„ twit, ho me to some physionua utodidait that Irmo 111110 ft some told ‘o raga tin sAvOrtaminal el . . ...-.....—.... . , ----- , • 3 / 4 • , - - . •.:, , ''' 1 . ' .c. , ...i - - 1 •'..,...:111:. : ~ tr. I if ' . vtlo, .4.: • . . =' - N ''. • •,:,. 1- 1 1 oy „.. •,- -!..:-.,.... - .... , .. D ~..._.: . .. . ~-.. --, :r..:,- ---- ~.. N. ' - --- - ,,,- 4 . • .- ';-...- -- - ", r7..,.Z '. ' - :. . . .. . ~L, % - " --: . ..z,l..i:i . ... '.• '.:%., '', ‘ 0 4 i • "' ' A'' , - -:- 4 '. • k-, , •X , . : 1/11 . zy,,,,... ~... . CZ..44.XA 477...., ,. .. ; .., ~ ~ /: 9 ; ~..,,,, ......" r - :.- 1 , - ,- ...,•' . '..E . f:.: - J .. ..: _. , :..,...,. .„ + ..,.. ' ... „ ...., , . - 1 r -- .' i -, ' 'N I ' ' 7 : \ 'N ' -j- •'' .• ' -'` - '."' .. . ''''.-- 7-7: - : , ...; ' -.' - 1 ,-. 1- i ''-: ,: " ...„ ----11:- '. - .1 i ' r -.- ' ' ' ::- f . ; -•..-. -. ' , . e r ' r , ' M' ' : , - 7.. - , . ..- I . 4: ? - itf - i , _ O O, - -___ ~,.. • ' :-- • • F.; - . -- : i ' ;*-- 4 - '. .---. 2. . ,-; ' a . C‘..., •P:, " i' ~,, '•, -- . . - • ~ ' 1r.•; .7; '•' .‘.__.:,, ‘ f . , 6. 1::;:: ... , ~..... . . ~ ~,, • , . .. -. 'S' • , v . , . '. t ! ‘..,.. 'l % 1. ',. .. 411 4 ' r ... . , $1 60 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDIOLL. Dr. Wisher's in the Philadelphia . Ledger. of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1048 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went' to the Doctor's Office, and placed, myself under b treat, ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it would be the lag effort I wentd make. It has been six weeks since I. commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now 'a Well' man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three' hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wisher; I want you to publish my case, as I. want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner Venaugo and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, N The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, Dli L Q. C. WISHART, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Dniaelsts everywhere BmirlB-pod.dkty Hell.Rll3l3llltG BANK, 1 October 12, - 1804. f Ameeting of the Stockholders of this Bank wii bo held at the banking house on- Monday, the 14th day of November next, at to o'clock A. - rt ~ for t' .e purpose of taking into consideradon, and deciding on the question whether or not the said bank shall becnrne an Association fOrearrying on therbusinoss of Banking under. tho Laws of the United States, and of exercising the powers conferred by she Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An act enac ling the Banks of this C. mmonwealtn to become associations 'for , the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States," approved the 2.ed day of August, 1864. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. WEIR, Cashier. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY AM happy to offer to 'the poblici a large I and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PEN S, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. • These Pens are well finished, elastic, s and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SCHEFFER'S BOOR STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 . 0 NEW PHILADELPHIA CI OAIS rir 0 - Et , IN D. W. 08053' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND 0 IRO U L ARS, • AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the lot of April. Drar2l-111.y. Almanacs 1 Almanacs ! 13 A. E. English and German Laileaster Almanacs, • tor the year • 16 5 - For sale, by the groas, Dozen, or single, at Schaffer's Bookstore. 21 Staith Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 ' - DONNE, ' NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON. Walnut street, between Third awl Fourth, ' Wines, Beer and the best quality of liquors constantly on hand. A share of the public.patronage is respectfully solicited. *focSd6col JOHN DORIER , Very Convenient. • .JACOB TAUSIG,' MAKES pleasure to inform hia'frie,nds and Custoatem and the public in "pneral 7 .that he he s. ana retail _ Variety, Mien antilop. dry Mot., No. TOsKlkfarke3 sreet,obove Eby & Bufiding ; Hdriirburg, It would occupy a great amount of apace to ennritertite the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that 1 outsell goods opal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities sept26-d6m* TREES f TREES ! 1 TREES !! ! frHE UNDERSIGNED will commence planting . Sluide and Onfamental Trees, Vluee, and such Fruit laves Ns are tit to plant in-the Full -- P. .9.—Pernotta who were furnished with tr es Is st Spring that we. e warranted to grow, can Adve the ear ale replaced that rallig.-d. [ool3] J VERY FINE, INDEED! 910 our fine and extensive stock of Ftoto. graph .Albants and Photograph Card Piety awk we ;have added it BEallirlFEL ENVELOPE for the rr leeptlon of card pictures They must boseenand will be' admired *a-Photographers supplierat the very Lowe et whole sale price, end their cardpriiited ilia ttann for . $1 thousand, wholesale and.retalt at , may 24 ECHEFFEIt'S P,Or iE . TORR. QUEENS and GLASSWVA,E, 0 4 , well se lected assortment, just 'received; or the latest stylos brig P.ovßit & ORRPFR:, SAN SAGO, English Dpiry, Pine AI pple, Nut mog and Now York Stake Cheese, just. ecelved at Sigicti.P.ll FRAZER, myb - . , stico'sssorslo Ar Does, Jr., , ac Co. ALPHABET BLOCKS ! AA ND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS; FOR Ewe at scacrFEß'S BOOWS TORE, octi . 21 South Second Urea, lik*l viaburg, Pa MEW BOOK.II-TEE EITYULDEB A.l STRAPS __DAYS OF SHODDY inst. vanAhrat at. -MAISI SOHRIPTICRN P•oinirsToßFL CIDER VERB - 6AM' —Pure Citler Vinegar V Cain be bought by the banal outman 4nantity at iylS • Tiewmirt t KnaßkFt• FRESH OYSTERS' In can, Just r o c t g"!/ 413/11 gat&a FILiZE eePl26 - . Isacces&ii. r. Dock & co.) .*' -choW', 4 Aror 5 &Hi s W "hy. IatISLFw 3 9 ;mixed PlekleilL udi b y rieale ua Weak. Nirboleatbie fu WM° TotYB "THE lINIO NLN OW AND FO It R Webster. JARRUijigi, FRIDAY :EVENING, &ii'irtilitgß 11, ..1861 NEIN' When' vtrill bease THE. GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. MaBRIDE'S KINGI OF PAIN care any .stette or I:iitht. in from one T' y to sixty minutes t, It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular 6 tystems, mddclagswellingaind regulatingithe secretions and excretions. It is of ,a diffusive, penetrating nature, e aorta its influence from the periphery to the centre of ti to nervous organism, thence by relax action Its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the cll . "' la tang fluids and checking disease witiflavinelble strength. TIM KING OF PAIN is INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and yon will tield instant rfAief. It is an Internal ;and external cm . • . . T KING. OF..PAIN Cu rea a imost insitantanecaudy, Headache, Earache, Neu ral gia, :Deafness,. Sore Thritat, ColdVßronebdal affections, Asthma, Dyspesiat Diarrrailt,Atventory or Bloody Flax, Liver Ct mpinint , Bldney Blneass4.oiseases of the Bladder and Genital organs, Cramp, ae and all spasmodic pains, Ft ,ver and Ague,. Bnraa, .Braties, Cats, Sprains and wounds 4 •t* every itself the mastery; as the Les ..imony of thonaands Prove its miritorionsworth. Sold, wilaolesale'and rend& by S. A. KIINOL, druggists, Bole Agents, 118.1tarke4etreet; Harrisburg. soriDnutos READ / The font - mina letter from a Feldlac, in, reference to the efficacy sad powerful restorattve eruditittes of DR. Me- BRIDE'S RING OF PAlN,spe.llts for Itself: Nsavtur., Cessantarm COUNT; Sept 14,1864 5. !tears. S. -A. Ktorkei..* Bra, titsSyddatt, kforrisbarg, Gloms :- —I wOuld Worm au, you t I received tpe bottles of 'Mcßride's Great Pail Killer,- arid'enclosed please find. five dollars more tor which sersi me five bottles addition al to-morr ow. I leave for camp, to-morrow. Let ado know whet her you can supply me 'With it in the army. I km in Coati sally B, dtsid oegirKent P. I have heed in eery bad he alto for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar b ottles have cured me completely, and have made me fn ti Idle a man. Boaidea„' I have cured a num ber of my cc .mrades of various diseases Incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can pr o .ide for himself. Tait s respectfully, JOs K WRITE. Sro- All ord. en 3 from a distance promptly attended to -by S. A. RUNKEe..t. BRO. ' 4 HCIME CERTIFICATE. . . Theltbllowing co rtglcate is front ititroll-knoriat ei of &erten*, • Ramussuan, Aug. 80;1884. To ram PUILIII7Z-4 givesinni great pleasure to recom mend to the pantie th. e ,Retileine, prepared .by PR. J. J. HcI3ItIVE, Which t " KINIA OF . PAIN.'" I was induced to use it as an; extxxstilleniady for a bruise, wkilch it r e tie,,ed innne t tiin e tt. .andenbacqUently cured entiielSi: Da aucceas induced meg, DSSOIL miernally for Diarrhcoa, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for net/07 eighteen months, and to m lob: an extent that n;ifkidanyt, were seriously deranged. =1 the medicine has 'enrol and certainly that is saying a great deal is its favor, wheuiD reflect how many other rem. ilieS OWL 1144411/ti exPeffl edeing anything but temps, ' , ltrf rPer• •F9l. PaA ,l l. shall always keep a supply of Fl'lee . eq,_Lwn, 'IVO/gage I do that it is a mod iavaluablt DANIEL .E.• WILT. The unexatupled sate of this h iedieine proves. it to be the most wonderful discoveiy . mr • the age in t he medical art. • The undersigned aro the n agiatep, la for the State, and 7 11 Fuppi F hoj uette'and' it n riniosta, f' e P4 4 : l k#lo0 ,90/I"AMLNOR PRIPHERIS ' DATLI r VINE BETWEEN PEEILELDESUI gIIA4 Leek Haven; Jersey nein, Willie 'port, Mu•' ey, Uniontow% WattentoW.a, Mitont, Lewisburg, Northumberlan Treverbon; Georgia own, Lykenstown, MiHersbur Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBtrIRG. - _ The. Philadelphia Depot being centre lly located, the drayage will be at the lowest n.tes. The , Conductor goes through with each train to Woad to 'the _safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. goods delivered at the de pot of. WILLIAM Z. BO X,.. Works ...steed Philadelphia, by 6 elelook . p„, - x, will be delivered In Has risharg the next morning, !Pretext Always as , Low as by *fly Other JOB. -1611,rael MON' f ilGOlliEllY. & CO., oot2l-tt CANNED ERVITS ( )k• BYE= DES9EIP TION. EMBOSS of all - . thedelebratedreanifecturers. SAROINBI, . . GLIVI , OILS, MUSTARDS, o every description, Also, BROWN STOUT, FD 4r, IRAS; COMB, SUGAR and SVROP of ail grades are i prices, and the beet selected stock outside of Philadelptd. a. , All:godds gaarauteed re stifedentig. Particular attention Old 1 o all orders froiti a &stance. Goode carefully packed as ad delivered to pa rts of the' city tee of charge. SWBLER & FRAZER, rove same morn to W. Dock. Jr., & Co. „ . • • • 'NEW 31A41,1i STWtE. 111RTANI"..K) LANDLORDS" AND 1 3 01 1 4R8.—The endtmsitnod offem . at whoieso2e, tO [be trade; '& choice lot , of the best firma ever brough t to Efarrisliurg,' French' ,Svendier, Soffand Gins, tch, frish, Bourbon, W heat mad -OM Bye. Whisky; Porieen and Dostaiio dueli t is autemiasenc• Claret. Catawba, do. All liquors warranted, ' reopteented. Landlords and others will Lad It to t heir advantage to call and ex amine the asst siment at the store, on - South Second 'street, two' de: 'maxims . Ch. rent. • my27-dfloo GEORGE WINTERS TI ROMANO 1411kaRY,, imported Warrauted the ' priest . S h erry Wine In this on”rAgt.) yr" , gate r.t• infi.l6 - acileßdZga, • V-.6.41rAt OltfeWilni.lloo4lt. - .1/ . 1 It: ) VrE SS SHAD .100.40... MACS /via.. 'gREL, just received, at .15.18 KOERNER. NEV FISH.Naw NO. 1 and 2 Mackerel • iat barrels, half barrels scud; hithh, and by. the pound, at . , (augBl , SHIBLER dr FRAZER. • J. ma. 10XTRA: FAMUX MOUS and COEN 124 MEAL always on haad,,,of the beat quality, at • BOYER & KOERPER Q ALMON. —Fine salt 'Salmon, - at - 7 angfl RRTRUICR k FRAZER CAMPAIGN TORCHES, • Aramfactareciand for sale by. • - J. HALL ROTHMAN, se26-6t. 600, erry sAreet, Philadelphia. TXTINDOW BASH FOR SALE. —l6B lights, v 9x14, well seasoned: - Inquire of 0 t BENDER, se:l9-31* At Ziouler's.Llouor etnie,Markot si. A NEW SUPPLI? of FRESH SMOKE/ imip t remivi xi this morning ! at. ORM= k FRAZER. , Snapp toOto to W. Doak., 'Jr,* Co • NE* tilAtiKEtElEtte, kitalNG AND SAL trOv frovlti 0 11V1171 filienglßPrif RENCH CHALK A -ND PENCILS, • F Suutatde for 'Batiks, bt110132, kc .• • ' ' • At Scheffers : gar riebtirm, sat) lONGLISH BREAKFAST TEL-3 'Rat,* ..L'4 oilved, %lino chart of Entlish'Breakthis ,. tlVS - itt ': • SMILER: di ISAZ=ft - artiocemovrm to Witi. Do* Jr). . . , - AFRESH supply of Minimum's Celebrated Sugar Oure4 gIIMI and Driedlient. at na2al n' k . SIDZIMIL , . VCOIiODIT 11111813 SllAD,—Mira:looeived a freak let this mo win g, 6r - 63p16' • . WWI k =PEA'S 7. la egt3TEBIT BASICL I CEIL—adsIer ze; sIIiMeNWOUi W . &Oil wore pa hand. a 5 dozen niekory baskets. , Price $6 60 aerliozellv CHEESE.—Qhoioe new atop Chewy juat nonved pal alarm a gown. ISE lEEE Philade% phis and Lading Depot, Foot of Market street; Hanisburg. ME DICA L. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Itlf6WW AS "111 , E 10,4 R L , ctuNtrta pflOPAßAnorrs. 4_ HELMBOLD EXTBACT "BUCHCf," 4 . 4 l lP lB( g eD, O r r4 l4 q Ai1qAP.44 1144, HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. `'li L 11141 OiL D ' ggNwp,PREPARATIONS. 'wRIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, XXTRACT DUCHU, A ecEißivb, oorp. ?imam nrazny _ son „mamma cm. TEN BLADDER, RIME* GRAVEL • .AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. pars Medicine increases the power of Di gestioN and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by whichihri 3 WATERY or OALCEROUS depWl- Lions, and all IiIIiNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, as well as.pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN by CHILDREN.' pmgo's EXTRACT BU,CHU;, 1;i10 3 FA Ail D . :! , 1 1 :0f.4 Irking from rHabita of Difistpatiou, Early In Olgoretion or Aboory. ATTENDED. WITS TfiZ FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. , , Inflispoultion to , Sanctio n , rhymes of the Skin, Lees of IddifiCt, Lose Of Power, Weak Nerves, • ••• Difficulty of Breathing, ffertn• of Disease, Trembling, Dintateas of,ylaituf, • Wakeininee Valverde!". LaWit s tidc of theraiu to the Meuitialar. State* . Finehineof the b ody, Hot Rands, " Eratitiotha on the , Face, • Pallid Countenace, mese symptets; ir allowed to gran, which this Judi 'pine jnvsN9gly Eemovos, sow foljpw OTEriM 1:4117Y; EPILEPTIC FITS, tu due 1;4 . 04 the patient may •e4Pire • Wile can eay tk d 'theterg noSfreguebtly followed by those "direful •INSANEPY AND CONSUMPTION- Many are aware of the cause of their suffering', but none willconfesa .The records of the insane aayluma and the keedancholy deaths by Consiumption, bear ample ,wit ness to the triitti'ortha. assertion. TEEEDONSTITIITION, ONCE AFFECTED WIThORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Buchn Invariably deer.. Atrial will cimviitoe the most skeptical. FEMALES-FMMES-FEMALES, OL ' OR' YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM- .PLATING MARRIAGE lu many,a(fections peculiar to females the Extract Bu chu is unentralled by any other remedy, am in Ol at iolds or Milani/on, rfarity, Painfuktess, or supp catoutary recul none, Ulcerated or Schirrous Uterus, Letwarrhea or Whites, Sterility ; and for all rim plaints inolderskto.the Box, whether arising from Indisors. lion, Maas of Dissipation or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OP LIPP NO FAMILY SIIOIILD BE NrimOUT IT : , Take no Bakiam, Monciiik, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and ManktrownDiseneee. I:i.EMitUN,D'S.EXTWT BITCHII, Curds Secret-Dliteases in all their stages; at little expense; indoor no Changes in diet; no inconvenience and no expo. surd. It' ceases frequent' desire, - and , gives 'strength to Urinate; thereby removing obstructions, preventing and .rrurAng Stribtates of the. Urethra, allaying pain and Intiam caution, so. frequent in this class of diseimes, and expelling inisonoud; Die wal; and Winneut Matter. Thousands inp6l thousands ivho , hive been the victims of quacks, and whebtrie paid:heavy fees tube cured in &short time, have .found they were deceived, and that the "Polsonn has by the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in" the system; to 'meek Rut in an aggravated fOrm, and perhaps Use BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRU for all Affections and Diseases of: Abgt tixtiaarMA, FMB, whether existing in )tale or Female, fromwbateveT cause originating, and no , flaattre.r of hear long:Standing. • Dlseisea of these Organs :twin he : the.aid. 91 . "0 EUEWBOLVS.EXTRACT :WORT title Great Diuretic, and it is curtain to have the :desired efleet in all: Mieeses for which it is recom- , - lood--Blood—Blood.,' Helmbobrs Highly Concentra ted-Compound nom EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA STITH- This is an affeOthin of the Blood, and attacks' the Sexual Organs; Linings or_the Nose r igars, Throaty Wird pipe and other:Hucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the, form of likers. Heltabold's Extract Sarsaparilla pa 'rifles the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions . of ,the Skin; ailing to the Complexions Clear-and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class •of complaints, Its Blood-Purifying Properties are preierved to &greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparila. MIME inTr ITROLD'S ROHE WASH. An 'excellent Lotion for &mum of a Syphilitic Nature., and an an injection in diatoms of the Urinary Organs, arising item habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Duchy. and Sarsaparilla, in each diseases as 'recommended: , EvidenCe iif the most tesponrsible and re. liable character will accompany the medicines .CERTIFI. CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years standing,. 'with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Propertics 9f Drachm see' Dispensary of the United States. See Professor Dzwws valuable worifs on the Practito of Physic, . See remarks : made by ,the. late celebrated Dr. "PIniSKE; Ptdindelidda, . See lemaxsB made by Dr. MoDOWM,L,I a celebrated' Phystellui and mein; bar of the Royal College of Surgeons, and publikbed In the Vcsnmetions, of the King's and Queen's Journal. See lEedkai-Odmrgioldßeview,publishodby BENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of 'the Royal College of Surgeons The most of the late standard works en lifedioine.• Extract of Buchu, 111. 00 per bottle, or six . bottles for $5 00. Extract of SareaParilla, $1 00 per bottle, °r o lls for $5 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 60 cetitYper Watley or six for $3 to, or half a dozen each.for $lB 00, which will bo endlcient to cure thst most obitinate;cipes, If. directions are atlllerod to; Delitercil to akiy' address; setierely peeked from rob torvation:! Describe symptoms: in ail tommunicatiOna Pirel Pkiraldeet Attialea'ls l 4 sl % y • • .ATEIDAVtT. P iiikiireared before me an Alderman of the thy of 1,-R. T. Ilelmhold, who, hang duly sworn, cloth aah pap ratiaareiooataidato Mimetic, no Iner -007. Sr- WIC? 4061:11/814rPg% and are rzaa= Vircitand Eld daY Of No. reattiee ,1861. - HIBBARD ; Oteeto, lll V 8 4 13 4n1i* UMW letters fo 4l r information'in conlida*O4n..7. H. T. HEIAMBOW, Obeina. or d 101 South loth greet, below_ Chestnut, Pbiladel. pIaYERY. PRISE TwE.GENTS: F.VENING New York State. From the Tribune of Nov 9, The counties that give M'Clellan majorities in our 4tate axe reported as follows Albany 2,700 Columbia . 200 Brie ... . 312 Greene (est.)... 70 Hamilton (est.) 400 Kings 5,09 u Montgomery ... 200 New York 37,000 Queero, 1,000 IJfster (part est) 700 'Total M'Clellan's 'Lgi:COLN VLAJOBITI Aleglheny 3,600 Broome /,948. pattarangas ....2,200: Cayuaga 3,116 Chentauque....4,Boo Chemung , 200 ...... 200 i~hesnango 1,350 Cortland I,BUu Delaware 1,000 Dutehess 550 ..... .1,200 Franklin. Fulton. . . ... 200 Cienesaee —1,300 800 Jefferson .2,900 Putnam 400 Rerisselae. 100 Richmond. . .....1,310 ROckland 845 Schenectady.... 69 Schoharie 1,922 Seneca, (pt est.) 700 Sullivan (pkest.) 500 Westchester.... 1,70 Q majorities 56,145 I (approximate.) Niagara 563. Oneida 1,200 Ontario 1,200 Orange 200 Orleans . 1,300 Otsego 600 Onoudago 2 suo Oswego ........2,500 Saratoga 1,000 Schuyler 400 Stenben ........2,000 , St. Lawrenee....7,ooo I Suffolk 300. i Tioga 700. Tompkins.. 1,533 Wa ren- 300 Washington... _2,000 Wayne .....1,500 I Wyoming 1 579 Yates • 1,000 Lewi5....... ... 600 Livingston. .1,200 Madison .2,600 Monroe.. ... ..:.1,050 Total Lincoln niajoritis. apparent Lincoln majority • 7 006 The New York TOWS makes Lincoln's ma jority in the State over seven thousand.-- The Gerald gives the State to Lincoln. The World claims it for krelellan by 1,650. Concerning the Gnbernatorial contest the Times says: "Mr. Fenton will have a decided majority for Governor over Mr. Seymour; the tickets for Electors and Governor, we find, generally run together, as far as they have been separ ately reported, In this city, Mr. Seymour is a few hundred votes ahead of the ti'Clellan return, while Mr. Fenton leads his tiLket five hundred in his old cepperhead district, Ohs tauque and Cattaraugus. "The Union gain in Congressmen is seven members over the result two years ago. We ,regiret that the defeat of Mr. W. E. Dodge, ih the Eighth District in this city, will not allow xis to call the 'Union gain eight members. "The new laiernbly is largely Union. Tho •Senate, elected for two years in 1863, is the same way. Gen. Wallace's Order Concern ing. Emancipation- in Mary land. BALp:atour, Nov. 10 Major General Wallace has just issued an ,order setting forth that ~ certain evil disposed parties in. Maryland intend obstructing the operations and nullifying, as far as they can, the emancipation provision of the new con stitution." lie therefore orders that all per sons within the Middle Department, hereto fore slaves, are now free, and are under special military protection until the legislature shall pa:-s such laws as shall make military . protection unnecessary. A Freedman's Bureau is created, the office to be in Baltimore, and Major William M. Este is appointed to have it in charge. In !order to make the Bereau effective, Major E. is authorized to institute investigations, to send. tbr.papers, and to make neerssary ar rests. The Provost Marshals of the various distriots are dnected to hear all complaints and report the same to Major Este, who is directed to take possession of the Maryland Club Rouse, which is now by order named the Freedman's Rest. All moneys collected rom friends are to be appropriated to the use of the Freedman's Rest; but for immediate wants, Major Este is directed to thaw on Col. Wooley. It is farther directed that should the mon eys derived from donations and from fines collected prove insufficient to support the in stitntion in a manner corresponding to its importance, Major Este is directed to make a list of all the avowed rebel sympathizers re siding in the city, witha view to levying such contributions, on them for the support of the institution as may be from time to quired. - , The execution of the order is directed to be proceeded with at once. As INDEPENDENT Tursr.—The aublimest bit of impudence of the century is related as having occurred lately at Vienna. A gentle man was contemplating the works of art ex hibited in the windows of one of the principal picture dealers in the city, when he gradually became conscious of the fact that a hand not belonging to himself had found its way into one of his pockets. Turning swiftly round, he looked the neighbor who had taken the unusual liberty straight in the face, and ex claimed, with concentrated indignation, "Yon hadyour hand in my pocket !" , Well," re plied the detected member of the light-finger ed class of gentry, with the greatest coolness and self possessession, t'and what if I had? You have surely no ,reason-to be offended at that. Here, now, in OctOber, it's already so cold that one is glad to put one's hand any where." 4 Scoxon Pourro.—A story is told of a. per soh presenting himself to, the guid wife in a remote district, and asking for a pound of butter. The "ouncle weighs " was rummaged ever and over, but the " pun-stane " was no where to be found—the smallest weight at hand being the meal-stone quarter, which ob viously would not do. The honest woman took a long thought, till, whilst pondering deeply, her brow brightened up. "I ken how we'll manage it noo ? ' she exclaimed. - 'cThe guile man brought hams a pair olatigs yes treen, which weighed in the smithy just twa pun. Sae stan by and I'll-soon weigh you Nvi' them your butter." Producing the tongs in triumph, she put one leg in the scale, and let the other hang out. The beam got its swing, and the stranger carried off his butter, highly satisfied vyith his c exptAimaee of a Galloway potuad.' Co exmo or Mme.-=The Parkersbnrg. (West'-Virginia) %lefts 'states thatt tkerthree murderers—of: Mr..:Deania -tamed- °Glegini, toYee' and Gibimiy, bikerebriiibted and sentenced to be hung on the first Friday of Japan% 87111 PRINTING 011Ifi: . . . . AMEMENG B A TIK—D AILY TZASGILITEL The follcrwing an the rates for advertising in the Tams Glum: -Thin-liaVitig iiihiilairldniiido will Audit 00e. venient for reference: '- :. e ' o i ttertti - ito ., ... . 4iar ronr lines or resat ' one-hall squaro Eight lines, or more than ihnr4orgaiinten square. ._.l Pox .6 wax squats, 11 , ...f., ilibt :9Xli Betrarta. :lime day $ 'B9_ linidaii. $ 60 Two days . - 60 - Two - days - . - : - .... ..... 100 Throe days la! rteekraaya... • 125 One week 1 25 One week..........: 2 25 One month . 3 in O ne month 6 00 Two months. 464 Mare months 9 00 Three m0nth5....... 5 60- Three m0nth5....... 1100 Six months .. 8 00' Six months 15 00 One year........ 15 00 One year... • 26 .00 klministration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notices 75 Auditor's Notices reuserai Notion each insertion Boainffs notices inseried in the Local Colima', or bdore Marriages and Deists; Ram Owns rse tors for each insertion. Markets by Telegraph. Trade very dull, and the rain has suspended out of door operations. The flour market is inactive, but holders - are firm ; sales of 2,500 bbla extra family at $l2 00®12 25, and part On private terms. Receipts and stocks light. No change in rye flour or cop meaL TtlLere is a fair demand for wheat, and 700 bus. red sold at $2 55®2 60. Rye commands $1 70- %1 72. Corn scarce, and yellow sells at. IL 75. Oats sells freely at 88@90c. In groceries and proviscons there is a firm feeling and but lit tle doing. Cloverseed commands $ll GO@ 12 50. Petroleum is firm. Sales of crude at 42@43e;100 bbls refined in bond at 66(45,8c, and free at 85@88e. 'Whisky sells slowly at $1 77®1 78. New York Stock Markets Stocks lower; Chicago and Rock Ishend 1021; Cumberland preferred 52,i; Illinois Oen, tral 129; Michigan Southern 77; ditto guar antied 1408: New Yolk Central 126 .4. Reading 1381; Hudson river 123 k; Erie 1031; One year Certificates 95k; Ten-forties 94; Five-twenties Registered 1004; ditto Coupons 102; Coupon .6's 1074; Gold opened at 2161, advanced, to 254, sold at the board at 2534, and is tow sel ling at 252. A SEAMSTRESS, living in Williamsburg, N. Y., ran a needle under her thumb nail, a short time since, and the point breaking off, she was unable to get it oat. In a short time her thumb began to pain her violently, and by the next morning her hand and arm were fright fully swollen. A surgeon being called moved the thumb nail to get at the point. of the needle, causing the poor woman the most excruciating agony; but after the nail had hien taken off and the point of the needle extract ed, she began to feel relieved, and theawell ing in her hand, and arm subsided. -6%039 An-acTmo IwranvEaw.—The Wife of -Ed ward W. Green, the. Malden (Mass.) murderer, bad, on Wednesday, her first interview with him since the day for his execution was fixed by the executive. The interview occupied half an hour, and was very affecting. NEW ,ADVDRTISEMENTS. A DJOU RNED SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Fiiclay .:Yorember 11, 1861, WILL be sold at public sale, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, the following valuable real estate, late the estate of Dam el Hain, deceased : No. 1-41. 14 tU situated in Middle Paxton township, Dauphin county; about three mile from the borough of Dauphin, and two miles front Cleft's Ferry, adjoining lands of Magdalena Ham on the east, Susquehannwriver on the south, EL M'Kee on tho west, and Peters' Menu- Min on the north, Containing 847 Acres and 152 Perches, Strict measure, of Which about fifty acres is well coveted. with Timber ; the balance is under good fence and in a fine state of cultivation, having been well limed and manured. Ono hundred acres is Bottom Land, which for tracking and raising all kinds of grain and grass, is not surpassed by any land on the banks of the Sus quehanna river, having thereon erected a A DOUBLE LOG HOUSE , With a never-Billing well and pump in the kitchen, 12 Alo BARNS, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, Grain House, and other necessary out-buildings. Also, a good APPLE ORCHARD Of choice fruit. There are seven never-failing springs, which give running water in nearly every field on the farm. For grain mock farm, it is not surwsed by any in the county. The Pennsylvania Canal, Northern Central Mdiroad, Harrisburg and Lewistown Turnpike pass through this farm. No. 2—A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, adjoining the aforesaid tarm, Containing Eighty-three Acres, Abdul four of which is cleared with a HOUSE ano thereon. Also a number . oi"Cnoice Fruit Tree; a good spring of water at the door. /Or The above property will be sold in pieces, if de sired. The Mansion inict will also be divided and sold in two inset s t if d es irable. jar Sale to commence on the premises at 10 o'clock A.. when attendance will be given and conditions made known, by cer-Attwtsi A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. 150 ACTIVE, ENERGETIC ME.Ii wanted immediately, to engage in the awe or Dr. aicEhide's MINH (F PAIN. Very fivoralde terms offered. 'the present sales of this medicine are im mense and still Increasing. This most remarkable rem edy offets unparaltele iaducene-not to persons wishing to engage in a pleaaant businetls that will pay them nom *f.../ to SIOCI a week The KING OF PAIN wil. poit. 'dimly cure Headache or Toothache to three matins% For twitter particulars apply either. per-onaily or bs letter to BUNKtiI. Manufacturers and Proprietors, or to Dr. F. H. HEM PERLY, State Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. CM 11. C. ORTI-I, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin N SINGING. No. 15, bum) mum; BELOW Massi.r. sepB-dem NEW STORY BOOK FOR CIIILDJ F TIT; BY FANNY FERN. For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2B DIUKLESI nouLuBt.l—By the 13aire1, 1. Halfßarrel, Jar or Doze . at FIRER k FRAZER'S, (Soceeaso!s to Wax Dock. Jr., & I:21 pATFNT cis! Aud Bill Holders, For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. xd. REDUCTION IN PRICES. SHISLER & FRAZFR, nave made another redaction in Prices on the leanin, articles of ocerles. &eh • //000 148 brated l. St. D GeOrge j : ;% e. e t" Ti" ind for sale by smaLER & FRAZER, febl (enceottopt to Wtik. DoeitAr.-it "1.1".93181 SAMSII--,llLictienWs-tnroolsiat . ,Ar cmyett. Reaelww! and ;Or hi.- • • . • ' SMStAIi, F 14 4 jii. ..4.• • 20, EVIZOKS, PPORTEMONNAIIikant "'general 'variety of 'LIMB GOOW, jiustgloelve4 v • '5 - tine x .Nrirs . ROOK kiT_OREC , . • • Haney. • •1. • ASNATAI;ut superior lot of BCPEFEWIIist rec,47A et BRISLERA •11L,:12514!4 1611010INEIV8 excelsior hares, of AIL soles coning. Just received end for sale by SEMLER Sr dseli Cideeteeen to Wee. Dookl1=4). 1 60 PEarADEx,rEue, Nov. 10 NEW YORE, Nov. 10 DANIEL POFFENBEEGER, MUTH CRUM, Administrators
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers