gritgrap4 E 7.0 ADVERTISEIELS.—AI: Advcr •3eiunents, .Business Notices, Marriages, to secure insertion in the v i i ;LE Ibi iIAPII, must invariably be sitcom winged with thy CASI-1. Advertisements ordered in the regular sly-ening Edition are inserted in thy Morn ing tiMitlon without extra charge. ITARIif:-:.1117RG, PA nNuAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 18b1 4 7- il9 r N AN ! ) COUNTRY. A Grand To ch r-l Lykensight .Procession at The citizens of Lykens township will have a grand torch-light procession on THIS EVENING. Hon. DAVID FLEMING and other promi nent speakers will address the meeting. FIVE thousand dollars were realized from the late State Fair at Easton. Go to the Union meeting, at the Court R o use, to night. Able speakers will be pre sent. Turn out and hear the truth. I=3=l REV. J. WALKER JACKSON is announced to address the people of Mechanisburg this even ing. at the great Union meeting to be held there. EOM "Tun Tam Has Colm."—Let every Union voter go to the polls to-morrow. Be sure to vote early, and then see that your neighbors turn out. Let not one vote be lost. =1 HOLDERS of certificates of premiums for presenting recruits in the Western Division of Pennsylvania, must present them to the dis bursing officer in this city, on or before the 31st of this month, or they will-not be paid. Do NOT BREAK THE SEALS.---Persons who may receive proxies from soldiers mast not break the seal, but must carry them as re ceived to the polls, and there place them in the hands of the election officers. IN compliance with the request of the Chair man of the State Committees of both parties, election officers should count the vote for Congressman first, in order that the returns may be telegraphed at the earliest possible moment. =MOM ACCIDENT TO A MINISTER.—Rev. Mr. Mitch ell, pastor of the Old Sphool Presbyterian Church, was seriously injured, on Saturday, by being thrown from a buggy in which he was riding. He was unable to take part in the services in the church yesterday. ACClDENT.—Yesterday morning the dead body of Andrew Clark, an employee of 4he new rolling mill, was found on the track of the Pennsylvania railroad eoteparry, below Paxton street, iu this city. One arm and both legs were entirely severed from thebody. It is not known how the accident occurred, but a whisky bottle found by his side is suf ficient evidence that he was intoxicated. The man was killed by one of the Saturday night trains. =I FATAL AGGIDENT.-Otit Sunday of last Week, while Joseph A. Young, son of Mr. George Young, of Somerset township, Washington county, was returning from church, in com pany with two other young men, his horse stumbled, fell and rolled upon and over him, producing such injuries as occasioned his death the Friday following. Deceased was in the twenty-fourth year of his age, and was a most excellent young man. WiHOCISING Accrozsr.—Mr. John Boon, an old and esteemed citizen of Chartiers town ship, Washington county, on Friday last, met with an accident which resulted in his death. It appears he had a threshing and cleaning machine in operation at the time, and was en gaged in measuring up the grain as it came from the machine, when some part of his clothing being caught by the tumbling shaft, which revolves at a very rapid rate, he was whirled around at a frightful speed and killed almost instantly. PENNSYLILMA. COLLEGE, AT GETTYSBURG. The friends of Pennsylvania College, in order to increase its facilities for education, have determined to raise the means for its perma nent endowment. In order to carry this ob ject into effect, a convention of the friends of the institution will be held in this city, on Tuesday, the 18th inst. A number of promi nent ministers And others, from various parts of the country; are expected to be present.-- Rev. Dr. Hay, of the Fourth Street Lutheran Church, is chairman of the committee of ar rangements. Au interesting time is antici pated. IT WAS KILLED. —The taking of human life must have a strong hold upon the moral nature of the most reckless and daring of man kind in their calm and thoughtful moments. The untimelydeath of the unfortunate subject of our remarks is pregnant for reflection, and offers a fruitful scope to the mind of man in his accountability in the taking of life. • The circumstances surrounding this melancholY event occurred, as we were informed, through the barking of Mr. Newton H. Davies' dog, isk the garden attached to his house. The re fusal of the dog to become quiet, by per suasion or threats, caused a careful search to discover. what had offended his dogship, when a large and queer looking quadru ped was found. in attitude of defence which betrayed resistance. Those present not being acquainted with the individual, his disposition or power to harm, at once rushed to the - front door and invited the assistance of otr. de r servedly popular salesman, Peter B. Brindle; who was just passing by. Mr. 8., upon arriv ing at the garden, discovered that this fright ful monster was an opossum. He called for an ax, and in a moment the mangled opossum was no more in life. We notice that the great rush at the cheap dry goods., "store of C. L. .Bowman, No. 1, cor. of Front arid:Market sts., is not through playing 'possum,,but on ac count of the great reduction in prices. SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT. —The Mechanics burg Journal of Saturday, contains the follow ing - account of a melancholy accident that be curred near that town a few days ago: On Saturday afternoon last, our community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of a bright and promising boy of our town—W. H. Rupp, son of Mr. John Rupp—the result of a melancholy accident. It appears that a party of five boys, aged each about fourteen years, started to the Conodoguinet creek for paw-paws, anti took a gun with them to shoot any game they might see. Having gathered some fruit, and not proving very sue- cessful in the pursuit of game, they got to shooting mark at a log which they had thrown into the creek in the vicinity of Bryson's Mme• One of the party had already fired, when, just as another of the lads, named John Mateer, was about to shoot, the boy Rupp stepped in front of him; a few paces Aston% and, sad to relate, the gun was discharged, the entire contents entering his right breast, 411 4 WA Bzweam of i copperhead stories of reverses to our arms. There is not a word of truth in .them, and the copperheads know that they are lies prepared for the occasion. Sotorsa KTT." O .—On Wednesday night last, an accident occurred on the railroad near station in Patterson, resulting in the death of a soldier from Wisconsin, YOUNG Max Hi:MED.—Daniel Wirtz, all apprentice to the blacksmith business,with Wm. Hetrick, in Mexico, Juniata county;; liras kicked by a 6olt, On the27th ult. , while engaged in the act of shoeing it, and so badly injured in the abdomen that he died the next day: He is spoken of as ..a fine young man, and was aged about 20 years. EAST LYNNE will be performed at the Thea tre, to-night, with the frill strength of the talented Combination Company. The cele brated stars, Miss Kate Deign and Mr. Sam Ryan, will also appear in leading characters— Miss D. as Lady Isabel and Madame Vine. No doubt there will be an immense audience, as a large number of our leading citizens have specially solicited the repetition of the piece, and will be sure to attend. Go and see East Lynne this evening. The curtain will rise at half-past seven o'clock. How THE Sonnmus Vox is.—A'. Wisconsin battery arrived here yesterday, en route for the front. On Saturday, in the cars, Co. H took a vote on the Presidency, with the fol lowing result Whole number voting • 147 For-Lincoln For McClellan Of the latter, two are minors, but those, voting for Lincoln were all legal voters. The Peninsular sexton has but few friends in that battery. - „ . RECOVERY OF A VALUABLE DIAMOND BREAST -PM—On Saturday last Mr.. ,T. Patton Thomp son, (of Philadelphia,) passed through here, from the West, en route for home. While at the depot in this city, he was robbed of a dia mond breastpin valued at four hundred dol lars. Daring the day a description of the stolen property was telegraphed to Bernard Campbell, Chief of Police, who subsequently proceeded to Philadelphia, and spent yester day in quest of the pin. By threats made against a party of pickpockets whom he there suspected, Mr. Campbell succeeded in having the missing goods brought forth. Last night, after he was seated in the cars at Philadel phia, ready to start :homeward, a small boy approached and handed officer Campbell a small package, which, upon examination, was found to be the diamond breastpin. Should any of the pickpockets alluded to pass this way, they will no doubt be "spotted" and jugged. Barney will keep an eye open for them. • Watch the Polls. For the information of election officers, we publish the list of persons who have been ex empted by the Board of Enrollment on ac count of alienage. We have no doubt that some of these have voted the. Democratic ticket for years, but when they are called upop to defend their adopted country, they claim exemption. We advise the election officers to preserve the list: FUSS'S WARD. Michael Meyer, John Dress, • - Charles Mayer, William Berger, , John Hirtley, Martin Kronenbettcri John Deetling, Christian Stiirdz, Conrad Brown, Michael Shanacy. Frederick Bonaker, SECOND .WARD Joseph Rieek 70IIRTEL WARD. William Evans,. Henry Grow, Raphael Loewenstine, Michael Mulgachy, James Kessaek, Peter Veirick, FIFTH WARD William B. Nan, Michael. Carroll, John Neff,, Edward Fitzgerald, George Marzoff, Pat iek Brogan. Patriojc Quigley, SIXTH WARD. Joseph Davis, Christian Giete, Michael M'Lane, Joseph M'Court, Henry Getz, Theodore Miller, Thomari Williams, William Gray, Adam Break, Thomas Higgens George Blumenstine, SIISQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP Michael Foley, John Foley SWkTARA. TOWNSHIP Michael Monaghan Thoinas Lawless, WICONISCO TOWNSHIP. Edward Wiedeman, Leopold , Shultz, Jeremiah Buckley, John Durbin, John Ogorak, Henry Bopp, Thomas Boken, Michael Dunn, John O'Brian, Samuel Morrell, Thomas Perkin, Egnetz Dresel, Edward M'Grath, Reese Jenkins, Joseph Durbin, George Temple, Patrick Conner, John Jenkins, Michael Sholler, David Davis. Samuel Durbin, LONDONDEItItY TOWNSHIP Francis Ganum. 17PPNE, PAXTON TOWNSHIP. - Barnhart ltalmbacker, Patrick Muller. Rusk TOWNSHIP. Adam Barer DAUPHIN BOROUGH Lawrence Bond. • , • BUSINESS ITEMS. lioncE.—Parties still having guns in their possession belonging to Capt. Gibson's com pany of Minute men, are hereby notified that if the guns and accoutrements are not left at the office of the DAILY TELEGRAPH on or before WedneSday, Oct 12, their names willbe hand ed over tp the Quartermaster General of the State. td W. W. GIBSON. Cloaks and Fuis ! Cloaks and Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful muffs at 4.50 . and 5 dollars. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and IO dollars. Black cloth for cloaks as low as $2 50. White all wool &midi as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents ? . worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al paccas, black bombiaines, all at reduced prices. 500 dOz of woolen. .and cotton stockings, children's, wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cass4erSfOrhoy's wear. The greatest bargins itChhicksilke. We have now in store a very largb..stock of goods, and will sell at less than wholesale prices, in order to reduce our stock. Bargains in Irish linen bought at auction: Call and . jidge for yoßseH..... S. LEW.Y.. Lamer,. iemver,.--The imdersignedi takes the pleasure to infoim the ladies of this city on9l - vteihdt i y, that she_has - , received this day a la ge qiitaatar.: CLOAKS. and (ELICIT LAMS, zangingin.prico from $6 to sss. This stook comprises the very latest styles and best quiklities, all of which have been purchased since the decline in_ gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold for by any other ests.blialuhent %the city. - • MRSALI. MAX= 13oger's , Old Stand, No. 13 Market street. sept2B4t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OFFICE --' MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, IS&I, OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER irAniva THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LEITERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED IN THE POST OFFICE AT HARRISBURG. Alac-"To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for 'advertised letters,' give the date of this list, and pay one cent for advertising. zir"lf not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter OSice. "FREE DELIVERY of letters by carriers, at the resi dences of owners, may be SECURED by observing the following RULES: - "1. DIRECT letters plainly to the street and number, as well as the post office and State. "2. HEAD letters with the writer's post office and State street and number, sign them plainly with full name, and request that answers be directed accordingly. • LADTES , -LIST. Atbrite Mrs Sara - . Maters, Miss Maggie Allison, Mrs Amelia - Maguire Miss Maggie Bomberger, Miss Ella 4- Meek, buss Sarah C Baugh, Mrs Charles • • • Mathews, Mrs Clarra Barnhart, Miss Abf • Mahaney, Mrs John Barton, Mrs Maria Mare, Mrs Christian Battle, Sarah Montjoy, Miss Ida Berry, Miss M Meant, Mrs Sophia Birmingham, Mrs E Morrison, Miss Jennie E Busier, Mrs Sarah J - Murray Miss Mary Boroskey, Miss Sarah 2 Murdock, ME Borten, Miss Harriet 2 Neater, bliss Anna NI Boyd, Miss Mary Nester, Miss Mary E Bowman, Miss Eliza Night, Miss Eliza Bradford, Miss Lillie W 2 Orth, Miss Mary E Bryant, Mrs Marget Parsons, Miss Mary Corl, Miss A .. Patterson, Mrs Harriet Callender; Miss Olivia Piters, Mrs Elizbath Chase, Mrs Ann 1,1 Power, Miss Ellen Carleton, Miss Carrie 11 Potts, Miss Portia J Carter, Miss Wilson Powell, Mrs Sarah Crone, Mrs Henry Price, Mrs Mary 3 Deible, Sahra • - Beih, His Roselina Derr, Miss Amanda Romp, Mrs Margret J -Dean, Mrs Sarah Rhirett, Miss Mary Detrick, Mrs Mary Richer, Miss Elmira Davis, Mrs Margret Ranch, Mrs Samuel Drake, Miss E Roberts, - Mrs:Anna E. Eby, Miss Fannie Sanders,Rachel Embich, Mrs Elizabith Sanders, Mrs Mary Fagan; Miss:lda J Shindies, MISS Catharine. Farrow, Miss Calibres. Rimer, Miss M E Fessler, Mrs Rebecca ' Shute, Miss-Emma C • Fitting, Miss Amanda Sheckinger, Miss Polly Freese, Mrs II A C Snider, Miss Carrie Gensler, Miss Lizzie Stout, lira Elizabeth Gonett, Mrs Hattie Smith, Mrs Hosanna Gambor, Miss Sallie E Smith, Mies Margret S Graham, Mrs V Smith, Mrs Isabella Goodvin, Miss E C Smith Mrs Molly Goings, Caroline Sour Mrs Catharin Grenjorn, Miss Annie 1.1 Shields, Mies Henrietta. Guistwhite, Miss Lib Springer, Miss Mollie Harper, Miss Ellen Stitzel, Miss Mary H. Herd, Miss C Stout, Miss Maggie E 2 Hite, Miss Ann Stevens, Maria V Howard, Miss Molly Still, Miss Mary Howard, Victoria Stewart Miss Preeilla Hollings, Miss Fannie Slevison, Mrs M .., • 1 Holland Mrs Caroline Toy, Miss Ellen '• 1 Hoak, klizabeth L Turner, Miss Mary J Jackson, Mrs Henry Venter, Miss Sarah Johnson, Mrs Mary A ' Varnice, Mrs Elen Johnson, Miss Annie E 2 Tame, Miss S Jones, ant Susan Ward, Mrs R E Jones, Miss Sarah L Washington, Mrs Elizabeth 2 Keener, Mrs Sarah Walkon, Mrs Bridget Ramble, Miss Emma Walsingham, Mrs Exuma Kendig, Miss Lizzie M Walker, Margret Minor, Miss Annie E ' Watts, Mrs Mary , Koppenheffer, Mrs WD D. , WeitmOyer, Mrs John H Lichetz, Mrs Annie ' WeSt, Miss Harriet Little, Miss Isabel ' Weidman, Mrs C,atharin Licked, Miss Mary .1 Williams, Miss Frank .. Lece, Miss Cerra Williams, Mrs Lydia E Larkins, Bra Annie Williams, - Mrs Anis Lovejoy, Miss Minnie J Witmoyer, Miss Louisa McQuade, Miss Maggie Wirt„ Miss Mary Marshall, Mrs Susan Williams, Mrs SUSifii Miller, Miss Sallie, Wolfe, Miss Kate - Methnan, Miss Angie GENTLEMEN'S LIST.' Annan, H. C , MeCahan, James Allen, J M 'McClellan, Wm Angus, John McHenry, M L Armstrong, Wm McFarland, John .• ..Basbore, Benj McClellan, Joseph 13ashore, George E McCully & Co Barkdell, Francis Mclntire, James E Bartell, Samuel 2 Martin, Alexander Bervick, George ' Martin, D 0 Haley, Wirt J . , Mann, Wm B Balmer, John . :Halze,-- 11 - D Becker Adam H ' - Moatellr, .1 W Bletz. a H - • Mollary, Semi 0 HAMM; R E • • Mellinger, Lt J L Blymyer, .1 S Mertz, Alexander Blank, Jos Merley, Gee W Bowman, Jno H Metcalf, Gibson:SF Howard, Martin L • Miles, James T Boyer, Harrison Miller, Harry Brightbill, J Minnig, Ghasß Brooks, J L Miller, Malibu Brisline, Robert. Mires, _Cap 1 E Broomall, George Monroe, Cap Nelson Burlingham, W G '2 Meyer, Wm Bucher, J F _ . Mdigneme, Wm S Comman, Jes Moyer, ;Rey D Cassel,. Reason, Mayer, A.::. Camp, Hugh N , Moyer, Saint W . Galley, Lt W Moan, John N: Carey, John Muench, ;I Carpenter, R T Murdock, E B'' , Cain, Patiick Mumma, Jacob Connell, Chas A ' Newman, Thomas Cain, Wm : Hey, John Cannon, Charles Nrulor, James F Churchill, Frank . Nicholson, Thos Chilcoat, John W - 'Nichols, R Cbrismore, Augustus Oris, George - Chase, Geo W Oren, J N . ' • ! Conley, James R Patent, Samuel •' - • Curtin, Lt Jaines-B ':' ' Patton, Fred II ''•• • 1 Cummings, R Phillips, Dan'l B Cream, Jacob 't . Pllugfelder, Gotticili (ship) •. Dampman, John H Phillips, Tho H Deily, David ?Miter, Christ Dean, J A Powel, D E De Haven, David S Poticher, Daniel jr Dean, Samey . . , Press, Jack Deming, E D " . Quinn, Martin Dougherty William Ray, Cap H H C , Dixon, Ballard Reed, Augustus Duren, Cap W G Reed, Wm B Bitches, Albert Perry Reichler, John Enders, E A Ritter, Wm S . Eshby, iff C Rickaugh, Jacob Feris, W H Ricker, Zack Fertig, Lewis P Ripley Volney, Feigler, Henry Rock, Miles 2 Fisher, Peter Robinson, J J Finnin, Michael ' Russel, C G Fitzpatrick, John Rutherford, Col George Ar Ford, Benjamin sands, Geo W Fouty, John Saul, Wm W Pram, Saml F Schott, J G Frenzel!, A P Scott, J W Fickess, Jeremiah Batelle, William F (ship) Frost, Wm H. Soluninkey. J . S ' Punk & Zimmerman . ' Sett:seer, Peter .! . Frick, Louis (ship) ' Sehnierts, W E &Co Gehr, Li Win A. I , - . fftensebach, Jacob 2 George, R A Shuye, George_ Gould, Chris ' ' • '.. Shnman, Jno W Gorman, Wm ' Shyler, John A Greiss, Henry . Seger, Wm ' Gunner, Jno G ' Shaeffer, Phillip Gross, Thomas A ' , ' Shrader, Frederick Gray, Peter ' .: Simpler, I A Green, Chandler . Shaffer, Joseph A Hammon, John N Shonenberger & Bear Hall, Lewis Shoop, Monroe Hamilton, Joel G Snyder Jas • Haldeman, Chriet'r Smith, ‘v J Harper, Geo W Smith, Jacob Harley, E .1) Small, Wm F .. Hers!, Michael - Springer, lir 2 Harris SalathaeL- ..... ...., . *igsi.more, Charles-4 , - - -.-- Hayse,,lino EL %.!':- '' . ..' , , , 5.4,,e5a1, , J X_ , ••• ' 4 ' . - - Herd, Hen l y'.; l 4 ".' , - thilinel, W,H • ' .. , Henaleyi.,..- eg - ;;..: , i • Staventriandrirer Heneer, .D , „e(...f;..•'.v•-•`.. • StePtleoWHlS' Xeidelaperger;.ffaii . Stuart, John''., .., Healer, C M- - ' . Serison;JobitW Heath, Wm . " , Stollar, - ,Nielioiss- Heitier,: A M ,• , ' ' , StrOnlyt*till •-•- • 'Xick4, Gee A. - -, -: .5wart5,.0163431......v4,,- Holbort, Jacob C -..- . stunnzi; - Tbin3 ' • " Hower, D J ' Stroud, Lee A . Hoffer, Henry . Thayer, .T.-P ' Hoffer, Levi , ,Tborn, AL. Hugha, 0 0 !',.. ' .. Tittnos, Charles Huff,' F A ' ' Taylor, Martin finnickey, John . • . Tagg; Wilsim• R u st on, w in • Thomas, David Hunter, George., . Toy, Daniel 2 Hunter, Geo W " Tapper, 1 N • Huey,- Wm H ' Turner, Richard -Uhler, Henry . _, . Tomer, Lewis E, jacebs, Andrew . Van. Horn,, John,. l Jones, - Rena on •• ` ' Vicus, Asbury • ...Kelly, Wm .11 • Walker,•A J ' Kelly ; Chas L , Walower, Aarets , Barns, Lt R Wanin, T K Hates, Jacob Ward, Lt R J - Kauffman, Jas Wade, Amos W King, James . Wattles, Joseph E Kinzer, Wm Wenrich, Jolukathan Eoppenbeffer, Win D • Webb, Theree t a ' Kunkel, Win Wheler,Jaisob Kohler, Adam Weber, John Lawrence, SM 2 Wessels, Tbeo A Lewis, Chas A Whees li n . - Lenzel Daniel . Wilson, Jeer Lined. John ' Wilco; w in Lay, Henry w . Wilford. Jacob Landow, EG - - - - We Melon P Lyons„Satnl . . WoUgang; J onas Lots, Wm . Tousich, - Samnel Longbougb,Henry .. , Zimmerman John 1 MoKroStlg, Jobti '-', s ...% - 4.4111111r, John ~ .: . ..4 , GEO. BERGNIER, P. X MOM ii=lEl N&W ADVERTISEMENTS. MBE BEST BOOK BY IVELICII TO LEARN Piano-forte Playing Is Richardson's New Method. The best Book for Young Pupils of Piano Music Is Richardson's .PYew Method. The Book by which to Learn Easily and Thoroughly . 18 Richardson's New Method . The Book that makes Piano Studies Attractive • I) 'Richards= s New Method. The best Book of Exercises for Piano - Practice Is Richardsen's New Method. The Book that is given to. Pupils by Teachers Is Richardson's New Method. The Book that contains no Dry and Tedious. Lessons . Richard o p' a New Method. The Book that Interests both Young and Old Is Richardson's New Method. The Book of which 10,000 are sold annually Is iticliardswes New Method.. Richardson's New Method for the Piano. Price $3 i OLIVER DIMON & CO., Pulflishers, Bos ton. Scot by milt, post-paid. , For gale by J. E. GOULD, Philadelphia. tie 29 tch] c - Et.rwrA.m.xz]oro CONCENTRATED LEMONADE ' Isa Pleasaut, healthy be*eiage.. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends WM travelers. Its convenience at pie-nice will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-sr . umful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it b. done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jel7 No. 91, Market street. Almanacs I Almanacs I 13 A. V. S' English and German Lancaster Almanacs, for the year 1 8.6 5 • ~ For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Seheffer'a Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. 5029 EXECUTRIX NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby gittrithat letters testa mentary on the estate of Anne 'Finney, late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, have" been granted to the subscriber, residing in said city, All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement.. - , - SUSAN E. ENGLE,. se29oawded* „ . 'Executrix.: ADMINISTBATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration have this day been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Cornelius U. Shell, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, deceased, allperaons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please makolimmediate payment, and all those having claims against said estate, will please present them for settlement without delay, to sep23-doaw6t] JACOB D. BOAS, Administrator: ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration Inva this day been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Henry Rep', late of the city of Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Penns., deceased, all persons • knowing themselves indebted' to %aid estate will please make immediate payment, and all those having claims against said estate. will please present them for settlement without delay, to PHOEBE HANNAH REEL, Administratii of said deceased/ Or to Eugene Snyder,•Ewl., her attorney. Harrisburg, Pa ~ Sept 1861. . [sepl9-Bhlawd IN the Common Ple,a - of Dauphin County. . Joseph Welker and Susanna Welker, ') his wife, now for use of Daniel I No. 17. Keiser. J- August Term, 1.464 ms..t Von. Ex. Solomon Loudenalager. J The undersigned, auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to distribute the money made by the Sheriff on the above stated suit, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Harrisburg, oft Friday, the 14th day of October next, at 10 o'clock,;•wh'en and where all parties interested' are notified to appeary... . RALPH L. MACLAY, lepl9-3taw2w], . Auditor: NtoTIOE. —TKO undersigned, auditor, op the Orphans' Courtof Dauphin county to distribute the balance in the hands of the executor of Charlotte HeGlaugblin, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose at his office is Harrisburg, en RATILEDA Y, the 15thday of October next, at 10 o'clock a. It. Ail parties interested are invited to attend and ex hibit their claims. H. FLEXING, Auditor. Harrisburg, -SePt. 21,1864 .-L-Iscp2l4iittv3t • DISSECTED AL ITLABE;I: BLOCKS, fornale Schffiffir's Bookstore, 21 South Seelud street, Batik**, :ocel NEW GAME FOR CHILDREN. GAME OFEOLITAIRE, together with an assortment of other Gauries, at Scheffer's Bookstore 21 math &Sand street, Harrisburg, Pa. °di 1100C/ 0118 br S ated . C S? D H aezirgebrab o d, f the Justrect e lsr l 6% . mu for sale by . SEMLERA FRAYAR, febl (suociroooret to Wtn. Dock, jr. et Go.) LOUR! FLOU.R.I -.Fine Family Flour!! -- FlOO of. the best • brand of flour in this city. livery barrel warranted or money returned, and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. For sale at sepl6 - SfitSLER & FRAZER'S; DRIED Lds at riaty4l' BOYi.R & KOERPECK . . Draft: o.4'aft!l • DRAFTED MEN entitlealo,eicemption can , havetheir papers properly . prepared' by' E. C. GO,BLN, Attorney at Law - , bite or the Provost AlarshaPs Office. Office in Third street, four dam riboviHrtiket, Harrisburg, Pa, sep27-tf C. - ATTORNEY AT, LAir OFFICE IS. TiLLEID STREW, ABOTS MARKET._' *a- Beset* 'Partitions and Backlit." , eolleatelnit legs rates. Esepiklaral ALPHABET BLOCKS ! t"s , ND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, 4 FOR silk at SCHEFPER'S BOOKSVORE, ; coal 21 South Soca* West, Harrisburg, Pa: NEN sToßyßoor • FOR C at, 121 It N ; • BY FANNY FERN. For sale at Selietrees'Botikstore;Hanistim, Pa. se24 Window Shades and Blinds.: ASPLENDID assortment of Linen sh'tdes and Paper Blinds, at SCHEFFEWS Bookstore. aep2d 2l South. Second street, Harrisburg,Pena: Wall Paper Wall-Paper-1! ALarge and splendid stook of Wall Paper of all styles and prices, for We cheap at SCIIBPPEIVS 116okitore, ; sep26 21 South Second strect,llfarrisburg, realm: I= ALARGE ASSORTMENT ` OF I'RANSP4I - SLATES,. or all sizes and prides, for sale at . Scherier's Bookstore, 21 Sootlißecond :Strain, Barrisburg, Penna. - nal FRESH OYSTERS • - In can, jut received and for sale by SBISLER FBAZER, iteit.26 (successor to W. Dock & Co.) :,:: ~ - ~`i i E R NINEI4LIi. —Pare Cider Viiiegar IL,/ can be WIWI{ by the barrel or small quitatity,_ at 1918 • psi haDERPER • • • PHOTOGRAPHS. A LARGE assortment; of Photographs 44 Generals and fancy pictures for sale CMAP, at $T per dozen, at SORREFREVS BOOR STORE, rays° Harrisburg, Pa PATENT CLIPS! '• Anil Bill Holderi, A.l , F" 2 aleuL S cbetrir'EßookEtore, tayAitiv , • t 2.8 - - oner. ASI.II4OL,bO superior lot of HONEY, ins received; skt MUER BiPRAZER'S. auglB QIIGABS,. SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, o A. 7 all gtvioa. and prices , at - KEELER & FRAZER. Soncessors:to Deck,.Jr., & Co. je/ 7 • ::Dealers in. Fine Family Groceries ByTTP-B?Birl'lllii:—Fr;umb roll butter lom ackYter wordy received every week. Also guts fare - - isOrlejt 4-IROTSRPMR: 2 (4110PEttlk '8 of all kinds, at reduced PIM. at , 8418LERA F4AZER'S .... AMU laßOOßY,'oppositi the tout, JEfoltsea endless vit. rWrY, at SOLKETTAR'S Bookstore, REM NEW Al) VERTISEMENTS. Proposals for 5-20 BONDS TRELSIIRY Dy...PARTIIENT, • WAsuncorox, Oct. 1, 1864. SEALED offers willbe received at this e partinent, under the act of Congress, ap proved June 30, 1864, until the noon of Fri day, the 14th inst.; for bonds of the United States, to the amount of forty millionsof dol lars. - The bonds offered`Will bear:an interest of six per centum, payable semi-annually; in coin, on the first days of May and November, and will be rededinablA i nk the pla,sur,e of the GOvernmenty after five .-years ; and payable in twenty years from Nov t,91864. Each offer must be for„fifty or Some multi ple of fifty dollara; and must Itnte the sum including premium offered for each hundred dollars, or for fifty when the offer is for- ho more than fifty. Two per cent. of the princi pal' texcludingliremium) of the whole ainonot bid for, by each bidder, must be depositect,ias a guaranty for the payment of subScriptiOns if "accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington; or with the Assistant Treasurer at NeirYork, , Boston, Philadelphia or St. Louis, or with the designated Depohi tary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville; Chicago,- Detroit or ' Buffalo, or with any National DepOsit Bank which may I consent to transact the . without I charge, for which deposits,duplieate-certift eates will be issied to 'thedepoicitors by the officer or bank receiving them—the originals of which must be forwarded, with the offers, to this. Department. All deposits should he made intime for the certificates with the offers to reach Washington, not later than the morn ing of October - 14 J as aforesaid:. No offer not 'amoinpitnied brits; proper bertjficate of de- Posit will be •conadered. The Coupon and -Registered Bor.ds,issued under this prdposal, will be of the denomina tions of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $l,OOO. Regis tered Bonds of $5,000 and $lO,OOO Will be is sued if required. All offers received October 14th. .The awards will bp made by the Secretary to the . highet =Gfferers, Wand notice of acceptance or declinatioirwill be im "ffiediately given to the xespectifei(offerets. In oases of aceePtanc, bonds of llie_discription and -denorriinatioii-Preferredwill:be sent to the subscribers, at the cost ofthe.Department, on final payment of installments. The deposit of two per cent. will be reckoned in the last installments paid by successful offerers, and will be immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with the Treasurer, officer or bank an thorned to act under this notice, on adVice of the acceptance of offers, as follows: One half on the 20th October, and the belande,-(in cluding,the premium and original' two 'per cent. deposit,) on the 31st October. 1 - ! • The bonds will bear interest from NOrem ber Ist. Interest on deposits, from their date to Nov. 1, will be paid by the Government in coin. One-half of the first installment, or twenty five per cent oraCemted offers, may be paid, with accrued interest to Oct. 14, in United States "Certificates of Indebtedness," but such certificates will be received in part payment, of the firstatistallment only. Offers under this notice should be endorsed "Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Secre tary of the Treasury. ' The right todeolina all offers not considered advantageous to "the Goverment., is reserved by the Secretary. '-L •- *. P. FESSENDEN, oof-tillocl4 Secretary . of the Treasury. Q UARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF .FIRST , : WASHINGTON city, October 1, 1864.} I.le. HORSES J• HORSES ! HORSES ! 'HOMOtleditable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purclunat,Gier,boro Depot, in open market, till Novem ber 1,164: .Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A 4.11.,1eid be subjected to the usial Government inspec tion before( being, accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO . each. Payment will be made for six (6) and:Mere: JAMES 4, ib i 4 .ColoneLl'arstaiths' icku, 03tilloc31 Quartermaster General's 0111 m. OPTIC'S SUPERINTENDWT VOL. R. SERVIOF, WESTERN Drvisros of Pgruve A FILTORTEIBURG, Pa., October '3,1864. HOLDERS OF 'CERTIFCATES OF PEE miums for presenting recruits, are hereby notified toisteeent such United .Stftteg. ,plabursing Offiter.forilayment, on or ; cb - efore tho.lsth day. of October, 1854 - afterwbbili date noxlainv3 of-Alitind will be paid. - • —= , RIORARD-VDODG-R, coadtd Capt. fith Infantry, sup't Rec. Ser: SPECIAL NOTICE TO 'TIARA°. SELLING . OFF I SELLING OFF- !!! sni)sciiter, intending to make change lin his business will close out his immense stook. of BOOTS AND SHOES,. Fa Cr every descnptiou now on hand at °Mich 'less than market prices. Persons in. want or Hoots and Shoes will do well to call, as 1 am determined to close out at reduced prices. Give us a call. J. C. xnaBALL, 88 Market street, next to McCalla's jewelry store, Harrhiburg; Pa. sep2B. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE. FOR BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING AND 'STRENGTHENING THE EfAIR, Is' PURELY A VEGETABLE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to 'lO the most delicately per fumed and doslrable hair preparation ever offered to the American. public. It will restore lost hair. It will prevent hair from falling out. It will restore , gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will mataially thicken the hair. Bald places will Jiradoslly coier .themtelves, and in a short" time the hair wiit grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price $7. 00 per, box. Sold by ,ICLTNY..EL sea° . , ,:a.nothecarles, Harrisburg.; - . EIGH T VEX P,IE SOR latr_src 41 )46 :"4- 61411e Antes f tWiPii 'The 'Etiikts-'ttf.4ifdidi-. 'Bent free Postai): Send your address to OLIVER DITSON & CO., P ublishers , Boston. For sale by [se2o-tch] . • .. • 11. E.:GOBLB, Philadelphia. SOMETHING : NE*I . MYEHPHINEA.W PATENT Aire' INKSTAND For vale atplhapiar 'a,Bookstare, Harrisburg, Pa. seeB • - II N N it 7'S. NEW EATING AND :DRINKING 'SALOON Walnut street, between Third:csiuLkourih. Wines, Beer and . ibe nest. quality of liquors constant] on hand. A share of the public patronage is respeetfull solicited. [oo3d6m] , JOHN ,DONNRR• TO 'HOTEL lEJEEPERSi: rrHE Ef.O.TEX.i PROPERTY latewn . as the A ._,`•• - I - ZIIETtriER:`.:HOUSE, In this city, is offered at private sale on LarAxinitoodating terms. Apply to ...i. , i :, . , - ...G.i•Nir. BUEHLER, sep2l-d&whn) ..: ..: . . i . , ~. . Harrisburg, Fa. -.. . . 20T0.. TIM - LADLES. "VOUR attention is : called to the splendid assortment iif-Extra Note Paper, lenvelopit, and fine Stationery at: ,, BCHEFFER'S Bookstore, sept2l3 ' 2 . 1 South 264ckiestreet, N.srrisbuirg, Penn. -Soldiers* Porttblllox: A TABGBpsAmtpient at 't mmwr °NEAP Bookilkiltr s EWA Sold at whoiesalq Qt. rel4ol at low Prig= OE BRANT'S HALL. -BRANTiiiiii 11 o a - - FORTY --- Itouse't Star Combination:Coutimuy, Rouse's Star Cmhillation Ompitily. - Rouse's Star toridination COruptry, THIS MONDAY. EVE. G, OCTOBER 10, 18* Ti 13,perfot*E1 the great moral drama of EAST N-116.1 No'rice—On•and after this evening, the cunsfil at half-past 7 o'clock. igrForturtber particulars see programme. aug9-dtr SANFORD'S HALL fIPRIS coraininy consists of the beat star pe; formers, consisying of • SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, AC. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor Br= Pommit, Business Agent. au29l Real Estate Sale. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1864. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON the premises, late the Real Estate of George Ref flebower, deceased, situated in West Peimsboro township, Cumberland county, about two miles southeast of New yille, near • the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and , . about three-fourths of a mile north of the turnpike, adjoining lands of Brice J. Sterret, Gee. Rea, Samuel Heffiebower, John Myers, George G. Davidson, and lands of the heirs of said decedent, a tract of Good. _Limestone Land. containing 103 acres, 131 perches-88 acres of which ars cleared, and, in a good state of cultivation ; the', remain der is covered whit excellent timber. There.l6 erected on the premises a NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, a new and large BANK BARN, with Mahe necessary out buildings to make a comfortable home. Also a YOUNG APPLE ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit trees on the premises. Any person wishing to view the property before the day of sale, will be shown the same by calling on Samuel Refflebower, residing thereon, Sale to commence at 15 o'clock, 31.; on said day, when terms will be made known by . SAMUEL. IMPFLEBOHER, ADAIL.kISHB URN, Agents for the;heirs of said deceased. MEI VALUABLE REAL ESTATE . FOR' SALE. THE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE on the Southeast corner 'Second and State streets, oc cupied by W. Garrett,lot 66 feet on Second street and 200 on State street, is offered for sale. Also, the lot on the Northeast corner Second and State streets, and Frame Home and Stable and lot adjoin ing. The two lots are 85 feet on Second street, 90 feet on State, and 95 feet on the alley. Also, two &story (and Basement) Frame Houses on the North side of East State. street, near Filbert, lot 23 by 3734. —Also, a one story Frame adjoining:, 10t25 feet by ST;' feet. For pricc-s and terms, enquire of H. WILLSON, N. E. corner of State and Second streets, or address me at S. F. corner Chestnut and Third streets, Philadelphia. ocst-2w T. H. WILLSON, THE BEST CHANCE to get Cheap . Homes NOW OFFERED IN TIM CITY.—The subscribes offers fur sale 72 Building. Lots, situate in the Scutt Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, fronting- on Susque. henna, Two-and-a half and Secondatreets. blest of them have valuable pear and apple trees on them, hearing the choicest fruits, selected by CoL John Roberts thirty years ago, the fruit of which will pay for the ground in a short time. There is also on a portion of the gonad a sand bank, above the grade of,the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which will mere than pay for the ground. The location is such that no drainage is re quired ; the cellars will always be perfectly dry. , These lots will be said below the current price ground now bringing in this; city, and in fact so low as to afford an opportlinity for any person to secure a home.. A plea of the ground can be seen at the office .of the subscriber, No. 24, North SEC. ND street. EARR.TBBURG, September 29, 1864, CONDEMNED 11-ARSES QUARTERMASTER GRNEHACII OFFICE, • • FIRST, DIVISION., WASHINGTON OM October 1, 1864. WILL be sold at public station, to tho highest bidder, at the time and places named be low, viz: MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, October 13,1.864, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. THURSDAY, October 20, 18114, , YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, riPCRSDAY, October. 27, 186 , 1 4 ",; •• • TWO gIINDRED 'CAVALRY HORSES at each place. These Horses have been condemned as unfit, or ci Cavalry service of the Army. For road and fanning purposes many g3o4.pargaia, may be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to coninfetef• at 10 e'd.. ♦. N. , t. TERMS: CASH in United S tales Currency. • • - • By order of the Quartermattisr-,Coneral, • „ • oS-t026 Colonel in ebatge rat Diyision 0. 0. Valuable Building Let For'Sisie, QITILTATED ON TIELLEt.D . STREM:NEAR 1.0 North, 21 feet, front, and 131 feet deep, Miming to a 20 foot alley. The lot will be Sold cheap, and on easy terms. Inquire at THIS OFFICE se3Odtf HOUSES FOR SALE. riIHREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, SITU -1 ATE on Foster street, shove North. Eitquire,4, .41COB WAVnt4,.. Corner of Th.ir4 , se2Sdtt TILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC, SALE, ON THURSDAY, October 20th, at two.o'clock P. N., at the Court House, in the city of. Hirriabuig, that prop erty situated on the corner of Front Aufic Walnut Streets, late the estate of Henry Stelart, deceased. , The above property fronts on Front street 110 .feet ; and on Walnut feet, more OrieS3, • For thither information call on• W. J. Steel; @f the premises. . J. C. STEWART, HENRY STEWOT; Execut rs (so2B dts] MILLINERY AND VARIETY GOODS AIRS. J. HIBBS, • No. 8 Market Square, Next Door to Felix's' C'onfeetiorrey RAS just reed - tad a new and:cat Dilly se lected • supply of Millinery. Goods, sal" as Straw and Felt, Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib bons, Ruches, &c., or which are of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, Nobles, Glair, Stock ings, Collars, laces, &c., with a full amortment - or , Tress Trimmings and Dress Patterns, which she Will Se!l atprices that cannot be competed with. Dress and Cloak making wilt be promptly - atteded to under her own direct. 64:tervision. - ,octßa3m. To .Builders.. • • • EXHOUTIVE DMPAR.IIIENt; .. .HIS.RISBUKG, Oct. 5•; ,- 1864 , 1 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received. at this office until 12 o'clock of Tuesday, I.Bth'it; for the erection _of. tho proposed extension .of the: apitol building. Security to one-fourth of the amount. ork will be required, and each bidder must ttecon'lpaW hi; proposal with the names of his securities. Plans of the extension can be seen at this office! where specifications can also be had on applilatiell. Bitls Enlist be addressed, "Proposals for extension of Capitol: 'a G. CURTIN, Governor. JAS. P. BARR, Sur. Gen. . HENRY D. MOORE, State Treas. octs dt I Badges, • Iro 0-K. lEfE•itE!! LOOS callnlEpßaLii! 33a4ir..0.,.,;,,,.. CAMPAIGN BADGES, of all styles;lor =dr wholeealn and retail at Sebbirees Ita,k.Aoret; Hirt' e burg, Pa. - . .... Countryllealera are respeetf-alirireriled.44Wl qhfr ex amine price& and styles. . . — ..; -. , ... .At t 7 NEW tja ' !mg 4,11 40...taybd ideitif.2o—yriTASSlTk. CsE.IELIt—ChI,Iy/81 oice now 110Yka & 110ERPP crop ChesSiff j li i.zt neolyed a t AMUS lENTB: OR THE EARL'S DADJETER. To conclude - IMb the laughable farce of the ; IRISH TUTOR. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. AUCTION. SALEa Executors' Sale. DAVID MUMMA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers