THE TELEGRAPH 16 ruinassxo M01NL.79 AND EVEII7NO, BY GEORGE BERGNER,. orn - os THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. • ''BRIi/13 OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLk: aWISCRIPTIO).: Tee WILT Tustikisa is served to subscribers In the city et 12 cents per week. Yearly Subseribeis will be charged $l3 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto pity in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY:TELEGRAPH. Tan Tat WilLtrais also published weekly,and fefurelebetl subscribers at following cash rates Single copies, weekly_ ~,, Three copies to one Post Oihoe Ten (melee to one Poet Office NEW A DVDRTISEMENTS. When will Wonders Cease? THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF FAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minute. It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, redact g sweling,s and regule‘log the secretions and excretions. It is of a effusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the en.ire system, restoring the circu lating fluids andthecking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OP , PAIN IS INFALLIBLE No matter what the,. pain apply the medicine and you will find instant relief.. it is an internal and external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache; Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea , Dysentery or BloodtFlux, Liver complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chelic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as th • testimony, of thousands prove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in referencd to the efficacy and powerful restorative qualitittes of DR. Mc- BRIDE'S KINu OR PAIN, speaks for itself : NEWVILLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, I • Sept 14, 1864. J ..11eurs. S. A. Kunkel & Bro., dramitts,.Harrisburg, Pa,: GENTS :—I would inform you that I rA ceived the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed incase find five dollars more, for which send me five bottles addition al to.morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d ,egiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two or the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a roam. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to Camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JO. E. WHITE. /0- All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. Tho following cerLifleate Is from a well-known citizon of Harrisburg EARRISErEG, Aug. 30,1864. To TILE Punic gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR: J. J. IIcBRIDE, which he calls the "SING OF PAIN." I was Induced to use it as an external remedy for bruise, which it relic ed immediately, and subsequently cured, entirely. Its success induced me tu use it inrernally .for iarrhoea . , with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for neatly eighteen months, anu to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged 'the medicine has cured me. and certainly that Is saying a great in its favor, wffen I reflect how many other remedies I tried without expert- cooing any thin:, but temporary relief.. For •my part, I shall always keep a supply of is in my house, believing as I do that It is a most invaluable family meuicine. DANISL F.. WILT. The unexampled ante of tam medicine prove,. is to US the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. The undersigned are the sole agents for the Slate, and wlll supply it wholesale and retail. S. A. KIN KEL & BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. sepls] PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Raven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, blan ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Killen,: Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun. bury, Treverton, Georgetown. Lykenstown, ilillersbUrg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND jEIARRISBURG - . The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located,' the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor' goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goode delivered at the de. pot of WILLIAM E. BURR, 812 Market street, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock P. IL, will be delivered in liar thaws the next morning? Yreight Always as Low sus by /tiny Other Lune. JOS. MONTGOMERY &CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. NEW LIQ,UOII. STORE. MRTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS.—The undersigned offers at wholesale, to the trade, a choice lot of the best icquors ever brought, to Harrisburg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, Haifa, Frisk Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; •Foiieyta and Domestic Wines,such as Champagne, Mid, Galawba, its Ali liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and :es. amine the assortment at the store, on South Second /treat, two doors below Chestnut. mi27-dem GEORGE WINTERS CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturers, OAR WSW, OLIVE OILS, 114STARTIS; o- every deseription. Liao, DROWN STOUT, - FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of till grades and prices, and the beet selected stock outside of Philadelphia. Al! goods guaranteed as represented. Partioular r attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the elty free of charge. SIIIBLER & FRAZER, my 6 succoesors to W. Dock, Jr., az Co. WINE 110&LILNO Ski_EXIIY, imported A: 1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in thin country. For Me at SRISLSR & FRAZER I iM1.f.410 • t tn IV n rinnir , , tr b fin it h rIOHENEIt'S exosisiOr hams, of this sea• mix son's curing. Just received and for aide by SEMLER Jr FRAZER, (anocesams to Wm. Dock. ir.. &Co dealS CAMPAIGN TORCHES, Manufactured and for sale by J. H kLL FOHIIMAN, 606 Cherry street, Philadelphia. se2B 6t itirESS SHAD and FINE NEW MACK .LYI. EREL, just received, at wig • MEW FISH.—New No- 1 and 2 Mackerel In barrels, balf batrols and kitta, and by tbo pound, at rangal SHISLER Ar. FRAZER. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR and COL N 14 MEAL always on hand, of the beat quality, at 1: BOYER & KOERPER. Q in ikLMON.—Fine salt Salmon, at anize sHIRI.ER & FRAZEE'. HUCKSTERS' BASKETS.--Shisler Era -35 ctoz: e nVetrbas °Mkteet.7. Pock, jr., eo.,r, tazvelion jet" CRANBERRIES. Just received, a very' tine lot of Cranberries, at eel; SHISLER & FRAZBIL i a' n4SSORTED BEREA. GRIND .I.eJ lir STONES for rale. A. K. FARNEsTOcK. aug24-dlw WINDOW BASH FOR SALE. —l6B lights, 9z14, well seasoned. Inquire of • • . 0. 4 . BENtt-Eft, At Ziegler's Liquor store, ae29-Bt* ANEW SUPPLY of FRESH SNORE/ HAMS, jut received this mormag, at SHISLEg fi FRAzwg Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & p • _NEW MAOKEREHL, ERRING AND SAL MON M [way4l BOIT& 4: ICOERPER ' r ~. • • . .... „ - . _ ._ . . . .. .' . . . • .. , . , • • . •., • r , • ••• , . .• r • . •• r . , .. .. 1 1 ',..,' ..:.?.. 4\4 k I I i JO ".. . , • . r. • . • . ' r . ' '.. • • • . • • . . • • • • • ''''''. • ‘.' r . .4 '.' ,. r S ; .. f '' ' • • ,', '''• • \) W I 4':' - r .. ' . . • . - - ' . '' 1 . - - -;•: - : -,- 't . -'. - - ---- 42- .'''' -'' '''" - ifliVP# . -''..--':. .. ( .77T- .. . , .. f ~,,....._ :. . . •-. '..,:-.) i - f. .:.-... • , •*. 1 ,' t , i ••„ , • • ..;•'"•'':•••-• . 1-1 ••• .•." ' 4. .' 1 . s ' '''. :'-:" ;', •' r ) , •.. . • ; '-' 7 2 t - '•._ ---,, '- ;4' • , ,,„F„i 7 - : .---- - , t --''. '' , I'4' . - . ''' • ' ' '' ..'.--- ••••••• , 1 1 . . , . .. 1 lit ~ . .. , , ~,--r t .,.., ,_.„... .. . • . - .. • • .: ~ ~. • . • 4)., . . .. ' . . , , .4 ..- # ...-t• --1,"0.. •:,.--. .... . , • ,_ 4. .. . . ... . ...„, , . ,;..,,,-- ,-...,.,.,..-:,... . . . ..... -7"-, - ;. -, v - rviii 4 - tI . .., :.•-,-r.i /.fr o . . ' , -.-..r...--" - .-. , -- , ... , . _ ; .... . . . . . . . . . . , . •1.. . . . "THE UNION—NOW i A i 1) FOREVER.' —W ebster. ' . . ... . .. . . _ . . . . . . . BY GEORGE BERGNER. : • HARRISBURG, PA.. TUESDAY . EEVNII.ING, OCTOBER 11_1864 • : • PRICE . THREE .;DENTS. $1 60 . 4 00 .10 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IVIES. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, limpet. opened her new FALL STOCK of o p . BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, cLOAKS — AND OIRCIItARST. And a fine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, NIIEL4B; TRIMMINGS Consttuttly on hand, besides everything tisually found in the largest furnishing est.blishments in.the country. sep2o NEW OPENING FOR Fall and Winter Trade! BALMORALS AND SCARFS! FURS! PU - 17.14:: The Largest and best selected stock in this city I at the New Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW 'BLOOM, HARRISBURG, PA. EMI 29 Praptical and : Scientific No. 29 NORTH- SECOND STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. Particular attention is called to the celebrated concave. cony& Crystal Spectacles, which are warranted' to strengthen and preserve the eyes of the wearer, and to' last.from 10 to 12 years without change. List of prices sent free to any direction. , Concave and convex tenses , set in steel frames, $2. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in best steel frames, $3. CUneave and convex (JD 9ual Jensen., set iu silver frames, $5. Concave and convex crystal lensesoret in platlna names, $5. - Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in gold franks, $l5 to $25. In ordering spectacles state how long glasses are used. Any pair of glasses purchased, either here or Bent to Cr; der, can be exchanged If not sailed to the eyb. Always en hand a large assortment of Aeromatic Mi croscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glaswis, Thermom- e eters, Barometers; Compasses, Drawing Instruments, and Ster °scopes, with the latest views. Send stamp for a catalogue containing prices, aro., aoa aul—d&wtf HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and, Machine Shop,. arra ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND MARKET.. Moha's 014 . MHZ undersigned having -tken the above I Shop, respectfully solicits a Owe of thopublic pa. trenage. Particular attention will be paid to repairintof Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re ceive my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed . Seplo dly MAKES pleasure to iatorm his friends and Customers. and the public in general, that he has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Nerion and Jew elry Store, N 0.1.05% Market street, - above Eby ce /Nukes Building, Harrisburg, tu. it would occopy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles compodag my stock. The purohaser will find, torough my experience of thirteen years In the business, that. I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities sept26-d6m* Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Has. bor.) - The well known Steamers Of the Liverwo New York end Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sad as followa:s • • City of Baltimore, Saturday, October 8; Etna, Sala* day, day, October 15; Edingburg, raturday, October 21; and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North Elver. 130VER Ai KOKRPER BATES OF PASSAGE, • MAMA L GOLD, OS ITS NIQUIVALMT IN orourszroi FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE .........$3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to London 84 00 do to Paris 95 00 do to‘ Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg....9o 00 do• to Hamburg....B7 00 Passengers also f rwasded to pivre, Bremen , Roftee• dam, Antirerp,.&c., at equally low rates. - Fares [root Liverpool or Queenstown:: let • Cabin, $75 $55 $lO6. Steerage , $B5. Those' *rho wish to send . 0 their Mends can buy tickets Imre at these rater. • Tortirdierleformotion Apply at the Company's Office :JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. ) $ tifEERIIAN, Harrisburg. - lf2B-dly OLIO NOTICE is hereby 'given, thitt in P ,Fitusuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1889, thestookholders of the F ran klin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the nest session of the Legislature for a renewal: of_ its char ter, with an increase of its metal from $160,000. to $2OO 000. . C. SE. REED,I . 'residoint W~xsrotr, Pi, June 24: - 18 6 4. ie27 rota. tine; itlidlOenkavg stook of Phqto • graph arbuits - ' raid Card Pictures, we has; -added a multrflitUfLO_ for the reception of rood pictures.. They"paftosrafteri and will be admired 'TpercaillrAre;rn supplied at ic lta n N=Zeia l whole ;flelerade "l -retiill, 'at - • itifeoC- • • SCREMIR'S BOOR TCI,I4R, - LILSEI I FISH! NOS. 1 AND 2 MAOKE EL, in all size paakagesdust. reoeived and ltn• at 1111=1116 i'MAZSAI Great ,Vttraction: NO-13 AHEAD!! . :FRAMERS AND FLOWERS. Also, ?HE LATEST STYLES IDEEZECI CLOAKS, Circulars, CLOAKS B ROCHE AND MOURNING SHAWLS ! JULIUS ROSEXDALE, OPTICIAN, Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, VERY , PINICONDEEDI NEW AD U. S. 7 rzSecretary of the Treasury gives notice , subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths percent. per annum—principal. and interest both to be paid in lawful money. - . These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than' twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominationg of '450, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of :fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original 'Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared.: • • . Ati the notes draw. interest from August 15, persons.making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dolt tars and npwards'for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent. Special Advantages of this Loan. kr is A NATIONAL SWINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest'than any other and the best security. Any savings bank which. pays', its depositor= U. S. Notes, considers that paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in gov ernment paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can .al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 Tar Cent. MO Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes fOr three years this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per 'annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less thait nine per cent. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six par cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be r seen that the actual profitthii, loan, at the 'present market rate, is not leis than ten per cent. per annum. s Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. iltd aside from all the advantages we have enumerated,, fi special act of Congress exempts On the average, this exemption is worth 'about two per cent. pier annum, ficaording to the rate of taxatite in various parts of the country. It is believed; that no securities offer so great Malcontents to lenders as those issued by the Government all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of, private parties,' or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the Government 'offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Up to the 24th of September, the subscrip tions to this loan amounted to over 29 $40,000,000. Strascaretrous WUL BE RECEIVED , by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washing .ton. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK•OF HARRISBURG. ALL RESPACTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS hroughout 'the country will• give further in formation and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO ÜBSCRIBERS SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, . manufactured by LEROY W. , VAIROIILLD. Thew Pena are well finished, elastic, and will give en. tire satisfaction. PLVIARE TRYTHEbt. SCHEFFER'S BOOR STORE, Second &reel; opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap2B : NEW PHILADELPHIA C 14 0 A_ IE IN D. W. GROSS' NRW BLOCS, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OT TANIIIONABLZ CLOAKS AND . GIRO 1:71i ARS, AND FINE SP:BING' SHAWLS. - MIL open on.the let at/tern, [mar2l-dly • H. C. ORTII, 7eacher of the nano, Melodeon,- rain genii Singing, No. 15, Mum 13111867, BBLOW KARIM. sepa4l6m* SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple,-Nlit; , meg and Now York State Cheese, just received at SRISLER a FRAZER, - my 6 successors to W Dook, Jr., & Co. , ALL kinds of hauling with - wagons or calla will be promptlydone by calling on • JACOB BRENNER, Iy2l comer of Second idroet. sod Meadow Lane. BIBLES, Prayet Books,"Hymn Books, of 111 ali denomirtations, in different styles and at different prices, at ' SCHEMA'S Bookstore, Sept 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna FRUIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Grif fin's Tent Patent,) just received and for sale low at j3 lB BOXER & 40ERPER SAP SAGO CIIEESE---A small but fresh lot 13 of choice SAP SAGO CHROW ------• just received this morning, at • SHISLER & FRAZER'S. PUBE SWEET CIDER received to-day at . BOYER. & KERPES'S BASKETS' BASKETS, in great variety at SHISLER & FRAZER„ ie27 Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. SMORED SALMON.- FINE SMOIKAD SALMON, Just received at - SHISLER & FRAZER, febn „ (sneamors to Wm. Dock Jr, h Co. IO : PIOKLESI By the barrel, ball bahol, Jar or dozen, at a 0251 • BOYER .14 ROMPER VBENCH CHALK AND PENCILS, . Suitable for BankkOffices, &c„ At Sella Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. seta A FRESH supply of Mioherter's Celebrated ittga.thired, Hama and Dried Beef, at 0n2.61 ,HOVER & 110ERPER. POOKER BOONS, Wallets and Purses for amp M Milfirtrin Ncleiiil9l44 30 LOAN. [ae2B-ditw:tootl9] T 0 It , G EDITION. UNION MEETING AT MILLERSBURG. Outpouring of the People. .~..,~ IMMENSE DEMONSTRATION. Grand Procession and Great Enthusiasm 4tdies in Line, with Music and Banners. I=l - freetive Speeches, &e. Mrr.rvasocageOctober 10, 1864. Enrroa:--Would that my pen were eve.' td the task of chronicling the proceed ikgs of the graadest and largest mass meeting tkat was ever held 'mid the hills of the upper cud of Dauphin county. Thought cannot eihume words sufficient from the mine of language to describe adeqtkately the occasion. Millersburg was thronged with the loyal and true. It seethed as though the hills and the tales had given np their people for a jubilee. They came from the farm, from the workshop, flan the mines, from the -villages, from the mountains, from the vales, from their placei of business, and from all around us. " They came like the 'winds come when for ests are rended, Whey came like the waves come when navies are stranded.". There was one continuous cheer went up for Honest Abraham Lincoln, from the , noon of Saturday, till " midnight's holy , hour." Our streets ,resounded with the tramp of hu manity. Men with silvery locks, who had passed through many a political campaign, who had seen many displays of party sealand enthusiasm, say that they never witnessed such a sublime spectacle, such a magnificent and recherche procession, such an out-pouring of the people, in this region of the country. It surpassed the expectations of those who labored for the success of the demonstration. ' We raised a splendid. Union pole. We had intended it to, be the; flag-staff of the " stars and stripes," to .be hoisted: when our army was victorious ; but in the darkness of the night, (you know the "Cops" prefer darkness to light,) while the pole was lying on the commons, some mean, Copperhead painted part of it 'Week, and so we determined to fling to the kissing winds., the names .of Lincoln and - Johnson, -and to-day the streamer that bewik their names floats. sve lr voaul r pat t ri otic fittleqkm/ rgide.nf_avery-o or har The procession coasone n - c a t , Public Square about A , o'clock a. in. Capt. M. Novinger. was ChitifAhirshal of the occa sion. Dr. G. B, Weiser, J. S. Musser, F. R. _Gilbert., F. Weririalf-ancl,Get. James Freeland, were Assistant Marshals. The van: of .the' procession was the most beautiful lesture. It consisted of a large, open wagon, most handsomely and iestheticallY decorated, with , flowers, evergreens, flags and banners. To the wagon were attached thrity-siiresplendid horses, with a miniature .flagon each-horse, and a man' on each pair Of 'herself In this moving arbor were thirty-six laughing, Sweet, fascinating maidens, arrayed in spotless• white, thirty-five of them representing the Stites of the American Union —and the thirty-sixth one, the Goddess of Liberty, holding the Star Spangled Banner. The fabled band of moun- ; 1 fain nymphs that whirred their pinions through the rustling air, around sacred OlYna-, pus, and chanted their strains to the harp of Orpheus, were excelled by this happy band of, American maidens. It made . me feel. like' jumping into the lake of, beauty and ribbons . and sending forth an unearthly yell for "Uncle ? Abe." But the "Graces," as they passed along the streets, cried out with their silvery' voices, "Three cheers for oar Father Abra ham." They flaunted their handkerchiefs and sang patriotic songs, which met -a hearty re sponse 'from the thronged 'Sideways, from the windows and porches,--and door-steps of the loyal—hats and handkerchiefs and bon nets waved, and theei after cheer resounded to the heavens. After this came the Union men of our town with music. Then came the Halifax, Georgetown and Mahantango delega tions, with flags and banners floating. Then came the Berrysburg delegation, with six teen beautiful horses attached to a large wagon, in the centre of which was a large flag. The wagon was literally covered with people. A band of martial music stood around the flag, playing along the route. Then came the speakers of the Occasion; then the immense delegation from Lykeris and Wiconisco, pre ceded with Martial musi then the Crossroads, Liverpool, and Upper Paxton township dole gationS, with music, and banners - and flags floating in the jubilant winds. Then followed those who had come on horseback and in carriages, and in any way they could get here. The procession paraded through the principal streets, and returned to the publio square, where the meeting was, organized by calling B: G. Steever to preside over the sea of humanity. The Dr. acknowledged the honor with a neat, pithy and appropriate speech. The following Vice Presidents wera , mined : Dr. S. B. Weiser, J. S. Musser, G. M. Bru baker, J. J. Bowman, W. W. Jones, George Yeager, Peter Rumich and others. Secreta-. ries—Simon S. Bowman, N. C. Freck, J. H. Raider, J. R. Jones, E. N. Musser and others. Colonel H. C. Alleman was introduced,' and spoke of the issues now before the people. It was a speech worthy of the man and the oc casion. Professor Dunbar followed in a style of or atory loeculiar to himself. Possessing all the wealth of explession, conception and thought, he portrayed to the people in scenic beauty, the grand drama that is now playing in this country, in a style alikehumorous and logical, alike facetious and convincing. He is truly a remarkable man, an orator that can chain his audience, and move them at his will. The meeting'adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock, r. rt., when a . torch-light procession was formed. The weather Was stormy and cold in the evening, but for "all that" we had a magnificent torch-light parade. The order of the afternoon procession was followed. The Monroe Cornet Band of Millersburg, under the leadership_ of W. T. Jacoby, headed the procession, and discoursed patriotio airs. The wagon freighted with the happy young ladies appeared grander at night, with torches all around them; torches on each horse, torches in front of them, torches behind them, tarok* at the side of them, torches above them, torches as far as eye could see ahead and , back of them. Nearly every loyal house in t giV RI LIA'A 6. bun at every TruWir. 1411138 of . living light glared along the streeta. o Flag's floated and kissed the evening winds. Banners with loyal inscriptions greeted-the eye. Cheer after cheer filled the air. The roll of the drum, and the shrill notes of the fife rattled the windOws. The..merry shout for Honest Abraham was heard in every corner of the town. Enthusiasm set on fire every soul. • The torches in the streets whispered victory to the tapers - in the windows 'until the town was encircled-with a zone of light and glory. Aye, it was a sight that glistened many a pa triotic eye with pride, and swelled the, heart with exuberance of joy. The meeting was again called to order.— Prof. Dunbar being loudly, called .for, ap- I peered upon the stand and made a speech full, of worth and mirth. The unique Professor sang a few patriotic songs, making a delight ful interlude in the meeting. Senator Fleming was next introduced,. and ably and eloquently discussed the sublime is sues now before, and. the great responsibilities resting upon the American people. The Sen ator has made an impression upon: the•mind4 of the people .that will not soon be forgotten. A. Jackson Herr, Esq., being vehemently called for, made an effective speech. It was a true, incontrovertible, logical and argumen tative exposition of the present condition. of our country. , He tongued it forth in "thoughts that breathe and words that burn." He dissected the Chicago platform, and held, up its parts that the people might see it in all its deceit and charlatanism. He showed the artful, hypocriticarand double-faced. position of the spurious Democracy. He lifted the mask from the grave-digger 'of the Chicks= hominy, and exhibited 'him in all his asinine greatness and self-opinionated strategy. He put him through the thrashing machine fo logic, and there was nothing left of little "Mac" or his platform. Mr. Her• is an ora tor, and the • good things- he told us we will treasure up in the store-house of memory, and especially remember them on the 114 h of October and the Bth of November. The Monroe Cornet Band discoursed the national ode—"red, white and•bine," and the meeting adjourned—the delegations going to their homes full of cheer and.hppe, all pleased with the splendid demonstration. Be assured that the Upper End will do its duty. We will move in one solid phalanx to the polls, and put in our ballots for the Union and the honor of our fathers. More anon: Truly, yours, HECTOR. CONEWAGO Auer& Snows ITS tOYALTY.-071 Saturday a nice hickory pole was raised in Conewago,• at Foltz's store, in honor of Lin coln and Johnson. There was a good "turn out," and the inscriptions on the banner, "Lincoln, Johnson and - ii r it i ory;" "Uncouth lannaLltginn P •ro t Peace ;" "Our Peacemakers—Wan were enough to show ihnloya ty of 'he citi zens. Not a copperhead present."-After the stars and stzipes were hoisted and three cheers given as they ascended, the meeting was very ably addressed by D. W. Miller, after which three cheers were given for Lincoln, Johnson and the whole Union ticket. Tereorapo, Official. War .13ulletin. Army of the Potomac THE ATTACK Oil FRIDAY OUR LOSS ONLY THREE HUNDRED REBEL LOSS 11000. Report of. Rebel General Gregg's .Denth Confirmed. Gen. Bratton, of South Caro Una, Badly 'Wounded. Col. Haskell and Maj. Ha.skeit Se*erely Insured. ' GRANT'S OFFICIAL DISPATCH News - From Nebel Sources NO REVERSE TO OUR ARMIES WASHINGTON, October, 10, 7:30 P. btti To Major Gen. J0hn,,..4. Dix, New York: Since my dispatch Of this afternoon a fuller report has just been . 'furnished by General Grant of the operations of Friday, together with the rebel acknowledgment of their heavy loss in general and field officers. Cur Pontr, Oct. 10-4:30 Hon. E M. Stanton, Secreary of Fifer": Our entire loss in the enemy's-attack on our lines on Friday, the 7th inst., does not exceed 300 in killed, -wounded and missing. The enemy's loss is estimated by Gen Butler at 1,000. • The Richmond Whig, of the. Bth inst,,. • speaking of this battle, has the followipg-: "The gallant Gen. Gregg, comrnanduig a Texas brigade, fell in the advance." Amobg other °amities, we hive to report Gen. Brat- , ton, of Muth Carolina, badly wounded; Col. Haskell, of the 7th South Carolina infantry, severely wounded iii the face, and Major Has ken, of the South' Carolina artillery 'also wounded.' Rumor states that Gen Gearyibad been killed. Since Friday there-has been no Aght . ing'whatever. (Signed, ) Lieutenant General. EDWIN EL STANTON, Secretary of War R e b e l Designs in the Shenandoah Valley. " WASHINGTON, Oct 9. .A Richmond letter the .Charleston Cou rier of the 3d inst., says that Longstreet re lieves 'Bar', and Unlessthe enemy's. force be really fifty thousand veteransore shall yot get a good account Srpm the and that thir. teen thousand re-evves, already brigaded - irk Virginia, arc to tell out. litformatim. repeived to-night states that General Sheridan's army on Friday was still at Harrisonburg. and Wu rerdarly receiyAng 'supplies from Martinsburg. 'The utterv6ifflg coluttrz 04:germ: - gay imiested with guer- QUI 10111111 lA[ PR[%`=TING OflR . ADVEIITI.3IIIG RATES—DAILY TELEGRAPH. . The following are the rates for advertising In the TzLE-_. Owes. - Those hatilag . advertising to do will find - it con venient for reference: . ... . ~ ... . , _ airt Four lines or less omstitute one-half square. Fight lines, or more than fqUr,,obastitute a square. von A aux squalls. 1 SOR , olto SQUA 2 S- One day $ 30 One day... $ 69 Two days - 50 Two dap5:.......... 1 103 Three days 75 Three days.. 125 One week .... ..... 125 One" week ......... • 225 One month 3 00 One month 6 00 Two months. 450 Two monthS 9 09 Three m0nth5....... 5 50 Three months 11 00 Six months .. 800 Six months 41.1 10 One year-- ..... 15 06 One year ' - OU Administration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notices 75 Auditor's Notices..." 1 50 Funeral Notices, each Insertion 50 rgir Business notices Inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages ond,Dekthe, EIGHT CESTS PRB. 1,c42 for each newton. A Verdiet.of Wilful Murder Found Against Muller. • Forgeries and Failures in High Circles. Slams Hook, Oct. 10. The steamship Hume, from SouthamptUn on the 28th, passed this point to-day. " The steamships Europa, from Boston,Hecla, from New York, arrived out on the 25th. The steamers Belgian, from Quebec, and the City of Washington, from New York, arrived out on the 26th, and the Germania on the 28th. The coroner's jury has returned a verdict of wilful murder against Muller, the alleged rail way assassin. A. W. Marston, iron master, has absconded to America, having forged bills on the Leeds Bank to the amount of 80,000 pounds. Alfred Teale, a woolen merchant, has failed, with liabilities amounting to 100,000 rounds. The liabilities of the'Leeds Banking Company are one million. • . The London money market is firmer. Con sols 87i®88 for money. The rebel loan is quoted at 73i@,741. On the Paris bourse French routes are quiet at 75@G0. Liver, pool cotton market; the sales for two days amounted to 11,000 bales, including .55,000 bales to speculators' and for export. The market is quiet but unchanged. The Manchester market had a downward tendency. Breadstuffs; flour flat; wheat firmer; corn firm and advanced 3d per quarter. The provision marlret is dull but steady. • NEW YORK, Oct. The steamer Housa arrived at this port at 10.30 this morning. Walter Savage Lander died at Florence the 17th of Sept. • The report },h'a't the announbement. of. the France Italian'treaty had been made 'to the Pepe, and that he asked for copies to exaniint4 them is, confirmed. . The Pope requested time for delibeiatlnn before communicating his impression of the effect which the new state of things - might have upon the Papacy. The raising of the rate of discount by thu bank of France has had an•unfavorable effect on trade. A new Italian ministry has been formed under the Presidency of General Dolba Miumora. The election absorbs most of the attention of the merchants, and trade is very dull. _Gold has declined 5 per cent. which...has.had.zu_de4 is nd for flour, and the sales are only in siatiTl lots for the supply of the retailers and bakers at $9 25itt, 9 75 for superfine, slo@ll 25 ior extra, $lO 50@11 for extra family, and higher rates for fancy brands.. Rye flour is nominal at $8 50. In corn meal nothing doing. Wheat is dull; 700 bushels sold at s2.lx, but buyers now refuse to pay this :figure; white ranges from $2 40@2 41. Rye , has de clined to $1 65. Corn is very quiet small sales of yellow at $1:60. Oats ore dull:and lower; sales's:4' 1000 bushels Southern ef,866. In groceries and provisions nothing doing. Petroleum unsettled; sales of crude sit 350, and refined in bond 60®62c and free 75@80e. Whisky is dull at $1 78 for Ohio, $1 75 - for drudge. Stock dull. PoUna. ss, 941: ; Reading R. R. 59Z ; AforriS Canal 95 ; Pa. R. RI 68; Gold 1961; Exchange in New York par. , • PUBLIC SALE.:: WILL be sold at public vendue, or outery, at the public hause4 Raymond & Ken:dig's Rad roe i lintel, Middletown, Dauphin county, Pentisylvitnia, the foliowing p.operty, late the estate of George Fisher, E.sq., deceased, viz : .. A., TRACT OF. LAND, - • In said borough of Middletown, containing 120 acres and d 3 peruses, neat measure, bounded by the Swatara river, and Lancaster Elizabethtown, and Middletown Turnpike road, and Fiyle Mill rose, and out lots of tne said borough of Middletown The rennsytvania railroad depot is within a few yards of the fa m, and the Union canal passes through it. Along the uanks of said. -canal, for about half a mile; there are .andings laid out and rented for board and coal yards. The 'arm Mal is Of the lin , st quality, has recentlybeen limed. is in a good state of cultivation. and has a sufficient eninticy of timber giorring thereon for the uses of the arEL soy. The Dam wilt be eold in lots, if desiredbi phrelus era ALSO, a piece of land called Portsmouth Continue I, originally laid bat in 1828, in lots, liy - qeorg6 'Fisher, Esq. The Union canal and basin haying been subsequently can atrueted upon said property, the part now offered for sale are lots and portions of lots marked 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11;12, 13, 14 and 1.8, and which were notused by the said canalaorn pany, and are now tenanted by Siple, Cormany & Co., for luthber; and are adjoining their saw mill property. ALSO, the lollowing lots in the general plan of thews rit of Portsmouth, marked with the Nos 12, 13, 22,`63, 64, 72, 143, 242,,213, and 244. The three latter lots are on the Pennsylvania canaland basm and_were rebently occupied by Jas. Young, •Esq., - as a landing for coal and 'umber. Tercasnr sale 'will be made known by _ - ~ ROBERT FISHER . ,` Surviving trustee of the widow and heirs of GeKge Fisher, Esq., deceased: - [sep224l2awts:vvat . , .11EALIQUitt.TERE .QIII.IIII23I.MASTREVGESERAL'S ONTICE," HAB.RIBBURG PA 4 xi -Oct. a, midi viruzi be sold at 'Public' Auction, to tlia V V highest bidder, (in accordance.with act of .A.viem bly, approved August 22d,1864, section 9,) at the State Arsenal, Harrisburg, on Tuesday,. the 18th day of October, commencing at 10 A. -M., the following unservicealde ori/- nahce and materials, the property of the state or Penn. sylvaniaf`' Ton. 6 pdrs Brass Cannon, (casting French,) . &Ma 1780 t 01794. Weight about.... . ... 634.0 ibs Eight 6 pdrs Vast - Iron cannon, casting of 1836 and. 1.837. Weight ab0ut....... ... .. .. . . .. 6000 do Ono 24 pdr Cast iron Cannon. Weight about 1500 di, 784 Gun Barrels (0td,).... 3508 do 4 Gun Carriage Axles 466 do - do Tiros '' 1180 do do Hub Rings, ~ 203 do do Strab Iron ill do U. S. GRANT, Scrap Iron " 3082 . d0 The above will be anld ha lots forepsh Payments tojie made in National or Stabs currency of Solvent Wks, lied the articles purchased, must be reemied with but little de lay, and will be at buyer's risk until removed - ;.--JASIES L. REYNOLDS,,fri2w, 9ffirternanster General of point's:- LOOK ,EI'EREI - _LOOK Et•EREI ! Campaign Badges. - CAMPAIGN - 4ADGF I S; of all styles, for sale wholesale and ietatl at...Eche:tees lloAstotac'Efurr s burg, Pa, Country dealeri are respectfully invited to call and - ex amine pm:wand otyles. iiCYP O. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in kitts, just' re N ceived ads morning, attd for sale low at sinsLER & FRAzER , S, awxonsore to W. Dock, Jr., k Co ) From Europe. Markets by Telegraph.. .itrA, Oct. 10 Philadelphia Stock lda y krt. • . PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 10 Valuable Real Estate AT O» Wednesday, October 19, 1864,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers