tz)..t, 110 r . rUA it k VA:gr . TUMMY 2115138.4. OT it; le: To dill VERTISEJEGS '..i../Litlitiver tisesnenta, Business . Notlies, filarrioges, Deaths, 6;0., to seen.* insertion in tbei' TELEGRAPH, must invariably be paroled with that/Mil. • • .111dvetttstrikeittiN ninieTtd in the "reguiiiir Elrenlitig,l44.ipft opqnserteci fix lice li"Oru lag Edition without extra charges rowN A Nb ? Two Itimanzo condemned cavalry ctotses will be sold at Altoona, on Thursday of this week. Bargain bitty be hart' ' ADmrrrart ro Pukci7i3E.-&-Yeetettlafkiiilo a Griffin, Esq., 'was atliiiiitthe 'to initetica in the various Courts of ,Danpli i i,n county. , Solcror..-L-Joseplaiaidarus, of Cherry town ship, Butler ee;untilating bimself on ed nericlay. Tb.94e,eea:sed. was supposed to, be leboring , tnderifisattity. • •- . 1 • Tim bills iiiesented to the linVittCy the management of Canterbury Musio tract large audiences. Thera will lie `a fm4:', entertainment to-night. • .TquEE is an ingnensn anynnil l - Q Ara-vling rpmrpur,railroadant present. Fver,y ) nesien 2 ger ,traiit is/heavily laden with human trii.t• and the delta and is • athhinity are throneed With travelers daily. COUNTRY people who are in the:oityelionlil not forget that the place to Apend.,*iidven ings pleasantly, is at Brant's. Han. Gp.l;cl See. v ne to-night. The tragic- queen 11 Appear iR that clutraeteh . SPIFORD'S OP/84410U58 WAS inn lent , night, ' to welcome the return of the inimitable San- Jord, who alsvayatiratos. There ienreplendid bill offered for this evening. , ,11/ lovers: fun will be there. WE learn that tho wholesale onlistmint, of the men employed in and aronntluthe round house, by the Pennsylvania CoM pany,,,has seriously interfered With Old' almosk , suspended operations there.' Doubtless the . ~.mpipens,ipno wg), be ,l)14 temporary /d a i s,the eit*niaof ifibie l ituVW oPeratitiiiigitte" . l:Oed l .' 4 " WOI7NDING OF A U'ALLAIT 17 Hannisketnierna.— • Lieutenant 3. R Elliot, '. S. _A., lost. a leg in the late desperate fight at the deitriicliOn of the Welderi,nailroad by ,our 7 troope: r y. Lieu tenant E. had only recently graduated at West Point, and this was,,his first 'battle. He v4s in command of a battery and contquefitig,,hira self With i great:gallantry hefActived his unfortunate •WOTiti*'is hospital int FAPAint9 ll .9it.r. 11. • _ 6111 r. tionnorx AccraENT. On Tuesday; ll eti a number of boys got On an ethpty'e'cial t a 43. the mouth of the company's mines, above the railroad bridge at ffohirsiolVrOatrd pulling the "lock-stick" out. of stalled it and allowill ti a.Titwitiy;wg, ;: t did willigrbirvelooity down the girdle. I n front of the coal-office' was standing a t ra i a l o f loaded cars, into . which th.. 3 _daceliding car rushed with full force. The result . w•;i's Ole smashing : of the car ; =aid•the.3erions injarylof the boys --one of w h om had his breast . terri- Ady sinashed anoilier an eke' Pattie& dt, a third an P :rin broken, a fourth a foot spashdl. `Allotker wig thrown over the embi i iiiiiipept !P'.° the river, but escaped without sericiull injury. We learn that one 'of the 'boys has since died =MI DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS.—The foliotving counterfeits have just been put in circulation : $5O legal tender bills, well calchlated , to de ceive. The head of Hamilton' and 'the die work are rather coarse, and hiiie gip Soule, : what blurred apperance often seen in genuine bills, when from defect of paper or.lhir„ : the'' Impression is imperfect or greasy., Qthet. parth of'the bill, and especially" the acre ffplendidly executed. The signaturts' ; Of the Treasurer and Register are perfect. Also, $lOO. The work o'n so good, when closely examined, as that on; the $5O, the word% Tlnitil States," and the eagle. 41 4 4 . ANPORMAITON FOE' Rsasor'rs•Wit6 1,1. 44 1 I Lobs Tnaotrou TIIE P.mtanosAtibi j i4 x...w00-, • wass.---We hear complaints; ' ellitest-!llitilt Of. 1 the villainies practiced iii il otoitii4troken!4. on those who enter the Irday aVintititrites. The details -ot some of these cases-lie r.. 41. -, celly - in the extreme, a disarp t ce, ogite to the police regulations 'cleth tgiiiiYclidW a - shame to :the integrity of .the :American' iiiieepli4' iFor ' attain°, a few days since,:' two' • were in this city, , vrhoexpressea'a tiktittgitelgs to entefthe substitutes, inorder to procure the . means of saving theig'faMilies - • • from starvation, as well as to find an oppok-. • tunfty to 'ffiaagainst tli:eillais*ruiunc4l traitor resisters: 71tteae men fell luta the hands of a party of bountrbitkers. - After paisingl a Air-examination, the,fugitirea:_were ..mnoeid into :the service. duly creflitectitg '44titnieS,-,_ 14ii which the ,brokers receiNced:l4: 7 ,lltt - irid fdßars per' an-oat of iivhJ4Skikuoite 4 stt e. • substitutes reetlivedTuarthk:Mke:M„flal/24 1 / 4 /4.tits, thhese':Ure •facts.Whichcorattto ;Font sumi-official pourceS . ., - * 714 - 4 --- iiitAllat iltansae.tiorf as only 'Oneof : a senetofrriktli linty and disgrace whichdtrilkoc,Clyr a lKOi st. aity,, and we ask in . the ; inane:: of .I.44t.tie' l e • 8i lEfotior; whether the t hiWiitropdano reniedy; for-such low and cowardly thivins:- -" i .L.l6,ile' on this subjeet o sre are,..zo inindeif ! thatlhere is an order in force at..thispu4to the :effect - that any. substitute. arL 1 4olillak4 crediting hiribley to n c ortairCindOidusl v locality,. who finds that he has : not --reef* red:. the hill bottntY paid in..such canoe; ;'.;• -' ' . , . . , -aq t calve re* olll3 tly report/it- the f ac fr . to Ita). 11. L Dodge. We trust that w1r...„2,e,,,,,,,i, soh. r Slide that he bas been Rkeitii4 11.1t4, 03 . • statute brokenly/0. WWII:LW -report:l-We' ' i) to see..some (Otiose .. tsc " 4i s .i n th e e i u to lt ; i i re 3 e.• if • '''"''' . Mij/ Dodg ' . EEC= Vattraml l'Aszt Fon atrat.—Bfr. Henry 4upp advertises fo very, Valuable farm ritatiin tilatika%ramsbire Crinibtrland county, seven miles from this city. There are many valuable improvements on s the premises, and the land is in a high state o 5 1 . 1 tfrattftnii ale ad*ttiettaitd..:. latc.l .7,- a.. fist r ) t 4, le iif f t menu,l4p,art tuia-er a recent contract, being largelY in ment has issued a circular to the various! of fices, annomiclig a'4oiresponding advancp in the rate at which they are to be furnished to the public , pp ,The 'increase it Ante . on i the ADVANCE is THE PRICE OF STAMPED ESTE.. Lopus.—The price at which s pkitere a, excess of those heretofore wade , the Depprt letter-sile 'three cent stamps is about seven teen per cent. t , Suntert. Dnamt,a-l'atiddent death occurred yesterday, at the residence of Mr. Benjakiit' Kunkel, in this city, by which an estimfble lady, nam d Mrs. Lee, of Philadelphia ; has been called hence. The deceased was well known to many of our ci izene. She arrived ?`l /. ,e 743 53`i cP/4111 , 1 1 1'. with ;her. daughter, and was in the enjoyment of health up to yesterday morning, but was ill duiing tke.forenooif,' and about riixin-4 died-4 is supposed of heart disease Her loss,will be -Hei remains -were'tak+ to Philadelphia; tbidaY: toVinteiment; , I THERE was a terrible jam at Brant's ffall; last night. All the reserved seats were fold lag tlefpm ,the hoar; froogrqnst the doors. Pig effolts'of the Maitagement to please!the public are being ablmiantly.rewarded. 0 the splendid drama, of E AST .1.4 4 7‘291 was prochlced with all itileatitlftil - iiici ' t hrilling scenes iticOptg, lan .ecompletely fascinated the rest ~ audience. Never woos plty enacted to more . To-night another uno pieces -to ottrpe9le —the celebrated and classic play entiqlett EvIDNE, .will be ptisenteallar 'the patro*ge of the public._ *ifs piwny B. Price, ;the tragid4riein,will - appear as Evadne, and Kr. ifanchett e9 liettteileti. The play is mageill cent, and the above-named stars areri vatted in ttleii parts. rhe whole star tr ope will also - appear. "-- ! - Mr. Rouse has been peculiarly fortunate in the selection of his psesent . company. The ' best i - if i- the k oidi - iiorlteS have been ineti, and the new ones are exceedingly popular. The Usher" as st4fie manager was a capital hit. . . • To one and all we trould say, go to Braid's Hall to-night. al early, if you desire a com- fortable seat, for the capacious blinding / is likely to belested.on this odoasiion, to its ut rro2st,extentas, 1a weans is concerned. !Set- . cure your seats at Bannvart's drug store. T. iv • RECRUITS AND Syss.r.rromm.Thureerniting business . i -S. t nt! ,v e . ; -W.F.PktYPTIrm° (as 13 1 €4 1 5, do)) with ' borumitt2elifen tram' counties and T toiviiiiifift itif eiigli'lli fill up their xespec l 've Elautakfi :• 5. 1 .1 ere are also =wig men corn to t..hfl 94'5::t0 &panto the.servape of 'the Govern mer-t;li)ut.,P/e 'PlJubgr,Jl.4Pu uffer,intris hut 'equal to the demand. L.lirge bounties sre offered—for one year's service, (to be ore.died to siiebialteistricts,)'.froni.. 'Milk, - to five him dred dollars. For substitutes—to go 'oi, t 12 4: 4 e, IY.etict -- 9uR.Ji49 13 . 8 MA. (kalara . iS'Cled paill.,..Ne i titltss i , I:mr st eve a r, cannot be mus ter, unless flee of the draft. Many ii.e . deilfateliii -- their services, and are !ac cepted aininnustered . in; - The Mustering-in Officers have a busy time. They are attend;; ing, to their ;: duthui faithfully, awl _Uncle gam is getting many recruits daily. This is right... Let the good work go bravely on,, ,If the r cea Pie e d ontinne lo 'come up io the Aork as they are coming up 'now, - we shall have .iiien. enough' to crush out the rebellion. God. grant tbat it may so—eVeii, if-neciiiisait-by`the utter extermination of the vile' race of aristocratic slave pArgiersintibe SouthornAtates, to whom this wicked and desolating war. is wbollyia tributable. Keep u p the army—we have pleptr of people in the Northern IfitatesAo: do it—and' our great and glorious country. ,will sum Livx t. Peoplii front abrodd 2 4 l -6coximitteeeVisiting .4.447 2 #1?Pr0g to fin up Abek...qu.olas, or to ipt substitutes,would do ;well to consult Masers. MAGUIRE and Caurrzne. 4 ,..iri'tliei'Miebtuigei.— They can give them useful information. EIME Covittitadotinfkis.-We4iim3l below a! of qie cues is which true bil is have bi)en - found by the Grand Jury, up to noon to-lia9- A ., nnznbett '-of bills wetee- igncered, which we 5Av0 , P1 1 34444 , gothe,. ,Rek.KlA were of, miner im portance: Commonwealth v& 13lee Itticemy. True, bill. ~ COMMonwesilt - h va Serril : Wagner; forniesoE• .tiOg an.4 ,l ?MAig4iji bill;,coutisined4 ' COmmonwealth vs. James Brown; asinitilt . and.: battery.. :True. -ease , tried and Ide * fendant acquitted. Commonwealth vit. 'Emily Keller ; la' epy. Plead guilty. Commonwealth *a. Ydseiiiiiteifis, cilia's Fran ces ~Witmere; larceny , Tyi ed and guilty . Commpnwealtla vs.. dental tan Hess pretence. Continued. , Commouwealthmavainiel Brow; True bill. Commonwealth vs. Geo.-Dinkrnore; fm Lion and bastardy. True bill k commonwealth vs. ..Eijzab.teth 4 1 .51.444' ing bairdSf TAO) hotise.` bill: • Commonweallli W,lrk, Zimmerman nication arid-bistirk- 'Tine bill. VommtinWeidthlgan:lo;.'i True bill. Lc A " A ' Ali a • • C9rl 9ignwtiat4-11,.DAitid-roitisisce; sault and battery. Tr, to bill. Commonwealth! fliary Iteigel; larceny: litV i ri t A l / 2 " f ' l ifiMPlMlSfannanand l oo er ; t and battery. Tree bill. - „Aotpm_enwealthvai tAnoiotweriyder ; br teanyw 4,2- a a n aim malt/Y7o:%amliel ` silo a atilt 44 / 4 11 AVIll r Q tew =- • I f,a1.1.1 as stV yr ,s.:anted: 7v:12,1 ore rewita, WinteiftO 244 this company, Rallionan,., if you wish - Who in a winipan y and amegiiatik of Inur ow -cIM i2o. Itlof.tauk§rl4j44ll4Nitrt 'Eloise; - 4 - 4 -JNO T. ENB34INGE, catitaim - ±: - 121 • -,' • . , "co:Assia **A above North , 21 feet. front' l i b ralltV • lAL L- Wir vib'Et'tnl r t 0 animate /MOE. ===l=XiMa=M:r=SClß issanty, Pennon, Back Pay, Subsimenoe end Military and War Claims, generally, made out and colleeted.q Per sons residing at a distance. can bare their businen menu - num by wok by aftrek,viritt. , , .t-.. I 14170EMMSNYDEAt, 4it0rna,,a1,44, 4 ' 7 . 01 4 -- , -. Mile esrnot, fiTTielieri I'm h,. •• COLO/MEM ITONEV soAr.'„, -;.- This celebrated -Voile*: Song, lit ehen.uglifia ifs mend, is made from thi lehtifiest mitertals, ' 1 lid and lituellllOnt OiltOr_liatues, ,Crieetorateilily seemed, and war elictsl.°: , ,, 44 luMhaellPaanienflhe Skin. Iftr___. gale by 1 4 PrtWg!!!ka oPilailiwtY I :liwode Pealenikaa J.,•-..-.111 1 35 , ', - -,, ...1: -.- .--r , c .1,-, -r; '.DO YOU WISH TO DDWentiogri DIL lIIA I DEDIGLISII SpielilDlietl,s -- 4 , in lees thin:; _ days, the wont. cases trtteltvie v. • Inipaten2;'Premmnre Decay, Sinning lr: ,:. if,y; and - tfilqau, Sena& and Nervous _Atteo .It no Inatteifsilitibst onto OrOducett. -Prick Xltte. WO, Per b e ," s t int; r illiaribid' by 'mail. 0,1/4' an cl'ilMr-,! s .I ) ' er ' l ene lioxilill Prlriql,•k-erigli insa moat etast. ' 'to . ilor ii k. p„. . ..411-d&wIlo. oineeat 4 g9t. ' , 4 - 19 POil4vfooti tt r---- _ f_. . -... . ,J,-- S::'. - C 144 " 1(* 1 Lail Baia near: Tinsehefi. For the cure of iloarseness,. Throat Dig email,- &O.i , 40:kiilt Y10c!.." It'liiiii49ll t o ililliniteiriyflinkaTs 163 - PerBOXIS TihMlevilestio calls them to..epeak in publio. , wilbunifactured inlY by O.•AL- . Ifittkinthrt it Co.. Two , vi-. i6.loo4(diair'o4oWg l6 44l)9 - ::. Sold by dithrgist every vibere. • „Bead the fo l lo.wioB-4 1 04M0044 knoai t ioS of our eminent elem./men: Ai - - _, - Efamo nano , Fibs Bth; 18 bur vud,•l l 0. _ 4 .; Ilamtvarr—Dear Sim E- a% ProliVil 44930b*TmohooeWistolegkoige_ • and . otlerprepartitions for hoarseness throat troubles, end in compare:amyl em all,' can - oheeiftilly commend your o . a QUM admirable APOogio =for PAM - el) w tlo tars mid singers, iti : can es .of boarsellesa, coughs and colds. .1 Itrasoa- , found View Iseiiiiiig in time of nee& nrOCOffOotliolWzjfi2','•••_ t '..'" - 1 • Yours tru/y, ~,:,„" ": 4 1'4. :_igimi. OM, .., ~.• Psatoinot-IL•tx prmlytmumbh prz agiSeitith - Idi t itobitietiMg value of ,Boormort'ii Troohes. e, ,-11-.z.i .y. .. 119',..-.0.„:111, Late Pastor of O. EL Presliffitiffedlithlrd . ...v.., , -, , t N ~,.. z.L. ,-r ✓ tfazintsin*Aan.,'.l. 6 Bi. --Deer Av 'T-c , thflbubi - .yo ur ~ .(Proches, I MR fnee,..toz %Inv they , afe . , thatteet .3---lwe ear;: tried und. ,, take-' , grhat rildeena re in reocanunaidisgitheinte . • , ria afflicted ~ With 14ano iiirsPot..orarhtuthinsas of voicalbriOillft,f4.4l4Figh, lie EP,: .:.! : or, ' . .... :. ~ Yam, ..Yo, t ,. .0. ir _ IV, ,Paata ?f,,14d10 Atienue* .;!' !_, , , — -r Arr? 1 , -,; r • 1 /;•sir. • 1 :•,;' '. s-p LIThritIM 41P:P4 D liiii'il' .R2EI.• Ilaninekono, Fah. *,v,,49,w,,, p , To O. A. Pownirv----Deir I:: 7—.4, h ave found 'cur Troches to be 'fil _ {hone in re lieving hOaraeneee aid in - ettrilNilhe d liz t ike Inc/idea of the threat. They impart - bee to the voice , and are certainly of krein ae- Ole all rtilla molten. A. J. rrznt = I *Val* vsiolti'Ail :MOP- 1 RP! most 4e 1 0hY:16 1110 /kk kg. 11191*-Or len ife 444 FZ r ego wa tr ' - 0 dilir r lp. 'Mat — TOT, P_ Pod .2 g ....„Ntl , ar-4, Wili Btrepgthea t litmus systee-Ind wmana tbey itt: t ltiAikAt. Mrs 841/3. *AP %•W' Orders froara/Mstance Pre/DPW to. sail - rilearaw 4.ncirearra-- The --Wiitira4)olt , Zt. v i _% 1. ~.....,....6 . 1„,_74,:.,,, . BalWitiprelJlMMONstulg accoirWoCa tPrri -1 ble accident that occurred there a few days go; ..,:-...,i`4:..) - f_...., An Italian by the name of Gllzer, was al most instantlyliilleipn Tvieeday k lailt, py his -n twit u 'BC ran and ittdmpied to get on a gravel train while it was in nultipri. In stead of going on, he Went 'unde,t;irt had both arms cut off, and Was otherwise wily crushed 'so thathe died in.*. few minutes.i He wag ntranger here. and 'was understood to be from.some county ovyn tip 4, d iver. The ac cident occurred near the east ward school how. T.l2e.body.was.laken in charge by Bev. Jas. Marshal, the Catholic Priest, who saw it .properly, buried. , - A Pew• Mere , Men Wanted: To 811 up Captain Miles' Company. ; , tread qinkitera at gie,COURT liOUSE,E,liiatOsburg, .I"tt ‘,.". ii4o:4l* Recruits Wanted for - .. Guards .... Term of Serowe, One rear. .iligheafaounties Paid. A few f more men are , frhe officers are kieri of ettickterica,", C . Wl i .4t' the recruiting rendezvous, White Kali Citpt JOHN T. MOR_q-M, aulo-tf ltit Lieut. W. 0, Volunteers Wanted . ' ror the ‘4 l irstCityZonaveadr w. Term.ofser vice one year. The highest ' cash -beinty paid, in addition: to' $lOO government bounty. Call at company •Headquarters---Exchange Building (up stairs,) Walnut stretitOlarris bGrg, Pa.,. iliCK.s., xv.EK:c4iis* atai..-wa . - , :„. „,. ....L._ , :.. ,-...-- 0 ~ „ ~ {: 11.,0 ', 200thl.11egitnent PennUylvania Volun teers for , Orke Year's service is filling ; up ery fast. ' All officerrerecruitinglo r :thill ent will' put the ITO: of the reglinent. - (2 tll on the enlisting papers, and rolls.: Calr)Diye_ ?# late Maj.- of the' Penns..Reserves; iwill'z'qolnL mend - anti lead thi;reginierit to - tha:BA land a more hrt4 anttUtimFtetnnt (Aim sieftei en tered. theservice. Alt . information onitc4n ingthe regintd4t can be gbtatnpkbt r i ing on or It - ddressing:Z::Prem, „1ker404,,v ) ,. er, Regimental Headquarters. mkt Whitillistreet, adjoining fleredw- Herr Harrisburg ; 1 - - - - --- Mirrtiirepl Ladlikel Greyi . Oise Years Servi:t e. A few more man , waited to fill Tlitl4 or local ;boaigy444 4100 Governinent, Making' $6OO bounty... AE I& go to camp and draw., uniforms as soon as mustered in, He .men, and avoid tboacom ing.draft. ...Headquarters, -Walnut street be tween-Vhird and FiVrth i st*iptli, HairAtiirg, ;441:67,AV.4,iipt. Hem+. Theodore Thcomaa r —i _ nisi mg Officers. - - lite6-kf . t The Best Way , ta•Aikaiid the-Draft , EnliSt iii the new inrahlay regiment now., Tortidilfic . for. Qlati .yeiir's -"ernes. .$524 4cal bounty, $lOO Governimint bounty. SerN NVW your frieriffii,and 1100041 A a' Ompany of y9ur ot9i: o lLbi.Q+ 3 ?.; Rwtuita. iwaitOlAttdi4e l .T.3 upon enlistment Joe mustered into. the ;United States serricsf.snd receive sublidteria clothing. Recruiting office af:llfe - :cO • House, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN T. ENSMDTGFR, Capisilk, I i Utto Wrimitar d.. AnAns, Mustering Officer - • • Eing.l§3 l . , . SPECLVC: -NOTICES: 111 40442 u 0471140 GOVERNMENT SALES, .&d. eittARTFTWASTER GENERAL'S !Gt., v i c, FIDE, FIRST Dvisiozs --Wes ONCTuN, D. C., Auga,t 17,1864 Will be sold at. Public Auction, to CV highest bblitier,.. at Oiesboro, D. 8140 ion FRIDAY, AUGUST 2C, 1864, ONE HUNDRgb - TO ONE HUNDRED AND Ply CAVALRY HORSES. i ' These horses have been condemned as unfit ferthe cavalry service Whe army. P 1 road anorfarminf x Turposes in fly grnd bargain* may he had. ~_ 1 o.ii ;.:. Horsier eold elliet. ,—..— i..T Terms mull, in Done l Statee currency. I re... ; By order of till*Quartiarnaster Cieneral. JAMES A. Milit ani9 tdi (wen. I in charge First Division Q. if ' l7o h AdICT L ISIN SALE . ..;., ! u:, -:, CONDnInD lIORSES' WAR DEPARTNIINT, r F ains* Busman, . CHIRP QUARTERIEASTRIL!: I , V.4Vag D. C., August 3, 1364i1i IXTTLL be Auld at public auction, to ' i 'IU lighest bidder, at the times and places namikelgit` imv. viz: Wading, Pennsylvania, Thursday. Aug,ust 18,186 Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursde• , A , gust 25, 18 Leb nun PediOlvania, Thursday, September 1, 184* , Harrisburg, Penesylvasit, Thursday, Septembef.4, 1884. TWO HITI4DRVF(3OOI Cavalry Horses at even ;. These Horses have been condemned as unlit flr jour Cavalry servicelll"The Army. , For road and far m purposes Buoy geed bargains; be had. t..;; ggkr ME Runes sold singly. • TERMS: CASE-In United States Currency. tea JAMES A. auB-dtsB Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry 13, CANDIDATES. t)likettilail.4 .la i'' A T th• solicitaticn of numerous friends, --1-- , : - - -' ABA i larisbutt2 l .o ' tn. fonnl gii.,.t , subject to the ' decision of tho Union Convention of :Daus phin county. aul9-ditt* ja FOR CONORRSS, .1., VA A. N'tirlelt N. Or TIT , Of Susquehanna Township, I, Dauphin County. dw• - REGISTER. himself r J OHN FOX, of this city, offers himself a candidate for REGISTER of Dauphin county, sub- Azt e kke.t4 gße.4 o .9ll.:PciltifiqPl l ll. 2 k . it4 ,ROPitil ion. W.,9 4 AV -W4-,... stiaktMci Pits flogs .3°Fr O r ht nialknige EiPs.iiiniPsElittifilaitithiPti , i ll if OfeOte t . • " ftAt: •• to IVOR REGISTER . _ .. . . GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover t4w e -n -ship, offers himself as a candidate for the 0 of MASTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. ark pledges himself to perform the duties of said ofticetta fldetlty.-, , , ... ~ . .. , .1f , . je2 9 der. tc --- . - CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. laanuouna, PA., June 9,18 k T HE undersigned respectfully offers hinciself 01 t o to the Itotr . tpo 4th Corigroittip i Ms. tricver Pet, 4* obi . .1-4410 ~,iel,f; Nu plfirOhiiiiitit ik Nnvir , , pt for Odattitlittioi4t lelyr:V i ia a .: a IRO, fittriete• J. " . cf)attllfortC:w7 ' *- --.l' over Riettii Mice aidiegisdirrsdliteledtddifthfiP iNd# ?dm medAtamodbilti ddilimidrshottando grithoEdwityP• 0. t o,djetWasraliteitaab Td frAhatfAisakluomiltLE,ll. asubasaw .*1" . hat IMelat ojp. ~Euggle* ! . .af Znneev` • Itt iacu.i..ataLt •SaOIsKLIII lu 0.12811,11: - u LTValtial.l ""'eAltitifsertrittiettilrite"Widtiti; NEWARK, 0.11107 • nogg ,u4KlAßlttblfr,r,ET PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILL& 1 1318 . 11 447Wae tieubi 4isr 1 ".- -14i/MlAVOttiqtAoff.Aooo4l46.B. .i.l " ,me i i"*'''" xil ElP .kie le I " Leatt i MMilf : o lo J oldest tairt,z'id bi:Jow xedelardak: sotioleitai lii ii , *..-... l , - ,! VIOKIBBIifiItED Wit@taiiii ifitii. li mils elan 'Aikeenitiri'fibirsri 'Jag': witty to fill them we resolved to increase our air dy large radial. a for their Menu acture. Very recend we lurchaed the entire property of the Newark Machine wytkAApeweiricjpitAjmig.4 Qmomment both b its=dd*itie tiiditfilbpbtiMfi. ,, WOWlttitif in itio lure to A l a 1 orders pro . ptly. The lumber trade was never al prosperous, and mobey. making as at present, and will no doubt continue to de so for a veneration to come. Energo.ic operatives with ny thing lite good logs, can cut 25°,000(w:it per, month, ith ~ . :tyllte;),..Der AW- ri~tir:" 4114 :, ,u. - ,itestlt Alielilifebt; •09. : 3 1 4 ."En l i 14 . 4 ' ifilirldtarier-Vrak d. /ka li . an. agemeritfigd*Re Ned , " inexperienced operators on a [kir with those who .. . oper Lied &hoc. Circalaw - wilivieportptAtialnt !Vlkukrialons, ant re porta ciri, petiktora fiirtiartell to any address. address H a F. MANDY at . ' •• ~...***.litaol.ll,Pc6.lSc.444tho : .• 1,1 iblV.Chl OdAillainglitipilaialigoll2ol3lc*, ) cC 131 trt L 51.94. Pablillialt.lollluk I * * * In the last three inmate, (working Live d ' a week) we have cut 525,000 feet of white oak on 81, 1VY Ali s )l4l4 l'4 l kUp4l.92,woo,_feet. The tumbe prbei abylk.wt,ftore inept &or to be the best livered in that city thie summer. The Mandy angine Bona wet enp yitis a perfect succes• - towaY, , e cut 18,900 Let or oak. • :GJ yteua.ufSYi sraoloarome, .Coun_trP Ataa...4" zwL y„ si i kt i vi ; a 4 s Tatiattr 4Vta ,s,soIR. dtsditlMMlMlLVambria County, Pal May 12, likvil. I * * * I have sawed on my BLANDY MILL 1,21 000 feet of lumber In the last seven months, vrnich eluded the winter months, often working only sae hours a day, a d Ily Lose out a part of the tit Tall is more lumber au any sing e mill has cat in same time within • fired miles of this place. WM. it. 1ii.;611 ES _ . &WO: 6 simnel', Granty County, Ind , t June 27, 1864. L.. * * I have ruu niPtI4DY MILL four yea's, and 1. out for more than Midst when ne e. As we had it. er tried hew much we Id cut on it in a day, we couclu ed we wutild do s.• the MAL dig We run lt, prior to deity ry, m to new owuer . I ilitt is as if gum •to sell it, and found It was 12,104 L, slimly cut from logs Sto 02 et loaf, small and v• 111. The BLA:sDY MILL is bila fOr me, and e ) oily ese that ithows any u •-:. about them, In my o ift A. siLyWA.LTER..: a . augli-dep4:2w-wi Paybri i Sale. AVA.LIIABIII tacky Black Ha • Norse is offetedilbr sale. He Is floe years obi, ratng or driving, pagractly gentle, and will make an oellent family horse/X . lm particulars enquire of J. . HOFFMAN; Franklin souse, aulft-dAt* or to Capt. GILMORE, at Camp Curtin Blandys' Jalfit,S. C McC,,UR NklipmpATitti.mENTs. „i.p.l.iWre'ta,ry.oftheTreaspry giVesncti c e A:that subscriptions will bo recoil - 6(1,1hr Cou pon Treasury Notes,: payablrithree years from 'August Lith, - .lBfit . in-withitemi4nninalzintereat attlEfe'rithicif - of threeJetitite, percent. per elizewn --- folix4l44:4. l ll4ftiest both to be paid in lawful _ -These notes will be cOrtyOtiblOt the option Per cent. liol4.l ., b.earing, betide, payable riot less than five 4 Boit-More:than twortty:yeartit from their date, a theicfroveniinelit'niOYNTOc.They`will be '.:l4 ,l 44,4tr.denclinituttit'ins,pf.Vk $1,00,; $5, ‘1 000 and $5,000, arid allAtaaliser qualms must b6-for fifty dollars4.oil ttertfoinultiplel . of fay dollars e ,130 *kiiN r a tn'tio,owners leaoftrtinnapertation charges as Boo* after theutentilkof the original 440ertlf: Icitr of De-• littsit'atalk can be p . repared, .1 As ate l'ettiS diaW . intereit frozriitigtisk 15, persons making , deposits subsequent to tthat aterect pqrled'Erorii date al o .Xittl*t• 4443*, rtieideposituigturentinie thotaand del ,nlatskincl'upwards tor .theseihates at- any' 01113 E. th3:ooB' ii:50110451034C of one 40..46, whkh will be paid brthe Treasury Departmentupon the receipt .of a' billJfinemie mild** certified to by the officer with"wliti de it'iias toe4O. No. dedeCtionti for; . .m ui5a...... intuit made .frani the , deposita.k , „l. ISlietitat'kt dWakiat4;t4'orm,l*ln• 44404:4 lora offering a -;D),Soer"le than any oth,W, .116444 at: sseetrity. 'Any: s, bank which payS4itti depositors4lll. 4 4. 4 'llotes;',cotutiders4 that paying. Via country. and. is eaunet Pays in anything- better,4fok eitintentopp are-eitherin government securities government 4- Z/` , „1.1,is equally convenient as a temporary or , s riziltnistir inVitistment'llni:nOtes can al '44s- be Sold for ;;Wi;iilin„ - a'Zraction of their face Andi accumulated interest, and are the *setit[seidurity Witli!banks as collaterils'foudid counis. Convertible intoph6 per Cent. i-20 Gold Bond. In addition to—the very liberal interest on the notes for *see years, this privilege of conversion is norworth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Binds is not less than nens per cent premium, and be fore the war theAlemium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was o r twenty per cent. It 'will be seen that the.Ntual profit on this loan, at the present mar Wot rate, is not less than ten per cent. per araniim. Its hxemption ;Jim State or Mnnietptil ” Taxation. i • But aside froll the advantages we nave enumerated, a a ial act of Congress exempts all bonds and 2', ry notts from local taxation. it On the average, ..' exemption is worth about two per cent. ' - annum, according to lam rate of taxation Tic - arious parts of the country. It is believes •.t no securities offer gr. great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Cioven}inent % .14 1 all other.. forms of 'iMettedinish,i thahkatli I br - atelitY ce ifrivate parties, or stock companies, or separate corn-. munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the wholeproperty of , ttiomountry is held to secure-the•dfscharge of .allltiii:obltgatfone of the United States. '' ' 1 ' While the Government offers the Most libi3ral terms for its loans, it believes that'the very strongest _appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotismiotthe people Sußscareztoss IRTLX. us. RECEIVED by the Treasurer theTnited 'States, at Washing ton. ,flui` seiii*C'liatatit 'treasurers and deaigiu4dbilimadarifia, and 'by all the Na tional. bankeivhieh , 'sre depositaries . of public 11 1 .6fia '.all•reo6.s.o43lpiankiiinnomkers', L 9st &kaiiit,Ala . e" Aoa4 4i:iiirra - ,give: further in , :farmatam,,and atrind -, every facility to sub . scribers. ' -- - *•-• [artl94.d&w:2m =I : WA:64'M AX/0 4. TEDt -- ± 3 404.-PX.040 ,W 4SE T.& rg044; 1 14‘); 1141/W..., ..4,Vinar.4ixlLLAwd Waintu. suret. . - • -. .•- - • _ WiNTED , ., , Atc . 15 I perliontlLL.=-W43 Witia a reliable Cauvaasur 311 every county. Wu tiaVe ayguuto maims slsdpot. !lunar Ishica we will prove to day doubting lip/load: 'Mamie JONES BROS. Si C 0.,; MM SALJS OF It EAll. PUBLIC) SAL. .0.4 f: IIAY, SATTEII.#.47i 9fh,.1864 Tag tiubtioriberorsginias for . the heirs[ of :Frederick , Wonderlypliten-., nu& of Mechanicsburg, ' rar.oleo'd y willselliewtherprinnines UR following valuable real estate, VIZ: A. crap pf. 3 l.aulostono Laud oordaining 67 acres and high state cUItiVEII4OI/_dad under 1104 le • ' jug . 4p.i/AF,,,towip, Cumber lind'connty, 1a,., ,two Mitia Wfltit: AgeoLumukausg, Far mu Matt froinihai, place Lb dirliale. The maPreve- Ten.te are &feud - • ~, Y 411,-STedir zro qbeviA44:444, ' *An stittiA r ehtn entk 44 all otrer;ne4n4fy onilnuld• Jitoi." o Mreitiko law wigti or oiriay-troicig . * Wet on , Miillii*Onsf Of villa fi *pi (f.p) 0.41 - iti - oriivint of . 6hbitftiik li anti, on tht pi6llnia* Thu laud ita.4)&ri or . ail' *FYI! to utereiteipdattilloAiintectaiiwoorg,. l ale•abeittni'ainikeObr pri3,411 - of tnn.rnan, ieMere likhry desirable: - " " ' - ' At the same time and place, a tral. of Mountain Land, situates in Silver bpring township, Cumberland county, c°""V tfcrcf..„; Cf.t..ollwemy 9r wx... Fed° luvr the property previous to - triej sal.. will pitase taut on Ceorge Wouileriy, teeming odske taisdiViir'''We. H. "Wonderly, r sitting in Mcchaniost4w& Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, r. it., when terms Will be iniithkkpowft by .131.0RtiE WiJNDS.nLY, WONDsItLY. Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly, dec'd. atils-dtsvpS • . • • ... ' , IffEDATIratINNEtt4IIMMIOMPAtiY 20 itiiiitat ILA, NEW YOWL rparatiiitiotAd elabito is galled to the 11 sulvantages offered by this company for • - Pixillitable us estment. Txe.,,eite t al, !' d value of its - !I 0. 4:I. Xi coupled with 19 prows fr.wcwking them, make it ;the most destrable'proptity in? kl&ed to the public " • Detailed information tikreint: to its extent and' pros ..,ktFCt.4o had at the office of the undersigned, agent of die company , ticint wilktecelievbscriptions to stock. JOHN.W. BALL, Agt:, Moe ThirtLidieek T ittiii.Waltdit, Harriaborg, Pa i.Anigitothsuisdati - i " . .. A.. TfLHOB...SE power ' stea m engine aid, tikka in Act: ''bdulei, i 7 . 043.641 Teter Pipes , PumPt and better uumplete;„ - *Couple dcylmeler boiler, manucac tuna b J • tiol4' ' t ~ tpg.oscillating en gine,. ' yMt Woo4rdot of Wm** street, Harrisburg. :-.17:a. - ,2v,-471.74,, . , :;. J . OF terms, sc., enquire at Canal Mike, Market street, etr Unit t 4 stew:,itet.ei:, - ; 1, - tAr",1...iy.:.., i. HannhmSl l o,Y4. .18.64. - ~.„„ .413- - .. I.llA_,_ Ii . Aff9N7TAT. .MPARTMENT, ' nAkßautrity, Augpat 1q,,1864„ 7 „ 'AI ii() STATE MEDICAirot Pedn ' • grg_Yeadalenli Men frittelitire"-MiLMOWYAT, the 2,14#.40y el Angst, MakandAnnalolawdlartng lbw week, to examine Candidates for the poet of Medical Meets, in Penneylventa,MegimenOV.l, •-ketysielans or reansytemittiOnlimtneeittl i rtiMnehinll . 1 49 , 14017 tealonnials as to imonaL-Vimilnier,'"-ilmy , I. o .odinitlod - XeNte_enlegietlos. Th'iln9 l o l 2ls l 4MM..4he.eximituition will ba heldwill OkiliOttliadatilahurg morn ng papers, on too 4e' ft - ordered 2 41:71‘ - -21 '2"; ;.'". ;ilr --4.41' 45 aiiena72.2einniar"irdtail EBRENG AND SAL YON et imp* BOYER k ICONJU'Ett • ii= COMM SALE 'AMUSEMENTS. BRANTS 104. BitANT'S ALL. gouge's Var,einnj, ,CoRkPI• _ Rouses Stitt Cot itb tiat4oloPanY, - Rouse's Star tombination Company, gir. The Manager has the pleasEro of ihnotaethat Le ' hik? efecnrlenlfe f , w „, t h e p r u. itzi y t e r KISS PANNY B. - PRICE, sos :St Or. : Ai S oILLAK t TUEEDLY EVENING, AlrUS 'l 23d, Will be presented the Bw tirnl Drama, entitled • IT' A Xi Ia which Min FANNY I. PRICE and Mr. D. RANCRETT ,vin appear. rFor further particulars see programme '!Xlg94tr SANFO - RD'S HALL. TRUID WEER OF TW , , CONTINENTAL COMBINATION VRAPANY,, ON MONDAY JULY 25, 1864: Tcompany consists of the best.iter per .1 formes; consisting of . , SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN (X)MEDLSNS, GYMNASTS, &C. The manager takes pleasure In announcing that they inmank maklngthla THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS it CO., etoprietors. Bars Poitria, Balinese Agent. MALI— VEEET, BELOW THIRD. • . . . PEPusPinrietrige" J DONNE. tiq . JOE HILL .• Stage Manager • ANDY WllddBlt • Leader of Orebeater NAME REaIIaYEE Treasurer •• • • ...... .... . ... . G...NIOLEE - . OPEN every night with w• trattandis - tom- Pony of male and female artierea TN' r'!gherform. mice embnicea every variety of legitimate azatisameat, each as t. SINGING, music& FAQ, DANCING, OOKIdOPRIteII, PANTOMIMES, • NEGRO OOMMALtriV• 4 14118,14.9QUE5, AND JESTS. i Admiaelon IA cents. -Reath fa lirisitte Otitis Doe• s open at T. To commeitoe at 9 irSioek. !MM.( . MUT A KY NOTICES.:,: THE BEBTWAY . AVOID Tlll3 DICA 101%T.L.1p3•1•-_, _ _ The New Infantify Regiment! NOW FORMING FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. FROM $450 TO $5OO LOtili BOUNTY ! $lOO GOVERITMEXT 3301114 Ti! ati-These are the highest bountieds paid in thii city • ERVE with your friends and ri lighb ors i n % Q kJ a company td' yormini Recruitsitraistano diste:y, up n enlistment, b., must red into tint S. S. ser vice, and receive subsi.tenco and elothinc. - - . . Reernit office at the Court Hous4l, l arris burg, Pa. - . - JOHN T.. =DENG ER, Captain, Late Lieut.. Co "A," 127th Begt , P V. - Wiru.u.ot J. ADAMS, Mustering Officer.' • iiuglil.dtf HEADQUARTERS DRAFTED_ MEN, SUBSTITUTES EMI V 01;UN ris,EAR% 115 South Seventh Si., .20onilfloOr . Room No. 10 litin--fietn —the City - 3r. - any. -- panor the Stac, will toefurniotrea, notice, and on.litieral torts&• . , • usten Enlisting; sithor &a substitutes OCV u ngeor*. s'i.ltelklit'l3.tiiki `taloa Eioun "aid to 4141 n. in cash as soon as inustined.tnipi.• Agents unit liberally tit • • w: AT ENS, aul4itt , - Philadelphia. DR AFT:: PHILADELPHIA GUARDSH ' COL. A B vi3 O e U:MC y. 50 0 - ;11 en F ilts r iZi Y irr rs3 ,4 r i; and paid cash down 1400. 05 mesoigly, or II Wiln o s. son brommur 20 men Wid be coinindision'ed a Second Lindenanq 25 men a Finn I.iohteOluitt 40 men a Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. 'Apply 'lb COL A. A LECHLER. auglo Headii antes, ell,Cliestout at., Phila . qloio Dthooissr Useful and Valuable -{ Discovery. HI Ltof4P'S INSOLUBLECEMT 1s oP taure atizterai than any invention now Woes the public. It has seen.ths. ronghlrbleted Wring the bat veyeass.h3' Prenninal teen, and proassineed kra/I nabs BUPE&Io—R_ 11'1) A N-7 Adhesive Preparations. kaolin. 4P ridable to - Al* auppCnAgnn.nua Canonnew tblng, sad the result of years of study; Its annbiriatiou is on A new • Scientific Ptincipick &nd under nc dim:4omM or change of tecapenuure,Lnilt it be xone corrupt, tor welt !, . any ; is Boor AND :Boil= • Us (kap'4istion Manufacturers lasing Macey/ea, wild Ind it the teat lan as Cementing far inn orks without delay, Wiwi " any thine of temperature. JEWELERS Will and it Millimemuy agtheeile foe their umuluta,beetmanvelL Boot Ind Shoe Ku *Cataluna lawelera Erpeciaas t Adapted to Luther And .we claim as an especial merit, that It kicks - Patches to Boots and MM. Aiddeksuily i strong without Eli LIQUID 0 E . , 40A ? Statam that is awe t6hatai—oillead. if ~~~~ Parniturl .ar....r. Id I --5 7 -10 7•0 xezr Bone, Ivory, And aril6is a Houwtrold one • . „ &LUZON'S iffIOULDBLII Ciorairr Li in11.1404-iorm and se easily ep 26 up1eAwargitu 1 , 11.1**8 110144134LikVelifillli - M4treM *4414#044-St Remember. lb Supplied in -Fiao7--0,--htmostt• war% Paokagel Urtrea to MI lbs. • • • arurott B ~ pir Proilasmi I. . ; ' Paid = EGS 1 4 1 1 1 S. ""'"' LAINele TUST 4. • motti224l, e er gt U Co., Fresh Smoked Sams, Beer exid Tongue, at. SISIBLER 4r, FRAZIER =ZI MEI the only
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers