THE TELEGRAPH D 7 PUBLISH= MORNING AND EVIIINIA - G, . BRAIGATTk. o.firlC'E THIRD ST., NEAR {Yd LENT; PERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIM.I. THM DAILY TELEGRAM! le served to subscribers In the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 28 00 in advance. Those persona who negleettu pay In advance will pec4ydrged, $7 00. WEITraLY ;TELEGRAPH. . . , TAna Turaaarn hi also inibllshad weekly, and is fain ished subscribers at the following ooh rates: Single copiers, „ ...... $1 SO three cc , pies 10.0110 Post Off . . ...... 4 00 fen nat.n!,6 lo one Post olfnce lb -90 . NEW ADVERTISEWINITS, CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT ANT BELOW CO T. M. - IDES. M. YE% 'NO. 13 MAREET STREET, BEING desirous of closing her. Summer Stock of Millinery Goods, olfers for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETi 4 ,- . r. HATS AND RLA:TS, - . 'CbniAantiy on hand a splendid Ammon - meat-of C' • SILKS VELVETS, LACES, • ED MIS, • • 14.00 P SKIRTS, • CORSETS, HOSIERY, H.ANDERRCIIIEFS, GJAW ES, COLLARS, CUFFS, BELTS, t NETS, / , . FANCY GOODS, &C. • Daalera wl l tto welt to call, as great bargains cab be , tirbolesaie. jel.4• ly cLQA.KK, airocuLAß , - AND IttANTILLAS 9 IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store._ Have now a splendid aaeortment of •SPRING it SUMMER MANTELS, : ,11TENCH CLOTH CIRCUIARS, • NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in .crery color and hand ootooli trimmed, from $7 00 to $l6. • 2000 SILK. 1111.41.01T254, acaCULAR, P.9.Q.ItS ANtY liaiLdsdrnely and riihlc trimmed, - rror6 $lO upward. CIIILDREN'S MANTELS LN VA11474.' my 26.1 .1 Millinery and Fancy Goods. 125. J. 1111IBS, at No. 8 Market Square, IVA; next door to Fellx.sContectioriery, keeps eorutant. ty on nand the latest styles or Bonnets, - Hats, . Hughes, Flowers, }illiberal, &c., together with aline/assortment of Dress Trimmings, Leona, Embroideries, Collars, Obits, Handkerr,hiets, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety' Good; in general. theintest Designs of Dress PattthuieNitet froM the Nlnd York Bazaars, - Dress' and 'Cloak 'Malkin neatly exe cuted. Thankful for tho patronage bestowed since her opening, she trusts,by a nitictaznitrtrinn to bu,inei,s and her endeavors to give ,etieral .ialittactiop, to continue to receive a share of the panic patreusge, jyl-tißru C CONCENTRATEL. 4 4I.!E._,NAD , E, TS pleasant, healtiii liave very convenient and ,:tefA4 - 411W.ritirsfds having Ofver or great thirst. . Its portability recomnlimiliitit in tr Its convenience at pie-niol9.llilia No sugar reildired; one tittile-ipoo • Ived In a glass of and Waal' tlittl it is dune. KILLLER , S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, , Jol7 - No. 91, Mark-s treet. „ , NEW PIMADELPI4, `.. L. O. , 70 , IN D :11eG,R0 Market"Stireet, H.arrisOurg• 1 . 000 DIP. TALENT STYLES or rAstir.omstz CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, FINR SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of Aliril. Dner2l-tlly , • . . 4 1i096131' # WEI DISTIXICT, .1! • (MIAMI:Ma; Pa.,:unt) Alen TDo.DRAFTE MEN.—I. 'am, directedby tient. Col. J. V. 'Borriford,.4. 'A. Proi•Ost tati3hai General, by his oPoular, No. 89, of June 4, 1804, to pub lish "That drartod'men are not allowed to yonin teen altar being drafted; did that The cinaita for dratted men will remain fcrr firm sub-districts' Which they were drafted, no matter•Whetticr local bbanty has, or has not bgetrpald to onett mon, upon "nk,,gai tnatistment." JNO. KAY Claif.ENT,' Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Diet, Pa. Joi-dtf Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TrIOUCHINGat 4 STOWN. , (Cork Har oor.) The Asa . l i*thidriera'of the Liverpool, New York and . fti pia Bc3ytenehlp ConiArma,f, are in- Ispded ttiapll as - Cily of Battlinorp, AtlguEl 27; Etna, Sktur day, 649114 M O.; kdiuburgh, uiday, iepte ...bert 10, and every.eabceedlOg Saturday, at Noon, from Pier; 44, North River. - RATES'OP PASSAGE, PA7411L2 17 001.0 OR i 715 174t1111[ALICKT AJCRR77O7. iIIROCABIN $O 00 STE.Elticith ••53 00 do to London no 00 do to London.-- 00 do to Paria„ 95 9p145 to Parys 40 00 do torlIalorg:-... 9D 00 -do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengers also forwardo to Havre Bremen, Sotto' , dint. Antwerp, &b., at equally low rates: Yore Flom Llveipool or . Queenstown: Ist esbin, $B5, ;106. Steerage, X 36. Those who wish to Bead for their frtends can buy tickets bore at these rates. For,tiuther information apply at, the Cortlinvo, , oolHtTa /09.19 41. DALE,. Agent, 1.5 i Etteadway, : bi.Or,, or 0. 0_ 'ZIMMERMAY, Harrisburg.. (f2.11:11y PIANOS. LIABRECRT, RIEKES & SCIDIIDIS EXCELSIOR PIANOS. AGENO7 A.T KNOGREs; 93 Market street, Ilarrisburs. ' • • , FOR REASONS perfectly satiegytb,p ) to mysSLF ttikert - tbeage4erortbe.itbrKe most excellent' . Platioa. Therpdblie /8 - Iteritt4o coliM and ex amine !be ttibzi3salveta. A re*Settoinacker Co'a - PiaribtOb hand yet will be fileol lo*: raar2o-11 PIIOTOGRAPII ACE VICS Photograph, ith Photograph Alba is.;: ; li t in Photograph Alb _ Photograph A.loiniL s s HE largest and cheapest variety - of P T TOGRAPII ALBUMS In the city arc constantly ep " il/P 2112 / BERAVBEIS CIIIEJLY BooKST9Ri. SOLE AGENCY FOR 'THIS . I'IY Tim AM happy lg. lifer to the r[o)lic a large ..; s '44- WillArG7 4 31.13 - - t i hiS manufactated by „ ....., tßiabtw. hiIIiCITILD. ; • pus rse Pena are well'auielsed, eh, 16 4 easi t rallts 'en "ll44ltaWM4 py.gAa TiefilE.M. - ''''' • separrpt'S BOOR Komi ', &Gond [street, Oppiea h e eave/U[l Char", Hard' Vg Pa. ~ . 4 ~-.- #"' t I ' - ' MOB 91 ALMOit.WFlice salt Salmon u at ato , SELMER & maxi z =ME ; • - MI BY GEOIta BERGNER. itAJu,ROADs. I=l 1 , 80 4. • • • • • :,1864 ph:o44ophi' a and Erieltall ' ' • TEIB greet trawThies:thsi Northern' nd Northwest ootitltffie 41 ,, Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on!Lake It has been leased by the Parmormuni Rea aowv t of ray:, and under their , auspices do. being rapidly opened throughout its ,entire length. - • It is now iii' use .for Paskenger' and Yreight business from Harrisburg to St: Mary's (216 raileaj on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erio(7B rani/4.0n the western Division. rtivz OF-P*614F.11 THAWS AT 11.4ERIkEtztEG,. Leave Eastward, t - Mail Train. ••, • 1 " Expresegrain,4. ... - 2.80 a es • • , Leave Northward.. Iran Train;, • • • LBsr. X. Expresiaritin • • 8.15 U:lr. Carn run•th-roligh:wrrnotrr MANG'S both ways on these trains .between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween .Etiilinnere and Lock Berea , Elegant Sleeping care on Exprese traine bothwari he- : tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and . Philadelphia. . • For information respecting Passenger business apply at theS. E. Corner 11th and Market etreeta And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: , S. Kingston, Jr., corner 18th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. $e polls, Erie J. M. Drill, Agent .I±,ll C. K.R., ' • . HeUSTON, - ' General ,rrelght Ageni, Phqm , -LEWIS L BouPT, . General Ticket Agent ~et S. karrs, m7 26- dik) • General itamsgs;., *llMatiari4f,,. UUMBERLADTP VALLEY •• r. • , ' • F AND F It A N K. L I i It ALL KOAD .S. ORANGE OF HOURS.—On and After Mon -4„1- day, April 4tii, 1864, husienger trams wit! run dally,:ax fedloWs,ASupdays enceptedly ' : . FOR; C/LANIMATHUMG AND ITARRIMUMPO: .11. ..1L P. le Leave Hagerestawn ' 7.00 246 " Greencastle 7.87 8.86 Arrive at &17 4120 Chatuberaberi . . ' Leave at ' - ..8.80 12.66 Leave Shippenaburg . .. ....,:.. SAO IL2B " Newville . ~. .....'.. . US 12.00 " aiiiiilite • ', .10:10 12.42 " ; Hecbanicaburg ... ... ..t. . ....A.2.5; 10 42 8:12 Arrive at Harrisburg .L6:66 .11.16 13.40 F I NK' OZ. MBERBB G dIVD 114.0 7 1CIWO Leave Emir:burg • os., L 32 :4 20 MOrianb*ourg ' aft . 14.04 " Carlislo ... . 9.21;;,210,! 15.22 " bielvalHe 10.2* 214 Shipriertibuig ....;.10.33' 4.00 t Arrive { a Clututbersburg, 4. 30.., Leave a; .11.10' 4.49 • LOavii,Greedastio .11. 55 . 6 .4 30 Arrtire .fiderSLOWD. 12 35 41 10 Making "el* aiginections at Harrisburg with quilts, for 'Plilladerph*,' .14esy York and Pittsburg ; and , raffia for all pooko Weft, - 4 . 4-I'he train Teavißg Harrisburg at 4.20, r. w., ions oulfakfir as Cirlide. , - O. N. LULL, Suit . R rae‘...ple m ak o lsthrywr A rll 4. 11864.71 Y - . i - GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE .THZIANG-SOUGIMFQR DY.SCOVE.RED AT PAT. • Cherokee Reniedyi AND • . . .. . • . .., , .. .. cirktokEE mintrolit '. . COMPOUNDED' FROM ROOTS, BARKS "OID LK& C.114.13(4.4T4 RiIiEDY, th,eyreat hidian pi, • cures all iiiseases.gfilie urinary organs,.iia as runts of the Irris' se, - /iptammation of ate! Etrculfzr,.=. station of Lilo 'Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, S Gravel, Glut, COMeorhea, and is eapecialiy roconsteetided in those cases of Fluer : Aibiu (or Whites iii jteinaZes);ttlhart all the olii ?tomcods . :liiii;:ticines have failed. , _ .:l . • writ: in FlePared in a highly conoentastedlbrm, the dose only being Mini ene to two tempoonDds three timee • per day. sip . .. in . - , ... , - It, is diuretic and alterativeits action; purifying . and ramming the blood, causing it to Sow in alla te tts original pilitY and ilgor; thus removintfrom Dia ' M all pernicious causes will& have induced disease. OIibROKEE INJECTION is intended 1111 an Idly or. 1149110. ant to the . OBEB.OKME REMEDY and 'should . * M s Conjunction with Mai medicine in all casenor ' hag,' Gleet, Fulor Wink . tW Whites. ' lts eflis;ite-4ae' , soothing 'said. &mike* ; removing..SA . 4s dirig,'. eat, chordee and pain instead of the burning:and *goo un endurable painthat is -experienced witli r neirly ,au the /Jr chea p ea p ~N By MK piled the CHEROKEE' REMEDY and riF-kOom. cliEßlA:orm—the twb saiiiinillem at. MP lisWie time—all M'Ciiirei*,disialiarges are removed, i ia Idle,itmar ened organs eke speedily restored to full vtgoiriand strength. '' - ', $• - Ng-For NB Partied:as, get our parnStlet frO*Halni', drug " store in ,the country, or write nil, and wo. will mall' free, to Any'iddrOSt a full treatise. , ...1 i t BS. Prici :TIE (MEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for SA, ~ • . . . . , Fricß CHEROKEE INJECTION, 42 per bottle, or three bottles for'ss. . I)l}—Sent by ; - expcelits to any addrehp receipt :of price. • sa. Sold by 1!11 drundsts everywhere.' . DR. W. FL BLED.WIN ar CO., Sole Pioprlotore, t marlN•eodly,. No. /59 Liberty4treet,.New gELF4I,OIf-F,E CUM. THE GREAT -I,lst 0 . 4 N MEDICINE. MOMPOUNDED ram ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhsu, hanittal Weak ness, Necturnia 'BrainfOrts , and all dunes er Anent by ;se* , potiution; MCA as LoeSof Memory, hniestiof Lassitiude' Pains in the Back, DinOseu of Vision, '.Frenorture DiciLdin Weak Nernssd.'?il,B4iy of Brea/gins,Trembling ,-,*44,flit• nes; arvtions on. rAe Irace, Pale Centstewarne, ,, Sanity, Consumpficw, and_eff Diread compiiinit onnei 'y de partingfron,qtayoth re nature. 0 • • ylirThis medicine is a simple vegetable ereeksktione n which all-,Can, relx.; as it has been rusedth OUT for manyvream thousande treated, it „Ms' not failed maiShigie,inntsrlee• Its curative vowel= halal yeah su ffi c ient to ga s p yothry over the moat stubborn Calle.! rairTo thontrdWho have trifled with their, constitution, until they stmenthemesives beyond the _reach or me t hod id, we world say, herpair not f the Cullom Cults :wlll restore you to health and vigor, and after all quadt :doe tors have failed l • nor For fall particulars, get a Circular fromany_ Store in the country, or, writo the Proprietor, who ll / 4 1 mail free to ant one desiring the same, a full treatise In pamphlet tom. • khrPiieenifi par bottle, or three bottle* for. $6, and forwardedhTellPrein to all parte of the world. . . all .. to druggist& oriesywhoro.. • DR. W. R. *ERWIN . Bors Prrorszoino, marlo4odly No. 60 MeV airosii Noir Y ;t i 1: t :~ i. '"T.HE-UNION'--NOW AND FOR.EVER."—Webster. _< IEW^A~WEKTISRME S. SELLING OUT LOW! , OUR.. STOCK.OF LI - Quoits! WE intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advance' from cost price. ;We have:Mimi:Lased all our, Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years, which are guarabteed cannot be purchase& now at amyl:rice from the imposters. ' . I Our stock modals of I- 411 ' ,'' ' ' ' ' I WHISKIES i...... of , all grades. .. i 1.. • WWe have parts of three barrels pure RYnOI colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2% years old. 'WIRES of all tirades , bomestic • and Impo tad, • . . .33AN.X1.1E1Q.$ . We hazy part of. 3.i, cask IfF.ONESS&Y KRALDY• tct whfeti we invite the'particular attention offftmili for medicinal pumosee The Drand9 emmor tie bought to-day, .'-frowt:tinporters, lose thin $l5 per gallon.. Wo will sellit for $l2 per, gal lon. SCOTCH - AND vscitiArE ALES, , . CIUSIPAGNE WINES, ; -CLARETS, C. Ige invite the inspection • of Hotel Keepers and .Liquor Merchants' generally, as we intend to • sell, without re ' serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good oprlortu• nity. for bargains. . ..- .. ; • - • . . . .le2o PffliaElt iir FitAZEtR. . I ' A.' F. 41IVIMERMAN riia'6,0413.41.1 Vtatvb, No, 52 Market Street, Harrisburg Pa -'DEALER 'INi _NINE MANGERS, • •, • • . EtaINE, • RINGS, • : 1 SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVERAVARE, • • PLATED WANE CBA SEIVirIDES, • AND ALL KINDS OF JEVIELEY. hand swell selected and ele'4liti assorted stock of :FINE WATCHER, 11 ' CNAINS, , • . • RINGS • A;NTD SETE • •w; Ei FINE SILVER vett - 41 . 1 4*94N....E.1FG.L.1th • AN s D. wzas TATO ZS, Bdth in Gold and Sliver Cakes Also, a due assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Cooatantly on hand,, '; • ' ' • '• s - -a.taMTI vaitterr 114 1 ELEGANT cLoca - , OtallAmeriptiorts ;, all of _which will be sold at tlis j. ! - LOWEST' CAS PRICES.: ' vir Call and examine the goods, • Partimilar attention paid to repairing of fine Matdher, each as Chrormmeters, Eimlex and other. celebrated Watches, and all kinds *br - jewelry• - *Wetly; iepazed. None but the most obroPetent , morkasernieniphived, and; the whole matter uodse ; my, own personal supervision. • ' ZINMERNAN'I mar2Bl No 52 braiketlifieet, adloiainz Brinvs H , I. . . Cavalry .Horses - anted l' Iv .• ;, Assuager Quatrinsulasvaa'sQssi U. 8. A. .. : '. .., 4}1411t : , - t/4 0- 1M a t / "!! 1 "-;, 4 „til. t 1115 2, /BOA' ' 1 irTNTErihixtki4,-;o}iitis, .oh.h.lahndied and V ' itiity:rfveT . lSS) - 46111fin per, head *ill be paid for all - i. . ' • , 0..a71 11 1 1 *k: .0. 9 " r* . 43' Os . . deliver* Jit t he Illaverninent stables, et,Efamilberg, 1! Said boos :to 'lid ssuua in all partinulars. 4 4 : 1 k 3, it ai (6) ittrelpm:inbio chart (9) nibs year! Oa ; 'o6iiii4 1 ' han!lis hig4altin ... Srompnatly bath, h44 .... , • __ y enforeet in story par:Wen/APT: , , . .. , Payment made on delivery of (7) seven horse! Or o er Hoots of inspection from 6"s. x. to Cr. is. 1 'Oh del. mend is urgent.aed an immediate response is solicits .. ,E. C. REICHENB4O3. ~ 3326 dtf . -t 'I .. 'Copt *Ad Aisktt Qr. .. . - • • Dr 4 airt I Drain r!, Iliratt t: : • , A LIRNB and persons ender pr overe ire 11L qui;l4lo,,iarlwo have been Anrolled in WI (tali District, be any other District in tiM State, can have air 'exemption paparainado.oriadt rat/waxed byrlaw. , Now is the Awe to put • in , a sulnititnts.,and avoid tb4 Persons *to are not Uahle to siren, and who. Sri to -ender the army as Substitutektarilobtatn the h)gbast re iniiim: • i.•", :.• . 1 -r• 0 • Onsiaess tvg.useteikliy mailntegal rates, end! or havel.therehynvolde .4. ' . , ., i i t • entr'sronoe, or irldrests by mall, , .„ • ,' • --- ''' . • -••-• ' !EUGENE SNYDER, 'a . . , t . .0 : . '• : ' :- - Attorioy . at Law % ad street, jyri•eolA2mcsa •-,a, , , '. Harr ' erg, } . . : BARGAINST BA RGAINS tl . 'IN 'BOOTS AND NIKO . SELLING OFF! • ''.' i chime" in a veiy : sheit tie, lie fa _El} Fell all my Welt selected stock of •Illoete, S (*.a and MIMI'S, at prices fan.below Untrimmed value. My stock was maae for retail, of the host material and, wo rkmana h i p. , T 6 those who apply early I will selLgreatbarifl. 93, ' NO, 12 Market . &Mare; next te , lrellals Confectionery. aul2-diatig3l . '_i _.,,..., • ._. o tasaaLls.ol7res, ~, rt , ... 1 1 . 4 , ty Lsg E 7, .PmwenvAzaA. o4. I 13 , Aug 1, 18 Tile' !Akira -Of Enfollment 0. rtiliß Distiletria: now engaged in reviCing , =O. ;Pyre:3llllll,nm list.sstf persons enrolled as fable to do milker, dUIY ' • Persbrs Who may be fnprperTy on the fou ei aecount . - . . .. .. . .. • . f . AZJMfiAilk, • . •.-. •'• • ' - ~ NEMIUSIDENDA :TtC. ii , - ''..: ' .-:. ;9. 1, MVB...I2IWILEAVESig OF 49E_, ~ , , ~ .:414N1.F.E.5T P.ED.,5451.F1fy PtIONAL DISA3I6- A-l r , ' USVI7fO4BI2VED Orb; YEARS IN Mit' ..422* SRATT.`WkIit.,:: . • ....:••o::•• ..: . ! .._-. ..A:t • ; , abeam prevely,AlTEAssuakurgAlOAßßairovi the Wino and have their naiiiikatilitert freittlheliSt. 0 e l pi l citizen who has a knowledie 43f anyona"hroAnte ' prd enrollment,' and whole-liable-to udillitarribtr; dr of any one who pus arriVr.dit.V.ol4llo: of . fteenly ears.sin the .enrotlrnent, of t 4863, or of, linx,wto have declared the In- , tentiont to become citizens, are ' earnestly Invited to ' munieste the4vViii'indilt . <e• the Baird of Enroll erst, that such the lists. ..Aparlit, is therMitesest aod duty of every enrolled el ism to • see tnat. -ita whd have - been iniiiroperly 'I).MIT ED from the list.shordd be added thereto. ffirlt is the imperative duty of all dtisens, semthat pemons drafted In any siihAlstriet, and fainink !oxeport, are AR,4IIB4'ED and brought before, the Board En rollment!: The aub•distriet Is charged With thelQititt 'of feraiiddag its fial quota. - . . T .INO. BAY eLtKENT Capt., Pre. Mar. and Pree,l of Board. CHAs. O. RAW'S, •'. : • ' . _ ._...oonUnirodecter-o°. the Smug. 5,..T CHARLTON; au2-dim '!.:_c Surgeon of the Board. E W BOOK 8.---31116 SHOULDPIE gogßgra : : • . -DAIS OF .91IL Jag renaivad at • Malin SOREFFROMBOINCRIO* QM/Vim, SIItIcLES,,,TEAS,- CONEEE,I 0 1,..7 all graces and ;meets, at : • .. -., ...' <;li _ . MULES di FICA tn. i e. . Successors to 'W. Deck, Jr.. Ir.-00. jel 7 . a ..; ~, : . Dtsalent in.rine Family GroCeiri . .... „ . Ayr.roas - ttirina mEolowc , -,-A: olidio, sztMe of Baas Beef end Piirk.:at '.' - i I ansuctua nu= : . lill , , , _. , 4fmnftwor7a to Wffillook r jr.. k CV,.) A 111 - rat, • BIJTTER.--Fresli - 1 1 611 butter B 'from Snyder county received *veil Week.. Also eggs at Apt] . BOYER* KOSRPF4t. A .;W :SUPPLY - of FRESH gryi SUp „EA. Lima, jruid received this morning, at SEMLER & FH Ehmessors to - - 101a4D.00 '.—Yorkiiamer 71caosilcitily,xeldedfjuVrecolved this rotlibMiZ for ale by the dozen or bottle, at 1721 UAL= & MISR. HARRISBURG ~ • PA.; .MONDAY EVENIG, AUGIJST 22_ 1864 NEW ,ADVERTISEMENTS. Northern Central. Railway. "PUBLIC NOTIOE is hereby given that the AItRIGHT and BAGGAGE.doscribed In the fidlow ifig list reinalits unclaireed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby notified to come forward, pay charges, and take their property away, or the same will be sold according to law, - J. N. DC BARRY, Gael Supt. OUSLIAtiIIithINIUDENT'S Gi= “- 7 ., 6 4ml= L 5. lafa. No 1, Williarnaport -anilAlarrisburg check 116, one black trunk' No 2, Rlthita and Hanistourg aleck 20, ono box, Lieut A Miller, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no check., ono INA, J Bar mit; Lockport, Niagara Co, NY No 6, no cbeelc, one box, Lient A Scott, Harrisburg No 8, no check„.4mte box, no marks No 7, no obeck,,one box , Jacob . Weaver, Pittsburg NO 8, no Cheek, - one box, Reuben Porringer, 'Catta nrbsSa .: • - • . No 9, no check , fair leather trunk, do No 10, no check, one box, Capt Phillips, Harrisburg • No 11; no check, block .truna, S.S J, St Joseph's acade my, Philo " 12 , no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, CaptLytriart, Bar. risburg No 14, no check, black lea'her trunk, no marks No 1 5, no check, black leather trunk. no marks No 18, no check, one box, Jno McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, one box, Geo L Stephens, Harrisburg No 18, no check, one box, Newport station, P 1t it No 19, no check, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no check, black trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa . No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 612, fair leather trunk, Wm 11 Barber, Milton, Pa No. X 2, no check, black trunk, no marks fib 23, no check - , - fairloather trunk, W .9 Scott, Heats. Ohio ; '2 No 24, no.check, fain blather trunk, lho.n.McDaniel No 26, no check, black trunk, Sarah No 28. no chock; black trunk, G li Angill, Bingbamp ten, N Y - • a ~ No 21, .Williamsport and Harrisburg check 92, fair leather valise no,marks, , . No, 28, BaltimoreandHarrisburg check 687, fair leather Valise, no marks ' No 29, no check, fair leather valise, no marks No SO, no check, black trunk; Jno B Monroe, Dawns te_r Pa . . No 31, DO . oheolc,one box, Michael Trump, Allentown No 32, no wreck, one box, no marks No 33, Scranton and Han iaburg check 259, one box No 34, no check, ono box, Mrs black, Prosperity, PA NO 35, no check, one box, Henry Will, Beading Ni 36, lo check , inieboXiAttoratultO IrNo It; no cheek, bag Orsaddlee, no-marks No 38, no cueck, saddle, Ignatius Floomer, Portage station No 39, no cheek,,black bag, no marka No 40, no'ch- ck, blaCk Ng, Mary Foster, Harrisbuig No 41, no crieck, black bag, no marks No 42, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black 13,g, no marks No 44, no check, black bag, J Shadle, Jersey Shore, Pa No 45, Williamsport and, Banisburg check 36, black g; -no marks No 46, no check, blank , no marks No 47, no chi ck, bag, no marks .• No 48, no check, carpet nag, no marks No 49, no cheek, saddle, no marks No 55, no check,:,bag; no Mirka 61, 7 -ne check; one box, no marks ' r • No 52, no check, one box, no marks No sjl, no check,, hat-nox, nu marks NOM. no cheek; fair leather trunk, no marks ' - It J Fleming, one band's tnills A Babcock, 1 bele ripe N Frazer, eleven barrels nuts D Fisher, six coin -huskers H Gilbert, Ml9.toriel insulators liryne Cu, WC, bolas hater. ._ _ .I§,,gier ne, box J Alb rt, one - batectwolPhn.... Thou Bicsolc, one box nardware No consignee; 204 brick; no in •rks No consignee small box,'po Mortal exnasignee, 41 tweets iron, no marks No.cousignne, package Indigo , • NO Conalgnoo, one box merctrandise, David Tihner, Han . engin 4iv REGULATIONS THE. PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE. P r iblriVlT Nißatiac i e WWI; 14th DaTICTOT, IiARBISBIJIM, Pa., A.ngust 15, 1884. THE FOLLOWING REGULATIO N S OF the Provost Marshal's Office are published for the in struction and guidance of all persona interested, in order pet, In future, the public need not; be in doubt 'as to when, where and to whom to apply for information on matters connected with this department. Ist The Boarri,or,snrollnient punnet:lea each day (Sun. 'days eacePted) tit the proper Tome at 10 o'clock a. K. If business requires 3,100: mcening session will continue till 1234 o'c ock r..; the afternoon sessions commence at 2% o'clock and continue till 6 o'clock r. or. In no case°will xaminationefor, dlsal9lity, be made after day. light. 2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Etatell. meut, will at all times furnish information proper to be furnisho..i from the records of the Board. 3rd A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be foe* in the office maid'. tbe Provost Idarsnai. He has q. 4efirrat charge, and can be applied to in all cases. '4th TheLlnotlinent Department is in 4:large of D. S. fish LA.E. Eyster superintends the mustering and re. nrultincciepartment,. end has charge or the records and rods cqapectedtherewith; also, with enlistments into the "Yetentn - R serve Corps." 6th R:1 1 . Cable has charge or the elotning depatt went. • : •-• 7th For information with reference to. houses :and property seised as the property of the Government, ap. ply to John E Heller, lathe blustering and Recruiting De p.atinent. - • ..Bth. For infortuatiou with reference to Deserters :and per.ons arrested, apply to same department Jobn Charism has 'charge of accoums, records, bie. tOth Fur int/Anal:tea upon any sub.ecr not above ape ciOcally designs ed, apply to "'Mo.:Provost Marshal, or to Aciitliant clayl),; 11th. All clerics andemployees are, requircd at their Moats for duty at 8 o'clock a,. it. The office will be bleilea to the pubhis ate o'clock . . 12th. Limits aud employees are required and directed ,1 9 . 14) halite, courtiamand eArentive /Vali personadoing 'TiueitiOed in the rmvost,M4helts office. It is a duty. and , Pit l atnre niinforirrandierve tomb requiring information or service, and if any clerk or employee lads in prompt atOntion or proper cotirtesy, he will be atoncedlicharged. ,43tn,, Clerks and ompl.limaire net permitted tp rec. ive fee or lowan' for i tervices rendered. if they do so, the penalty will be Immediate discharge% ',To offer such fee :and to receive it are equally high misiintertof a ' . Jbl(). KAY.GLEMENT, , . Captain and.Proiroat Mamba' . 14th District Penn. The members of the Roatrd -of Inriament are John Kay Clement, Provost Marshal; Chailes C. Rawu, Cora l:Mrs:dour, S. T _Charlton, Surgeon -, either: of whom may be consulted, at all tunes, during business, bows, in nuateni connected buslueki of„the Board. The Provost IdarstiliPs office is in l'ourth street, op. posito the . Goverameat Bakery. " • angle-dim THIS WAY 114 R Gr A. 1 - W S 1 _ 01:1111' HOSIERY, • GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIM NETS, ;and . • I • I • HEAD DRESSES, TET4"PhiERY," 1 TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ASTONISHINGLY lOW PRICES. tveri body shonld , tgkil at once, ant i raZi,Wie , bar ' sai a lt u s iblir - ND. 13 Karket street. QVICIBD - DYSTBRB:=-Bittra Firm Baltimore le s 7 Oysters, spiced, and for selelq the pllae, quart , and pint; ;or less quantitor. .SMSLEEC & r.zae% jrs , sumeopersi to . , fligEW P1181414--NeW.No. 1 audrfa Idaalier4 IA in barrels, half barrels ared 'dui. and bY = d i at , . 682131% & F zettgraph4 GO PRICE TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION. LATER FROM GENERAL GRANT, Our Forces Cross the Weldon Railroad. THE ENEMY DRIVEN BACK, Capture of Prisoners. Tffik ° ENEMY'S DEAD AND WOUNDED IN OUR POSSRSSION. THE TENTH CORPS ATTACKED Gallant Fighting or the Colored Troops. THE ENEMY REPULSED WITH GREAT LOSS. Rebel Loss During the Week 4,000. SATISFACTORY NEWS FROM SHERMAN, Letter from General Sheridan. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. WASEMGTON, August 20, 10 P. Major Gen. Dix, N. Y: OFFICIAL GAZETTE.—The operations of Gen. Grant's forces are detailed in the following dis patches read by the War Department : Crrs Ponta, Aug. 18, 8 A. m—Gen. Warren moved with his Uorps this morning to and across the Weldon railroad, about one mile south of the Lead works, to which point he met nothing but the enemy's pickets. He advanced from the e towards Petersburg, meeting the enemy early in his advance. We had considerable fighting during the day, Suf fering some loss, and inflicting loss upon the enemy. I have no report showing the extent of our losses, but judge 'them to be light, from the dispatches. some of the enemy's wound ed fell into our hands, and a few other pris oners. Cm Form, Aug. 19, 7:30, p. u.—Our -troops are firmly fixed across the Weldon Road, there has been little or no fighting to day, either South of 'Petersburg or North of the James River. General Warren reports that the enemy's g s tuig considerable numbers were found in eritoba. o°. ? is zrmosJOttt_Cours, The enemy attacked my line in heavy force last night, 'and were repulsed with great loss. In front of one colored regiment eighty-two dead bodies of the enemy are counted. The colored troops behaved handsomely, and are in line spirits. The assault was in column, a division strong, and Would have carried works not so well defended. The enemy's loss is at least one thousand. (Signed) , D. B. BDIIIET, Major General Commanding. We have had a great deal of rain about Pe tersburg this week and a very grateful change in the.temperature. CITY POINT, Aug. 19-9 a. Bt. —The enemy came out this evening to Warren's right, driv ing in the pickets connecting between them and the lett of our old line on the Jerusalem Plank road, and fuming back the two right divisionS of Warren's Corps. A heavy fight took place, resulting in the re-establishing of our lines and the capture of a good many prisoners. The prisoners were from Beth's, Mahon's and Hoke's divisons. We also lost considera ble in prisoners. The test foregoing dispatch was received this afternoon and is the latest information received by the department. ' It is estimated that the loss of the enemy during this week, in killed, wounded and captured, can not fall short of 4,000, if it does not exceed that number. The department hassatisfactory intelligence from General Sherman, to 8:30 P. u., yester day. Reports at five o'clock this morning from General Sheridan's front, represent • all quiet at that time, and that Gilmore with 40 or-50 men entered Martinsbiirg last evening. • 'EDWIN M. STANTLS, Secretary of War LATER. Ilnknoit's Amur POTOMAC, Aug., 20th, 6 A. ii. Yesterday was the quietest day we have had in front, of Petersburg for a month, scarcely a shot being heard the entire day on the Wel don road, where Gen. Warren's corps has taken position. . ' Considerable skirmishing with occasional :discharges of artillery occurred, but nothing resembling an engagement took place. In the afternoon the enemy moved a force from near Petersburg toward our left and made an at tempt to force our line near the Jerusalem road, but finding the work was not so easy as they anticipated, abandoned it. They took a few prisoners before they fell back. The number of casualties in the Fifth ebrps on Thursday, it almost 450, nearly all of whom are in hospitals and well cared for, About midnight some batteries opened in front of the 18th corps and also on the left; `and a sherp cannonading was kept up for several houni with the result as far as could be ascertained that no body was injured. At this hour not a gun can be heard. The roads are becoming badin consequence of the continued rain which has fillen during the present week, and which still continues. ‘,,. FOBTRESS MONROE, AUglitat 20.—From City Point we have intelligence that the sth Corps had a severe fight with the enemy, yesterday, on the Weldon Pogrom], but succeeded in ro uting the rebels, and finally advanced and held a position on the road, and at the last accounts they still held it cm the north side of the James river - - Our,lines were 'at the last accounts, un changed notwithstanding the repeated efforts of the enemy to dislodgens. The Canal is progressing favorably.. • LATE ,131 4. 20 k : an—The mail steamy brooks trOM City' Point' informs us of the movement on the Weldon road. Oar troops still hold S Till lita f fi ew n__le I einziritem BAXis--th!lior, Aa•rn.' ....,_ _ The fe/lowing ar*theretes lbr skeerlinbig tn ikl(?,`Uat own. Those having advertising to do will and I con 'eaten tfor reference. -- Inc- Four lines or less constitute cute.half square. gght lines armors than four constitute a square. 114315 A ITALY WAHL role 055 eKlustm One day $ 30 One day-- ....... ..$ 60 Two days so Two days • . 1 00 Three daye . 76 Three (Jaya 126 One week 1 25 One week..... 22$ One mouth 300 One montk. ........ 600 Two months 460 Two menthe " .'" . 900 Three months b 60 Three months. 11 00 Six months 8 00 Six menthe 16 0 One year 16 00 One year - - 1, "25 0 Administration N0tice5........ ... ....." . ..•••• • .$ 2 22 Mintage Notices - Auditor 'a Notices. . t .. 1 60 Funeral Notices each insertion - 6 I garßusinesa notices muted in the Local Oakamh, Of before Marriages and Deaths, Lime Oman rex Lon tbr each insertion. onr position on the north side of the James, but the Second corps are making an impor tant move. The steamer 'John 'Rice has arrived from Pensacola with five hundred re-enlisted men on furlough. The atnamer ,Hudacm, from Hilton Head, brings no news. Another Attack on the Weldon Railroad. The Road Sueeessfupt* ANOTHER REBEL ATTACK REPULSED, Enemy Compl e tely Surprised. ONE MILE OF RAILROAD DESTRO'IED WASHINGTON, August 20. Tho following was received .here tonight, dated Headquarters Army of Potomac, August 18th, Evening: This morning at four o'clock .ths,pifth Corps started on an expedition to euttbit,Wel dou railroad at Reams' Station, taking., four days rations with them.. This Cerps waswith drawn from the left front some days SO, and have been in reserve ever since. They reached tne road about seven o'c'ock; and the first di vision being in the advance had skirmishing, with a force of the enemy stationed there to protect the road; they fell back rapidly, and the loss on either side was light..., After placing the troops in lino to meet any attack which might be made, the work of tearing up the track was commenced, and prwcuted with vigor for several hours ;: ! but - fa noon they were interrupted at their' 'lab* by by the appearance of a force of the:eneilly who were advancing along the. railroad from Pe tersburg in line of battle. They proved to be Hill's corps, which had been lying ili reserve for the past few days, and who were lidditnced at double quick as soon as they beeaumiware of our intention and movement. The Second division, General Agnes commanding, held the advance on the railroad, the Third and Fourth supporting oh the righ!, the First was placed to cover the left and prevent any surprise from that direction. The attack on the Second division was very determined, but our men met it in gUllant style, driving the enemy back with heavy loss. After repeated attempts to force our line they finally after about two hours hard, fight ing, gave up the idea and fell back some . dis tance, keeping up a fire all afternoon from their batteries and skirmishers. The 15th New York heavy artillery particu larly distinguished itself in the .engageinent. and Col. Weidenck its commander was severe ly wounded across the back; the movement was a complete surprise to the eneni3q the pickets stationed in the vicintty being go as tonished that they had barely thne to .essape. Some few prisoners were taken, several of whom were wounded. The track is torn up over a mile; and" our destroy the ties an fairs, unia's - tueftclAnis thall„yisit the neighborhood in tOO , lstiong three hundred. side about iverrar, August 19, 6 is qui t this morning. Some firing ivati heard daring the night in the direetiou of the sth Corps. _ Later from General Sherman. NEW You; August 21.: The Commercial Advertiser has a Nashville dispatch stating that the first train front the front since Wheeler's raid, rettAbed:Chatta nooga on the 18th. Six heavy trains: left there at once for the front, the last .of which is reported to, have been eaptured'near. King ston by a small force detached friotal f ilidter's command. Since t , e occupation lot Cleve land, Wheeler's movements have been mys terious, and are probably made to avoid Kil patrick, who, with a force of three,,diVisions and one brigade of cavalry and ten inns, in all five thousand men, is in pursuit. Senator Wilson on the War. WASHINGT N, August 20. Senator Wilson published a note denying all the reports to the eftect:thit he is mired up with any proposition for an armistice with the rebels. He says no public man ontiffected with the Administration is in favor of an. ar mistice. I personally know that. President Lincoln and all the. members of his. Cabinet have undoubted faith in the success' of our ar mies, and complete "triumph of our cause. With this belief they will putsue the most vig erous measures to raise money and men to carry on the war. Rebels Occupying Martinitlslurg In Small Force: =,-" BALTneroat,lug.. 20 We have nothing definitee froin - U ,. p 'Upper Potomac. The rebels afe"truderstood to oc cupy Martinsburg' in small fore% :It is not proper to speak definitely of our vositti9 l :l, but there is good reason to hope that ,Slieridan will j3rove more than a match for robet ittrat egy in that quarter. ' • " . . mictuzu LIQUID RENNET yields withthe most luscious of all deserts for the table . ; the light, est and most grateful diet fcir invalids and children. Milk contains every element or thr. bootiltJonestitutlon; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy et digestion, and supporta the systeroltithatio twat possible excaernent. When still greater autritis r epuwei Isdesired, cream and surfer may be added. A:tdrisPorinful• converts a quart of milk Into tt Arm card, apd veld, wholesale and retail by . S. A..7X st, lels-tr - - rtir lifirket street. CIOUNTRY SOAP.—A small hat' suberior J lot of Home-motto Soap Jost r.cervedlit• $Ol SHTST,Ftt tt- FR.4:V.R"4. VXT kiA. WHITE WHEAT. FLOUB..-Se ll White Wheat Family Flour, .113 at rneetved and for sale at SHISLER & MAZER, .IYB Successors to W. D. ' • JT.,„ B Co. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR.. stud CORN MEAL always Oil hand, of this best witty at is BOVtlt c KOMRPER. trAMSI HAMS!—ABash iftinplyr Mioh eners's Excelsior Harris and Dried Weer i.n2o Finv ~k g4t.gyERPRR ltiflCHENEß'Sixedidoit Nimbi:ends 9ea 13x eon's GOB & AO received and 19r, rRAZ PA 43 9 ausan l'eumneeire to Wm, rtw.ltr CAt CM MESS' SHAD.—Fine Mess ShK& k the sea son, la half bartlas and kilta,hava4 - at BRIER - 84%4E; • Suoaesama to*llleille./.lr, it GO 13111 TIO YOU wish a good Gold ltaii? f so, it OCHUnall Bookstore, Ilardibuill. 11.19 111111 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers