11,PSINSSS • CARDS. RALPH Li, MACLAY I ALTTORI4Et-AT-L'AW.—Patriot and Union 1)1111dlag, Harrisburg, Strict attention paid to all ielgarbasirmas. Military claims collected. Thomas C. MacDowell, Al - torn es-at-Law OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW FINE. HARRISBURG, PA. . • '' A LL manner of Military Claims promptV doaa. attended to, and claims collected against the General or State Governmente,' either in Congress, the .Coart of Claims at Viraaaingtou city, or at Harrisburg, .without necessary delay, and on moderate terraa • , ap29-dem 0. SMITH, A.T.WOOKNV.V removed his Office from Third to Wal. .11411 his ~1.~i. - me , 6treet -me , Otrbet, next to tlis Prison: business in tkottnet:to hlni receive prompt and careful attention. ‘,4Flir MORT AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, • W. 'ROL ESA LE AND.....RETAIL DEALER' S • t • GROCERIES, .Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF . .COUNTRY PRODUCE, - TrAvE just opened a large and wall - selected _Ll_ stock of goods at their stau‘No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally, nolo-dip "RA_I-17L'ER, 137JCCESSOi6 TO • : J . ' - G. .G KUNKEL C 0 .9 RECTIFEERS AND DISTZLEAS and Wholeartle DeAtei•sin Irki.p.orted and Dpneslia Li , Har}Aburg, Pa: jys-dltn JONES HOUSiE, Oor,uor of Blarke6 ti trod and Pdarakt Square, lIAERISBILEG PENNA. CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. nob-dtf • STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF MVO) AND WALNUT STREETS, 11A11.1t1S131URG, P.ENIVA. • TILE undersigned having purnhased this well known hops° bas enlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The rootaa bay - nix:nu re-painttld and papered , and the entire estalish ruebt elegantly _re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, aud provided with every eon venience, it otters to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a that Class hotel, Trusty awl serv,ants tila-aye in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice Miners is attached to the establishment. • :deka-dile W. G. TliallYSOar j Pro ricOr. THE , UNITED STATES. HOTEL, RADAUSBIJROr, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Propiletor. rilins well known Hotel is now id a condi ton t 6 aecommodate the traveling publip,t affording tho mostlanple cbiivenienees alike for the transient guest End the peztaanentboarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely rent. • ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, otomfort and, luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and 'Pittsburg. Its location is the beet in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and is close proximity to all the public omens and business 10 0 - cahties of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex penal, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the &ma. The patronage of the traveling public is reapecifully soli jell-dtf MUSICAL. ~, ... PIANO FORT.gB, IMODEON S, VIOLINS ; FLUTES; GiII.TABS; BANJOS, STRINGS; DRUMS FlFES,'and'elltinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE; PICTURE FRAMES, LOOSING , GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and 'ALBUMS, AMBRO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, NOTCHES, &C:, &C. Remember the place, SILAS ,WARD No. 12 Third etreet the largest Music Store this aide of the great cities. jan2S-dtf LODEONS AND CABINET OR . GANS. ' . 'IM E NTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TILE ONLY GOLD MEDAL. (ever won by. instrutnents; nt this elites) his been awarded ,1,0 MASON it HAMLIN'S INSTRUNE I / 4 7: TS. 4.fu1l gissortt.e4 th,eso instrumetttantways on hand et , • W.ANOCHE'S, Sole Agent, jet-2tawly] 93 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, • - Tt ACT-IER OF MUSIC. 01+314.51 .I. l T o .W N AVily b sz • itati'donec 'etreet abev4l , Torth. " dl5-tf PROCLAIdiATIOT4I. H n,s E citize of the city of Harrrisburg are T Lath* notified that the ordinance, entitled "au or dinance to prevent mischief from doge," passed February 6, 1861, will ba strictly enforced. Attention is especially directed to sections 4th, 61,13. and 6th, to wit: See. 4. That every dog going at largo within the limits of the said city, from the twentieth day of May until the twentieth day of Sopteuiber, in each and every year, shall have securely put on a good, strung , substantial and safe wire basket muzzle, inCiosing the whole mouth Or said dog, so as effectually to, prevent him from bitlpg and ' • sac. b. That any and every person owning a deg and learintUing it to run at large without complying with the fourth section of this ordinance, shall be liable to a 'line of not less than one dollar, nor more than two dollars, with costs, at the discretion of the Mayor; and • -ki the event of the said constable' not being able, to bed the owner of the deg s.) running at large, no, or SOlllO person employed by him, shall take up, kill and bury said tog, for which service he orthe person , performing the ser- - vice shall receive.the snm-of one dollen to be paid ont of the city treasury. - : 1 Sze 8. That every dog going iitlitrge ivithits the limits of said city, shall have around Its neck, at all thn, es,--a etillar or metal or a collar of leather with a metal plate; on which metal collar or plate shall be inscribed the name Or the owner of such dog, and auy.and every person awn, into dog and permitting it to run at large, without cont plying with the requisitions of this section, shall be liable tea-tine of - one dollar for every offence; and further,;it is hernhynaide the duty of the,Ohief Police Constable or a person entployed . 01 him, to lake, up every dog so pun ning at large in vielativaqo4this seatien, and unless' the sold finedsrpall by Mtn dwner' thsreof, on demand, the said Ober ja Erebyauthertzed and required .tollid the dog or manse ,to bo ktited andrburiekror which aierVices he shall Oak awed pae dollar Ont* the city treasurst. , jyrs ~ ).',,, ~ ~ ' .4.. L. lIQUMFORT, Maydr • i PEIPHER,'S DAILY. " LINE BETWEEN- PIIILADELPFIIA, • Lock Haven, Jersey More; Williiungport, Hu ey, Uniontown, Watsontown Milton, . Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun• ' burp, Proverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, , . Halifax,. Dauphin, AND lIAItItisBURG. The. Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will beta the lowest rates. The Conductor• goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of trfl goods Intrusted to it:tonna Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD. FREED, 811 'bracket street Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P. r., will be delivered in Ear tithing the nett morning. Freight. Always as Lpw as by Any Other JOS. MONTGOIEF_MY & CO., rhiltutelpbilland:Reading Depot, oct2l•tf Foot of Market street., Harrisburg. NEW LIQUOR STORE. - jILPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND 15THERS.—The undersigned oilers at wholesale, to the trade, a-choice lot of the test liquors': eVitr brought to Harrisburg; viz: French , Brandits, hr o th i oisfig, ' s co t c h, frisk, Bourbon, Wheat mu/ 0/4 Rye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic (Vines, sum as Champagne, Claret, Babluibc4 eft' Ali liquors wafratifed; as •represeLted. taCiants. and others Will find it to their 'advantage to call and e*'. amine the assortment at the store,- on South Second stre4 two doors below Chestnut. m 7.46 m . • GEORGE WINTERS FRESS CRACKERS.—Boston_ . Wine Bis cuita, Boston Milk Biscatts, 'Boston Batter Bis cuitg, Boston Oystor Crackers, BOStii4 Alc-nieCruar.drs, Trenton ButW,Crig 'j ers, ttat received at ' . . • - •r- BOYEit KdaRPER. DEEDICAL., - ELECTRICITY. BS. WYETH and CREAME . R, Eclectic and Electropathie plwalcians, respectfully otter theirprofessional serviwsto all the vario'ne branches of the profession, for the treatment at an - accae and chronic forms of damn. . _ The remedial. means they employ in the treatment of elisease consist oflfagn¢ttsm, Galvanism, Efectre-Hagnet ban; the. Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a .Psw-Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and in re it all the natural curative agents that may successfully bebrought to bear upon the disease. - They do not wish to be understood- arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in thetreatment of dis ease far superior to thoie genendly employed byphysiCilitla, frem the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling -the human 'system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par Gelder pathy or system, they attribUte their success Controlling dimwit - The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease,namely, Electricity, is m.agent wonderful in Ina phenomena and powerful in itS pireata for geed or iIL is an ever presontoill-pervnllng principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous nuttier. :Wei lee UM the lightning's dash and bear the manifestations of its power in the .muttering thunder. It is the cause of all .decomposition, recompo shim' and transformation. It excites ail motion. It is the exciting cause of life; growth, decay and death. It causes searetion,.excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude fOod m the stomach, converts it Into a state of flu idal, transmutes it into arterial blood, ala Bawls it on ito important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thebody. It is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the bodys It is the cause of all causes except the 'first great cause. the Infinite Mind which created it and *ought it Into me These may appear like mere aueraili; but they as. Teets admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then,. to he wondered at that an agent so wonderftd in its phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate. ly connected with all the operations of the human aye tem'shonld be almost absolute Snits power of controlling i disease? Certainly not. It la a natural - sequende an follows as surely as day follows night. Among the diseeses which am-foundin yield readily to glectricity, in conjunction with proper . tidjunct - treatment, May be mentioned the following ; -Incipient Consemption, Paralysis, Hipiliptic, Hysteric and other Convulaions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms,Rtinematism, inflainlatory and chronic; all discacr.9.of the iicrvotis system; Dyspep sia cured itt a few treatment, all diseases - of the urinary and genital organs; Female - iseases, Asthma;. Piles nisi Prolapses Ani;- Amaurosis and all kindred alletitiens of the eye; Anretus, Strictures, all skin 4iseaacs, &c. Persons calling will be told whether they can be beam fitted and no Case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Consultation free. Office, South Second Street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Office , hours froln Bto 12 a, n[.,13. to 5 and 7to9r.K . ALEX. R. tifETll,' . ldi, _D., apl3 DR. J. MILTON CREAIGa. ::4' _•.: Ell KUNKEJ2S BITTER WINE OF IRON. APURE and powerful TOMO, Correetive and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH, LIVES and BOW4S. Curei Dyspepsia, • Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility Nervonanetat, De- • - premien cats Spirits, Oonstipatiot Intermittent Fever, Fever, Acidity of the Stoumch, Nausea, heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Dillicult Breathing. nesriof the Rican ..41 ar.-ey.artiver and Dail pabg in The 'ead, Pain in ilia- Side, Aitack, Chest 'and Ilimbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervouii Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old. or Young.' The meat beneficial medicine icnown; gives butter feats faction and cures mcire'diseases than • any other preemra- Um offered t 9 : the Public . Prepared solely by S. A. Val ILEL & BRO.; 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, BEWARE` OF : Fi IMIL Counterfeits ..tog As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Ironte. the . only sure and effectual remedy In the known world for the-permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there: re a nu abet of imitations offered to the public, we would _caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, 'manufactured by 134. Runs* it BRO. , and has !their stamp on the tope the cork of every bottle, The very fact that •otherterittempting to Imitate this yalgable rerhedy, proves its _ worth and speaks volumes hilts fever, The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $7. 00 bottles, and sold by all reiTectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle boais the . CC - simile of the proprletor'B signature. • This Wine includes the most, agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics; Yellow Peruvian bark. The effoot in pump asses of debility; loss of appetite,,and general prostrationiof an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerye_ Tonle, is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the _pulse, takes off musculor flabbiness, removes, the pallor of debility, _VA email 1100 vigor to pm cot/atom:ice. • GENERAL DEPOT 118 ILILAKET MEW For sale by all respectable dealer's throughout the -F N- E • L11) , (11E0-'.11 SJ. • Shisslar & 14` ritZ (Successors to W xn. DockAr„ & Co.) DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE RIES opposite the .Court House, have on lands nue selection of . • BRANDIES, :if different rintaires.Tf: FINE.AND COMMON WINES, Of Every Description. OLD BOURBON. . moNcohittiai4, . • wpm. DUBS AND Nopzaa Whisk;:- Ilse best °Tor brought to this uittrket, a, OLD WHEAT, • ' , • -pAiiiii..Y.:l,l47ol'4l:li, And - the 'delebrutod CHESIWET GILOVE WHISKY.. _ CH - A4IIiAGIV.E . WINES SRLO JOHANNR9BIIRG, baarr. SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. ' ' LONIION BROWN STMT. .. . . CEMERY, - ' • • -' i PLANTATION, ;• • C WIGWAM TONIC BTITYX.° With a oomptete attier-11 - EN9TANT-1 AND AMERICAN PICKLIC, And.ConAtintata.of end!every deecription.now itt the rmie4ety THE towßsr RATEig— (14 . rtiolpa74,4f you *Fldil good utio . . Paper, Envelopea, Ink, Pena, or anytniongwlseln pie Statteaory line, you will do well by calling at ' • . S CAPEFFAVS3aOOLVORE, • " • J . • . : ; 7.`Yre.**6ll7l. Vali ROMAN' 0- SUR TtY, imported 1899 ,Warranted 14e Finest _Sherri Wicsi.4i 444 .xrurity. at SUISLEA 2 I / 4 Flaws. :-i ( lb a Ougmaagomi to Win: Dock, Jt, ,~ FIRM 1)11. JOHN L. LYON'S IRENCII PERIODICAL DROPS, Aro the only known remedy that will eueoesetutty and invallably rotore and regulate the female synteit, remlirr b th. ig all irregularities, and producing health vigor Cud streng ♦re a fluid preparation; the only true one or the kiwi ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts alfetted, whilst pills and powders can only :reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. . , Ara you suffering from a constant anxiety for, the regu lar Went of nature's Emmettlied lam • dive yourself no imagine's; for Lyon'ereriedbold Drops, If taken a day or two before the expeded - perlbd, will-posi tively and invariably regulate its coming, as Imre as effect follows came, as certain es daylight , fe ll ow diatoms. • Me you idek,"enfeebled* dbealk or unablelotew the tabor and danger of Merearnef • • - • • Conte to you se a blew*, for is not prevention better!tlien curet - • - If regularly taken; It U:a - certain preventive, and; will save you much, and mut many hounrofte t 1 Save you been 'afflicted for many years ptainta incident to the rat , that hive ballled the . ' chum, and are hurrying you an Wan early gravel • G ._ , INOICILVERIODIGAp-DA9PN - - - , • •1 r Are the moot reliable regvdator °yir known, and mire; like =do, all those Irregularities that have defied the domoria Will yon waste away with enduring from Leueorr tea, : Prolapses, Drunstforrhciiii; ibbesand other • uni ties, all summed, up under the mewed' s,u and ob*seted nature, when an'intrnannnt of one dollar ja will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the direction for although a positive care, and hannlees at all oilier times, they are so poivetral and finely caloulatoid to adjust and govern the functions of the Mall- OfllaliZtilat, If taken at improperahma, they artiblit Produce' ate con trary to Ware, against which all; parthadarlythoee rho would reproduce, should carefully guard. EMI ILmusi, Eki Calmat bairn 114 Owl delicate 'ficaliitution at any taw; yet the proprtatort with to ,gwwd hoping that it ahadainthattlismill ba-used for a-gctodjarb pan when sae ht-aseCtor an illegitimate one. T •I'. . , LYON*B-7=6l)loEftliftoPB . the never-falling remsleltemtlator, Ibt Tads by every Druggist, In the city and Country, and do not,TT yen value your health and wish Ebr a reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no Obi; bolt th,i-Druggist to 'whom you apply has not got It, make On mad and pn,11,,r07 yob. AS PT haleeade, tg , JO&OTON, HOLLOWAY & COW* - . -- - _ ll 11:. i; AP: :all .11 ;1-1,1 OS i is 44.•;".. 'MEDICAL. El Riga X = 1 rn plaP- e'''' _ .... ~ IQ rah GREAT FEMALE ar.vr-L4tro#,, LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROpB Ila ME= L'YON'S - PSRiO.Dr(3AL DROPS lIYQN'6 ; pEguarda&L Ditoes C. CLARA. 4 co., P Ro nagewlisi New He l ve * , CGme; rya lioetk Eli:44 Street, eipbia; Ps ' 170 , 1 1. bd . , tli - „ " 7 MEDICAL 1111. 'JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, AAS discovered the most Certain, epeedy and effectual rnnedies iu the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RI LIEf LN SIX TO TWELVE )1010{9. NU MERCURY'OR NOXIOUS DitUea A Cure Warranted,; or. sNo Okrgc, in f+ ()n. fa Two Days. Weakness of thg sack, Affections of the Kidneys and Sladder,_lnvolumary Discharges, linpotenehrGenessi De. tardy, Nervousness, *Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion Of Ideas; Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Boweis,those terrible disorders arising from the Solitiry Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syreas to the Mariners of illy - sses, blighting: blIP', l most brilliant hopes nr,tuaticipations, rendering marr'_age, &e, impOssible. • YOUNG MEN Especially,. who have become the vietlins Pl• solitary Vi c e , that dreadfttl and destructiVe habit ethic'', annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of 7:onng Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thee dere of eloquence or waked to eztasy the living lyre, may call wllllfall,ixinlldelteCe - - Married persons, or Young Men conterdiatmg marriage; beinraware or physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities., 4hc., speedily caret • He who places himself under the vare er Dr. J. nay ra ligiously cookie in his honor as a gentlttann, and wail dantly rely. upon his skill , as a Physician. QRG,AIIIO, TWA L WAski. nunedlittel§ cured, - and full vigor, restored. This distreadng affixtion—whic. renders life miserable and marriage impossible--ls the penalty paid by the vio tiros of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful 'consequences that may ensue. Now,, who that under stands the suttject, will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is last sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being.. deprived the pleasures of healthy onpring, the most Serious and dc. struotive symptoms to both body. and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical . ' and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of Liao heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wastlug of the frame, cough, con. immptlon, decay and death. thrmoz No. 7, Sorts Fallow= aryymer, Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner, Fail not to observe name and nuruban Letters must bd paid and contain a stamp. The D ector'e Diplomas hang in his office; ' 4 a lt. JOHNSON, Member t l College of Shrgeons, London,mad nate from one of t e most eminent collegeS in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelp,aia and else where, has effected some of the most .astonishing mires that were ever known ; many troubled with ridging in the head and ears when asleep ; groat nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds , bashfultKaw, with frequent blushing, attended. sometimes With dwarigoment of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULA_B. NOTICE. Theseiare some of 'the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, vis : weakness of thetacit and ltmlis, pains in the head, dimness of sight,. loss of mnseular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vons irritability symptoms of consumption, &c. - ktsurrara.r..—.The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas„ de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of .solitude,.timitlity, &n, are sortie of ' the evils produced:. YOI3IIG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice In dulged ittyliott-alene, a habit frequently learned from evil companiods, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when aslehp, and if not cured rentima marriage moos Bible, and destroys both mind and body, shoulda polyt ma mediately. Whata that a young Elan, the hope of his co; :Stu, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating•from the path of nature and indutdig in a certain secret habit. Such persons atom, before aonteraz . . • MARRIAGE, • " ' , Retteet that a soma mind and body are themes hetesnary recite ltets to oroorite connubial happiness. iu Anal , a - fib - Ont Weise, thejouiney through life hsooines a weary pH gringaget-, the,orospect hourly darkeaO tit - the . vie* the tuiuecomes shadowed with despair mid filled with the taelaneholy.refteetiea that tbq happiness or anothei be. comes blighted Wittrinai own. - DISEASE' OE IMPRUDENCE. Airtien•theinisguldefll and imprudent votary - of pie are Andshedhae imbibed , the , seeds of this painful disease, too: often happens thst tindlltimed sense of shame or the dread nf diseoyerLdeters him from applying to, those ?alio frunieettesitimAnd respectability, 'e'en alone befriend him. H falle-inin the hands of ignoraht and &signing pretend :nye:ooK Intapable of curing, filch• hit pecuniary sub., stance, keep him Willi)", month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and 'in despair leave)dm with rub:Athol' th to sigh over Ungainly distmileluturia, or, by the use af the deadly poisou;')fercury, hasten, the botunitutionesynaptc te sof thlUterriblediseaso,such as alibi, lions of the Head e hroat, Nd.yel,:iSkin,-01,9., progressing with - frightful rapidity till dealtperiod., to his 'Andadfin sufferings by sending' him to thateneacerred country from whence no %riveter returns. mr.)oßsimx - T qr . TEmi PRESS The teeny thousands cured.at this instituticia,year after year;"and the nutierous =glad epemliens performed by Dr. Johnlon, withal:lad pr . -the reporters of the Sun, ()Zipper, and many other paper!, notices of which have appeared again idit agapkbefere the .public, health» his aUmMng rut tip geritlisrearc ef‘ character' and rC,634.101W batty, hill mulicient guarantee to the afflicted. , 131{111 DI3pS4S SPEEDILY (WEED. onset, seo Soettk Prepattriek Street. ap26-dly “TIERRE IS 1:19. - "EMCP..” WORD AS FAIL." , . TAituArrii'aol frouito, t$ OT OF CUBEES AND t`i6PAIDA... This preparation le particularly 'recommended to' the mErnekt,pßoyEssityli and the PUBLIC for tho prompt anirleertein cure of ,DISEASES 1W TH.g BLA-DOSP., RID.• NEYS,TRINARY ORGANS, ETC. It, may be relied on as the best Mode faille adminigtre(- tion of these rentediee4nlite-large class of diseases of bar sexes, tegvhiati tkey'aruappllcable. , , kneyer interfsras with the digestion, and by tlB conc.i.ion, the dem is mach ,11.4*-Kurrhakent are ' wTrieeil to itatc:for TAR/tAisTrA I:IOMTOPNKC ranIACT OItItEDS AND. CQIWBA, afro take nothing else, as ingtations,ind .wortidesit preps-, ratianK under similar games, are In - the macku,. Price $1 00. 'Sent by caveats on receipt of prick ....Itansfae— Mewl only by TARRANT & CO.; No. 278 Greerfivich street, corner of 3 , 11 sercst, New. York, and for sale Druggists generally. oct4dly 'For ealoby S. A. .lIMILE & 131t0., and by Ilmggista . . Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are not simply flat pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar,; bit are gozdarrAtid 3ki.p044.:* Ike neck, having &perfect ourve free from :angles or breaks, evlalth is ob tained• by our patented proce4atiehitiosecuresanctlier adeanfdpepesseuel by otker Ciao* . In the Sum-down style, the mamor baersaim is PREwittyryir WOW?' ANlt#llB Fa= preiCEß.t, Making this collar, forease, neatness,, and dkabflity, They are made in-- Tarn-down.style in sizes from 12 to yr, and in Garrotte from 11 to 17 ilicb,eB; and Pekett neat laud'lilies of fOireach; also, in sinallar over 'Of 10 each—the -latter a Verr- handy package - for trayelirs, army and navy officers. -' - - ' Aar teptY COLI4I.IOa stamped KGrare Patent Melded. -Collar .”6 Bold b7all retail - dealers •In .Lion's Goods s 'Fg . , _ T66'41100 supplied by c. •• : - VAS DierßEN, BOEITII*4 Leal jai.eadism.. 627 CLIESTICIIT Stiyetoladolphia. MW -1 GUE,4 DICED OVlTTlB,:just re-' 21,11SLER & FRAZER, :du ato W. Dock, Jr., & Co, • • 4101 7 ThifiSt l •—; ,row.eittitar. itticolN7oCandfOr .glikliSbNitakETWZß& toilittors to W. Da*, Jr., agdoNe GROSS'I 4 CO. D. W. GROSS & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET gTREET, ZIAS'IPBBI7II47, PA DAVOGISM, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEP E.ES AND CONSUMERS. We are daily adding to our assortment or goods all suoh Wales as are desirable, and would remedially call your at - nntion to the largest- and beet selected. stock in this city — bi" DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oils, Varusattes and Glues, llye-Stuilk, tfaas and Potty, Burning'Fluid old Sperm and Pine Oita, Bottles, Viab3 and Lamp Glabet, cassia soap, Sponges and Orb; With a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOMET AXT/CJMB, selected *eta the best mantfactoral a and eerfitmera of .Europe and this country Being very large dealers in P4INT3, WHITE z.LINSREt • WINDOW GLASS, ARTISTS Q 17;182".7 BRtr4lo IN ALL THEIR PAZIETVLE, CV,LORS AND BRONZES ILL KINDS rue,pwttuUry invite a call, Setting. Geer/dent tiat we Linn suppli the all QS terms to their salsa:44 TEETH ! TEETH. ! ! .7 ONES' AND IVIIITE'S 1 0 012.R.1.A.LW ,:t:. PATENT AND zrAnt RgAzrolurivr.S, or Eelkel4a, direct (ruin the Prepti:eterl3 SAroN/FIEFt ANI) WNCENTRLTED LYE' 114.4)16a49..9.re4c3br ypUl€ter, which-Re -:sail u 167 gi it %l&!' h 0 valvinattoa; . rill ArgintAL ' BeKTR,4OI4 COAL ; OIL 1CAR.139)14 QI.L 1 - - Being large purehaEiere iu these Otis, can offer• in dueelhoht close buyeria. custi,94,Lgtsupe or the mist UFWANINA pattsrus, - very cheap, Au kinds Of LIMPS chauslidi jr, ban' doai OIL ttIER.S,AND GRAZE -P 4 • Those, Of VO , isitho have not given our HORSE AND OAT POWDERS a trial blow not their superiority, and the advantage 14,ey are 41 . keeping Hui ea and Cattle healthy rand in a good:condition Tbe - Lwade eau teetify te , the vat they have 4iliTed trout the ete of ounrairliqW - Tere, by, the Imb:9ft:lo.4ll*e- tY ' l ;:' l :tititially or wsl4%* tnipraving the. goaeral 11 0E44 latel Appeeisoce of theircattle. Hartong ex 4 p.SrfenZ7e inthe.i,wsiness gtvee•us the actvah- Cage Of a there , agh knowledge of the trade, and ear rangbin nte, ttt the Olen fee sactt that we can, In a very shot - L.oBit ; fttr nigh; nnythilig iiipiit:rtininh - to our business, t . f_ •, . • • .out,hebest of tgaw,,, , . • ' , ThankFel fer ,ltbe liberalNeral patroage bestowod: on our Ana* w e hope by strict attention to innineaa, 9 rueful selection. of _ P - R 'II I /7 G. at fa 4 .l , prices , WI& the desire tolitease Al t to Mutt is ton thrdAvico. of tho.favor or a 44crittanathig lfo 551.01.17 •••••••••••=4;...',..11.1.? MOTC ....A.C11.r.E21 1 Owrov,ii, FOP • pER.Fe AN I " - rrILEItENTING MOTH 1 1131 "°W gRe -- .. a o onipottn4, of 'valuable artichuLlni. tkiatzur .Lion of Weds—distributed frivr.re, woolens, Cattets, Clothidg, Pltigoci away rt solar ter, writ effectually prevent room ,Befuif also a•deligli hi; di dtsable perfume it will lat gegjuatemeriling; ki z j witb a lastiar.AuLd pleasant odor.W finest fabric Cal Mg b likjaredloo its use. ' and sold HIMLER'S Drug and Faricv 3e t to re, No. 91 Market street 311 ' f •' t PDTE TABLVA - Trzak-40 boxes fine table -1: olis j or the b eat, Aka% for sale, wholesale and retail by" " AlusLuttmazEß, stidcettio ai WIAL D00k,'44, Sr. CO SlatiO/i.ED 13E-F,E--44 -choice! 1ot:of lifiche• Pr.! Le*./W aeL ree. aMit sp rii ki tAm o n. - • - 71 - 441, 5 „.i 0n i .- to Dock, Jr . 0 ! wavy& 1?„1•?-()- 4AG13X14 POVIZE ImYt) Bo= & kOititYB3, Artist's Colors and Tools, Poe Ground 3picaa, &c., &c., &c., ticf COLOR 1, PAIN2' AND MLSCELLAIVEOUS. T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMF,NT 1 ANrrrAcTußra, PITTSBURGH, Pa., TSPREPARED to furnish and coat th e tenor of Buildings with the IiABTIO CEMENT, , new system. This material is entirely diferent other cements need heretofore, and is the only Imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed per proportions of pure Limed Oil it forms a sol,a, We adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, melting II WM, tine water proof surfisce and non& equal to e t .„ Stone or any Geier deaired. Among others for whom I have applied the menlA c e , r to the following gentlemen: J. residence, Penn street, Pittfaarg. .1 D. 11' " ft J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. A. Boeveler James 11PCatidleee, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adam, Third street, Pittaz, r , James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, s William Vohel, Girard Moue, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Boildings, John B. Cos, residence, Front street, Harrliburg A. J. Jones, Please address T. F. WATsos, P. 0. Box 1.36, Pittsburg, Pa , feblB.d6m or. Penna. Rouse, Harrisburg, -ra M I FA DDEAPS MARBLE YARD CORKER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH HTREEII 4 Harrisburg, PEI. THE undersigned having opened a IlarL, Yard in thin city, beg leave to inform lbw tr;i:r.: 4 and the public in general, that they are prepared w uish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 617011 AB hionumentf. Tom Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stc,r, Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfactton miyAGIiEN a co N. B.—Lettering neatly none in 17.4,1ivii or Gun ar , marini-dly A N 'ASSORTMENT OF 'MYER too STYLLs POCKET BOOKS, PURSES PORTMONN AIEA FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KEIAXAEWS Drag and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The beat Morocco TRAVELING SAT ‘a EL*, And a general variety of FANCY GOOFS, suitable Present; now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, rearlo4f No. 91 Marva, street PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM'. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Photograph Albums. BOUND in ENE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 2* Pictures for... . $.l 40 44 44 350 50 91 . • ••. 4 ' 4 ' together with vrrions other styles of binding, sizes etc prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable tui cheaper album anywhere. Cal land see at SCBEPPER'S Bookstore, inarl2.4tf Harrisburg, Pa. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he benamaCommand. or-in-01A 11 THE PIONEER BOY, and hoW ho became Promldtad., $1 B THE FERRY BO,Y, and the Financier, TM PRINTER BOY, or how Hem Fratiria ioado Itts mark, 11 THE FARM GeneraI.ER BOY. and Ilaw ne. became Lleuten ant In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from ivort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated. El 44 BEItt:NER's BOOK STORE INSUR.ANCE COMPANY 0F.N9....RTH AMERICA; lt ' No 232 %Valuta Street, Sout Sitlei ! East of rd Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF AtVas 1201COPRORAUD 1794, CAPITAL MARX= TERPETIpiIL. Maxine, Fire and Wand Transportation ili Efarallol3. ARTHUR G. cortilw. ftee ld " t CRA.Ealal pL4ri, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Seroaddlurrisburg, Pa air2l-9m JUST RECEIVED, A FEES] INVOICE MICHENER & CO: 1 15 CELEBRATED SUGAIt CURED N1A.,M.13 AND .113101.1 F, ISHISLEA do FEA.Z4II,'S my3l • IpRIVALT, CHAFAT FURNITtIik. Pousii does not affect the Varniski but restorei the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will restore with very lltdelabor, every IMlshetteUrfaCe„ either roeta , or wood. All Manufacturers and dealers in lurnita6 should.use It for cleaning furniture that has:been insul lug covered with duet. A tooti and rat.; hero and tte: will make It bright and flesh. ldr sale by S. A. Kin'iMaa BRO., 118 . Market street, Rthlisbul.s ju . 4-dtf . • •DITLINVOCIA PECTORAL SYRUP. 'IIW INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is ch .& tray iregetable in its compositrou- has been ei paged with woudetna success for many ;Nab 111 1 1 40 , 011;. Or diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and La GS. For al ; form of the disease, 811011 as COUGH, , TILIKLING. of tLc THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT Ritilterkulcu, 110ARBDIF, LOSS OF VOICE and ItECTIC FRVE:Rs t use will be attended with the happiest results. /t is one of the best and safest medicines tor all forms of BRO. CHITIB and CONSUMPTION. l fro landenscos or yripars ton of Opitatt in any shape its this syrup. PRICE $l.OO PEIt BOTTLE. For sale at BLItON ER'S Cheap Book Store. GUM PECTORALS . aro algefal tii . •§,)othe cough,. allay Tickling in the .Thitatt, to retie“ 'Maximum, Catarrh, sore Threat, kc. ;buy cunt. , Colteroot, Rorehouna, ipecacuanha; Merigii and &in 1 , (tho meat rehaeio exPectenkala knotrn;)Are .the. chief Live colualtuenui, eo blended with (Rua Arabic anti Mega, that each lozenge oonilans a mild. and ve* , p4eadun do n Manufactured solely by S. A. KLUX.F.L R SRO., jan2h Apothecaries, 118 Market aireet, Rarrata., 1110IIILADELLICIA. COLLEGIATE MTH FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. le3o ArCh street. Rev .OR ART RS A. SMITE, D. D., E. 01.ABENC 6 M, Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Acadeinw, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, I,latlie' mattes, higher English and Natural- Science . tor Mote who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters. For Min:aims apply 3t the Institutes, or address BOX 2611 P., , t,o„ PeilauelpiLa Pa ap2,o-6ul* ITISITING, WEDDING, INVITATION V ANIi AT HOME CARDS.—By a special arrangement with one of the best engravers in the country, cards Of any description will be executed in, the highest style or art, conformable with the latest fashion, and auPPlie• l promptly, et lower prices than are Amnon by the sumps era in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prlas can 11 •. • • JASMINE/VS BOOK BTOKIi. AR" invoice of Alichener's celebrated . Hama : received this morning at SELISLEAt & FRAZER, Jew Successors fn hV, beck, Jr„ k Co._ - rat sy !—A fine lot - O.t.CANNtII IP IMAMS and 'POMATOES. SUrESIOn Fail APPLES, FRESH PUS, just - reed - VW by in,m4sr JOAN Wm, ad sines soir virsui4l, CM $1,656,a.1 6ti 1150.3 uln
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers